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膝关节是人体关节中负重多及运动量大的关节,为适应此机能所需的结构极为复杂,膝关节内侧副韧带具有保护膝关节稳定和运动的作用。膝关节内侧副韧带损伤常发生于车祸、体育运动过程中,治疗方法不当可导致严重膝关节功能障碍。现将膝内侧副韧带损伤的临床研究综述如下。  相似文献   

目的探讨保留残端韧带进行前交叉韧带重建的方法及意义。方法2005年6月至2011年6月,我院共收治前交叉韧带损伤178例,其中运动伤63例,军事训练伤61例,交通伤54例;部分断裂35例,韧带松弛16例。男119例,女59例,年龄为17~46岁,平均28岁。所有病例经关节镜检查证实,其中前交叉韧带完全断裂127例,部分束支断裂35例,韧带松弛16例。前交叉韧带胫骨定位器定位于原前交叉韧带胫骨附着残迹的中心点偏内、偏后,即外侧半月板前角游离缘的延长线、胫骨内棘前方2mm,关节外定位于胫骨结节内侧2cm,胫骨骨道定位器标定45°方向,钻入导针,根据移植肌腱的直径选择相应的胫骨钻头,沿导针钻孔建立胫骨隧道。膝关节屈曲90°,通过胫骨隧道放置合适股骨隧道定位器,于右膝10~11点左膝1~2点位置打入导针,选择与移植肌腱直径相同的钻头钻取股骨隧道,深度为3cm。前交叉韧带完全断裂者不对胫骨端或股骨端的残端进行清理,移植的肌腱穿过胫骨或股骨残端,残余韧带似套袖样包裹于重建韧带的表面。前交叉韧带单束支损伤者除了保留断裂束支的残端外,对因受损而出现松弛的另一束支也予以保留。对于前交叉韧带明显松弛者,将移植的肌腱穿过松弛韧带胫骨或股骨附着点附近,使移植的肌腱与原韧带重叠或缠绕。股骨端采用Rigidfix固定,胫骨端采用Intrafix固定。术后采用Lysholm膝关节功能评分对手术效果进行评价。结果所有患者术后均随访12~24个月,平均19个月。术后膝关节稳定性增强,Lysholm膝关节功能评分:术前平均(68.6±5.1)分,其中完全断裂组(67.4±6.2)分,部分束支断裂组(71.1±4.6)分,韧带松弛组(72.7±4.1)分;术后平均(94.9±0.9)分,其中完全断裂组(94.6±5.5)分,部分束支断裂组(95.3±3.8)分,韧带松弛组(96.4±4.2)分。术后较术前平均提高26.3分。对手术前后Lysholm膝关节功能评分进行统计学分析,结果有统计学意义(P=0.0000)。结论保留残端重建前交叉韧带,有助于移植肌腱再血管化、本体感觉的建立和减少关节液渗入骨隧道,有利于维持膝关节的稳定性,从而获得满意的临床疗效。  相似文献   

正膝关节交叉韧带是维持膝关节稳定的重要结构,具有两种重要功能:生物力学功能和本体感觉功能。生物力学功能主要是指交叉韧带防止膝关节在运动过程中胫骨过度向前或向后移位。本体感觉功能是指膝关节对空间运动和位置感知的一种能力,主要通过位于韧带、关节囊,肌肉和皮肤等处的机械感受器来感知~([1])。日常生活中,年轻人  相似文献   

骨关节炎(osteoarthritis, OA)是中老年人最常见的膝关节疾病,其发生是机械和生物性因素相互作用的结果,膝关节是一个复杂的机械系统,膝OA过程中生物力学变化对于预测疾病进展具有重要作用。有限元(finite element, FE)建模和分析技术是一种有效的工具,可以帮助研究人员预测和评估膝OA的发展和进展。本综述概述模拟膝关节不同解剖结构退化FE模型(包括关节软骨、软骨下骨、软骨退变和软骨下骨重塑耦合、半月板肌肉骨骼及前交叉韧带重建FE模型)所涉及的挑战和治疗进展,并对所面临问题进行分析和讨论。  相似文献   

正前交叉韧带(anterior cruciate ligament,ACL),又称前十字韧带,位于膝关节内,起于股骨外侧髁内侧面,斜向下走行,止于胫骨髁间隆起前部和内外侧半月板前角,连接股骨和胫骨,其主要功能是抵抗胫骨的过度前移,并协同膝关节内其它结构,共同维持膝关节的稳定性。国外学者统计~([1]),发现美国ACL断裂在骨骺未闭的18岁以下足球运动员膝关节损伤中占31%。青少年ACL断裂是否要进行手术治疗?手术治疗是否会造成下肢生长抑制?一直  相似文献   

目的探讨关节镜下应用深低温冷冻异体骨-髌腱-骨复合体重建损伤的前交叉韧带的方法及疗效。方法2006年~2007年间我科在关节镜下应用深低温冷冻异体骨-髌腱-骨复合体重建损伤的前交叉韧带的患者16例,其中单纯ACL损伤9例,合并半月板损伤7例,1例合并内侧副韧带(MCL)和后交叉韧带(PCL)损伤。对其术前和随访过程中的症状、体征及Lysholm膝关节评分和国际膝关节文献委员会(IKDC)的分级标准评定的情况进行分析。结果随访时间6~22个月。16例患者术前弹响、交锁和打软腿症状均消失,无关节不稳主诉。浮髌试验均为阴性,均无过伸、过屈痛,Lachman征、前抽屉试验、轴移试验均为阴性。残留关节轻度疼痛4例。Lysholm评分术前评分58.72分,术后6个月以上随访评分92.16分(P〈0.01)。优秀率75%。IKDC评定结果明显优于术前。结论关节镜下应用深低温冷冻异体骨-髌腱-骨复合体重建损伤的前交叉韧带的方法可有效改善膝关节稳定性;减少自体肌腱移植的供区损伤;解决了多根韧带损伤带来的重建材料匮乏的问题。  相似文献   

前交叉韧带(anterior cruciate ligament,ACL)损伤是目前常见的膝关节运动损伤,ACL损伤患者往往还有其它伴随损伤,其中最常见的就是半月板损伤。如对合并半月板损伤术前评估及准备不足,认识及处理不当,势必会影响ACL重建的效果及患者的功能恢复。了解ACL与半月板的损伤相关性,一方面可指导选择较好的手术时机,减少半月板损伤等伴随损伤的发生,另一方面,对术前良好评估合并损伤的情况及制订手术方案非常重要。为提高临床医生对该合并损伤的重视,现就ACL合并半月板损伤的相关进展综述如下。  相似文献   

有作者将异体和自体移植重建交叉韧带从组织活力、胶原形态学、抗拉力、稳定等方面进行研究,显示自体移植优点较多且无继发性损伤。Jackson等曾作了可行性同种异体韧带移植修复前交叉韧带的动物试验。本文作者将同种异体交叉韧带及半腱半膜肌修复交叉韧带进行了临床应用观察。  相似文献   

半月板切除可导致膝关节早期发生关节病。其原因是由于膝关节丧失了半月板的关节稳定和缓冲作用。以前选择的治疗方法是半月板全切,现在认为应尽可能保留半月板组织,可采用半月板部分切除、半月板缝合、或利用滑膜组织进行缝合固定。但有时半月板全切仍难以避免,再加上有许多病人在急诊手术时已施行了半月板切除。前交叉韧带断裂以后,必然会损伤内侧半月板的后角,后者与前交叉韧带具有协同作用。  相似文献   

长期以来,膝关节前交叉韧带损伤患者常施行髌韧带或半腱肌移位一期或二期重建术,手术治疗效果很大程度上取决于术后康复治疗。本文着重于探讨通过在家中使用一些简单的器械,如膝关节治疗装置(K.T.S.),并在正确的指导下进行功能锻炼,能否达到康复治疗同样的效果。  相似文献   

目的总结胫骨高位截骨植骨内固定+关节镜下前交叉韧带重建术治疗膝内翻骨关节炎合并前交叉韧带损伤的效果。方法对14例膝内翻骨关节炎合并前交叉韧带(anterior cruciate ligament,ACL)损伤的患者行关节镜下清理,处理关节内病变。取自体股薄肌、半腱肌肌腱,经编织处理后以ACL瞄准器于胫骨结节旁内侧皮质f位于截骨线下方,距截骨线不小于1cm)钻骨道,常规方法重建ACL,股骨端以钮扣钛板固定,胫骨端以可吸收钉固定。同时于胫骨结节上缘截骨,指向近端胫腓关节上部,矢状面平行于关节面的后倾,外侧骨皮质不完全截断,行胫骨高位截骨,填充同种异体骨后以胫骨近端锁定解剖型钛板固定,矫正膝内翻。结果术后经6~28个月的随访,患者截骨端均于术后3个月内愈合,关节疼痛明显减轻,活动度满意,无关节不稳症状。HSS评分:术前(50.25±4.82)分,术后(80.12±3.41)分;Lysholm评分:术前(47.07±5.25)分,术后(78.08±2.52)分,差异有统计学意义(P〈0.05)。结论胫骨高位截骨植骨内固定+关节镜下前交叉韧带重建术是有效治疗膝内翻骨关节炎合并前交叉韧带损伤的微创手术方法。  相似文献   

目的 探讨全关节镜下联合半月板移植和前交叉韧带(ACL)重建的微创手术技术、围手术期处理及临床效果.方法 对8例膝关节半月板切除伴有ACL损伤的患者,同期实施关节镜下半月板移植与ACL重建微创手术.内侧半月板移植采用前后角骨栓固定方法,外侧半月板移植采用前后角骨桥固定方法.ACL重建术采用自体腘绳肌腱移植,股骨端内纽扣固定、胫骨端可吸收界面钉固定的方法.全部手术过程在关节镜下完成.膝关节功能采用Lysholm记分和IKDC分级评价.关节稳定性检查包括Lachman试验、抽屉试验和轴移试验.膝关节活动度通过测量双膝活动度的差值评价.平均随访20.4个月(5-42个月).结果 本组病例没有因移植物失败需ACL翻修或取出移植半月板者.患侧膝关节屈曲度较健侧减少9°±6°,伸直度较健侧减少3°±2°.术前患膝Lachman试验Ⅱ°阳性2例,Ⅲ°阳性6例,抽屉试验Ⅱ°阳性3例,Ⅲ°阳性5例,所有患膝轴移试验阳性.术后患膝Lachman试验阴性6例,Ⅰ°和Ⅱ°阳性各1例.前抽屉试验阴性6例,Ⅰ°阳性2例.所有患膝轴移试验阴性.Lysholm记分在手术前后差异有统计学意义(P<0.01).IKDC分级正常和接近正常者所占比率在手术前后差异有统计学意义(P<0.01).术后随访MRI示ACL移植物位置适当,移植半月板1例前角和1例后角有Ⅱ°损伤信号影,其余半月板外形良好,有内部信号不均匀现象.结论 对适当选择的半月板切除伴有ACL损伤患者,联合半月板移植与ACL重建术可较好地恢复膝关节稳定性,改善功能.虽然其在全关节镜下的微创操作技术上有一定难度,但此术式是一个有实用价值的治疗方法 .  相似文献   

Radiation therapy (RT) is frequently used to treat patients with tumors in and around the thorax. Clinical radiation pneumonitis is a common side effect, occurring in 5% to 20% of patients. Efforts to identify patients at risk for pneumonitis have focused on physical factors, such as dose and volume. Recently, the underlying molecular biological mechanisms behind RT-induced lung injury have come under study. Improved knowledge of the molecular events associated with RT-induced lung injury may translate into a better ability to individualized therapy. This review discusses our current understanding of the physical and molecular factors contributing to RT-induced pulmonary injury.  相似文献   

慢性非可控性炎症在肝细胞癌(hepatocellular carcinoma,HCC)发生过程中发挥关键作用。在慢性病毒性肝炎、酒精性肝炎和非酒精性脂肪性肝炎等HCC发生危险因素中,慢性非可控性炎症的发生发展是HCC发生的核心因素。在慢性炎症发生发展过程中,损伤或死亡的肝细胞能够介导肝脏中的免疫细胞活化,进而促发炎症,迁延不愈的肝脏炎症促进了肿瘤的发生;其中肝细胞的损伤或死亡方式和不同免疫细胞活化导致的炎症进展在HCC发生中的作用不尽相同,涉及肝损伤、炎症和代偿性增殖等多个病理或病理生理过程,以及多种细胞、信号通路和调控分子的功能改变。深入研究肝脏炎癌转化的调控机制有助于为HCC发生的干预提供理论基础。本文就肝脏炎癌转化及其调控机制的研究进展作一综述  相似文献   



Complete rupture of the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) does not represent a diagnostic problem for the standard magnetic resonance (MR) protocol of the knee. Lower accuracy of the standard MR protocol for partial rupture of the ACL can be improved by using additional, dedicated MR techniques. The study goal was to draw a comparison between sagittal-oblique MR technique of ACL imaging versus flexion MR technique of ACL imaging and, versus ACL imaging obtained with standard MR protocol of the knee.

Patients and methods

In this prospective study we included 149 patients who were referred to magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) examination due to knee soft tissues trauma during 12 months period. MRI signs of ACL trauma, especially detection of partial tears, number of slices per technique showing the whole ACL, duration of applied additional protocols, and reproducibility of examination were analysed.


Accuracy of standard MRI protocol of the knee comparing to both additional techniques is identical in detection of a complete ACL rupture. Presentations of the partial ruptures of ACL using flexion technique and sagittal-oblique technique were more sensitive (p<0.001) than presentation using standard MR protocol. There was no statistically significant difference between MRI detection of the ruptured ACL between additional techniques (p> 0.65). Sagittal-oblique technique provides a higher number of MRI slices showing the whole course of the ACL and requires a shorter scan time compared to flexion technique (p<0.001).


Both additional techniques (flexion and sagittal-oblique) are just as precise as the standard MR protocol for the evaluation of a complete rupture of the ACL, so they should be used in cases of suspicion of partial rupture of the ACL. Our study showed sagittal-oblique technique was superior, because it did not depend on patient’s ability to exactly repeat the same external rotation if standard MR protocol was used or to repeat exactly the same flexion in flexion MR technique in further MR examinations. Sagittal-oblique technique does not require the patient’s knee to be repositioned, which makes this technique faster. We propose this technique in addition to the standard MR protocol for detection of partial ACL tears.  相似文献   

Comparative evaluation of clinical, radiological and anatomical measurements of mammary tumours A study of two series of non-irradiated benign and malignant breast tumours, operated on at the Gustave-Roussy Institute, showed that radiological evaluation of a tumour's diameter was far closer to the actual anatomical diameter than was its clinical evaluation. Various factors capable of influencing the indirect assessment of size have been successively studied—limitation, localization, histological type, age, etc. Finally, the authors considered the possibility of replacing the clinical diameter of tumours by their radiological diameter in the TNM classification system.  相似文献   

The efficacy of early breast cancer detection programmes seems to be mainly influenced by the awareness of breast cancer in general among healthy women. This study aimed to provide information about women's understanding of breast cancer incidence and risk of disease. Based on a newly developed questionnaire 2108 healthy women were asked about their knowledge and perceptions in relation to breast cancer incidence, risk factors, risk perception and level of concern. Of these women 78.8% were well aware of breast cancer in general terms. However, there were major aspects such as incidence or risk factors that were poorly understood. Only one-third correctly estimated the incidence of breast cancer; 95% understood breast cancer in the familial history as a risk factor, but only 57% understood the age risk; 37.1% of women perceived hormonal contraceptives and 35.9% hormonal replacement therapy as risk factors of breast cancer. The latter estimation was significantly higher in women above 40 years. Recommendations for the improvement of cancer prevention programmes include targeting understanding of lifetime risk of breast cancer, age as a risk factor, survival from breast cancer or hormonal factors. There is a need to separately address the perceptions of women depending on age, social status and educational levels.  相似文献   

Chiechi LM  Secreto G 《Tumori》2000,86(1):12-16
The advantages of hormone replacement therapy (HRT) are well documented in contrasting the symptomatology of climacterium and in reducing morbidity and mortality associated with coronary heart disease and osteoporotic fractures of postmenopausal age. However, growing evidence points to increased breast cancer risk in HRT long-term users, and the adverse effect would, obviously, overwhelm any other benefit. At present, the risk/benefit ratio of HRT is an object of hot debate, and we feel it necessary and urgent to select women who can safely benefit from HRT and women whose risk of breast cancer can be perilously increased by the raised hormonal levels related to HRT. We have reviewed studies on the breast cancer risk in HRT users and data on the interaction between steroid hormones and breast cancer. Reasoning that the outcome of mammary cancer can be increased by hormonal overstimulation of the breast, we have focused on those factors of risk that could be further enhanced by the exogenous hormonal stimulus of HRT, so as to cause a further significant increase in the risk of breast cancer. We conclude that some biologic and clinical markers, namely android obesity, bone density, mammographic density, androgen and estrogen circulating levels, alcohol consumption, benign breast disease, and familiarity, should be carefully considered before prescribing long-term HRT. Our analysis suggests that HRT could increase the risk of breast cancer and useless in preventing coronary heart disease and osteoporotic fractures when administered in women with positivity for one or more of these markers.  相似文献   

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