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成人活体肝移植治疗终末期肝病   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的探讨成人活体肝移植治疗终末期肝病的方法及技术要点。方法回顾性分析2000年9月至2005年6月的成人活体肝移植患者12例。其中,左半肝(Ⅱ、Ⅲ、Ⅳ段,包括肝中静脉)移植3例;右半肝(Ⅴ、Ⅵ、Ⅶ、Ⅷ段)不包括肝中静脉移植8例,包括肝中静脉1例。结果 12例供体无因手术死亡者。手术时间(6.20±1.40)h;术中出血量300-1 200 ml;1例术后并发胆瘘,1例切口脂肪液化;随访 6-12个月,无远期并发症发生,术后3-6个月恢复工作。受体手术时间5-11 h;采用改良方法重建移植肝流出道、显微外科技术重建肝动脉、端端吻合重建胆道;术中出血800-7000 ml;移植物冷缺血时间(1.90±0.50)h;无肝期时间(1.63±0.43)h;移植肝重量与受体体重比为1.20%±0.26%。1例受体术后并发腹腔内局限性胆瘘,1例病死,11例长期生存。结论成人活体肝移植是解决供肝短缺、治疗终末期肝病的有效方法,同时能相对保证供体的安全。  相似文献   

目的探讨活体肝移植供体筛选流程的安全性与可行性。方法回顾性分析我院2006年9月~2007年10月进行的37例活体肝移植供者筛选临床资料。结果 65例候选供体,标准化供体筛选后37例作为活体肝移植供者行供肝切除术,排除率为43.0%。排除原因依次为ABO血型不符、病毒性肝炎、残肝体积不足、供肝脂肪变、包括肝脏解剖变异在内的其他原因等。活体肝移植供肝类型:右半肝包括肝中静脉14例,右半肝不包括肝中静脉20例,包括肝中静脉的左半肝1例,左外叶2例。供体年龄为21~60岁。实测供肝质量与受体体质量之比为0.675%~1.03%,供体住院(13±3)d,均痊愈出院。供体无输血占70.3%,供体异体输血占2.7%,输注术前储备自体血400 ml占27.0%。供体术后并发症发生率为13.5%,严重并发症发生率为5.4%。结论合理的供体筛选流程是确保供体安全、保证活体肝移植成功开展的基础。  相似文献   

活体肝移植(LDLT)是20世纪90年代开展的新技术,我院于2004年7月10日开展首例活体肝移植,现总结如下.  相似文献   

目的 总结成人活体供肝婴儿肝移植临床经验,分析术后疗效、并发症及其原因.方法 回顾性分析我院28例成人活体供肝婴儿活体肝移植供、受者临床资料,手术策略、术后治疗和并发症发生情况及其原因.婴儿受者男性和女性各14例,均为胆道闭锁伴胆汁性肝硬化失代偿患者.移植时年龄80d~11.5个月、体质量3.08~10.3 kg;供者分别为:母亲15例,父亲9例、祖母3例和堂兄1例;供肝为:左外叶肝脏27例、Ⅱ段肝脏1例.随访时间5~24个月.结果 术后供者均顺利出院、无并发症发生;20例(71.4%)受者术后出现24个并发症,包括:肝动脉血栓形成4例,肝静脉狭窄1例,腹腔出血4例,肠穿孔4例,肠梗阻2例,呼吸道感染7例,排异反应3例等.围手术期因肝动脉血栓形成死亡3例(10.7%),手术成功率为89.3%.随访期内1例因肝静脉狭窄死亡,另1例因意外食物窒息死亡,其余23例(82.1%)健康生活至本研究结束.结论 成人活体供肝婴儿肝移植是治疗婴儿终末期肝病的有效方法,血管并发症是术后婴儿受者死亡的主要原因.  相似文献   

活体亲属肾移植(附12例报告)   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的:探讨活体亲属肾移植的安全性、可行性,并评价亲属肾移植的临床效果。方法:通过对12例活体亲属肾移植的观察、复习文献资料,并对供者的术前准备、手术特点及免疫抑制剂的应用进行研究。结果:12例供者均无并发症出现,术后7~9天出院。1例受者出现移植肾功能延迟恢复;1例受者出现急性排斥,应用激素冲击治疗三天后逆转。所有受者肾功能均恢复良好。随访满6个月的6例受者,其平均BUN、SCr和肌酐清除率分别为  相似文献   

活体亲属供肾肾移植(附11例报告)   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
目的:探讨活体亲属供肾移植的意义和围手术期处理。方法:回顾分析11例亲属供肾移植临床资料。结果:11名供者分别为受者的父母、兄弟和妹妹,取左侧肾脏10例,右侧肾脏1例,取肾术历时2~3.5h,热缺血时间1~3min,所有供者术中、术后均未发生严重并发症,仅3例供者术后3周内出现一过性蛋白尿。11例受者均为首次移植,肾脏植入顺利,肾功能恢复良好,术后早期发生急性排斥反应2例,经甲基强的松龙冲击治疗后逆转。受者1年人/肾存活率为100%/100%,1例于术后1.5年死于肝功能衰竭,死亡时移植肾功能正常。结论:选择供者的主要内容是确定组织相容性是否适合和供者双肾形态及功能是否正常。活体取肾手术难度较高,对大部分供者来说,切取左侧肾脏较好。活体供肾移植的存活率明显高于尸体肾移植,应提供活体亲属供肾。  相似文献   

目的:探讨活体肝移植受体术后早期(≤30 d)呼吸系统并发症的类型、发病率以及原因.方法:回顾性分析2005-03/2008-09四川大学华西医院施行的术前无呼吸系统疾病的成人活体肝移植患者108例的临床资料,分析术后呼吸系统并发症(胸腔积液,肺部感染,肺不张,呼吸衰竭,肺水肿,气胸)发生可能的相关因素.结果:共76例发生了至少1种以上呼吸系统并发症,发生率为70.4%,胸腔积液(n=60,55.6%),肺部感染(n=24,22.2%),肺不张(n=12,11.2%),呼吸衰竭(n=6,5.6%),肺水肿(n=3,2.8%),气胸(n=2,1.9%).与未发生并发症组相比较,发生组术中输血量明显增加(P<0.05或0.01),术后拔除气管插管的时间明显延长(P=0.003).术后早期的总死亡率为9.3%,发生肺部感染患者的早期死亡率明显高于未发生肺部感染患者(25% vs 4.8%.P=0.008).结论:胸腔积液、肺部感染、肺不张是活体肝移植术后常见的呼吸系统并发症,并可能与术中大量输血输液、术后拔管时间有关,发生肺部感染患者的早期预后将较差.  相似文献   

活体供肝是解决世界性供肝短缺问题的重要手段,儿童活体肝移植于1988年开始应用于临床,成人间活体右半肝肝移植则于1996年由香港范上达教授首次应用于临床,由于供体的安全性问题,直到2000年以后,成人间活体肝移植(A-ALDLT)才在全世界广泛开展.由于A-ALDLT仅有10余年历史,加上手术难度及风险极大,且涉及供、受体两个人的安全,因而在外科临床上仍有很多疑难问题尚未解决,拟从以下几方面简述近年的一些技术创新及存在的问题.  相似文献   

Living-donor lobar lung transplantation (LDLLT) has become an important life-saving option for patients with severe respiratory disorders, since it was developed by a group in the University of Southern California in 1993 and introduced in Japan in 1998 in order to address the current severe shortage of brain-dead donor organs. Although LDLLT candidates were basically limited to critically ill patients who would require hospitalization, the long-term use of steroids, and/or mechanical respiratory support prior to transplantation, LDLLT provided good post-transplant outcomes, comparable to brain-dead donor lung transplantation in the early and late phases. In Kyoto University, the 5- and 10-year survival rates after LDLLT were reported to be 79.0% and 64.6%, respectively. LDLLT should be performed under appropriate circumstances, considering the inherent risk to the living donor. In our transplant program, all living donors returned to their previous social lives without any major complications, and living-donor surgery was associated with a morbidity rate of <15%. Both functional and anatomical size matching were preoperatively performed between the living-donor lobar grafts and recipients. Precise size matching before surgery could provide a favorable pulmonary function and exercise capacity after LDLLT. Various transplant procedures have recently been developed in LDLLT in order to deal with the issue of graft size mismatching in recipients, and favorable post-transplant outcomes have been observed. Native upper lobe-sparing and/or right-to-left inverted transplantation have been performed for undersized grafts, while single-lobe transplantation has been employed with or without contralateral pneumonectomy and/or delayed chest closure for oversized grafts.  相似文献   

With the increasing prevalence of living-donor liver transplantation(LDLT) for patients with hepatocellular carcinoma(HCC),some authors have reported a potential increase in the HCC recurrence rates among LDLT recipients compared to deceased-donor liver transplantation(DDLT) recipients.The aim of this review is to encompass current opinions and clinical reports regarding differences in the outcome,especially the recurrence of HCC,between LDLT and DDLT.While some studies report impaired recurrence- free survival and increased recurrence rates among LDLT recipients,others,including large database studies,report comparable recurrence- free survival and recurrence rates between LDLT and DDLT.Studies supporting the increased recurrence in LDLT have linked graft regeneration to tumor progression,but we found no association between graft regeneration/initial graft volume and tumor recurrence among our 125 consecutive LDLTs for HCC cases.In the absence of a prospective study regarding the use of LDLT vs DDLT for HCC patients,there is no evidence to support the higher HCC recurrence after LDLT than DDLT,and LDLT remains a reasonable treatment option for HCC patients with cirrhosis.  相似文献   

Primary hepatic neuroendocrine tumours are rare tumours effecting relatively young patients. As metasta- tic neuroendocrine tumours to the liver are much more common, extensive investigations are crucial to exclude a primary tumour elsewhere. We report a case of a 27 year old woman who presented with fati- gue, increased abdominal girth and feeling of early satiety and bloating. Extensive work up failed to show tumour at another primary site. Hepatic artery embolization showed no effect, so the patient underwent total hepatectomy and live-donor liver transplant. Grossly the tumour measured 27 cm. Microscopic exami- nation showed bland, monomorphic cells growing in tubuloglandular and trabecular growth patterns. Cells were positive for neuroendocrine (synaptophysin, chromogranin, CD56) and epithelial markers (MOC31, CK7, CK19). Cytoplasmic dense neurosecretory vesicles were seen on ultrastructural examination. Based on the Ki-67 rate, mitotic count, lack of marked nuclear atypia and absence of necrosis, a diagnosis of primary neuroendocrine grade 2 was conferred.  相似文献   

It has been 16 years since the first successful living-donor liver transplant was performed from a parent to a child. The overall recipient and graft survival, together with a low morbidity and mortality in donors, have resulted in the widespread acceptance of the procedure by both the transplant community and the public at large. Adult-to-adult living-donor liver transplantation has been evolving over the past decade. Despite living-donor transplant patients being better-risk candidates than those who receive a graft from a deceased donor, and well-established and experienced units achieving satisfactory results, overall recipient and graft survival recorder by registries can only be described as suboptimal. This, combined with the high morbidity and not-insignificant mortality amongst donors makes expansion of adult-to-adult liver transplantation hard to justify on a risk-benefit analysis.  相似文献   

AIM:To compare the surgical outcomes between living-donor and deceased-donor liver transplantation in patients with hepatic carcinoma.METHODS:From January 2007 to December 2010,257 patients with pathologically confirmed hepatic carcinoma met the eligibility criteria of the study.Forty patients who underwent living-donor liver transplantation(LDLT)constituted the LDLT group,and deceaseddonor liver transplantation(DDLT)was performed in217 patients.Patients in the LDLT group were randomly matched(1:2)to patients who underwent DDLT using a multivariate case-matched method,so 40 patients in the LDLT group and 80 patients in the DDLT group were enrolled into the study.We compared the two groups in terms of clinicopathological characteristics,postoperative complications,long-term cumulative survival and relapse-free survival outcomes.The modified Clavien-Dindo classification system of surgical complications was used to evaluate the severity of perioperative complications.Furthermore,we determined the difference in the overall biliary complication rates in the perioperative and follow-up periods between the LDLT and DDLT groups.RESULTS:The clinicopathological characteristics of the enrolled patients were comparable between the two groups.The duration of operation was significantly longer(553 min vs 445 min,P<0.001)in the LDLT group than in the DDLT group.Estimated blood loss(1188 mL vs 1035 mL,P=0.055)and the proportion of patients with intraoperative transfusion(60.0%vs 43.8%,P=0.093)were slightly but not significantly greater in the LDLT group.In contrast to DDLT,LDLT was associated with a lower rate of perioperative gradeⅡcomplications(45.0%vs 65.0%,P=0.036)but a higher risk of overall biliary complications(27.5%vs 7.5%,P=0.003).Nonetheless,21 patients(52.5%)in the LDLT group and 46 patients(57.5%)in the DDLT group experienced perioperative complications,and overall perioperative complication rates were similar between the two groups(P=0.603).No significant difference was observed in 5-year overall survival(74.1%vs 66.6%,P=0.372)or relapse-free survival(72.9%vs 70.9%,P=0.749)between the LDLT and DDLT groups.CONCLUSION:Although biliary complications were more common in the LDLT group,this group did not show any inferiority in long-term overall survival or relapse-free survival compared with DDLT.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to analyze the experience of a single center with living-donor liver transplantation (LDLT) for adult patients. Ninety consecutive LDLT procedures were analyzed. Preoperative status, morbidity, hospital stay duration, and postoperative graft function and survival rates were examined. Donors showed only minimal morbidity and were discharged 15 ± 6 days after LDLT. Morbidity in the patients included acute rejection (32%), vascular complications (8%), and biliary complications (20%). The mortality rate was 6% and three additional patients experienced late death. The 2-year cumulative survival rate was 92%. The present results suggest that LDLT can be performed with an acceptable outcome in adult patients.  相似文献   

Transplant surgeons have long dreamed of achieving a complete cure for hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) by replacing the liver with a new graft. Although the early results of liver transplantation for HCC were disappointing, with 5-year survival less than 40%, improved results in patients who met the so-called Milan criteria rekindled the enthusiasm for the treatment of HCC with liver transplantation. Furthermore, the recent development of living-donor liver transplantation in adults has allowed timely grafting for HCC patients and tentative expansion of the criteria for transplant candidacy in patients with HCC — although such expansion is fraught with controversy. Identification of a noninvasive marker that could predict the biological behavior as well as the prognosis of HCC would indeed be a major breakthrough.  相似文献   

AIM:To discuss the safety of donors during living donor liver transplantation (LDLT) and the authors' experience with 50 cases. METHODS:Between January 1995 and March 2006,50 patients with end-stage liver disease received LDLT in our department. Donors (at the age of 27-58 years) were healthy and antibody (ABO)-compatible. The protocol of evaluation and selection of donors,choice of surgical methods and strategy applied in the safety evaluation of donors were analyzed. RESULTS:A total of 115 candidate donors were evaluated for LDLT at our center. Of these,50 underwent successful hepatectomy for living donation. The elimination rate for donors was 43.5%. Positive hepatitis serology and ABO incompatibility were the main factors for excluding candidates. All donors recovered uneventfully. The follow-up time ranged from 3 to 135 mo. The incidence of major and minor medical complications was 12.0% and 28.0%,respectively. CONCLUSION:LDLT provides an excellent approach to the problem of donor shortage in China. With a thorough and complete preoperative workup and meticulous intra-and postoperative management,LDLT can be performed with minimal donor morbidity.  相似文献   

Living donor liver transplantation (LDLT) has gone through its formative years and established as a legitimate treatment when a deceased donor liver graft is not timely or simply not available at all. Nevertheless, LDLT is characterized by its technical complexity and ethical controversy. These are the consequences of a single organ having to serve two subjects, the donor and the recipient, instantaneously. The transplant community has a common ground on assuring donor safety while achieving predictable recipient success. With this background, a reflection of the development of LDLT may be appropriate to direct future research and patientcare efforts on this life-saving treatment alternative.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND Budd-Chiari syndrome(BCS) is a challenging indication for liver transplantation(LT) due to a combination of massive liver,increased bleeding,retroperitoneal fibrosis and frequently presents with stenosis of the inferior vena cava(IVC).Occasionally,it may be totally thrombosed,increasing the complexity of the procedure,as it should also be resected.The challenge is even greater when performing living-donor LT as the graft does not contain the retrohepatic IVC;thus,it may be necessary to reconstruct it.CASE SUMMARY A 35-year-old male patient with liver cirrhosis due to BCS and hepatocellular carcinoma beyond the Milan criteria underwent living-donor LT with IVC reconstruction.It was necessary to remove the IVC as its retrohepatic portion was completely thrombosed,up to almost the right atrium.A right-lobe graft was retrieved from his sister,with outflow reconstruction including the right hepatic vein and the branches of segment V and VIII to the middle hepatic vein.Owing to massive subcutaneous collaterals in the abdominal wall,venovenous bypass was implemented before incising the skin.The right atrium was reached via a transdiaphragramatic approach.Hepatectomy was performed en bloc with the retrohepatic vena cava.It was reconstructed with an infra-hepatic vena cava graft obtained from a deceased donor.The patient remains well on outpatient clinic follow-up 25 mo after the procedure,under an anticoagulation protocol with warfarin.CONCLUSION Living-donor LT in BCS with IVC thrombosis is feasible using a meticulous surgical technique and tailored strategies.  相似文献   

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