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目的 评估NUTRIOSE(R)水溶性膳食纤维对中国成年男性超重者的体重、体成分、能量摄入量和饥饿感的影响.方法 在双盲条件下,将受试者随机分成两组,分别摄入含17 g NUTRIOSE(R)水溶性膳食纤维(实验组,n=60)和含17 g麦芽糊精(对照组,n=60)的果汁250 ml,每天2次,为期12周.在试验的第0周,第4周,第8周和第12周测量受试者的体重和体成分,每3天评估1次受试者的日均能量摄入量和饥饿感.结果 12周后,实验组受试者平均体重较对照组轻1.5 kg(P <0.001),体质指数平均减少0.5 kg/m2 (P<0.001),身体脂肪率平均降低了0.3% (P<0.001).且在试验开始的第3天,NUTRIOSE(R)水溶性膳食纤维组的日均能量摄入量就低于对照组(12周平均日能量摄入量,实验组较对照组低3 079 kJ/天,P<0.001).试验过程中,实验组受试者的饥饿感比对照组受试者的饥饿感小(P <0.001).结论 NUTRIOSE(R)膳食纤维补充剂有助于男性超重者改善体成分,降低体重和日均能量摄入量,减少饥饿感.  相似文献   

目的评估NUTRIOSE~水溶性膳食纤维对中国成年男性超重者的体重、体成分、能量摄入量和饥饿感的影响。方法在双盲条件下,将受试者随机分成两组,分别摄入含17 g NUTRIOSE~水溶性膳食纤维(实验组,n=60)和含17 g麦芽糊精(对照组,n=60)的果汁250 ml,每天2次,为期12周。在试验的第0周,第4周,第8周和第12周测量受试者的体重和体成分,每3天评估1次受试者的日均能量摄入量和饥饿感。结果 12周后,实验组受试者平均体重较对照组轻1.5 kg(P<0.001),体质指数平均减少0.5 kg/m2(P<0.001),身体脂肪率平均降低了0.3%(P<0.001)。且在试验开始的第3天,NUTRIOSE~水溶性膳食纤维组的日均能量摄入量就低于对照组(12周平均日能量摄入量,实验组较对照组低3 079 kJ/天,P<0.001)。试验过程中,实验组受试者的饥饿感比对照组受试者的饥饿感小(P<0.001)。结论 NUTRIOSE~膳食纤维补充剂有助于男性超重者改善体成分,降低体重和日均能量摄入量,减少饥饿感。  相似文献   

目的通过调查糖尿病患者膳食状况,分析并评价其合理性,为今后的营养治疗和健康教育工作提供科学依据。方法将新入院的75例2型糖尿病患者按体质指数(BMI)分为正常体重组和超重肥胖组,对其入院之前3d的膳食状况进行调查,将其平均实际能量摄入量与平均标准供给量相比较;蛋白质、脂肪和碳水化合物平均实际供能比例及膳食纤维的平均实际摄入量与美国糖尿病协会(ADA)推荐的糖尿病膳食目标要求相比较;其他营养素的平均实际摄入量与中国居民膳食营养推荐摄入量(RNI)或适宜摄入量(AI)相比较。结果正常体重组(n=27)患者每天平均实际摄入能量(6079.5±735.7)kJ,低于其平均标准供给量(6751.2±712.4)kJ,差异具有统计学意义(t=2.61,P〈0.05);超重肥胖组(n=48)患者每天平均实际摄入能量(6849.6±712.4)kJ,高于其平均标准供给量(6159.6±1211.1)kJ,差异有统计学意义(t=3.91,P〈0.05)。两组患者蛋白质的平均实际供能比例均明显高于目标要求(t值分别为13.23、21.13,均P〈0.05);脂肪的平均实际供能比例均明显高于目标要求(t值分别为5.36、10.66,均P〈0.05);而碳水化合物的平均实际供能比例明显低于目标要求(t值分别为6.94、15.76,均P〈0.05);膳食纤维的平均实际摄入量也明显低于目标要求(t值分别为26.54、40.80,均P〈0.05)。以上差异均有统计学意义。结论被调查患者的糖尿病饮食控制知识匮乏,需要进一步加强健康教育,从而指导其平衡膳食,合理控制总能量,均衡摄入营养素。  相似文献   

目的分析常州地区妊娠期糖尿病孕妇(GDM)膳食摄入情况,为孕妇营养指导提供依据。方法以2010年1月至2012年12月在常州市妇幼保健院产科门诊确诊的GDM孕妇133例为调查组,孕周为24—28周,选取同期产检的、年龄相近、孕周相同的正常孕妇110例作为对照组,采用24小时回顾性膳食调查(3天),比较两组孕妇膳食能量和膳食结构区别,特别是蛋白和脂肪结构。结果GDM组平均每日能量摄入、蛋白质、脂肪、碳水化合物三大营养素的摄入量明显升高。其中GDM组平均每日摄入的饱和脂肪酸量(15.73±7.75)g,高于对照组(12.53±4.44)g,差异具有统计学意义(t=-4.02,P〈0.01):GDM组动物蛋白(59.08±19.58)g摄入量高于对照组(48.71±12.93)g,GDM组动物脂肪(40.02±14.37)g摄入量高于对照组(29.15±10.53)g,GDM组豆类蛋白构成比(7.16±6.29)%较对照组(12.83±7.42)%明显低,GDM组动物脂肪构成比(40.86±10.68)%高于对照组(36.68±9.91)%,GDM组植物脂肪构成比(59.13±10.68)%低于对照组(63.32±9.91)%。GDM组单不饱和脂肪酸供能比(12.65±3.23)%、多不饱和脂肪酸供能比(10.47±2.90)%,低于对照组(13.474-3.23)%和(11.95±3.21)%。以上各项差异均具有统计学意义(分别为P〈0.05和P〈0.01)。结论GDM孕妇孕期膳食结构的不合理性主要表现为动物性食物摄入增多、蛋白质中豆类蛋白构成比的减少、脂肪中动物脂肪的构成比增多、饱和脂肪酸摄入量增多和多不饱和脂肪酸供能比减少,  相似文献   

[目的]了解某社区40岁~居民叶黄素营养水平,分析膳食叶黄素摄入量和血清叶黄素含量之间有无相关性。[方法]将341名调查对象分为40岁-、50岁~和60岁~年龄组。采用24h和食物定量频率法问卷法进行膳食调查,计算出平均每人每日膳食叶黄素摄入量。采用高效液相色谱法检测血清叶黄素含量。并对膳食叶黄素摄入量和血清叶黄素含量进行相关性分析。[结果]血清叶黄素在0.08~1.6μ/mL范围内线性良好,相关系数为r=0.9973,回收率为97.85%~103.67%,日内和日间变异系数分别为2.32%和3.08%,最低检测限为0.0250edmL。蔬菜是调查对象膳食叶黄素的主要来源,尤其是菠菜、韭菜、西兰花;膳食叶黄素摄入量和血清叶黄素含量分别为(7.77±2.10)mg/d和(0.370±0.183)μmol/L,且60岁~组均明显低于50岁一组(P〈0.05);膳食叶黄素摄入量与血清三酰甘油呈负相关(r=-0.108,P〈0.05),与血清胆固醇呈正相关(r=0.231,P〈0.001),与血清叶黄素含量呈正相关(r=0.681,P〈0.001).[结论]膳食和血清叶黄素明显相关,后者可以作为反映叶黄素营养状况的指标。老年人更应注重叶黄素的摄入和补充。  相似文献   

背景:一种新型的医疗装置利用高频电产生间断的迷走神经阻滞(VBLOC),目的是评估迷走神经阻滞在超重者身上的作用,安全性,饮食摄入量和迷走神经功能方面的作用。方法:在肥胖受试者(BMI35-50kg/m^2)身上做研究。在靠近食管胃连接处的迷走神经植入电极来提供电阻断。随访受试者6个月,观察他们的体重,安全,心电图,摄食,饱感,血浆胰多肽对假喂食的反应。为了明确评估装置的单独作用,没有设立其他饮食和锻炼的项目。结果:31个病人(平均体重指数,41.2±1.4kg/m^2)接受了装置。平均体重减轻在装置植入后4周,12周,6个月后分别为7.5%,11.6%,14.2%,(所有P〈0.001);25%的病人6个月后体重减轻〉25%(最大的36.8%)。没有出现死亡或装置有关的严重副反应。卡洛里摄入量减低了〉30%(P≤0.01),伴随早期饱感(P〈0.001)和降低的饥饿感(P=0.005)。12周之后血浆PP降低(20±7对比42±19pg/ml)。PP〈25pg/ml的病人平均体重减轻的百分数是PP〉25mg/ml病人的2倍(P=0.02)。3个病人出现严重的副反应需要短期住院,分别为下呼吸道感染,皮下植入处血肿,难辨梭菌腹泻。结论:间断的腹内迷走神经阻滞与明显的体重减轻有关,并是一种有前景的,安全的手段。  相似文献   

摘要:目的研究中老年人高同型半胱氨酸血症(hyperhomocysteinmia,HHcy)的危险因素,为人群干预提供依据。方法以天津市5个社区及2所老年公寓55岁及以上的中老年志愿者698人为研究对象,进行问卷调查、膳食调查和血清同型半胱氨酸检测;分析HHcy组和非高同型半胱氨酸血症(N—HHcv)组中老年人生活方式、膳食叶酸和VitB。摄入量的差异。结果533人完成了全程研究。总人群HHcy患病率随年龄增长而升高(P〈0.001),男性(57.0%)高于女性(35.7%),P〈0.001。与男性不吸烟者比较,男性吸烟者HHcy患病率(x2=0.047,P=0.828)、血清tHcy水平(t=-1.020,P=0.310)的差异无统计学意义。服用叶酸、VitB6、VitB12者的血清tHcy平均浓度(15.2μmol/L)明显低于不服用者(16.9μmol/L),HHcy患病率(39.7%)低于不服用者(46.2%),P〈0.05。HHcy组中老年人平均每日膳食叶酸、VitB。摄入量(207.9μg/d,0.37ms/d)均低于N—HHcy组(295.4μg/d,0.53ms/d),P〈0.05。膳食叶酸、VitB6的摄入量均与血清tHcy水平呈负相关,相关系数分别为-0.439(P=-0.000)和-0.390(P=-0.000)。结论吸烟与HHcy患病率和tHcy水平无关。日常服用叶酸、VitB6和VitB12或富含上述维生素的膳食有助于保持较低的tHcy水平。  相似文献   

阿德福韦酯治疗拉米夫定耐药的慢性乙型肝炎疗效观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的观察阿德福韦酯对拉米夫定耐药慢性乙型肝炎患者的疗效和安全性。方法采用多中心、开放对照的临床实验,选择拉米夫定耐药的HBeAg阳性的慢性乙型肝炎63例,随机分为实验组(32例)和对照组(31例),实验组第1~12周口服拉米夫定(100mg,1次/d)+阿德福韦酯(10mg,1次/d),第13~48周停拉米夫定,继续阿德福韦酯治疗;对照组第1-12周口服拉米夫定(100mg,1次/d),第13—48周改用阿德福韦酯治疗(10mg,1次/d)。结果治疗12周结束时,实验组HBV DNA下降≥2log10拷/ml的比例为53.1%,对照组为6.5%,2组差异有统计学意义(P〈0.01);治疗12周实验组血清HBV DNA平均下降(2.78±0.53)log10拷贝/ml,对照组下降(O.82±0.22)log10拷贝/ml,2组差异有统计学意义(P〈0.01)。治疗12周实验组丙氨酸氨基转移酶(ALT)复常率为25.0%,对照组为9.7%。2组差异无统计学意义(P〉0.05);治疗24周治疗组ALT复常率为53.1%,对照组为22.6%,2组差异有统计学意义(P〈0.05)。24周治疗结束时,实验组HBV DNA阴转率优于对照组(P〈0.05)。第12周后两组均用阿德福韦酯治疗至48周,2组患者的病毒学应答率和ALT复常率有进一步提高。治疗48周患者血清HBeAg阴转率和HBeAg血清转换率,实验组分别为15.6%,12.9%,对照组分别为12.5%,6.5%,HBV DNA阴转率实验组为53.1%,对照组为45.1%。48周研究过程中未发现肾功能损害情况,不良反应少,出现时轻。结论阿德韦福治疗拉米夫定耐药的慢性乙型肝炎,可在病毒学、生化学取得较好疗效,且安全性良好。  相似文献   

李康华  周锦颢 《中国医师杂志》2009,11(10):1331-1334
目的探讨ACL断裂对股骨外髁组织学的影响。方法将48只家兔后侧膝关节配对为实验侧和对照侧,实验侧行ACL切断造模,造模后分别在第1、3、6、8周随机处死12只,行股骨外髁大体观察,并进行HE染色,免疫组化检测IL-1β、MMP13表达。结果(1)大体观察:随时间延长,实验纽股骨外髁软骨出现色泽改变,呈灰黄色,软骨表面光泽减退,不平整,有磨损甚至溃疡。(2)组织学观察:从第三周开始出现软骨表面及软骨细胞排列异常,Mankin评分实验组随时间推移而增大;第一周实验组与对照组差异无统计学意义(P〉0.05),第3、6、8周实验组大于对照组(P〈0.01)。(3)IL-1β表达:实验组第3周、第6周均高于第1周和第8周(P〈0.05);实验组第8周高于第1周(P〈0.05);实验组第3周和第6周差异无统计学意义(P〉0.05);实验组第1,3,6,8周IL-1β表达均高于相应时间点的对照组(P〈0.05)。(4)MMP13表达:实验组第3周、第6周高于第1周、第8周(P〈0.05);实验组第8周高于第1周(P〈0.05);第3周和第6周差异无统计学意义(P〉0.05);实验组第1,3,6,8周MMP13表达均高于相应时间点的对照组(P〈0.05)。结论ACL断裂可引起股骨外髁软骨组织退变;IL-1β、MMP-13在ACL断裂股骨外髁退变中的表达呈先增高后降低的变化规律;IL-1β、MMP13表达增高提示IL-1β、MMP13可能是ACL断裂继发股骨外髁退变的因素之一。  相似文献   

目的探讨家庭经济状况对居民膳食营养素摄人及膳食结构的影响。方法采用多阶段分层与人口比例概率抽样方法,以家庭为抽样单位进行人户调查,用称重法收集居民连续3d调味品消费量,用24h膳食回顾法记录连续3d内个人食物摄入量,根据《中国食物成分表2004》计算每标准人日各类营养素的摄入量,运用Access建立数据库,采用SPSS12.0进行统计分析。结果共获得有效问卷1523份,有60.3%的家庭人均年收入低于20000元;随着家庭人均年收入的增加,每标准人日摄人的谷类呈递减趋势,而薯类、豆类、水果、奶类和蛋类的摄人量增加(P〈O.05),膳食纤维、维生素A、维生素E、钙、钾、铁和硒摄入量递增(P〈0.05),钠摄入量递减(P〈0.05),来源于谷类、碳水化合物的能量及来源于谷类的蛋白质比例逐渐减少,脂肪供能比增加。结论家庭经济状况与居民营养素摄入和膳食结构密切相关。  相似文献   

The objective of the present study was to determine the effectiveness of a soluble dietary fiber, NUTRIOSE(?), on body weight, body composition, energy intake and hunger in overweight Chinese men. The volunteers were randomized in double-blind fashion to 250 ml fruit juice supplemented with NUTRIOSE(?) (Test, n = 60) or a maltodextrin (Control, n = 60) at a dosage of 17 g twice daily for 12 weeks. Body weight, body composition were performed at 0, 4, 8 and 12 weeks while daily energy intake and hunger were assessed every 3 days. Test subjects had reductions in body weight (1.5 kg, P < 0.001), body mass index (0.5 kg/m(2), P < 0.001) and body fat percentage (0.3%, P < 0.001) versus Controls. NUTRIOSE(?) supplementation resulted in a lower daily energy intake (3,079 kJ/day, P < 0.001) with group differences noted as early as 3 days. Test subjects reported less hunger across the study period versus Controls (P < 0.01). NUTRIOSE(?) supplementation for 12 weeks results in body composition improvements and reduces body weight, energy intake and hunger in overweight men.  相似文献   

The objective of the present study was to determine the effectiveness of a soluble dietary fiber, NUTRIOSE®, on body weight, body composition, energy intake and hunger in overweight Chinese men. The volunteers were randomized in double-blind fashion to 250 ml fruit juice supplemented with NUTRIOSE® (Test, n = 60) or a maltodextrin (Control, n = 60) at a dosage of 17 g twice daily for 12 weeks. Body weight, body composition were performed at 0, 4, 8 and 12 weeks while daily energy intake and hunger were assessed every 3 days. Test subjects had reductions in body weight (1.5 kg, P < 0.001), body mass index (0.5 kg/m2, P < 0.001) and body fat percentage (0.3%, P < 0.001) versus Controls. NUTRIOSE® supplementation resulted in a lower daily energy intake (3,079 kJ/day, P < 0.001) with group differences noted as early as 3 days. Test subjects reported less hunger across the study period versus Controls (P < 0.01). NUTRIOSE® supplementation for 12 weeks results in body composition improvements and reduces body weight, energy intake and hunger in overweight men.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine the gastrointestinal (GI) tolerance of NUTRIOSE FB in men. DESIGN: A randomized, placebo-controlled, parallel, double-blind study. SETTING: The metabolic ward of TNO Quality of Life.Subjects:Forty-eight subjects started the study: 16 men participated in one of the three treatments. Subjects consumed either 22.5 g of pure maltodextrin (Glucidex 6), or 30 or 45 g of the dextrin NUTRIOSE FB daily for 4-5 weeks. Forty-three subjects completed the study (age: 34.7 +/- 8.2 years; BMI 24.9 +/- 3.3 kg m2). MEASUREMENTS: Tolerance of NUTRIOSE FB was examined with a GI complaints questionnaire; effectiveness on colonic flora was examined by faecal analysis; fermentation by breath hydrogen excretion measurement. Furthermore, the effect on body weight (BW), energy intake and blood parameters were examined in the study.Results:Both doses of NUTRIOSE FB were very well tolerated and GI complaints hardly differed from the placebo treatment. No diarrhoea was reported due to NUTRIOSE FB supplementation. In the course of the study, some habituation and adaptation of GI symptoms were found. Fermentation and faecal characteristics (pH and enzyme activity) were significantly positively affected with NUTRIOSE FB treatment. Body weight in both NUTRIOSE FB groups remained stable over time, although the placebo-treated group showed a small increase in BW (Deltaday35-1 0.8 +/- 1.0 kg) (P = 0.07). However, total food intake and macronutrient composition of the diet remained the same throughout the study. No significant differences were found between the three treatment groups in hunger and satiety scores and food preferences. CONCLUSIONS: Long-term supplementation of 30 or 45 g of the dextrin NUTRIOSE FB per day was well tolerated, and may act as a pre-biotic supplement. SPONSORSHIP: TNO Quality of Life was assigned by Roquette Frères to perform the study.  相似文献   

目的探索适合某职业人群,即北京市公安民警的体重管理的有效模式。方法根据知情同意原则,对北京市公安局符合条件的107名超重或肥胖在职民警采用生活方式量化干预模式,即金币减重法进行体重管理。按照参加研究活动的次数将其分为优秀组、较好组及失访组,优秀组及较好组视为干预对象。在研究开始及结束时集中进行基线数据调查,包括填写饮食模式问卷、测量体重、身高、腰围、血压、血总胆固醇、三酰甘油、低密度脂蛋白胆固醇、高密度脂蛋白胆固醇及空腹血糖等指标。金币减重法干预8周后,比较干预对象管理前后各项指标的变化情况。应用SPSS16.0统计软件进行数据分析,组间比较采用配对t检验。结果优秀组50名,占47%;较好组42名,占39%;失访组15名,占14%。优秀组及较好组参与者中,体重下降者83名,占90%,优秀组与较好组在干预后体重下降明显,前后比较差异均有统计学意义(t=13.31、5.04,均P〈0.05)。优秀组成员体重、体质指数、腰围、体脂肪、内脏脂肪指数明显下降,身体水分增加,差异均有统计学意义(t=13.31、13.72、10.8、8.59、6.83、-6.62,均P〈0.05),而血压、血糖、血脂等生化指标间差异无统计学意义。经过干预后,优秀组成员每13膳食能量摄入平均降低74.1kJ,膳食脂肪摄入平均降低约11.6g,膳食脂肪供能比平均降低1.8%,谷类食物供能平均增加4.2%,食用盐摄入量平均减少1.3g,食用油摄入量平均减少约10g,膳食模式发生了一些变化。结论金币减重法对北京市公安局超重肥胖的在职民警管理体重有很好的效果,且操作简便、依从性较好、经费支出少,可以作为一种有效模式在全局甚至其他功能社区推广。  相似文献   

目的超重和肥胖已成为影响青少年健康的关键问题。本研究探讨饮食及运动干预对青少年体内氧化应激状态的影响。方法124名受试者中的93名超重及肥胖青少年年龄(13.6±0.7)岁,体重指数(BMI22.4~34.1kg/m。)随机分为四组:饮食干预组(D)、运动干预组(E)、饮食运动干预组(DE)、超重及肥胖对照组(O)。饮食方案根据研究对象的年龄及理想体重制定;运动干预为放学后1h中等强度运动,每周4次。干预周期为10周,干预前后分别进行人体测量、身体成分、代谢及氧化应激等指标检测。31名正常体重者为对照组。结果超重及肥胖组的空腹血糖、TC、LDL—C和MDA水平明显高于正常体重组(P〈0.05),SOD水平低于正常体重组(P〈0.05);MDA水平与体重、BMI、TC、LDL-C呈正相关(R=0.209,0.228,0.274,0.263,P〈0.05),SOD与体重及BMI呈负相关(R=一0.334,一0.362,P〈0.05);干预后D、E、DE组BMI、腰围、全身脂肪显著下降(P〈0.05),D和E组的MDA水平下降(P〈0.05);两个运动干预组的TC和LDL—C下降亦达统计学差异(P〈0.05)。结论超重青少年在糖脂代谢正常阶段体内即存在氧化应激失衡状态。为期10周的饮食和(或)运动的生活方式干预在改善青少年超重状态、调节血脂水平的同时,还可显著降低其体内的氧化应激水平。  相似文献   

The effects of conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) on body weight and body composition in man are controversial. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of milk supplementation with CLA on body composition and on the biochemical parameters of the metabolic syndrome. This was a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. Subjects were randomised to a daily intake of 500 ml milk supplemented with 3 g CLA (using a mixture of the bioactive isomers cis-9, trans-11 and trans-10, cis-12, marketed as Tonalin, Naturlinea; Central Lechera Asturiana) or placebo for 12 weeks. Sixty healthy men and women (aged 35-65 years) with signs of the metabolic syndrome participated (BMI 25-35 kg/m2). Dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry was used to measure body composition (week 0 baseline and week 12). Total fat mass in the CLA-milk subgroup with a BMI < or = 30 kg/m2 decreased significantly while no changes were detected in the placebo group (approximately 2 %, P = 0.01). Trunk fat mass showed a trend towards reduction (approximately 3 %, P = 0.05). CLA supplementation had no significant effect on the parameters of the metabolic syndrome, nor was it associated with changes in haematological parameters or renal function. The supplementation of milk with 3 g CLA over 12 weeks results in a significant reduction of fat mass in overweight but not in obese subjects. CLA supplementation was not associated with any adverse effects or biological changes.  相似文献   

Longer-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids may have greater appetite-suppressing effects than shorter-chain, monosaturated, and saturated fatty acids. Because fish oils are predominantly composed of n-3 long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acid and may assist in the treatment of obesity comorbidities, their effect on body weight and body mass index is of interest. We hypothesized that daily supplementation with docosahexaenoic acid (DHA)–rich oil would reduce energy intake and body weight in overweight and obese women compared with supplementation with oleic acid (OA) rich oil. A double-blinded, randomized, parallel intervention was conducted. Body mass index (in kilograms per meter squared), body weight (in kilograms), body fat (in percent), and lean tissue (in kilograms) were measured at baseline and 12 weeks after intervention with DHA or OA. Diet diaries were also completed at these time points for estimation of energy and macronutrient intake. Subjects reported significantly lower energy (P = .020), carbohydrate (g) (P = .037), and fat (g) (P = .045) intake after DHA compared with OA. Body mass or composition was not affected by treatment, although a fall in body weight in the DHA group approached statistical significance (P = .089). Daily ingestion of DHA over a 12-week period may reduce energy intake in overweight and obese females, but longer-term and adequately powered studies using subjects of both sexes are needed. Other factors that should be considered include the following: the choice of control, the body mass index category of subjects, and ways of improving the compliancy and accuracy of dietary assessment.  相似文献   

目的 探讨双酚A对成年雄性小鼠体质量、摄食和肝功能的影响.方法 100只成年雄性ICR小鼠随机分为阴性对照组、己烯雌酚对照组、双酚A 2、20、100 mg/kg组,各组动物用相应受试物连续灌胃2周,于第8周将小鼠处死.用酶化学方法检测丙氨酸氨基转移酶(ALT)、天门冬氨酸氨基转移酶(AST)、γ-谷氨酞基转移酶(GG...  相似文献   

Background: With the increasing prevalence of being overweight and obesity, dietary strategies to curb hunger levels and increase satiety at lower energy intakes are sought. The frequency of eating and type of snack may influence total energy intake. The present study aimed to assess the impact of providing either a conventional snack (cereal bar) or a nonconventional snack (almonds) on eating frequency, hunger rating, dietary intake, body weight and blood lipids. Methods: Forty‐five healthy men (aged 25–50 years, body mass index = 25–35 kg m?2) were recruited and allocated to a control, cereal bar or almond snack group. Two packets of cereal bars and almonds were introduced for 12 weeks to the cereal bar group and the almond snack group, respectively. Dietary intakes and eating frequency were assessed by 4‐day unweighed diet diaries; visual analogue scales were used to assess hunger ratings; and fasting blood parameters (i.e. glucose, insulin, total cholesterol, triglycerides, low‐density lipoprotein cholesterol and high‐density lipoprotein cholesterol) were measured at baseline, 6 and 12 weeks. In addition, anthropometric measures (height, weight, skinfold thickness, waist and hip circumference) were measured at baseline, 6 and 12 weeks. Results: The present study found no significant change in the eating frequency within groups at 12 weeks. However, the almond snack group had a significantly higher eating frequency than the control group (P ≤ 0.05) and cereal bar group (P ≤ 0.01). This did not result in higher energy intake, body weight or percentage body fat in the almond snack group. Conclusion: The present study demonstrated that snacking on almonds, in comparison to cereal bars, promoted a higher eating frequency, but not a higher energy intake. Advice to snack on either almonds or cereal bars did not result in weight gain, suggesting that energy compensation took place.  相似文献   

Strong evidence supports the ability of dietary fibers to improve satiety. However, large variations in the physical and chemical characteristics of dietary fiber modulate the physiologic responses. We hypothesized that a nonviscous soluble dietary fiber may influence satiety. This randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical study in 100 overweight healthy adults in China investigated the effect of different dosages of dietary supplementation with a dextrin, NUTRIOSE (ROQUETTE frères, Lestrem, France), on short-term satiety over time. Subjects were randomized by body mass index and energy intake and then assigned to receive either placebo or 8, 14, 18, or 24 g/d of NUTRIOSE mixed with orange juice (n = 20 volunteers per group). On days −2, 0, 2, 5, 7, 14, and 21, short-term satiety was evaluated with a visual analog scale, and hunger feeling status was assessed with Likert scale. NUTRIOSE exhibits a progressive and significant impact on short-term satiety, which is time and dosage correlated. Some statistical differences appear for the group 8 g/d from day 5, and from day 0 for the groups 14, 18, and 24 g/d. The hunger feeling status decreases significantly from day 5 to the end of the evaluation for the group 24 g and from day 7 for the groups 14 and 18 g. By day 5, the group 24 g showed significantly longer time to hunger between meals compared with placebo. These results suggest that dietary supplementation with a soluble fiber can decrease hunger feeling and increase short-term satiety over time when added to a beverage from 8 to 24 g/d with time- and dose-responses relationship.  相似文献   

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