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目的探讨分化型甲状腺癌侵入气管内的外科治疗方法及效果。方法回顾性分析分化型甲状腺癌侵入气管内的患者行气管袖状切除术后的治疗结果。16例分化型甲状腺癌(均为乳头状癌)侵入气管内的患者进行了颈部淋巴结清扫术+肿瘤整块切除术及气管袖状切除术,并一期行气管端端吻合术重建气道。结果16例患者手术均成功进行,术后并发症发生率为12.5%(2/16),其中气管吻合口狭窄1例,CO:激光加浅层放疗治愈;双侧声带麻痹1例,CO2激光切除一侧声带后分治愈。平均随访时间23个月,1例患者术后3个月出现局部淋巴结复发,再次术后带瘤生存;1例局部复发死亡。结论气管袖状切除一拉拢缝合术能有效治疗分化型甲状腺癌侵犯气管内,而CO2激光与浅层放疗对术后双侧声带麻痹及吻合口瘢痕增生是有效的。  相似文献   

HYPOTHESIS: Transmural invasion of the trachea by well-differentiated thyroid carcinomas is a locally advanced disease condition. It frequently causes deaths owing to airway obstruction. We hypothesized that resection of the invaded trachea followed by primary anastomosis provides the opportunity for cure. DESIGN: A retrospective review study of medical records. SETTING: The surgical department of a tertiary referral center. PATIENTS: Eight patients with well-differentiated thyroid carcinomas, complicated with tracheal invasion resulting in bleeding and airway obstruction, operated on by tracheal resection and immediate anastomosis, were included. INTERVENTIONS: All patients received total thyroidectomy and neck lymph node dissection as well as segmental tracheal resection followed by primary reconstruction. Postoperative radioactive sodium iodine I 131 treatment and suppression therapy with thyroxine were applied to all of them. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURE: Postoperative follow-up of serum levels of human thyroglobulin and abnormal radioactive iodine 131I from whole body scan. RESULTS: Seven patients are alive. Of these patients, 5 had no evidence of disease: (3 had no evidence of cancer for more than 10 years' follow-up), 2 had regional lymph node metastasis, and 1 had lung metastases. The remaining patient had anastomotic site recurrence with airway obstruction and needed tracheostomy to relieve stridor. She was lost to follow-up 39 months after undergoing the initial operation. CONCLUSIONS: Patients with mucosal invasion of the trachea by well-differentiated thyroid carcinomas should be treated by surgical resection followed by primary reconstruction when technically feasible. This facilitates postoperative care, and it is possible to achieve long-term survival with improvement of the quality of life and possible cures.  相似文献   

Longitudinal tracheal tear (of the trachealis muscle), an unusual but acknowledged complication of pharyngolaryngectomy, was encountered during a total pharyngo-oesophagolaryngectomy with gastric replacement. Due to serious ventilatory difficulties a rapid repair was required to obtain an airtight seal to allow continued mechanical ventilation. A reinforced polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) vascular graft was used as an intratracheal stent to seal the air leak. This technique proved effective and the tracheal defect had healed by the time the stent was removed 10 days later.  相似文献   

为探讨甲状腺粘膜相关性淋巴瘤的临床规律,治疗特点及预后,回顾性分析我院1988~1997年间收治甲状腺粘膜相关性淋巴瘤12例,男性3例,女性9例,年龄49岁~71岁平均62岁,最常见症状是无痛性快速生长肿块,甲状腺粘膜相关性淋巴瘤与淋巴细胞性甲腺炎密切相关。手术及放、化疗是有效治疗手段。  相似文献   

Anomalous origin of the left main coronary from the pulmonary trunk in an elderly patient is extremely rare. We report a 73-year-old woman who presented with new onset of angina and atrial fibrillation. Evaluation revealed anomalous origin of the left main coronary artery from the main pulmonary artery and tight proximal left anterior descending coronary artery stenosis. The patient underwent primary closure of the anomalous left main coronary artery orifice within the pulmonary artery, aorta-to-left anterior descending coronary artery saphenous vein bypass grafting and Maze procedure. Six months postoperatively the patient was asymptomatic and a Thallium stress test was negative for ischemia.  相似文献   

背景与目的 手术是治疗侵犯气管的局部晚期甲状腺癌的首选方法。根据侵犯气管位置和程度的不同,其处理方法也不尽相同。选择合适的治疗方式对患者的预后和生活质量尤为重要。通常甲状腺癌气管侵犯时已伴有颈淋巴结转移、颈部大血管粘连,甚至食管和喉的侵犯,因其解剖结构复杂多变,目前仍没有高级别的循证医学证据指导治疗。本文旨在探讨侵犯气管的局部晚期甲状腺癌的临床特点和外科处理方法。方法 回顾2019年7月—2021年7月重庆大学附属肿瘤医院头颈肿瘤中心诊治的20例侵犯气管的局部晚期甲状腺癌患者资料,其中,男16例,女4例;年龄13~78岁,中位年龄53.5岁;甲状腺滤泡癌2例,髓样癌2例,甲状腺乳头状癌16例;3例锐性削除受侵气管外壁,5例行局部气管窗式切除术,10例行气管袖式切除+端端吻合术,1例行全喉切除+气管永久造瘘,1例行全喉切除+永久气管造瘘+胸大肌皮瓣修复,术后均接受131I治疗或分子靶向药物的综合治疗。结果 患者随访时间4个月至2年不等。3例锐性削除受侵气管外壁患者未见肿瘤复发,无气管瘘;5例行气管窗式切除患者均Ⅰ期缝合气管创面;10例气管袖式切除+端端吻合患者均未出现气道狭窄和双侧声带麻痹,其中1例出现术后局部感染和局部气管瘘口,换药后愈合;1例同时侵犯喉行全喉切除+气管永久造瘘,1例同时侵犯喉和颈部皮肤行全喉切除+永久气管造瘘+胸大肌皮瓣修复,后2例患者带管生存。截止投稿时本文纳入患者未出现肿瘤进展情况。结论 颈段气管的切除和修复是外科医生常常需要面对和处理的难题,笔者的治疗原则是在病灶可完整切除和患者能耐受的前提下,尽可能选择外科手术治疗。对于侵犯气管及其邻近器官的局部晚期甲状腺癌患者,应在MDT讨论指导下制定治疗方案,术前进行充分的方案准备和应对并发症的措施。根据侵犯程度不同选择合适的气管切除范围和修复重建方式,首选Ⅰ期修复和重建的方案,其次选择Ⅱ期或多期方案。但无论选择手术治疗还是综合治疗,治疗宗旨都是延长甲状腺癌患者生存期和提高生活质量。  相似文献   

原发性甲状腺淋巴瘤(primary thyroid lymphoma,PTL)在人群中罕见,随着粗针穿刺活检技术诊断效率的提高,PTL手术治疗的作用减小,但在不能明确病理亚型时手术活检仍是不可取代的,PTL的预后主要和病理类型及疾病的分期有关。  相似文献   

Tracheal or laryngeal obstruction in thyroid disease is such a severe, though uncommon, threat that constant awareness of its occurrence and prevention should be the hallmark of the experienced thyroid surgeon. A high index of suspicion, thoughtful analysis of cases, willingness to accept that such a complication does not reflect on the surgeon's competence, and prophylactic elective use of tracheostomy in patients at high risk will afford safety to the patient and peace of mind to the surgeon.
Résumé L'obstruction laryngée ou trachéale chez les malades atteints d'affection du corps thyroïde représente une menace sévère encore que rare. Tout chirurgien thyroïdien expérimenté doit la redouter et la prévenir. Pour ce faire il doit considérer avec attention les éléments qui militent en sa faveur, être persuadé qu'elle n'est pas fonction de son habileté technique et pratiquer sans hésitation une trachéotomie préventive chez le sujet à haut risque.

Palliative thyroidectomy for malignant lymphoma of the thyroid   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Background Current treatment of malignant lymphoma of the thyroid consists of chemotherapy and external beam radiation. The diagnosis can routinely be made by fine-needle aspiration, obviating the need for surgery. However, a significant number of patients present with symptoms of obstruction, necessitating thyroidectomy for palliation. Methods To determine the outcomes of patients with malignant thyroid lymphoma after palliative thyroidectomy, we reviewed our experience. Between 1980 and 2001, 27 patients with thyroid lymphoma and symptoms or signs of airway and/or esophageal obstruction were evaluated at 1 of 3 academic institutions. Results The mean age of the patients was 66±3 years, and the majority was female. Patients presented with symptoms of dyspnea/stridor (30%), dysphagia/pain (30%), or impending airway obstruction (40%). All underwent palliative surgery. In addition to surgery, 10 patients had combined chemo- and radiotherapy, 10 had radiotherapy alone, and 4 had only chemotherapy. Symptom-free survival after palliative surgery was determined by Kaplan-Meier analysis. The mean actuarial symptom-free survival of patients with symptomatic, malignant thyroid lymphoma was 10 years (95% confidence interval, 7.67 to 12.33 years). Conclusions Patients with malignant lymphoma of the thyroid can present with obstructive symptoms requiring palliative intervention. In this group of patients, thyroidectomy can be associated with good long-term palliation and low morbidity.  相似文献   

Incidence of thyroidal masses is very high with predominance in females. Most of these masses are benign. Malignancy can be of thyroid or non-thyroid origin. Surgery is treatment of choice in the former but not in latter. Primary thyroid lymphoma (PTL) is a rare cause of thyroid malignancy of non-thyroid origin which is highly treatable without surgery but early diagnosis is important requisite to have better outcome. Fine needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) is an important tool in early diagnosis of PTL, which enables doctors to treat patient better without major surgery and its morbidity. Two cases of primary thyroid lymphoma are hereby presented. The patient diagnosed on FNAC had better outcome than the one who had major surgery.  相似文献   

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