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目的探讨绝经女性中类风湿关节炎(RA)患者发生脊柱骨质疏松性骨折(OPF)的骨密度(BMD)阈值。方法选择334例RA患者及性别、年龄相匹配的健康对照组50例,采用双能X线骨密度吸收仪测定研究对象腰椎2~4(L2、L3、L4、L2-4)的BMD,以X线摄片(脊柱正侧位片)作为确定研究对象骨质疏松性骨折(OPF)的诊断方法。结果 RA腰椎2~4的BMD均明显低于正常对照组(P0.05);RA患者腰椎2~4总的骨质疏松(OP)发生率为27.2%(91/334),明显高于正常对照组OP发生率14.0%(7/50)(!2=4.905,P0.05)。RA患者的腰椎OPF发生率为16.8%(56/334),明显高于对照组6.0%(3/50)(!2=3.877,P0.05)。RA患者OP组中脊柱OPF发生率为39.2%,骨量减少RA患者中脊柱OPF的发生率为15.7%,骨量正常组RA患者中为13.9%,3组间脊柱OPF发生率有明显差别(!2=23.821,P0.001)。RA患者L2-4部位BMD及其对应的T值与发生OPF的ROC曲线分析显示:L2-4BMD-OPF的AUC为0.646,BMD截点值为0.847g/cm2(P0.0001);L2-4T值-OPF的AUC为0.665,T值截点值为-2.25(P0.0001)。RA患者中采用多元Logistic回归分析显示:年龄(OR=1.058,P0.001,95%CI:1.027~1.089)和使用糖皮质激素(OR=2.021,P0.05,95%CI:1.125~3.633)为RA患者发生脊柱OPF的危险因素,腰椎L2-4部位BMD(OR=0.205,P0.05,95%CI:0.048~0.876)为RA患者发生脊柱OPF的保护因素。结论 RA患者发生脊柱OPF的风险明显高于正常人,且在非OP状态下就可以发生,其发生脊柱OPF的腰椎BMD阈值是降低的。  相似文献   

目的 用脊椎压缩性骨折及髋骨骨折人群骨矿含量(BMC)、骨密度(BMD)的改变来探讨国人骨质疏松诊断标准。方法 对成都地区≥20岁健康人群共1460人采用:DEXA测量L2-4和股骨上端Neck、Ward’s、Troch的BMC、BMD和BMC/体重(W);对≥50岁摄T5—L4侧位片。用本次流调获得的骨峰值(PBM),分别减2.0SD和2.5SD作为骨质疏松(OP)的诊断标准,对脊椎压缩性骨折、髋骨骨折人群的BMC、BMD和BMC/W骨质疏松检出率进行分析,并对L1-L4骨质增生骨密度进行修正。结果 脊椎压缩性骨折人群的:BMD、BMC、BMC/W在PBM减去2.0SD,OP的检出率L2—4BMD女性为89%,男性为60%。修正骨质增生后女性为93%,男性为74%。两组均明显高于女性BMC(72%)、BMC/W(70%)及男性BMC(56%)、BMC/W(40%,)和减去2.5SD为标准的各指标检出率。用PBM-2.0SD对髋骨骨折人群OP检出率在NeckBMD女性为89%,男性为100%,两组均高于BMC、BMC/W及Ward’s、Troch和减去2.5SD各指标检出率。结论 我国骨质疏松诊断标准应为骨峰值L2—4:BMD-2.0SD,当其腰椎有明显骨质增生时可给予适当修正。  相似文献   

骨质疏松性骨折与骨密度关系的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
骨质疏松症是老年人的常见病和多发病,其最大的危害是导致骨折的发生。随着老年人口的增加,骨质疏松性骨折的发病率也显著增高,这已经引起了医学研究者的普遍关注。近年来对运用骨密度检测来预测骨质疏松性骨折的研究很多,但是还没有形成一个定论,故对运用骨密度检测来预测骨质疏松性骨折的研究现状作一简单综述。  相似文献   

目的:研究绝经后女性股骨近端骨密度的变化规律与骨质疏松症、骨质疏松性骨折间的关系。方法采用法国Medlink公司Osteocore 3型双能X线骨密度仪,对本地区417例绝经后女性股骨颈、大转子、粗隆间、全髋进行骨密度测定。结果骨折组各年龄段、各部位的BMD均比非骨折组低( P<0.05)。随着年龄的增长,股骨近端骨量逐渐丢失,除了45~50组,其余各年龄段骨折组的患病率明显高于非骨折组( P<0.05),骨密度值越低,骨折危险性越大。结论绝经后女性股骨近端骨密度与发生骨质疏松性骨折的风险呈明显负相关性,应该注意预防。  相似文献   

目的探讨骨密度与骨转换标志物(bone turnover markers,BTMs)在老年女性骨质疏松患者中的检测意义,对比两者对骨质疏松性骨折(osteoporotic fracture,OF)的预测能力。方法收集2017年10月至2019年2月于成都医学院第一附属医院骨科住院的OF患者96例和骨质疏松患者107例,分为骨折组和非骨折组。通过双能X线吸收仪(DXA)测定骨密度,电化学发光检测BTMs:I型前胶原N端前肽(PINP)、I型胶原β-异构化C末端肽(β-CTX)、骨钙素N端分子片段(N-MID),同时测定骨代谢相关指标:碱性磷酸酶(alkaline phosphatase,ALP)、钙(Ca)、磷(P),t检验对比两组间的计量资料,采用二分类Logistic回归分析骨密度和BTMs与OF的相关性。结果骨折组的骨密度低于非骨折组,差异有统计学意义(P 0. 05);PINP、β-CTX高于非骨折组,70~90岁患者N-MID低于非骨折组,差异均有统计学意义(P0. 05);而ALP、P、Ca在两组之间相比,差异无统计学意义(P0. 05)。二分类Logistic回归分析提示腰椎及髋部骨密度、β-CTX与OF具有显著相关性,OR分别为-4. 182、-6. 929和7. 572,差异均有统计学意义(P0. 05)。PINP、N-MID与OF呈正相关,OR分别为4. 213和2. 510,差异均无统计学意义(P0. 05)。结论低骨密度、高β-CTX的骨质疏松老年女性更容易发生OF,β-CTX比骨密度预测OF的能力更强,可适时对高危人群进行相关干预管理。  相似文献   

目的研究骨密度对骨质疏松性骨折的判断价值。方法共3组研究对象,398例骨质疏松不伴有骨折的研究对象(A组),胸腰椎骨折患者(B组),骨密度正常的正常组进行研究。研究骨密度的一般情况、不同T值在各组的分配情况,骨质疏松性骨折与骨密度(BMD)的相关性。结果腰椎L2-L4、L2-L4和股颈的BMD值之间,T值人数分配之间,正常组、A组以及B组的差别具有统计学意义(P<0.05)。腰椎L1-L4、L2-L4和股颈的BMD以及总BMD的测定值均与骨质疏松性骨折相关。结论我们认为:本地区所收治的骨质疏松性骨折患者,全部应诊断判定为骨质疏松症。  相似文献   

目的评估骨密度在髋部脆性骨折风险预测中的临床价值。方法回顾性研究2014年6月至2019年6月在我院创伤骨科住院的老年髋部骨折患者72例,作为病例组,其中股骨转子间骨折31例,股骨颈骨折41例;对照组选择同期我院骨外科门诊老年体检者63例。使用DXA方法测量患者腰椎和健侧髋部(全髋部、转子间、股骨颈、Ward’s区)的骨密度;对照组测量腰椎和左侧髋部骨密度,统计分析测量结果。结果①骨折组腰椎、髋部骨密度均显著低于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P0.01);②转子间骨折组和股骨颈骨折组在腰椎和髋部区域骨密度比较差异均无统计学意义(P 0.05);③骨折组与对照组在转子间区的T值降低比例最大为122.1%,腰椎降低幅度最小为31.3%,余髋部的T值均有不同程度降低;④骨折后髋部和腰椎T值比存在倒置现象;⑤对照组和骨折组髋部骨质疏松程度比较,差异有统计学意义(P0.01);两组患者腰椎骨质疏松程度比较,差异无统计学意义(P0.05)。结论①髋部骨折患者骨密度均显著低于体检者,提示骨密度与髋部骨折具有一定相关性,但与髋部骨折类型无关;②在髋部骨折风险评估中,髋部骨密度相比腰椎更有价值;③当髋部与腰椎T值比出现倒置时,将不可避免发生髋部骨折;④骨量正常的部分患者发生了脆性骨折,而骨质疏松的部分患者却未发生骨折,表明影响骨折发生的因素除了骨密度外,可能和骨骼的微结构有关。  相似文献   

目的 研究甘油三酯(triglyceride,TG)、总胆固醇(totalcholesterol,TC)、低密度脂蛋白胆固醇(low density lipoprotein cholesterin,LDL-C)及高密度脂蛋白胆固醇(high density lipoprotein cholesterol,HDL-C)与...  相似文献   

目的通过建立SD大鼠骨质疏松模型,研究骨质疏松性骨折临界载荷、骨刚度系数与骨密度间的关系。方法取SD大鼠40只,行骨质疏松造模,造模后3个月测定活体股骨骨密度,根据骨密度的高低分为4组,每组10只。分组后取大鼠股骨行三点弯曲试验,记录骨折临界载荷、骨刚度系数,并进行统计学分析。结果 A组骨密度(0.241±0.009)g/cm2,B组(0.226±0.011)g/cm~2,C组(0.211±0.009)g/cm2,D组(0.193±0.008)g/cm~2,4组骨密度差异有统计学意义(F=12.980,P=0.012)。A组骨折临界载荷(226.80±9.13)N,B组(212.11±7.96)N,C组(204.08±8.70)N,D组(193.60±8.08)N,4组骨折临界载荷差异有统计学意义(F=13.483,P=0.020);且A组骨折临界载荷B组(t=-2.112,P=0.043),B组骨折临界载荷C组(t=-2.978,P=0.006),C组骨折临界载荷D组(t=-2.631,P=0.014)。A组骨刚度系数(526.37±8.86)N/mm,B组(531.10±12.01)N/mm,C组(490.57±9.76)N/mm,D组(465.88±5.41)N/mm;A组与B组骨刚度系数比较差异无统计学意义(t=-1.852,P=0.074),B组骨刚度系数C组(t=-3.369,P=0.001),C组骨刚度系数D组(t=-2.539,P=0.019)。结论当骨密度降低到一定程度后,骨密度的下降与骨折临界载荷、骨刚度系数呈正相关,骨密度减少导致骨折风险增高。  相似文献   

骨质疏松诊断与骨密度测量   总被引:15,自引:2,他引:15       下载免费PDF全文
骨质疏松诊断与骨密度测量何耀华邱贵兴骨质疏松是一种严重危害老年人健康的骨代谢性疾病。随着社会人口的老龄化,该病的发生越来越多。它以骨量减少和易发生骨折为特征,给社会、家庭带来危害。早期诊断、治疗骨质疏松对社会将大有裨益[1]。骨密度的测量是评价骨质疏...  相似文献   

骨密度测量技术诊断骨质疏松的评价   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
骨矿密度(BMD)是诊断骨量减少(低骨量,骨质疏松),评价骨丢失率和疗效的重要客观指标。被世界卫生组织(WHO)用来定义骨质疏松(OP)的诊断标准。目前非创伤性骨密度测量方法主要有以下几种:X线光密度法(RA),单光子吸收法(SPA),双光子吸收法(DPA),双能x线吸收测定(DEXA),定量CT(QCT)。不同的测量方法的优、缺点和临床意义不同,在此简要综述几种BMD测量方法和特点。  相似文献   

Some studies have indicated that the risk of fragility fractures in men increases as bone mineral levels decrease, but there is an overlap in the bone mineral density (BMD) measurements between patients with or without fractures. Furthermore, it has been suggested that the biomechanical competence of trabecular bone is dependent not only on the absolute amount of bone present but also on the trabecular microarchitecture. In the present study, 108 men (mean age 52.1 years) with lumbar osteopenia (T score < -2.5) were recruited to examine the relationships between BMD, architectural changes in trabecular bone, and the presence of vertebral fractures. Lumbar BMD was assessed from L2 to L4 in the anteroposterior view with dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry. At the upper left femur, hip BMD was measured at the transcervical site. Spinal X-ray films were analyzed independently by two trained investigators, and vertebral fracture was defined as a reduction of at least 20% in the anterior, middle, or posterior vertebral height. Transiliac bone biopsy specimens were obtained for all patients. Histomorphometric studies were performed on an image analyzer, and the following parameters were determined: trabecular bone volume (BV/TV), trabecular thickness (Tb.Th), number (Tb.N), and separation (Tb.Sp), interconnectivity index (ICI), characterization of the trabecular network (node count and strut analysis), and star volume of the marrow spaces. Spinal radiographs evidenced at least one vertebral crush fracture in 62 patients (group II) and none in 46 patients (group I). After adjusting for age, body mass index, and BMD, there were no significant differences between the two groups in BV/TV, Tb.Th, or star volume. In contrast, the mean values of ICI, free end-to-free end struts (FF/TSL), and Tb.Sp were significantly higher, whereas Tb.N and node-to-node struts (NN/TSL) were lower in patients with at least one vertebral fracture. Logistic regression analysis showed that only ICI, FF/TSL, NN/TSL, and Tb.N were significant predictors of the presence of vertebral fracture: odds ratios for an alteration of 1 SD ranged from 1.7 (1.0-3.2) for NN/TSL to 3.2 (1.1-10.1) for ICI. Patients with at least three vertebral fractures (n = 23) were categorized as "multiple fractures." The results of logistic regression showed that spine BMD, BV/TV, and all architectural parameters were significant predictors of multiple vertebral fractures: odds ratios for an alteration of 1 SD ranged from 2.2 (1.1-4.6) for star volume to 3.7 (1.4-9.7) for ICI. These results strongly suggest that bone trabecular microarchitecture is a major and independent determinant of vertebral fractures in middle-aged men with osteopenia.  相似文献   

 This study was designed to establish Bone Mineral Density (BMD) Reference Databases for multiple skeletal sites appropriate for the diagnosis and evaluation of osteoporosis (OP) in Chinese women. We recruited 2702 healthy Chinese women, 5–96 years of age, for BMD assessment. BMD values at multiple skeletal sites including anteroposterior (AP) and lateral (Lat) lumbar spine, hip, and forearm were measured by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) using a QDR 4500A device; results were analyzed according to age group using eight regression models. BMD Reference Databases (CWD) were established according to the best regression equation and compared with Hologic reference databases for “Oriental Women” (OWD). Results indicated that the cubic regression model was superior to the quadratic, linear, logarithmic, and exponential regression models, etc. for our purpose, with a determinate coefficient (R 2) of 0.363–0.650 (P = 0.000). We included 1636 female patients, aged 35–86 years, in our tests. In comparison with Hologic Reference Databases, the mean detection rate of OP in the newly established BMD Reference Databases for Chinese Women (CWD) was 16.0% ± 2.68% lower (range, 13.7%–20.5%) at the AP spine, 16.8% ± 11.0% lower (range, 3.5%–32.8%) at the Lat spine (except for L4), 18.7% ± 4.6% lower (range, 12.6%–24.2%) at the hip, and 14.3% ± 6.9% higher (range, 4.7%–24.3%) at the forearm. The difference in detection rates for OP was significant between the two reference databases (P = 0.000), which was consistent with the differences in peak BMD values and the biological variability between them. Based upon our data, we confirmed that the Hologic BMD Reference Databases for Oriental Women (OWD) were not suitable for the diagnosis of OP in Chinese women; the BMD Reference Databases for Chinese Women (CWD) established in this study would provide reliable diagnostic standards for detection of OP in the women of South China. Received: July 9, 2002 / Accepted: December 5, 2002 Offprint requests to: X.-P. Wu  相似文献   

随着我国进入老龄化社会,骨质疏松症已经成为严重威胁老年人健康的常见疾病之一。骨质疏松表现为骨量减少、易发生骨折。影像学检查包括X线平片、CT、MRI、核医学检查和骨密度测量,在骨质疏松症的防治中发挥重要作用。由于骨质疏松症防治涉及多学科和多专业合作,但目前缺乏统一的共识,影响着学科发展和规范临床服务。为此,由来自放射、骨科、内分泌、影像技术和核医学专业专家组成的共识专家组,在充分复习国际指南、共识、文献以及国内最新研究成果的基础上,结合我国医疗实际情况,针对骨质疏松的影像学和骨密度测量技术、诊断标准和鉴别诊断形成共识,为临床医务工作者在骨质疏松的影像学与骨密度临床应用方面提供科学、具体的指导,促进我国骨质疏松症的影像学与骨密度诊断规范化发展。  相似文献   

体积骨密度的估算方法及其对诊断骨质疏松的意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
骨密度(BMD)有面积骨密度(aBMD)和体积骨密度(vBMD)两种表达方式,它们在临床实验研究中被广泛采用。本文综述了vBMD的估算方法、aBMD和vBMD存在的性别差异和种族差异,以及aBMD和vBMD对诊断骨质疏松的影响。  相似文献   



Vertebral Fracture Analysis enables the detection of vertebral fractures in the same session as bone mineral density testing. Using this method in 2,424 patients, we found unknown vertebral fractures in approximately one out of each six patients with significant impact on management.  相似文献   



We pooled bone mineral density (BMD) data published in 91 articles including 139,912 Chinese adults and then established a national-wide BMD reference database at the lumbar spine and femur neck for Chinese adults. The prevalence of osteoporosis in the middle-aged and elderly Chinese population was also estimated.


Well-accepted reference value of BMD is lacking in Chinese. We established the reference database and assessed osteoporosis prevalence based on published literature conducted in the Mainland China, Taiwan, and Hong Kong Chinese.


We searched for all published articles indexed in MEDLINE, PubMed, CNKI, and SinoMed up to January 2013. We included cross-sectional studies that examined BMD using a dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry at the femur neck (FN) and/or lumbar spine (LS) in healthy adults. Overall age-specific mean (SD) BMD were pooled after standardization.


Ninety-one studies including 51,906 males and 88,006 females (≥20 years) in 38 cities in China were included in this pooling study. Gender- and age-specific reference curves of standardized BMD (sBMD) at the LS and FN were constructed. The sBMD cutoffs for osteoporosis classification were 0.746 and 0.549 in women, and 0.680 and 0.568 g/cm2 in men; age-standardized prevalence of osteoporosis was 23.9 % and 12.5 % in women and 3.2 % and 5.3 % in men aged ≥50 years at the LS and FN, respectively. Meta-regression analysis showed that greater age and altitude, lower latitude, smaller city size, earlier detection time, and random sample were correlated to lower sBMD in at least one gender-specific bone sites; the Hologic DXA produced a higher value of FN sBMD than the other two devices (Lunar and Norland).


We have established a national-wide BMD reference database at the LS and FN for Chinese adults and estimated the prevalence of osteoporosis in the middle-aged and elderly Chinese population.  相似文献   

目的观察女性骨质疏松性髋部骨折的骨密度和髋部结构强度变化。方法对95例骨质疏松性髋部骨折女性患者进 行双能X线骨密度检测和髋关节结构分析,年龄:76. 60 ±9. 36岁,体重指数:20. 88 ±3. 72 kg/m2 ;将63例年龄>50岁骨密度 正常的女性作为对照组。对照组女性年龄57. 24 ±5. 65岁,体重指数:26. 56 ±4. 82 kg/m2,比较二组股骨颈骨密度和结构强 度参数(包括骨横截面积、皮质厚度和屈曲应力比)。结果髋部骨折患者的股骨颈骨密度、股骨颈和转子间的骨横截面积和 皮质厚度均非常显著低于对照组;屈曲应力比非常显著高于对照组,87. 4%髋部骨折患者的股骨颈和转子间屈曲应力比均> 10;而84. 1%正常骨密度组患者的股骨颈和转子间屈曲应力比均< 10。结论髋部骨折患者的股骨颈骨密度及髋关节结构 强度均发生非常显著改变,骨强度降低,HSA提供的结构强度参数有助于预测髋部骨折风险。  相似文献   

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