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目的 调查慢性前列腺炎患者的早泄发生情况,了解慢性前列腺炎与早泄的内在联系.方法 2009年1月至2010年12月在门诊就诊的233例慢性前列腺炎患者.通过调查慢性前列腺炎患者是否伴发早泄,研究慢性前列腺炎与早泄之间的相关性.结果 233例慢性前列腺炎患者中,美国国立卫生研究院慢性前列腺炎症状指数评分表( NIH-CPSI)评分和中国早泄患者性功能评分表(CISFPE)评分由轻至重比例呈递减分布.年龄≤30岁患者和年龄31~50岁患者与年龄≥51岁患者早泄发病率比较差异有统计学意义[46.4%(45/97)和41.8%(41/98)比28.9%(11/38),P<0.01].共有97例伴发早泄,发病率为41.6%(97/233).相关分析表明,慢性前列腺炎与早泄有明显相关性(x2=35.99,P<0.01).结论 在慢性前列腺炎的诊治过程中,应重视和评估患者的性功能状况并予相应的处理,同时治疗早泄的过程中也应仔细询问患者有无前列腺炎的症状,同时予以治疗,促进疾病早日康复.  相似文献   

邵欣胤  李金彪 《中国医师杂志》2008,10(11):1497-1498
目的探讨慢性前列腺炎(CP)伴发早泄与心理因素的关系。方法将本中心门诊入选的89例CP伴发早泄患者,按治疗方法分为观察组(46例)和对照组(43例),2组给予药物治疗,并对本病进行保健宣教、心理咨询等。对照组进行传统的心理干预;观察组给予系统的心理干预和行为疗法治疗。治疗前后2组采用CIPE-5、NIH—CPSI评分分析。结果治疗后2组CPSI评分均值分别较治疗前有明显改善,差异均有统计学意义(P〈0.01),观察组治疗后的CIPE-5评分均值高于对照组(P〈0.01)。早泄治疗有效率高于对照组(P〈0.01)。结论药物结合心理综合治疗CP伴发早泄的疗效好,正确有效的心理治疗是本病不可缺少的重要手段。  相似文献   

慢性前列腺炎(CP)发病率为5%~8%,是男性泌尿外科最常见的疾病之一,约占泌尿外科门诊患者的1/5.早泄(PE)是射精障碍中最常见的疾病,发病率占成人男子35%~50%,占射精障碍90%。本站自2003年11月~2006年6月对63例CP合并PE患者采用抗抑郁药佐洛复片(盐酸舍曲林)延迟射精作用,取得比较满意的效果。  相似文献   

目的:研究慢性难治性前列腺炎患者行心理干预的临床效果。方法:选取2015年5月~2016年5月我院收治84例慢性难治性前列腺炎患者,根据治疗的先后顺序分为常规组和研究组,每组各为42例,常规组给予常规护理,研究组在常规组的基础上,加心理干预。对比两组患者护理后的治疗疗效与心理评分。结果:研究组患者的总有效率为95.24%,常规组患者的总有效率为80.95%。护理前两组患者的焦虑、抑郁评分无明显差异,但护理后研究组患者抑郁和焦虑评分明显低于常规组,差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论:对慢性难治性前列腺炎的患者实施心理干预措施,能够有效减少患者焦虑和抑郁,提高临床护理的效果,值得推广。  相似文献   

某部新兵前列腺炎患病情况调查   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
目的:了解部队新兵前列腺炎患病情况,为做好防治工作提供依据。方法:对某部203名新兵体检及问卷调查。结果:在采集到前列腺液标本的150例中,检出前列腺炎23例,占15.33%。其中城市入伍新兵前列腺炎患病率明显高于农村入伍者;经常穿牛仔裤的患病率显著增高;前列腺炎的发病与接受性刺激及自慰行为无关,但与本人对自慰行为的态度及有无性压抑苦闷感有关。结论:前列腺炎在军队部兵中并不少见,应引起部队医务人员  相似文献   

慢性前列腺炎相关的性功能障碍调查分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目的了解慢性前列腺炎患者早泄(PE)和勃起功能障碍(ED)的患病情况,并分析慢性前列腺炎的症状轻重与PE、ED轻重程度的相关性。方法依据美国国立卫生研究院慢性前列腺炎症状指数评分表(NIH-CPSI)、中国早泄患者性功能-5评分表(CIPE-5)、国际勃起功能指数-5评分表(IIEF-5)作为评定标准,采用和患者面对面交谈、询问方式,分别记录1000例慢性前列腺炎患者的NIH-CPSI评分、CIPE-5评分以及IIEF-5评分。结果1000例中PE发生率为40.2%,ED发生率为15.8%。患者各年龄组PE的患病率无显著性差异(P>0.05);ED患病率差异具有显著性(P<0.01),年龄越大,患病率越高。慢性前列腺炎的症状轻重和PE、ED轻重程度均无明显相关性。结论慢性前列腺炎患者中PE和ED的发生率较高,且ED患病率随年龄增加而增大。但慢性前列腺炎的症状轻重与PE和ED的轻重程度则无明显的相关性。  相似文献   

据资料显示:在我国离婚的妇女中有60%都有性生活不谐调的历史。是不是男性由于工作的劳累或是竞争的压力有些力不从心呢?“聪明”的人发现了这一点,于是肾虚、阳痿、早泄的医疗传单遍布大街小巷,滋阴壮阳、雄风再起的保健品层出不穷。然而专家在坐诊中却也有一些心得:也许您所谓的肾虚并不是真正的肾虚,您所谓的无能并非真正的无能,这一切可能是——  相似文献   

编辑部: 您好!我有前列腺炎,婚前有过手淫习惯,现在早泄有点严重。有的医生说国外现在有治疗早泄的药物,国内还没有。除了注意多锻炼和分散注意力之外就只能使用伟哥的药物了。但听说伟哥这种药用的久了反会使性功能下降,难道这病就没法治了吗?我现在真有点害怕和后悔死了。谁能帮帮我,谢谢!患者:孟先生  相似文献   

郑州市高校男生慢性前列腺炎患病调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
慢性前列腺炎(CP)是成年男性的常见病、多发病,据估计我国50%的男性在一生中曾罹患慢性前列腺炎,每年超过500万人次因该病就诊,就诊率约占男科门诊的30%~50%[1].据男科门诊统计,就诊病人中在校大学生比例逐年增加,约占38%,且其心理负担重,严重影响了学习和生活.为了解在校大学生慢性前列腺炎的发病原因及状况,为教育部门制定相应的措施提供依据,2007年9月-2008年6月对河南省郑州市高校男生进行了问卷调查.现将结果报告如下.  相似文献   

问:我未婚,患有前列腺炎,有尿频的症状。听说坐热水浴可以治疗前列腺炎,我打算尝试一下。可最近看书,发现上面说未育的男性最好不要坐热水浴。到底怎么办才好?  相似文献   

Emotions presumably play an important role in sexual response and dysfunction in men. Yet, few studies have investigated differences in affect between sexually dysfunctional and functional men or changes in dysfunctional men resulting from successful treatment. We compared men having premature ejaculation (PE) with sexually functional counterparts on positive and negative affects, and examined changes in their affective response to pharmacotherapeutic treatment with clomipramine, an ejaculation-retarding agent. Results indicated higher levels of specific negative affects in PE men than controls. Positive affect also differed among groups, and showed variation in response to erotic stimulation and drug treatment. When specific positive affects were analyzed, they diverged in their response to stimulus and drug manipulations. For example, all groups exhibited a decrease in arousal/sensual during clomipramine treatment, but only PE men who responded positively to pharmacological treatment exhibited significant elevation in their enjoyment of the sexual experience. The fact that alleviation of the dysfunction improved positive affect in PE men responsive to clomipramine argues for the efficacy of pharmacotherapy in promoting positive emotional experiences associated with sexual response. But the failure of negative affects to approximate the low levels typical of sexually functional men also suggests the need to consider nonpharmacological methods to ensure complete reinstatement of healthy sexual response.  相似文献   

The psychophysiological nature of premature ejaculation   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The hypothesis that premature ejaculators (PEs) are less able than nonpremature ejaculators (NPEs) to evaluate accurately their level of physiologically determined sexual arousal was tested. Twenty-six men (13 PEs and 13 NPEs) viewed a variety of videotaped vignettes, some of which were excerpts from sexually explicit films. Concurrent subjective (selfreport) and objective (plethysmograph) ratings of sexual arousal were taken. Data revealed that both the PEs and NPEs were equally accurate in assessing their level of physiological sexual arousal. These results and those from a sexual history questionnaire were used to evaluate several hypotheses regarding the nature and etiology of premature ejaculation.This research was supported in part by an NIH Biomedical Research Support Grant RR-07092 to the first author.  相似文献   

The role of anxiety in premature ejaculation: A psychophysiological model   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Despite the prevalence of premature ejaculation and the success in its treatment, researchers have yet to offer a compelling, empirically based theory regarding its nature or etiology. This study explored a model that argues that anxiety may not be necessary for the existence of this dysfunction. Fifteen premature ejaculators (PEs) and 17 nonpremature ejaculators (NPEs) engaged in self-stimulation to orgasm both in the laboratory and at home. The following specific hypotheses were tested: Compared to NPEs, PEs would demonstrate (i) shorter orgasmic latencies, both in the lab and at home, and (ii) equally accurate estimates of these latencies. Results offered strong support for both hypotheses. These findings, and those derived from a questionnaire completed by subjects, were seen as consistent with a psychophysiologic model of premature ejaculation. According to this model, the role of anxiety is seen as variable, interacting with the somatic vulnerability of the individual to determine orgasmic latency.This research was supported by an NIH Biomedical Research Support Grant #2S07RR07092 to the first author.  相似文献   

The pituitary testicular system was studied in men with psychogenic impotence. Eight patients with primary erectile impotence age 22–36 years, eight men with secondary erectile impotence age 29–55 years, and 16 men with premature ejaculation age 23–43 years were studied. The last group was further divided into two subgroups: E1 (n = 7) patients without and E2 (n = 9) patients with anxiety and avoidance behavior toward coital acitivity. Sixteen normal adult men age 21–44 served as a control group. Diagnosis was made after psychiatric and physical examinations. Patients complaining primarily of loss of libido were not considered in the study. Ten consecutive blood samples were obtained over a period of 3 hr from each patient. Luteinizing hormone (LH), total testosterone, and free (not protein-bound) testosterone were measured. Statistical analysis revealed no significant differences between patients and normal controls.  相似文献   

Premature ejaculation and erectile failure in a 54-year-old man were treated by a combination of exposure in vivo and social skills training. The intervention was not aimed directly at the dysfunctional sexual response but at features of the patient's interpersonal behavior hypothesized to be instrumental in maintaining it. Change was assessed on the basis of the patient's records of weekly rate of successful intercourse, performance of target behaviors, and associated anxiety within a single-case multiple baseline design. Change occurred only with the introduction of treatment and not before it, ruling out the effect of mere therapeutic contact or passage of time. The intervention resulted in an increased rate of performance of adaptive social targets in real life, a decrease in associated anxiety, and eventually a correlated moderate increase in the rate of successful intercourse. The outcome maintained for 1-year follow-up. Systematic data collection was discontinued after 6 months.  相似文献   

Research on the treatments of premature ejaculation and psychogenic impotence is reviewed. Problems with the existing definitions of these disorders are discussed. The studies are reviewed under seven major headings: depth therapies, behavior therapies, hypnosis, drug therapy, mechanotherapy, reeducative and supportive therapies, and extensive retraining programs. Most of the studies were case reports. Considerable methodological weaknesses were found, most notably the failure to specify subject and treatment variables, the confounding of treatment methods, inadequate or nonexistent control groups, limited, if any, follow-up assessments of treatment effects, and a failure to obtain partner validation of subjects' progress. The studies which used systematic desensitization and the studies which assessed the extensive retraining programs reported the most consistently positive results, although better-controlled replications are needed. Among other issues, it was suggested that future investigators examine the impact of treatment on homogeneous samples and conduct controlled comparisons of different treatment methods.  相似文献   

赛乐特治疗早泄50例临床疗效观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的观察抗抑郁剂赛乐特治疗早泄的疗效及副反应。方法对30例早泄患者给予口服赛乐特进行系统治疗4周后的疗效。同时与20例口服安慰剂的早泄患者进行对照比较。结果2组患者在服药4周后症状均有不同程度改善,赛乐特治疗组总有效率明显高于对照组(P<0.001)。结论赛乐特治疗早泄,是能够达到一定效果的,并且具有安全、方便与价廉的优点,值得推荐。  相似文献   

目的评价物理疗法如下腹部按摩、温水坐浴、前列腺按摩等对慢性前列腺炎的疗效并对抗生素治疗慢性前列腺炎提出质疑。方法慢性前列腺炎病人360例,随机分为两组:试验组167例接受物理疗法,对照组193例单纯抗生素治疗,治疗8周,采用慢性前列腺炎症状指数评分(CPSI)的差异。结果治疗组和对照组中获得随访患者分别占91.6%(143/167)和89.7%(173/193)无显著差异(P〉0.05)。治疗组CPSI判定:临床症状完全消失19例,临床治愈11.4%;有显著改善者96例,显效率57.5%;症状有好转者30例,有效率18.0%;症状无改善者8例,无效率4.80%;治疗前后CPSI差异显著(P〈0.01)。对照组CPSI判定:症状完全消失9例,显效率4.7%;有显著改善者26例,显效率13.5%;症状有好转者77例,有效率40.0%;症状无改善者61例,无效率31.6%,无显著差异(P〉0.05)。结论物理疗法对慢性前列腺炎比单纯抗生素治疗有更好的疗效。  相似文献   

目的探讨盐酸米诺环素加脉冲微波治疗在慢性前列腺炎中的临床疗效。方法将门诊90例慢性前列腺炎患者随机分为两组进行研究,治疗组(组1)采用脉冲微波加口服盐酸米诺环素0.1g2次/d治疗,对照组(组2)单纯口服相同剂量盐酸米诺环素治疗,疗程5周,比较治疗后两组的国际慢性前列腺炎症状评分(NIH-CPSI)、前列腺液中WBC计数。结果治疗5周后,组1的NIH-CPSI平均降低11.8分(50.6%)、前列腺液中WBC计数平均降低8.1个/HP(40.1%),与组1治疗前、组2治疗后相比,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论盐酸米诺环素加脉冲微波治疗可明显减轻慢性前列腺炎患者的疼痛不适症状和排尿症状,改善生活质量,降低前列腺液中WBC计数,其治愈率和有效率分别为9.8%和95.1%。  相似文献   

This study investigated the relationship between men's and their female partner's perceptions of men's ejaculatory behavior as well as the impact of premature or rapid ejaculation on couple functioning. One hundred fifty-two men and their female partners provided information about the man's ejaculatory behavior, their perceptions of whether the man had a problem with premature or rapid ejaculation (RE), their sexual and relationship satisfaction, and their sexual concerns. The men's and women's reports on the man's ejaculatory behavior were only moderately correlated. In general, the women saw RE as less of a problem for the men than their male partners reported for themselves. The women's perceptions of both the men's ejaculatory behavior and his affective responses were uniquely related to her own and her partner's identification of him as having an RE problem. For both the men and the women, having more characteristics of RE was related to lower sexual satisfaction, but was unrelated to relationship satisfaction. RE characteristics were also related to the number of non-RE sexual concerns reported by the men, but not to the number of sexual concerns reported by their female partner. However, men and women who identified the man as having an RE problem rated RE as having only a slightly negative impact on their own or their partners functioning. The results suggest that, for most couples, the timing of ejaculation adversely affects sexual satisfaction but not overall relationship and personal functioning.  相似文献   

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