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penetrating ulcer of the aorta is a rare ulcerating atherosclerotic lesion of the aortic wall. two new cases are reported.
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Traumatisme de l’aorte thoracique par broche
Traumatism of the thoracic aorta by pin  相似文献   

Évolution chirurgicale de la myélopathie thoracique secondaire à l'ossification des ligaments jaunes     
Byung-Chul Park  Woo-Kie Min  Chang-Wug Oh  In-Ho Jeon  Shin-Yoon Kim  Hee-Soo Kyung  Soo-Hoon Oh 《Revue du Rhumatisme》2007,74(12):1270-1275
Calcification of the cervical ligamentum flavum is a rare entity observed exclusively in Japanese people. We report a new case in a 65-year-old man from Tunisia who presented with symptoms of cervical myelopathy with mild tetra paresis, sensory abnormalities and dysuria. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) showed a posterior compression of the spinal cord at C3-C4. CT-scan showed a calcification of the ligamentum flavum at level C3-C4, compressing the left postero-lateral aspect of the spinal cord. C3-C4 laminectomy was performed with removal of abnormal ligamentum flavum tissue. The postoperative course was uneventful and all symptoms resolved.Calcification of the cervical ligamentum flavum is a rare entity; the diagnosis is easy but the pathogenesis remains unclear. Literature regarding this pathology is reviewed.
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Article original

Évolution chirurgicale de la myélopathie thoracique secondaire à l'ossification des ligaments jaunes
Surgical outcome of thoracic myelopathy secondary to ossification of ligamentum flavum  相似文献   

Les douleurs de croissance chez l’enfant : analyse épidémiologique dans une population méditerranéenne     
Angelos Kaspiris  Chrisi Zafiropoulou 《Revue du Rhumatisme》2009,76(9):857-861

Développement et validité d'un questionnaire de qualité de vie spécifique de l'arthrose de hanche et de genou : l'AMIQUAL (Arthrose des Membres Inférieurs et Qualité de vie)     
Anne-Christine Rat  Jacques Pouchot  Joël Coste  Cdric Baumann  Elizabeth Spitz  Nathalie Retel-Rude  Michle Baumann  Janine-Sophie Giraudet-Le Quintrec  Dominique Dumont-Fischer  Francis Guillemin  le Groupe Qualit de Vie en Rhumatologie 《Revue du Rhumatisme》2006,73(12):1364-1372

Dysplasie fibreuse polyostotique symptomatique du rachis dorsal     
Mehmet Tezer  Erden Erturer  Cagatay Ozturk  Mehmet Aydogan  Azmi Hamzaoglu 《Revue du Rhumatisme》2006,73(12):1416-1418
Fibrous dysplasia is characterized by a progressive replacement of normal bone elements by fibrous tissue. The temporal bone is rarely involved. In this location, complications such as facial deformity, conductive hearing loss and facial peripheral neural involvement can occur. Positive diagnosis can beestablished with computerized tomography which also enables assessment of extension and detection of complications. We report a case of a 27-year-old man with extensive fibrous dysplasia of the right temporal bone presenting withconductive hearing loss secondary to progressive stenosis of the external auditory canal. Computerized tomography of the temporal region wasperformed.
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Fait clinique

Dysplasie fibreuse polyostotique symptomatique du rachis dorsal
Symptomatic polyostotic fibrous dysplasia of the thoracic spine   相似文献   

Recommandations formalisées d’experts. Contrôle de la glycémie en réanimation et en anesthésie : une réactualisation nécessaire     
C. Ichai  A. Cariou  M. Lone  B. Veber  D. Barnoud  le groupe d&#x;experts 《Annales fran?aises d'anesthèsie et de rèanimation》2009,28(7-8):717-718

Relation entre le taux de 1,25-dihydroxycholécalciférol et le pronostic fonctionnel après une fracture de hanche chez les personnes âgées     
Pedro Carpintero  Milagros Garcia-Lazaro  Manuel Montero  Pedro Lopez-Castro  Francisco Len  Critobal Aguilera 《Revue du Rhumatisme》2006,73(12):1400-1404
The present treatment of a fracture must allow an anatomical consolidation and an ad integrum functional recuperation. An osteosynthesis giving immediate stability allows for an early rehabilitation, articular and muscular. However, it modifies the biological and mechanical conditions of the spontaneous bony consolidation and determines limits to the physiotherapy according to the type of the fracture, the type of the osteosynthesis and the degree of evolution. A poor osteosynthesis and/or a maladjusted rehabilitation exposes a pathological consolidation.


Le traitement actuel d'une fracture doit permettre une consolidation anatomique et une récupération fonctionnelle ad integrum. Une ostéosynthèse assurant une stabilité immédiate autorise une rééducation précoce, articulaire et musculaire. Toutefois, elle modifie les conditions biologiques et mécaniques de la consolidation osseuse spontanée et détermine des limites à la kinésithérapie en fonction du type de la fracture, du type d'ostéosynthèse et du stade d'évolution. Une mauvaise ostéosynthèse et/ou une rééducation inadaptée expose à une consolidation pathologique.
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Article original

Relation entre le taux de 1,25-dihydroxycholécalciférol et le pronostic fonctionnel après une fracture de hanche chez les personnes âgées
Relationship between 1,25-dyhydroxycholecalciferol levels and functional outcome after hip fracture in elderly patients  相似文献   

Surveillance during the postoperative period     
Vostroknoutova I  Rezlan E  Cholley B  Mebazaa A 《Annales fran?aises d'anesthèsie et de rèanimation》2007,26(12):1114-1115
The accurate assessment and monitoring of arterial pressure is a key issue in the ICU. Arterial tonometry (applanation tonometry) is increasingly used in the cardiovascular field to noninvasively estimate pressure at the radial artery and carotid artery level and to reconstruct central aortic pressure. This allows the quantification of left ventricular afterload and may improve the evaluation of arterial stiffness and cardiovascular risk. The present article briefly summarizes the technical and methodological aspects of the technique and the potential interest in the rationale, pathophysiological management of ICU patients, with special focus on the links between pulse pressure and stroke volume.
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Copyright © 2007 Published by Elsevier Masson SAS

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Surveillance dans la période postopératoire
Surveillance during the postoperative period  相似文献   

Haemodynamic profile in paraphenylene-diamine poisoning     
Charra B  Hares N  Hachimi A  Ezzouine H  Benslama A  Motaouakkil S 《Annales fran?aises d'anesthèsie et de rèanimation》2006,25(11-12):1167-1168
The accurate assessment and monitoring of arterial pressure is a key issue in the ICU. Arterial tonometry (applanation tonometry) is increasingly used in the cardiovascular field to noninvasively estimate pressure at the radial artery and carotid artery level and to reconstruct central aortic pressure. This allows the quantification of left ventricular afterload and may improve the evaluation of arterial stiffness and cardiovascular risk. The present article briefly summarizes the technical and methodological aspects of the technique and the potential interest in the rationale, pathophysiological management of ICU patients, with special focus on the links between pulse pressure and stroke volume.
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Profil hémodynamique des intoxiqués à la paraphénylène-diamine
Haemodynamic profile in paraphenylene-diamine poisoning  相似文献   

Tumescent local anaesthesia in dermatologic surgery performed under anticoagulant or antiagregant therapy     
Sleth JC  Blatiere V 《Annales fran?aises d'anesthèsie et de rèanimation》2007,26(12):1078-1079
Autogenous bone remains the gold standard for preimplant bone-grafting procedure.When important volumes must be grafted with cancellous bone, the calvarial-harvesting site must still be considered, due to the quality of this membranous bone and the safety of the procedure if the surgeon is experimented.To simplify the procedure, the author proposes calvarial-bone harvesting under local anesthesia with a mini-bone plane. This technique remains very comfortable for the patient and also safe because of the almost complete preservation of the outer calvarial table.
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Lettre à la rédaction

Chirurgie dermatologique sous traitement anticoagulant ou antiplaquettaires : une place pour l'anesthésie locale tumescente
Tumescent local anaesthesia in dermatologic surgery performed under anticoagulant or antiagregant therapy  相似文献   

Modèle expérimental de spondylodiscite infectieuse par inoculation chez le lapin : évaluation de l’imagerie par résonance magnétique et corrélation anatomopathologique     
Guillaume Bierry  Franois Jehl  Gilles Prvost  Michel Mohr  Nicolas Meyer  Jean-Louis Dietemann  Stphane Kremer 《Revue du Rhumatisme》2008,75(7):647-653

Editorial comment on: transurethral photoselective vaporization versus transvesical open enucleation for prostatic adenomas >80ml: 12-mo results of a randomized prospective study     
Reich O 《European urology》2008,54(2):435-436

Paralysie ascendante hyperkaliémique révélatrice d’une insuffisance surrénale     
J.-J. Lehot  R. Cahen 《Annales fran?aises d'anesthèsie et de rèanimation》2009,28(9):812-813

Faut-il modifier ou optimiser le traitement préopératoire ?     
Piriou V 《Annales fran?aises d'anesthèsie et de rèanimation》2007,26(12):1104-1107
Mild therapeutic hypothermia (32–34 °C) has been recently introduced into the international guidelines of cardiac arrest management, considering that the patient survival without neurological sequellae for out-of-hospital cardiac arrests following ventricular fibrillation has been improved with induced and controlled hypothermia. The benefit of therapeutic hypothermia is largely related to its neuroprotective effects. However, several issues remain unsolved to date. Consistently, the therapeutic window for applying hypothermia and the exact mechanism of the hypothermia effects on the ischemia-reperfusion syndrome and the cerebral anoxia are only partially understood. Furthermore, this efficient treatment is associated with some side effects that could counterbalance its benefits. Although recommended by all international committees, the exact implementation modalities of hypothermia still remain to be clarified, including the patient-to-treat selection criteria, the most efficient cooling and rewarming devices, the cooling duration and depth, the optimal temperature monitoring, and the usefulness of the associated treatments. Beneficial or deleterious extraneurological hypothermia effects, mainly regarding the cardiovascular and the respiratory systems, have also not been yet completely elucidated. Taking into accounts its risk-benefit balance and treating its potential complications should enhance hypothermia benefits. Only a better understanding of its precise effects and its optimal implementation modalities would be helpful in order to improve the final cardiac arrest prognosis.
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Pratique clinique

Faut-il modifier ou optimiser le traitement préopératoire ?
It is necessary to modify or to optimize the preoperative treatment?  相似文献   

Cervical esophagostomy     
Dieter R 《Journal of the American College of Surgeons》2006,202(6):1025-1026
TOTAL HIP ARTHROPLASTY PROCEDURES relieve patients' arthritic hip pain. Since the first procedure was performed in the 1960s, surgeons and implant companies have worked to improve prosthesis design, composition of implants, and the mechanisms for holding the implants in place.• RECENTLY, SURGEONS HAVE FOCUSED on minimizing the surgical incision. Smaller incisions have resulted in smaller scars and faster recoveries.• THIS ARTICLE PRESENTS a brief historical overview of, as well as current trends in, minimally invasive total hip arthroplasty. All aspects of care for a patient undergoing total hip arthroplasty are discussed. AORNJ 79 (June 2004) 1244–1258.
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Cervical Esophagostomy
Raymond Dieter MD, FACSa
aNaperville, IL  相似文献   

Traumatisme crânien grave de l’enfant : phase pré- et peropératoire : les bonnes pratiques en 2009     
G. Orliaguet  V. Guellec 《Annales fran?aises d'anesthèsie et de rèanimation》2009,28(7-8):688-689

Principes du sevrage de la ventilation mécanique en réanimation pédiatrique     
F. Leclerc  O. Noizet  W. Chaari  A. Sadik  Y. Riou 《Annales fran?aises d'anesthèsie et de rèanimation》2009,28(7-8):685-687

Editorial comment     
Marks LS 《The Journal of urology》2008,179(5):444-1862

Taking a dressing out on a date     
Reisler T  Doyle C 《Burns : journal of the International Society for Burn Injuries》2007,33(8):1076

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