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We used continuous labelling ([3H]leucine) of cultured adenohypophysial cells to investigate the relationship between the storage and release of newly synthesized and stored prolactin in response to dopamine (1 mumol/l) and thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH) (0.1 mumol/l) challenge. Newly synthesized prolactin was identified by the tritium radiation activity incorporated in prolactin. A maximal dose of dopamine (1 mumol/l) could not completely block prolactin release from a primary culture of lactotrophs. During 3 h of continuous labelling under maximal dopaminergic inhibition, newly synthesized prolactin was released which was of a significantly higher specific activity than control groups. In contrast, TRH stimulation produced results consistent with previous observations of the release of predominantly old, stored hormone. However, the absolute amount of the newly synthesized prolactin was increased by the TRH administration, and the increased release of the newly synthesized prolactin could be accounted for by increased levels of synthesis. Our results are consistent with the concept of the existence of a regulated route and a dopamine-insensitive constitutive route of prolactin release which predominantly encompasses newly synthesized hormone. However, the possibility that cellular heterogeneity or that non-dopaminergic prolactin-release inhibiting factor(s) (PIF) is responsible for this observed release cannot be ruled out.  相似文献   

In order to evaluate whether androgens were able to affect PRL release, testosterone and dihydrotestosterone were injected intramuscularly in male and female subjects. PRL blood levels were not modified by testosterone either in healthy males or in amenorrhoeic women, and PRL release in males proved unaffected by dihydrotestosterone at the dose used.  相似文献   

Previous studies from our laboratory demonstrated that the acute release of PRL from human decidual tissue is stimulated by a 23.5 kilodalton placental protein which we designated decidual PRL-releasing factor (PRL-RF). To determine whether PRL-RF may also affect the synthesis of PRL and/or cause a secondary increase in PRL release, we have examined the effects of purified PRL-RF on the synthesis and release of PRL over a 96-h period. Exposure of dispersed decidual cells to PRL-RF (0.5 microgram/ml) stimulated a biphasic increase in PRL release with acute transient stimulation during the first 0.5 h and a delayed and sustained stimulation beginning about 8 h after exposure which persisted for the duration of the 96 h. The amounts of PRL released from PRL-RF-exposed cells after 0.5, 8, 12, 24, and 96 h were 321.2 +/- 36.2 (mean +/- SEM, n = 3), 110.2 +/- 5.3, 138.2 +/- 7.2, 194.5 +/- 11.2, and 201.5 +/- 14.2% that of control cells. Studies of the de novo synthesis of [35S]methionyl PRL indicated that the increase in PRL release after the first few hours of exposure to PRL-RF was secondary to an increase in PRL synthesis. Somatostatin (100 nM) inhibited the acute stimulatory effect of PRL-RF, but had no effect on the delayed stimulation of PRL release. On the other hand, cycloheximide (20 microM) completely inhibited the secondary increase in PRL release in response to PRL-RF but had no effect on the acute release. These results demonstrate that PRL-RF stimulates both the synthesis and release of decidual PRL.  相似文献   

B West  P S Dannies 《Endocrinology》1979,104(4):877-880
Bromocriptine, a dopamine agonist, inhibited secretion of PRL and did not affect GH release from rat anterior pituitary cells in culture. The reversal of this inhibition of PRL release by butaclamol, a dopamine antagonist, was stereospecific; 10 nM d-butaclamol completely reversed the inhibition caused by 10 nM bromocriptine, while l-butaclamol had no effect at concentrations up to 10 microM. However, both enantiomers at 10 microM inhibited PRL release to 30% and GH release to 91% of control values. Two other dopamine antagonists also inhibited hormone release. Haloperidol (10 microM) inhibited PRL release to 23% of control values and did not affect GH release; 3.3 microM pimozide inhibited PRL and GH release to 18% and 38% of control values, respectively. These data indicate that, the inhibition of PRL by antipsychotic drugs is not mediated through the dopamine receptor.  相似文献   

This study was designed to elucidate which hormone is responsible for the induction of GH and PRL receptors in rat liver. Intact female rats were implanted with osmotic minipumps delivering rat GH (rGH) or ovine GH (oGH) or PRL at various rates from 75 to 800 micrograms/day for 7 days, and binding of radioiodinated bovine GH or ovine PRL (oPRL) tracer was measured on liver microsomal membranes. MgCl2 treatment was used to remove bound hormones from receptors before tracer binding. Infusion of rGH resulted in a significant increase (P less than 0.001) in both GH and PRL binding, the effect being maximal (2.5- to 3-fold for both ligands) at rGH infusion rates from 150 to 400 micrograms/day. Serum rGH levels were elevated 3- to 5-fold in these animals, but somatomedin-C concentrations were not higher than in controls. MgCl2 treatment showed that GH, but not PRL, binding sites in rGH-treated animals were significantly occupied by administered hormone. Analysis of competitive binding curves indicated that receptors for both GH and PRL increased in concentration without changes in binding affinity. In contrast to the rGH effect, oGH infusion from 75 to 400 micrograms/day failed in two experiments to consistently alter either bovine GH or oPRL binding sites. This was not explained by the potency of the preparation at the somatogenic receptor; oGH was in fact more potent than rGH. The effects of rat PRL and oPRL infusion on receptor levels were also assessed. In contrast to previous reports, neither preparation caused induction of either PRL or GH binding sites. oPRL decreased PRL binding by 30-40% when infused between 200 and 400 micrograms/day, whereas rat PRL had a less consistent effect. MgCl2 stripping of membranes suggested that administered PRL preparations did not significantly occupy PRL receptors. GH receptors were unaffected in any PRL-treated group. It is concluded that in intact female rats, rGH regulates the concentration of both GH and PRL receptors. The slight down-regulation of PRL receptors resulting from PRL infusion casts further doubt on the concept that PRL induces its own hepatic receptors.  相似文献   

The purpose of the present study was to determine the effect of hormonal secretion by trophoblast cells on serotonin-induced release of PRL in both pregnant and nonpregnant rats. In the first experiment, three compounds that effectively lead to stimulation of serotonin receptors were injected ip or intraarterially between 0900-1200 h on day 8 or 16 of pregnancy. These included the serotonin precursor 5-hydroxytryptophan (20 mg/kg BW); a releasor of serotonin, fenfluramine (10 mg/kg BW); and a serotonin S2 receptor agonist, DOI (2,5-dimethoxy-4-iodophenyl-2-aminopropane-HCl; 500 micrograms/kg BW). When injected on day 8, these treatments significantly (P less than 0.01) increased the level of plasma PRL within 30 min after the injection. However, on day 16 the same treatments could not induce any change in the plasma PRL level. In the second experiment, rat choriocarcinoma (Rcho) cells, which secrete placental lactogen I in vivo, were injected beneath the kidney capsule on day 1 of pregnancy. Control pregnant rats injected with the cell culture medium RPMI-1640 containing 20% FBS continued to have a nocturnal PRL surges on days 7, 8, and 9, with the peak value of plasma PRL occurring at 0400 h. Rats injected with the cells had Rcho tumors at the site of injection when analyzed on day 9. These rats also had significantly (P less than 0.05) reduced nocturnal PRL surges on days 7 and 8 of pregnancy compared to the control animals, and on day 9, the PRL surge was completely blocked. In another group of day 9 pregnant rats containing Rcho tumors, DOI-induced PRL release was blocked by Rcho cells, whereas in controls, plasma PRL increased from 5 to 47 ng/ml. The final experiment tested whether the presence of Rcho cells affected serotonergic- or TRH (1 microgram/rat)-induced PRL release in cyclic rats that were ovariectomized 1 day before drug injection. Injection of Rcho cells 8 days earlier completely inhibited 5-hydroxytryptophan- or DOI-induced PRL release, but did not affect TRH-induced PRL release. These results indicate that the absence of PRL surges after midpregnancy may be due in part to the inability of serotonin to stimulate PRL at this time compared to early pregnancy. Secretion of placental lactogens or other PRL-like peptides from the placenta in the pregnant rat may be antagonistic to the normal stimuli that cause the PRL surges of early pregnancy, resulting in a loss of surges.  相似文献   

A morphological study was carried out on five mixed GH- and PRL-secreting pituitary adenomas, surgically removed from acromegalic patients with hyperprolactinemia, in order to verify whether the two hormones were contained in the same cell or in different cells. Double labeling with the protein A-gold immunotechnique was used to visualize the ultrastructural localization of the two hormones on ultrathin sections of the tumors. By means of this high resolution technique we found in all adenomas the presence of numerous (from 50-80% of the whole cell population) mammosomatotrophs, i.e. cells containing simultaneously PRL and GH. The occurrence of cells producing only GH (in four tumors) or only PRL (in one tumor) was also observed. In mixed cells GH and PRL were segregated in the same mixed granule. In one tumor granules positive only for GH together with mixed granules were found in the same cell. Immunofluorescence studies, at the light microscopic level, allowed us to clearly identify mammosomatotrophs only in two tumors. Double labeling using the gold immunotechnique appears therefore to be the most suitable experimental approach to detect the existence of mixed cells in plurihormonal adenomas. Our results support the idea that the frequency of mixed adenomas with mixed cells may be higher than that believed previously. The simultaneous presence of two hormones in the same secretory granule could explain why, in patients having mixed tumors, factors able to stimulate or inhibit the release of one hormone can also stimulate or inhibit the secretion of the other.  相似文献   

Administration of opioid receptor antagonists was utilized to determine the opioid receptor type involved in the suppression of LH release by beta-endorphin (beta-END). Long-term (three to four weeks) ovariectomized rats with chronic third ventricular cannulae were fitted with jugular catheters and received treatment with vehicle or one of three opioid antagonists. The delta antagonist ICI 154, 129, but not the mu1 or mu antagonists naloxazone or beta-funaltrexamine, respectively, blocked the suppressive effect of beta-END on plasma LH levels and transiently but significantly increased LH levels above preinfusion value. None of the antagonists significantly reduced the beta-END-induced release of PRL. These results provide evidence that the inhibitory effect of beta-END on LH release may be mediated by delta receptors.  相似文献   

A soluble PRL receptor has been identified in the 100,000 X g supernatant from homogenates of lungs and livers of male and female rats treated with either estradiol (E2; 2 mg kg-1 day-1 for 7 days, sc) or ovine PRL (oPRL; 0.1 mg kg-1 day-1 for 14 days, sc). Fifty percent of the total PRL-binding activity in the liver homogenate of E2-treated male rats was found in the supernatant fraction, and only 12% in intact female rats. The soluble PRL receptor has the same specificity, protein dependence, and binding affinity (Ka = 2.8 X 10(9) M-1) characteristics as the membrane-bound receptor. A sheep anti-PRL-receptor antiserum specifically inhibited the binding of [125I]iodo-oPRL to the soluble PRL receptor. Column chromatography on Sepharose 6B revealed a single peak of [125I]iodo-oPRL-receptor complex from liver of E2-treated rats, having a mol wt of 340,000, whereas the 100,000 X g supernatant from lungs and livers of oPRL-treated rats revealed two specific peaks of [125I]iodo-oPRL complex with mol wts of 340,000 (A) and 165,000 (B), respectively. Peak A represented 25% and 27% and peak B, 35% and 49% of the total column radioactivity for liver and lung 100,000 X g supernatant fraction, respectively. Peak B coeluted with a rabbit anti-oPRL antiserum, suggesting that it is a PRL antibody. Anti-PRL-receptor antibody reduced the radioactivity associated with peak A but not peak B. Heat inactivation at 60 C (30 min) resulted in a complete loss of binding in peak A without affecting peak B. The results indicate that the soluble PRL-binding sites, increased in rat lung and liver after treatment with oPRL or E2, may represent an intermediate step in new receptor synthesis before incorporation into the membrane.  相似文献   

Ouabain, a cardiac glycoside and inhibitor of Na(+), K(+)-ATPase, is now believed to be a steroid hormone in mammals. We have recently identified ouabain immunoreactivity in the plasma of the tilapia, a euryhaline teleost. Changes in plasma concentrations of immunoreactive ouabain (20-40 pM) in response to salinity change were well correlated with the changes in plasma osmolality and cortisol. Our previous studies have shown that cortisol rapidly inhibits prolactin (PRL) release from the tilapia pituitary by suppressing intracellular Ca(2+) ([Ca(2+)]i) and cAMP. In the present study, low doses of ouabain (10-1000 pM) inhibited PRL release dose-dependently during 2-24 h of incubation. There was no effect on growth hormone (GH) release, except for a significant increase at 1000 pM during 8-24 h of incubation. Significant dose-related increases in PRL release were observed at higher doses of ouabain (100-1000 nM), whereas significant inhibition was seen in GH release at 1000 nM during 2-24h of incubation. Ouabain at 1-100 pM had no effect on Na(+), K(+)-ATPase activity of the pituitary homogenate. The enzyme activity was inhibited by higher concentrations of ouabain, 10% at 1 nM, 15% at 10 nM, 28% at 100 nM, and 45% at 1000 nM. Ouabain also attenuated stimulation of PRL release by the Ca(2+) ionophore, A23187, and by a combination of dibutyryl cAMP and a phosphodiesterase inhibitor, 3-isobutyl-1-methylxanthin. Intracellular Ca(2+) concentrations were monitored in the dispersed PRL cells with the Ca(2+)-sensitive dye, fura-2. Ouabain at 1 nM reversibly reduced [Ca(2+)]i within seconds, whereas 1 microM ouabain increased [Ca(2+)]i. A rapid reduction in [Ca(2+)]i was also observed when PRL cells were exposed to 1 microM cortisol, whereas there was no consistent effect at 1 nM. These results suggest that ouabain at physiological concentrations rapidly inhibits PRL release from the tilapia pituitary by suppressing intracellular Ca(2+) and cAMP metabolism. The stimulation of PRL release by high concentrations of ouabain (100-1000 nM) may result from an increase in [Ca(2+)]i, and subsequent depolarization due to the inhibition of Na(+), K(+)-ATPase activity.  相似文献   

In order to study the possible differential effects of the nonglycosylated and glycosylated forms of prolactin on insulin content and secretion in pancreatic islets, neonatal rat pancreatic islets were exposed for 6 days in vitro to 2 micrograms/ml of nonglycosylated ovine prolactin (oPRL), or to 2 micrograms/ml of glycosylated oPRL (G-oPRL). oPRL stimulated a significant increase (p less than 0.01) in the total amount of insulin released into the medium over the 6 day culture period; however, G-oPRL had no effect. Islets cultured for 6 days in the presence of oPRL showed no increase in the amount of DNA per islet. However, there was a significant (p less than 0.007) increase in the amount of total protein synthesized by the islets exposed to oPRL. These findings suggest that the effect of oPRL on neonatal rat pancreatic islet cells is a nonspecific effect. The nonglycosylated form of PRL may play a role in B-cell function by promoting protein synthesis, which results in augmented insulin synthesis.  相似文献   

A partial prolactin (PRL) cDNA was specifically PCR amplified from a cDNA library constructed from pituitary mRNAs of the newt (Cynops pyrrhogaster) and cloned into plasmid vectors. One clone thus obtained contained a 739-bp insert encoding the C-terminal amino acid sequence of the mature hormone molecule. Using this clone as a probe, the full-length newt PRL cDNA was screened from the cDNA library. The PRL cDNA clone thus obtained consisted of 1024 bp encoding the entire sequence of the mature PRL molecule in addition to its signal peptide. The amino acid sequence of newt PRL deduced from its nucleotide sequence showed higher homologies with those PRL sequences of tetrapod animals than with those of teleosts. Northern blot analysis revealed the newt PRL mRNA size to be approximately 1 kb. In situ hybridization using the newt PRL cDNA as a probe revealed that the pituitary region expressing PRL mRNA corresponded to that immunoreactive with antiserum against PRL. PRL mRNA levels in the pituitary of newts subjected to room and low temperatures were determined by Northern analysis employing the PRL cDNA as a probe. PRL mRNA levels were significantly higher in the pituitaries of newts subjected to 10 degrees than in those of newts kept at 23 degrees. Likewise, immunoassayable plasma PRL levels were higher in animals subjected to 10 degrees than in those kept at 23 degrees.  相似文献   

The effect of LH and PRL during the differentiation of granulosa cells to luteal cells was examined by determining the ability of LH and PRL to regulate luteal cell receptor content for these hormones and to increase production of progesterone. Preovulatory follicles and corpora lutea were hormonally induced in immature hypophysectomized female rats by sequential treatment with estradiol, hFSH and oLH. The content of receptor for LH was high in granulosa cells of large antral follicles. Administration of LH caused receptor for LH to decrease markedly within 24 h and to remain low for 96 h. In contrast, granulosa cell content of receptor for PRL increased progressively for 48 h following LH stimulation and remained elevated in fully luteinized cells at 96 h. This increase in PRL receptor appears to be functionally related to the ability of luteal cells to respond to PRL. When PRL was given for 4 days after LH, both luteal cell progesterone production and LH receptor content increased progressively after, but not before, 48 h. Since these changes occurred in the absence of LH, the increase in LH receptor appears to be a consequence of, but not a requirement for, the PRL-induced increase in progesterone production. If daily injections of PRL were delayed for 72 or 96 h following LH induction of lutenization, luteolytic rather than luteotropic effects of PRL were observed. Since receptor for PRL remained elevated at 72 and 96 h, intracellular mechanisms and not receptor content, appear to be effecting the response of luteal cell to PRL.  相似文献   

The hypothalamic peptide PRL-releasing peptide (PrRP) has recently been cloned and identified as a ligand of an orphan pituitary receptor that stimulates in vitro PRL secretion. PrRP also induces PRL release in rats in vivo, especially in normal cycling females. However, no information on the effects of PrRP in the human is available. To elucidate the role of PrRP in regulating human anterior pituitary hormones, we used human PrRP-31 in primary cultures of human pituitary tissues, including fetal (20--27 weeks gestation) and normal adult pituitaries, as well as PRL- and GH-secreting adenomas. PrRP increased PRL secretion from human fetal pituitary cultures in a dose-dependent manner by up to 35% (maximal effect achieved with 10 nM), whereas TRH was slightly more potent for PRL release. Coincubation with estradiol resulted in enhanced fetal PRL response to PrRP, and GH release was only increased in the presence of estradiol. Although PRL secretion from PRL-cell adenomas was not affected by PrRP, PrRP induced PRL release from cultures of a GH-cell adenoma that cosecreted PRL. PrRP enhanced GH release in several GH-secreting adenomas studied by 25--27%, including GH stimulation in a mixed PRL-GH-cell tumor. These results show for the first time direct in vitro effects of PrRP-31 on human pituitary cells. PrRP is less potent than TRH in releasing PRL from human fetal lactotrophs and is unable to release PRL from PRL-cell adenomas in culture, but stimulated GH from several somatotroph adenomas. Thus, PrRP may participate in regulating GH, in addition to PRL, in the human pituitary.  相似文献   

The site of action of delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) to inhibit the release of prolactin (PRL) and growth hormone (GH) was examined by in vivo and in vitro experiments. In conscious freely moving animals bearing implanted third ventricular (3V) and external jugular cannulae, THC or the diluent was microinjected into the 3V and blood samples were removed to determine the effect on plasma PRL and GH. Both the 0.4- and 4-micrograms dose injected intraventricularly resulted in a suppression of PRL and GH release as indicated by declines in plasma levels within 40-80 min which were highly significant statistically but not dose-related. The higher dose evoked a pulse of GH and/or PRL in most animals which preceded the lowering of hormonal levels. In the in vitro experiments dipersed anterior pituitary cells were incubated with 5 x 10(-8) or 5 x 10(-9)M THC or the diluent for 5 days. Fresh culture medium was added to the cells after 3 days and the cells cultured for an additional 2 days. After this period, the cells were incubated for an additional 2 h in culture medium with or without THC plus a near maximal dose of thyrotropin-releasing hormone and GH-releasing factor (50 and 10 ng/ml, respectively) or the diluent to evaluate the response of PRL and GH release, respectively. Neither dose of THC altered the release or storage of the two hormones during culture or affected the response to the releasing hormones which is suggestive that there is no direct effect of THC on either GH or PRL release.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

An in vitro method to study the regulation of PRL receptors has been established using adult rat liver cells cultured in a continuous suspension in L-15 medium. PRL binding averaged 28.2 +/- 1.8% of the added labeled hormone per 10(6) cells in freshly isolated liver cells prepared from female rats treated with 17 beta-estradiol. When these cells were incubated at 37 C, binding rapidly declined by 50% at 10 h and 90% at 48 h. This rapid decline could be counteracted by the inclusion of ovine PRL (50 nM), which maintained initial PRL receptor levels up to 48 h of culture. Higher concentrations of PRL (2.5 microM) induced a rapid down-regulation, apparent at 2 and 10 h of culture. Cycloheximide (50 micrograms/ml) induced a slight diminution of control PRL receptor levels and partially reversed the effect of 50 nM PRL. Approximately 60% of the PRL receptors were resistant to the effect of cycloheximide. On the other hand, actinomycin D (10 micrograms/ml) had no effect on PRL receptor levels in control and only a very slight effect in PRL-treated cells. Dinitrophenol, which blocks metabolic oxidation, also partially reversed the effect of 50 nM PRL although it was without any significant effect on control levels. Chloroquine (100 microM) and colchicine (1 microM) failed to alter PRL binding either in the absence or presence of 50 nM PRL. Our results suggest that the existence of regulatory factors occurring in vivo, which are absent in the culture medium, could be responsible for the decline in PRL receptor levels in the control hepatocytes. PRL itself could be one of these factors. On the other hand, and in agreement with the putative actions of the drugs utilized, the mechanism of the PRL-induced maintenance of receptor levels appears to lie in part with an effect on receptor synthesis at the translational (ribsomal) level but to be independent of the internalization or of lysosomal degradation.  相似文献   

The potential involvement of the endogenous opioid and dopamine (DA) systems in the mechanism(s) mediating arginine vasotocin (AVT)- and arginine vasopressin (AVP)-induced prolactin (PRL) release was investigated in vivo. The injection of AVT (5 micrograms) into unanesthetized male rats resulted in a 2-fold stimulation of PRL release 15 min later, followed by an inhibition of PRL release 30 min thereafter; both the stimulatory and inhibitory PRL responses to AVT were obviated by naloxone (NAL) (200 micrograms). Similarly, the administration of either AVT or AVP (5 micrograms) to urethane-anesthetized rats led to a 3- and 5-fold increase in plasma PRL levels, respectively, 10 min after injection. The PRL stimulatory response to both peptides was completely blocked by pretreating the animals with apomorphine (APO) (5 mg); however, the injection of APO by itself had no effect on PRL secretion in these animals. Both AVT and AVP were also effective in stimulating PRL release 10 min after injection in estrogen (50 micrograms)-progesterone (25 mg) (EP)-treated rats anesthetized with urethane. APO negated the PRL stimulatory response to these compounds in the EP-treated rat as well. Normal, urethane-treated rats experienced a 7- to 8-fold increase in PRL levels 20 min following the injection of methysergide (MET) (250 micrograms). Both AVT and AVP caused approximately a 2.5-fold greater PRL response in MET-treated animals than in AVT and AVP controls, respectively; however, only in the MET + AVT-treated rats was the PRL stimulatory response greater than in the MET controls. MET probably stimulated PRL through its DA antagonistic properties.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

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