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多信息融合的彩色细胞图像分割方法   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:10  
本文就从病理切片的彩色图像中提取细胞核的有关方法作了研究,提出了有效的分割方法的策略。该方法以数学形态学为主要工具,可以利用细胞的多个特征,较好地解决了病理显微图像背景杂,光照不均及粘连团聚现象等因素给分割带来的困难。  相似文献   

真彩色图象边缘检测技术在胃镜图中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前计算机图象处理技术中,边缘检测已有许多成熟的算法、能较好地完成图象分割的任务。但在医学图象中、有些病变区域的边缘很难确定,人眼判断有很大的主观性。用传统的边缘检测技术不会取得好的检测效果。为此,本文针对胃镜图象中胃溃疡边缘的自动检测提出了一种径向搜索算法、成功地解决了计算机自动边缘检测问题,为病变区域的差别与测量提供了客观依据。  相似文献   

为提高灰度医学图像颜色增强的有效性和视觉合理性,提出了一种基于纹理统计特征的颜色增强处理方法。此方法的颜色映射机理不是传统的在灰度级和颜色模型间经验性构筑一对一或多对一的映射关系函数,而是借助彩色可视化人体(VHP)解剖断层源图像数据,利用共生矩阵纹理统计特征信息,实现颜色在图像间的传输。实验结果证明了此方法的可行性,高维度、高阶数统计量的运用提高了颜色映射的准确性和有效性。  相似文献   

This paper describes development of a decision support system for diagnosis of malaria using color image analysis. A hematologist has to study around 100 to 300 microscopic views of Giemsa-stained thin blood smear images to detect malaria parasites, evaluate the extent of infection and to identify the species of the parasite. The proposed algorithm picks up the suspicious regions and detects the parasites in images of all the views. The subimages representing all these parasites are put together to form a composite image which can be sent over a communication channel to obtain the opinion of a remote expert for accurate diagnosis and treatment. We demonstrate the use of the proposed technique for use as a decision support system by developing an android application which facilitates the communication with a remote expert for the final confirmation on the decision for treatment of malaria. Our algorithm detects around 96% of the parasites with a false positive rate of 20%. The Spearman correlation r was 0.88 with a confidence interval of 0.838 to 0.923, p<0.0001.  相似文献   

The stained colors of the tissue components are popularly used as features for image analysis. However, variations in the staining condition of the histology slides prompt variations to the color distribution of the stained tissue samples which could impact the accuracy of the analysis. In this paper, we present a method to correct the staining condition of a histology image. In the method, a look-up table (LUT) based on the dye amounts absorbed by the sample is built. The LUT can be built when either (i) the source and reference staining conditions are specified or (ii) when the user simply wants to recreate his/her preferred staining condition without specifying any reference slide. The effectiveness of the present method was evaluated in two aspects: (i) CIELAB color difference of nuclei, cytoplasm, and red blood cells, between the ten different slides of liver tissue, and (ii) classification of the different tissue components. Application of the present staining correction method reduced the color difference between the slides by an average factor of 9.8 and the classification performance of a linear discriminant classifier improved by 16.5 % on the average. Results of the paired t test statistical analysis further showed that the reduction in the CIELAB color difference between the slides and the improvement in the classifier’s performance when staining correction was implemented is significant at p < 0.001.  相似文献   

研究了基于离散余弦变换(DCT)的图像水印技术在彩色图像中的应用,提出了一种基于DCT域的彩色图像水印算法,该算法在保证水印不可见和鲁棒性的前提下,可以实现水印的盲提取。实验结果表明,此算法可以很好地保护图像的质量,并且对常用的图像处理具有较强的鲁棒性。  相似文献   

This article summarizes the consensus reached at the Summit on Color in Medical Imaging held at the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) on May 8–9, 2013, co-sponsored by the FDA and ICC (International Color Consortium). The purpose of the meeting was to gather information on how color is currently handled by medical imaging systems to identify areas where there is a need for improvement, to define objective requirements, and to facilitate consensus development of best practices. Participants were asked to identify areas of concern and unmet needs. This summary documents the topics that were discussed at the meeting and recommendations that were made by the participants. Key areas identified where improvements in color would provide immediate tangible benefits were those of digital microscopy, telemedicine, medical photography (particularly ophthalmic and dental photography), and display calibration. Work in these and other related areas has been started within several professional groups, including the creation of the ICC Medical Imaging Working Group.  相似文献   

Previous behavioral and electrophysiologic evidence indicates that one night of total sleep deprivation (TSD) impairs error monitoring, including error detection, error correction, and posterror adjustments (PEAs). This study examined the hypothesis that error correction, manifesting as an overtly expressed self-generated performance feedback to errors, can effectively prevent TSD-induced impairment in the PEAs. Sixteen healthy right-handed adults (seven women and nine men) aged 19–23 years were instructed to respond to a target arrow flanked by four distracted arrows and to correct their errors immediately after committing errors. Task performance and electroencephalogram (EEG) data were collected after normal sleep (NS) and after one night of TSD in a counterbalanced repeated-measures design. With the demand of error correction, the participants maintained the same level of PEAs in reducing the error rate for trial N +  1 after TSD as after NS. Corrective behavior further affected the PEAs for trial N +  1 in the omission rate and response speed, which decreased and speeded up following corrected errors, particularly after TSD. These results show that error correction effectively maintains posterror reduction in both committed and omitted errors after TSD. A cerebral mechanism might be involved in the effect of error correction as EEG beta (17–24 Hz) activity was increased after erroneous responses compared to after correct responses. The practical application of error correction to increasing work safety, which can be jeopardized by repeated errors, is suggested for workers who are involved in monotonous but attention-demanding monitoring tasks.  相似文献   

目的:在调强放射治疗过程中,采用同样的放射治疗手段(高能X线或电子线治疗),而通过改良头颈部体位的固定装置,能有效减少放射治疗摆位中产生的随机误差。方法:随机选取不同固定装置的两组鼻咽癌患者各82人,应用Varian Trilogy直线加速器对每位患者进行一周一次的CBCT扫描,并与计划系统的定位CT图像进行在线校准匹配,得到X(左右)、Y(头脚)、Z(腹背)三个方向上的实时摆位误差。采集两组患者所有的摆位误差数据进行对比分析。结果:旧固定装置摆位误差X方向约0.0984 cm,Y方向0.1870 cm,Z方向约0.0979 cm;新固定装置摆位误差X方向约0.0801cm,Y方向0.1027 cm,Z方向约0.0889 cm(注:X代表Lateral,Y代表Longitudinal,Z代表Vertical)。两组固定装置在X方向和Z方向上摆位误差区别不大,但新固定装置在Y方向上明显提高了放射治疗的精确性,大大减少了随机误差。结论:有效地使正常组织受到最少照射和提高肿瘤的局部控制率,减少正常组织并发症,治疗体位的精确最为关键。通过改良体位固定装置,严格按照CBCT验证后的数据摆位,能有效减少来自摆位的随机误差。同时,保证了治疗体位的精确性和重复性,提高了放疗精度。  相似文献   

一种基于模糊均差和小波变换的医学图像去噪方法   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
小波阈值萎缩法能够有效地去除图像中的噪声,去噪阈值直接影响去噪的效果,而噪声标准差在去噪阈值的确定中起着至关重要的作用。针对医学图像的特点、基于寻找更合适的噪声标准差估计方法,本研究提出了一种新的利用模糊均差代替普通标准方差估计噪声标准差的方法。在各层小波分解的低频图像中利用模糊积分估计噪声标准差,然后确定每一层去噪阈值,进行图像去噪。试验结果表明,本研究算法在去除噪声的同时也较好地保持了图像的细节。  相似文献   

数字化已成为现代医学成像的主流,摄像机则是数字X射线成像设备中的核心技术,本文就上前在数字X射线成像系统中使用的两种摄像机技术--摄像管及CCD摄像机进行了讨论和比较,结果在未来主分辩力成像研究中CCD优于摄像管。  相似文献   


Histotechnologists skillfully use histochemical stains to demonstrate various components in tissue sections with different colors, and most histology laboratories have available a wide range of biological dyes to stain histological tissue sections. Histotechnologists can improve their skills by paying attention to the Color Index number for each dye they use, i.e. a special five digit number assigned to each dye to separate it from any other dye used in the histology laboratory. This short article reviews briefly the use of the Color Index, dye generic names and dye purity.  相似文献   

A common teleradiology practice is digitizing films. The costs of specialized digitizers are very high, that is why there is a trend to use conventional scanners and digital cameras. Statistical clinical studies are required to determine the accuracy of these devices, which are very difficult to carry out. The purpose of this study was to compare three capture devices in terms of their capacity to detect several image characteristics. Spatial resolution, contrast, gray levels, and geometric deformation were compared for a specialized digitizer ICR (US$ 15,000), a conventional scanner UMAX (US$ 15,000), a conventional scanner UMAX (US 1,800), and a digital camera LUMIX (US$ 450, but require an additional support system and a light box for about US$ 450, but require an additional support system and a light box for about US 400). Test patterns printed in films were used. The results detected gray levels lower than real values for all three devices; acceptable contrast and low geometric deformation with three devices. All three devices are appropriate solutions, but a digital camera requires more operator training and more settings.  相似文献   

目的:考察不同颜色背景对返回抑制效应的影响。方法:以36名大学生为被试,采用Posner经典线索-靶子范式,通过变换背景颜色,探讨不同背景色对返回抑制中信息检索的影响。结果:六种背景色下均观察到了返回抑制效应,黄色背景下的返回抑制量显著小于黑色背景,其它背景色之间的返回抑制量无显著差异。结论:返回抑制具有稳定性,黄色背景更有利于提高注意的搜索效率。  相似文献   

目的:探讨正常人群对室内环境色的偏好特点及其影响因素。方法:纳入1005名健康成年人进行室内环境色偏好测验,采用自制一般情况问卷、艾森克人格问卷分别进行调查和测量。结果:(1)正常人群室内环境色偏好顺序(珔x)为蓝(4.15)、绿(4.38)、白(4.42)、橙(4.46)、黄(4.51)、紫(4.69)、红(5.10)、黑(6.62)、灰(6.70)。不同性别(U=2.398,P0.05)、不同年龄(χ~2=20.56,P0.01)、不同受教育程度(χ~2=19.8,P0.05)、不同气质类型(χ~2=32.01,P0.001)的被试颜色偏好顺序均倾向一致;(2)不同性别被试在橙、黑、紫色偏好程度上差异显著(Z=2.034,4.981,2.094;P=0.042,0.000,0.036),不同年龄被试在橙、黄、黑色偏好程度上差异显著(χ~2=9.599,11.291,18.999;P=0.008,0.004,0.000),不同受教育程度被试在橙、黄、紫、黑色偏好程度上差异显著(χ~2=8.696,7.778,11.080,11.823;P=0.013,0.020,0.004,0.003);(3)性别与橙色、黑色偏好显著相关(r=-0.064,0.157;P=0.042,0.000),年龄与橙、黄色偏好显著正相关(r=0.071,0.068;P=0.002,0.003),婚姻与蓝色、紫色偏好显著相关(r=0.079,-0.082;P=0.012,0.009),内外向、神经质与红色偏好呈显著负相关(r=-0.076,P=0.016),神经质与黄色偏好显著正相关(r=0.071,P=0.024),精神质与绿色偏好显著正相关(r=0.099,P=0.002),生活事件与蓝色(r=-0.056,P=0.039)显著负相关、与黑色(r=0.114,P=0.000)显著正相关,家庭关系与红色(r=0.056,P=0.042)显著正相关、与紫色(r=-0.057,P=0.034)显著负相关,经济状况与绿色(r=0.054,P=0.044)显著正相关、与紫色(r=-0.055,P=0.038)显著负相关。结论:正常人群对颜色的偏好有一些普遍的一致性,个体的生物学特征以及心理社会因素均对色彩偏好产生影响。  相似文献   

Evolution of communication systems, especially internet-based technologies, has probably affected Radiology more than any other medical specialty. Tremendous increase in internet bandwidth has enabled a true revolution in image transmission and easy remote viewing of the static images and real-time video stream. Previous reports of real-time telesonography, such as the ones developed for emergency situations and humanitarian work, rely on high compressions of images utilized by remote sonologist to guide and supervise the unexperienced examiner. We believe that remote sonology could be also utilized in teleultrasound exam of infant hip. We tested feasibility of a low-cost teleultrasound system for infant hip and performed data analysis on the transmitted and original images. Transmission of data was accomplished with Remote Ultrasound (RU), a software package specifically designed for teleultrasound transmission through limited internet bandwidth. While image analysis of image pairs revealed statistically significant loss of information, panel evaluation failed to recognize any clinical difference between the original saved and transmitted still images.  相似文献   

色彩背景对视觉认知任务的生理学及绩效影响研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:对在不同色彩背景下视觉认知操作过程中的生理学指标及任务完成绩效进行比较研究。方法:36名青年男性,完成不同色彩背景下的系列认知测验,同时采用多导生理记录仪采集相关生理指标。结果:生理学指标和认知任务绩效均受到了色彩背景的影响,并且不同色彩背景之间统计学上存在差异(P<0.05)。综合生理指标和认知绩效,短波长色彩(如紫、蓝色)背景下,自主神经活动强度较小,从生理指标上各项指标分值较低,但是在作业的成绩较好。而在波长较长的色彩(如橙色、黄色)背景下,各项生理指标较高,自主神经活动较强,但是作业成绩较差。结论:色彩背景信息可以调节作业个体的生理状态,并影响到认知任务的完成。在较短时间的简单认知任务中,短波长更利于产生好的作业绩效。  相似文献   

下肢静脉血栓的彩色多普勒超声诊断   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 探讨下肢静脉血栓的彩色多普勒超声声像图特点。方法 回顾性分析71例下肢静脉血栓形成患者的彩色多普勒声像图特点。结果 左下肢的发病率明显高于右下肢,常累及股静脉、股浅静脉、股深静脉、月国静脉等。声像图特点为管腔内探及实性高或低回声团块CDFI血流信号变细或无血流信号;脉冲多普勒血流速度减慢且不受呼吸影响。结论 彩色多普勒超声诊断下肢静脉血栓具有直观性、可靠性。  相似文献   

刘珍 《医学信息》2019,(3):52-54
子宫内膜的容受性抑制是辅助生育技术方面的研究热点。既往采用检测雌激素、孕激素以及部分已知与子宫内膜容受性相关因子来评价,但是这类检测方式有创且耗时长,评价IVF-ET结局价值有限。彩色多普勒能量图是一种高敏感度的彩色超声,可高质量的实现器官组织血流灌注的彩色显像。本次研究在分析子宫内膜容受性的基础上,对彩色多普勒能量图检测子宫内膜血流评价IVF-ET结局的相关研究进行综述,旨在为IVF-ET结局的改善提供一定参考。  相似文献   

王桂莲 《医学信息》2007,20(9):1568-1569
阐述测量及误差,从理论计算和实际测量两方面对驻波法测量频率产生的误差进行分析讨论。  相似文献   

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