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Control of grasp stability under different frictional conditions has primarily been studied in manipulatory tasks involving two digits only. Recently we found that many of the principles for control of forces originally demonstrated for two-digit grasping also apply to various three-digit grasps. Here we examine the control of grasp stability in a multidigit task in which subjects used the tips of the thumb, index, and middle finger to lift an object. The grasp resembled those used when lifting a cylindrical object from above. The digits either all contacted the same surface material or one of the digits contacted a surface material that was more, or less, slippery than that contacted by the other two digits. The three-dimensional forces and torques applied by each digit and the contact positions were measured along with the position and orientation of the object. The distribution of forces among the digits strongly reflected constraints imposed by the geometric relationship between the object's center of mass and the contact surfaces. On top of this distribution, we observed changes in force coordination related to changes in the combination of surface materials. When all digits contacted the same surface material, the ratio between the normal force and tangential load (F(n):L ratio) was similar across digits and scaled to provide an adequate safety margin against slip. With different contact surfaces subjects adapted the F(n):L ratios at the individual digits to the local friction with only small influences by the friction at the other two digits. They accomplished this by scaling the normal forces similarly at all digits and changing the distribution of load among the digits. The surface combination did not, however, influence digit position, tangential torque, or object tilting systematically. The change in load distribution, rather, resulted from interplay between these factors, and the nature of this interplay varied between trials. That is, subjects achieved grasp stability with various combinations of fingertip actions and appeared to exploit the many degrees of freedom offered by the multidigit grasp. The results extend previous findings based on two-digit tasks to multidigit tasks by showing that subjects adjust fingertip forces at each digit to the local friction. Moreover, our findings suggest that subjects adapted the load distribution to the current frictional condition by regulating the normal forces to allow slips to occur early in the lift task, prior to object lift-off.  相似文献   

We investigated the coordination of fingertip forces in subjects who lifted an object (i) using the index finger and thumb of their right hand, (ii) using their left and right index fingers, and (iii) cooperatively with another subject using the right index finger. The forces applied normal and tangential to the two parallel grip surfaces of the test object and the vertical movement of the object were recorded. The friction between the object and the digits was varied independently at each surface between blocks of trials by changing the materials covering the grip surfaces. The object’s weight and surface materials were held constant across consecutive trials. The performance was remarkably similar whether the task was shared by two subjects or carried out unimanually or bimanually by a single subject. The local friction was the main factor determining the normal:tangential force ratio employed at each digit-object interface. Irrespective of grasp configuration, the subjects adapted the force ratios to the local frictional conditions such that they maintained adequate safety margins against slips at each of the engaged digits during the various phases of the lifting task. Importantly, the observed force adjustments were not obligatory mechanical consequences of the task. In all three grasp configurations an incidental slip at one of the digits elicited a normal force increase at both engaged digits such that the normal:tangential force ratio was restored at the non-slipping digit and increased at the slipping digit. The initial development of the fingertip forces prior to object lift-off revealed that the subjects employed digit-specific anticipatory mechanisms using weight and frictional experiences in the previous trial. Because grasp stability was accomplished in a similar manner whether the task was carried out by one subject or cooperatively by two subjects, it was concluded that anticipatory adjustments of the fingertip forces can emerge from the action of anatomically independent neural networks controlling each engaged digit. In contrast, important aspects of the temporal coordination of the digits was organized by a “higher level” sensory – based control that influenced both digits. In lifts by single subjects this control was mast probably based on tactile and visual input and on communication between neural control mechanisms associated with each digit. In the two-subject grasp configuration this synchronization information was based on auditory and visual cues.  相似文献   

The aim of this investigation was to determine the factors that influence the variability in the load force during a precision grip. Subjects grasped an object with three coarse contact surfaces using a tripod grasp of the thumb, index and middle fingers. The orientations of the contact surfaces and their locations relative to the object's center of mass were varied. Forces and torques exerted by each of the three digits were measured or computed from the equilibrium conditions and analyzed during the static hold phase. The static load force depends on the object's weight, but also on the precise location of the center of pressure of each digit, as well as on the magnitude of the tangential torque and horizontal grip force. Variations in these parameters caused deviations in the load forces by as much as 20% or more from their nominal values. For the thumb, the largest source of variability was the vertical location of the center of pressure. For the two fingers, variations in the locations of the centers of pressure (along the horizontal and vertical) and in the magnitudes of the tangential torques had effects that were about equal in magnitude. Since many of the sources of variability in load force are unpredictable, these results point to the importance of online feedback regulation of grip force.  相似文献   

During pinch grip we partition the vertical tangential forces at the digits according to the friction at the grip surfaces, and the mass distribution of the object. However, we cannot predictively partition the vertical forces to adjust to new frictional conditions after viewing a 180-deg rotation of an object with different textures at each grip surface. Hence, the processes that lead to predictive force partitioning may not access object representations, thereby suggesting that these processes are digit-specific. If this is true, then we should fail to predictively partition our fingertip forces when we rotate our hand. We tested this prediction by comparing the effects of object rotation with hand rotation for repeated lifts of an object that had one slippery grip surface and one rough grip surface. Subjects did not predictively redistribute the vertical tangential forces upon grasping the rotated object. Following object rotation, the vertical tangential force trajectories during the first 100 ms after contact indicated that 12/15 subjects failed to anticipate the reversed digit-friction relationships. All subjects appropriately partitioned the vertical tangential forces between the digits by the second lift after object rotation, confirming previous reports that sensory signals update the memory associated with lifting the object. In contrast, after hand rotation, 13/15 subjects anticipated the new digit-friction relationships and upon grasping the object immediately generated a steep rise in the vertical force trajectory at the rough surface. They also delayed the initial rise in vertical tangential force at the digit encountering the low-friction surface by approximately 65 ms. Thus, anticipatory partitioning of vertical fingertip forces is not strictly digit-specific. Internally driven motor plans can access the relevant memories or internal models for predictively partitioning the vertical tangential forces. It is not clear if this process involves rotating internal representations of fingertip force directly, or if the forces are derived after internally rotating a representation of the object. In contrast to the robust effects of vision on reach kinematics, or on wrist and finger configuration, visual signals about object rotation and orientation apparently do not influence vertical tangential fingertip forces.  相似文献   

Grasp stability during object manipulation is achieved by the grip forces applied normal to the grasped surfaces increasing and decreasing in phase with increases and decreases of destabilizing load forces applied tangential to the grasped surfaces. This force coordination requires that the CNS anticipates the grip forces that match the requirements imposed by the self-generated load forces. Here, we use functional MRI (fMRI) to study neural correlates of the grip-load force coordination in a grip-load force task in which six healthy humans attempted to lift an immovable test object held between the tips of the right index finger and thumb. The recorded brain activity was compared with the brain activity obtained in two control tasks in which the same pair of digits generated forces with similar time courses and magnitudes; i.e., a grip force task where the subjects only pinched the object and did not apply load forces, and a load force task, in which the subjects applied vertical forces to the object without generating grip forces. Thus neither the load force task nor the grip force task involved coordinated grip-load forces, but together they involved the same grip force and load force output. We found that the grip-load force task was specifically associated with activation of a section of the right intraparietal cortex, which is the first evidence for involvement of the posterior parietal cortex in the sensorimotor control of coordinated grip and load forces in manipulation. We suggest that this area might represents a node in the network of cortical and subcortical regions that implement anticipatory control of fingertip forces for grasp stability.  相似文献   

The present study examined the initiation of digit contact and fingertip force development during whole-hand grasping. Sixteen healthy subjects grasped an object instrumented with force transducers at each digit and lifted it 10 cm. The grip (normal) and load (tangential) forces and the position of the object were recorded. Twenty-five lifts were performed with various object weights (300 g, 600 g, 900 g) and surface textures (sandpaper and rayon). Despite the large number of degrees of freedom, grip initiation with an object using the whole hand was characterized by stereotypical contact patterns, which are idiosyncratic to each subject across all object weights and textures. However, in spite of the initial asymmetric control, the forces were mainly synchronized by the occurrence of the peak grip and load force rates. The contribution of each digit to the total grip force decreased from radial to ulnar digits. The final force distribution was generally established already at the onset of load forces. Only subtle adjustments were seen thereafter, suggesting a fairly fixed force distribution pattern throughout the grasp. The findings suggest that, despite the large number of degrees of freedom in terms of contact initiation and force distribution in whole-hand grasping: (1) subjects employ preferred movement patterns to establish object contact with their digits, and (2) synchronize the subsequent force development and temporal coordination of the task. Thus while the complexity of the task requires control mechanisms beyond those seen in two-finger precision grasping, there are strategies to simplify the complex task of the initiation and development of fingertip forces in whole-hand grasping.  相似文献   

This study examined grip force development in individuals with hemiparesis following unilateral stroke. Eleven patients with chronic stroke with severe hand impairment and five age-matched neurologically intact subjects grasped an instrumented object between the index finger and thumb while fingertip forces, digit posture, and muscle electromyographic activity were recorded. We tested a range of different grip conditions with varying grip sizes, object stability, and grip force level. We found that fingertip force direction in the paretic digits deviated from the direction normal to the grip surface by more than twice as much as for asymptomatic digits. Additionally, the paretic thumb had, on average, 18% greater deviation of grip force direction than the paretic index finger. This large deviation of finger force direction for the paretic digits was consistently observed regardless of grip size, grip force level, and object stability. Due to the large deviation of the force direction from the normal direction, the paretic digits slipped and moved more than 1 cm during 55% of all grasping trials. A regression analysis suggests that this altered grip force direction was associated with altered hand muscle activation patterns, but not with the posture at which the digit made contact with the object. Therapies to redirect the force direction at the digits may improve stroke survivors’ ability to stably grip an object.  相似文献   

During multi-digit grasping both local and non-local digit force responses occur in response to changes in texture at selected digits depending on the grasp configuration. However, the extent to which the specific patterns of force distribution depend on the requirement to hold the object against gravity remains to be determined. In the present study, we examined whether grasp force sharing patterns are invariant when the constraint of maintaining the object orientation vertical against gravity is removed. We used changes in object texture to elicit force changes at single digits during two grasping tasks with different behavioral contexts. One task entailed holding an object against gravity (object hold [OH]). A second (force production [FP]) task consisted of generating lifting forces on an object clamped to the tabletop that were matched to those used during OH. Unlike OH, the FP task lacks the behavioral consequences associated with erroneous sharing of normal and tangential digit forces, e.g., object tilt. Ten subjects lifted and simulated lifting an instrumented object measuring grasping normal and vertical tangential forces at all five digits when the textures were uniformly high-friction sandpaper or low-friction rayon and when one digit contacted a different frictional texture than the other four digits. We found that in both tasks texture changes at individual digits elicited force changes at that digit as well as other digits. However, the specific pattern of force distribution changes differed during OH compared to FP. While subjects modulate the normal and tangential digit forces to different degrees depending on object texture and the grasping task, they ignore the requirement of moment equilibrium when this has no consequences on object orientation (FP task). These findings indicate that multi-digit force responses to texture revealed by previous studies are not obligatory and suggest that the behavioral context of a task should be considered when inferring general principles of multi-digit force coordination.  相似文献   

Control of grasp stability during pronation and supination movements   总被引:5,自引:5,他引:0  
 We analyzed the control of grasp stability during a major manipulative function of the human hand: rotation of a grasped object by pronation and supination movement. We investigated the regulation of grip forces used to stabilize an object held by a precision grip between the thumb and index finger when subjects rotated it around a horizontal axis. Because the center of mass was located distal to the grip axis joining the fingertips, destabilizing torque tangential to the grasp surfaces developed when the grip axis rotated relative to the field of gravity. The torque load was maximal when the grip axis was horizontal and minimal when it was vertical. An instrumented test object, with a mass distribution that resulted in substantial changes in torque load during the rotation task, measured forces and torques applied by the digits. The mass distribution of the object was unpredictably changed between trials. The grip force required to stabilize the object increased directly with increasing torque load. Importantly, the grip force used by the subjects also changed in proportion to the torque load such that subjects always employed adequate safety margins against rotational slips, i.e., some 20–40% of the grip force. Rather than driven by sensory feedback pertaining to the torque load, the changes in grip force were generated as an integral part of the motor commands that accounted for the rotation movement. Subjects changed the grip force in parallel with, or even slightly ahead of, the rotation movement, whereas grip force responses elicited by externally imposed torque load changes were markedly delayed. Moreover, blocking sensory information from the digits did not appreciably change the coordination between movement and grip force. We thus conclude that the grip force was controlled by feedforward rather than by feedback mechanisms. These feedforward mechanisms would thus predict the consequences of the rotation movement in terms of changes in fingertip loads when the orientation of the grip axis changed in the field of gravity. Changes in the object’s center of mass between trials resulted in a parametric scaling of the motor commands prior to their execution. This finding suggests that the sensorimotor memories used in manipulation to adapt the motor output for the physical properties of environmental objects also encompass information related to an object’s center of mass. This information was obtained by somatosensory cues when subjects initially grasped the object with the grip axis vertical, i.e., during minimum tangential torque load. Received: 16 October 1998 / Accepted: 1 February 1999  相似文献   

We used transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) to explore the stability of the three constituents of the multi-finger prehension synergy. Patterns of co-variation between mechanical variables produced by individual digits were used as indices of the prehension synergy. We tested hypotheses that TMS would violate these patterns and that different components of the prehension synergy would take different times to restore. Subjects held an instrumented handle with one of the three external load and one of the seven external torques statically in the air. Single-pulse TMS was applied unexpectedly over the hand projection in the contralateral hemisphere. The normal forces showed a quick TMS-induced increase that was proportional to the background force magnitude. This was also true for the tangential forces produced by the thumb, middle, and ring fingers but not by the index and little fingers. The total moment of force changed proportionally to its background value with predominance of supination responses. During the quick force response to TMS, patterns of digit force co-variation stabilizing the total tangential force and total moment of force were violated. Two stages of synergy restoration were identified taking approximately 0.3 and 1.5 s. These times differed among the three synergy components. The results support the idea of a prehension synergy as a neural mechanism that facilitates conjoint changes in forces produced by individual digits with the purpose to stabilize the hand action on the hand-held object. The data also support applicability of the principle of superposition to the human hand action.  相似文献   

We studied adjustments in digit forces and moments during holding a vertically oriented handle under slow, externally imposed changes in the width of the grasp. Subjects (n = 8) grasped a customized motorized handle with five digits and held it statically in the air. The handle width either increased (expanded) or decreased (contracted) at a rate of 1.0, 1.5, or 2.0 mm/s, while the subjects were asked to ignore the handle width changes, and their attention was distracted. External torques of 0.0, 0.25, and 0.5 Nm were applied to the handle in two directions. Forces and moments at the digit tips were measured with six-component sensors. The analysis was performed at the virtual finger (VF) and individual finger (IF) levels (VF is an imagined finger that produces the same wrench, i.e., the force and moment, as several fingers combined). In all the tasks, the normal VF and thumb forces increased with the handle expansion and decreased with the handle contraction. Similar behavior was seen for the thumb tangential force. In contrast, the VF tangential force decreased with the handle expansion and increased with the handle contraction. The changes in the tangential forces assisted the perturbations in the tasks requiring exertion of the supination moments and annulled the perturbation in the pronation effort tasks. In the former tasks, the equilibrium was maintained by the changes of the moments of normal forces, whereas in the latter tasks, the equilibrium was maintained by the changes of the moments of the tangential forces. Analysis at the IF level has shown that the resultant force and moment exerted on the object could arise from dissimilar adjustments of individual fingers to the same handle width change. The complex adjustments of digit forces to handle width change may be viewed as coming from two sources. First, there are local spring-like adjustments of individual digit forces and moments caused by both mechanical properties of the digits and the action of spinal reflexes. These stiffness-like reactions mainly assist in perturbing the rotational equilibrium of the object rather than in maintaining it. Second, there are tilt-preventing adjustments defined by the common task constraints that unite the digits into a task-specific synergy. The "virtual springs theory" developed in robotics literature is insufficient for describing the phenomena observed in human grasping.  相似文献   

We studied static prehension of a horizontally oriented object. Specific hypotheses were explored addressing such issues as the sharing patterns of the total moment of force across the digits, presence of mechanically unnecessary digit forces, and trade-off between multi-digit synergies at the two levels of the assumed control hierarchy. Within the assumed hierarchy, at the upper level, the task is shared between the thumb and virtual finger (an imagined finger producing a wrench equal to the sum of the wrenches of individual fingers). At the lower level, action of the virtual finger is shared among the four actual fingers. The subjects held statically a horizontally oriented handle instrumented with six-component force/torque sensors with different loads and torques acting about the long axis of the handle. The thumb acted from above while the four fingers supported the weight of the object. When the external torque was zero, the thumb produced mechanically unnecessary force of about 2.8 N, which did not depend on the external load magnitude. When the external torque was not zero, tangential forces produced over 80% of the total moment of force. The normal forces by the middle and ring fingers produced consistent moments against the external torque, while the normal forces of the index and little fingers did not. Force and moment variables at both hierarchical levels were stabilized by covaried across trials adjustments of forces/moments produced by individual digits with the exception of the normal force analyzed at the lower level of the hierarchy. There was a trade-off between synergy indices computed at the two levels of the hierarchy for the three components of the total force vector, but not for the moment of force components. Overall, the results have shown that task mechanics are only one factor that defines forces produced by individual digits. Other factors, such as loading sensory receptors may lead to mechanically unnecessary forces. There seems to be no single rule (for example, ensuring similar safety margin values) that would describe sharing of the normal and tangential forces and be valid across tasks. Fingers that are traditionally viewed as less accurate (e.g., the ring finger) may perform more consistently in certain tasks. The observations of the trade-off between the synergy indices computed at two levels for the force variables but not for the moment of force variables suggest that the degree of redundancy (the number of excessive elemental variables) at the higher level is an important factor.  相似文献   

We investigated the choice of contact points during multidigit grasping of different objects. In Experiment 1, cylinders were grasped and lifted. Participants were either instructed as to the number of fingers they should use, ranging from a two-finger grasp to a five-finger grasp, or could grasp with their preferred number of fingers. We found a strong relationship between the position of the fingertips on the object and the number of fingers used. In general, variability in the choice of contact points was low within- as well as between participants. The virtual finger, defined as the geometric mean position of fingers opposing the thumb, was in almost perfect opposition to the thumb, suggesting the formation of a functional unit using all contributing fingers in the grasp. In Experiment 2, four more complex shapes (rectangle, hexagon, pentagon, curved object) were grasped. Although we found some moderate between-participant variability in the choice of contact points, the within-participant variability was again remarkably low. In both experiments, participants showed a strong preference to use four or five fingers during grasping when left with free choice. Taken together, our findings suggest a preplanning of the grasping movement and that grasping results from a coordinated interplay between the fingers contributing to the grasp that cannot be understood as independent digit movements.  相似文献   

We explored the action of digits during static prehension tasks involving one hand or two hands of one or two persons. Three hypotheses were tested: to prevent slippage of the object, grip force and safety margin (SM) would be largest in bimanual conditions, particularly involving two persons; the distribution of tangential forces would not differ among tested conditions, thus preserving the vertical orientation of the object in a stereotypical way; and the mechanical advantage of fingers would be used to maintain rotational equilibrium. The multi-digit synergies are discussed in the companion paper (Gorniak et al. 2009, in review). The subjects held vertical one of the two handles, a narrow one and a wide one. They used the four fingers of the right hand opposed by either the right hand thumb, the left hand thumb, the left hand index finger, the thumb of an experimenter, the index finger of an experimenter, or an inanimate object. Forces and moments of force produced by each digit were recorded. The first two hypotheses were falsified. Both grip force and SM were the largest in the one-hand task, and they were the lowest for the tasks involving two persons. The distribution of tangential forces among fingers was significantly different in the one-hand task. The mechanical advantage hypothesis was supported across all the tested conditions. The results suggest that the neural controller uses a different strategy in the one-hand task as compared to other tasks, while bimanual prehension involving two persons differs from one-person two-hand tasks. The findings do not support a hypothesis that normal (grip) forces are adjusted to ensure a particular value of the SM. Maintaining rotational equilibrium was achieved differently in different tasks. In particular, the one-hand task was characterized by large intercompensated adjustments in different contributors to the total moment of force, which could be described as chain effects; such adjustments were all but absent in the other conditions. The findings may be interpreted within the framework of the reference configuration hypothesis, in which digit forces emerge due to the discrepancies between the actual and the centrally defined (reference) hand aperture.  相似文献   

We investigated the effects of exercise-induced fatigue of a digit on the biomechanics of a static prehension task. The participants were divided into two groups. One group performed the fatiguing exercise using the thumb (group-thumb) and the second group performed the exercise using the index finger (group-index). We analyzed the prehensile action as being based on a two-level hierarchy. Our first hypothesis was that fatigue of the thumb would have stronger effects at the upper level (action shared between the thumb and all four fingers combined—virtual finger) and fatigue of the index finger would have stronger effects at the lower level of the hierarchy (action of the virtual finger shared among actual fingers). We also hypothesized that fatigue would cause a decrease in the normal force applied by the exercised digit and correspondingly lead to a decrease in the normal force applied by the opposing digit(s). Our third hypothesis was that fatigue would leave the tangential forces unaffected. Fatigue led to a significant drop in the normal force of both exercised and non-exercised (opposing) digits. The tangential forces of the exercised digits increased after fatigue. This led to a drop in the safety margin in the group-thumb, but not group-index. As such, the results supported the first two hypotheses but not the third hypothesis. Overall, the results suggested that fatigue triggered a chain reaction that involved both forces and moments of force produced by individual digits leading to a violation of the principle of superposition. The findings are interpreted within the framework of the referent configuration hypothesis.  相似文献   

Tactile signals from the fingertips play a crucial role in the planning and control of object manipulations. Specifically, subjects adapt their digit forces to the object physical properties, including the friction at the object surface, to perform object manipulation while preventing slipping or dropping. This study addressed the adaptation of multi-digit forces to friction that occurs within a trial (from contact to onset of object manipulation) and across trials. Ten healthy participants were instructed to grasp, lift, hold, and release a grip device with five digits under four texture conditions: (1) all digits on rayon (R–R), (2) all digits on sandpaper (S–S), (3) thumb on sandpaper and fingers on rayon (S–R), and (4) thumb on rayon and fingers on sandpaper (R–S). Changing the texture conditions elicited significant changes from object contact to lift onset on digit normal force and center of pressure, as well as on the safety margins and force sharing patterns, e.g., normal forces exerted by each finger expressed as percentage of thumb normal forces. Furthermore, these friction effects were found on the very first trial and were observed throughout the remainder of the trials, thus indicating that force adaptation occurred within the first manipulation. Finally, a highly linear relation between the safety margin at object lift onset and object hold confirmed that digit force adaptation to friction occurred before object lift onset. These findings are discussed in relation to the role of tactile input in force modulation during the early phase of multi-digit grasping.  相似文献   

The study addresses three main questions: (1) Does the magnitude of the grasping force affect the prehension synergies, i.e., conjoint changes of finger forces and moments? (2) Do individual finger forces scale with the total grasping forces (‘scale-invariance hypothesis’)? (3) How specification of the grasping force magnitude affects the inverse optimization of digit forces. Subjects (n = 7) grasped with minimal force an instrumented handle and maintained it at rest in the air. Then, the subjects doubled the initial grasping force. The forces and moments exerted by individual digits were recorded with six-component sensors. External torques that the subjects should resist (9 in total) varied among the trials from 0 to 0.46 Nm both in clockwise and counterclockwise directions. After the force doubling, the moments of the normal forces (M n) increased in the pronation effort tasks (PR-tasks) and decreased in the supination effort tasks (SU-tasks). The changes in the moments of the tangential forces (M t) were opposite to the M n changes; the moments increased in the SU-tasks and decreased in the PR-tasks. The opposite effects of force doubling on the M ts in the SU-tasks and PR-tasks were a consequence of the unidirectional changes of the thumb tangential forces: in all the tasks the contribution of the thumb tangential force to the total tangential force increased after the grasping force doubling (and the total contribution of the four fingers decreased). The decrease of the virtual finger (VF) tangential force was mainly due to the decrease of the index finger force (VF is an imagined finger that exerts the same force and moment as all the fingers together). In the non-zero torque tasks the individual finger forces did not scale proportionally with the grasping force, the sharing percentage of the individual finger forces in the VF normal force changed with the grasping force increase. The root mean square differences between the actual finger sharing percentages in the VF force and the sharing percentages predicted from optimization procedures in which different cost functions were used were in all cases smaller after the doubling than before the doubling. Hence the answers to the three questions formulated above are: (1) the alteration of the grasping force magnitude induces complex coordinated changes of all digit forces and moments; (2) the scale invariance hypothesis is confirmed only for the zero-torque tasks and rejected for the non-zero tasks, and (3) the specification of the grasping force magnitude at the level of twice the initial grasping force—which essentially restricts the control task to the object tilt prevention—improves the accuracy of the employed optimization procedures.  相似文献   

We examined the coordination of multi-digit grasping forces as they developed during object grasping and lifting. Ten subjects with Parkinson’s disease (PD; OFF and ON medication) and ten healthy age-matched control subjects lifted a manipulandum that measured normal forces at each digit and the manipulandum’s position. The center of mass (CM) was changed from trial to trial in either a predictable (blocked) or unpredictable (random) order. All subjects modulated individual fingertip forces to counterbalance forces exerted by the thumb and minimize object tilt after lift-off. However, subjects with PD OFF exhibited an impaired ability to use anticipatory mechanisms resulting in less differentiated scaling of individual finger forces to the object CM location. Remarkably, these between-group differences in force modulation dissipated as subjects reached peak grip forces during object lift, although these occurred significantly later in subjects with PD OFF than controls and PD ON. Analysis of the tilt of the object during lift revealed all subjects had similar deviations of the object from the vertical, the direction of which depended on CM location. Thus these findings in subjects with PD indicate that: (a) PD-induced impairments in anticipatory force mechanisms appear to be greatly increased in multi-digit grasping as opposed to previous reports from two-digit grasping; (b) inaccurate scaling of fingertip force amplitude and sharing patterns before object lift is recovered during object lift; (c) the implementation of appropriate force amplitude and sharing among the digits during the lift occurs significantly later than for controls; (d) medication improves the temporal recovery of multi-digit force coordination. These results are discussed within the framework of PD-related deficits in sensorimotor integration and control of multi-degrees of freedom movement.  相似文献   

The effects of surface friction at the digit-object interface on digit forces were studied when subjects (n=8) statically held an object in a five-digit grasp. The friction conditions were SS (all surfaces are sandpaper), RR (all are rayon), SR (S for the thumb and R for the four fingers), and RS (the reverse of SR). The interaction effects of surface friction and external torque were also examined using five torques (–0.5, –0.25, 0, +0.25, +0.5 Nm). Forces and moments exerted by the digits on a handle were recorded. At zero torque conditions, in the SS and RR (symmetric) tasks the normal forces of the thumb and virtual finger (VF, an imagined finger with the mechanical effect equal to that of the four fingers) were larger for the RR than the SS conditions. In the SR and RS (asymmetric) tasks, the normal forces were between the RR and SS conditions. Tangential forces were smaller at the more slippery side than at the less slippery side. According to the mathematical optimization analysis decreasing the tangential forces at the more slippery sides decreases the cost function values. The difference between the thumb and VF tangential forces, ΔF t, generated a moment of the tangential forces (friction-induced moment). At non-zero torque conditions the friction-induced moment and the moment counterbalancing the external torque (equilibrium-necessitated moment) could be in same or in opposite directions. When the two moments were in the same direction, the contribution of the moment of tangential forces to the total moment was large, and the normal forces were relatively low. In contrast, when the two moments were in opposite directions, the contribution of the moment of tangential forces to the total moment markedly decreased, which was compensated by an increase in the moment of normal forces. The apparently complicated results were explained as the result of summation of the friction-related (elemental) and torque-related (synergy) components of the central commands to the individual digits.  相似文献   

A commonly experienced effect of cold is a sensation of numbness and loss of sensibility in the fingers. Intact tactile sensibility of the grasping digits is essential for the efficient scaling of grip force level during the manipulation of hand-held objects. We investigated whether or not cooling of the grasping digits affects scaling of the grip force magnitude in relation to the loads resulting from continuous vertical arm movements performed with a grasped instrumented object. Maxima and minima of load force occurred at the lower and upper turning point of the movement cycle, respectively, and were accompanied by maximum and minimum peaks in grip force occurring close in time prior to and following digit cooling, respectively. Thus, digit cooling did not influence the ability to adjust the grip force profile in anticipation of movement-induced fluctuations in load force. However, subjects established significantly higher grip forces against the hand-held object following digit cooling and generated a 10–70% higher ratio between grip and load forces at the upper and lower turning points of the movement cycle. It is thought that the impaired economical scaling of grip force level is the result of reduced sensory feedback from the grasping fingers during digit cooling. The results provide further evidence to support the suggestion that cutaneous afferent input plays a subordinate role in the predictive temporal regulation of the grip force profile, but is used to adapt economically the force level to the actual loading requirements during dynamic object manipulation. Electronic Publication  相似文献   

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