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Recent structural analysis of the peptide-MHC complex revealsthat an antigenic peptide binds to MHC in only one conformationand that side chains anchoring in the binding pocket would notcontact TCR. The identification of all the MHC-anchoring residueson an antigenic peptide is a prerequisite to understand howa given peptide interacts with the TCR. In a combination ofbinding analysis and model simulation, model peptide repressorcl 16–26 was shown to bind to I-Ek through four anchorresidues (Leu 18, Ile21, Glu23 and Lys26), a pattern found inmany l-Ek-binding peptides. TCR reactivity analysis clearlyindicates a great variation in the interaction with cl 16–26by T cells generated from different strains of l-Ek-bearingmice. Most of the T cells generated from A/J mice reacted withthe central region of cl 16–26, while there is a greatdiversity on the recognition of cl 16–26 by T cells fromC3H and B10.BR mice. Despite the diverse interactions with antigenicpeptide by these T cells, most TCR-I-Ek contacts are limitedto the central region of the I-Ek ß-chain. T cellsrecognizing only the N-terminal part of cl 16–26 werefound to contact I-Ek at nearly the same residues as T cellsinteracting with the C-terminal of cl 16–26. TCR-I-Ekrecognition was apparently independent of TCR-cl 16–26contact. The discordant TCR-peptide and TCR-MHC interactionsmay represent a unique feature of TCR recognition.  相似文献   

After selection in the thymus, the post-thymic T cell compartments comprise heterogenous subsets of naive and memory T cells that make continuous T cell receptor (TCR) contact with self-ligands bound to major histocompatibility complex (MHC) molecules. T cell recognition of self-MHC ligands elicits covert TCR signaling and is particularly important for controlling survival of naive T cells. Such tonic TCR signaling is tightly controlled and maintains the cells in a quiescent state to avoid autoimmunity. Here, we review how naive and memory T cells are differentially tuned and wired for TCR sensitivity to self and foreign ligands.  相似文献   

The structural basis of the T cell response against immunodominant tetanus toxin (TT)-derived peptides was investigated using TT-specific T cell clones raised from a DRB1*0301 homozygous donor. Three peptides forming T cell epitopes were identified, including one, TT(1272-1284), that stimulated four different TT-specific T cell clones. TCR sequence analysis revealed that these synonymous TCR shared only arginine at the third position of the CDR3 beta loop. This prominent residue may form a salt bridge with a corresponding aspartate at the relative position 8 (P8) of the antigenic peptide TT(1272-1284) as suggested from amino acid replacement analysis. A similar scenario was observed for a second TT epitope, TT(279-296), and its corresponding TCR. These examples show that immunodominance may result from a single strong amino acid interaction between TCR CDR3 beta loops here in contact with the C-terminus of the antigenic peptide. Such a dominant interaction could compensate for weaker contacts between other residues of the TCR and the antigenic peptide, and would allow the recognition of a single peptide-MHC complex by a broader synonymous TCR repertoire and could thus contribute to its immunodominance.  相似文献   

Understanding the parameters involved in T cell activation has been complicated by the discovery of partial T cell agonists. Altered peptide ligands (APL) have recently shown that different subsets of T cell responses can be selectively activated by certain peptides, which define a hierarchy of T cell activation. For cytotoxic T cells, this hierarchy ranges from sensitizing target cells for lysis through proliferation to effector cell induction. The degree of TCR down-regulation mediated by APL-MHC interactions correlates well with the induction of specific T cell effector functions. This suggests that the potential agonist response induced by a given peptide occurs at different triggering thresholds. To examine the relative agonist and antagonist functions of different peptides, we have investigated the ability of lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus glycoprotein-derived APL to induce or inhibit a range of effector functions in naive CD8+ T cells. By this, we have defined a hierarchy of peptides that display a range of properties from strong agonist to no agonist function. At each level, peptides that were ranked lower in this hierarchy were able to interfere or antagonize the induction of effector functions by higher ranking peptides. We have therefore shown that this spectrum of peptides ranging from strong to no agonist function has an inverse gradient from strong antagonist to no antagonist function. Moreover, the ability of the different peptides to inhibit TCR internalization correlated with their ranking within the hierarchy. These findings support the model that antagonists are effectively preventing TCR oligomerization and functional TCR triggering.  相似文献   

VB17(+) TCR dominate in Ni-driven T cell cultures from highly Ni-sensitized patients. Using transfection of TCR from three CD4(+), VB17(+), Ni-specific human T cell clones, we studied their Ni-MHC contacts by site-directed TCR mutation and combination of alpha and ss chains between different TCR. All three TCR exhibited N-nucleotide-determined Arg-Asp motifs in their CDR3-ss sequences. Two of them were specifically restricted to HLA-DR13, while the third one accepted a variety of HLA-DR alleles. The highly similar alpha or ss chains of the DR13-restricted TCR were interchangable without loss of specificity, but alpha or ss chains of other TCR were not tolerated. Mutations of their Arg-Asp motif revealed loss of reactivity upon exchanging Asp for Glu or Ala and of Arg for Ala but not of Arg for Lys or the Ni binding His. Reactivity was also destroyed by mutation of alpha chain position 51, proposed as a general contact site for MHC. Hence, in these two TCR the Arg-Asp motif is clearly involved in contacting Ni-MHC complexes, and close cooperation between alpha and ss chain is required. In contrast, the third TCR retained Ni reactivity upon mutation of alpha chain position 51 or of its ss chain Arg-Asp motif, which rather affected the pattern of DR cross-restriction. Moreover, its alpha chain paired with various ss chains from other, even mouse TCR, irrespective of their specificity, retaining Ni reactivity as well as promiscuous HLA-DR restriction. This preponderance of an alpha chain in defining specificity indicates fundamental differences in Ni interactions of individual TCR and implies that ss chain similarities may not necessarily result from antigen selection.  相似文献   

Altered peptide ligands with increased affinity of the peptide–MHC complex for the TCR provide an alternative strategy to natural T‐cell epitopes for cancer immunotherapy, as they can recruit and stimulate stronger T‐cell repertoires. However, it remains unclear how alterations of the TCR contact residues improve the interaction between the peptide–MHC complex and the TCR molecule. In this study, we introduced a molecular simulation strategy to optimize a tumor immunodominant epitope NY–ESO‐1157–165 by the substitution of the potential TCR contact residues. We correlated molecule simulation with T‐cell activation capacity assay and detected the effect of modifications of TCR contact residues on T‐cell recognition. An agonist peptide W5F with substitution at Trp5 with Phe was identified and it exhibits a stronger ability to induce a cross‐reactive CTL response with the WT peptide. Additionally, the W5F‐induced CTL could be maintained with the WT peptide and possess higher capacity in lysing native NY–ESO‐1‐expressing tumor cells. These results provide important insights into the enhanced immunogenicity of epitopes through substitution at the TCR contact sites and revealed a novel molecular simulation approach for rational therapeutic peptide vaccine design.  相似文献   

TCR degeneracy may facilitate self-reactive T cell activation and the initiation of an autoimmune response in multiple sclerosis (MS). MHC class II alleles of the DR2 haplotype DR2a (DRB5*0101) and DR2b (DRB1*1501) are associated with an increased risk for MS in Caucasian populations. In order to selectively expand and characterize T cells with a high degree of TCR degeneracy that recognize peptides in the context of disease-associated DR2 alleles, we developed DR2-anchored peptide mixtures (APM). We report here that DR2-APM have a high stimulatory potency and can selectively expand T cells with a degenerate TCR (TCR(deg)). Due to the low concentration of individual peptides in the mixtures, T cell clones' proliferative response to DR2-APM implies that multiple peptides stimulate the TCR, which is a characteristic of TCR(deg). The frequency of DR2-APM-reactive T cells is significantly higher in MS patients than in healthy controls, suggesting that they may play a role in the development of the autoimmune response in MS. DR2-APM-reactive cells have a dual DR2 restriction: they recognize DR2-APM in the context of both DR2a and DR2b molecules. The DR2-APM-reactive cells' IL-17 secretion, together with cross-reactivity against myelin peptides, may contribute to their role in the development of autoimmune response in MS.  相似文献   

The interactions between peptide/MHC complexes and their cognate TCR are essential for various T cell responses. However, the relationship between the avidity of TCR ligand and the subsequent intracellular signaling through the TCR is still unclear. To investigate the effects of TCR ligand avidity on TCR-mediated signaling, we established L cells expressing HLA-DR4 molecules covalently linked with agonistic peptide (high-affinity ligand) or altered peptide ligand (APL; low-affinity ligand) at various densities as APC for a cognate human CD4(+) T cell clone. Using this system, we demonstrated that the T cell clone stimulated with APL/HLA-DR4 complexes presented at an excessive density provoked the up-regulation of CD69, IL-2 production and proliferation, but no detectable phosphorylation of ZAP-70/LAT/SLP-76. Furthermore, in contrast to the high-affinity stimulation, the low-affinity stimulation evoked delayed and sustained activation of the B-Raf/extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) pathway without Raf-1 activation. The strength and duration of B-Raf/ERK activations closely correlated with the density of the TCR ligand. A knockdown approach confirmed that B-Raf activation was indispensable for the APL-induced T cell responses. These observations suggest that the differences in TCR-peptide/MHC interactions reflect the strength and duration of B-Raf/Raf-1/ERK activation in the human CD4(+) T cells.  相似文献   

Adoptive immunotherapy involving the transfer of autologous tumor or virus-reactive T lymphocytes has been demonstrated to be effective in the eradication of cancer and virally infected cells. Identification of MHC-restricted antigens and progress in generation of adaptive immune responses have provided new direction for such treatment for severe pathologies such as cancer and autoimmune diseases. Here we review the latest development about the molecular basis of MHC-I/TCR interaction, and it's manipulation including enhanced MHC-I expression, modification of peptide and engineered TCR for clinical applications such as vaccine design, tumor therapy and autoimmune diseases.  相似文献   

Anchor residues in peptides determine the specificity of binding to major histocompatibility complex class I molecules through interactions of their side chains with pockets in the peptide-binding groove. We have compared the kinetics of association of a Sendai virus nucleoprotein-derived peptide (FAPGNYPAL, termed SV9) with H-2Kb class I molecules, and the same peptide iodinated on the anchor residue tyrosine (125I-SV9). Even though the association rates were too rapid for direct measurements, competition studies indicated that they were similar for SV9 and 125I-SV9. To measure the binding of non-radioactive SV9 directly, SV9 was tritiated (3H-SV9). 3H-SV9 remained stably associated with H-2Kb molecules, whereas 125I-SV9 dissociated in a temperature-dependent fashion. Thus, modifications on anchor residues do not necessarilly have to affect the specificity and association kinetics of peptide binding to class I molecules but can affect the stability of the resulting class I-peptide interaction. The dissociation of peptides with modified and, more generally, suboptimal anchor residue side chains may explain the presence of empty class I molecules and free class I heavy chains at the cell surface.  相似文献   

TCR recognition of peptide/MHC class II complexes and superantigens   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class II molecules display peptides to the T cell receptor (TCR). The ability of the TCR to discriminate foreign from self-peptides presented by MHC molecules is a requirement of an effective adaptive immune response. Dysregulation of this molecular recognition event often leads to a disease state. Recently, a number of structural studies have provided significant insight into several such dysregulated interactions between peptide/MHC complexes and TCR molecules. These include TCR recognition of self-peptides, which results in autoimmune reactions, and of mutant self-peptides, common in the immunosurveillance of tumors, as well as the engagement of TCRs by superantigens, a family of bacterial toxins responsible for toxic shock syndrome.  相似文献   

T细胞受体基因转导的研究和应用   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
T细胞受体(TCR)作为T细胞识别抗原的分子,在免疫应答和免疫调节中发挥重要的作用。利用转基因技术,将识别特定抗原的TCR基因转导到正常T细胞中,使其强制性表达了识别特异抗原TCR,从而达到发挥特异性免疫效应的目的,为产生有效的特异性免疫治疗开辟了一条新途径。  相似文献   

The majority of clonotypic CD4(+) T cells in the intestinal lamina propria of DO11.10 TCR transgenic mice have an activated/memory phenotype and produce effector cytokines despite the absence of prior exposure to ovalbumin (OVA), the transgene-specific antigen. A small number of splenic T cells have a similar phenotype. Clonotypic T cells from Peyer's patch are intermediate in both phenotype and effector cytokine production. Flow cytometric analysis of cells isolated from thymectomized, OVA-naive DO11.10 mice treated with continuous administration of BrdU indicated that a significant fraction of clonotype-positive T cells in the lamina propria and Peyer's patch were in the cell cycle, with significantly fewer cycling cells in the spleen. Most of the cycling cells from each anatomic site expressed low levels of CD45RB. Effector cytokine expression was enriched in the CD45RB(low) populations. These memory/effector cell populations were eliminated in DO11.10/SCID and DO11.10/RAG-2(-/-) mice, suggesting that recognition of non-OVA antigens through a second, non-clonotypic TCR was driving differentiation of memory/effector cells in naive BALB/c DO11.10 mice. Clonotypic CD4(+) T cells isolated from DO11.10, but not from DO11.10/SCID or DO11.10/RAG-2(-/-) mice, were stimulated to enter the cell cycle by antigen-presenting cells pulsed with an intestinal bacterial antigen extract. These data provide direct evidence that enteric bacterial antigens can activate transgenic T cells through a second, non-clonotypic TCR, and support the notion that the development and turnover of memory/effector cells in vivo is driven by the intestinal flora.  相似文献   

The compatibility of HLA-A,-B expression between mother and offspring was examined in 410 families serologically tissue typed within a single transplant lab from 1972 thru 1982. The study group included 410 mothers of 1719 children (range 2–13/mother), with 352 one-father and 58 multiple-father families. There were seven cases of monozygous twins and seven cases each of maternal and paternal allelic recombination. The degree of haplotype matching between the oldest offspring and subsequent siblings was within the expected range of distribution. The number of maternal HLA-A,-B antigens matched or mismatched with paternal antigens of the offspring did not show a significant difference between early born or late born siblings either in one-father or multiple-father families. In addition, where the mother showed significant sensitization to paternal HLA-A,B antigens there was no apparent selection against the incompatible paternal HLA antigens or associated haplotypes in subsequent offspring. These data suggest that maternal HLA compatibility with the father is not a significant selective factor in determining the expression of paternal haplotypes in offspring.  相似文献   

What is the evolutionary mechanism for the TCR-MHC-conserved interaction? We extend Dembic's model (Dembic Z. In, Scand J Immunol e12806, 2019) of thymus positive selection for high-avidity anti–self-MHC Tregs among double (CD4 + CD8+)-positive (DP) developing thymocytes. This model is based on competition for self-MHC (+ Pep) complexes presented on cortical epithelium. Such T cells exit as CD4 + CD25+FoxP3 + thymic-derived Tregs (tTregs). The other positively selected DP T cells are then negatively selected on medulla epithelium removing high-avidity anti–self-MHC + Pep as T cells commit to CD4 + or CD8 + lineages. The process is likened to the competitive selection and affinity maturation in Germinal Centre for the somatic hypermutation (SHM) of rearranged immunoglobulin (Ig) variable region (V[D]Js) of centrocytes bearing antigen-specific B cell receptors (BCR). We now argue that the same direct SHM processes for TCRs occur in post-antigenic Germinal Centres, but now occurring in peripheral pTregs. This model provides a potential solution to a long-standing problem previously recognized by Cohn and others (Cohn M, Anderson CC, Dembic Z. In, Scand J Immunol e12790, 2019) of how co-evolution occurs of species-specific MHC alleles with the repertoire of their germline TCR V counterparts. We suggest this is not by ‘blind’, slow, and random Darwinian natural selection events, but a rapid structured somatic selection vertical transmission process. The pTregs bearing somatic TCR V mutant genes then, on arrival in reproductive tissues, can donate their TCR V sequences via soma-to-germline feedback as discussed in this journal earlier. (Steele EJ, Lindley RA. In, Scand J Immunol e12670, 2018) The high-avidity tTregs also participate in the same process to maintain a biased, high-avidity anti–self-MHC germline V repertoire.  相似文献   

The present study was undertaken to explore whether there may be age-related changes in benzodiazepine binding and in the functional interaction between GABA and benzodiazepine recognition sites. Data indicate an increase in benzodiazepine binding sites with age. Moreover the functional interactions between GABA and benzodiazepine receptor sites are differentially affected by aging. GABA is less active in enhancing benzodiazepine binding in the older animals because of the loss of GABA receptors, and Diazepam may be more active in enhancing GABA receptor binding in the aged animals because there are more benzodiazepine receptors in this group. An understanding of the relevance of the apparent alteration in coupling between GABA and benzodiazepine receptors must permit a better definition of the behavioral manifestation of their biochemical phenomenon.  相似文献   

Summary: We have described a T-cell receptor (TCR)-centered model of immune regulation, in which MHC/TCR peptide complexes provide for the activation of regulatory T cells and likewise act as their target structures. In this model, the disease-causing effectors are TCR Vβ8.2+ and each of the required CD4 and CD8 regulatory T-cell populations are specific for different conserved regions of the Vβ8.2 chain, in the appropriate MHC context. We have characterized the dominance, the dynamics as well as the TCR usage of both effector and regulatory T cells. We have begun to characterize the essential elements of the regulatory program, including the mechanism of interaction among effector and regulatory T-cell populations. Principles learned in this model have important implications for immune regulation in general.  相似文献   

The trimolecular interaction of T cell receptor (TcR), antigen and major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class II was analyzed using a panel of HLA-DR2-restricted T cell clones recognizing the 49-61 region of a meningococcal class I outer membrane protein (OMP). The clones, all CD3+CD4+CD8?TcRct/β+, were selected by restimulation with the synthetic peptide OMP(49-61), which contains an immunodominant T helper determinant. Using a series of peptides that were sequentially truncated from the N or C terminus, four different epitope fine-specificity patterns were identified. Furthermore, each clone was found to exhibit a distinct recognition pattern for a panel of 20 single-residue substitution analogues of the minimal epitope OMP(50-58). Most substitutions that were not tolerated in the nonamer were allowed when the analogues were prepared departing from the native peptide OMP(49-61). Obviously, the residues outside the minimal epitope contribute to stabilization of the trimolecular complex. These findings suggest that defining the minimal size of T cell determinants may be of limited value. By performing proliferation competition assays putative MHC and TcR contact residues were identified in the peptide. Most likely, He 51 and Phe 54 act as MHC-anchoring residues, whereas Asp 53 represents a critical TcR contact residue for all of the clones. MHC anchoring may be provided by other residues as well, since He 51 and Phe 54 can be substituted by conservative residues [as OMP(50-58) and OMP(49-61) analogues] and with Ala [as OMP(49-61) analogues only]. Some evidence was found for interaction of particular side chains at other positions with TcR molecules, but this contribution was not equally important for all clones. Apparently, the clonotypic TcR can see a single epitope in different ways in the context of the same MHC restriction element. Since most clones use different Vα and Vβ genes (which encompass the putative MHC-binding regions first and second complementarity-determining regions, CDR1 and CDR2) different modes of interaction with the HLA-DR2 molecule indeed are likely to occur.  相似文献   

Despite the extreme diversity of T-cell repertoires, many identical T-cell receptor (TCR) sequences are found in a large number of individual mice and humans. These widely shared sequences, often referred to as “public,” have been suggested to be over-represented due to their potential immune functionality or their ease of generation by V(D)J recombination. Here, we show that even for large cohorts, the observed degree of sharing of TCR sequences between individuals is well predicted by a model accounting for the known quantitative statistical biases in the generation process, together with a simple model of thymic selection. Whether a sequence is shared by many individuals is predicted to depend on the number of queried individuals and the sampling depth, as well as on the sequence itself, in agreement with the data. We introduce the degree of publicness conditional on the queried cohort size and the size of the sampled repertoires. Based on these observations, we propose a public/private sequence classifier, “PUBLIC” (Public Universal Binary Likelihood Inference Classifier), based on the generation probability, which performs very well even for small cohort sizes.  相似文献   

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