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30064例住院患儿中心跳呼吸骤停及心肺脑复苏的调查   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文对30,064例住院患儿进行了心跳呼吸骤停和复苏措施的调查。系统总结了小儿发生心跳呼吸骤停的临床特点,发现年龄愈小其发生率愈高,原发疾病以感染多见(占84.55%),窒息是发生骤停的主要直接因素,多为缺氧后极缓窦律而停搏,即时存活较成人高但常可反复骤停,复苏后体温不升、脑水肿、呼吸循环功能不全和严重腹胀较易发生。通过比较发现气道通畅是复苏的关键,宜道选肾上腺素静脉注射,而心内注射和联用‘三联针  相似文献   

现场心肺复苏的提高和普及,为复苏争取了时问,且提高了脑复苏的成功率,而复苏药物的合理应用是抢救成败的重要一环。为此,作者根据小儿心跳呼吸骤停的特点,回顾总结了我院抢救心跳呼吸骤停的药物使用及其监测的结果,现总结如下。  相似文献   

复苏后颅内压监控浙江医科大学附属儿童医院(310003)孙眉月对心跳、呼吸骤停患儿采用急救手段使其恢复并维持呼吸、循环者,仅仅是复苏的初步成功。继之常可因严重缺血、缺氧导致重要生命器官功能和代谢障碍,脑对缺血、缺氧尤为敏感,一般认为心跳停止2分钟后脑...  相似文献   

随着急救复苏水平提高,院内小儿心肺复苏成功率明显增高,但对小儿院前呼吸心跳骤停的抢救仍不力,以致不少患儿失去抢救时机而死亡。本文通过对21例小儿院前呼吸心跳骤停及其抢救情况分析,就目前基层医院小儿急救存在问题及如何加强此项工作进行探讨。  相似文献   

对小儿尤其是婴幼儿若忽略了复苏后进一步处理和监测可发生反复骤停而死亡.本文对我院监护病房31例初步复苏后再次心跳呼吸骤停死亡者进行了分析,总结出临床上应当重视的致死直接原因.临床资料病例选择:1988年1月~1989年12月在监护病房  相似文献   

目的在一家独立的儿童医院设立医疗急救小组(MET),特定目标为将ICU外心跳呼吸骤停发病率降低50%,并维持6个月以上。方法设立MET前回顾所有在重症监护区外进行心肺复苏患儿的记录,以决定MET的实施规范。研究对象的纳入标准为呼吸停止或心跳呼吸骤停。对MET可避免发生的危重情况也进行了前瞻性定义。记录MET设立前后呼吸停止或心跳呼吸骤停发病率。结果设立MET前呼吸停止或心跳呼吸骤停发病率的基线水平为25次,发病密度为0·27/1000病人天;设立MET后为6次,发病密度(呼吸停止 呼吸心跳骤停)为0·11/1000病人天,危险比率0·42(95%可信区间0~0·89,P=0·03)。在MET对呼吸停止或心跳呼吸骤停的预防作用上,MET设立前发病密度为0·14/1000病人天,设立后为0·04/1000病人天,危险比率0·27(95%可信区间0~0·94,P=0·04)。设立MET前后心跳呼吸停止发病率并无统计学差异。MET设立前ICU外心跳呼吸骤停死亡病例发病密度为0·12/1000病人天,设立后为0·06/1000病人天,危险比率为0·48(95%可信区间0~1·4,P=0·13)。ICU外心跳呼吸骤停总病死率为42%(36例患儿中,15例死亡)。结论在大型三级儿童医院启动医疗急救小组可降低重症监护区外发生呼吸停止和心跳呼吸骤停的风险。  相似文献   

98例呼吸心跳骤停与心肺复苏的临床分析福建省福州儿童医院内科(350005)李淑闽,陈樊英,杨巧莉心肺复苏术(CPR)是急救技术重要而关键的抢救措施。急救复苏水平在逐步提高,但小儿CPR抢救成功率仍不满意。本文将1991~1995年98例CPR病例进...  相似文献   

小儿心跳呼吸骤停特点与儿科高级生命支持   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从1956年首次除颤器的应用,到1960年Kouwenhoveu等公布胸外按压是恢复心跳骤停患者的有效方法,现代心肺复苏(CPR)技术开始形成,1966年全美复苏会议对CPR技术标准化,1974年制定CPR指南,多次修订再版,最新CPR指南于2005年公布,是一个全球性的国际CPR指南。一、小儿心跳呼吸骤停的  相似文献   

心、肺复苏(心跳呼吸停止后的抢救)已有上千年的历史。然而近代医学复苏术的历史并不久,约一百年前开始开胸直接心脏按压法,使复苏效果为之一新。1960年首次成功地应用胸外心脏按压术后,复苏对象不再局限于外科手术台上的病人,普通病房乃至各种现场上的许多心跳、呼吸骤停患者经过及时胸外心脏按压得以复生。现在心、肺复苏术已广为应用,复苏的技术不断改进,复苏所用器械不断完善,复苏的知识正在普及到广大群众。许多因素促使小儿时期心跳、呼吸骤停的发生率相对地比成人高,复苏的成功率也相应  相似文献   

心跳骤停后,心脏丧失排血功能,脑血液循环中断,呼吸亦停顿,机体濒临死亡状况,如能立即积极给予心肺复苏仍有可能挽救生命。由于心跳骤停,血液循环中止,供氧中断,机体组织缺血缺氧,CO_2及无氧代谢产物——乳酸大量堆积,形成酸中毒,而以代谢性酸中毒和呼吸性酸中毒较为多见,同时细胞内钾离子大量释出,进一步影响心肌收缩功能和冠脉的血液灌注,因此使用心肺复苏药物和维持体  相似文献   

The causes and outcome of cardiopulmonary arrests were studied in a paediatric hospital over a 12 month period. Forty five resuscitation attempts were made involving 41 children and one adult. Twenty eight (68%) of the children were under 1 year of age and 10 (24%) were neonates. Twenty one (47%) arrests were primarily respiratory and 11 (24%) primarily cardiac in origin. Eighty two per cent of the respiratory arrests had an initially successful outcome, compared with 36% of the cardiac arrests. Overall 70% of cardiopulmonary resuscitation attempts were initially successful. There were no survivors from resuscitation attempts longer than 30 minutes. At 12 months after cardiopulmonary resuscitation 15 (37%) of the children were still alive. The 11 children who had been neurologically normal before the arrest showed no evidence of neurological damage after successful cardiopulmonary resuscitation.  相似文献   

The aims of this study were: 1) To define the rate of long-term survivors (LTS) after cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) in children; 2) To identify the predictors of survival in pediatric resuscitation; and 3) To assess the outcome six months after discharge. Three groups of patients were identified based on outcome: 1. Long-term survivors (LTS), who were discharged, 2. Short-term survivors (STS), who survived longer than 24 hours after CPR but not until discharge, and 3. Nonsurvivors (NS), who died within 24 hours after their arrest. Of the 67 patients, 10 (14.9%) children were STS, while 46 (68.7%) were NS. Only eleven (16.4%) were LTS who were eventually discharged from the hospital and six were alive six months after discharge. Four patients had neurological sequelae. Less than 5 minutes' duration of CPR and reactive pupils at the onset of cardiopulmonary arrest (CPA) were the most important factors that predicted long term survival. We suggest that a positive pupillary light reflex at the onset of CPA and the duration of CPR should be considered as important predictors of survival in children with CPA.  相似文献   

We retrospectively evaluated the outcome from cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) in 149 children of all age groups. Only 7 children experienced ventricular fibrillation. 47 children (31.5%) died immediately. Further 47 children died within 24 hours of their arrest, 24 (16.1%) survived longer than 24 hours after CPR but not until discharge. Only 31 children (20.8%) survived to discharge, 5 with severe neurologic sequelae, attributable to the arrest or resuscitation efforts. Cardiopulmonary arrests in the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit carried the worst prognosis. Better results were obtained out-of-hospital, in the OR or on the pediatric floor. Long-term survival rate did not correlate with age, or type of administered catecholamine. None of the children receiving calcium survived. This large study confirms the poor outcome of CPR in children.  相似文献   

Factors influencing outcome of cardiopulmonary resuscitation in children   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
We evaluated 47 pediatric patients after cardiopulmonary arrest. Patients entered the study with the onset of advanced life support. We followed them until death, or discharge from the hospital, occurred. We identified three groups of patients: long-term survivors, who survived to discharge, short-term survivors, who survived longer than 24 hours after CPR but not until discharge, and nonsurvivors, who died within 24 hours of their arrest. All of the long-term surviving patients were discharged from the hospital without gross neurologic deficit attributable to the arrest or resuscitation effort. Twenty-seven (57%) children were successfully resuscitated. Eighteen (38%) were long term-survivors, while nine (19%) were short-term survivors. Favorable outcome is associated with the following factors: inhospital arrest, extreme bradycardia as the presenting arrhythmia, successful resuscitation with only ventilation, oxygen and closed chest massage, and a duration of CPR of less than 15 minutes. Age, sex, and race, as well as pupillary reaction and motor response at the onset of advanced life support, did not correlate with long-term survival.  相似文献   

儿童心脏骤停是临床上最危急的情况之一,对生命造成严重威胁.随着心肺复苏及高级生命支持技术的进步,儿童心脏骤停的存活率较以前升高,但很多存活者遗留神经系统后遗症.儿童院外心脏骤停与院内心脏骤停的疾病原因不同,其预后和影响因素也不尽相同.儿童心脏骤停死亡危险因素有癌症、肝功能不全、急性肾功能衰竭和脓毒症/全身炎症反应综合征等,心肺复苏作为心脏骤停的主要急救手段,是影响心脏骤停儿童存活率的主要因素之一.  相似文献   

Available literature suggests a need for both initial cardiopulmonary resuscitation basic life support training and refresher courses for parents and the public as well as health care professionals. The promotion of basic life support training courses that establish a pediatric chain of survival spanning from prevention of cardiac arrest and trauma to rehabilitative and follow-up care for victims of cardiopulmonary arrest is advocated in this policy statement and is the focus of an accompanying technical report. Immediate bystander cardiopulmonary resuscitation for victims of cardiac arrest improves survival for out-of-hospital cardiac arrest. Pediatricians will improve the chance of survival of children and adults who experience cardiac arrest by advocating for cardiopulmonary resuscitation training and participating in basic life support training courses as participants and instructors.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To report survival outcomes and to identify factors associated with survival following extracorporeal cardiopulmonary resuscitation for in-hospital pediatric cardiac arrest. DESIGN: Retrospective chart review, consecutive case series. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURE: Survival to hospital discharge. RESULTS: During a 7-yr study period, there were 66 cardiac arrest events in 64 patients in which a child was cannulated for extracorporeal membrane oxygenation during active cardiopulmonary resuscitation with chest compressions. A total of 33 of 66 events (50%) resulted in the child being decannulated and surviving at least 24 hrs; 21 of 64 (33%) children undergoing extracorporeal cardiopulmonary resuscitation survived to hospital discharge. A total of 19 of 43 children with isolated heart disease compared with two of 21 children with other medical conditions survived to hospital discharge (p <.01). Pediatric Cerebral Performance Category and Pediatric Overall Performance Category were determined for survivors >2 months old. Five of ten extracorporeal cardiopulmonary resuscitation survivors >2 months old had no change in Pediatric Cerebral Performance Category or Pediatric Overall Performance Category compared with admission. Three of six extracorporeal cardiopulmonary resuscitation patients who survived after receiving >60 mins of chest compressions before extracorporeal cardiopulmonary resuscitation had grossly intact neurologic function. During a 2-yr period in the same hospital, no patient who received >30 mins of cardiopulmonary resuscitation without extracorporeal cardiopulmonary resuscitation survived. In this case series, age, weight, or duration of chest compressions before extracorporeal cardiopulmonary resuscitation did not correlate with survival. CONCLUSIONS: Extracorporeal cardiopulmonary resuscitation can be used to successfully resuscitate selected children following refractory in-hospital cardiac arrest, and can be implemented during active cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Intact neurologic survival can sometimes be achieved, even when the duration of in-hospital cardiopulmonary resuscitation is prolonged. In this series, children with isolated heart disease were more likely to survive following extracorporeal cardiopulmonary resuscitation than were children with other medical conditions.  相似文献   

The outcome of cardiopulmonary resuscitation at the research ward of the Kenya Medical Research Institute is reviewed. The outcome for respiratory arrest was 15 per cent (95 per cent CI 6.6-27) to discharge, and worse for cardiorespiratory arrest with no survival. The illnesses leading to cardiopulmonary arrest and causes for the disappointing outcome are discussed.  相似文献   

Out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA) is an unusual but devastating occurrence in a young person. Years of life-lost are substantial and long-term health care costs of survivors can be high. However, there have been noteworthy improvements in cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) standards, out-of hospital care, and postcardiac arrest therapies that have resulted in a several-fold improvement in resuscitation outcomes. Recent interest and research in resuscitation of children has the promise of generating improvements in the outcomes of these patients. Integrated and coordinated care in the out-of-hospital and hospital settings are required. This article will review the epidemiology of OHCA, the 2010 CPR guidelines, and developments in public access defibrillation for children.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: There is incomplete knowledge regarding the outcome of children who suffer a cardiac arrest after blunt trauma. We sought to determine mechanisms of injury, mortality, and rate of organ donation in this population of children. METHODS: Since 1984, all traumatically injured children in San Diego County, California, have been treated at San Diego Children's Hospital. This review encompasses 10,979 pediatric trauma patients evaluated from August 1, 1984 through September 30, 1996. All patients who did not meet the following two criteria were eliminated from the review: 1) a mechanism of blunt trauma, and 2) cardiopulmonary resuscitation performed by a trained medical provider prior to arriving or on arrival to the hospital. A chart review of this set of patients was undertaken to determine mechanism of injury, severity of injury, mortality, and rate of organ donation. RESULTS: In this large metropolitan county, 65 children suffered cardiac arrest following blunt trauma. Accidents involving motor vehicles were the mechanisms responsible for 80% of these injuries. The average Injury Severity Score was 50.3. Mortality was largely related to severe head injury as manifested by a mean Abbreviated Injury Score for head and neck equal to 5.9. All but one of these patients died despite resuscitation. Ninety-four percent of these children died within the first 24 hours of injury. The single survivor was discharged in a vegetative state. Solid organs were obtained from 9% of the patients. CONCLUSION: The outcome from blunt cardiac arrest in children is rapidly and nearly uniformly fatal despite resuscitation. Because severe head injuries resulting in brain death are the leading cause of mortality, a significant percentage of organ donations are obtained from these patients.  相似文献   

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