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目的分析医务人员锐器伤发生情况,为持续改进锐器伤安全管理工作提出建议。方法回顾性分析某院2006年8月—2015年7月上报的《锐器伤登记表》,分析统计相关资料。结果共上报211例锐器伤,主要人群为护士(118例,55.92%)和医生(83例,39.34%);工龄主要为5年及以下者(117例,55.45%);发生地点主要为外科病房(67例,31.75%)、内科病房(65例,30.81%)及门急诊(33例,15.64%);致伤物主要为注射器针头(91例,43.13%)、缝合针(34例,16.11%)和头皮针/输液器针头(27例,12.80%);主要致伤操作为各种注射(40例,18.95%)、静脉输液(38例,18.00%)、手术缝合/剪断(36例,17.06%)。主要致伤环节为操作中(治疗、检查、手术),共109例(51.66%)。血源性病原体污染的器械中,HBV污染95例(76.61%),HCV污染25例(20.16%),HIV污染4例(3.23%)。无血源性病原体感染病例发生。211例医务人员接种乙肝疫苗者155例(73.46%)。结论应重点针对工作时间≤5年的护士和医生,外科病房、内科病房及门急诊的医务人员,注射、静脉输液、缝合/剪断等操作时做好锐器伤防护工作。医院相关部门完善上报流程,加强追踪。  相似文献   

目的调查徐州地区各级医院医务人员锐器伤发生及上报情况,为制定本地区锐器伤防护措施、完善上报制度提供依据。方法 2016年7—8月,采用多阶段分层随机抽样方法随机抽取徐州市13所不同级别医院的医务人员,对其一般资料、锐器伤发生及上报情况等进行问卷调查。结果共收集2 694份有效问卷,医务人员锐器伤发生率为10.32%,例次发生率为12.84%,上报率为30.64%。医务人员锐器伤例次发生率一级医院为44.83%,二级医院为11.53%,三级医院为12.52%,不同级别医院锐器伤例次发生率比较,差异具有统计学意义(χ~2=55.148,P0.001)。锐器伤发生时机主要为医务人员在回套针帽时(79例次,22.83%),器具种类主要为中空针类(297例次,85.84%)。参加培训情况不同的医务人员锐器伤发生率比较,差异具有统计学意义(χ~2=66.760,P0.001)。结论本地区医务人员的锐器伤现状不容乐观,存在培训效果欠佳,上报率较低且安全器具使用率不高等问题,应进一步采取有效措施,建立有效的锐器伤监测追踪系统以减少锐器伤的发生。  相似文献   

目的了解某院医务人员发生锐器伤的人群分布特征和风险环节,为制定有效防护措施提供依据。方法回顾性调查2014年1-12月该三级甲等医院医务人员上报医院感染管理科的职业暴露情况,分析发生锐器伤者的职业类别、暴露地点及环节、暴露源等情况。结果2014年1-12月共监测医务人员2 643名,发生锐器伤61名,其中护士43名(占70.49%),医生13名(占21.31%)。医务人员锐器伤职业暴露科室主要为骨科(9名,占14.75%),致伤锐器主要为输液针(33名,占54.10%),发生的主要操作环节为拔针(21名,占34.43%);暴露源主要为乙型肝炎病毒(HBV),共36例(占59.01%);34名(占55.74%)锐器伤职业暴露医务人员在操作中均未戴手套。锐器伤职业暴露后进行局部处理者54名(占88.52%),进行药物治疗(含预防用药)者仅18名(占29.51%);追踪随访43名(占70.49%),均未因暴露而发生感染。结论医院应建立完善的锐器伤职业暴露监控体系,加强对发生锐器伤高危人群的培训,强化标准预防,对风险环节进行监控和干预,有效减少医务人员锐器伤的发生。  相似文献   

目的了解医务工作者针刺伤现况并分析原因,以探讨有效的针刺伤防护策略。方法回顾性调查某院2013年1月—2015年12月医院感染管理科登记的针刺伤案例并进行分析。结果共发生164例针刺伤,其中医生71名(43.29%),护士81名(49.39%),其他医务人员12名(7.32%)。2013年发生针刺伤事件47例(28.66%),2014年54例(32.93%),2015年63例(38.41%)。医疗器械为受污染器械的有152例(92.68%),医疗器械污染情况未知的有9例(5.49%),而未受污染的器械仅为3例(1.83%)。164例针刺伤发生地点以手术室最多(67例,占40.85%);针刺伤发生部位以手指的发生率最高(141例,占85.98%);发生针刺伤的原因以粗心、工作繁忙或者未按规范操作为主(115例,占70.12%),医生发生针刺伤的原因以工作经验不足者最多,占52.11%,护士发生针刺伤原因以粗心、工作繁忙或者未按规范操作者最多,占93.83%。结论医务人员针刺伤案例逐年增多,应加强医务人员职业防护意识,加强医院感染管理制度建设,改善医疗环境等措施减少针刺伤的发生。  相似文献   

目的分析目前掌握的针刺伤发生特点,寻找医护人员发生针刺伤的根本原因并制定整改措施,以减少针刺伤的发生,保护医护人员的职业安全。方法收集某医院2011-2012年发生针刺伤医务人员及相应患者的资料,分析针刺伤发生特点,采用根本原因分析法寻找针刺伤的直接原因和根本原因。结果 2011-2012年共发生针刺伤58人,其中护理人员39人占67.2%,实习生22人占37.9%;针刺伤发生频率为2.4人/月,每年的8月份发生频率最高,为16人占27.6%,81.0%的锐器暴露过患者的体液;发生针刺伤的根本原因是静脉输液多、工作量大、人员配备不齐;缺乏预防针刺伤的标准操作流程,职业防护教育宣传不到位。结论针刺伤的危害不容忽视,依据针刺伤的根本原因,制定相应的整改措施,以减少类似不良事件发生。  相似文献   

Between July 1990 and June 1996, 284 exposures to infectious material were reported by 247 health care workers (HCWs) at AHEPA University Hospital, Thessaloniki, Greece, representing an overall rate of 2.4% reported injuries per 100 HCWs/year. Nurses reported the highest rates of incidents (3.0%) and in all but one working group women exhibited higher injury rates per year than male HCWs. Young workers (21-30 years old) were primarily affected in incidents (P < 0.001). Needles were the most common implement causing injury (60.6%) and resheathing of used needles as well as garbage collection were common causes of injury. None of the HCWs seroconverted in exposures where immune status to blood-borne pathogens was estimated. Efforts by the infection control committee need to be more intense, in order to increase the rate of reported staff injuries. This will facilitate identification of unsafe practices and provide more adequate preventive measures.  相似文献   

100例次医务人员锐器伤分析   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
目的通过对医务人员发生锐器伤的情况进行统计,分析发生锐器伤的危险因素,探讨改进措施,以减少医务人员锐器伤的发生。方法对2011年3月-2012年9月间发生锐器伤并登记的100名医务人员资料进行统计分析。结果发生锐器伤的100名医务人员中,护理人员占75.00%,是锐器伤发生的高危人群;工龄<5年的医务人员是发生锐器伤的集中人群;直接用手整理物品是发生锐器伤的高危操作环节;锐器伤发生后能正确处理伤口的医务人员占69.00%。结论应加强医务人员职业暴露知识的培训,认真落实职业防护制度,规范操作,以减少锐器伤的发生。  相似文献   

目的了解某院不同科室医务人员锐器伤发生现状,为制定预防措施提供依据。方法2011年7月,对该院重症监护室(ICU)、急诊科、外科、内科、手术室、供应室工作满4年的340名医务人员进行回顾性问卷调查。结果共发放问卷340份,收回有效问卷332份,有效率97.65%。医务人员锐器伤发生率为38.25%(127/332),其中医生为30.00%(30/100),护士为41.81%(97/232),护士锐器伤发生率显著高于医生(χ2=4.13,P<0.05)。不同科室医务人员锐器伤发生率不同,差异有统计学意义(χ2=49.29,P<0.01),其中急诊科医务人员锐器伤发生率最高(73.08%)。结论医务人员发生锐器刺伤的概率较高,应强化职业安全防范意识,规范操作行为,最大限度地减少职业伤害,实现暴露后零感染目标。  相似文献   

Objective Health care workers (HCWs) are exposed to bloodborne pathogens, especially hepatitis B (HBV), hepatitis C (HCV), and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) through job-related risk factors like needlestick, stab, scratch, cut, or other bloody injuries. Needlestick injuries can be prevented by safer devices. Methods The purpose of this study was to investigate the frequency and causes of needlestick injuries in a German university hospital. Data were obtained by an anonymous, self-reporting questionnaire. We calculated the share of reported needlestick injuries, which could have been prevented by using safety devices. Results 31.4% (n = 226) of participant HCWs had sustained at least one needlestick injury in the last 12 months. A wide variation in the number of reported needlestick injuries was evident across disciplines, ranging from 46.9% (n = 91/194) among medical staff in surgery and 18.7% (n = 53/283) among HCWs in pediatrics. Of all occupational groups, physicians have the highest risk to experience needlestick injuries (55.1%—n = 129/234). Evaluating the kind of activity under which the needlestick injury occurred, on average 34% (n = 191/561) of all needlestick injuries could have been avoided by the use of safety devices. Taking all medical disciplines and procedures into consideration, safety devices are available for 35.1% (n = 197/561) of needlestick injuries sustained. However, there was a significant difference across various medical disciplines in the share of needlestick injuries which might have been avoidable: Pediatrics (83.7%), gynecology (83.7%), anesthesia (59.3%), dermatology (33.3%), and surgery (11.9%). In our study, only 13.2% (n = 74/561) of needlestick injuries could have been prevented by organizational measures. Conclusion There is a high rate of needlestick injuries in the daily routine of a hospital. The rate of such injuries depends on the medical discipline. Implementation of safety devices will lead to an improvement in medical staff’s health and safety.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: There are few studies in the Italian literature on musculoskeletal disorders (MSD) among health care workers (HCW) keeping and holding awkward postures during their job. OBJECTIVES: The aims of this study were to determine the prevalence of low-back, neck and upper limb complaints and the association between risk factors and MSD in HCW working in 15 wards of the Hospital of Cuneo. METHODS: A questionnaire was submitted to 113 HCW. Information about demographic and occupational factors, and MSD characteristics were collected to be statistically elaborated. RESULTS: The prevalence of complaints regarding at least one of the 3 body regions was 71% in the whole sample (80 subjects). Low back, neck and upper limb were interested, respectively, in 58.4%, 50.4% and 25.7% of the cases. Logistic regression showed a significant association of MSD with score > 7 on the Borg scale (OR = 9.70; CI: 2.01-46.9; p < 0.01), positive musculoskeletal clinical history (OR = 3.67; CI: 1.24-10.88; p < 0.05), and visual defects (OR = 2.88; CI: 1.07-7.81; p < 0.05). Based on the answers from the questionnaire, the onset of MSD was attributed in 41 cases to organizational problems, and in 14 cases to the ergonomic characteristics of the job. CONCLUSIONS: The index of prevalence of MSD associated to work-related awkward postures (71%) is very high, greater than that observed among HCW exposed to manual lifting of weights (21%) in the hospital. Thereafter, assessment of exposure and containment of such occupational risk must be considered useful.  相似文献   

正针刺伤是指由头皮针、注射器针头、静脉导管、采血针或皮下注射针头等锐器导致的皮肤损伤~([1]),针刺伤可引起血源性病原体感染,导致血源性疾病的传播。针刺伤对医务人员造成的伤害日益引起重视,据美国职业暴露预防网统计报道,2008年美国99所医院共发生针刺伤3 126例,平均每100张  相似文献   

目的了解医护人员工作中发生锐器伤的情况、防护意识及处理措施。方法对本院2002-2006年参加工作和实习的医护人员共721名进行问卷调查。结果被调查的医护人员中发生锐器伤的人数为667(92.51%)。共发生锐器伤3868次,受伤2次以上的占92.05%。锐器伤以注射器针头刺伤为主,占57.94%;其次为手术时缝合针刺伤,占25.41%。发生锐器伤上报的占10.79%;在有潜在血液接触操作中每次均戴手套的仅占24.69%。结论临床医护人员个人防护意识不强,锐器伤的发生率高。因此加强医护人员全面性防护意识,有效降低医护人员锐器伤发生率和伤害程度势在必行。  相似文献   

To assess the annual risk for latent tuberculosis infection (LTBI) among health care workers (HCWs), the incidence rate ratio for tuberculosis (TB) among HCWs worldwide, and the population-attributable fraction of TB to exposure of HCWs in their work settings, we reviewed the literature. Stratified pooled estimates for the LTBI rate for countries with low (<50 cases/100,000 population), intermediate (50-100/100,000 population), and high (>100/100,000 population) TB incidence were 3.8% (95% confidence interval [CI] 3.0%-4.6%), 6.9% (95% CI 3.4%-10.3%), and 8.4% (95% CI 2.7%-14.0%), respectively. For TB, estimated incident rate ratios were 2.4 (95% CI 1.2-3.6), 2.4 (95% CI 1.0-3.8), and 3.7 (95% CI 2.9-4.5), respectively. Median estimated population-attributable fraction for TB was as high as 0.4%. HCWs are at higher than average risk for TB. Sound TB infection control measures should be implemented in all health care facilities with patients suspected of having infectious TB.  相似文献   

目的了解基层医院医务人员锐器伤的发生,为制定健全的职业防护策略提供依据。方法 2014年9月采用上海复旦大学中山医院设计的国内通用锐器伤调查表,对临床及医技科室人员共268人进行问卷调查。结果经调查发生锐器伤后知晓暴露源的占72.7%,暴露源不明占27.3%;已知暴露源中携带血源性病原体第1位的是乙型肝炎病毒,共13人次,占59.09%;"自我记忆"的锐器伤报告69人次,报告率为28.16%,实际报告7人,报告率为2.86%;发生锐器伤所涉及的器具排在第1位的是头皮钢针,锐器伤发生时机排在第1位的是手术缝合时,锐器伤发生场所排第1位的是普通病房。结论锐器伤是医务人员的常见职业伤害,锐器伤后的报告率低,基层医务人员亟待构建完善的职业防护知识屏障,保障职业安全。  相似文献   

Incidence of musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) is high among health care workers (HCWs). To determine whether MSDs are associated with preexisting anxiety and/or depression, a case-control study was carried out in female HCWs (56 cases/55 controls). Cases were HCWs with a first-time clinical diagnosis of MSD within the previous 2 years. Occupation, workplace, work shift, direct patient assistance, and anxiety/depression scores (Goldberg scale) were assessed. Increased risk of incident MSDs (multivariate logistic regression) was found in workers with preexisting anxiety/depression compared to those without (OR 5.01; 95% CI 2.20–12.05; p < .01). Other significant risk factors were direct patient assistance (OR 2.59; 95% CI 1.03–6.92; p = .04) and morning work shift (OR 2.47; 95% CI 0.99–6.48; p = .05). Preexisting anxiety/depression was associated with incident MSDs in HCWs, adjusting for occupational exposure risk factors.  相似文献   

This paper examines the associations between self-reported musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) and work factors and injuries among home care workers. Based on 99 focus group participants and 892 survey respondents, results show a high level of MSDs among both visiting and office home care workers. While visiting home care workers tend to feel pain in the back, office workers tend to report pain in the neck and shoulder. Hazards in clients' homes, injuries moving clients and stress are associated with self-reported MSDs for visiting home care workers. Repetitive tasks and stress are associated with self-reported MSDs for office home care workers. Age and months in the profession have no affect on self-reported MSDs.  相似文献   

目的了解陕西省医务人员锐器伤(sharp injuries,SI)发生情况,为制定预防措施,降低SI发生率提供科学依据。方法采用问卷调查方式,对2011年5月1-31日陕西省30所医疗机构SI发生情况进行横断面调查。结果有效调查16 386名调查对象,其中1 489例(9.09%)发生SI 1 901例次,SI平均发生密度为0.12次/(人·月)。护士(10.36%)和工作年限为5~10年的工作人员(10.38%)是SI发生的高危人群;SI发生例次较高的地点为普通病房(37.88%)及手术室(23.25%);注射器针头(33.98%)、静脉输液头皮针(23.25%)及手术缝针(16.73%)是造成医务人员SI的主要医疗器具;手术缝合(14.31%)、将针头放入锐器盒(11.20%)、拔除动(静)脉针(9.89%)和双手回套针帽(9.68%)等操作是造成医务人员SI的主要环节;1 351例次(71.07%)SI可追溯暴露源,781例次(41.08%)为污染SI,其中54例次为血源性疾病暴露,血源性疾病暴露率为4.00%。血源性暴露中,乙型肝炎病毒占74.07%(40/54),梅毒占12.96%(7/54),丙型肝炎病毒占11.11%(6/54),人免疫缺陷病毒占1.85%(1/54)。结论SI是医疗机构常见的职业损害,应通过减少不必要的锐器接触、推行使用安全器械、执行标准操作规程、实施安全防护等措施,有效降低SI发生率。  相似文献   

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