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Summary: Purpose: In two open-label long-term safety studies, we determined tiagabine (TGB) pharmacokinetics in patients with epilepsy.
Methods: In all, 2,147 plasma samples from 511 patients who participated in the studies were available. The total daily dose ranged from 2 mg administered once daily to 80 mg administered in four doses. A one-compartment model with first-order absorption and elimination was used to fit the TGB plasma concentration-time data, with a population pharmacokinetic approach.
Results: The patients'average (±SD) weight and age were 73.8 ± 20.7 kg and 32.1 ± 12.3 years. The most significantly factor affecting TGB pharmacokinetics was concomitant administration of other antiepileptic drugs (AEDs). The central clearance value in patients receiving AEDs known to induce hepatic drug metabolism was 21.4 L/h, a value 67% higher than the central clearance estimate obtained for the patients receiving AEDs not known to affect hepatic drug metabolism (12.8 L/h). There was no evidence of any dose or time effect, indicating that TGB pharmacokinetics are linear. TGB pharmacokinetics were not different in white, black, or Hispanic patients, although our ability to explore racial effects was limited since 90% of the patients were white. No other demographic variables (including age and smoking) or any clinical chemistry measurements (including bilirubin, SGOT, and SGPT) were important in explaining the variability in the clearance estimates.
Conclusions: TGB pharmacokinetics are linear, influenced by enzyme-inducing AEDs, and largely unaffected by other demographic variables.  相似文献   

Long-Term Safety of Tiagabine   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Summary: Tiagabine (TGB) is now registered in >20 countries, and the total number of treated patients approaches 90,000. Short-term safety data were derived mainly from five placebo-controlled, add-on studies in adults with therapy-resistant partial epilepsy, and two conversion to TGB monotherapy studies. Central nervous system (CNS)-related adverse effects, most frequently dizziness, were common with TGB treatment during the titration period; the risk became similar to placebo rates during fixed-dose periods. Other adverse events that were more frequent in TGB- than in placebo-treated patients were asthenia, nervousness, tremor, concentration difficulties, depressive mood, and language problems. TGB doses should be titrated slowly and taken with food to avoid rapid increases in plasma concentrations, thus minimizing the risks of adverse events. Overall, >2,500 patients have been exposed to TGB during clinical trials, with 1,274 patients treated >12 months, the majority of whom received TGB 24–60 mg/day. No idiosyncratic reactions have been linked to the use of TGB, and no abnormalities in hematology or common chemistry values were reported. In all the epilepsy studies combined, 21% of patients discontinued treatment because of adverse events, usually during the first 6 months of treatment. No adverse effects on cognitive abilities were detected when the neuropsychological effects of TGB add-on therapy and monotherapy were evaluated. TGB does not appear to cause an excess risk of psychosis or increase the incidence of status epilepticus or spike/wave discharges. No evidence of a relationship between visual field constriction and TGB treatment was found in a study of 15 patients converted to TGB monotherapy (mean dose, 22 mg/day; mean duration, 2.5 years) who had a full ophthalmologic evaluation. In conclusion, the characteristics of TGB in the management of partial epilepsy are enhanced by its favorable side-effect profile in the cognitive area.  相似文献   

Summary: Purpose: We wished to determine the effect of renal impairment on the pharmacokinetics and tolerability of the new antiepileptic drug tiagabine (TGB).
Methods: We assessed TGB pharmacokinetics and tolerability in 25 subjects with various degrees of renal function (based on creatinine clearance, n = 4–6 per group) from healthy (group I) to requiring hemodialysis (group V) in a single and multiple dose (every 12h), one-period (groups I-IV) or a single dose, two-period (group V) study (4-mg oral doses of TGB · HCl). Blood samples were collected after the first dose (both periods for group V) and after the last dose on day 5 (groups I-IV). TGB plasma concentrations and plasma protein binding were determined by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and ultrafiltration, respectively.
Results: TGB was well tolerated by all study subjects. The pharmacokinetics of TGB were similar in all subjects; no pharmacokinetic parameter (based on either total or unbound concentrations) was statistically correlated with creatinine clearance. For total TGB in plasma, single-dose mean values of the maximum plasma concentration, clearance, and half-life (t1/2) ranged from 52 to 108 ng/ml, from 7.14 to 11.02 I/h, and from 6.4 to 8.4 h, respectively.
Conclusions: TGB pharmacokinetics and tolerability were independent of renal function; therefore, dosage adjustment is unnecessary for epilepsy patients with renal impairment.  相似文献   

Birthe Pedersen 《Epilepsia》2001,42(S3):52-54
Summary: The incidence of epilepsy increases sharply in patients older than 60 years. There is a clear need for clinical trials designed specifically for this age group, as elderly patients differ from younger patients with epilepsy with respect to seizure etiology, coexisting diseases, concomitant drug therapy, and drug disposition. The new antiepileptic drugs (AEDs) are often associated with fewer side effects than are the traditional AEDs and may be particularly useful in the elderly. The pharmacokinetics of tiagabine (TGB) are not significantly modified in elderly patients, although elimination is more rapid in the presence of enzyme-inducing AEDs. Efficacy and tolerability data on TGB in elderly patients is currently limited, and a formal trial of TGB monotherapy in this age group is needed.  相似文献   

Tiagabine Pharmacology in Profile   总被引:9,自引:6,他引:3  
Summary: Tiagabine (TGB) hydrochloride, a nipecotic acid derivative linked to a lipophilic anchor, potently and specifically inhibits uptake of the inhibitory neurotransmitter γ-aminobu-tyric acid (GABA) into astrocytes and neurons. With microdial-ysis, TGB has been shown to increase extracellular overflow of GABA in the midbrain of awake rats. TGB administration prolongs neuronal depolarization induced by iontophoretically applied GABA in hippocampal slices. TGB is effective in a wide range of seizure models, including pentylenetetrazol-induced, methyl-6,7-dimethoxy-4-ethyl-β-carboline-3-car-boxylate (DMCM)-induced tonic, amygdala-kindled and picro-toxin-induced convulsions, and maximal electroshock seizures in rodents. In humans, TGB absorption is rapid and complete. It is metabolized in the liver, largely by isoform 3A of the cytochrome P450 family of enzymes. The process of elimination is linear, with a half-life of 5–8 h. TGB does not induce Or inhibit metabolic processes, although it provides a target for enzyme inducers that can lower its elimination half-life to 2–3 h. Accordingly, TGB does not alter the concentrations of other antiepileptic drugs (AEDs), with the possible exception of a small decrease in valproate levels. A controlled-release formulation of TGB would offset any potential clinical disadvantage of the short elimination half-life, particularly in patients receiving concurrent treatment with enzyme-induced AEDs.  相似文献   

Tiagabine in the Management of Epilepsy   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
Martin J. Brodie 《Epilepsia》1997,38(S2):S23-S27
Summary: Tiagabine (TGB) is a new antiepileptic drug (AED) that uniquely reduces the uptake of the inhibitory neurotransmitter -γ-aminobutyric acid into presynaptic neuronal and glial cells. It is metabolized in the liver with an elimination half-life of approximately 7 to 9 h. Although TGB does not induce or inhibit hepatic metabolic processes, it does provide a target for other enzyme-inducing AEDs. TGB has proved effective as add-on treatment for partial seizures, with or without becoming secondarily generalized, as demonstrated in five placebo-controlled trials and six long-term open studies. Preliminary results with TGB in children with refractory epilepsy and as monotherapy are promising. Few patients withdrew from these trials because of adverse events. The most common side effects with TGB involved the central nervous system, i.e., dizziness, asthenia, somnolence, nervousness, headache, and tremor. Most adverse events occurred during dosage titration, were often transient, and were usually of mild to moderate severity. The recommended maintenance dose for TGB, when combined with enzyme-inducing drugs as add-on therapy, is 30 to 50 mg/day. Trials are under way in patients with primarily generalized seizures and in newly diagnosed epilepsy. TGB is a well-tolerated and effective novel AED that will find an enduring place in the management of epilepsy.  相似文献   

Pharmacokinetics of Fosphenytoin in Patients with Hepatic or Renal Disease   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
PURPOSE: The pharmacokinetic behavior of fosphenytoin (FOS), the water-soluble prodrug of phenytoin (PHT), has been characterized in normal subjects. This is the first study of the effect of hepatic or renal disease on the rate and extent of conversion of FOS to PHT. METHODS: A single dose of fosphenytoin (250 mg over a period of 30 min) was administered to subjects with hepatic cirrhosis (n = 4), renal disease requiring maintenance hemodialysis (n = 4), and healthy controls (n = 4). Serial plasma concentrations were measured, and pharmacokinetic parameters were calculated. RESULTS: The mean time to reach the peak plasma FOS concentration was similar for each of the three groups. However, the mean time to achieve peak plasma concentrations of PHT tended to occur earlier in the hepatic or renal disease groups than in healthy subjects. The half-life of FOS was 4.5, 9.2, and 9.5 min for the three groups, respectively. There was a trend toward increased FOS clearance and earlier peak PHT concentration in subjects with hepatic or renal disease. This finding is consistent with decreased binding of FOS to plasma proteins and increased fraction of unbound FOS resulting from decreased plasma protein concentrations associated with these disease states. The conversion of FOS to PHT was equally efficient in subjects with hepatic or renal disease and healthy subjects. CONCLUSIONS: Although the differences in pharmacokinetic parameters between the three groups were not statistically significant, these data suggest the need for close clinical monitoring during FOS administration to patients with hepatic or renal disease. To minimize the incidence of adverse effects in this patient population, FOS may need to be administered at lower doses or infused more slowly.  相似文献   

Summary: Tiagabine (TGB) HC1, a new antiepilepticcompound, is a potent and specific inhibitor of γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) uptake. In conjunction with threephase I studies, the pharmacokinetics of TGB were examined in 58 healthy male volunteers. Study I involvedsingle increasing doses (2–24 mg TGB HC1); study II involved doses of 2–10 mg given once daily for 5 days;study III explored one dose daily (6 or 12 mg) for 14consecutive days. Plasma TGB concentrations were measured by high-performance liquid chromatography(HPLC). Pharmacokineticprofiles were similar in all three studies and indicated thatthe processes of absorption and elimination of TGB werelinear. The drug was rapidly absorbed, and half-life (tV2)averaged 5–8 h. The accumulation ratio was fairly low:1.4 in most subjects. Secondary peaks in plasma concentration-time profiles suggested enterohepatic recycling. Lack of significant effects on antipyrine clearanceindicated that TGB does not induce or inhibit hepaticmicrosomal enzyme systems.  相似文献   

Tiagabine: Efficacy and Safety in Adjunctive Treatment of Partial Seizures   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
PURPOSE: To assess the efficacy and safety of tiagabine (TGB), a new antiepileptic drug (AED), as add-on therapy in patients with refractory partial seizures. METHODS: This response-dependent study used an open-label screening phase (in which patients were titrated to their optimal TGB dose, < or =64 mg/day) followed by a double-blind, placebo-controlled, crossover phase. Initial eligibility criteria included (a) seizures inadequately controlled by existing AEDs, and (b) six or more partial seizures during an 8-week baseline period. Patients showing benefit from TGB (> or =25% reduction in total seizure rate relative to baseline) were eligible for randomization into the double-blind phase, which comprised two 7-week assessment periods separated by a 3-week crossover period. RESULTS: Forty-four (50%) of the 88 enrolled patients entered the double-blind phase of the study during which there were significant reductions compared with placebo in all partial (p < 0.01), complex partial (p < 0.001), and secondarily generalized tonic-clonic seizure rates (p < 0.05). Thirty-three percent of patients experienced a reduction of > or =50% in the all partial seizure rate. Eight (22%) patients receiving TGB during the double-blind phase reported adverse events, of which dizziness and incoordination were the most frequent. Three patients withdrew from treatment during the double-blind phase because of adverse events; two during treatment with TGB and one during treatment with placebo. TGB did not affect plasma concentrations of other coadministered AEDs. CONCLUSIONS: TGB was significantly better than placebo in terms of seizure rate reduction and was generally well-tolerated in patients with difficult to control seizures.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To determine whether an increased risk of status epilepticus (SE) and complex partial status epilepticus (CPSE) is associated with tiagabine (TGB) therapy. METHODS: Thirteen cases in which an EEG, performed on patients with altered mental status taking TGB, was reported to demonstrate spike-and-wave discharges (SWDs) were reviewed by a panel of experts. In addition, all cases of suspected SE from TGB clinical trials were reviewed. The occurrence of SE in four epidemiologic cohorts from Rochester, Minnesota, Turku, Finland, Bronx, New York, and New Haven, Connecticut was analyzed as an external comparison. RESULTS: Review of the 13 cases with reported SWDs found that the majority had had prior EEGs with similar findings, and only three were thought to have electrographic evidence of SE. There was no difference in the frequency of SE or CPSE in the placebo-controlled clinical trials between the TGB-treated (1.0% SE, 0.8% CPSE) and placebo-treated (1.5% SE, 1.5% CPSE) groups. The 5% frequency of SE and 3% frequency of CPSE in the TGB-treated patients in the long-term safety studies, which included 2,248 patients, were very similar to the rates of occurrence of SE and CPSE in the four external cohorts. The major risk factor for the occurrence of SE and CPSE in all groups was a prior episode of SE (p < 0.0001). CONCLUSIONS: Over a 3-year period, SE will occur in 5-10% of patients with epilepsy not in remission. At highest risk are those who have had a prior episode of SE. Treatment with TGB in recommended doses does not increase the risk of SE in patients with partial seizures.  相似文献   

We report two patients with intractable partial seizures who developed generalized nonconvulsive status epilepticus (NCSE) after receiving tiagabine (TGB). Neither had a history of absence seizures or generalized epileptic discharges on prior EEG monitoring. Clinicians need to be aware of a possible association between TGB and NCSE.  相似文献   

Basic Mechanisms of Gabitril (Tiagabine) and Future Potential Developments   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Summary: Gabitril (tiagabine) is a potent selective inhibitor of the principal neuronal γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) transporter (GAT-1) in the cortex and hippocampus. By slowing the reuptake of synaptically-released GABA, it prolongs inhibitory postsynaptic potentials. In animal models of epilepsy, tiagabine is particularly effective against kindled (limbic) seizures and against reflexly-induced generalized convulsive seizures. These data are predictive of its efficacy in complex partial seizures in humans. Possible clinical applications outside the field of epilepsy include bipolar disorder and pain.  相似文献   

Effects of Tiagabine Monotherapy on Abilities, Adjustment, and Mood   总被引:9,自引:5,他引:4  
Summary: Purpose: We evaluated the dose-related impacts of tiagabine (TGB) on cognition and mood in a monotherapy study.
Methods: Patients were 123 adults with uncontrolled partial seizures, each treated with a single currently available antiepileptic drug (AED) for management of clinical epilepsy. They completed a battery of neuropsychological tests during an 8 week prospective baseline period and once again at the end of the 12-week fixed-dose period (or earlier if they dropped out of the study). Sixty-six patients were randomized to 6 mg/day TGB and 57 were randomized to 36 mg/day TGB.
Results: Few changes in either abilities or adjustment and mood were noted when all patients were considered as a single group. However, analysis of both dose and attainment of TGB monotherapy showed that patients receiving TGB monotherapy did best, improving particularly in the areas of adjustment and mood with low-dose TGB and in the area of abilities with high-dose TGB. Patients who did not attain monotherapy showed no change except that the high-dose group did not perform as well on measures of mood and adjustment. Baseline AED and changes in seizure control did not affect the results.
Conclusions: Patients attainment of TGB monotherapy was associated with their achievement of positive changes of varying degree on psychological tests. Failure to attain TGB monotherapy was associated with no changes on the tests except in patients receiving high-dose TGB where it appeared that some alterations in mood might have been avoided if a slower titration schedule had been used.  相似文献   

In a double-blind parallel study, patients with epilepsy on stable regimen of antiepileptic drugs (AEDs) were given lamotrigine (8 pts) or placebo (3 pts). Patients were sequentially dosed with 100, 200 and 300 mg/day given as a b.i.d. regimen. After steady state was achieved, timed plasma lamotrigine levels were obtained post dose. No medical, psychogenic, neurologic, or hematologie changes were observed and no subjective effects were detected as a result of treatment with lamotrigine. No changes in heart rhythm or blood pressure were observed related to lamotrigine. Pharmacokinetic parameters were calculated using 1-compartment and non-compartment models. The results were similar using both models. Area under the plasma concentration vs. time curves increased linearly with dose. Mean half life (13.5 h), volume of distribution (1.36 1/kg) and clearance (1.27 m1/min/kg) were similar to previously reported results and did not change with increasing dose. These findings indicate that lamotrigine pharmacokinetics can be described by the 1-compartment model, has linear kinetics, and does not induce its own metabolism in patients on concomitant AEDs.  相似文献   

盐酸齐拉西酮在中国健康志愿者中的药代动力学研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
目的评价国产盐酸齐拉西酮胶囊的人体药代动力学特点;初步评价国产盐酸齐拉西酮胶囊的安全性。方法采用HPLC法测定血浆中齐拉西酮浓度。10位男性健康受试者进食时单剂量口服40mg盐酸齐拉西酮胶囊。于服药前及服药后0.5、1、2、3、4、5、6、8、10、12、24、36、48小时采集5m l血样。抗凝处理取血浆,-20℃保存,用于血药浓度的测定。安全性评价包括体检、实验室检查(心电图、血常规、生化常规及尿常规等)及不良事件的记录。结果主要药动学参数:Cm ax为(175.0±63.73)ng/m l;Tm ax为(3.80±1.32)h;MRT为(9.37±1.53)h;t1/2为(6.10±1.65)h;Ka为0.1831±0.0708/h;Kel为0.1219±0.0349/h;Vd为(685.3±325.4)L;C l为(83.30±34.50)L/h;AUC0→t为(1312±261.3)ng/m l/h,AUC0→∝为(1339±261.1)ng/m l/h。药物不良事件主要为嗜睡、口干、头昏、静坐不能、体位性低血压等,程度多为轻至中度,均能在短时间内缓解。结论研究结果显示了国产盐酸齐拉西酮在中国人中药代动力学特点,单剂量口服胶囊40mg是安全的。  相似文献   

Purpose: To evaluate the feasibility and safety of intravenous (iv) levetiracetam (LEV) added to the standard therapeutic regimen in adults with status epilepticus (SE), and as secondary objective to assess a population pharmacokinetic (PK) model for ivLEV in patients with SE. Methods: In 12 adults presenting with SE, 2,500 mg ivLEV was added as soon as possible to standardized protocol, consisting of iv clonazepam and/or rectal diazepam, as needed followed by phenytoin or valproic acid. ivLEV was administered over approximately 5 min, in general after administration of clonazepam, regardless the need for further treatment. During 24‐h follow‐up, patients were observed for any clinically relevant side‐effects. Blood samples for PK analysis were available in 10 patients. A population PK model was developed by iterative two‐stage Bayesian analysis and compared to PK data of healthy volunteers. Results: Eleven patients with a median age of 60 years were included in the per protocol analysis. Five were diagnosed as generalized‐convulsive SE, five as partial‐convulsive SE, and one as a nonconvulsive SE. The median time from hospital admission to ivLEV was 36 min. No serious side effects could be related directly to the administration of ivLEV. During PK analysis, four patients showed a clear distribution phase, lacking in the others. The PK of the population was best described by a two‐compartment population model. Mean (standard deviation, SD) population parameters included volume of distribution of central compartment: 0.45 (0.084) L/kg; total body clearance: 0.0476 (0.0147) L/h/kg; distribution rate constants, central to peripheral compartment (k12): 0.24 (0.12)/h, and peripheral to central (k21): 0.70 (0.22)/h. Mean maximal plasma concentration was 85 (19) mg/L. Discussion: The addition of ivLEV to the standard regimen for controlling SE seems feasible and safe. PK data of ivLEV in patients with SE correspond to earlier values derived from healthy volunteers, confirming a two‐compartment population model.  相似文献   

Tiagabine Monotherapy in the Treatment of Partial Epilepsy   总被引:9,自引:9,他引:0  
Summary: Three studies were conducted to assess tiagabine (TGB) hydrochloride monotherapy in patients with partial seizures. The first was a double-blind, placebo-controlled trial of 11 patients (seven TGB, four placebo) undergoing evaluation for epilepsy surgery. Baseline antiepileptic drug (AED) therapy was discontinued abruptly before monotherapy. Although 24-h seizure rates increased during monotherapy in both groups, patients receiving TGB experienced fewer seizures than placebo patients. Subsequent studies (an open-label, dose-ranging study; n = 31 and a double-blind, randomized comparison of 6 and 36 mg/day TGB; n = 102 and 96, respectively) involved discontinuation of baseline AEDs. In the dose-ranging study, 19 of 31 patients (61%) converted to TGB monotherapy, with a mean final dose of 38.4 mg/day (range 24–54 mg/day) in those who completed the study ( n = 12). In the low- vs. high-dosage study, median 4-week complex partial seizure rates decreased significantly in patients from both dose groups who completed the monotherapy period ( p <0.05 compared with baseline). In the intent-to-treat analysis, significantly more patients in the high-dose group experienced a reduction in seizures of at least 50% compared with the low-dose group ( p = 0.038). Overall, the types of adverse events with TGB monotherapy were similar to those observed in add-on trials. These initial trials in difficult-to-treat epilepsy patients indicate that TGB monotherapy may provide a new approach to the treatment of patients with partial seizures refractory to other AEDs.  相似文献   

Summary: We review the neurochemical and behavioral profile of the selective γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) up-take inhibitor, (R)-N-(4,4-di-(3-methylthien-2-yl)but-3-enyl) nipecotic acid hydrochloride [tiagabine (TGB), previously termed NNC 05-0328, NO 05-0328, and NO-328], which is currently in phase III clinical trials for epilepsy. TGB is a potent, and specific GABA uptake inhibitor. TGB lacks significant affinity for other neurotransmitter receptor binding sites and/or uptake sites. In electrophysiological experiments in hippocampal slices in culture, TGB prolonged the inhibitory postsynaptic potentials (IPSP) and inhibitory postsynaptic currents (IPSC) in the CA1 and CA3 produced by the addition of exogenous GABA. In vivo microdialysis shows that TGB also in-creases extracellular GABA overflow in a dose-dependent manner. Together these biochemical data suggest that the in vitro and in vivo mechanism of action of TGB is to inhibit GABA uptake specifically, resulting in an increase in GABAergic mediated inhibition in the brain. TGB is a potent anticonvulsant agent against methyl-6,7-dimethyox-4-ethyl-B-carboline-3-carboxylate (DMCM)-induced clonic convulsions (mice), subcutaneous pentylenetetrazol (PTZ)-induced tonic convulsions (mice and rats), sound-induced convulsions in DBA/2 mice and genetically epilepsy-prone rats (GEPR), and electrically induced convulsions in kindled rats. TGB is partially efficacious against subcutaneous PTZ-induced clonic convulsions, and photically induced myoclonus in Papio papio. TGB is weakly efficacious in the intravenous PTZ seizure threshold test and the maximal electroshock seizure (MES) test and produces only partial protection against bicuculline (BIC)-induced convulsions in rats. The overall biochemical and anticonvulsant profile of TGB suggests potential utility in the treatment of chronic seizure disorders such as generalized clonic-tonic epilepsy (GTCS), photomyoclonic seizures, myoclonic petit mal epilepsy, and complex partial epilepsy.  相似文献   

Huntington's disease (HD) is an autosomal dominant neurodegenerative disorder characterized by chorea, incoordination, and shortened life-span, and by huntingtin inclusions and neurodegeneration. We previously screened the 1040 FDA-approved compounds from the NINDS compound library and found that a compound, nipecotic acid, significantly reduced mutant huntingtin aggregations and blocked cell toxicity in an inducible cell model of HD. Because nipecotic acid does not cross the blood–brain barrier (BBB), we studied its analogue, tiagabine, which is able to cross the BBB, in both N171-82Q and R6/2 transgenic mouse models of HD. Tiagabine was administered intraperitoneally at 2 and 5 mg/kg daily in HD mice. We found that tiagabine extended survival, improved motor performance, and attenuated brain atrophy and neurodegeneration in N171-82Q HD mice. These beneficial effects were further confirmed in R6/2 HD mice. The levels of tiagabine at effective doses in mouse serum are comparable to the levels in human patients treated with tiagabine. These results suggest that tiagabine may have beneficial effects in the treatment of HD. Because tiagabine is an FDA-approved drug, it may be a promising candidate for future clinical trials for the treatment of HD.  相似文献   

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