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OBJECTIVES: This study examined condom failure rates in a representative sample of French men and women. METHODS: Condom users who experienced breakage or slippage were compared with those who reported no difficulties. RESULTS: The rate of breakage at last heterosexual intercourse was 3.4%, and the slippage rate was 1.1%. Significantly associated with breakage and slippage were being age 25 through 34, being sexually active for more than 5 years, condom use for less than 5 years, condom not used for contraception, and sexual intercourse 12 or more times per month. CONCLUSIONS: People who became sexually active before the era of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, who began condom use in recent years, and who have frequent sex are at increased risk. The low risk observed among experienced condom users below age 25 supports condom promotion to youth.  相似文献   

Researchers examined individual characteristics and peer influences related to adolescents' sexual behavior, taking gender and sexual experience into account. As part of a larger, longitudinal study investigating youth health awareness, 8th, 9th, and 10th graders reported their intentions to engage in sexual activity and use condoms in the next year, the amount of pressure they felt to engage in sexual activity, and their perceptions about the number of their peers engaging in sexual activity. Findings suggest intentions to engage in sexual behavior and use condoms, feelings of pressure to have sex, and perceptions about the number of friends engaging in sexual intercourse differ by gender and sexual experience status. Implications of these findings for health and sexuality education, as well as HIV prevention programs targeted at adolescents, are discussed.  相似文献   

This study investigated the disclosure of HIV-positive serostatus to sexual partners by heterosexual and bisexual men, selected in centers for HIV/AIDS care. In 250 interviews, we investigated disclosure of serostatus to partners, correlating disclosure to characteristics of relationships. The focus group further explored barriers to maintenance/establishment of partnerships and their association with disclosure and condom use. Fear of rejection led to isolation and distress, thus hindering disclosure to current and new partners. Disclosure requires trust and was more frequent to steady partners, to partners who were HIV-positive themselves, to female partners, and by heterosexuals, occurring less frequently with commercial sex workers. Most interviewees reported consistent condom use. Unprotected sex was more frequent with seropositive partners. Suggestions to enhance comprehensive care for HIV-positive men included stigma management, group activities, and human rights-based approaches involving professional education in care for sexual health, disclosure, and care of "persons living with HIV".  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: This study examined characteristics of gay and bisexual men who attend circuit parties, frequency of and motivations for attending parties, drug use and sexual behavior during circuit party weekends, and use of risk reduction materials available at parties. METHODS: A cross-sectional survey was conducted among 295 gay and bisexual men from the San Francisco Bay Area who had attended a circuit party in the previous year. RESULTS: One fourth of the men reported a drug "overuse" incident in the previous year. Nearly all respondents reported use of drugs during circuit party weekends, including ecstasy (75%), ketamine (58%), crystal methamphetamine (36%), gamma hydroxybutyrate or gamma butyrolactone (25%), and Viagra (12%). Two thirds of the men reported having sex (oral or anal), 49% reported having anal sex, and 28% reported having unprotected anal sex during the 3-day period. An association was found between use of drugs and sexual risk behavior. Prevention materials were observed at party events by some men; however, relatively few men used the materials. Common motivations for attending the parties were "to listen to music and dance" and "to be with friends." CONCLUSIONS: Intensive, targeted health promotion efforts are needed for gay and bisexual men who attend circuit parties.  相似文献   

Objective: To assess the psychological and behavioral characteristics of gay and bisexual men who intend to use antiretroviral post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) to prevent HIV infection.Methods: Gay and bisexual men who had not tested HIV seropositive and were not in long-term exclusive sexual relationships (n = 327) completed anonymous surveys consisting of demographic characteristics, gay community acculturation, experience with and attitudes toward PEP, substance use, and sexual behavior in the past 6 months.Setting: A large annual Gay Pride festival in Atlanta, Georgia.Results: There were 8 (3%) men who had already used PEP and 85 (26%) who planned to use PEP to prevent themselves from becoming HIV infected. Compared to the 242 (74%) men who did not indicate plans to use PEP, those planning to use PEP were younger, less well educated, more likely to have used illicit substances in the past 6 months, and were more likely to have a history of injection drug use. Men intending to use PEP were also more likely to have practiced unprotected anal and oral intercourse as the receptive partner and were more likely to have multiple anal intercourse partners with whom they were receptive.Conclusions: Gay and bisexual men are generally supportive of the immediate use of PEP and a significant number of men are planning to use PEP, particularly less educated men who use multiple substances and practice the highest-risk sexual behaviors. Concurrent behavioral interventions must, therefore, be considered critical in the advancement of PEP.  相似文献   

男-男性接触者梅毒和HIV感染及性行为调查   总被引:42,自引:2,他引:40  
目的 了解南方某大城市非商业男男性接触(MSM)梅毒(SP)和艾滋病病毒(HIV)感染现况及安全性行为水平。方法 通过网站回答问卷,并自愿接受免费的梅毒螺旋体颗粒凝集试验(TPPA)及艾滋病病毒(HIV)检验。结果 88例非商业MSM的SP感染率达9.04%,HIV感染率3.41%。累计男性伴侣数平均35人,76.1%有口交性行为和92.0%有肛交性行为,76.1%与陌生人有性行为,55.7%与女性有性接触。每次和经常性安全套使用率分别为6.8%和26.1%,从不使用达48.9%。结论 非商业MSM的性生活非常活跃,缺乏安全性行为是造成梅毒高感染的重要因素,HIV感染已开始在非商业MSM和异常接触中传播。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: We examined the prevalence and frequency of childhood sexual abuse and their association with sexual risk among a sample of gay and bisexual men. Methods. Cross-sectional data were collected by survey from randomly selected gay and bisexual men who attended the 1997 and 1998 Minneapolis/St. Paul Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender Pride Festivals. Data included demographics, sexual activity, history of childhood sexual abuse, HIV status, history of sexually transmitted infection, use of sex-related drugs (such as crack, cocaine, Ecstasy, amyl nitrate, crystal methamphetamine, and Special K), and history of exchanging sex for payment. Results. childhood sexual abuse was reported by 15.5% of the survey respondents (n = 134). Those who reported experiencing abuse regularly were more likely to (1) be HIV positive, (2) have exchanged sex for payment, and (3) be a current user of sex-related drugs. Neither unsafe sex nor sexually transmitted infections were associated with childhood sexual abuse. CONCLUSIONS: These findings show that more than 1 in 7 gay and bisexual men in a non-clinical, festival-based setting were victims of childhood sexual abuse and that childhood sexual abuse was associated with alarmingly high rates of men who were HIV infected and antecedent risk behaviors.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To estimate the prevalence of and identify risk factors for human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) and hepatitis B virus (HBV) infections and unprotected anal intercourse among young homosexual and bisexual men. METHODS: The authors performed a cross-sectional analysis of data from a prospective cohort of 508 young gay and bisexual men ages 18-29. RESULTS: HIV-1 seroprevalence was 2.4%, with five (1.3%) of 390 college students and seven (6.0%) of 117 non-students infected. After adjusting for confounders, HIV-1 infection was associated with having a history of a sexually transmitted disease other than HIV-1 or hepatitis B. The prevalence of hepatitis B markers in unvaccinated men was 12.9%. The presence of hepatitis B markers in unvaccinated men was significantly associated with Asian ethnicity, off-campus residence, and history of a sexually transmitted disease other than HIV-1 or hepatitis B and inversely associated with recent non-intravenous drug use. Eighteen percent of the participants reported having had sex with women during the previous 12 months, and 26.4% reported a history of unprotected anal intercourse during the previous six months. Men who reported unprotected anal intercourse were more likely to have at least one steady partner, to have met their partners in anonymous settings, and to be identified as probably alcohol dependent. CONCLUSIONS: Although the prevalence of HIV-1 infection among young homosexual and bisexual men in Boston was relatively low, the high rates of unprotected anal intercourse suggest a potential for future HIV-1 and hepatitis B transmission. Interventions should focus on young men with histories of sexually transmitted diseases, alcohol abuse, and depression.  相似文献   

Behavioral intervention is the most urgent priority in preventing the further spread of HIV. To maximize the efficacy of AIDS prevention and to most efficiently allocate resources, it is imperative that variables contributing to preventive behavior change be accurately identified, and interventions be critical evaluated prior to widespread dissemination. We review studies regarding homosexual/bisexual men in terms of: 1) epidemiological trends in HIV transmission; 2) models of behavior change organized around the initiation, consolidation, and maintenance of change, and; 3) preventive intervention outcomes. We conclude with recommendations for effective primary prevention programs.Peggy L. Peterson is affiliated with the School of Social Work, Social Development Research Group, University of Washington. Address correspondence and reprint requests to: 146 North Canal St., Suite 211, XD-50, Seattle, WA 98103.David G. Ostrow is affiliated with the University of Michigan.David J. McKirnan is affiliated with the University of Illinois at Chicago.  相似文献   

In 1998, the Supreme Court of Canada ruled that prosecuting people for HIV-status nondisclosure would neither affect people’s willingness to undergo HIV testing, specifically, nor undermine HIV prevention, more generally. Since that time, limited research has explored this topic. This paper reports a survey of a convenience sample of 721 gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men. The aim was to examine participants’ sexually transmitted infection (STI) and HIV testing practices, sexual activities, and perceptions about nondisclosure prosecutions. Results suggest that nondisclosure prosecutions appear to have affected the STI testing practices of the participants in this research who were: (a) the most likely to have reported a sexual history involving unprotected receptive anal sex, and (b) least likely to have undergone testing for STIs.  相似文献   

Abstract: Between July 1993 and March 1994, advertising in the personal columns of local print media was used as a subterfuge to obtain access to homosexually active men living on the Central Coast of New South Wales. The men were invited to make contact by phone and were then requested to answer 44 survey questions. The survey was based on a premise that there existed a subgroup of homosexually active men who did not identify themselves as gay and who were behaviourally bisexual (the study population). Out of 296 contacts, 106 completed questionnaires concerning demographics, aspects of sexual behaviour, and attitudes and knowledge about sexual practice and self-definition. The sampling did provide access to a predominantly behaviourally bisexual group of men who did not identify themselves as gay and for whom the use of 'beats' was the most common method for meeting other men. There existed a high degree of accurate knowledge and practice of safe sex. However, several areas of concern warrant continued and new strategies to minimise the risk of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) transmission in the study population. While the results might not be generalisable to the entire population of behaviourally bisexual men who do not identify themselves as gay, they do (in the absence of other successful ways of reaching this group), provide a useful indicator for the development of such strategies.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: We examined the effectiveness of community-level HIV prevention programming for men who have sex with men. METHODS: We used multilevel methods to examine unprotected intercourse by bisexual men (n = 1016) with male and female partners in geographic regions with and without HIV prevention programming. RESULTS: Men living in geographic regions with HIV prevention programming had significantly less frequent unprotected homosexual intercourse with both casual and regular partners. In contrast, no differences were observed for unprotected heterosexual intercourse. CONCLUSIONS: This study provides evidence supporting the effectiveness of community-level HIV prevention programming and the need for its broader implementation. The study also demonstrates the suitability of multilevel methods for examining the effectiveness of community-level public health programs.  相似文献   

Sexual orientation consists of multiple components. This study investigated both sexual identity and same-sex sexual behavior. Data came from the New Zealand Mental Health Survey, a nationally representative community sample of New Zealanders aged 16 years or older, interviewed face-to-face (N = 12,992, 48% male). The response rate was 73.3%. Self-reported sexual identity was 98.0% heterosexual, 0.6% bisexual, 0.8% homosexual, 0.3% “Something else,” and 0.1% “Not sure.” Same-sex sexual behavior with a partner was more common: 3.2% reported same-sex sexual experience only and 1.9% reported both experience and a relationship. For analysis of childhood and lifecourse, five sexuality groups were investigated: homosexual, bisexual, and heterosexual divided into those with no same-sex sexual experience, experience only, and experience and relationship. The non-exclusively heterosexual groups were more likely to have experienced adverse events in childhood. Educational achievement and current equivalized household income did not differ systematically across the sexuality groups. Only 9.4% of the exclusively heterosexual lived alone, compared with 16.7% of bisexuals and 19.0% of homosexuals. Heterosexuals were more likely than bisexuals or homosexuals to have ever married or had biological children, with differences more marked for males than for females. Heterosexuals with no same-sex sexual experience were more likely to be currently married than the other two heterosexual groups. Restricting comparisons to heterosexual, bisexual, and homosexual identification ignores the diversity within heterosexuals. Differences between the bisexual and homosexual groups were small compared with the differences between these groups and the exclusively heterosexual group, except for sex (80.8% of bisexuals were female).  相似文献   

Using data from a large national representative survey on sexual behavior in France (Contexte de la Sexualité en France), this study analyzed the relationship between a multidimensional measure of sexual orientation and psychoactive substance use and depression. The survey was conducted in 2006 by telephone with a random sample of the continental French speaking population between the ages of 18 and 69 years. The sample used for this analysis consisted of the 4,400 men and 5,472 women who were sexually active. A sexual orientation measure was constructed by combining information on three dimensions of sexual orientation: attraction, sexual behavior, and self-definition. Five mutually exclusive groups were defined for men and women: those with only heterosexual behavior were divided in two groups whether or not they declared any same-sex attraction; those with any same-sex partners were divided into three categories derived from their self-definition (heterosexual, bisexual or homosexual). The consumption of alcohol and cannabis, which was higher in the non-exclusively heterosexual groups, was more closely associated with homosexual self-identification for women than for men. Self-defined bisexuals (both male and female) followed by gay men and lesbians had the highest risk of chronic or recent depression. Self-defined heterosexuals who had same-sex partners or attraction had levels of risk between exclusive heterosexuals and self-identified homosexuals and bisexuals. The use of a multidimensional measure of sexual orientation demonstrated variation in substance use and mental health between non-heterosexual subgroups defined in terms of behavior, attraction, and identity.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND. Despite a declining incidence during the AIDS era, gonorrhea remains the most frequently reported communicable disease in the United States. METHODS. During 1986 and 1987 we supplemented gonorrhea case reporting with laboratory surveillance in King County, Washington. Incidence rates were correlated with demographic variables. RESULTS. Overall incidence of gonorrhea was similar for men and women, but highest for 16- to 21-year-old females and urban Seattle residents. Incidence rates by ethnicity were Blacks, 3033; Native Americans, 843; Hispanics, 617; Asians, 190; and Whites, 121. Census tracts representing the lowest socioeconomic status (SES) quartile accounted for 58% of reported gonorrhea. Black female teenagers residing in the lowest SES urban areas had highest incidence rates: aged 14 to 15, 3.4%; 16 to 17, 10.4%; 18, 17.0%; and 19, 15.4%. Rates in female teenagers were even higher after adjustment for estimated proportion of those who were sexually experienced. CONCLUSIONS. Gonorrhea incidence is associated with age, gender, ethnicity, SES, and residence. Identification of populations at highest risk for gonorrhea can direct interventions against all sexually transmitted diseases. Clearly, interventions to alter high-risk behaviors must be initiated in early adolescence.  相似文献   

Between October 1984 and May 1986, 746 homosexual men, living in and around Amsterdam, The Netherlands, were surveyed at three consecutive six months periods regarding their sexual behavior. At the start of the study all subjects, of whom 234 (31 per cent) were HIV-Ab seropositive, were informed about their HIV antibody status. Seropositives initially reported more sexual partners than seronegatives; they also showed a greater reduction in the number of sexual partners and the number of partners with whom all forms of sexual practices were performed than did seronegatives. In both groups subjects were more likely to terminate orogenital intercourse than anogenital intercourse and masturbation.  相似文献   

Only recently have both outreach work and police operations found men with learning difficulties having sex in public toilets. This paper will describe the men's experience and understandings of such encounters based on discussions with nineteen men with learning difficulties* receiving a specialist sex education service. The work demonstrates how commonly men with learning difficulties engage in sexual acts which are emotionally and physically painful. A major aim of the work with the men was to enable them to negotiate safer sex. However, even after intense work, confidence for the men to avoid unsafe sex remains limited because of their passivity. Service providers are encouraged to be more sensitive to issue of power for sex between men and to examine the extent of their responsibilities in protecting men with learning difficulties from HIV infection.  相似文献   


Gay, bisexual, queer and other men who have sex with men are disproportionately affected by HIV in Canada. While up to 63% of transgender men identify as gay, bisexual or queer and report a variety of HIV sexual risk behaviours, transgender men are often overlooked within epidemiological HIV surveillance and research. While a growing body of research has begun to examine sexual risk for transgender gay, bisexual and queer men, most studies have been conducted in the USA. This study explored sexual HIV risk for this population in the Canadian context, specifically in British Columbia, in an environment of publically funded universal access to healthcare, including HIV testing and treatment. We conducted interviews with 11 gay, bisexual and queer transgender men. Participants’ narratives suggest that HIV risk for these transgender men is shaped by a diversity of sexual behaviours, including inconsistent condom use, seeking partners online for greater safety and accessing HIV/STI testing and other healthcare services despite facing transition-related barriers. Public health prevention and health education must recognise the presence of transgender men and ensure health services and broader population health promotion meet the unique sexual health needs of this sub-population of gay, bisexual and queer men.  相似文献   

This study was undertaken to determine the reliability of self-reported sexual behavior using the test and retest technique when used with self-reported sexual behavior. The subjects were 116 asymptomatic homosexual men who participated in another study (an examination of behavioral and demographic determinants of HIV antibody status). The subjects were asked to complete two questionnaires. The first contained demographic and sexual behavior questions. The second, administered an average of 6 weeks later, used a subset of the questions in the first questionnaire. The reliability of the test-retest procedure was measured by the Kappa statistic, which assesses the proportion of agreement between two data items, accounting for the amount of agreement expected by chance. The highest degree of reliability as measured by Kappa was found with demographic information, smoking history, and sexual orientation. Self-reported sexual behaviors for the previous 6 months generally had the next highest degree of reliability as measured by Kappa. Questions examining change over the previous 5 years had the lowest reliability. Behavior changes during the time between questionnaires, subjectivity of the answer categories, and social desirability of the answers are three factors that may result in a lack of reliability in this self-reported sexual behavior questionnaire. This raises methodological concerns about the measurement of behavioral risk factors for AIDS and the ability to assess meaningfully subjective reports of behavioral change.  相似文献   

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