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<正>中医"治未病"思想最早见于《内经》,在《金匮要略》中所涉及的范围就有未病先防、欲病早治、既病防变、病盛防危、新愈防复5个方面。所以,医学有2个目标,一是治病,二是防病。从根本意义上讲,医学应该是关于"健康"的学问,而不是关于"疾病"的学问。故而医学关注方向也从"已病人群"的"疾病医学"逐渐向‘"未病人群"的"健康医学"扩展,对疾病的策略从"有病求医"向"预防为主"转变,与中医的"治未病"相一致。中医学的"治未病"思想,对亚健康的中医健康教育,提供了丰富的素材和方式方法。随着生活水平的提高,人们越来越关注健康和亚健康,《黄帝内经》提出"治未病"的预防思  相似文献   

衰老是机体水平自发的一种必然过程,也是疾病发生发展的常见危险因素.理解衰老的分子机制和发展过程是十分必要的,随着时间的推移,生物体内适应性的降低,衰老特征与不良的代谢变化有关,这表明存在控制衰老的"代谢时钟".代谢组学可以很好地展示潜在的生物标志物及代谢途径的变化.通过阐述衰老的分子机制以及基于代谢组学的中药抗衰老研究...  相似文献   

血管衰老是各种衰老相关疾病发生、发展的结构基础,也是“胖-糖-衰”疾病链进展的关键环节。由于机体和血管衰老的不可逆性,故从“胖”和“糖”阶段进行早期防治,可以有效预防和延缓血管衰老的发生。本文系统总结血管衰老与各种衰老相关疾病的关系,从氧化应激、慢性炎症、能量代谢失常等方面阐述肥胖、糖尿病与血管衰老的共同发病机制,提倡发挥“治未病”理论优势,注重“胖-糖-衰”疾病链的综合调控管理策略,以期取得更好的防治效果。  相似文献   

近年来,人类衰老和长寿保健成为举世瞩目而关心的问题。探明衰老本质及寻求高效抗衰老药品也就成为老年医学的研究目标。随着科学技术的发展,对衰老过程的认识逐渐深入,衰老学说不断升华更新,同时推动着抗衰老药物的研究和开发。当今研究的趋势不再是单学科孤立的研究,而是跨学科的全面研究。研究的重点也转移到细胞及亚细胞或分子水平。即从形态、功能和代谢等多方位检测衰老变化和老年的发病疾病规律;通过动物和人体实验,从整体、组织、细胞及分子水平上探索及评价抗衰老药物的作用机理及效  相似文献   

随着全球人口老龄化趋势加重,衰老相关疾病发病率日益增高,衰老相关问题日益受到广泛重视。免疫系统是人体最重要的防御系统—,在衰老过程中免疫系统会逐渐出现变化。如何通过免疫调控的方式,延缓衰老引起的病理变化,降低衰老相关疾病的发病率,是生命科学领域中正在深入研究的课题。文章从T细胞发育、免疫衰老及炎性衰老3方面系统地阐述衰老对免疫系统的影响。通过表观遗传调控、工程免疫细胞CAR-T细胞的应用、清除衰老T细胞、线粒体功能调节、衰老通路调节及胸腺移植6个方面为免疫系统对衰老进程的干预机制提供理论支持,从炎性衰老对心、肺等重要组织器官的影响阐释炎性衰老对机体的作用机制,探讨免疫系统与衰老关系研究的新进展,提出增强老年人免疫功能及生活质量的新观念。  相似文献   

核酸与抗衰老   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杨文秀  李恕 《沈阳医学院学报》2000,2(3):174-176,186
健康长寿是所有老年人孜孜以求的愿望。随着年龄增长 ,机体细胞逐渐趋向衰老。衰老就是细胞老化的结果 ,老化细胞无法进行分裂 ,也失去免疫力和抵抗力 ,一旦细菌侵入 ,很容易占领 ,引起疾病。所以说衰老本身就是病 ,防病必须首先防衰老。目前 ,随着科学技术的迅速发展 ,已经发现延缓人类细胞老化的方法 ,即通过口服核酸 ,补充基因物质基础 ,为老化细胞注入新的活力 ,这也是分子基因学领域一项具有划时代意义的成果 ,它将为延缓衰老和现代医学治疗带来新的希望[1 ] 。1 人类衰老的原因衰老是生物在生命过程中整个机体的形态、结构和功能逐渐…  相似文献   

白娟  禄保平 《中医学报》2016,(6):818-821
情志理论是中医药理论的瑰宝之一,以其指导临床,与"治未病"紧密结合,在"未病先防""欲病救萌""已病早治""既病防变"和"病愈防复"各个阶段都能体现出其效力,能够指导治未病理论更好地为健康服务。中医学"治未病"理论以人类身心健康为目标,对个体健康状态全面系统管理,它要求人们在健康和疾病的不同阶段和层次上预先采取有效措施,防止疾病的发生、发展、传变和复发,全方位、全过程维护人的心身健康。概言之,"治未病"就是追求机体趋向于阴平阳秘的健康状态,这种健康状态不止是机体方面,也包括心理方面。  相似文献   

从肺、大肠脏象学说,肺、大肠易发疾病的病因病机,"治未病"理念及健康保障服务等方面,详细阐述了"治未病"理论在肺与大肠易发疾病防治中的应用。  相似文献   

长链非编码RNA (LncRNA)是一类长度超过200个核苷酸的非编码RNA,可在转录、转录后及翻译水平等多个层面调节基因表达,其功能失调与包括神经系统疾病在内的许多疾病的病理过程密切相关。细胞自噬是一种存在于真核细胞内主要依赖溶酶体的降解途径,在细胞的生长发育、衰老以及细胞内环境稳态的维持过程中发挥重要作用。近年来研究证实,LncRNA在神经系统疾病的发生和发展过程中起到重要作用,同时LncRNA调控细胞自噬也是研究的热点问题,但具体的调控机制尚未见详细综述。本文综述了LncRNA在细胞自噬中的调控分子机制及其在神经系统疾病中的相关研究进展,旨在为深入研究神经系统疾病的发病机制及药物治疗策略提供理论和实验依据。  相似文献   

帕金森病(PD)是一种常见的中老年神经系统变性疾病,中医临床诊疗多局限于脏腑辨治、八纲辨治,忽视了疾病形神并病的本质特征和该病精神心理层面的焦虑、抑郁、睡眠障碍、认知功能下降等非运动症状。五神是人类精神思维活动的本源所在,表征人类内在的本能,具有潜在性。五神理论从神、魂、魄、意、志五种基本要素的紊乱状态阐释疾病发生的根源,是中医认识躯体行为和精神心理活动的理论基础。基于五神理论辨治PD的非运动症状,要在充分理解五神理论内涵的基础上,从五神要素入手,结合其病因病机,阐明五神紊乱的致病机制,从病机层面评定疾病并确定治疗靶点,指导临床辨证用药,开辟从"五神"研究PD非运动症状的临床诊疗新方向。  相似文献   

慢性筋骨疾病是中老年人常见疾病.随着我国人口老龄化趋势不断加剧以及慢性劳损的普遍存在,慢性筋骨疾病已成为影响中老年人群健康及生活质量的重要因素,有效地防治慢性筋骨疾病成为重大的公共卫生学问题.提炼慢性筋骨疾病共同的发病特点,阐述其相似的发病机制,有助于发挥中医药对其的防治作用.虚、瘀、毒是筋骨退变的重要病理基础,防治的...  相似文献   

New interventions into the aging process have already prolonged the life span of nematodes, fruit flies, mice, and most recently even of primates. What has been successful in laboratory animals may be applied to human aging in the long run as well. At the same time, the almost universal trend of population aging raises concerns that health care costs will rise significantly and that this trend will threaten universal and equal access to health-related services. Therefore, it is crucial to assess the potential impact of new age-related biomedical interventions on health care systems in order to predict who will have access to these interventions and how this will affect existing health inequities in old age. This would at first require data on the cost-effectiveness of new age-related interventions. However, such data are not yet available. Nevertheless, a discussion on the potential impact of this technological development in such an early stage has one big advantage: possible undesirable outcomes may still be prevented by timely regulatory action. Therefore, instead of trying to answer the question of the possible consequences for publicly and privately financed health care based on data concerning cost-effectiveness, we will try to anticipate which groups will presumably have access to these interventions into the aging process. We will also suggest a social justice framework to evaluate unequal access, based on a conception of health-related equality of opportunity. As a starting point for this projection, we will compare different biodemographic scenarios. According to our analysis, access to age-related interventions will be limited to certain population groups and this will further increase already existing health inequities among the elderly, which should be avoided from a social justice perspective. We suggest that the most promising strategy to prevent such a development would be to set priorities in publicly funded age-related research. An analysis of the development of NIA-funding and the current NIA strategy will examine to which extent starting points for such an ethically justified priority setting already exist and how it could basically be conceived.  相似文献   

One critical issue facing medical science concerns the aging population. The number of individuals 65 years and older has increased during the past decade and likely will double by the year 2030, when the elderly will represent nearly 20% of the total population. This dramatic increase has numerous ramifications; health care is of utmost importance. Inherent in meeting the medical needs of these individuals is a fundamental understanding of the effects of aging on the functional integrity of numerous organ systems. In recognition of this problem, the Department of Pharmacology and Therapeutics at the University of South Florida College of Medicine has initiated a major effort focused on age-related research. The objectives are to elucidate fundamental biochemical, physiological, and pharmacological alterations that occur as a consequence of normal aging and to investigate the role of these perturbations on the manifestations of disease. Information gained from such studies will provide a rational approach in developing therapeutic strategies for the treatment of diseases affecting older citizens. This article presents a brief overview of four areas of research currently being pursued. These include aging and brain function, age-related alterations in drug metabolism, aging and smooth muscle function, and the effects of aging on the immune system.  相似文献   

Although much progress has been achieved in aging research using lower animals, especially yeast and C. elegans, aging in humans remains puzzling. Here I offer my hypothesis of host defense against age-promoting stimuli, which holds that the cell itself has a defense system and multi-organism, an even more sophisticated one against age-promoting stimuli. Here I review recent achievements in aging research and try to explain their findings in the light of my hypothesis. Age-promoting stimuli, including reactive oxygen species, telomere shortening or external stimuli such as UV or radiation induce stress responses in cells. The cellular defense system operates to overcome stimuli or repair damaged cellular components. Stress-induced damaged cells or infectious stimuli activate systemic defense systems, especially the innate immune system. Macrophages in the innate immune system are especially active not only in clearing damaged cells and repairing damaged tissue, but unfortunately, also in inducing age-related diseases.  相似文献   

人类随着年龄的增加,心脏功能逐渐减退,作为主要致死病因的心脏疾病随年龄增加而大幅升高。在老龄化人口不断上涨的今天,深入地了解遗传因素和调节因子在心脏衰老过程中所扮演的角色显得尤为必要。果蝇的心脏像人类一样随着年龄而功能减退,为了更好的利用果蝇心脏模型研究心脏衰老的遗传学机制,为老年性心脏病基于分子靶向的诊断和治疗提供更准确的证据,我们从比较医学的角度总结了果蝇在心脏衰老过程中的特征,特别是遗传因素对其的影响,涉及离子交换、营养敏感和收缩功能相关的基因。这些研究成果将为心脏衰老相关疾病的分子靶向诊断和靶向药物治疗提供理论依据,促进心血管疾病精准医疗的快速发展。  相似文献   

肌少症是一种与衰老相关的疾病,是由于蛋白质合成和降解的失衡,导致骨骼肌质量和力量显著降低。在衰老过程中骨骼肌的流失是不可避免的,会对老年人的生活质量造成重大影响,也可增加老年人患其他衰老相关疾病的风险。然而,与衰老相关骨骼肌流失的潜在分子机制仍不清楚。自噬是衰老过程中清除功能障碍细胞器和受损大分子的降解途径。线粒体在骨骼肌功能中也发挥关键作用。为了维持骨骼肌质量需要关注自噬过程,并通过自噬或其他方式改善线粒体的稳态。本文总结了自噬和线粒体的质量控制在肌少症中的研究进展,以期为探讨新的治疗方案提供参考。  相似文献   

衰老以及与衰老相关的疾病是当今社会日趋严重的医学问题和社会问题。秀丽隐杆线虫是一种很好的衰老模式生物,具有寿命短、世代周期短、易于培养与观察等特点。中医药抗衰老有明确疗效,多种中药提取物及中药复方可基于秀丽隐杆线虫模型,调控衰老基因、调节氧化应激水平、抑制Aβ1-42沉积等方面抗衰老及治疗衰老相关疾病。  相似文献   

摘 要:线粒体是三羧酸循环的主要场所,几乎是所有真核细胞的能量供应站。衰 老伴随着线粒体功能的丧失和损伤线粒体的累积。线粒体自噬是细胞清除衰老损伤线 粒体的主要机制。细胞内的线粒体自噬不足,损伤线粒体的累积可以作为细胞衰老的 标志物。因此,研究线粒体自噬的机制、调控途径以及寻找干预线粒体自噬的策略,对于延缓衰老具有重要意义。该文阐 述了线粒体自噬与衰老相关的分子调控网络以及干预线粒体自噬延缓衰老的策略及研究方向,旨在推进靶向线粒体自 噬治疗衰老相关疾病的发展。  相似文献   

[目的]观察不同胃溃疡模型大鼠是否存在各自特殊的证候,以及同病异证和异病同证。[方法]采用应激法(水浸拘束)、消炎痛法、利血平法、乙醇法等4种常用不同方法建立大鼠胃溃疡疾病模型,并设置空白及禁食对照,运用我们业已建立的大小鼠标准化、计量化的四诊检测和辨证方法,对以上各模型进行了客观、动态、量化的检测和证候评价。[结果](1)不同造模方法大鼠存在特殊证候,例如水浸拘束模型气血阴阳损伤程度轻,恢复快;消炎痛模型有典型的胃寒证、气阴阳虚证复合证表现等。(2)在同病异证方面,同一大鼠,疾病的不同阶段存在证候的演变,且同一疾病,不同大鼠存在显著的证候差异。如乙醇造模后第2天,不同大鼠分别表现为阴虚、阳虚,气虚及阴阳两虚证等。(3)在异病同证方面,不同疾病大鼠在相同阶段可以出现类似的证候表现,且不同疾病模型在不同阶段出现类似的证候表现,如消炎痛、利血平等不同疾病大鼠可以出现相似的胃寒证、气虚及阴阳两虚证表现。[结论]不同胃溃疡模型大鼠存在各自的证候特点,及"同病异证、异病同证"的现象。可以推测,实施"同病异治"和"异病同治"将有助于提高疗效。  相似文献   

Werner's Syndrome (WS) or adult-onset progeria is an autosomal recessive disorder of accelerated aging caused by mutations of the DNA RecQ helicase/exonuclease (WRN). WRN is an ATP-dependent helicase with 3' to 5' DNA exonuclease activity that regulates the replicative potential of dividing cells, and WRN loss-of-function mutations promote cellular senescence and neoplastic transformation. These molecular findings translate clinically into adult-onset progeria manifested by premature hair graying, dermal atrophy, cardiovascular disease, and cancer predilection along with a markedly reduced life expectancy. Recently, a patient with WS who developed pancreatic adenocarcinoma was identified in Honolulu suggesting a significant prevalence of loss-of-function WRN mutations in Hawaii's Japanese-American population. Based upon the indigenous Japanese WRN loss-of-function mutation heterozygote rate of 6 per 1,000, we speculate the possibility of approximately 1,200 heterozygotes in Hawaii. Our ongoing studies aim to evaluate Hawaii's true allelic prevalence of WRN loss-of-function mutations in the Japanese-American population, and the role of WRN silencing in sporadic cancers. In summary, WRN plays a nexus-like role in the complex interplay of cellular events that regulate aging, and analysis of WRN polymorphisms in Hawaii's population will generate novel insights to advance care for age-related pathologies.  相似文献   

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