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Hookworm infection is a relatively common cause of anemia in endemic areas. However, it is rarely encountered in Europe. In this report we describe the case of a 24-year old patient originating from an endemic area who was admitted due to severe anemia, with an Hct of 15.6% and eosinophilia (Eosinophils: 22.4%). While both esophagogastroduodenoscopy and colonoscopy were non-diagnostic, capsule endoscopy revealed a large number of hookworms infesting his small bowel and withdrawing blood. The patient was successfully treated with Albendazole. Capsule endoscopy was proven an important tool in diagnosing intestinal parasitosis.  相似文献   

Non-functioning pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors (PNETs) are infrequent slowgrowing, clinically-silent tumors. They are incidentally detected and some of them may present in advanced stages with local involvement of surrounding structures. The diagnostic accuracy of endoscopio ultrasound (EUS) and fine needle aspiration (FNA) biopsy is significantly lower in neuroendocrine tumors (46.7%) compared with adenocarcinoma (81.4%) and other histologies (75%). Therefore, preoperative diagnosis is very difficult. Exceptionally, hey present with gastrointestinal bleeding. We present a case of a non-functioning PNET initially diagnosed as cystic serous tumor of pancreas with EUS and FNA biopsy. Two years later patient presented obscure gastrointestinal bleeding due to duodenal infiltration. Diagnosis was made by capsule endoscopy.  相似文献   

A 51-year-old woman with a history of anemia, with negative upper and lower endoscopy results, underwent video capsule endoscopy; the small bowel was found negative but colonic study showed blood present in stools in the lumen. The patient was referred for a second colonoscopy that indicated positive for right colon cancer.  相似文献   

[目的]探讨国产OMOM型智能胶囊(OMOM)在不明原因消化道出血(OGIB)患者中的诊断价值。[方法]对36例OGIB患者进行OMOM检查,总结并分析其临床资料。[结果]36例均完成检查,其中25例发现病变,阳性检出率69.4%;≥60岁患者以小肠血管畸形为主。检查过程中无任何不适及并发症。[结论]OMOM对OGIB诊断具有较高的诊断率及准确性,临床安全性好。  相似文献   

More than 90% cases of chronic gastrointestinal bleeding can be diagnosed by upper endoscopy and/or colonoscopy, and therefore, obscure gastrointestinal bleeding has been defined as bleeding of unknown origin that persists after these conventional endoscopic evaluation. Gastrointestinal stromal tumors (GISTs) are rare tumors, but the most common form of mesenchymal tumors of the gastrointestinal tract. Small bowel is the second most common primary site for GISTs, and accounts for 2-10% of chronic bleeding sites. GISTs usually present as a sporadic and solitary tumor, and a minority of the cases of multiple GISTs are discovered as forms of hereditary or idiopathic tumor syndromes. Small bowel tumor has been difficult to diagnose because of absence of accurate and proper diagnostic tools. Recently developed wireless capsule endoscopy helps in the diagnostic work-up of small bowel diseases. We report a case of multiple jejunal GISTs presenting melena in a 39-year-old male, which was diagnosed with wireless capsule endoscopy.  相似文献   

Aim:  To demonstrate the clinical efficacy of combination capsule endoscopy (CE) and multiple-detector computed tomography (MDCT) diagnostic imaging in the identification of gastrointestinal hemorrhages.
Methods:  In the present study, 123 patients with gastrointestinal hemorrhages of obscure origin (GHOO) were examined with CE in combination with MDCT. The results were compared with findings of surgical pathology.
Results:  Of the 123 patients, 57.72% (71/123) of the patients exhibited positive CE findings compared with 30.08% (37/123) on MDCT alone ( P  < 0.01). When used in combination, 65.85% (81/123) of patients scored positively. The detection rate due to the combination of diagnostic imaging was significantly higher than that of MDCT alone ( P  < 0.01), but was not significantly higher than that of CE alone ( P  > 0.05). Integrating the two diagnostic platforms improved the diagnosis of stromal tumors, hemangioma, Crohn's disease, vascular anomaly, Meckel's diverticulum, and ancylostomiasis. There was no significant difference in the positive detection rate between CE and MDCT when confirmed by surgical pathology.
Conclusion:  The contribution of CE is critical in the diagnosis of GHOO, given the fact that there is a significant difference in the detection rate between CE and MDCT, but there is no significant difference in the rate between CE plus MDCT and CE alone.  相似文献   

Obscure gastrointestinal bleeding is a common disorder and may account for as many as 5% of all gastrointestinal hemorrhages. It is often caused by lesions in the small intestine, which were very complicated to examine prior to the advent of wireless capsule endoscopy. Here we present the case of a 31-year-old woman with obscure gastrointestinal bleeding as a complication of radiation enteritis, which was diagnosed only after she underwent an examination with wireless capsule endoscopy. This technique has proven to be far superior to other radiographic and endoscopic methods in diagnosing obscure gastrointestinal bleeding and pathologies of the small intestine in general.  相似文献   

本文报道了一例因不明原因消化道出血而行胶囊内镜发现空肠肿瘤,后经外科手术确诊为空肠间质瘤的诊治过程,并就小肠间质瘤的临床特点进行讨论。  相似文献   

Wireless capsule endoscopy (CE) is a technology developed for the endoscopic exploration of the small bowel. The first capsule model was approved by the Food and Drug Administration in 2001, and its first and essential indication was occult gastrointestinal (GI) bleeding. Over subsequent years, this technology has been refined to provide superior resolution, increased battery life, and capabilities to view different parts of the GI tract. Indeed, cases for which CE proved useful have increased significantly over the last few years, with new indications for the small bowel and technical improvements that have expanded its use to other parts of the GI tract, including the esophagus and colon. The main challenges in the development of CE are new devices with the ability to provide therapy, air inflation for a better vision of the small bowel, biopsy sampling systems attached to the capsule and the possibility to guide and move the capsule with an external motion control. In this article we review the current and new indications of CE, and the evolving technological changes shaping this technology, which has a promising potential in the coming future of gastroenterology.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND & AIMS: Capsule endoscopy (CE) is a promising diagnostic tool for the study of patients with obscure gastrointestinal bleeding. However, the diagnostic yield of this technique has not been adequately studied. We evaluated sensitivity and specificity of CE and the outcome after CE in patients with obscure gastrointestinal bleeding. METHODS:One hundred consecutive patients (all with recent negative upper and lower endoscopy; 26 with ongoing overt bleeding [group A], 31 with previous overt bleeding [group B], and 43 with guaiac-positive stools and iron-deficiency anemia [group C]) underwent CE. RESULTS: The yield of positive findings on CE was 92.3% in group A, 12.9% in group B, and 44.2% in group C (P < 0.0001, A vs. B, A vs. C). Angiodysplasia (29%) and Crohn's disease (6%) were the most common diagnoses. Sensitivity, specificity, and positive and negative predictive values of CE were 88.9%, 95%, 97%, and 82.6%, respectively. CE results led to treatments resolving the bleeding in 86.9% of patients undergoing the procedure while actively bleeding. Capsule retention because of unsuspected stenosis occurred in 5 patients and required surgery, which resolved the clinical problem, in 4 patients. CONCLUSIONS:CE is an effective diagnostic tool for patients with obscure GI bleeding. The best candidates for the procedure are those with ongoing obscure-overt bleeding or with obscure-occult bleeding. If done early in the course of the workup, CE could shorten considerably the time to diagnosis, lead to definitive treatment in a relevant proportion of patients, and spare a number of alternative investigations with low diagnostic yield.  相似文献   

A patient with mid-gut carcinoid tumor and the unusual complication of retroperitoneal fibrosis was also found to have a prolactinoma. This case brings the number of reported mid-gut carcinoid tumors complicated by a second endocrine neoplasm to five. Three of the second tumors were parathyroid in origin, and the fourth was an insulinoma. In view of the rarity of second tumors and in the absence of documented familial occurrence, it is inappropriate to exhaustively study each person with mid-gut carcinoid tumor, or their families, for a second endocrine neoplasm; however, physicians caring for patients with mid-gut carcinoid should be aware that second tumors are possible. Retroperitoneal fibrosis is also a rare complication of carcinoid, but can be associated with renal failure that can be prevented by surgical intervention. Thus, physicians caring for patients with the carcinoid syndrome should also be aware of this complication.  相似文献   

目的探讨胶囊内镜对消化道疾病,特别是小肠疾病的诊断价值。方法 2007年6月至2010年4月间,对180例患者(其中不明原因消化道出血58例,慢性腹痛88例,慢性腹胀27例,慢性腹泻7例)行OMOM胶囊内镜检查,并对其结果进行回顾性分析。结果所有病人检查无不适感,180例患者中177例(98.3%)完成胶囊内镜检查,139例(77.2%)发现阳性病变;58例不明原因消化道出血者中42例(72.4%)为小肠病变;88例慢性腹痛者中43例(48.9%)为单纯小肠病变,6例(6.8%)为单纯食管或胃部病变,1例(1.1%)为单纯结肠病变,18例(20.5%)同时存在小肠病变和胃部病变,1例(1.1%)同时存在胃部病变和结肠病变;27例腹胀者中3例(11.1%)为单纯小肠病变,18例(66.7%)为单纯食管或胃部病变,2例(7.4%)同时存在小肠病变和胃部病变,2例(7.4%)同时存在胃部病变和结肠病变;7例慢性腹泻者中3例(42.9%)为小肠病变。3例(1.7%)发生胶囊滞留。结论胶囊内镜在消化道疾病尤其是小肠疾病的诊断中有较高价值,临床安全性好。  相似文献   

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