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Hyperbaric oxygen (HBO) therapy has been used as an adjunctive therapy for diabetic foot ulcers, although its mechanism of action is not completely understood. Recently, it has been shown that HBO mobilizes the endothelial progenitor cells (EPCs) from bone marrow that eventually will aggregate in the wound. However, the gathering of the EPCs in diabetic wounds is impaired because of the decreased levels of local stromal‐derived factor‐1α (SDF‐1α). Therefore, we investigated the influence of HBO on hypoxia‐inducible factor 1 (HIF‐1), which is a central regulator of SDF‐1α and is down‐regulated in diabetic wounds. The effects of HBO on HIF‐1α function were studied in human dermal fibroblasts, SKRC7 cells, and HIF‐1α knock‐out and wild‐type mouse embryonic fibroblasts using appropriate techniques (Western blot, quantitative polymerase chain reaction, and luciferase hypoxia‐responsive element reporter assay). Cellular proliferation was assessed using H3‐thymidine incorporation assay. The effect of HIF in combination with HBOT was tested by inoculating stable HIF‐1α‐expressing adenovirus (Adv‐HIF) into experimental wounds in db/db mice exposed to HBO. HBO activates HIF‐1α at several levels by increasing both HIF‐1α stability (by a non‐canonical mechanism) and activity (as shown both by induction of relevant target genes and by a specific reporter assay). HIF‐1α induction has important biological relevance because the induction of fibroblast proliferation in HBO disappears when HIF‐1α is knocked down. Moreover, the local transfer of stable HIF‐1α‐expressing adenovirus (Adv‐HIF) into experimental wounds in diabetic (db/db mice) animals has an additive effect on HBO‐mediated improvements in wound healing. In conclusion, HBO stabilizes and activates HIF‐1, which contributes to increased cellular proliferation. In diabetic animals, the local transfer of active HIF further improves the effects of HBO on wound healing.  相似文献   

Nerve growth factor accelerates wound healing in diabetic mice.   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Patients with diabetic neuropathy have reduced numbers of cutaneous nerves, which may contribute to an increased incidence of nonhealing wounds. Nerve growth factor (NGF) has been reported to augment wound closure. We hypothesized that topical 2.5S NGF, a biologically active subunit of the NGF polymer, would accelerate wound repair, augment nerve regeneration, and increase inflammation in excisional wounds in diabetic mice. A full-thickness 6-mm punch biopsy wound was created on the dorsum of C57BL/6J-m+ Leprdb mice (db/db) and heterozygous (db/-) littermates and treated daily with normal saline or 2.5S NGF (1 microg/day or 10 microg/day) on post-injury days 0-6. Time to closure, wound epithelialization, and degree of inflammation were compared using a Student's t-test. Color subtractive-computer-assisted image analysis was used to quantify immunolocalized nerves in wounds. Non-overlapping (20x) digital images of the wound were analyzed for nerve profile counts, area density (number of protein gene product 9.5 positive profiles per unit dermal area) and area fraction (protein gene product 9.5 positive area per unit dermal area). Healing times in db/db mice decreased from 30 days in normal saline-treated mice to 26 days in mice treated with 1 microg/day NGF (p<0.05) and 24 days in mice treated with 10 microg/day NGF (p<0.02). A similar trend in db/- mice was not significant. NGF treatment augmented epithelialization in the db/db mice (p<0.05). Histological evaluation of inflammation in healed wounds showed no statistical difference between treatment groups. Total nerve number, area density, and area fraction were increased in NGF-treated wounds at 14, 21, and 35 days (p<0.05). The 2.5 NGF subunit may improve wound closure kinetics by promoting epithelialization and nerve regeneration. Further studies to determine the role of nerves in wound repair are warranted.  相似文献   

Endothelial progenitor cells (EPCs) are the key cellular effectors of postnatal vasculogenesis and play a central role in wound healing. In diabetes, there is a significant impairment in the number and function of circulating and wound-tissue EPC. Recent evidence indicates, that tissue-level hyperoxia achieved by therapeutic hyperbaric oxygen protocols (HBO2) can increase the mobilization of EPC from the bone marrow into peripheral blood. In this paper we review the recent reports on hyperoxia-mediated mobilization of bone marrow-derived EPC and postulate avenues of future research in this area as it applies to improving healing in chronic wounds affected by diabetes and peripheral arterial disease (PAD).  相似文献   

In the present study, a poly‐herbal formulation (PHF) was prepared by combining the aqueous lyophilized leaf extracts of Hippophae rhamnoides L. and Aloe vera L. and the ethanol rhizome extract of Curcuma longa L., in an optimized ratio (1 : 7 : 1). The efficacy of PHF treatment was studied in normal and impaired diabetic rats using a full‐thickness cutaneous wound model. Topical PHF treatment increased cellular proliferation and collagen synthesis at the wound site in normal rats, as evidenced by the significant increase in DNA, total protein, hydroxyproline, and hexosamine contents in comparison with a positive control treated with a povidone–iodine ointment. The histological examinations and matrix metalloproteinases expression also correlated well with the biochemical findings, confirming the efficacy of PHF in normal wounds. In the streptozotocin‐induced diabetic rats, PHF treatment increased hydroxyproline and hexosamine content. A faster wound contraction was also observed in PHF‐treated normal and diabetic rats. The PHF also promoted angiogenesis as evidenced by an in vitro chick chorioallantoic membrane model and in vivo up‐regulated vascular endothelial growth factor expression. The results suggest that PHF possesses significant wound healing potential in both normal as well as chronic diabetic wounds.  相似文献   

The effects of acupuncture on healing of deep second degree burns were compared to the conventional hydrocolloid dressing, Duoderm in mice. The expression level of inflammatory protein-1α (MIP-1α) was significantly reduced in the injured skin and the number of eosinophils in blood decreased significantly following the acupuncture treatment compared to the Duoderm dressing at 7 days after the burn. In addition, the acupuncture treatment was more effective in decreasing the wound size and inducing epidermal regeneration. Histological findings also revealed that there was less leukocyte infiltration and a greater reduction in the immunohistochemical reaction to MIP-2 in the wounds treated with acupuncture versus Duoderm. Furthermore, the numbers of BrdU- and basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF)-positive cells were significantly increased by the acupuncture treatment, compared to the Duoderm treatment at 7 days. Moreover, in the acupuncture treated mice, the expression of fibronectin was increased and α-SMA was decreased at 7 days. Thus, this present study demonstrates that acupuncture accelerates the skin regeneration process following deep second degree burns.  相似文献   

Laser photostimulation accelerates wound healing in diabetic rats   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
In this study, we examined the hypothesis that laser photostimulation can facilitate healing of impaired wounds in experimental diabetes using a rat model. Diabetes was induced in male rats by streptozotocin injection and two 6 mm diameter circular wounds were created on either side of the spine. The left wound of each animal was treated with a 632.8 nm He:Ne laser at a dose of 1.0 J/cm2 for five days a week until the wounds closed (three weeks). Measurements of the biomechanical properties of the laser-treated wounds indicated there was a marginal increase in maximum load (16%), stress (16%), strain (27%), energy absorption (47%) and toughness (84%) compared to control wounds of diabetic rats. Biochemical assays revealed that the amount of total collagen was significantly increased in laser treated wounds (274 +/- 8.7 microg) over the control wounds (230 +/- 8.4 microg). Sequential extractions of collagen from healing wounds showed that laser treated wounds had significantly greater concentrations of neutral salt soluble (15%) and insoluble collagen (16%) than control wounds, suggesting accelerated collagen production in laser treated wounds. There was an appreciable decrease in pepsin soluble collagen (19%) in laser treated wounds over control wounds, indicating higher resistance to proteolytic digestion. In conclusion, the biomechanical and biochemical results collectively suggest that laser photostimulation promotes the tissue repair process by accelerating collagen production and promoting overall connective tissue stability in healing wounds of diabetic rats.  相似文献   

Effects of liposome‐encapsulated hemoglobin with high O2 affinity (m‐LEH, P50O2 = 17 mm Hg) on skin wound healing in mice were examined. Two full‐thickness dorsal wounds 6 mm in diameter encompassed by silicone stents were created in Balb/c mice. Two days later (day 2), the animals randomly received intravenous m‐LEH (2 mL/kg, n = 12), homologous blood transfusion (red blood cell [RBC], n = 11), or saline (n = 12). The same treatment was repeated 4 days after wounding (day 4), and the sizes of the skin defects and ulcers were monitored on days 0, 2, 4, and 7, when all animals were euthanized for morphological studies. While the size of the skin defect in relation to the stent ring remained the same in all groups, the size of the ulcer compared with the skin defect (or silicone stent) became significantly reduced on days 4 and 7 in mice treated with m‐LEH (46 ± 10% of pretreatment size, P < 0.01) compared with mice treated with RBC transfusion (73 ± 6%) or saline (76 ± 7%). m‐LEH treatment significantly accelerated granulation, increased epithelial thickness, suppressed early granulocyte infiltration, and increased Ki67 expression in accordance with the ulcer size reduction, while there was no difference in surface blood flow or CD31 expression among the groups. The results suggest that m‐LEH (2 mL/kg) may accelerate skin wound healing in Balb/c mice via mechanism(s) involving reduced inflammation and increased metabolism, but not by improved hemodynamics or endothelial regeneration.  相似文献   

The true etiology of non-healing, chronic wounds remains elusive. One common denominator, whether the wounds are due to pressure, diabetes, or arterial insufficiency is localized tissue ischemia in the wound bed. Angiogenesis is an important process in tissue growth and development and therefore plays an integral role in wound healing. This study was designed to test the hypothesis that hyperbaric oxygen (HBO) will promote angiogenesis and therefore improve healing in a rat model of tissue ischemia. A rat model of tissue ischemia was used in which excisional wounds were centered on a 2.0 cm dorsal bipedicle skin flap with an intervening silicone sheet. In previous studies we have shown that the tissue remains ischemic up to 14 days, wound healing and tensile strength are impaired and lactate is elevated. After flap creation, 60 rats were divided into treatment and control groups, with the treatment group receiving daily HBO at 2.4 atm for 90 minutes. Wound surface area tracing and excision of the wound beds was performed on days 1, 3, 7, 10 and 14, with n = 6 per data point. The concentration of VEGF in wound extracts was quantified by ELISA and standardized for total protein. Data were expressed as mean ± SEM. The wound healing curves diverge at day 5, with HBO-treated wounds consistently larger and delayed in healing compared to control (day 7: HBO - 0.27 ± 0.02 cm2 vs control - 0.17 ± 0.07 cm2, day 14: HBO - 0.06 ± 0.04 vs cm2 vs control - 0.03 ± 0.02 cm2). VEGF is greater at all time points in the control wounds with a peak at day 10 (HBO: 159 ± 55 pg/mg protein vs control: 244 ± 61 pg/mg protein). Non-ischemic wounds expressed low levels of VEGF, which was unchanged by hyperbaric treatment throughout the course of healing. HBO suppresses the expression of VEGF and delays healing in a model of tissue ischemia. Ongoing studies will analyze the effect of HBO on matrix metalloproteinase expression and the relationship between the angiogenic factors, oxidative stress and neovascularization.  相似文献   

Epigallocatechin‐3‐O‐gallate (EGCG), the major polyphenolic compound present in green tea, has potent anti‐oxidant and free radical‐scavenging activities. In this study, various concentrations (10, 100, and 1,000 ppm) of EGCG were incorporated into a collagen sponge (CS) in order to investigate its healing effects on full‐thickness wounds created in type 2 diabetic mice. After 14 days, the residual wound size of the mice treated with 10 ppm EGCG‐incorporated collagen sponge (E‐CS) decreased significantly faster than that of the other mice. Moreover, significant increases in the degree of reepithelialization, the thickness of the granulation tissue, and the density of the capillaries were also histologically observed in the wound sites exposed to 10 ppm E‐CS in comparison with the others. Furthermore, 10 ppm E‐CS resulted in significant increases in the immunoreactivity of Ki‐67 (reepithelialization at the wound site), CD31 (formation of blood vessels), and α‐smooth muscle actin (the induction of myofibroblasts across the dermis). These results suggest that a CS incorporated with EGCG at low concentrations can enhance wound healing in diabetic mice by accelerating reepithelialization and angiogenesis as well as improving the cellular reorganization of granulation tissue by triggering the activity of myofibroblasts.  相似文献   

Diabetic foot ulcers (DFUs) are a significant problem in an aging population. Fifteen percent of diabetics develop a DFU over their lifetime, which can lead to potential amputation. The 5‐year survival rate after amputation is 31%, which is greater than the lifetime risk of mortality from cancer. Topical oxygen is a promising technique for the adjunctive therapy of chronic wounds including DFUs, but few controlled studies exist to support its clinical adoption. The aim of this study was to compare a portable topical oxygen delivery system in patients with nonhealing DFUs to standard best practice. Twenty patients were randomized into a topical oxygen group (n = 10), and a nonplacebo control group with regular dressings and standard care (n = 10), and attended the diabetic foot clinic once weekly for 8 weeks. Ulcer surface area over time was analyzed using standardized digital imaging software. DFUs were present without healing for a mean duration of 76 weeks prior to the study. They found a significant difference in healing rate between patients receiving topical oxygen and those receiving standard care. Topical oxygen, therefore, represents a potentially exciting new technology to shorten healing time in patients with nonhealing DFUs. More prospective randomized and powered studies are needed to determine the benefits of topical oxygen, but our current results are very promising.  相似文献   

The balance between matrix metalloproteinases and their endogenous tissue inhibitors (TIMPs) is an important component in effective wound healing. The biologic action of these proteins is linked in part to the stoichiometry of TIMP/matrix metalloproteinases/surface protein interactions. We recently described the effect of a glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI) anchored version of TIMP‐1 on dermal fibroblast biology. Here, cell proliferation assays, in vitro wound healing, electrical wound, and impedance measurements were used to characterize effects of TIMP‐1‐GPI treatment on primary human epidermal keratinocytes. TIMP‐1‐GPI stimulated keratinocyte proliferation, as well as mobilization and migration. In parallel, it suppressed the migration and matrix secretion of dermal myofibroblasts, and reduced their secretion of active TGF‐β1. Topical application of TIMP‐1‐GPI in an in vivo excisional wound model increased the rate of wound healing. The agent positively influenced different aspects of wound healing depending on the cell type studied. TIMP‐1‐GPI counters potential negative effects of overactive myofibroblasts and enhances the mobilization and proliferation of keratinocytes essential for effective wound healing. The application of TIMP‐1‐GPI represents a novel and practical clinical solution for facilitating healing of difficult wounds.  相似文献   

The development of new methods to improve skin wound healing may affect the outcomes of a number of medical conditions. Here, we evaluate the molecular and clinical effects of topical 5‐azacytidine on wound healing in rats. 5‐Azacytidine decreases the expression of follistatin‐1, which negatively regulates activins. Activins, in turn, promote cell growth in different tissues, including the skin. Eight‐week‐old male Wistar rats were submitted to 8.0‐mm punch‐wounding in the dorsal region. After 3 days, rats were randomly assigned to receive either a control treatment or the topical application of a solution containing 5‐azacytidine (10 mM) once per day. Photo documentation and sample collection were performed on days 5, 9, and 15. Overall, 5‐azacytidine promoted a significant acceleration of complete wound healing (99.7% ± 0.7.0 vs. 71.2% ± 2.8 on day 15; n = 10; p < 0.01), accompanied by up to threefold reduction in follistatin expression. Histological examination of the skin revealed efficient reepithelization and cell proliferation, as evaluated by the BrdU incorporation method. 5‐Azacytidine treatment also resulted in increased gene expression of transforming growth factor‐beta and the keratinocyte markers involucrin and cytokeratin, as well as decreased expression of cytokines such as tumor necrosis factor‐alpha and interleukin‐10. Lastly, when recombinant follistatin was applied to the skin in parallel with topical 5‐azacytidine, most of the beneficial effects of the drug were lost. Thus, 5‐azacytidine acts, at least in part through the follistatin/activin pathway, to improve skin wound healing in rodents.  相似文献   

Background: This study was designed to elucidate the in vivo efficacy of epidermal growth factor (EGF) on wound healing in non diabetic and diabetic rats. Methods: Ninety‐six male Wistar‐Albino rats were randomly divided into six groups. Saline‐moistened gauze, pure gelatin or EGF in gelatin‐microsphere dressings were used in a dermal excision model in both normal and streptomycin‐induced diabetic rats. Wound healing was evaluated on day 7 and 14. Reduction in wound area, hydroxypyroline content and tensile strength of the wound were evaluated in each rat. Tissue samples taken from the wounds were examined histopathologically for reepithelialisation, cellular infiltration, number of fibroblasts, granulation and neovascularisation. Results: On day 7, the use of EGF‐containing dressing was observed to reduce the wound area better when compared with the other dressings tested. This effect was significant in normal rats rather than diabetic rats. The difference in reduction of wound area did not persist on day 14. No significant effect on hydroxyproline content of the wound was found with EGF‐containing dressing in either normal or diabetic rats. There was a statistically significant increase in tensile strength values of EGF‐applied non diabetic rats over the 14 day period. An increase in tensile strength was prominent in also EGF‐applied diabetic rats on day 14. Histological examination revealed higher histopathologic scores in EGF‐applied diabetic and non diabetic rats. Conclusion: These findings implicate that use of EGF in gelatin‐microsphere dressings improves wound healing both in normal and diabetic rats.  相似文献   

Bone marrow stem cells participate in tissue repair processes and may have a role in wound healing. Diabetes is characterised by delayed and poor wound healing. We investigated the potential of bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stromal cells (BMSCs) to promote healing of fascial wounds in diabetic rats. After manifestation of streptozotocin (STZ)-induced diabetic state for 5 weeks in male adult Sprague-Dawley rats, healing of fascial wounds was severely compromised. Compromised wound healing in diabetic rats was characterised by excessive polymorphonuclear cell infiltration, lack of granulation tissue formation, deficit of collagen and growth factor [transforming growth factor (TGF-beta), epidermal growth factor (EGF), vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), platelet-derived growth factor PDGF-BB and keratinocyte growth factor (KGF)] expression in the wound tissue and significant decrease in biomechanical strength of wounds. Treatment with BMSC systemically or locally at the wound site improved the wound-breaking strength (WBS) of fascial wounds. The improvement in WBS was associated with an immediate and significant increase in collagen levels (types I-V) in the wound bed. In addition, treatment with BMSCs increased the expression of growth factors critical to proper repair and regeneration of the damaged tissue moderately (TGF-beta, KGF) to markedly (EGF, VEGF, PDGF-BB). These data suggest that cell therapy with BMSCs has the potential to augment healing of the diabetic wounds.  相似文献   

Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) derived from umbilical cord s (UC‐MSCs) have been shown to enhance cutaneous wound healing by means of the paracrine activity. Fibroblasts are the primary cells involved in wound repair. The paracrine effects of UC‐MSCs on dermal fibroblasts have not been fully explored in vitro or in vivo. Dermal fibroblasts were treated with conditioned media from UC‐MSCs (UC‐MSC‐CM). In this model, UC‐MSC‐CM increased the proliferation and migration of dermal fibroblasts. Moreover, adult dermal fibroblasts transitioned into a phenotype with a low myofibroblast formation capacity, a decreased ratio of transforming growth factor‐β1,3 (TGF‐β1/3) and an increased ratio of matrix metalloproteinase/tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinases (MMP/TIMP). Additionally, UC‐MSC‐CM‐treated wounds showed accelerated healing with fewer scars compared with control groups. These observations suggest that UC‐MSC‐CM may be a feasible strategy to promote cutaneous repair and a potential means to realise scarless healing.  相似文献   

Oxygen‐based therapies have proven effective in treating chronic and difficult‐to‐heal skin wounds, but the current therapeutic approaches suffer from major limitations and they do not allow for continuous wound treatment. Here we examined whether the continuous treatment of wounds with pure oxygen at low flow rates accelerates wound closure and improves wound healing in a murine model of diabetic skin wounds. Two full‐excisional dorsal skin wounds were generated on 15‐week‐old diabetic db/db mice and treated for 10 weeks continuously with pure oxygen (>99·9%) at low flow rates (3 ml/h). After 6 days, oxygen treatment resulted in a mean reduction of the original wound size by 60·2% as compared with only 45·2% in wounds on control mice that did not receive pure oxygen.(P = 0·022). After 10 days, oxygen‐treated wounds were 83·1% closed compared with 71·2% in wounds on control mice. While reepithelialisation was complete after 10 days in over 57% of wounds receiving low flow oxygen treatment, significant epithelial gaps remained in 75% wounds from mice that did not receive oxygen. Continuous low flow oxygenation significantly improves healing of diabetic skin wounds in mice and may therefore be an effective treatment for chronic cutaneous and possibly other slow‐healing wounds in diabetic patients.  相似文献   

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