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Evaluate the diagnostic performance of contrast enhanced CT/PET (ceCT/PET) in the response assessment of patients with colorectal cancer liver metastases.


33 ce CT/PET studies of 19 patients with colorectal liver metastases were prospectively evaluated. All of them, 13 (68.4%) were males and 6 (31.6%) females. Mean age and range were 63 [42–78]. All patients were treated with neoadjuvant chemotherapy. In all cases post-therapy diagnostic confirmation of liver lesions was obtained. A ce CT PET/was obtained 1 h after the injection of 370 MBq of 18F-FDG.Metabolic and morphologic studies were evaluated by two blinded nuclear physicians and radiologists respectively to assess the location, size and suspected diagnosis of lesions (benign or malignant). A combined assessment of both techniques was performed.The final diagnosis was established by histopathology or clinical/radiological follow-up greater than 6 months.


A total of 120 liver lesions were identified, 115 were malignant and 5 benign.From the malignant lesions, 105 were identified with the ceCT, 44 with the PET and 109 with ceCT/PET. All of the benign lesions were correctly classified with any of the three imaging techniques.The sensitivity of PET, ceCT and ceCT/PET were of 38%, 91% and 95% respectively and the specificity was 100% in all three of the diagnostic studies.


Administration of intravenous contrast in the PET/CT is mandatory to evaluate treatment response rate of liver metastases due to the limitations of isolated metabolic images in these cases.  相似文献   

Purpose The aim of this study was to assess the performance of 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography/computed tomography (18F-FDG PET/CT) versus dedicated contrast-enhanced CT (CECT) in the detection of metastatic liver disease. Methods All patients that presented to our Institution with suspected metastatic liver disease who underwent 18F-FDG PET/CT and CECT within 6 weeks of each other, were retrospectively analyzed, covering a 5-year period. One hundred and thirty-one patients (67 men, 64 women; mean age 62) were identified. Seventy-five had colorectal carcinoma and 56 had other malignancies. The performance of CECT and that of 18F-FDG-PET/CT in detecting liver metastases were compared. The ability of each to detect local recurrence, extrahepatic metastases and to alter patient management was recorded. The final diagnosis was based on histology, clinical and radiological follow-up (mean 23 months). Results In detecting hepatic metastases, 18F-FDG-PET/CT yielded 96% sensitivity and 75% specificity, whilst CECT showed 88% sensitivity and 25% specificity. 18F-FDG-PET/CT and CECT were concordant in 102 out of 131 patients (78%). In the colorectal group 18F-FDG-PET/CT showed 94% sensitivity and 75% specificity, whilst CECT had 91% sensitivity and 25% specificity. In the noncolorectal group 18F-FDG-PET/CT showed 98% sensitivity and 75% specificity whilst CECT had 85% sensitivity and 25% specificity. Overall, 18F-FDG-PET/CT altered patient management over CECT in 25% of patients. CECT did not alter patient management over 18F-FDG-PET/CT alone in any patients. Conclusion 18F-FDG-PET/CT performed better in detecting metastatic liver disease than CECT in both colorectal and noncolorectal malignancies, and frequently altered patient management. The future role of CECT in these patients may need to be re-evaluated to avoid potentially unnecessary duplication of investigation where 18F-PET/CT is readily available. Authors stated no financial relationship to disclose  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate the correlations between 18F-FDG uptake by bone marrow and various hematological parameters.

Forty-eight patients who underwent FDG-PET/CT studies and also received hematological examinations within 5 days before or after the PET study were included in this study. All patients had not received chemotherapy. FDG uptake by bone marrow was measured as a standardized uptake value (SUV) on three-dimensional PET/CT fusion images, and the uptake ratio (UR) of the SUV of bone marrow to the SUV of longitudinal dorsal muscle was calculated. The correlations between the SUV and the UR of bone marrow and various hematological parameters were evaluated.

Bone marrow FDG uptake was strongly correlated with the white blood cell counts but was not significantly correlated with the red blood cell and platelet counts. The neutrophil count was significantly correlated with bone marrow FDG uptake but the lymphocyte count was not.

FDG uptake by bone marrow was specifically correlated with the neutrophil count, suggesting that the FDG uptake by bone marrow reflects marrow metabolism that is mainly regulated by granulocyte progenitors and stimulated by endogenous hematopoietic growth factors. They may also be helpful in interpreting PET images, especially for diagnosing bone marrow involvement by malignancy.  相似文献   



The purpose of this study was to evaluate glucose metabolism of normal human testis on 18F-FDG PET/CT and to assess possible correlations among age, the serum levels of sex hormones, and vasectomy.


18F-FDG PET/CT was performed in 66 normal healthy men (50.8 ± 13.6 years, range 22–81), and mean standard uptake values (SUV) of 18F-FDG in testis and adductor muscle were measured. Testis-muscle SUV ratios (T/M ratios) were calculated. Serum levels of total testosterone, free testosterone, estradiol, and of sex-hormone binding globulin (SHBG) were measured. We searched for correlations between T/M ratios and age and the serum concentrations of sex hormones. 18F-FDG PET/CT was also performed in 32 vasectomized men (55.7 ± 7.8 years, range 38–71) and 52 nonvasectomized men (55.4 ± 11.6 years, range 37–72). Mean SUVs of testis and adductor muscle were measured, and T/M ratios were calculated.


A significant age-related decline was found in T/M ratio (r = −0.509, p < 0.0001). Serum levels of total testosterone and free testosterone were also found to be positively correlated with T/M ratio (r = 0.427, p = 0.0003; r = 0.435, p = 0.0003, respectively). The mean SUV and T/M ratio of vasectomized men were significantly lower than those of nonvasectomized men (p < 0.0378 and p = 0.0001, respectively).


Glucose metabolism in the testis in an adult population was found to be correlated with age, serum sex hormone level, and vasectomy history. These results indicate that testicular 18F-FDG uptake may have attributed to testicular function and testicular histology. Our findings may have important implications for the interpretation of testicular 18F-FDG uptake in the normal adult population.  相似文献   

A 59-year-old man with a 30-year history of multiple recurrences of a giant cell tumor (GCT) of the left knee was referred for an 18F-FDG PET/CT to evaluate a solitary pulmonary nodule. The nodule was mildly FDG-avid, raising suspicion of malignancy. It was excised and histologically proven to be a GCT pulmonary metastasis. A follow-up PET/CT done 2 years later revealed a new, larger lung mass that was more intensely FDG-avid, but of the same histology. This rare report highlights a pitfall in the evaluation of solitary pulmonary lesions by 18F-FDG PET/CT in patients with GCT of the bone.  相似文献   

^18F-FDG PET/CT在诊断转移性肝肿瘤中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:探讨^18F-FDG PEF/CT在诊断转移性肝肿瘤中的应用。方法:回顾性分析49例转移性肝肿瘤患者的PET/CT影像资料,探讨^18F-FDG PET/CT诊断转移性肝肿瘤的影像表现及应用价值。结果:49例转移性肝肿瘤患者中45例^18F-FDG PET/CT表现为病灶^18F-FDG摄取明显高于周围正常肝组织;其中25例进行了延迟显像,22例表现为SUVmax及T/N值明显升高;发现肝转移同时伴有肝外转移患者38例。结论:^18F-FDG PET/CT诊断转移性肝肿瘤灵敏度高,准确,并可以同时对全身情况加以评价,对肿瘤患者肝转移的评价及治疗具有重要指导作用。  相似文献   



The correlation of gross tumor sizes between combined 18F-FDG PET/CT images and macroscopic surgical samples has not yet been studied in detail. In the present study, we compared CT, 18F-FDG PET and combined 18F-FDG PET/CT for the delineation of gross tumor volume (GTV) and validated the results through examination of the macroscopic surgical specimen.


Fifty-two operable non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) patients had integrated 18F-FDG PET/CT scans preoperatively and pathological examination post-operation. Four separate maximal tumor sizes at X (lateral direction), Y (ventro-dorsal direction) and Z (cranio-caudal direction) axis were measured on 18F-FDG PET, CT, combined 18F-FDG PET/CT and surgical specimen, respectively. Linear regression was calculated for each of the three imaging measurements versus pathological measurement.


No significant differences were observed among the tumor sizes measured by three images and pathological method. Compared with pathological measurement, CT size at X, Y, Z axis was larger, whereas combined 18F-FDG PET/CT and 18F-FDG PET size were smaller. Combined 18F-FDG PET/CT size was more similar to the pathological size than that of 18F-FDG PET or CT. Results of linear regressions showed that integrated 18F-FDG PET/CT was the most accurate modality in measuring the size of cancer.


18F-FDG PET/CT correlates more faithfully with pathological findings than 18F-FDG PET or CT. Integrated 18F-FDG PET/CT is an effective tool to define the target of GTV in radiotherapy.  相似文献   

A 71-year-old woman with type 2 diabetes mellitus complained of generalized fatigue. A 36-mm tumor in the pancreatic tail was detected with ultrasonography. The tumor was found to have marked hypervascularity with contrast-enhanced computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance. Combined 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography and CT (18F-FDG PET/CT) showed 18F-FDG by the tumor with a maximal standardized uptake value of 2.98 at 50 min and 3.29 at 100 min following injection of 18F-FDG. 18F-FDG PET/CT suggested no extrapancreatic spread of the tumor. The patient had no pancreatic hormone-associated symptoms. Distal pancreatectomy was performed, and a well-differentiated endocrine tumor was diagnosed. The resected specimen showed neither infiltration of adjacent structures nor metastasis to regional lymph nodes. The present case suggests that 18F-FDG PET/CT is a reliable modality for staging endocrine pancreatic tumors.  相似文献   

Malignant fibrous histiocytoma (MFH) is the most common soft tissue tumor which often occurs in the extremities and the retroperitoneum. Primary mediastinal MFH is rare; thus, findings on 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography/computed tomography (18F-FDG PET/CT) of mediastinal MFH have not been reported yet. We report herein the case of a 64-year-old man who was presented with a superior mediastinal mass. The mass showed intense 18F-FDG uptake with central metabolic defect on PET/CT. The maximum standardized uptake value was 17.4. After tumor removal via median sternotomy, an MFH of the storiform-pleomorphic type was diagnosed on histopathologic examination. We present the first report of 18F-FDG PET/CT imaging of MFH in the superior mediastinum.  相似文献   

A 66-year-old man, who presented with bright red blood per rectum, was referred for an 18F-FDG PET/CT after colonoscopy showed two suspicious colon masses, which were biopsied to reveal an adenocarcinoma of unknown origin. PET/CT showed two intensely FDG-avid colon masses as well as an unsuspected FDG-avid lung mass, which was biopsied to reveal a primary lung adenocarcinoma. Immunohistochemistry confirmed the two colon metastases were of pulmonary origin. It is extremely rare for lung carcinoma to present with symptomatic colon metastases, with only 11 cases described in the literature. We report the first case of the utility of 18F-FDG PET/CT in staging a patient who presented with symptomatic colon metastases of an unknown primary lung malignancy.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate physiological fluorine 18-labeled fluourodeoxyglucose accumulation in the gallbladder (GB) during clinical positron emission tomography (PET) examinations.

Three patient groups were included. In Group 1, nine patients with higher fluourodeoxyglucose (FDG) accumulation in the GB than in the liver were examined, followed up and finally diagnosed. In Group 2, the correlations between FDG GB accumulation and various parameters in 286 patients were investigated. In Group 3, changes in FDG GB accumulation between early and delayed PET scans were analyzed in 12 patients.

In Group 1, all nine patients who exhibited a high FDG GB accumulation had no evidence of GB disease. In Group 2, FDG GB accumulation was significantly correlated with the injection–scan time interval and inversely correlated with the GB size index. Group 3 showed a significant increase in FDG accumulation in the GB on delayed PET scans, compared with that seen on early scans.

In clinical PET studies, FDG accumulation within the GB is infrequently observed but may be due to FDG excretion into the bile. Recognition of this phenomenon may be important to avoid misdiagnosing physiological GB FDG accumulation as indicating a pathologic status and preventing unnecessary examinations.  相似文献   



To explore the value of 18F fluorodeoxy-glucose (FDG) positron emission tomography (PET) in Burkitt's lymphoma.


All Burkitt's lymphoma patients referred for FDG PET or FDG PET/computed tomography (CT) exams at our institution from June 2003 to June 2006 were included. Selected patients were followed and clinical information was reviewed retrospectively. Results from FDG PET-PET/CT, as blindly reviewed by a consensus of two experienced readers, were compared with the status of the disease as determined by other laboratory, clinical and imaging exams and clinical follow-up. FDG PET-PET/CT results were classified as true positive or negative and false positive or negative. The degree of FDG uptake in the positive lesions was semiquantified as maximum standard uptake value (SUVmax).


Fifty-seven FDG PET-PET/CT exams were done in 15 patients. Seven exams were done for initial staging, 8 during and 14 after the completion of therapy, and 28 for disease surveillance. For nodal disease FDG PET-PET/CT was true positive in 8, true negative in 47 and false positive in 2 exams (sensitivity 100%, specificity 96%). For extranodal disease FDG PET-PET/CT was true positive in 6, true negative in 48 and false positive in 3 exams (sensitivity 100%, specificity 94%). The mean SUVmax for the positive nodal lesions was 15.7 (range 6.9-21.7, median 18.5) and for extranodal lesions was 14.2 (range 6.2-24.3, median 12.4).


FDG PET-PET/CT is sensitive for the detection of viable disease in Burkitt's lymphoma. Affected areas demonstrated high degree of uptake that was reversible upon successful implementation of treatment.  相似文献   



The purpose of this retrospective, blinded study was to evaluate the additional value of [18F]FDG PET/CT in comparison with PET alone and with side-by-side PET and CT in patients with malignant melanoma (MM).


A total of 127 consecutive studies of patients with known MM referred for a whole-body PET/CT examination were included in this study. PET alone, side-by-side PET and CT and integrated PET/CT study were independently and separately interpreted without awareness of the clinical information. One score each was applied for certainty of lesion localisation and for certainty of lesion characterisation. Verification of the findings was subsequently performed using all available clinical, pathological (n?=?30) and follow-up information.


The number of lesions with an uncertain localisation was significantly (p?p?p?=?0.057) compared versus PET alone. Respectively, PET, side-by-side PET and CT and PET/CT showed a sensitivity of 86%, 89% and 91%, a specificity of 94%, 94% and 94%, a positive predictive value of 96%, 96% and 96% and a negative predictive value of 80%, 83% and 87%.


Integrated PET/CT offers a significant benefit in lesion localisation and an improvement in lesion characterisation compared with PET alone or with side-by-side PET and CT. The benefit is not as great as that reported for other tumour entities, which may be due to the high avidity of MM for [18F]FDG.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to assess the diagnostic efficacy of integrated PET/CT using fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG) for the differentiation of benign and metastatic adrenal gland lesions in patients with lung cancer and to compare the diagnostic efficacy with the use of PET alone. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Sixty-one adrenal lesions (size range, 5-104 mm; mean size, 16 mm) were evaluated retrospectively in 42 lung cancer patients. Both PET images alone and integrated PET/CT images were assessed, respectively, at two-month intervals. PET findings were interpreted as positive if the FDG uptake of adrenal lesions was greater than or equal to that of the liver, and the PET/CT findings were interpreted as positive if an adrenal lesion show attenuation > 10 HU and showed increased FDG uptake. Final diagnoses of adrenal gland lesions were made at clinical follow-up (n = 52) or by a biopsy (n = 9) when available. The diagnostic accuracies of PET and PET/CT for the characterization of adrenal lesions were compared using the McNemar test. RESULTS: Thirty-five (57%) of the 61 adrenal lesions were metastatic and the remaining 26 lesions were benign. For the depiction of adrenal gland metastasis, the sensitivity, specificity, and accuracy of PET were 74%, 73%, and 74%, respectively, whereas those of integrated PET/CT were 80%, 89%, and 84%, respectively (p values; 0.5, 0.125, and 0.031, respectively). CONCLUSION: The use of integrated PET/CT is more accurate than the use of PET alone for differentiating benign and metastatic adrenal gland lesions in lung cancer patients.  相似文献   

Purpose It has recently been suggested that FDG accumulation in the brown adipose tissue varies as a function of age, sex and outdoor temperature. The aim of this study was to assess changes in FDG uptake in brown fat in patients based on serial PET/CT scans and to compare our results with previous findings. Methods Early response to neoadjuvant chemotherapy in 33 female breast cancer patients was assessed by FDG PET. Five PET/CT scans were performed for each patient. PET/CT images were analysed retrospectively. PET scans were considered positive when diffuse, symmetrical, abnormal “USA” (uptake in supraclavicular area) fat was detected. Results A total of 163 PET images were analysed. Seventy-four PET scans (45%) revealed abnormal FDG uptake in the supraclavicular area. These foci were present on uncorrected and attenuation-corrected images. FDG uptake was identical on all five scans in only five patients. No significant relationship was found between abnormal FDG uptake and outdoor temperature, age or time interval between chemotherapy and PET. Abnormal FDG uptake in the neck seemed to predominantly occur in patients with a low body mass index (p<0.05). Most significant changes in the PET/CT scan results were observed during chemotherapy with docetaxel (p<0.05). When observed, bilateral uptake in the neck was more intense than background uptake (p<0.00001). Conclusion This study shows that FDG uptake in the neck varies as a function of time, that it is unrelated to age or outdoor temperature, and that bilateral uptake is generally intense.  相似文献   

Here we report a case of 41-year-old man with a soft tissue density mass at right upper lung and palpable abscesses at right upper backside and right wrist. 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography/computed tomography demonstrated a 7.8 × 5.0 cm mass with soft-tissue density in the upper lobe of the right lung with high metabolic activity. The infiltrative mass extended to adjacent chest wall soft tissue. Final diagnosis of pulmonary actinomycosis with multiple abscesses was made. The patient responded well to antibiotics treatment.  相似文献   

A follow-up 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose (18F-FDG) PET/CT scan of a 57-year-old asymptomatic male who had undergone total thyroidectomy for thyroid cancer revealed a 5.0 × 4.0-cm, well-defined, ovoid-shaped mass around the left adrenal gland without definite FDG uptake. On the adrenal CT scan, the left paraadrenal tumor showed high attenuation on the precontrast scan without enhancement. The average Hounsfield unit (HU) was 58.1 on the precontrast scan and 58.4 on the postcontrast scan. The patient underwent laparoscopic adrenalectomy for resection of the left paraadrenal tumor. The final histopathologic examination revealed a bronchogenic cyst. Although retroperitoneal bronchogenic cysts are rare, they should be considered in the differential diagnosis of retroperitoneal cystic tumors. The preoperative diagnosis is difficult, but a contrast-enhanced CT scan or 18F-FDG PET/CT scan may be useful for differentiating hyperattenuated cysts from other soft tissue masses.  相似文献   

Objective The aim of this study was to assess the physiological uptake of 18F-fluoro-2-deoxyglucose (FDG) by an apparently normal testis with combined positron emission tomography–computed tomography (PET/CT) and its correlation with age, blood glucose level, and testicular volume. Methods The testicular uptake of 18F-FDG, expressed as the standardized uptake value (SUV), was measured on PET/CT images in 203 men. The correlation between SUV and age, blood glucose level, and testicular volume was assessed. Results The SUV in the total of 406 testes was 2.44 ± 0.45 (range 1.23–3.85). The SUV was 2.81 ± 0.43 (2.28–3.85) for 30–39 years (n = 12), 2.63 ± 0.45 (1.77–3.75) for 40–49 years (n = 64), 2.46 ± 0.35 (1.44–3.15) for 50–59 years (n = 82), 2.51 ± 0.41 (1.50–3.46) for 60–69 years (n = 86), 2.43 ± 0.47 (1.42–3.29) for 70–79 years (n = 86), and 2.18 ± 0.45 (1.23–3.03) for 80–89 years (n = 76). When we calculated the mean SUV of bilateral testes in each patient, there were significant statistical differences between those in the age group of 30–39 years and 80–89 years, 40–49 years and 80–89 years, and 50–60 years and 80–89 years, when using an unpaired test with Bonferroni correction. The laterality index (|L − R|/(L + R) × 2) in 203 men was 0.066 ± 0.067 (0–0.522). There was a mild correlation between the mean SUV and age (r = −0.284, P < 0.001) as well as between the mean SUV and mean volume (r = +0.368, P < 0.001). There was no correlation between the mean SUV and glucose blood level (r = −0.065, P = 0.358). Conclusions Some uptake of FDG is observed in the normal testis and declines slightly with age. Physiological FDG uptake in the testis should not be confused with pathological accumulation.  相似文献   

A 73-year-old man underwent 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography/computed tomography (18F-FDG PET/CT) for the staging of colon cancer. The 18F-FDG PET/CT revealed three colonic lesions. The histopathologic examination of the postoperative gross specimen revealed a tubular adenoma, a tubulovillous adenoma and an adenocarinoma. The maximal standardized uptake value (SUVmax) of a tubulovillous adenoma was much higher than that of adenocarcinoma. This patient could be considered as a representative case highlighting that SUVmax is not a reliable indicator for discriminating colon cancer from colonic adenomas.  相似文献   

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