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Compton RJ 《Neuropsychologia》2002,40(13):2409-2419
Many recent studies have revealed that interaction between the left and right cerebral hemispheres can aid in task performance, but these studies have tended to examine perception of simple stimuli such as letters, digits or simple shapes, which may have limited naturalistic validity. The present study extends these prior findings to a more naturalistic face perception task. Matching tasks required subjects to indicate when a target face matched one of two probe faces. Matches could be either across-field, requiring inter-hemispheric interaction, or within-field, not requiring inter-hemispheric interaction. Subjects indicated when faces matched in emotional expression (Experiment 1; n=32) or in character identity (Experiment 2; n=32). In both experiments, across-field performance was significantly better than within-field performance, supporting the primary hypothesis. Further, this advantage was greater for the more difficult character identity task. Results offer qualified support for the hypothesis that inter-hemispheric interaction is especially advantageous as task demands increase.  相似文献   

Subjects discriminated whether two sequentially presented human face pictures (S1 and S2) were identical while event-related potentials were recorded to explore the neural basis of visual completion for occluded objects. Four kinds of stimulus trials were employed: S2 and S1 were identical (match-complete); S2 and S1 were identical, but S2 was partially occluded (match-incomplete); S2 was a different face from S1 (mismatch-complete); S2 was different from S1, and was partially occluded (mismatch-incomplete). Incomplete faces enhanced the amplitude of N1 compared with complete faces. The peak latency of N2 elicited by incomplete faces was delayed about 20 ms compared with complete faces. The enhancement of N1 is related to visual completion processing that requires additional time.  相似文献   

Studies in healthy individuals and split-brain patients have shown that the representation of facial information from the left visual field (LVF) is better than the representation of facial information from the right visual field (RVF). To investigate the neurophysiological basis of this LVF superiority in face perception, we recorded event-related potentials (ERPs) to centrally presented face stimuli in which relevant facial information is present bilaterally (B faces) or only in the left (L faces) or the right (R faces) visual field. Behavioral findings showed best performance for B faces and, in line with the LVF superiority, better performance for L than R faces. Evoked potentials to B, L, and R faces at 100- to 150-msec poststimulus showed no evidence of asymmetric transfer of information between the hemispheres at early stages of visual processing, suggesting that this factor is not responsible for the LVF superiority. Neural correlates of the LVF superiority, however, were manifested in a shorter latency of the face-specific N170 component to L than R faces and in a larger amplitude to L than R faces at 220-280 and 400-600 msec over both hemispheres. These ERP amplitude differences between L and R faces covaried across subjects with the extent to which the face-specific N170 component was larger over the right than the left hemisphere. We conclude that the two hemispheres exchange information symmetrically at early stages of face processing and together generate a shared facial representation, which is better when facial information is directly presented to the right hemisphere (RH; L faces) than to the left hemisphere (LH; R faces) and best when both hemispheres receive facial information (B faces).  相似文献   

The effects of familiarity on auditory change detection on the basis of auditory sensory memory representations were investigated by presenting oddball sequences of sounds while participants ignored the auditory stimuli. Stimulus sequences were composed of sounds that were familiar and sounds that were made unfamiliar by playing the same sounds backward. The roles of frequently presented stimuli (standards) and infrequently presented ones (deviants) were fully crossed. Deviants elicited the mismatch negativity component of the event-related brain potential. We found an enhancement in detecting changes when deviant sounds appeared among familiar standard sounds compared when they were delivered among unfamiliar standards. Familiarity with the deviant sounds also enhanced the change-detection process. We suggest that tuning to familiar items sets up preparatory processes that affect change detection in familiar sound sequences.  相似文献   



To assess the emotion recognition in familiar and unknown faces in a sample of schizophrenic patients and healthy controls.


Face emotion recognition of 18 outpatients diagnosed with schizophrenia (DSM-IVTR) and 18 healthy volunteers was assessed with two Emotion Recognition Tasks using familiar faces and unknown faces. Each subject was accompanied by 4 familiar people (parents, siblings or friends), which were photographed by expressing the 6 Ekman’s basic emotions. Face emotion recognition in familiar faces was assessed with this ad hoc instrument. In each case, the patient scored (from 1 to 10) the subjective familiarity and affective valence corresponding to each person.


Patients with schizophrenia not only showed a deficit in the recognition of emotions on unknown faces (p = .01), but they also showed an even more pronounced deficit on familiar faces (p = .001). Controls had a similar success rate in the unknown faces task (mean: 18 +/− 2.2) and the familiar face task (mean: 17.4 +/− 3). However, patients had a significantly lower score in the familiar faces task (mean: 13.2 +/− 3.8) than in the unknown faces task (mean: 16 +/− 2.4; p < .05). In both tests, the highest number of errors was with emotions of anger and fear. Subjectively, the patient group showed a lower level of familiarity and emotional valence to their respective relatives (p < .01).


The sense of familiarity may be a factor involved in the face emotion recognition and it may be disturbed in schizophrenia.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: An event-related brain potential (ERP) study investigated how different processing stages involved in face identification are reflected by ERP modulations, and how stimulus repetitions and attentional set influence such effects.METHODS: ERPs were recorded in response to photographs of familiar faces, unfamiliar faces, and houses. In Part I, participants had to detect infrequently presented targets (hands), in Part II, attention was either directed towards or away from the pictorial stimuli.RESULTS: The face-specific N170 component elicited maximally at lateral temporal electrodes was not affected by face familiarity. When compared with unfamiliar faces, familiar faces elicited an enhanced negativity between 300 and 500 ms ('N400f') which was followed by an enhanced positivity beyond 500 ms post-stimulus ('P600f'). In contrast to the 'classical' N400, these effects were parietocentrally distributed. They were attenuated, but still reliable, for repeated presentations of familiar faces. When attention was directed to another demanding task, no 'N400f' was elicited, but the 'P600f' effect remained to be present.CONCLUSIONS: While the N170 reflects the pre-categorical structural encoding of faces, the 'N400f' and 'P600f' are likely to indicate subsequent processes involved in face recognition. Impaired structural encoding can result in the disruption of face identification. This is illustrated by a neuropsychological case study, demonstrating the absence of the N170 and later ERP indicators of face recognition in a prosopagnosic patient.  相似文献   

Face recognition is one of the most complex visual tasks performed by the human brain. Data from monkeys suggest that area IT may play a key role in identifying faces, and functional imaging research suggests that the human homologue of IT may be located in the medial occipitotemporal cortex, where a FFA has been located. Damage to medial occipitotemporal structures on the right or bilaterally leads to prosopagnosia, the failure to recognize facial identity. Prosopagnosia is not a single functional disorder but a family of dysfunctions, with different patients having different degrees of impairments to various perceptual and memory stages involved in face processing. Understanding the perceptual basis of this disorder and epiphenomena, such as covert recognition, is a goal of current research. Deficits in face perception also may contribute to Capgras syndrome and may be related to the impaired social development of patients with Asperger syndrome. More recently, identified deficits in face processing include the false recognition of unfamiliar faces and the impaired extraction of social information from faces, independent of the recognition of identity. Many of these prosopagnosia and other face processing deficits can be placed in the context of cognitive models of face processing stages, which are being refined continually by data from neurologic patients and functional imaging in normal subjects.  相似文献   

Autism is a pervasive developmental condition, characterized by impairments in non-verbal communication, social relationships and stereotypical patterns of behavior. A large body of evidence suggests that several aspects of face processing are impaired in autism, including anomalies in gaze processing, memory for facial identity and recognition of facial expressions of emotion. In search of neural markers of anomalous face processing in autism, much interest has focused on a network of brain regions that are implicated in social cognition and face processing. In this review, we will focus on three such regions, namely the STS for its role in processing gaze and facial movements, the FFA in face detection and identification and the amygdala in processing facial expressions of emotion. Much evidence suggests that a better understanding of the normal development of these specialized regions is essential for discovering the neural bases of face processing anomalies in autism. Thus, we will also examine the available literature on the normal development of face processing. Key unknowns in this research area are the neuro-developmental processes, the role of experience and the interactions among components of the face processing system in shaping each of the specialized regions for processing faces during normal development and in autism.  相似文献   

There have been a number of reports of preserved face imagery in prosopagnosia. We put this issue to experimental test by comparing the performance of MJH, a 34-year-old prosopagnosic since the age of 5, to controls on tasks where the participants had to judge faces of current celebrities, either in terms of overall similarity (Of Bette Midler, Hillary Clinton, and Diane Sawyer, whose face looks least like the other two?) or on individual features (Is Ronald Reagan's nose pointy?). For each task, a performance measure reflecting the degree of agreement of each participant with the average of the others (not including MJH) was calculated. On the imagery versions of these tasks, MJH was within the lower range of the controls for the agreement measure (though significantly below the mean of the controls). When the same tasks were performed from pictures, agreement among the controls markedly increased whereas MJH's performance was virtually unaffected, placing him well below the range of the controls. This pattern was also apparent with a test of facial features of emotion (Are the eyes wrinkled when someone is surprised?). On three non-face imagery tasks assessing color (What color is a football?), relative lengths of animal's tails (Is a bear's tail long in proportion to its body?), and mental size comparisons (What is bigger, a camel or a zebra?), MJH was within or close to the lower end of the normal range. As most of the celebrities became famous after the onset of MJH's prosopagnosia, our confirmation of the reports of less impaired face imagery in some prosopagnosics cannot be attributed to pre-lesion storage. We speculate that face recognition, in contrast to object recognition, relies more heavily on a representation that describes the initial spatial filter values so the metrics of the facial surface can be specified. If prosopagnosia is regarded as a form of simultanagnosia in which some of these filter values cannot be registered on any one encounter with a face, then multiple opportunities for repeated storage may partially compensate for the degraded representation on that single encounter. Imagery may allow access to this more complete representation.  相似文献   

The study of brain-damaged patients and advancements in neuroimaging have lead to the discovery of discrete brain regions that process visual image categories, such as objects and scenes. However, how these visual image categories interact remains unclear. For example, is scene perception simply an extension of object perception, or can global scene "gist" be processed independently of its component objects? Specifically, when recognizing a scene such as an "office," does one need to first recognize its individual objects, such as the desk, chair, lamp, pens, and paper to build up the representation of an "office" scene? Here, we show that temporary interruption of object processing through repetitive TMS to the left lateral occipital cortex (LO), an area known to selectively process objects, impairs object categorization but surprisingly facilitates scene categorization. This result was replicated in a second experiment, which assessed the temporal dynamics of this disruption and facilitation. We further showed that repetitive TMS to left LO significantly disrupted object processing but facilitated scene processing when stimulation was administered during the first 180 msec of the task. This demonstrates that the visual system retains the ability to process scenes during disruption to object processing. Moreover, the facilitation of scene processing indicates disinhibition of areas involved in global scene processing, likely caused by disrupting inhibitory contributions from the LO. These findings indicate separate but interactive pathways for object and scene processing and further reveal a network of inhibitory connections between these visual brain regions.  相似文献   

Rats were trained on a peak-interval timing procedure in which auditory, tactile, and visual stimuli signaled 3 different fixed-interval schedules (15, 30, and 60 s) that were presented simultaneously in a hierarchical fashion. Administration of vasopressin metabolite neuropeptide [pGlu-Asn-Cys(Cys)-Pro-Arg-Gly-NH2, 0.3 microgram/kg i.p.] had two main effects on performance. With repeated exposure the temporal criterion for each of the intervals shifted leftward on the time scale in a proportional manner, and the probability of attention to each of the intervals increased proportionally. The conclusion is that vasopressin metabolite neuropeptide facilitates simultaneous temporal processing by increasing the speed of mental processes involved in memory storage and divided attention. These results indicate that a major metabolite of arginine vasopressin that is devoid of endocrine and pressor activity can produce facilitation of cognitive processes in animals.  相似文献   

Frontal processing and auditory perception   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Disordered processing of the pattern in sound over time has been observed in a number of clinical disorders, including developmental dyslexia. This study addresses the brain mechanisms required for the perception of such a pattern. We report the systematic evaluation of temporal perception in a patient with a single intact right auditory cortex and a large right frontal lobe lesion. A striking dissociated deficit was demonstrated in the perception of temporal pattern at the level of tens or hundreds of milliseconds. This proves that, contrary to common belief, mechanisms in the pathway up to and including the primary auditory cortex are not sufficient for the normal perception of temporal pattern. This work suggests a need for frontal processing for the normal perception of auditory pattern.  相似文献   

Human faces and bodies provide important social cues, which contribute to the identification of other people, their age and gender as well as their intentions and affective states. The underlying neuropsychological mechanisms of face processing have been studied extensively and recent interest has also focused on the study of body shape perception. The present article aims to summarize and to critically evaluate the evidence for and against the specificity of body shape processing. Cognitive mechanisms, neurocognitive models and neuronal correlates of body processing will be compared with corresponding evidence related to human face processing. Clinical phenomena related to body shape perception will also be addressed. The available data base documents a range of similarities and differences between face and body perception with respect to the cognitive mechanisms, neuronal correlates and neuropsychological impairment patterns. The lack of a selective deficit in body perception is the most important difference between both categories. The sparse data base for human body shape perception does not yet allow any firm conclusions with respect to its underlying neuropsychological mechanisms.  相似文献   

Moulson MC  Balas B  Nelson C  Sinha P 《Neuropsychologia》2011,49(14):3847-3853
Face perception is a critical social ability and identifying its neural correlates is important from both basic and applied perspectives. In EEG recordings, faces elicit a distinct electrophysiological signature, the N170, which has a larger amplitude and shorter latency in response to faces compared to other objects. However, determining the face specificity of any neural marker for face perception hinges on finding an appropriate control stimulus. We used a novel stimulus set consisting of 300 images that spanned a continuum between random patches of natural scenes and genuine faces, in order to explore the selectivity of face-sensitive ERP responses with a model-based parametric stimulus set. Critically, our database contained “false alarm” images that were misclassified as face by computational face-detection system and varied in their image-level similarity to real faces. High-density (128-channel) event-related potentials (ERPs) were recorded while 23 adult subjects viewed all 300 images in random order, and determined whether each image was a face or non-face. The goal of our analyses was to determine the extent to which a gradient of sensitivity to face-like structure was evident in the ERP signal. Traditional waveform analyses revealed that the N170 component over occipitotemporal electrodes was larger in amplitude for faces compared to all non-faces, even those that were high in image similarity to faces, suggesting strict selectivity for veridical face stimuli. By contrast, single-trial classification of the entire waveform measured at the same sensors revealed that misclassifications of non-face patterns as faces increased with image-level similarity to faces. These results suggest that individual components may exhibit steep selectivity, but integration of multiple waveform features may afford graded information regarding stimulus appearance.  相似文献   

《Clinical neurophysiology》2009,120(5):887-896
ObjectiveThis study investigated the influence of the familiarity of an environmental sound on sound processing outside the focus of attention.MethodsBy comparing ERPs elicited by a familiar, animal sound and an acoustically matched, but unfamiliar, complex sound, three issues were addressed: (a) general differences in the processing of the familiar and the unfamiliar sound, (b) influences of sound familiarity on the processing of deviants unrelated to familiarity and (c) familiarity-specific processing depending on the sound context. Participants watched a silent, subtitled movie.ResultsThe familiar sound elicited a centro-parietal enhancement of the N1, a frontocentrally enhanced P2 and an additional P250. Auditory deviance processing elicited by deviants in sound location was not influenced by the familiarity of the sounds. However, after an involuntary switch of attention to the deviant, an N400-like deflection indicated enhanced semantic analysis of the familiar deviant. Familiarity-specific ERP effects as a consequence of the sound context occurred between 300 and 500 ms after stimulus onset.ConclusionWhereas familiarity of an environmental sound elicited enhanced stimulus processing before 300 ms, influences of the sound context were observed subsequent to 300 ms.SignificanceFamiliarity of a complex environmental sound influences several stages of auditory processing outside the focus of attention.  相似文献   

Much of the information used for visual perception and visually guided actions is processed in complex networks of connections within the cortex. To understand how this works in the normal brain and to determine the impact of disease, mice are promising models. In primate visual cortex, information is processed in a dorsal stream specialized for visuospatial processing and guided action and a ventral stream for object recognition. Here, we traced the outputs of 10 visual areas and used quantitative graph analytic tools of modern network science to determine, from the projection strengths in 39 cortical targets, the community structure of the network. We found a high density of the cortical graph that exceeded that shown previously in monkey. Each source area showed a unique distribution of projection weights across its targets (i.e., connectivity profile) that was well fit by a lognormal function. Importantly, the community structure was strongly dependent on the location of the source area: outputs from medial/anterior extrastriate areas were more strongly linked to parietal, motor, and limbic cortices, whereas lateral extrastriate areas were preferentially connected to temporal and parahippocampal cortices. These two subnetworks resemble dorsal and ventral cortical streams in primates, demonstrating that the basic layout of cortical networks is conserved across species.  相似文献   

We used a dual anterograde-tracing paradigm to characterize the organization of corticocortical projections from primary somatosensory (SI) barrel cortex. In one group of rats, biotinylated dextran amine (BDA) and Fluoro-Ruby (FR) were injected into separate barrel columns that occupied the same row of barrel cortex; in the other group, the tracers were deposited into barrel columns residing in different rows. The labeled corticocortical terminals in the primary motor (MI) and secondary somatosensory (SII) cortices were plotted, and digital reconstructions of these plots were quantitatively analyzed. In all cases, labeled projections from focal tracer deposits in SI barrel cortex terminated in elongated, row-like strips of cortex that corresponded to the whisker representations of the MI or SII cortical areas. When both tracers were injected into separate parts of the same SI barrel row, FR- and BDA-labeled terminals tended to merge into a single strip of labeled MI or SII cortex. By comparison, when the tracers were placed in different SI barrel rows, both MI and SII contained at least two row-like FR- and BDA-labeled strips that formed mirror image representations of the SI injection sites. Quantitative analysis of these labeling patterns revealed three major findings. First, labeled overlap in SII was significantly greater for projections from the same barrel row than for projections from different barrel rows. Second, in the infragranular layers of MI but not in the supragranular layers, labeled overlap was significantly higher for projections from the same SI barrel row. Finally, in all layers of SII and in the infragranular layers of MI, the amount of labeled overlap was proportional to the proximity of the tracer injection sites. These results indicate that SI projections to MI and SII have an anisotropic organization that facilitates the integration of sensory information received from neighboring barrels that represent whiskers in the same row.  相似文献   

A common view is that visual processing within the ventral visual stream is modulated by attention and awareness. We used fMRI adaptation to investigate whether activation in a network of brain regions involved with face recognition--namely the fusiform face area (FFA), occipital face area (OFA) and right superior temporal sulcus (rSTS)--was modulated by physical changes to face stimuli or by observers' awareness of the changes. We sequentially presented two matrices of four faces. In two thirds of the trials one of the faces changed. We compared activations generated in three conditions (i) change detected trials, (ii) change blind trials, and (iii) no change trials. If face areas were sensitive to physical changes then we expected similar levels of activation for face changes regardless of change detection. If face areas were sensitive to levels of awareness of change then we expected greater levels of activation for detected changes compared to no change detection. We found that all three-face regions recovered from adaptation when subjects were aware of changes, but only OFA recovered from adaptation when subjects were not aware of the changes. These results suggest that within the face network OFA is involved in representing information that has not yet entered awareness and that consciousness is not an all-or-none phenomenon throughout the ventral stream.  相似文献   

Abnormal activation of the social brain during face perception in autism   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
ASD involves a fundamental impairment in processing social-communicative information from faces. Several recent studies have challenged earlier findings that individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) have no activation of the fusiform gyrus (fusiform face area, FFA) when viewing faces. In this study, we examined activation to faces in the broader network of face-processing modules that comprise what is known as the social brain. Using 3T functional resonance imaging, we measured BOLD signal changes in 10 ASD subjects and 7 healthy controls passively viewing nonemotional faces. We replicated our original findings of significant activation of face identity-processing areas (FFA and inferior occipital gyrus, IOG) in ASD. However, in addition, we identified hypoactivation in a more widely distributed network of brain areas involved in face processing [including the right amygdala, inferior frontal cortex (IFC), superior temporal sulcus (STS), and face-related somatosensory and premotor cortex]. In ASD, we found functional correlations between a subgroup of areas in the social brain that belong to the mirror neuron system (IFC, STS) and other face-processing areas. The severity of the social symptoms measured by the Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule was correlated with the right IFC cortical thickness and with functional activation in that area. When viewing faces, adults with ASD show atypical patterns of activation in regions forming the broader face-processing network and social brain, outside the core FFA and IOG regions. These patterns suggest that areas belonging to the mirror neuron system are involved in the face-processing disturbances in ASD.  相似文献   

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