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21世纪的主题是:人们理性地关注自身,所以从本质上讲,自身身体素质的好坏和生活质量密切相关。要如何提高人们身体素质,健康是关键。人们要如何才能获得这方面的知识,提高生存质量,这是人们关注的主题。这必须开展健康教育工作。健康教育是通过信息传播和行为干预,帮助个人和群体掌握卫生保健知识,树立健康观念,自原采纳有利于健康行为、生活方式的教育活动与过程。其目的是消除或减轻影响健康的危险因素,预防疾病,促进健康和提高生活质量。医院住院病人健康教育指对住院病人或家属进行的教育,这亦是医院病人教育的重点。医院健康教育是社会发展和医学进步的产物,是健康教育工作多向功能的重要体现,具有特殊的意义和作用,贯穿于预防、治疗、护理、康复、管理等许多具体环节。  相似文献   

随着医学模式的转变,健康理念的更新,护理工作从单纯的身体护理走向以人的健康为中心的整体护理,临床护理模式发生了深刻转变,其中,住院病人健康教育在护理工作中越来越占有举足轻重的地位。“以人为本”,满足病人健康需求是深化医院改革,促进医院由单纯的医疗服务型向医疗、预防、保健、康复等综合型服务转变的重要内容,因此健康教育水平已成为评价医院医疗服务质量的重要指标。我院自1998年开展整体护理以来,逐步建立了健康教育制度,并在实践中不断完善,不断提高护士开展健康教育的水平,住院病人的健康教育覆盖率达100%,大大提高了病人满意度,取得了良好的社会效益和经济效益。现将我院开展健康教育的体会总结如下。  相似文献   

李晓琳 《健康大视野》2005,13(10):106-106
高血压是最常见的心血管疾病,也是困扰人民健康的主要疾病,不仅患病率高且可引起严重的心脑肾并发症,是脑卒中冠心病的主要危险因素。开展对高血压病人的健康教育是现代护理的一项重要内容。我院于1999年8月通过采取不同形式的健康教育,使病人对高血压疾病的认识控制加强,对健康的自我认识提高,从而提高高血压病的治疗效果,预防避免了并发症的发生。现将护理体会介绍如下:  相似文献   

随着健康与疾病观的改变,使得护理专业在职能和范围上不断拓展,医学模式的转变及护理学的发展,注重人的生理、心理、社会需要的整体护理将取代只重视疾病而重视病人的传统护理。开展住院病人健康教育是通过有计划,有目的的教育过程。使病人增加了解有关健康知识,促进疾病向有利方向发展的一种手段,它对于促进疗效,缩短治疗周期,预防并发症和疾病复发有着不可估量的作用。在对病人实施整体护理时,护士要把新的观念融入自已的原有观念中并加于吸收,使之成为一个整体,在现代护理及健康观念的指导下充分发挥自我潜能真正履行其对病实施健康教育的职责。  相似文献   

医院健康教育是促进医院由单纯治疗服务向预防、治疗、护理、康复一体化保健服务转变的重要手段[1] ,是整体护理的重要组成部分。急诊科作为医院开展整体护理的特殊科室 ,在整体护理中实施健康教育工作应注意以下几个问题。了解急诊科健康教育的特点1 群体的特殊性 急诊科急、重症病人较多 ,病人流动性大 ,病种复杂 ,病情不稳定 ,尤其是初发及突发病患者 ,对疾病相关知识不了解加上要支付不菲的医疗费用 ,往往带有不同程度的恐惧、焦虑情绪 ,他们对疾病相关知识的需求及寻求健康行为、渴望自我护理的愿望比一般人更强烈。2 文化层次的差…  相似文献   

抓好医院健康教育 促进医疗质量提高   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
目前,随着健康观念、医学模式的转变和医院服务的扩大,使得“医院只管看病”的传统观念受到很大冲击。病人在医院就诊过程中也不再满足于单纯的疾病治疗,而且对心理治疗、预防保健、康复咨询、社会咨询等也十分关注。现代医疗质量观念是全方位、全过程的病人满意,这是人们对质量认识逐步深化的结果。病人满意,最大限度地提高人民的生活(命)质量已成为医院追求的最高标准。健康教育在治病尤其是防病方面发挥着重要作用。因此,医护人员在临床诊治操作过程中,应重视开展各种形式的健康教育。健康教育已成为提高医院医疗质量的重要策略之一。  相似文献   

随着改革开放及市场商品经济的深入发展 ,人民的生活水平不断提高 ,不再限于有病就医的现状 ,而是希望以保健为主 ,预防疾病 ,达到健康长寿的目的。医院在改革开放的新时期中求生存 ,求发展必须跟上人民求医的新观念 ,医院开展健康教育 ,是促进医院保健服务水平不断提高的有效措施。1 首先要提高领导对健康教育的认识领导重视是做好各项工作的前提条件和基本保证 ,医院领导要提高认识 ,转变观念 ,把健康教育摆在重要位置 ,克服医院主要抓经济收入 ,才能生存 ,才能发展的思想。除了领导亲自抓外 ,还要配备各相应组织机构和得力专职人员 ,形…  相似文献   

护理工作中如何做好健康教育   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
健康教育是指护士根据病人生理、心理、社会、文化等方面需求,对其进行的针对性教育服务.目的是使病人对疾病预防、控制及促进康复的知识做到:知、信、行,提高其自我护理能力及生活质量,以实现整体护理的宗旨.随着整体护理工作的深入开展,医院健康教育(以下简称健康教育)愈来愈受到重视,我院肝炎病区开展整体护理五年来体会到:要提高健康教育质量,护士要做到以下几个方面.……  相似文献   

田红松 《健康大视野》2006,14(6):126-127
护理工作,随着现代医学模式的转变,对病人心态的研究和健康教育显得越来越重要,近几年的临床实践发现,冠心病的发病年龄日趋减小,所以它的发病率在人群中就越来越高,由于年龄偏小,生活阅历浅,对待疾病不重视,对本身的疾病没有充分的认识,不能进行有效的二级预防。因此,健康教育要针对不同的年龄、不同的知识层次的病人施予不同的教育,目的是让病人积极参与二、三级预防,减缓疾病的发展,提高病人的生活质量。根据近几年来笔者实施整体化护理的实践经验,现将对不同心态的冠心病患者采取的相应健康教育对策及心理护理简述如下:  相似文献   

临床开展的健康教育主要是针对疾病的护理而忽视对基础护理的健康教育。就静脉输液护理而言,静脉输液是门诊常用的治疗方案之一。及时、正确的健康教育对输液患者的心理护理很重要,为了使病人在输液过程中感到舒适、安全,提高病人满意度,减少医疗投诉,静脉输液的健康教育工作势在必行。  相似文献   

Cserhalmi L 《Orvosi hetilap》2003,144(52):2553-2559
The heart failure is a common, costly, disabling and fatal cardiac disorder with high mortality and a continuously growing health problem in the population. The goals of the comprehensive non-pharmacological and pharmacological care programs focus on the decrease of mortality, prevention, improve the quality of life, reducing the hospital readmissions and decreasing costs. The management approach of heart failure as a chronic illness spanning the home, outpatient and inpatient settings involve multidisciplinary team care. Nurses can play an important role in any form of care. The organization of care may be different, closely adapted to the needs of patient population and the financial resources of health care. The new strategy includes measures aiming individual care for patients at high risk of developing left-ventricular dysfunction to reduce the impact of heart failure on public and individual health. Author reported the comprehensive management program of specialized heart failure outpatient clinic in Gottsegen Gy?rgy Hungarian Institute of Cardiology.  相似文献   

目的 分析南宁市基层医疗卫生机构管理的肺结核患者对结核病防治核心知识的知晓率水平,探索其影响因素,为完善结核病健康管理提供依据。方法 对311名南宁市基层医疗卫生机构服务的对象(肺结核患者)采用结构化问卷进行面对面调查,了解患者对结核病防治核心知识的知晓情况、认知态度及知识来源情况;统计学分析采用统计软件IBM SPSS Statistics23 进行。结果 311名肺结核患者对结核病核心知识总的知晓率为80.02%(1742/2177)。对结核病归口管理政策的知晓率最高(94.86%),对结核病治疗转归的知晓率最低(46.95%),结核病防治7条核心知识的知晓率差异有统计学意义(χ2 = 379.459,P<0.01)。不同民族和职业分类患者的知晓率差异有统计学意义(χ2值分别为36.613、18.178;P值分别为<0.001、0.003)。多因素分析显示,年龄和职业是结核病防治核心知识知晓率的影响因素。311名患者中,70%以上患者对结核病的认知态度比较正面,欢迎基层医疗卫生机构人员为其提供健康管理服务。患者获取结核病防治核心知识的途径比较分散,从医生处获得最高(28.63%),从学校教育中获得最低(1.83%)。结论 南宁市基层医疗卫生机构管理的肺结核患者对结核病防治核心知识的总的知晓率仍未达到结核病防治规划提出的85%的指标要求,今后需要在继续发挥基层医疗卫生机构人员在结核病防治健康促进工作中的作用、联合卫生健康部门和教育部门将结核病健康教育列入学校教学计划中去及探索针对不同人群特点的健康促进方式,最终提高总人群的结核病防治核心知识知晓率。  相似文献   

王书 《中国校医》2018,32(10):772
高校医院作为高等院校的重要组成部分,在立德树人的人才培养过程中承担着重要的使命。在健康中国战略和高校回归常识的背景下,探讨高校医院的常识。用质性研究的方法,从人才诠释的视角,讨论高校医院在培养“健全人”中的担当与使命;从大众健康意识的认知与变迁的视角,论述高校医院的运作职能。建立治疗、预防、保健、自然生活“四位一体”的全方位健康生活管理服务模式应当成为高校医院的常识。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Despite the human and monetary costs of occupational injury and illness, occupational health care has focused more on treatment than prevention, and prevention is not part of many clinical occupational health practices. This represents a failure of occupational health care to meet the health care needs of the working patients. METHODS: MEDLINE searches were conducted for literature on occupational medical treatment and the prevention of occupational injury and illness were reviewed to for linkages between prevention and treatment. Policy discussions which identify examples of programs that integrated prevention and treatment were included. RESULTS: Although examples of the integration of clinical and preventive occupational health services exist, there are challenges and barriers to such integration. These include inaction by clinicians who do not recognize their potential role in prevention; the absence of a relationship between the clinician and an employer willing to participate in prevention; economic disincentives against prevention; and the absence of tools that evaluate clinicians on their performance in prevention. CONCLUSIONS: Research is needed to improve and promote clinical occupational health preventive services.  相似文献   

A healthful diet and wise food choices are critical components of promoting health and reducing the risk of chronic disease. A substantial amount of health care resources could be saved by expanding health promotion and disease prevention programs that target dietary change among Americans. To effectively reduce health care costs, the emphasis and delivery of health care must promote health as well as deliver treatment and rehabilitative services to the sick. Prevention measures, such as nutrition interventions that also encourage physical activity, can help prevent or halt progression of full-blown chronic disease and thus decrease chronic disease disability. Health promotion and disease prevention need to be integral parts of all health care, community, public health, and worksite programs across the life cycle. Correspondingly, such programs must be culturally competent and address the specific needs of vulnerable or underserved populations. Dietetics professionals in all areas of practice should play an integral role in health promotion and disease prevention programs. Achieving this goal will require expansion of training programs and active learning by dietetics professionals that includes theory and practice in using team approaches, developing coalitions, and managing complex systems. Dietetics professionals also need to amplify their understanding of politics, administration, health care financing, and reimbursement. Attention must also be expanded to include social and behavioral sciences and to address program evaluation, outcomes, and cost-benefit and cost-effectiveness in nutrition-focused health promotion and disease prevention programs. Continued training in program development, research, and evaluation will help build the body of evidence that supports ongoing inclusion of prevention in a rapidly changing health care environment.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: Lifestyle intervention for high-risk people is one of the most important issues for reduction of diabetic patients. Public health care providers should update their knowledge and enhance their educational skills. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of a diabetes prevention training course for public health care providers in Aichi Prefecture. METHODS: This course included not only lectures about up-to-date knowledge about diabetes but also many practical aspects such as lifestyle assessment and coaching methods. The participants were made aware of an adequate diet by choosing foods in nutrition sessions, and they experienced walking and aerobic exercise with heart-rate monitors and pedometers in an exercise program. They also learned how to interview and provide health guidance to impaired glucose tolerance (IGT) people through role play. There were 373 participants from 90% of municipal health care centers in Aichi Prefecture. We made inquiries about the effectiveness of this practical training course immediately after the training period and 6-months later for all participants. In follow-up inquiries, we asked if the knowledge obtained in this training course had been useful and had improved their services. RESULTS: The aim and methods were well-accepted by more than 90% of participants. The follow-up examination (6 month later) showed improvement with reference to teaching methods (60%), evaluation of the diabetes prevention service (53%), cooperation with other facilities (48%) and survey on municipal health problems related to diabetes (48%). New methods, which they experienced in this course, were adopted in their own services in many municipalities. Many municipal health care centers started the diabetes individual health promotion program, because the health care providers got aware of importance of diabetes prevention by attending this training course. DISCUSSION: In order to make effective interventions, public health care providers should obtain up-to-date knowledge about diabetics and educational skills. Administrative organ can play important roles in diabetes prevention by training public health care providers and setting up a network between related facilities.  相似文献   

Effective management of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is aimed at prevention of disease progression, relief of symptoms, improvement in exercise tolerance, improvement in health status, prevention of complications, prevention of exacerbations and reduction in mortality. Pulmonary rehabilitation, aimed at restoring patients with disabling disease to an optimally functioning state, is a relatively recent practice in pulmonary medicine and is classically described as a multidisciplinary program of ‘care’ for patients with chronic respiratory impairment.Health status assessment is a central feature of studies of COPD, since treatments for this condition, other than smoking cessation and long-term oxygen therapy, are largely symptomatic. Health status measurement quantifies the impact of disease on patients’ daily life, health and well-being. General health- and disease-specific questionnaires have been designed to measure health status as well as health-related quality of life (HR-QOL).Published results provide a scientific basis for the overall pulmonary rehabilitation programs and, although with a lesser degree of evidence, for the specific components of these programs. The benefits of pulmonary rehabilitation include improvements in exercise tolerance, dyspnea and HR-QOL, and, to some extent, a decrease in healthcare usage. Pulmonary rehabilitation is effective in all settings including hospital inpatient, hospital outpatient, the community and home. However, more information is needed to ensure that the appropriate rehabilitation is given to the increasing number of patients with chronic respiratory diseases.Pulmonary rehabilitation is a costly process and patients should be carefully selected in order to save resources and obtain the maximum benefit. Although several questions remain unresolved, pulmonary rehabilitation programs should be included in the comprehensive treatment of patients with COPD.  相似文献   

This study examined the ways in which health care providers (general practitioners and specialists) and patients communicate with each other about managing musculoskeletal (MSK) disorders, a major cause of long-term pain and physical disability. In managing their illness, patients must interact closely with health care providers, who play a large role in transferring knowledge to them. In-depth interviews with patients, general practitioners, and specialist rheumatologists in Australia and Canada were analyzed using Leximancer (a text-mining tool). Results indicated that, in their communication, doctors subtly emphasized accepting and adjusting to the illness ("new normal"), whereas patients emphasized pain relief and getting "back to normal." These results suggest that doctors and patients should accommodate in their communication across subtle and often unexpressed differences in the priorities of provider and patient, or they are likely to be at cross purposes and thus less effective.  相似文献   

This study examined the ways in which health care providers (general practitioners and specialists) and patients communicate with each other about managing musculoskeletal (MSK) disorders, a major cause of long-term pain and physical disability. In managing their illness, patients must interact closely with health care providers, who play a large role in transferring knowledge to them. In-depth interviews with patients, general practitioners, and specialist rheumatologists in Australia and Canada were analyzed using Leximancer (a text-mining tool). Results indicated that, in their communication, doctors subtly emphasized accepting and adjusting to the illness (“new normal”), whereas patients emphasized pain relief and getting “back to normal.” These results suggest that doctors and patients should accommodate in their communication across subtle and often unexpressed differences in the priorities of provider and patient, or they are likely to be at cross purposes and thus less effective.  相似文献   

The question of the degree of technical versus managerial competence to be found in future graduates from health administration programs is not easily resolved. In the HIMSS 1988 survey of CIOs the attributes needed for success are listed in descending rank order as follows: leadership ability, vision/imagination, knowledge of hospital systems, business acumen, decisiveness, and technical competence. CIOs ranked technical competence as less important than other attributes associated with general management success. The expectations for attitudes, knowledge, and skills presented in this article support the greater importance of management abilities relative to pure technical competence. However, it is vital that an appropriate level of technical knowledge and skill be maintained to enable future alumni of health administration programs to function effectively as administrators. Depending on their role in a health care organization, greater or lesser technical knowledge may be needed. Those pursuing a career path toward CIO must, of necessity, have greater technical knowledge and skill. We have discussed necessary and expected attitudes, knowledge, and skills that will be needed by the generalist health administration graduate in the future. It will be important to develop and maintain an attitude that MIS is a strategic tool, that health care technology is a corporate asset, and that information is power. Graduates must recognize the necessity of maintaining and enhancing their knowledge and skills through continuing education. The knowledge base of MIS education should focus on determining information needs to support strategic goals, understanding of general systems theory, principles of systems analysis, design, implementation and maintenance, awareness and exposure to standard application software, and an awareness of external sources of data.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

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