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M. Kartagener 《Lung》1970,143(1):43-50
This report contains information about 4 cases of bronchiectasis found in two generations of the same family without direct transmission of the condition between parents and children. In one case the histological examination showed — aside from bronchiectasis — a cyst, which was thought to be of congenital origin.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Die Dosis-Wirkungs-Beziehungen für die carcinogene Wirkung des 4-Dimethylamino-stilbens wurden in Fütterungsversuchen an Ratten des Stammes BD II in sieben verschiedenen Dosierungsgruppen untersucht. Praktisch alle genügend lange überlebenden Tiere entwickelten Gehörgangscarcinome. Die gefundenen Dosis-Wirkungs-Beziehungen ergaben in allen Gruppen lineare Regressionen über dem log der Gesamtdosis. Die carcinogene Wirkung erweist sich damit als Funktion der Summe aller Einzeldosen. Sie ist irreversibel und bleibt voll summationsfähig über die gesamte individuelle Lebenszeit der Versuchstiere erhalten. Ein Erholungsfaktor oder eine partielle Reversibilität der Wirkung waren nicht nachweisbar. Die zur Krebserzeugung erforderliche Gesamtdosis nimmt bei Verkleinerung der Tagesdosis in berechenbarer Weise ab.Die Größe der mittleren carcinogenen Gesamtdosis und der mittleren Induktionszeit zeigten im doppelt log Netz eine lineare Abhängigkeit von der Höhe der Tagesdosis. Die gefundenen Zusammenhänge zwischen den beiden maßgeblichen Einflußgrößen: Dosis und Zeit werden formuliert. Danach geht die carcinogene Wirkung über eine einfache Summationswirkung hinaus und entspricht einer Verstärkerwirkung. 4-Dimethylamino-stilben erzeugt an verschiedenen Rattenstämmen Krebs. Die dabei beobachteten Unterschiede betreffen lediglich die Höhe der zur Krebserzeugung benötigten Gesamtdosis, sind also nur quantitativer Natur.
Summary The relations between the effects and the dosage of 4-dimethylaminostilbene in causing cancer were studied in feeding experiment in rats of the strain BD II in seven different dosage groups. Practically all of the animals surviving long enough developed carcinomas of the external auditory canal. In all dosage groups linear dose-response relationships have been observed, if the log of the total doses administered was plotted on the abscissa. Correspondingly the production of cancers is a function of the sum of all individual doses. The carciogenie effect was irreversible and remained completely additive over the entire individual life spans of the experimental animals. A recovery factor or a partial reversibility of the effect were not demonstrable. The total dose needed for carcinogenesis decreased with reduction of the daily dosage in a calculable way. The size of the average total carcinogenic dose and the average induction period showed in the double log net a linear dependence on the heighth of the daily dose. The relations found between the two standardizing factors, dose and time, were formulated. According to this, the carcinogenic effect goes beyond a simple summation effect, and corresponds to an amplified effect. 4-dimethylamino-stilbene caused cancer in different strains of rats. The differences in effect observed were related to the heighth of the total dose required to produce cancer; therefore, they were only of quantitative nature.

Mit 6 Textabbildungen

Herrn Prof. Dr. h. c. A. Butenandt zum 60. Geburtstag gewidmet. Die Untersuchungen wurden durch die Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft ermöglicht

Dischler, W.: Quantitative Analyse der Krebserzeugung durch 4-Dimethylaminostilben. Inaug.-Diss. Freiburg 1959  相似文献   

There is a bidirectional interrelationship between diabetes and depression. Depressive patients have a higher risk for manifestation of type 2 diabetes and diabetic patients have a higher risk for depression compared to the general population. The prognosis for diabetes is negatively influenced by the additional presence of depression in an accumulative manner, which equally affects patients with a clinically manifest depression as those with a subthreshold depression. This is true for the self-treatment behavior, glycemic control, quality of life, late complications and mortality. A regular screening for depression is therefore recommended for diabetes patients in order to detect depression as early as possible. The reduction of depressive symptoms, the increase of well-being and a better self-treatment behavior and glycemic control are the main goals of depression therapy.  相似文献   

Patients with immunodeficiency and patients under immunosuppressive therapy have an increased risk of infectious diseases. Vaccination strategies are needed to protect them from preventable diseases. The underlying disease and severity of immune impairment may have an influence on the indications and contraindications of vaccines. Inactivated vaccines can be safely administered according to the current recommendations of the Standing Commission on Vaccinations of the Robert Koch Institute in Berlin, Germany (STIKO). Depending on the severity of the immune dysfunction, the antibody response to vaccinations varies. When possible the antibody response following vaccinations should be tested. Previously, attenuated live vaccines were considered to be strictly contraindicated in immunocompromised patients but nowadays the administration of attenuated live vaccines is considered possible, depending on the individual degree and type of immunodeficiency or immunosuppression.  相似文献   

In recent years a tremendous amount has been learned about the pathophysiology of atrial fibrillation (AF) which induces electrophysiological changes in the right and left atrium. Besides calcium-dependent tissue changes which are induced by activation of proteases and phosphatases, such as calpain and calcineurin, concomitant cardiac diseases activate the atrial angiotensin II system. Experiments have shown positive effects of statins in AF models. In contrast, clinical studies have provided heterogeneous results. Of note, several studies have shown that therapy with angiotensin II receptor blockers or statins does not influence the recurrence of AF.  相似文献   


Hintergrund: Vorhofflimmern verändert die atriale Elektrophysiologie, wodurch das Auftreten und der Erhalt der Arrhythmie begünstigt werden. Dies wird als elektrisches Remodeling bei Vorhofflimmern bezeichnet. Die zellulären und molekularen Mechanismen dieses Prozesses wurden in den letzten Jahren intensiv bei Patienten mit Vorhofflimmern und in verschiedenen experimentellen Modellen charakterisiert. Die Ergebnisse trugen wesentlich zum besseren Verständnis der Pathophysiologie dieser Rhythmusstörungen bei. Zelluläre und molekulare Mechanismen: Auf zellulärer Ebene komt es bei Vorhofflimmern zu einer deutlichen Verkürzung und verminderten Frequenzadaptation der Aktionspotentialdauer sowie zu einer veränderten Aktionspotentialmorphologie. Vorhofflimmern führt zu einer Modulation der Genexpression des L-Typ Calciumkanals (ICa, L) und von Kaliumkanälen (Ito, IK1, IKACh). Die molekularen Mechanismen der bei Vorhofflimmern beobachteten intraatrialen Leitungsverzögerungen sind weniger klar. Veränderungen der Expression und Verteilung von Gap-Junction-Proteinen oder eine Verminderung des schnellen Natriumkanals (INa) wurden berichtet. Ein Auslöser vieler der gemachten Beobachtungen ist die Überladung der Myozyten mit Ca2+ mit einer Verminderung des systolischen Calciumtransienten, ebenso lassen sich Veränderungen der die Calciumhomöostase beeinflussenden Proteine bei Vorhofflimmern nachweisen. Schlussfolgerung: Die Veränderungen des zellulären und molekularen Milieus bei Vorhofflimmern haben erhebliche Auswirkungen auf den klinischen Verlauf und auf die therapeutische Beeinflussbarkeit der Rhythmusstörung. Die klinische Bedeutung der gemachten Beobachtungen und daraus potentiell resultierende neuartige Therapieansätze werden diskutiert. Background: Atrial fibrillation is associated with alterations in atrial electrophysiology that facilitate the initiation and persistence of the arrhythmia. This process was termed electrical remodeling in atrial fibrillation. The underlying cellular and molecular mechanisms have intensively been investigated over the past few years in patients with atrial fibrillation and in different experimental models. The results, that have substantially improved the understanding of the pathophysiology of atrial fibrillation, are reviewed. Cellular and Molecular Mechanisms: On the cellular level, atrial fibrillation leads to a strong shortening and an impaired rate adaptation of the action potential as well as to changes in action potential morphology. Atrial fibrillation is associated with an altered gene expression of the L-type calcium channel (ICa, L) and of potassium channels (Ito, IK1, IKACh) The molecular mechanisms of intraatrial conduction slowing are less well understood, changes in the expression or distribution of gap junction proteins or a decrease of the fast sodium inward channel (INa) have been reported in some studies. A trigger of initiation for electrical remodeling is an overload of the cytoplasm with Ca2+ and a consecutive decrease of the systolic calcium gradient, furthermore changes in calcium-handling proteins are detectable in atrial fibrillation. Conclusion: These changes in the cellular and molecular milieu importantly determine the clinical course and the efficacy of therapeutical interventions in atrial fibrillation. The clinical relevance and potential new therapeutic approaches are discussed in the last part.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Es wird über ein im deutschen Schrifttum bisher nicht mitgeteiltes lebensbedrohliches hämorrhagisches Syndrom bei metastasierendem Prostatakarzinom berichtet. Als Ursache der Blutungsneigung ließ sich eine Hyperfibrinolyse nachweisen, die von einer charakteristischen komplexen Gerinnungsstörung begleitet war. Durch gezielte Therapie des Grundleidens mit Stilboestrol-Diphosphat (Honvan) konnte das komplizierende bedrohliche Blutungsübel, welches durch konventionelle Hämostyptica und mit Bluttransfusionen nicht zu beeinflussen war, kurzfristig beseitigt werden.
Summary A haemorrhagic syndrome, dangerous to life, associated with metastizing carcinoma of the prostate, not previously mentioned in German literature, is here recorded. The cause of the haemorrhagic tendency is shown to be intense fibrinolysis, accompanied by a complex characteristic disturbance of coagulation. Treatment of the unerlying disease with Honvan controlled the dangerous haemorrhagic complication temporarily, although ordinary haemostypic therapy and blood transfusion were unable to do so.

Herrn Prof. Wendt zum 60. Geburtstag gewidmet  相似文献   

The risk of thromboembolism for travellers with no individual risk factors for venous thrombosis/pulmonary embolism (VTE) and travelling times less than 4 h is low with approximately 0.5 cases per 106 travellers. The risk of VTE increases by approximately 18% for all forms of travel and by approximately 26% for air travel for every 2 h increase in travelling time. Patient-related risk factors for increased occurrence of VTE during air travel are previous VTE, previous accidents, varicosis, overweight, cardiac diseases and estrogen therapy. Preventive measures include leg movement and walking during long train, car and bus journeys, sufficient intake of fluids and in cases of increased risk for thromboembolism wearing compression stockings and if necessary administration of low molecular weight heparin before travelling. The management of acute pulmonary embolism in travellers consists of guidelines-oriented diagnostics and anticoagulation of pulmonary embolism. When pre-shock or shock is absent, low molecular weight heparin is normally administered followed by oral anticoagulation for at least 3–6 months. In cases of hemodynamic instability fibinolysis is carried out according to the guidelines followed by anticoagulation for up to 6 months. For patients with hemodynamic stability but signs of right ventricular impairment, e.g. echocardiogram, troponin and N-terminal pro-brain natriuretic peptide (NT-proBNP), fibrinolysis can also be considered.  相似文献   

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