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患者男性,19岁.因畏寒、发热、咽痛、恶心、呕吐在外院就诊.体检一般状况可,急性热性面容,咽充血,两侧扁桃体不肿大,心肺正常.血常规:Hbl63 g/L、WBCl5.5×10~9/L.诊断上感.给予头孢拉啶(中美上海施贵宝有限公司出品)2.0V.D2次/日及对症处理.在第2天输完2.0头孢拉啶后(总量为6.0)不久即出现肉眼血尿.急查尿常规:  相似文献   

1病例报告患者男,16岁。因发热、咳嗽、咳脓痰1周入院。查体:体温39℃,脉搏96/min,呼吸20次/min;双肺呼吸音粗,双下肺可闻及湿性啰音。血常规检查:白细胞总数15.2×109/L,中性粒细胞0.82,淋巴细胞0.18。胸部正侧位X线检查:见双下肺散在斑片状影。诊断为肺炎。给予头孢拉啶加入生理盐水静脉滴注,3天后体温逐渐下降,一般情况较好。但用药第5天,患者  相似文献   

目的评价拉氧头孢鞘内注射治疗颅内感染的疗效与安全性。方法回顾性分析我院近3年来使用拉氧头孢治疗颅内感染的病例,并与丁胺卡那治疗效果比较。结果应用拉氧头孢治疗52例颅内感染,临床治愈例数为48例,不良反应发生例数为4例。结论拉氧头孢治疗颅内感染疗效确切,不良反应少。  相似文献   

头孢拉啶(先锋Ⅵ)具抗菌作用强,毒性小等特点,但其。肾毒性往往不被重视。  相似文献   

头孢菌素类又称先锋霉素类 ,是在头孢菌素的母核 7-氨基头孢烷酸 (7-ACA)上 ,用化学方法接上不同的测链而制成的半合成抗生素。本类药物具有广谱、杀菌、耐酸、耐酶 (β-内酰胺酶 )、毒副作用小等特点。因此颇受重视 ,临床研究的较多 ,应用较广 ,开发的品种也多。根据其合成的时间早晚、抗菌特点和药动学以及毒副作用等方面 ,以“代”分类 ,现已开发出四代头孢菌素。对于头孢类药物的质量控制多以效价为控制方法 ,同时已有文献报道[1~ 3 ] 对头孢类药物进行手性拆分 ,而尚少发现文献对头孢噻吩和头孢拉啶的进行质量控制方面的研究 ,给药…  相似文献   

病例女,48岁,无药物过敏史。因双侧鼻息肉、双侧上颌窦炎入院。入院后行注射用头孢呋辛钠(浙江永宁药业股份有限公司,国药准字H20020538)皮试阴性后,给予注射用头孢呋辛钠1.5 g静滴,1次/d。在鼻窦内窥镜下行双侧鼻息肉摘除、双侧上颌窦根治术,手术顺利。术后第2 d患者出现体温升高,测体温39.2℃,未诉其他不适。当时考  相似文献   

目的考察注射用盐酸头孢替安与0.9%氯化钠注射液、5%葡萄糖注射液、5%葡萄糖氯化钠注射液配伍的稳定性。方法采用HPLC法,在室温条件下放置0、1、2、4 h,测定样品有关物质及含量的变化,同时观察pH值变化。结果随着放置时间的延长,各样品的主成分含量均下降,总杂质及单个最大杂质均显著增加,杂质个数也明显增多,室温放置4 h后总杂质含量部分超限;各样品在放置4 h后pH值无明显变化。结论室温条件下,注射用盐酸头孢替安在上述3种溶液中均不稳定,应临床使用前配制。  相似文献   

BackgroundConsidering the antibacterial properties of nano-curcumin (nCur) reinforced with antimicrobial photodynamic therapy (aPDT), this study aimed to assess the antibacterial activity and durability of Activa BioActive Base/Liner (ABBL) containing nCur (nCur-ABBL) as a pulp capping agent against Streptococcus mutans, the most common cause of secondary caries.Materials and methodsIn this in vitro experimental study, ABBL discs containing 0.5 %, 1%, 2%, and 5% (w/w) concentrations of nCur were fabricated. After aPDT using light emitting diode (LED) at 435 ± 20 nm wavelength for 5 min, the discs were undergone aging in artificial saliva for 90 days. The antibacterial activity of the discs against S. mutans was evaluated by the disc agar diffusion test, and the number of bacterial colonies present in the biofilm formed on the disc surfaces was counted after 0, 15, 30, and 60 days of aging.ResultsThe maximum growth inhibition zone was noted around the 5% nCur-ABBL discs. Increasing the concentration of nCur from 0.5 % to 5% combined with aPDT significantly decreased the number of S. mutans colonies in the biofilm over time (P < 0.05). nCur-ABBL discs containing 2% and 5% nCur had no difference in antibacterial activity at any time point up to 60 days (P > 0.05).ConclusionAccording to our data, 5% nCur-ABBL revealed the largest growth inhibition zone in S. mutans culture. Moreover, 5% nCur can serve as an excellent ABBL additive in aPDT producer against S. mutans biofilms up to 60 days of aging period.  相似文献   

AIM: To compare the diagnostic accuracy of fluoroscopic voiding cystourethrography (VCUG) and voiding urosonography (VUS) under identical conditions. We performed VUS and VCUG simultaneously with the total time for both examinations taking no longer than the time required for either examination individually. MATERIALS AND METHODS: X-ray contrast medium and echo-contrast agent were mixed together in vitro, and echogenicity of the mixture was confirmed. A clinical study was then performed on 33 children who had a history of urinary tract infection. The bladder was filled using simultaneous administration of X-ray contrast medium and echo-contrast agent. VCUG and VUS were then performed simultaneously and evaluated separately by two specialists. RESULTS: Equivalent results were obtained for the two examinations in 61 of 66 renal tracts. Sensitivities of VUS and VCUG for the detection of VUR were 86% and 79%, respectively. The average time from catheterization to the completion of the study was 9.1 minutes - approximately as long as performing VCUG alone. CONCLUSIONS: First, the present simultaneous study is superior to previous comparisons, because the two examinations were performed under identical physiologic conditions. Second, our results suggest that the two techniques demonstrate similar sensitivity in the detection of reflux.  相似文献   



To study the in vitro and in vivo (abdomen) variability of apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) measurements at 1.5 T using a free-breathing multislice diffusion-weighted (DW) MRI sequence.


DW MRI images were obtained using a multislice spin-echo echo-planar imaging sequence with b-values=0, 100, 200, 500, 750 and 1000 s mm−2. A flood-field phantom was imaged at regular intervals over 100 days, and 10 times on the same day on 2 occasions. 10 healthy volunteers were imaged on two separate occasions. Mono-exponential ADC maps were fitted excluding b=0. Paired analysis was carried out on the liver, spleen, kidney and gallbladder using multiple regions of interest (ROIs) and volumes of interest (VOIs).


The in vitro coefficient of variation was 1.3% over 100 days, and 0.5% and 1.0% for both the daily experiments. In vivo, there was no statistical difference in the group mean ADC value between visits for any organ. Using ROIs, the coefficient of reproducibility was 20.0% for the kidney, 21.0% for the gallbladder, 24.7% for the liver and 28.0% for the spleen. For VOIs, values fall to 7.7%, 6.4%, 8.6% and 9.6%, respectively.


Good in vitro repeatability of ADC measurements provided a sound basis for in vivo measurement. In vivo variability is higher and when considering single measurements in the abdomen as a whole, only changes in ADC value greater than 23.1% would be statistically significant using a two-dimensional ROI. This value is substantially lower (7.9%) if large three-dimensional VOIs are considered.Diffusion-weighted (DW) MRI is based on the Brownian motion of water in biological tissues [1,2]. The technique has played a preponderant role in neuro-imaging over the last two decades and it is known to detect small changes before they are apparent on anatomical imaging [3,4].In recent years DW MRI has been increasingly used in other parts of the body, demonstrating great diagnostic potential in cancer imaging. To date, DW MRI has been successfully used for tissue characterisation and tumour staging. However, the apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) is a potential biomarker that could be used to monitor treatment response or evaluate post-therapeutic changes. Details of the clinical use of DW MRI can be found in the 2009 consensus paper [5] or in general and organ-specific review articles [6-8].While DW MRI is a potentially powerful tool in diagnostic oncology, the lack of uniform protocols for imaging and data analysis hinder its clinical implementation. Large differences in ADC values are reported in the literature depending on the acquisition parameters, in particular the choice of b-values (e.g. see [9] for ADC values in the kidney or 5] highlighted the importance of quality analysis, validation and reproducibility studies. Although there are some emerging reproducibility and repeatability data in the abdomen [15,19-22], a recent review by Taouli and Koh [7] highlights the need for further work in this area. Recently, coefficients of variability of around 14% were published for both solid tumours [22] and bone marrow [23]. Other studies seem to indicate that only ADC changes of over 27% [20] or 30% [21] are significant. Substantial variations in ADC values have also been found between different scanners and vendors [24-26], further highlighting the difficulty of setting up multicentre trials.

Table 1

Apparent diffusion coefficient values measured in normal liver at 1.5 T
ReferenceMean ADC (10−3 mm2 s−1)Standard deviationRangeNumber of subjectsb-values (s mm−2)Comments
Taouli et al [10]1.600.131.44–1.8810 v0, 500Conventional
1.520.151.28–180With parallel imaging
1.510.211.27–1.99Diffusion tensor/parallel imaging
Mürtz et al [11]0.92–0.96a0.09–0.140.62–1.2012 v50, 300, 700, 1000, 1300Pulse triggered
Kim et al [12]1.05/1.02b0.30/0.256 v/126 p3, 57, 192, 408, 517, 850
1.55/1.160.37/0.423, 57, 192, 408, 192, 408
4.8/3.552.37/1.753, 57
Ichikawa et al [13]2.281.2346 p1.6, 55
Taouli et al [14]1.830.361.4–2.5566 p0, 500
1.510.491.12–2.710, 134, 267, 400
Kwee et al [15]1.60/1.62/1.57c0.14/0.18/0.1511 v0, 500Breath-hold
2.13/2.27/2.070.33/0.47/0.43Respiratory triggered
1.65/1.62/1.650.09/0.16/0.17Free breathing (7 mm slice)
1.64/1.66/1.570.13/0.11/0.19Free breathing (5 mm slice)
Yamada et al [16]0.870.2678 p30, 300, 900,1100ADC
0.760.27Diffusion coefficient (DC)
Müller et al [17]1.390.1610 v+9 p8 b-values; bmax 328–454
Namimato et al [18]0.690.3151 p30, 1200
This study1.040.050.95–1.1110 v100, 200, 500, 750, 1000Free breathing
Open in a separate windowADC, apparent diffusion coefficient; p, patients; v, volunteers.In studies including patients, only ADC values relating to measurements performed in normal liver are quoted here.aValue range for 3 directions.bVolunteers/patients.cEach sequence repeated three times.In preparation for a study on renal cell carcinoma at our centre, we required information on the variability of a free-breathing multislice DW MRI sequence. As these tumours are relatively large and heterogeneous, we were particularly interested in the variability of both large volumes on multiple slices and smaller regions on individual images.  相似文献   

In vivo detection of single cells by MRI.   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
The use of high-relaxivity, intracellular contrast agents has enabled MRI monitoring of cell migration through and homing to various tissues, such as brain, spinal cord, heart, and muscle. Here it is shown that MRI can detect single cells in vivo, homing to tissue, following cell labeling and transplantation. Primary mouse hepatocytes were double-labeled with green fluorescent 1.63-microm iron oxide particles and red fluorescent endosomal labeling dye, and injected into the spleens of recipient mice. This is a common hepatocyte transplantation paradigm in rodents whereby hepatocytes migrate from the spleen to the liver as single cells. One month later the animals underwent in vivo MRI and punctuated, dark contrast regions were detected scattered through the livers. MRI of perfused, fixed samples and labeled hepatocyte phantoms in combination with histological evaluation confirmed the presence of dispersed single hepatocytes grafted into the livers. Appropriate controls were used to determine whether the observed contrast could have been due to dead cells or free particles, and the results confirmed that the contrast was due to disperse, single cells. Detecting single cells in vivo opens the door to a number of experiments, such as monitoring rare cellular events, assessing the kinetics of stem cell homing, and achieving early detection of metastases.  相似文献   

In vivo magnetic resonance imaging of sodium in the human body   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Sodium magnetic resonance imaging of the human body in vivo has been tried and its clinical application is considered. A short T2 imaging algorithm with total volume excitation and a specialized RF coil focused to the region of interest have been adopted to improve the signal-to-noise ratio. Using a 1.5-T human body imaging system, several important organs including heart, liver, gallbladder, kidney, and spine have been examined to demonstrate their sodium concentration in vivo.  相似文献   

In vivo and in vitro MR spectroscopic profile of central neurocytomas   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
This study reports in vivo and in vitro magnetic resonance spectroscopic findings in two cases of central neurocytomas (CNC) confirmed by immunohistochemistry. Volume localized in vivo proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) was carried out before surgery using a point resolved spectroscopy (PRESS) sequence with a repetition time of six seconds and an echo time of 135 msec. Normal spectrum was obtained from gray matter from a volunteer for comparison. (1)H and (31)P in vitro MRS studies were carried out at 9.4 T on the extracts prepared from the surgically excised tumors. The in vivo spectra showed prominent glycine (Gly) and choline (Cho) and low N-acetyl aspartate compared to the normal. The Gly peak was assigned using the in vitro studies. These studies showed that the major contribution to the Cho peak observed in vivo is from phosphocholine. A combination of the presence of NAA and an increased Gly in the proton MR spectrum could be a characteristic feature of CNCs, which are rare intraventricular tumors of neuronal origin.  相似文献   

In vitro and in vivo evaluation of novel ligands for radioimmunotherapy   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Novel ligands cis-2,6-bis[N,N-bis(carboxymethyl)aminomethyl]-1-piperidineacetic acid (PIP-DTPA), cis-[(1R,11S)-6,9,15-Tris-carboxymethyl-3,6,9,15-tetraazabicyclo[9.3.1]pentadec-3-yl]-acetic acid (PIP-DOTA), cis-{2,7-bis-[bis-carboxymethyl-amino)-methyl]-azepan-1-yl}-acetic acid (AZEP-DTPA), [2-(4,7-bis-carboxymethyl-[1,4,7]triazacyclononan-1-yl-ethyl]-2-carbonylmethyl-amino]-tetraacetic acid (NETA) and [{4-carboxymethyl-7-[2-(carboxymethylamino)-ethyl]-perhydro-1,4,7-triazonin-1-yl}-acetic acid (NPTA) are investigated as potential chelators of 177Lu, 90Y, 212Pb and 213Bi for radioimmunotherapy (RIT). The new ligands are radiolabeled with 177Lu, 86/88/90Y, 203Pb and 205/6Bi, and in vitro stability and in vivo stability of the radiolabeled complexes are assessed in human serum and athymic mice, respectively. In vitro studies indicate that all radiolabeled complexes with the exception of 90Y-AZEP-DTPA are stable in serum for 5-11 days. All new ligands examined herein are found to tightly hold 177Lu in vivo. Piperidine-backboned DTPA (PIP-DTPA) complexes radiolabeled with all radioisotopes examined display excellent in vivo stability, that is, excretion without dissociation. The azepane-backboned DTPA derivative, AZEP-DTPA, appears ineffective in binding all but 177Lu in vivo. NETA and NPTA radiolabeled with 86Y or 177Lu exhibit rapid blood clearance and low organ uptakes. Significant accretion in the kidney, femur and/or liver is observed with 203Pb-labeled AZEP-DTPA, PIP-DOTA and NPTA. Both 203Pb-PIP-DOTA and 205/6Bi-PIP-DOTA result in moderate to high renal accumulation of radioactivity. NETA exhibits improved renal accumulation with respect to PIP-DOTA for 205/6Bi but also shows significant liver uptake. Of all ligands studied, only PIP-DTPA appears to effectively bind 203Pb and 205/6Bi in vivo. PIP-DTPA, PIP-DOTA, NETA and NPTA all show strong evidence of rapid blood clearance and low organ uptake for 177Lu and 90Y. Serum stability and in vivo biodistribution results suggest PIP-DTPA as a potential chelating agent with broad applicability for use in 177Lu, 90Y, 212Pb and 213Bi RIT.  相似文献   

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