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唐氏综合征发生机制是母体21号染色体上某些基因过度表达引起各种基因表达失衡.解释发病机制2种假说:基因剂量效应假说和放大的发育不稳定假说.前一假说主要解释21号染色体上的剂量敏感的基因过度表达产生的效应.从而引起各种基因表达失衡的累积效应.发育不稳定假说认为,21号染色体上基因剂量整体失衡干扰了基因表达和基因调控,破坏细胞内环境平衡.Rachidi提出唐氏综合征智力低下的细胞分子机制模型:所有这些基因表达的失常共同导致脑部的一级表型,由此决定更为复杂的二级表型.直接导致唐氏综合征患者智力低下.  相似文献   

叶酸代谢相关基因与唐氏综合征关系的研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
唐氏综合征(down syndrome,DS),又称先天愚型,是最常见的一种常染色体三体综合征,是人类智力低下最常见的遗传学原因,在活产儿中,发病率为1/600~1/1000,在胎儿中发生率为1/150,其中80%为早期流产。其发生原因,约95%是由于母亲的生殖细胞减数分裂时第21号染色体不分离,但其细胞和分子机制仍不十分明确,有研究表明与遗传及营养因素有关,现对其研究进展综述如下。  相似文献   

唐氏综合征产前诊断的研究进展   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
唐氏综合征(Down syndrome)又称21-三体综合征,是由于21号染色体异常而表现为智力中重度低下、特殊面容及各种先天性畸形的综合征。患儿的出生率为13/万,在染色体畸变及与先天畸形有关的染色体疾病中位居首位。因患儿的出生给家庭和社会带来众多不良影响,且目前尚无有效治疗方法,故如何降低患儿的出生率,是人们所  相似文献   

智力低下(mental retardation,MR)是一种以智力障碍为主的综合性症候群,智力低下儿童其智力功能明显低于同龄水平,同时伴有适应性行为缺陷,其病因复杂,发病率高,严重影响到我国人口素质的提高,而脆性X综合征是遗传性智力低下的常见原因之一,本文就先天性儿童智力低下细胞遗传学检查中14例脆性X染色体综合征分析报告如下。  相似文献   

唐氏综合征血清筛查   总被引:23,自引:2,他引:21  
Down syndrom e,trisomy 2 1syndrom e (唐氏综合征 ,又称 2 1三体综合征 )患者有严重的不可逆的智力障碍 ,生活不能自理 ,平均寿命 16 .2岁 ,给家庭带来严重的经济和精神负担 ,只能通过产前检查和选择性流产预防患儿的出生。唐氏综合征的产前检查包括产前筛查和产前诊断。 30年来人们通过羊膜腔穿刺术 ,绒毛活检术 ,脐带取血术等制备胎儿染色体 ,进行核型分析。这些技术是唐氏综合征研究的重大进展 ,已广泛应用。然而唐氏综合征的发病率只有1/ 6 0 0~ 80 0 ,并非每位孕妇都有作产前诊断的必要 ,所以选择合适的施术对象一直是令人困扰的问…  相似文献   

Zheng MM  Hu YL  Xu ZF  Wang ZQ  Shi TQ  Ye XD  Cui HM 《中华妇产科杂志》2004,39(10):678-681
目的探讨实时荧光定量PCR技术用于产前诊断唐氏综合征的可行性。方法采用实时荧光定量PCR法,分别检测85例唐氏综合征高风险的中期妊娠妇女的羊水和7例智残儿外周血标本中,21号染色体上特异区域基因片段(DSCR3)和管家基因片段(GAPDH),并计算两者的比值。同时采用细胞遗传学方法分析其染色体核型。结果80例羊水细胞DNA检测DSCR3/GAPDH比值在0.46—1.30之间,染色体核型全部正常;而另5例羊水细胞和7例智残儿外周血DSCR,/GAPDH比值明显升高,达1.64~1.98,染色体核型均为21三体。5例中有3例核型为47,XY, 21;1例核型为47,XX, 21;另1例为易位型[46,XY,-15, t(15;21)]。7例智残儿中4例为47,XY 21;3例为47,XX 21。结论实时荧光定量PCR技术可作为产前快速准确诊断唐氏综合征的有效方法。  相似文献   

唐氏综合征的产前筛查   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
唐氏综合征的产前筛查秦秋平MichaelChristiansenBentNorgaard-Pedersen唐氏综合征又称先天愚型,是严重智力发育障碍的最主要的原因。西方发达国家出生时的流行率约为1.3‰,在先天性染色体异常疾病中占首位。患者平均寿命可...  相似文献   

唐氏综合征产前筛查的进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
唐氏综合征(Down's syndrome,DS)又称先天愚型、21-三体综合征,是一种最常见的伴有智力障碍的染色体疾病。新生儿中的发病率为1/800~1/600,但是约2/3的唐氏综合征患儿在妊娠早、中期自发流产和胎死宫内,因此实际发病率要比新生儿中的发病率高[1]。本病的主要特征是智能落后,生长发育迟缓,特殊面容,手掌可表现为贯通手,并可伴有先天性心脏病和消化道畸形等。针对DS,目前没有有效的治疗方法,不仅病人本人终身痛苦,由于其生活不能自理,也给社会和家庭带来了严重的社会和经济负担。据统计,我国1例DS患儿大约会造成39万元人民币的社会经济负…  相似文献   

唐氏综合征是人类常见的染色体疾病,经典的细胞遗传学方法是诊断唐氏综合征的金标准,但其局限性不适合大规模的产前诊断。随着分子细胞遗传学技术发展,荧光原位杂交技术(FISH)、定量荧光PCR(QF-PCR)、微阵列-比较基因组杂交(Array CGH)、多重连接探针扩增技术(MIJPA)、引物原位标记技术(PRINs)等被用于唐氏综合征快速产前诊断,各种方法各有优劣,改进后会大力推进唐氏综合征的产前诊断速度和准确性。  相似文献   

刘永章  董杰影 《生殖与避孕》2004,24(2):86-89,T004
目的: 探讨用荧光原位杂交技术在检测唐氏综合征中的应用价值。方法: 以Biotin标记的DSCR21q22.3探针与经处理的20例唐氏综合征患者标本外周血中期染色体及其间期细胞核进行原位杂交,统计杂交信号数量。结果: 14例唐氏综合征患者出现3个杂交信号的细胞,染色体和间期细胞核杂交平均出现率分别为98.79%和98.46%,与染色体检测的结果一致;其余染色体核型检测为嵌合体的6例患者,染色体和间期细胞核中3个杂交信号细胞平均出现率分别为75.33%和7 3.50%, 2个杂交信号细胞平均出现率分别为22.67%和21.33%。结论: 荧光原位杂交技术检测唐氏综合征具有快速、敏感度高、信号强、背景低、直观安全等优点,故FISH技术在临床遗传病检测领域中具有重要的应用价值和发展前景。  相似文献   

266例儿童智力低下相关因素的调查   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
目的 了解儿童智力低下发生的相关因素。方法 通过266对母亲,100余个因素的调查,并作配对X^2检查和条件Logistic回归分析。结果 有42个因素智力低下组和对照组间的差异有显著意义,经条件Logistic回归分析提示孕早期母亲高质变为高度有害因素,新生儿窒息,低出生体重、胎儿窒息、母亲初中及以下变化程度为中度有害因素。父亲初中及以下文化程度有微弱有害因素,父亲 中及以下文化程度为微弱有害固  相似文献   



To assess the performance of a combined first-trimester screening concept for trisomies 21, 18 and 13 applied to a low- and high-risk patient sample in a specialized private center for prenatal medicine.

Study design

The quality of different first-trimester screening algorithms (risk calculation based on maternal age and nuchal translucency alone, maternal age and serum parameters (free β-hCG and PAPP-A) alone and a combination of both) was evaluated in a study population of low- and high-risk cases for fetal aneuploidies. All measurements were performed between the 11th + 0 and 13th + 6 weeks of gestation during the study period from November 2000 to December 2006, in accordance with the guidelines of the Fetal Medicine Foundation (FMF), London.


Of 11,107 women included in the study, we had a complete follow-up on 10,668. The difference between the detection rate was insignificant for both the low-risk and the high-risk groups. In the overall study population, 52 of 59 cases of trisomy 21 were detected when a pre-defined cut-off of 1:300 was applied (detection rate (DR) 88.1%; 95% confidence interval (CI): 79.8–96.4 and false-positive rate (FPR) 4.9%; 95% CI: 4.5–5.3). For trisomies 13 and 18 with a pre-defined cut-off of 1:150, 26 of 32 cases were detected (DR 81.3%; 95% CI: 67.8–94.8 and FPR 0.7%; 95% CI: 0.5–0.9). The highest sensitivity was between 11 + 0 and 11 + 6 weeks of gestation with all cases of trisomy 21 detected with a FPR 5.1%; 95% CI: 3.7–6.5.


In our study population of different risk categories, the detection rate using the combined risk calculation based on maternal age, fetal NT, maternal PAPP-A and free β-hCG levels was superior to the application of either parameter alone.  相似文献   



We present two cases of late-onset bilateral fetal pleural effusions associated with fetal Down syndrome.

Case reports

Case 1. A 33-year-old Vietnamese woman had undergone regular sonographic examinations since 23 weeks of gestation and no abnormality had been noted. However, bilateral moderate pleural effusions were found at 33 weeks of gestation, and massive pleural effusion, ascites and polyhydramnios developed at 34 weeks of gestation. Aspiration of the pleural effusion was subsequently performed. Clinical laboratory surveys of the aspiration fluid excluded toxoplasmosis and cytomegalovirus infection. Cytogenetic analysis of cultured lymphocytes derived from pleural effusion revealed a karyotype of 47,XX,+21. The parents elected to continue the pregnancy. Intrauterine fetal demise occurred at 37 weeks of gestation, and a macerated female baby was delivered. Postnatal cytogenetic analysis of the umbilical cord confirmed the prenatal diagnosis.Case 2. A 41-year-old Pakistani woman had undergone regular sonographic examinations and no abnormality had been noted. However, isolated bilateral mild pleural effusions were noted at 27 weeks of gestation. Amniocentesis revealed a karyotype of 47,XY,+21 and simultaneous array comparative genomic hybridization analysis of uncultured amniocytes confirmed the diagnosis of Down syndrome. The pregnancy was subsequently terminated.


Fetuses with Down syndrome may present late-onset bilateral pleural effusions. Prenatal diagnosis of late-onset bilateral pleural effusions should raise the possibility of fetal Down syndrome and cytogenetic investigation is warranted.  相似文献   

Objective: To compare the efficacy and cost effectiveness of different screening programs for fetal Down syndrome (DS).

Methods: Screening tools evaluated included maternal age, triple screening (TS), and ultrasound (U/S) for fetal markers of DS. Sensitivities used were TS: 55% < 35 years, 80% ≥ 35 years; U/S: 70%. Average regional fees used were TS: $80, U/S: $200, amniocentesis (AM): $1,000. Five screening programs were evaluated: 1) < 35 years, no screening; ≥35 years, AM; 2) < 35 years, TS with AM for screen-positive subjects; <35 years, AM; 3) all patients, TS with AM for screen-positive subjects; 4) < 35 years, TS followed by U/S for screen-positive women, AM for women with fetal markers of DS on U/S; ≥35 years TS with AM for screen-positive subjects; 5) all women, TS followed by U/S for screen-positive women, AM for women with fetal markers of DS on U/S. The sensitivity, total cost, cost/case DS detected (Cost/DS), AM losses, and residual risk (RR, undetected DS fetuses/women not receiving AM) were calculated for each screening program. Population analysis was performed using 1988 IL delivery statistics.

Results: It was estimated that 260 cases of DS would occur in the population of 167,654 women (8.4% ≥ 35 years at delivery). Sensitivity for programs 1–5 was 30, 69, 62, 51, and 36 percent, respectively, and cost/DS was 181,000, 203,000, 162,000, 151,000, and 194,000 dollars, respectively.

Conclusions: DS screening incorporating TS in all patients with program #4 and without program #3 selective U/S in women ≤ 35 years yield the best combination of sensitivity and cost effectiveness while minimizing the number of AM-related losses.  相似文献   

目的:探讨联合孕中期血清学筛查(second trimester serum screening,STSS)和胎儿染色体非整倍体无创DNA产前检测(noninvasive prenatal testing,NIPT)进行唐氏综合征(Down syndrome,DS)筛查在天津地区的临床应用价值。方法:对10 429例15~20~(+6)周妊娠妇女进行二联STSS,设定1/270为DS高风险切割值,所有妊娠妇女均具有妊娠结局随访记录。对二联STSS结果为DS高风险的妊娠妇女建议羊膜腔穿刺,同时告知NIPT的范围及局限性,由妊娠妇女自愿选择;建议二联STSS风险值在1/1 000~1/270之间(含1/1 000)的低风险妊娠妇女,及风险值小于1/1 000的高龄(预产期年龄≥35岁)妊娠妇女行NIPT。联合筛查结果以NIPT结果为最终筛查结果,若妊娠妇女没有进行NIPT,以二联STSS结果为最终筛查结果。结果:二联STSS的DS检出率为73.33%(11/15),假阳性率5.75%(600/10 429),阳性预测值为1.80%(11/611);NIPT的DS检出率为100%(13/13),阳性预测值为100%(13/13);孕中期联合筛查的DS检出率为93.33%(14/15),假阳性率为1.62%(169/10 429),阳性预测值为7.65%(14/183),较单纯二联STSS方案DS阳性预测值有所提高(P=0.000)。结论:联合STSS和NIPT的DS筛查能够提高二联STSS的阳性预测值,减少因侵入性产前诊断造成的胎儿流产,为天津地区提供可参考的DS产前筛查方案。  相似文献   

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