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OBJECTIVES: This study examined the construct and criterion validity of the Mindful Attention Awareness Scale (MAAS) in cancer outpatients, using matched community members as controls. METHODS: Cancer outpatients (n=122) applying for enrollment in a mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR) program completed the MAAS and measures of mood disturbance and stress. Local community members (n=122) matched to the patients on gender, age, and education level completed the same measures. RESULTS: The single-factor structure of the MAAS was invariant across the groups. Higher MAAS scores were associated with lower mood disturbance and stress symptoms in cancer patients, and the structure of these relations was invariant across groups. CONCLUSIONS: The MAAS appears to have appropriate application in research examining the role of mindfulness in the psychological well-being of cancer patients, with or without comparisons to nonclinical controls.  相似文献   

The essential criteria of internal validity have not been sufficiently evaluated for any mania rating scale, although the fulfilment of such criteria is a prerequisite for summing the item scores to give a total score reflecting the severity of mania, and for comparing total scores across patient groups that differ with regard to variables such as age and sex. This study investigated the internal validity of the Bech-Rafaelsen Mania Scale (MAS), based on the ratings of 100 consecutively admitted drug-free DSM-III-R manic patients. Application of logistic latent structure models did not statistically confirm the additivity of the MAS. However, a modified MAS (the MAS-M) arising from the analyses fulfilled the measurement model. Transferability of the MAS-M across age and sex was also confirmed. The MAS-M showed an acceptable concurrent validity and an adequate sensitivity in discriminating between responders and non-responders among patients participating in a drug trial. The MAS-M presented here is the first mania rating scale that has been shown to fulfil statistical criteria for internal validity.  相似文献   

Sidney Blatt, considering as being insufficient the categorical-symptomatic approach of depression, has worked out a theory of depression and psychopathology that integrates the contributions of psychoanalysis as well as cognitive and developmental psychology. Within a broad psychoanalytic framework, Blatt's formulation focus on the quality of interpersonal relationship, the nature of object representation and early life experiences. Personality development is viewed as the consequence of the interaction of 2 basic developmental tasks: the establishment of the capacity to form stable, enduring, mutually satisfying interpersonal relationships and the achievement of a differentiated, realistic, essentially positive identity. The relationship between these 2 developmental lines involves a complex dialectical process during which progress in each line is essential for progress in the other and which contributes to the development of both a sense of identity and the capacity for interpersonal relatedness. These developmental lines permit not only to define an during individual's primary personality configuration but also enable to identify cognitive structures that are inherent in various forms of psychopathology, including depression. Disruptions at different developmental stages create vulnerability to different subsequent psychological disturbances. Blatt characterised as anaclitic or dependent the axis concerned with interpersonal relationship and as introjective or self-critical the axis concerned with development of the sense of self and identity. Depressive Experience Questionnaire was developed by Blatt et al. to determine the validity of this model of psychopathology which emphazises continuities between normal and pathological forms of depression. The instrument was developed by Blatt et al. by assembling a pool of items describing experiences frequently reported by depressed individual. Sixty-six items were selected and administered to a large nonclinical sample (500 female and 160 male undergraduates). Principal component analysis within sex performed on the answers to DEQ confirmed his assumption in identifying two principal depressive dimensions. The first factor involved items that are primarily externally directed and refer to a disturbance of interpersonal relationships (anaclitism); the second factor consists of items that are more internally directed and reflect concerns about self-identity (self-criticism). A third factor emerged, assessing the good functioning of subject and confidence in his resources and capacities (efficacy). Scales derived from these factors have high internal consistency and substantial test-retest reliability. The solutions for men and women were highly congruent. Factor structure has been replicated in several nonclinical and clinical samples, supporting considerable evidence to the construct validity of the DEQ Dependency and Self-criticism scales. An adolescent form of DEQ (DEQ-A) has successively been developed. Factor analysis revealed three factors that were highly congruent in female and male students and with the three factors of the original DEQ. The reliability, internal consistency and validity of DEQ-A indicate that the DEQ-A closely parallels the DEQ, especially in the articulation of Dependency and Self-criticism as two factors in depression. These formulations and clinical observations about the importance of differentiating a depression focused on issues of self-criticism from issues of dependency are consistent with the formulations of others theorists which, from very different theoretical perspectives, posit 2 types of depression, one in which either perceived loss or rejection in social relationships is central and the other in which perceived failure in achievement, guilt or lack of control serves as the precipitant of depression. These 2 types of experiences have been characterized as dominant other and dominant goal , as anxiously attached and compulsively self-reliant and as sociotropic and autonomous . Our work presents the results of a validation study of both forms of Blatt's questionnaire (for adults--DEQ--and for adolescents--DEQA) translated in French in a large population of normal subjects, aged 15 to 45 years. DEQ and DEQ-A were compared by inspection of items loading strongly on each factor and by correlation of the three factors of adults and adolescents. The exploratory factor analysis of DEQ and DEQA revealed three orthogonal factors, corresponding with Blatt's original dimensions. Consistency and external validity were adequate for all 3 factors of DEQ and DEQ-A. Anaclitism and self-criticism dimensions of DEQ and DEQ-A correlate positively with measures of depression (DSM-IV, Beck Depression Inventory), consistently with the results obtained by Blatt. Differently from this author, anaclitism appears to be less differentiated in males than in females, suggesting that the concept of dependence could assume different relevance for men and women.  相似文献   

In today's societies, pressures from the idea of thinness are omnipresent and lead to a corporal dissatisfaction with an excessive preoccupation of the body's image. It seems important to have, in France, a device that can evaluate the corporal dissatisfaction degree, for the reason that the troubles of the body's image is a common diagnostical category to the anorexia and bulimia (DSM IV, 1994). Cooper et al. (1987) have developed one-dimensional questionnaire of 34 items in order to measure the worries towards the weight and the shape of the body, called the "Body Shape Questionnaire" (BSQ). Its concurrent validity has been shown with the using of the corporal dissatisfaction under-scale of the Eating Disorders Inventory (EDI; Garner et Olmsted, 1984) and the using of the diagnostical questionnaire: Eating Attitude Test (EAT; Garner et Garfinkel, 1979). The BSQ gives us a way to explore the role of extreme worries towards the body's apparence in the development, the keeping and the treatment of eating disorders. From this point the BSQ is a tool widely used on an international level in researches on the eating disorders. It has been validited in Spain and in Germany whereas it has not been yet subject to a validation in France. For this reason, we proposed to use the BSQ on the french population. METHODOLOGY: The sample is made of 242 university girl students. The average age is 20.7 years old with an standard deviation of 2.26. The size and the weight helped us to calculate the Body Mass Index (BMI) which is in fact the weight divided by the size squared. The average BMI is 21.06 kg/m2 +/- 2.87. Regarding the evaluating devices, the BSQ is presented as a scale of 34 items marked by 6 different points: 1 never, 2 barely, 3 sometimes, 4 often, 5 very often, 6 always. After getting the authorization form the authors to respect during these kinds of procedures, we have started validation. The corporal dissatisfaction under-scale of Eating Disorder Inventory (EDI, Garner et al., 1991) is made of 9 items and has a scale of 6 points going from "never" to "always". In order to evaluate the accuracy of the Body Shape Questionnaire (BSQ) in France, we made a test/retest. The concurrent validity of the BSQ has been evaluated by the EDI. The 242 subjects have been asked to fill in both questionnaires during the test and the re-test (4 weeks after the test). We have evaluated the accuracy of the BSQ with the calculation of the constancy test/retest (Pearson's r) and the measure of the internal consistency (Cronbach's alpha). Then, we tested the validity regarding an external criteria. The validation procedure is based here on an examination of the correlations between the tests results (BSQ) and another measure taken as criteria (EDI). The solutions proposed by the factorial exploratory analysis have been tested by confirmatory analysis using the 2 index of adjustment: the GFI ("Goodness of Fit Index") and the CFI (Comparative Index of Bentler) which, greater than 0.85, shows a satisfying adjustment and the RMC (redidue) which has to be less than 0.10 for a satisfying adjustment. Finally, inferential statistical analysis have studied the relations between the weight's category and the total result at the BSQ and the results of the factors sprung from factorial analysis. RESULTS: Correlations between the items of test/re-test BSQ are greater than 0.93. The alpha coefficient is high for the test (0.95) and also for the re-test (0.94). This shows a very good internal consistency between the 34 items of the BSQ. Concerning the EDI, the correlation between the test/re-test are greater than 0.98. The alpha coefficient of Cronbach is high: 0.85 for the test and 0.84 for the re-test. The Pearson's r of the BSQ/EDI test and the BSQ/EDI re-test greater than 0.7 point out the concomitant validity of the BSQ with the EDI.We made a factorial analysis of the BSQ (test) on the 242 subjects. We used the extraction of the main components method with the extraction's rule of the curve for the real values. The transformation method used here is the normalised Varimax. The factorial analysis shows four factors with their own value greater or equal to 1 (15.1; 1.77; 1.48; 1.08). This solution concerning these four factors explains 55.2% of the total variance. The oblical rotations analysis of the four factors seems to point out a high correlation between these latters (from 0.54 to 0.77), this suggests a hierarchical pattern with a single factor which is confirmed with an Cronbach's alpha of 0.95. Then, we chose to gather around each selected factors the items presenting a substantial saturation, greater than or equal to 0.5 and which are saturated by only one factor. The first factor obtained by the factorial analysis of the BSQ has been called "social avoidance and shame of the exposure of the body". The internal coherence of this factor is satisfactory (Cronbach's alpha = 0.87). The second factor obtained has been called "body dissatisfaction compared to the lower parts ot the body (Cronbach's alpha = 0.90). The third factor has been called "using laxatives and vomiting in order to reduce body dissatisfaction" The fourth factor has been called "unsuited cognitions and behaviours in order to control the weight (Cronbach's alpha = 0.76). The solution with 1 and 4 factors has been tested by a confirmatory analysis. The adjustment parameters of the unifactorial pattern were not satisfactory (GFI = 0.76, CFI = 0.83, RMC = 0.5). The 4 factors pattern adjusted better to the data (GFI = 0.86, CFI = 0.90, RMC = 0.5).In order to determinate the differences between the weight/score categories to the BSQ) score in comparison to the 4 factors (coming from the factorial analysis), several Anova have been released as well as post-hoc tests (test of Sheffé). There is a significant effect of the weight category on the corporal dissatisfaction (BSQ result), F (2.230) = 11.34; p < 0.0001. Scheffe's test placed in a prominent position the fact that the subjects having an overweight (99.85 +/- 31.34) have a corporal dissatisfaction significantly greater than the subjects having a normal weight (74.08 +/- 27.94) and presenting a thinness (63.19 +/- 23.61). We pointed out a significant effect of the weight category on factor one "social avoidance and shame of the exposure of the body" [F (2.232) = 20.18; p < 0.001], on factor 2 "body dissatisfaction compared to the lower parts of the body" [F (2.232) = 6.38; p < 0.005] and factor 4 "reduce body dissatisfaction and unsuited cognitions and behaviours in order to control the weight" [F (2.232) = 5.67; p < 0.005]. However, there is no effect in the weight category for factor 3 "using laxatives and cominting in order to reduce the corporal dissatisfaction" [F (2.232) = 5.67; p > 0.05]. Sheffe's test highlighted the fact that the subjects having overweight have a result more important than the ones having a normal weight and presenting a thinness for factor 1.2 and 4. DISCUSSION: The BSQ "French version" seems in fact to present the same metrical qualities than its original Anglo-Saxon and Spanish versions. The concluding results invite us to continue our study of the BSQ including in our patients, the bulimic subjects and the ones who are worried about corporal aspect. Its implications on the clinical field could be really interesting especially on people suffering from the eating disorders. Then, the BSQ could provide us a way to explore the role of an extreme worry of the body's appearance in the development, the maintenance and the treatment of the eating disorders.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To validate in Spanish the Perceived Stress Questionnaire (PSQ), a questionnaire to assess stress for research purposes in psychosomatic patients. METHOD: The test was administered to a healthy population (N=174) of nursing students and health workers and to a clinical sample (N=80) of patients attending a psychiatric outpatient consultation. RESULTS: Concurrent validity: General and Recent PSQ scores correlated high with trait anxiety (r=.65), moderate with depression (r=.46) and psychological disturbance (r=.51) and poor with state anxiety (r=.22). Predictive validity: PSQ scores were higher in "psychiatric cases" than in "psychiatric noncases" (P<.01), and correlated highly with somatic symptoms of psychological origin (r=.62) in the clinical subsample. Internal consistency was 0.9 for the General and 0.87 for the Recent PSQ. Test-retest reliability of the General PSQ was 0.80. DISCUSSION: The Spanish version of PSQ presents good psychometric properties and it seems to be a valuable instrument for psychosomatic researchers.  相似文献   

ObjectiveTo evaluate and refine a newly proposed factor structure for the Adherence Barriers to Continuous Positive Airway Pressure Questionnaire (ABCQ) and to present psychometric data from a large, geographically diverse sample of children and young adults with sleep disordered breathing (SDB) treated with positive airway pressure (PAP).MethodsA sample of 181 patients prescribed PAP for treatment of SDB, ages 8–21 years, and caregivers (n = 234) of patients ages 2–21 years, completed the ABCQ during routine sleep medicine clinic visits. Adherence data from participants' PAP machines were obtained via electronic download, providing objective data on PAP adherence immediately preceding the clinic visit during which the ABCQ was completed.ResultsA three-factor structure (1. Behavior, Beliefs, Environment, 2. Emotional Barriers, & 3. Physical Barriers) exhibited good model fit in confirmatory factor analysis. Results indicate that the ABCQ has strong psychometric properties, including good internal consistency among subscales and strong convergent validity with objectively measured PAP adherence. Analysis of the Receiver Operator Characteristic Curve (ROC) yielded an ABCQ total cut-off score of 46.5 for patient report and 53.5 for caregiver report. Scores above the cutpoint predicted nonadherence to PAP, defined as failure to use PAP for ≥4 h on 70% of nights.ConclusionsThe three-factor ABCQ appears to be a useful patient- and caregiver-report instrument to measure barriers to PAP treatment in children and young adults with sleep disordered breathing.  相似文献   

ObjectiveAnosognosia is a common phenomenon in individuals with dementia. Anosognosia Questionnaire for dementia (AQ-D) is a well-known scale for evaluating anosognosia. This study aimed to establish a Korean version of the AQ-D (AQ-D-K) and to evaluate the reliability and validity of the AQ-D-K in patients with Alzheimer’s disease (AD) dementia. MethodsWe translated the original English version of AQ-D into Korean (AQ-D-K). Eighty-four subjects with very mild or mild AD dementia and their caregivers participated. Reliability of AQ-D-K was assessed by internal consistency and one-month test-retest reliability. Construct validity and concurrent validity were also evaluated. ResultsInternal consistencies of the AQ-D-K patient form and caregiver form were high (Cronbach alpha 0.95 and 0.93, respectively). The test-retest reliability of AQ-D-K measured by intra-class correlation coefficient was 0.84. Three factors were identified: 1) anosognosia of instrumental activity of daily living; 2) anosognosia basic activity of daily living; and 3) anosognosia of depression and disinhibition. AQ-D-K score was significantly correlated with the clinician-rated anosognosia rating scale (ARS), center for epidemiological studies-depression scale (CES-D) and state-trait anxiety inventory (STAI). ConclusionThe findings suggest that the AQ-D-K is a reliable and valid scale for evaluating anosognosia for AD dementia patients using Korean language.  相似文献   

Abstract The aim of this study was to translate and validate the disease-specific patient-derived Myasthenia Gravis (MG) Questionnaire to enable use among Swedish MG patients. The original Italian version of the MG Questionnaire (MGQ) was translated into Swedish and transculturally adapted. The validity and reliability was tested on 48 Swedish MG patients. We correlated MGQ scores with disease severity and with the Swedish version of the Short-Form 36-item general health survey (SF-36). Reproducibility was assessed on 18 clinically stable MG patients. A significant correlation regarding the MGQ scores was seen when correlated with physical scores of the SF-36 and the overall clinical status. Internal consistency and reproducibility was excellent. We conclude that the evaluation capacities of the Swedish MGQ are equivalent to those of the original Italian version of the MGQ. The questionnaire was successfully validated as an outcome measure also for Swedish MG patients, which is important for international multicentre clinical trials.  相似文献   

The PDQ-39 (Parkinson's Disease Questionnaire-39) is a specific quality-of-life (QOL) scale for patients with Parkinson's disease (PD). It evaluates the dysfunction of daily living and quality of life. We developed the Japanese-translated version of PDQ-39 and examined the validity of the PDQ-39 in Japanese PD patients. SUBJECTS: A total of 156 patients with PD were studied (age 35-86 years, Hoehn-Yahr stage 1 to 4). None of the patients had dementia. METHODS: Semi-structured interviews were conducted by one trained interviewer. The PDQ-39, SF-36 (36-item short form of the Medical Outcome Study questionnaire), EQ5D (Euro Qol), and NAS-J (Nottingham Adjustment Scale Japanese version) were used for evaluation. The attending physician of each patient rated the patient's condition by using the UPDRS (Unified Parkinson's Disease Rating Scale). RESULTS: Exploratory factor analysis, Cronbach alpha, and construct validity were fair, and there were significant correlations between the results of the PDQ-39 and the corresponding parts of the UPDRS and SF-36, and the Hoehn-Yahr stage, respectively. CONCLUSION: The Japanese version of the PDQ-39 is valuable for evaluating the QOL of Japanese patients with PD. Results of comparison of PDQ-39 with other scales of the QOL such as NAS-J suggest the possibility that acceptance of the disease and feelings of self-achievement improve the QOL of patients with Parkinson's disease.  相似文献   

Background and PurposeThe Boston Autonomic Symptom Questionnaire (BASQ) is a quantitative tool using a numeric rating scale to assess the symptoms of systemic dysautonomia, including cardiovascular, gastrointestinal, urinary, sudomotor, vasomotor, and sexual functions. The aim of this study was to validate the Korean version of the BASQ (KBASQ).MethodsProspectively enrolled subjects who submitted to autonomic function tests, including tests for cardiovagal, adrenergic, and sudomotor functions, also completed the KBASQ and the Korean version of the Orthostatic Grading Scale (KOGS), a validated questionnaire or assessing orthostatic symptoms.Twenty-eight subjects completed the KBASQ twice to assess test-retest reliability. We classified the subjects to dysautonomia or normal control group according to dysautonomic symptoms and the results of autonomic function tests.ResultsThis study enrolled 225 subjects aged 54.0±18.1 years (mean±standard deviation), with a male/female ratio of 1/1.03. The internal validity of the KBASQ was excellent (Cronbach''s α=0.922), and that of each of its subscales ranged from excellent to acceptable (Cronbach''s α=0.709–0.952). The test-retest reliability was good, with correlation coefficients ranging from 0.354 to 0.917. The subcategory scores for the KBASQ were significantly higher in the dysautonomia group than in the normal control group. There were significant correlations among the items in the KBASQ and KOGS. There was also a significant correlation between KBASQ scores and the results of the autonomic function tests.ConclusionsThe internal validity and reliability of the KBASQ were good, indicating that it may be a useful screening tool for the systematic evaluation of autonomic symptoms in patients with dysautonomia.  相似文献   

BACKGROUNDS: Considering the lack of screening technology that would permit neurologists to identify patients who may benefit from formal or more comprehensive assessment of neuropsychological status in patients with multiple sclerosis (MS) in Argentina, we felt the need to validate the Multiple Sclerosis Neuropsychological Screening Questionnaire (MSNQ) developed by Benedict, et al. OBJECTIVE: The objective in this multicenter study was to test the reliability and validity of the MSNQ after translation into Spanish in Argentina. We also compared the MSNQ yield by the patient report with that of the two different informants. The sample included 125 patients with MS and 36 normal controls, 27 patients had two informants available and 23 patients and their informants were examined twice at 1-week intervals (test-retest group). All participants completed the MSNQ, RAO BRB, Beck Depression Inventory-Fast Screen, EDSS, and MS Functional Composite. RESULTS: We found that an MSNQ-I score of 26 or more resulted in classifications yielding sensitivity of 0.91 and specificity of 0.80, suggesting some utility for this Argentine, informant-report measure. CONCLUSIONS: This Spanish version of the MSNQ is reliable and useful as a screening test for identifying patients at high risk for cognitive impairment in MS.  相似文献   

ObjectivesVarious psychopathologies are associated with threat‐related attention biases, which are typically measured using mechanized behavioral tasks. While useful and objective, behavioral measures do not capture the subjective experience of biased attention in daily‐living. To complement extant behavioral measures, we developed and validated a self‐report measure of threat‐related attention bias – the Attention Bias Questionnaire (ABQ).MethodsThe ABQ consists of nine items reflecting the subjective experience of attention bias towards threats. To enable personalized relevance in threat‐content, the general term “threat” was used, and respondents were instructed to refer to specific things that threaten them personally. In a set of five studies, the ABQ was developed and validated. Internal consistency, discriminant validity, test‐retest reliability, and convergent validity were tested.ResultsThe ABQ emerged as a coherent and stable measure with two sub‐scales: Engagement with Threat and Difficulty to Disengage from Threat. ABQ scores were positively correlated with trait anxiety, social anxiety, PTSD, and depression, as well as behaviorally measured attention bias.ConclusionAssessing the subjective experience of threat‐related attention bias can enrich existing knowledge about the cognitive mechanisms underlying psychopathology and complement extant behavioral bias measures in research and clinical evaluation.  相似文献   

Validation of a Questionnaire for Clinical Seizure Diagnosis   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A detailed questionnaire has been devised for diagnosis of seizure type. It is suitable for administration by trained interviewers, either directly or by telephone. A comparison of physician-based and questionnaire-based diagnoses showed almost perfect agreement in classification of patients into those with seizures of either generalized or focal origin. Substantial to almost-perfect agreement was reached in diagnosis of patients with most individual seizure types. Disagreement in differentiation between simple and complex partial seizures (CPS) probably reflects the limitations of the clinical method rather than of the questionnaire itself. The questionnaire should be of value in large-scaled clinical and epidemiologic studies.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate the factorial structure and psychometric properties of the Separation Anxiety Assessment Scale (SAAS) with Spanish schoolchildren. The participants in Study 1 were 1281 children aged 8–11. Exploratory factor analysis identified four factors: worry about calamitous events, fear of abandonment, fear of being alone, and fear of physical illness, which explained 47.77 % of the variance. The participants of Study 2 were 4628 schoolchildren aged 8–11. The four related factors model was validated by confirmatory factor analysis. The internal consistency (α = .84) and temporal stability (r = .77) were good. The convergent validity was evident from the pattern of correlations with the measures of separation anxiety, sensitivity to anxiety and school fears. The sensitivity of the scale was 83 %, and its specificity, 93 %. The complementary subscales predicted the diagnosis of separation anxiety disorder. The results support the reliability, validity and clinical utility of the SAAS.  相似文献   

The Behavioral Summarized Evaluation scale (BSE), previously published and validated, was developed for the evaluation of the autistic behavior in developmentally disordered children. A revised version of this scale, the Revised Behavior Summarized Evaluation Scale (BSE-R) completed the 20-item BSE scale with the most relevant items extracted from a similar evaluation carried out with very young children. Thus 9 items were added to the original scale concerning nonverbal communication, emotional, and perception areas. This paper reports the reliability and validity studies of this new scale. In addition to confirming the previously published findings concerning the first version of the BSE, new items were extracted from the BSE-R content validity study. They involve fundamental functions such as intention and imitation which open new perspectives for a physiopathological approach to developmental disorders. The BSE-R is a useful tool for progressive recording of the evolution of patients both treated over long periods and included in short-term controlled therapeutic studies.  相似文献   

Background and purposeThe aim of this study was to perform a validation analysis of the Polish adaptation of the Multiple Sclerosis International Quality of Life Questionnaire, MusiQoL.Material and methodsValidation analysis included the translation of the original English version into Polish according to translation principles and the analysis of convergent validity, internal reliability and reproducibility of the Polish version of MusiQoL. The study included 150 randomly chosen patients (109 women and 41 men) with definite multiple sclerosis (MS) diagnosed according to McDonald criteria. Mean age of patients was 41 ± 10 years and mean disease duration was 11.7 ± 7.2 years. The patients completed the examined MusiQoL, the Functional Assessment of Multiple Sclerosis (FAMS) and the Multiple Sclerosis Impact Scale (MSIS-29). Data regarding sociodemographic status and MS history were collected. The disability of the patients was assessed according to the Expanded Disability Status Scale (EDSS). The examination was repeated after 28 ± 4 days.ResultsThe internal reliability, convergent validity and reproducibility of MusiQoL were satisfactory. The dimensions of the scale exhibited high internal consistency (Cronbach's alpha from 0.67 to 0.90). The MusiQoL correlated with FAMS (positive correlations), EDSS and MSIS-29 (negatively).ConclusionsPsychometric-statistical analysis showed that the Polish version of MusiQoL is a valuable measure to examine the health-related quality of life of Polish MS patients.  相似文献   



Untreated depression during pregnancy may have adverse outcomes for the mother and her child. Screening for depression in the general pregnant population is thus recommended. The Edinburgh Depression Scale (EDS) is widely used for postpartum depression screening. There is no consensus on which EDS cutoff values to use during pregnancy. The aim of the current study was to examine the predictive validity and concurrent validity of the EDS for all three trimesters of pregnancy.


In a large unselected sample of 845 pregnant women, the sensitivity, specificity, and validity of the EDS were evaluated. The Composite International Diagnostic Interview (depression module) was used to examine the predictive validity of the EDS. The anxiety and somatization subscales of the Symptom Checklist 90 (SCL-90) were used to examine its concurrent validity. Only women with a major depressive episode were considered as cases.


The prevalence of depression decreased toward end term: 5.6%, 5.4%, and 3.4%. The EDS scores also decreased toward end term, while the SCL-90 subscale anxiety scores increased. The EDS showed high test-retest reliability and high concurrent validity with the SCL-90 anxiety and somatization subscales. The area under the receiver operating characteristic curve was high and varied between 0.93 and 0.97. A cutoff value of 11 in the first trimester and that of 10 in the second and third trimesters gave the most adequate combination of sensitivity, specificity, and positive predictive value.


The EDS is a reliable instrument for screening depression during pregnancy. A lower cutoff than commonly applied in the postpartum period is recommended.  相似文献   

Teenage suicide is a major public health issue in Western societies, especially in France. An instrument to measure suicidal thoughts in French adolescents and thus identify the teenagers at risk is urgently required. The aim of this study was to validate a French version of the Suicidal Ideation Questionnaire (SIQ) for use with teenagers. Respondents (n=956, age range 14–18.0) completed the SIQ and other convergent measures (self-esteem, psychic morbidity, anxiety, and personality) for three validation steps (general and clinical samples). A confirmatory factor analysis was performed on the SIQ. The study supported a 30-item one-factor model, similar to the original questionnaire, with moderate model fit indices (χ2/ddl=3.21; RMSEA=0.05; CFI=0.87; GFI=0.92). Significant correlations (−0.22 to 0.74) were found with convergent measures among general (n=871) and psychiatric samples (n=38). A high internal consistency was found with a reliability coefficient of 0.91. The results confirm the psychometric qualities of the questionnaire for French adolescents.  相似文献   



Our study aimed at the validation of the newly developed German Capability for Suicide Questionnaire, the GCSQ. It is supposed to assess both fearlessness of death and pain tolerance, both facets of the acquired capability to commit suicide as postulated by the interpersonal theory of suicide.


This cross-sectional study was conducted on two clinical (n = 424) and an online sample (n = 532). Factor structure, convergent and discriminant validity, predictive validity as well as test–retest reliability were investigated.


Two factors—“Fearlessness of Death” and “Pain Tolerance”—were derived. One item, the “perceived capability” item, assesses the subject's self-perception of acquired capability. Both subscales and the “perceived capability”-item demonstrate good construct validity and a high test–retest reliability. Fearlessness of death proves to be predictive for the occurrence of suicidal behaviors, whereas the importance of pain tolerance for suicidal behaviors was not confirmed. The subject's perception of his own capability is of high predictive value for both attempt status and suicidal behaviors.


The GCSQ seems to be a useful measure of pain tolerance, fearlessness of death and the self-perception of acquired capability of suicide.  相似文献   

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