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Three receptor subtypes for the neuropeptides vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP) and pituitary adenylate cyclase-activating polypeptide (PACAP) have been identified in mammals: the PAC1 receptor (PAC1-R) which is selectively activated by PACAP, and two VPAC receptors (VPAC1-R and VPAC2-R), which are equally stimulated by PACAP and VIP. The structures of PACAP and VIP have been well conserved during evolution, but little is known about VIP/PACAP receptors in nonmammalian species. An amphibian VIP/PACAP receptor complementary DNA (cDNA) has been cloned and characterized from a frog (Rana ridibunda) pituitary cDNA library. The predicted protein contains seven putative transmembrane domains and exhibits the highest sequence identity (65%) with the human VPAC1-R. The cloned cDNA was transiently expressed in LLC-PK1 cells, and its pharmacological profile was determined in comparison with the human VPAC1-R. Both PACAP and VIP stimulated cAMP accumulation through the cloned receptor with an EC50 of about 30 nM. In contrast, secretin, at concentrations that stimulate the human VPAC1-R, had no effect on cAMP production. RT-PCR analysis revealed the widespread distribution of this frog VIP/PACAP receptor in peripheral tissues. In situ hybridization histochemistry using a complementary RNA probe showed that the receptor gene is highly expressed in several hypothalamic and thalamic nuclei and to a lesser extent in the pallium and striatum. In the pituitary, the highest messenger RNA levels were detected in the distal lobe. Taken together, these data show that the cloned frog receptor shares several common features with both the VPAC1-R and VPAC2-R of mammals; the frog receptor exhibits the highest sequence identity with mammalian VPAC1-R, but the lack of effect of secretin and the brain distribution of the receptor are reminiscent of the characteristics of the mammalian VPAC2-R. The sequence of the frog receptor should thus prove useful to decipher the structure-activity relationships of the VIP/PACAP receptor family.  相似文献   

Chemokines regulate hematopoiesis in part by influencing the proliferative status of myeloid progenitor cells (MPC). Human MCP-1/murine JE, a myelosuppressive chemokine, specifically binds C-C chemokine receptor 2 (CCR2). Transgenic mice containing a targeted disruption in CCR2 that prevents expression of CCR2 mRNA and protein and have MPC that are insensitive to inhibition by MCP-1 and JE in vitro were assessed for potential abnormalities in growth of bone marrow (BM) and spleen MPC. MPC in both unseparated and c-kit+lin- populations of BM from CCR2-deficient (-/-) mice were in a greatly increased proliferation state compared with CCR2 littermate control (+/+) mice, an effect not apparent with progenitors from spleens of CCR2 (-/-) mice. Increased cycling status of CCR2 (-/-) BM MPC did not result in increased numbers of nucleated cells or MPC in BM or spleens of CCR2 (-/-) mice. Possible reasons for this apparent discrepancy were highlighted by flow cytometric analysis of c-kit+lin- BM cells and colony formation by MPC subjected to delayed addition of growth factors. The c-kit+lin- population of BM cells from CCR2 (-/-) mice had a significantly higher percentage of apoptotic cells than those from CCR2 (+/+) BM. However, elevated apoptosis was not associated with decreased numbers of c-kit+lin- cells. The increased percentage of apoptotic c-kit+lin- cells was due to elevated apoptosis within the c-kitdimlin-, but not the c-kitbrightlin-, subpopulations of cells. Consistent with enhanced apoptosis of phenotypically defined cells, MPC from CCR2 (-/-) BM and purified c-kit+lin- cells demonstrated decreased cell survival in vitro upon delayed addition of growth factors. The data suggest that signals received by CCR2 limit proliferation of progenitor cells in the BM, but also enhance survival of these cells.  相似文献   

目的研究超极化激活的环核苷酸门控阳离子通道2(hyperpolarization-activated cyclic nucleotide-gated cation channel 2,HCN2)对大鼠空肠神经丛释放SP及VIP的影响。方法对大鼠空肠离体平滑肌肌条分别给予HCN通道激动剂cAMP和拮抗剂MDL,通过酶联免疫法检测灌流液中给药前后SP和VIP含量的变化情况。结果给予HCN2受体激动剂cAMP后,环形肌和纵形肌中的SP含量均显著增加(P0.05),VIP含量显著减少(P0.05);而给予HCN2受体拮抗剂MDL后,环形肌和纵形肌中的SP含量均显著减少(P0.05),VIP含量显著增加(P0.05)。结论HCN2对大鼠空肠神经丛释放SP起正向调节作用,而对VIP含量起负向调节作用,与SP及VIP对胃肠道的调节相符,提示HCN2可能通过对胃肠激素释放的调节而影响胃肠运动。  相似文献   

Sensitized lymphocytes can transfer a state of delayed-type hypersensitivity to soluble protein antigens to naive mice only if donor and recipient share the I-A region of the H-2 gene complex. Identity at the K or D region is not essential. The restriction is unlikely to result from ineffective homing of the injected cells or from their early destruction. It is thought to reflect a requirement for an Ir-gene controlled mechanism which governs effective interaction between sensitized T lymphocytes and antigen presented on the surface of macrophages.  相似文献   

The vast majority of the known biological effects of the renin-angiotensin system are mediated by the type-1 (AT1) receptor, and the functions of the type-2 (AT2) receptor are largely unknown. We investigated the role of the AT2 receptor in the vascular and renal responses to physiological increases in angiotensin II (ANG II) in mice with targeted deletion of the AT2 receptor gene. Mice lacking the AT2 receptor (AT2-null mice) had slightly elevated systolic blood pressure (SBP) compared with that of wild-type (WT) control mice (P < 0.0001). In AT2-null mice, infusion of ANG II (4 pmol/kg/min) for 7 days produced a marked and sustained increase in SBP [from 116 +/- 0.5 to 208 +/- 1 mmHg (P < 0.0001) (1 mmHg = 133 Pa)] and reduction in urinary sodium excretion (UNaV) [from 0.6 +/- 0.01 to 0.05 +/- 0.002 mM/day (P < 0.0001)] whereas neither SBP nor UNaV changed in WT mice. AT2-null mice had low basal levels of renal interstitial fluid bradykinin (BK), and cyclic guanosine 3', 5'-monophosphate, an index of nitric oxide production, compared with WT mice. In WT mice, dietary sodium restriction or ANG II infusion increased renal interstitial fluid BK, and cyclic guanosine 3', 5'-monophosphate by approximately 4-fold (P < 0.0001) whereas no changes were observed in AT2-null mice. These results demonstrate that the AT2 receptor is necessary for normal physiological responses of BK and nitric oxide to ANG II. Absence of the AT2 receptor leads to vascular and renal hypersensitivity to ANG II, including sustained antinatriuresis and hypertension. These results strongly suggest that the AT2 receptor plays a counterregulatory protective role mediated via BK and nitric oxide against the antinatriuretic and pressor actions of ANG II.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: We recently showed that human hepatic progenitor cells (HPCs) express muscarinic acetylcholine (Ach) receptor subtype 3 and that--following liver transplantation--HPC numbers are significantly reduced. To further elaborate on this, we examined whether HPC also express receptors for vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP), which, besides Ach, also is an important parasympathetic neurotransmitter. VIP expressing nerves are known to be present in the liver. METHODS: We performed immunohistochemistry for VIP receptor subtypes 1 and 2 (VIPR1 and 2), on sections of normal and diseased human liver (n=17), and double staining for VIPR2 and known HPC markers. We performed RT-PCR for VIPR1 and 2 on total RNA from purified rat HPC. To document the probability of direct interaction, we also performed double immunostaining for nerve markers and HPC markers on human liver sections. RESULTS: VIPR2 immunostaining was clearly positive in HPC and reactive bile ductules on paraffin-embedded and frozen tissue sections. We could not demonstrate VIPR1 protein expression in the liver, with either of two VIPR1 antibodies tested. The presence of VIPR2 mRNA in HPC was confirmed by RT-PCR. Nerve endings were shown to abut on reactive bile ductules. CONCLUSION: We show here for the first time that HPC express VIPR2 and receive nerve endings. These features, and the fact that HPC numbers are influenced by the presence or absence of the autonomic innervation of the liver, suggest a direct interaction.  相似文献   

[目的]观察胆胃舒颗粒对胆囊血管活性肠肽(vasoactive intestinal peptide,VIP)受体基因表达的影响及预防胆囊结石的作用.[方法]雄性豚鼠90只,随机分为3组,每组30只,空白组喂养普通饲料40 g/(d·只);模型组喂养胆固醇结石诱石饲料40 g/(d·只);治疗组喂养胆固醇诱石饲料40 g/(d·只),加胆胃舒颗粒溶液1.5ml(含300mg胆胃舒颗粒)灌胃.实验2个月后观察3组胆囊结石情况、胆囊收缩功能及胆囊壁VIP受体基因表达.[结果]胆囊结石形成率:空白组3.33%(1/30),模型组92.59%(25/27),治疗组10.71%(3/28);胆囊收缩功能:空白组胆囊收缩率为(66.83± 5.34)%,模型组(43.06±4.27)%,治疗组(67.93±6.82)%;胆囊壁VIP受体基因表达:空白组0.30±0.07,模型组0.45±0.12,治疗组0.33±0.06.差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05).[结论]胆胃舒颗粒可降低胆囊结石的形成,其作用机制可能通过降低胆囊壁VIP受体基因表达,从而加强胆囊收缩功能,促使胆汁排泄,防止胆囊结石的发生.  相似文献   

The enteroendocrine and enteric nervous systems convey signals through an overlapping network of regulatory peptides that act either as circulating hormones or as localized neurotransmitters within the gastrointestinal tract. Because recent studies invoke an important role for vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP) as a downstream mediator of glucagon-like peptide-2 (GLP-2) action in the gut, we examined the importance of the VIP-GLP-2 interaction through analysis of Vip(-/-) mice. Unexpectedly, we detected abnormal villous architecture, expansion of the crypt compartment, increased crypt cell proliferation, enhanced Igf1 and Kgf gene expression, and reduced expression of Paneth cell products in the Vip(-/-) small bowel. These abnormalities were not reproduced by antagonizing VIP action in wild-type mice, and VIP administration did not reverse the intestinal phenotype of Vip(-/-) mice. Exogenous administration of GLP-2 induced the expression of ErbB ligands and immediate-early genes to similar levels in Vip(+/+) vs. Vip(-/-) mice. Moreover, GLP-2 significantly increased crypt cell proliferation and small bowel growth to comparable levels in Vip(+/+) vs. Vip(-/-) mice. Unexpectedly, exogenous GLP-2 administration had no therapeutic effect in mice with dextran sulfate-induced colitis; the severity of colonic injury and weight loss was modestly reduced in female but not male Vip(-/-) mice. Taken together, these findings extend our understanding of the complex intestinal phenotype arising from loss of the Vip gene. Furthermore, although VIP action may be important for the antiinflammatory actions of GLP-2, the Vip gene is not required for induction of a gene expression program linked to small bowel growth after enhancement of GLP-2 receptor signaling.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The cellular and molecular mechanisms of hematopoietic stimulation have been studied. However, an understanding of negative effects in the hematopoietic system remains elusive. To this end, we studied the effects of vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP) on bone marrow (BM) progenitors. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Different BM cell subsets were used to perform clonogenic assay for granulocytic (CFU-GM) or erythroid (BFU-E and CFU-E) progenitors with 10(-7)-10(-13) M VIP. The relevant receptor was verified with specific antagonists, or agonists, semi-quantitative RT-PCR, and chemical cross-linking studies with stromal membranes. RESULTS: Assays performed with unfractionated mononuclear cells and enriched CD34(+) cells showed dose-dependent inhibition on BM progenitors with significant inhibition up to 10(-10) M. Nylon wool separated cells, which depleted stroma, reversed the inhibitory effects of VIP between 10 and 20%. Combined experimental evaluation indicated that the effects of VIP on BM functions are mediated through the type 1 receptor (VPAC1). VIP induced the production of TGF-beta and TNF-alpha in BM mononuclear cells and stroma. These cytokines are partly involved in reversing the suppressive effects of VIP on CFU-GM. CONCLUSIONS: The effect of VIP on BM progenitors could be mediated through direct and indirect mechanism. Direct effects were evident by the suppressive effects of VIP on clonogenic assays with highly purified CD34(+) cells. Indirect effects were mediated through putative functions of the stromal cells and the production of TGF-beta and TNF-alpha.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: The role of the AT2 receptor in the heart is incompletely understood. We investigated left ventricular performance in AT2 receptor knockout mice, with and without deoxycorticosterone acetate (DOCA)-salt treatment. Given the putative opposing functions of the AT1 and AT2 receptor, we also analysed AT1 receptor expression in the left ventricle. METHODS: We used a miniaturized conductance-manometer system to measure pressure-volume loops for analysing left ventricular performance under baseline conditions and after increasing peripheral vascular resistance. We determined left ventricular AT1-receptor expression by RNase-protection assays. RESULTS: In AT2 receptor knockout mice, end-systolic and end-diastolic volumes were lower than in wild-type mice, so that pressure-volume loops were shifted leftward. Left ventricular systolic and diastolic kinetics were not different between the groups. AT2 receptor knockout mice and wild-type mice both stabilized their reduced stroke volume after laparatomy as peripheral resistance was increased. DOCA-salt treatment increased elastance in AT2 receptor knockout mice, compared to controls. Furthermore, AT2 receptor knockout mice had a steeper increase in dP/dtmax. Left ventricular AT1 receptor gene expression was increased in AT2 receptor knockout mice and was not down-regulated in response to DOCA-salt treatment. Finally, the hearts of AT2 receptor knockout mice were smaller than controls, but increased in size in response to DOCA-salt treatment. CONCLUSIONS: AT2 receptor knockout mice displayed no major changes in left ventricular function at baseline or in response to DOCA-salt treatment, compared to wild-type mice. The AT2 receptor may be important to AT1 receptor expression in response to DOCA-salt challenge and may have some influence on cardiac growth responses.  相似文献   

R S Birnbaum  M Alfonzo  J Kowal 《Endocrinology》1980,106(4):1270-1275
Vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP) has been shown to be steroidogenic in monolayer cultures of a murine adrenal tumor but must be present at concentrations about 100-fold greater than ACTH to elicit the same degree of stimulation. Both peptides enhanced cAMP synthesis, although there was again a difference of 2 orders of magnitude in the dose-response curves. In contrast, VIP stimulated adenyl cyclase activity of tumor membranes in the same concentration range as ACTH. Maximum activity with VIP was less than that with ACTH in the absence or presence of a saturating amount of guanylyl imido-diphosphate. Saturating amounts of both peptides stimulated activity to levels greater than that with either ACTH or VIP alone, but the activity was not fully additive. An o-nitrophenyl sulfenyl derivative of ACTH inhibited ACTH-stimulated adenyl cyclase activity but not VIP-stimulated activity. Low concentrations of calcium potentiated the ability of submaximal doses of ACTH to stimulate adenyl cyclase but had no effect on the response to VIP. Concentrations of secretin or glucagon comparable to that of VIP did not stimulate steroidogenesis in intact cells. These data suggest that VIP may bind to a unique receptor which may be distinct from that of ACTH.  相似文献   

Spleen cells from immunodepressed C3H mice, i.e., mice inoculated intravenously 4 months earlier with 1 X 10(7) Mycobacterium lepraemurium (Mlm) bacilli, were separated into different populations, and the T-cell-enriched population was treated further with gamma-irradiation or specific anti-Lyt antibodies plus complement. The cell populations obtained were then adoptively transferred to normal and Mlm-sensitized syngeneic mice in order to investigate whether or not suppressor cells regulate the delayed-type hypersensitivity (DTH) reaction to specific antigens. A radiosensitive cell population expressing the Lyt 1+, 2+ phenotype had the capacity to depress the induction (afferent phase) of DTH reaction. In contrast, a radioresistant cell population expressing the Lyt 1+, 2- phenotype possessed the capacity to depress the expression (efferent phase) of the cutaneous reaction. Thus, distinct populations of suppressor cells, each regulating a different phase of DTH, are induced in the spleen of Mlm-infected mice.  相似文献   

The neuropeptides pituitary adenylate cyclase-activating polypeptide (PACAP) and vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (VIP) are structurally and functionally related. Their actions have been shown to be mediated by three different receptor subtypes: PAC1-R, which has exclusive affinity for PACAP, and VPAC1-R and VPAC2-R, which have equal affinity for PACAP and VIP. We recently showed that PACAP38 induces lipolysis in rat adipocytes, and in the present study we examined whether VIP has similar effects and which of the three receptors mediates this PACAP/VIP action. We showed by RT-PCR that all three receptor subtypes are present in rat adipocytes. We demonstrated that VIP (1-100 nm), like PACAP38, stimulates lipolysis in isolated adipocytes, as determined by glycerol release. By a pharmacological approach, using antagonists and agonists specific for the receptor subtypes, we elucidated the mechanisms by which PACAP38 and VIP mediate their lipolytic effects. We found that antagonists of PAC1-R [PACAP(6-38)] and VPAC1-R (PG97-269) did not affect lipolysis induced by 0.1-100 nm PACAP38 or VIP, and that a VPAC1-R agonist [K15, R16, L27VIP(1-7)GRF(8-27)] did not affect lipolysis at 1-1000 nm. However, two different VPAC2-R agonists [Hexa-VIP(1-28) and Ro25-1553] clearly mimicked the lipolytic effect of PACAP38 and VIP. In addition, the VPAC2-R antagonist PG99-465 (100 nm) caused right-shifted dose-response curves of PACAP38- and VIP-induced lipolysis. These results therefore provide evidence that all three PACAP/VIP receptor subtypes are expressed in primary rat adipocytes, but that the VPAC2-R subtype is responsible for mediating the lipolytic effects induced by PACAP38 and VIP.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND & AIMS: Crohn's disease (CD) is a chronic debilitating disease of unknown etiology that is characterized by severe inflammation of the colon. Vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP) has recently emerged as a promising candidate for treatment of inflammatory Th1-driven diseases. We studied the effect of VIP in trinitrobenzene sulfonic acid (TNBS)-induced colitis, which has clinical and molecular features in common with CD. METHODS: A 3-mg enema of TNBS was given to BALB/c mice, and VIP (1 nmol) was given either as a single dose at 12 hours or every other day. Weight loss, histopathology, and chemokine and cytokine levels in serum and colon extracts were assessed. VIP was also tested given 5 days after the onset of TNBS-induced colitis, and its effect was analyzed given a second dose of TNBS. RESULTS: Treatment with VIP reduced the clinical and histopathologic severity of TNBS-induced colitis, abrogating body weight loss, diarrhea, and macroscopic and microscopic intestinal inflammation. The therapeutic effects of VIP were associated with down-regulation of both inflammatory and Th1-driven autoimmune responses, including tumor necrosis factor alpha, interleukin 1, and interleukin 6 in colon extracts and serum as well as interferon gamma by splenic and lamina propria CD4(+) T cells. VIP reduced disease severity when given after disease onset and dramatically reduced disease recurrence given a second dose of TNBS. CONCLUSIONS: Our data suggest that VIP has beneficial prophylactic and therapeutic effects in TNBS-induced colitis and is a promising candidate to test for potential benefits in CD.  相似文献   

气道高反应中血管活性肠肽及受体的时空分布   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 探讨血管活性肠肽 (VIP)在气道高反应性形成过程中的作用。方法  2 5只新西兰兔按随机数字表法分为 5组 ,每组 5只 ,分别为非应激对照组 (A组 )和臭氧攻击第 1天组 (B0组 )、第 2天组 (B1组 )、第 4天组 (B2 组 )、第 8天组 (B3 组 ) ,每天 1h。用放射免疫法检测肺组织匀浆中VIP含量 ,逆转录 聚合酶链反应 (RT PCR)测定肺内VIP受体 1(VIPR1)mRNA表达 ,并用原位杂交法观察VIPR1mRNA阳性细胞在肺内分布。结果  ( 1)随臭氧应激时间延长 ,肺组织匀浆中VIP浓度逐渐增高 ,于第 4天达峰值 ,之后逐渐下降 ,第 8天降至正常水平 ;( 2 )肺组织匀浆中VIPR1mRNA表达也呈先增加后降低的双向变化 ,随应激时间的延长 ,表达逐渐增强 ,应激第 2~ 4天达到峰值 ,之后逐渐下降 ,应激第 8天降至正常水平 ;( 3)A组肺间质、支气管上皮细胞、血管内皮细胞、平滑肌细胞均有VIPR1mRNA表达 ,分布均匀。应激第 2~ 4天 ,阳性细胞呈斑片状集中于气管、血管周围染色强度增加 ,肺泡腔内亦可见阳性染色细胞 ,至臭氧应激第 8天 ,阳性染色细胞减少。结论 VIP由VIPR1介导参与气道高反应性形成  相似文献   

Pozgajová M  Sachs UJ  Hein L  Nieswandt B 《Blood》2006,108(2):510-514
Platelet activation plays a central role in hemostasis and thrombosis. Many platelet agonists function through G-protein-coupled receptors. Epinephrine activates the alpha(2A)-adrenergic receptor (alpha(2A)) that couples to G(z) in platelets. Although alpha(2A) was originally cloned from platelets, its role in thrombosis and hemostasis is still unclear. Through analysis of alpha(2A)-deficient mice, variable tail bleeding times were observed. In vitro, epinephrine potentiated activation/aggregation responses of wild-type but not alpha(2A)-deficient platelets as determined by flow cytometry and aggregometry, whereas perfusion studies showed no differences in platelet adhesion and thrombus formation on collagen. To test the in vivo relevance of alpha(2A) deficiency, mice were subjected to 3 different thrombosis models. As expected, alpha(2A)-deficient mice were largely protected from lethal pulmonary thromboembolism induced by the infusion of collagen/epinephrine. In a model of FeCl(3)-induced injury in mesenteric arterioles, alpha(2A)(-/-) mice displayed a 2-fold increase in embolus formation, suggesting thrombus instability. In a third model, the aorta was mechanically injured, and blood flow was measured with an ultrasonic flow probe. In wild-type mice, all vessels occluded irreversibly, whereas in 24% of alpha(2A)-deficient mice, the initially formed thrombi embolized and blood flow was reestablished. These results demonstrate that alpha(2A) plays a significant role in thrombus stabilization.  相似文献   

Accumulating evidence suggests that vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP) may be a physiological PRL-releasing factor. In the present study, we examined a possible involvement of VIP in the neonatal androgenization (NA)-induced hyperprolactinemia. Twenty-four hours after birth, newborn female rats were injected sc with 1,000 micrograms of testosterone (NA) or with oil vehicle only (control). Both groups were sacrificed at 8 weeks of age. Compared to controls, NA rats showed significantly higher plasma PRL levels (7.3 fold), anterior pituitary (AP) PRL content (2.1 fold) and plasma estradiol levels (2.1 fold). AP VIP content was extremely higher (61 fold) in NA rats than in controls. However, NA did not affect VIP content in the suprachiasmatic nucleus, paraventricular nucleus or median eminence. These results suggest that the NA-induced hyperprolactinemia may be mediated, at least in part, by paracrine and/or autocrine effects of the increased AP VIP on PRL secretion. However, since the potentiation by NA of the AP VIP content was extremely marked compared to those of the other parameters, the possibility was also raised that the increased AP VIP may be involved in other endocrine and/or nonendocrine events occurring in the AP.  相似文献   

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