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BACKGROUND: Non-cardiac chest pain assessed by cardiologists in their outpatient clinics or by coronary angiography usually has a poor symptomatic functional and psychological outcome. Randomised trials have shown the effectiveness of specialist psychological treatment with those who have persistent symptoms, but such treatment is not always acceptable to patients and may not be feasible in routine clinical settings. OBJECTIVES: To describe a sample of patients referred to cardiac outpatient clinics from primary care in a single health district who were consecutively reassured by cardiologists that there was not a cardiac cause for their presenting symptom of chest pain. DESIGN: Systematic recording of referral and medical information of patients consecutively reassured by cardiologists. Reassessment in research clinic six weeks later (with a view to inclusion in a randomised trial of psychological treatment, which has been separately reported) and followed up at six months. SETTING: A cardiac clinic in a teaching hospital providing a district service to patients referred from primary care. PATIENTS: 133 patients from the Oxfordshire district presenting with chest pain and consecutively reassured that there was no cardiac cause during the recruitment period; 69 had normal coronary angiograms and 64 were reassured without angiography. INTERVENTION: A subgroup (n = 56) with persistent disabling chest pain at six weeks were invited to take part in a randomised controlled trial of cognitive behavioural treatment. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Standardised interview and self report measures of chest pain, other physical symptoms, mood and anxiety, everyday activities, and beliefs about the cause of symptoms at six week assessment; repeat of self report measures at six months. RESULTS: Patients had a good outcome at six weeks, but most had persistent, clinically significant symptoms and distress. Some found the six week assessment and discussion useful. The psychological treatment was helpful to most of those recruited to the treatment trial, but a minority (15%) of those treated appeared to need more intensive and individual collaborative management. Patients reassured following angiography were compared with those reassured without invasive investigation. They had longer histories of chest pain, more often reported breathlessness on exertion, and were more likely to have previously been diagnosed as having angina, treated with antianginal medication, and admitted to hospital as emergencies. CONCLUSION: These findings suggest a need for "stepped" aftercare, with management tailored according to clinical need. This may range from simple reassurance and explanation in the cardiac clinic to more intensive individual psychological treatment of associated underlying and often enduring psychological problems. Simple ways in which the cardiologist might improve care to patients with non-cardiac chest pain are suggested, and the need for access to specialist psychological treatment discussed.  相似文献   

This paper makes the case that the widely used evidence‐based ‘CBT’ approaches remain unsuccessful in many eating disorder patients. Six critical ‘personal reflections’ are formulated on why many patients remain totally resistant toward our therapeutic endeavours. My reflections suggest that probably many roads may lead to Rome. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and Eating Disorders Association.  相似文献   

Obesity is a leading global epidemic. Bariatric surgery is the only treatment demonstrating substantial long‐term weight loss and medical benefits. However, there is limited research on the psychological outcomes following surgery. Therefore, the primary aim of this study was to systematically review depression, anxiety, and binge eating outcomes at different time points following bariatric surgery and identify whether bariatric surgery significantly reduces psychological symptoms over time. These outcomes were also examined among endoscopic bariatric procedures as a secondary aim. Forty‐eight studies met inclusion criteria. Findings suggested that most patients experience a short‐term reduction in anxiety and depression symptoms from pre‐surgery. Over time, however, these symptoms increase and may even return to pre‐surgery levels. Furthermore, while binge eating was uncommon after surgery, other disordered eating patterns may emerge. Binge eating may also restart over time as the stomach enlarges again. Overall, the complex psychological difficulties faced by individuals with obesity continue after surgery and may contribute to longer‐term weight recidivism. More comprehensive and standardised psychological assessment procedures, including clinical interviews and longer‐term follow‐up, may provide insight into the psychological mechanisms maintaining weight management issues, and may serve as a starting point for improving the long‐term success of patients with obesity.  相似文献   

Although prevention is clearly a logical first step in the management of the obese Type 2 diabetic patient, such programmes have had little long-term success. Diet, exercise and behavioural modification still form the cornerstones of treatment and relatively small weight loss results in improvement of all major obesity-related co-morbidities, including Type 2 diabetes. The obese diabetic patient faces extra impediments to weight loss, including the adverse effects of diabetic medication, poor glycaemic control and diabetes-related complications. New drugs may offer some additional help, in general by providing the benefit associated with the weight loss as such. Bariatric surgery can produce major long-term weight loss in the severely obese.  相似文献   

This study was designed to identify clinical variables and personality factors that could predict the completion or non‐completion of a day treatment group programme for patients with eating disorders. Patients (n = 125) were subdivided into those who had completed a 4‐month day treatment programme (n = 106) and those who had dropped out (n = 19). All the patients had been assessed with regard to eating psychopathology, general psychopathology and personality features at the beginning of the programme. At presentation, 50.4 per cent fulfilled DSM‐IV criteria for anorexia nervosa, 39.2 per cent for bulimia nervosa and 10.4 per cent for an eating disorder not otherwise specified. Non‐completion of therapy was associated with more severe bulimic symptoms, high levels of aggression and extraversion and low levels of inhibitedness. Assessment of these characteristics could be used to improve the therapy programme and to help those patients at increased risk of dropping out. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and Eating Disorders Association.  相似文献   



Our understanding of the psychological impact of living with pulmonary hypertension (PH) is growing, particularly for how anxiety and depression present in this group. There is evidence for the use of psychological interventions in other chronic lung conditions; however, trials focusing on adults with PH have yet to be subject to a systematic review.


We systematically searched four databases for evidence examining the effectiveness of psychological interventions for adults with PH. A narrative approach has been used to present findings.


Overall, 186 unique articles were identified of which four were suitable. Data was gathered from 143 individuals. Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), metacognitive therapy (MCT) or counselling were investigated. All three studies reported a significant reduction in anxiety and depression, and some secondary outcomes were also associated with change.


The evidence supporting the use of psychological therapies for adults with PH is promising, although limited. There is an urgent need for more research in this area to better understand how we can support this clinical group.  相似文献   

This study compared treatment outcomes between men and women with eating disorders (EDs) and analysed clinical predictors of treatment outcome. Our sample consisted of 131 male and 131 female ED patients who underwent cognitive behavioural therapy treatment. ED severity, personality and psychopathology were assessed using standard instruments. We found that the risk of dropout was higher for men with bulimia nervosa (BN) than for women with BN and that men with BN and other specified feeding and EDs were more likely to obtain full remission in comparison with their female counterparts. Predictive models of treatment outcome indicated that higher scores in novelty seeking were a shared factor associated with higher risk of dropout and not obtaining full remission for both men and women with ED. However, only in men, younger age and lower scores in reward dependence predicted higher dropout. Contrastingly, higher persistence scores were predictors of full remission. This study reinforces the effectiveness of using outpatient cognitive behavioural therapy as treatment as usual for men with ED. Nonetheless, placing greater emphasis on strategies targeting gender‐specific issues could enhance outcomes. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and Eating Disorders Association.  相似文献   

Despite recent advances in the treatment of anorexia nervosa, some individuals will progress to a severe and enduring illness, with associated physical, psychological and social consequences. Working with these patients, however, may leave clinicians feeling overwhelmed, risking difficulties in the therapeutic relationship including disengagement or despair. Cognitive behaviour therapy has shown some promise in the treatment of eating disorders, yet some features may not be appropriate for this group. In this paper, we outline the ways in which we have adapted cognitive behaviour therapy to best meet the complex and challenging needs of this group. We stress the importance of maintaining a reassuring, accepting and motivational approach in combination with clear goal setting and boundaries.  相似文献   

Emotion regulation (ER) difficulties are observed in eating disorders (EDs). However, few studies have explored ER before and after treatment. The aims are as follows: to explore ER difficulties across ED types and a healthy control (HC) group (Study 1) and to assess pretreatment and post‐treatment changes among ED types (Study 2). In Study 1, adult women with EDs (n = 438) and HC (n = 126) completed an assessment including Eating Disorders Inventory‐2, Difficulties in Emotion Regulation Scale and Symptom Checklist‐90‐Revised. Patients in Study 2 (n = 69) were also reassessed after treatment. All ED types reported worse ER compared with HC (p < .001); also, ER differences were found between ED types. Prospective analyses show ER improvements after treatment (p < .001; |d| = 0.51), especially in patients with bulimia nervosa (p < .001; |d| = 1.03; Reliable Change Index = 9.79) with greater improvement in those with a better treatment outcome (p = .034). In conclusion, emotion dysregulation is a part of all forms of EDs. Furthermore, emotional dysregulation can be modified. ED treatments for anorexia nervosa and binge eating disorder might be enhanced by targeting ER skills. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and Eating Disorders Association.  相似文献   

The purpose of this pilot study was to test whether self‐monitoring in CBT could be enhanced in order to improve the identification of proximal antecedents of binge eating in binge eating disorder (BED). CBT was modified by asking participants to monitor all eating intensively through ecological momentary assessment (EMA). A total of 41 females (mean BMI = 37.9; SD = 8.2) meeting DSM‐IV criteria for BED were randomly assigned to one of two group treatments; CBT (n = 22) or CBT with EMA (n = 19). CBT with EMA differed from CBT in that for the first 2 weeks of treatment, participants completed detailed pocket diaries about mood, events, etc., when signalled at random by programmable wristwatches, as well as at all times when eating. All participants completed measures of eating (EDE‐Q, TFEQ, EES) and general psychopathology (BDI, RSE) before treatment, at the end of treatment, and at 1‐year follow‐up. While both treatment groups showed improvement on the outcome variables of interest, the individual data gained via EMA did not significantly enhance standard CBT. Therefore, it is unlikely that further research incorporating EMA as a therapeutic technique within CBT for BED will be compelling. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and Eating Disorders Association.  相似文献   

Access to bariatric surgery is limited, and the factors related to undergoing or not undergoing the procedure are poorly understood.  相似文献   

The International Diabetes Federation (IDF) and the American Diabetes Association (ADA) have introduced specific criteria to define the ‘optimization’ of the metabolic state and glycaemic ‘remission’ of type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) after bariatric surgery, respectively. Our objective was to assess the percentage of patients achieving these criteria. Data were collected for body mass index, glycaemic markers, lipids, blood pressure, hypoglycaemia and medication usage from 396 morbidly obese T2DM patients who underwent bariatric surgery in two centres and followed up for 2 years. At year 1, 14% of patients achieved the IDF criteria and 38% the ADA criteria, whereas at 2 years 8 and 9% satisfied these criteria, respectively. A relatively low proportion of patients achieved optimization of the metabolic state and T2DM remission. These patients may potentially benefit from the combination of bariatric surgery and adjuvant medical therapy to achieve optimal metabolic outcomes.  相似文献   

The management of childhood obesity is a clinical dilemma. Paediatricians will see those children whose weight is at the severe end of the spectrum with obesity-related co-morbidities and for whom more intensive weight loss therapies may be appropriate. A literature review was performed (January 1995-January 2010) of the roles of pharmacotherapy or bariatric surgery in the management of childhood obesity. Three hundred and eighty-three abstracts were reviewed and 76 full-text articles were requested. Of these, 34 were excluded and a total of 21 pharmacotherapy papers and 22 papers on surgery were reviewed in detail. All studies involved adolescents. Pharmacotherapy: Most studies were small and of short duration, the notable exceptions being two large RCTs of sibutramine and orlistat. Sibutramine led to a mean estimated change in BMI from baseline of -3.1 kg/m(2) vs. -0.3 kg/m(2) for placebo over 12 months. Orlistat was also beneficial with a mean reduction in BMI of 0.55 vs. an increase of 0.31 kg/m(2) in the placebo group at 12 months. Bariatric surgery: Most papers presented clinical observations and there were no randomised controlled trials (RCTs). Robust selection criteria were not used and ideal candidate selection remains unclear. Most papers showed a significant benefit of surgery in severely obese adolescents in the short term but long-term data were sparse. There were a surprisingly large number of papers examining the benefits of intensive weight management in obese adolescents. The study design of many was inadequate and the role of pharmacotherapy or surgery in childhood obesity remains unclear.  相似文献   

This study aimed to explore the empirical trajectories of body mass index (BMI) 1 year following bariatric surgery (BS) and to identify the risk factors for each trajectory. The study included 115 patients with severe obesity who underwent BS. Assessment included metabolic variables, psychopathological and personality measures. Growth mixture modelling identified four separated trajectories for the percentage of total weight loss course shape (namely, T1 ‘good‐fast’, T2 ‘good’, T3 ‘low’ and T4 ‘low‐slow’). After adjusting for BS subtype and metabolic baseline state, T1 and T2 registered less eating and general psychopathology. T1 was characterized by the lowest scores in novelty seeking and self‐transcendence, whereas T4 was defined by the highest scores in novelty seeking and the lowest scores in persistence. Our findings suggest that psychological state prior to BS is predictive of BMI trajectories during the 12 months following BS. These results could be useful in developing more efficient interventions for these patients. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and Eating Disorders Association.  相似文献   

mHealth tools may be a feasible modality for delivering evidence‐based treatments and principles (EBPs), and may enhance treatment for eating disorders (EDs). However, research on the efficacy of mHealth tools for EDs and the extent to which they include EBPs is lacking. The current study sought to (i) review existing apps for EDs, (ii) determine the extent to which available treatment apps utilize EBPs, and (iii) assess the degree to which existing smartphone apps utilize recent advances in smartphone technology. Overall, existing ED intervention apps contained minimal EBPs and failed to incorporate smartphone capabilities. For smartphone apps to be a feasible and effective ED treatment modality, it may be useful for creators to begin taking utilizing the abilities that set smartphones apart from in‐person treatment while incorporating EBPs. Before mHealth tools are incorporated into treatments for EDs, it is necessary that the feasibility, acceptability, and efficacy be evaluated. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and Eating Disorders Association.  相似文献   

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