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Some have suggested that tobacco smoke may skew the immune system toward a Th2 pattern, however the effects of genetics or childhood exposures could explain these results. We compared PMBC supernatant or serum Th1 (INF-) and Th2 (IL-4, IL-5, and IL-13) cytokine and IgE levels in members of 45 pairs of nonasthmatic monozygotic twins with varying levels of current cigarette consumption to determine if smoking was associated with Th1/Th2 function after accounting for genetic factors. A statistically significant dose-response was observed between levels of smoking and IL-13 (p=0.05). Mean IL-13 level among heavy smokers (20+ cigarettes/day) was 146% higher than that among nonsmokers (+26.2 pg/mL; p=0.04). The mean IL-5 level among heavy smokers was 166% higher than that among light (<20 cigarettes/day) smokers (+3.4 pg/mL; p=0.03). No statistically significant differences in INF-, IL-4, or IgE levels were observed. Smoking appears to be associated with increased levels of IL-13.  相似文献   

Different concentrations of indoleamines, serotonin and melatonin, inhibited phytohemagglutinin stimulated DNA synthesis. Thus, 10–3 to 10–4 M of either indoleamine acted at the optimal phytohemagglutinin concentration, while 10–3 to 10–7 M acted at suboptimal phytohemagglutinin levels. The serotonin effect was reversed by the serotonergic S1-S2 receptor antagonist methysergide but not by the S2 antagonist ketanserin. This indicates that only the S1 receptor is involved in the inhibitory effect. Inhibition of lymphoproliferation by indoleamines was also exerted on pokeweed mitogen and protein A fromStaphylococcus aureus stimulations. Serotonin and melatonin also inhibited phytohemagglutinin and protein A from Staphylococcus aureus induction of interferon- synthesis. The initial uptake of Ca2+ was not affected by indoleamines, suggesting that it is not the mechanism of their inhibitory effects. As interferon- induced tryptophan uptake by T lymphocyte- and macrophage-depleted populations, and tryptophan is the metabolic precursor of serotonin and melatonin, a new immunoregulatory circuit is postulated.  相似文献   

T cells produce regulatory cytokines which control inflammation. In rheumatoid arthritis (RA), a Th1 cytokine profile has been described in the synovium. In order to assess the Th1/Th2 cytokine balance in blood, a one step culture-immunoassay procedure was used to measure the ex vivo production of IFN and IL-4 by whole blood cells from 26 RA patients and 25 controls. For comparison, the same cytokines were measured by ELISA in supernatants of activated whole blood cells. The direct whole blood assay was 10-fold more sensitive than standard ELISA to measure IL-4 levels. IL-4 production was higher in RA patients than in controls, whereas that of IFN was lower. Accordingly, the IL-4/IFN ratio, which reflects the Th2/Th1 cytokine balance in blood, was higher in RA patients (P < 0.0001). The present findings indicate a Th2-over-Th1 cytokine balance profile in RA blood. These results are in contrast with the Th1-over-Th2 pattern previously found in the joint, indicating that the two compartments appear to be differently regulated.  相似文献   

Human T, T, and T lymphocyte subpopulations have the capacity to respond to phytohemagglutinin (PHA)in vitro with proliferation and the production of a pH 2 and heat-labile interferon. This occurs both when the subsets are isolated by direct rosetting techniques or by negative selection. Macrophages enhance the production of the interferon by each lymphocyte subset and do not themselves produce interferon in response to products of PHA-activated lymphocyte subsets. Thus our studies indicate that subpopulations of T lymphocytes known to differ with regard to morphology, surface receptors, RNA content, response to corticosteroids and X-irradiation, and other functional capabilities do not differ with regard to their capacity to produce interferon.  相似文献   

The cytokines, interferon- (IFN-), tumor necrosis factor- (TNF-rpar;, and interleukin-2 (IL-2) are important endogenous proinflammatory proteins and have been linked to disease activity in multiple sclerosis. In this study, we use flow cytometric methodology to compare the secretion of IFN-, IL-2, and TNF- from peripheral blood-derived T cells of multiple sclerosis patients to the secretion in healthy controls. The percentages of IFN-, IL-2, and TNF- secreting cells are not significantly different between multiple sclerosis patients and controls. However, the TNF- secreting CDS cell percentage is correlated with the IFN- and IL-2 secreting CD3 cell percentages in multiple sclerosis patients. In the controls, only the TNF- secreting CD3 cell percentage is correlated with IFN-. These findings show that correlated secretion of cytokines occurs in multiple sclerosis and suggest that concerted intercytokine interactions may play an important role in the disease.  相似文献   

Myeloperoxidase (MPO), next to the NO synthase2 (NOS2), and NADPH oxidase, is the key enzyme of the oxidative burst responsible for the antimicrobial immunity. Because MPO participates in the eradication of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in the in vitro model and the extracellular enzyme may activate cells to cytokine synthesis, we investigated the changes in the enzyme concentration in serum of patients with active pulmonary tuberculosis (TB) and correlations between MPO and TNF-alpha, IFN-gamma, and IL-12. To our knowledge, our study is the first to indicate the involvement of MPO during active TB which manifested itself in the significant increase in serum concentration. The statistically significant elevation of TNF-alpha and IL-12 was also noticed in serum of the TB positive group. The statistical analysis revealed no correlation between the cytokine and MPO production in the studied cases. However, the increase in TNF-alpha and IL-12 serum concentration with simultaneous elevation of serum MPO in the group of the highest enzyme concentration may imply that correlation between the enzyme and the cytokines should not be excluded. Our study suggests possible involvement of MPO in the antituberculous, immunological response, and implies its connection with TNF-alpha and IL-12 activation.  相似文献   

Angiogenin isolated from cow milk induces the production of cytokines IL-1, IL-6, and TNF- in human leukocytes; the level of production of each cytokine depends on the concentration of the preparation, and the dynamics of production depends on the time from the beginning of induction. Simultaneous treatment with angiogenin and phytohemagglutinin had an additive effect on the production of cytokines, the time of this effect manifestation being individual for each cytokine.  相似文献   

Lymphokine-activated killer (LAK) cells were induced with low-dose recombinant interleukin 2 (rIL-2) and recombinant interferon- (IFN-) in 28 oral carcinoma patients. The patients received daily intravenous injections of rIL-2 (1.2×105 U/m2) and rIFN- (7.0×104 U/m2), and both natural killer (NK) and LAK activities were periodically examined. A significant increase in CD16+CD57+ and CD16+CD57 NK subsets was observed after the induction. An increase in the T-cell population was also found, with a significant increase in CD3+HLA-DR+, CD8+Leu8, and CD4+Leu8 cells. Significant increases in NK activity, from the original level of 32.0±13.7 to 49.9±15.2%, and LAK activity, from 4.8±3.5 to 11.0±6.1%, at Day 7 were observed. Both activities were maintained at high levels during the cytokine injections, but greater enhancement of the killing activities could not be obtained subsequently. When NK and LAK activities were investigated in each subpopulation of CD3 and CD16 cells, no remarkable cytotoxic activity could be observed before induction in any subset without NK activity in CD3 cells (31.1±14.3%). At Day 7, NK activity of CD16 cells increased up to 21.4±14.9%, accompanied by an increase in CD3-cell activity (54.5±20.6%). LAK activities of both subsets were also enhanced, with activity at Day 7 of 6.5±5.6 and 9.4±6.6% in CD16 and CD3 cells, respectively. These increased activities were maintained at the same level during the induction. Phorbol myristate acetate-induced polymorphonuclear leukocyte (PMNL) O 2 generation was significantly increased, from the original 81.1±28.1 to 95.6±34.9 pmol/min/104 cells, after 1 week of treatment. Protein kinase C activity in the cytosol decreased, and the activity in the membrane fraction conversely increased. No remarkable adverse effects except for mild fever were observed. Together with LAK induction ability and PMNL enhancement, with scarce toxicity, a combination of low-dose rIL-2 and rIFN- is thought to be useful in cancer treatments.  相似文献   

The safety and clinical efficacy of a liquid, -propiolactone-stabilized intravenous -globulin, Intraglobin-F, was evaluated in a multicenter, double-blind study comparing Intraglobin-F to Gamimune-N, Sandoglobulin, or Gammagard. -Propiolactone stabilizes the IgG molecule to decrease aggregate formation and is a potent virucidal agent that reduces the risk of viral transmission by intravenous -globulin (IVIG) preparations. Twenty-seven patients with primary immunodeficiency diseases were enrolled at three centers. Each patient received 6 months of therapy with either Intraglobin-F or the IVIG preparation that they had received during the preceding 3 months, then crossed over to the other preparation. Twenty-three patients completed the study. One patient withdrew because of an adverse event, generalized urticaria. A second patient withdrew because of fatigue and perceived decreased efficacy. Adverse reactions were comparable and occurred in 8.7% of the infusions of Intraglobin-F and 6% of the infusions with Sandoglobulin. None were severe or life-threatening. There was no discernible difference in efficacy between any of the products. The number of days when patients noted symptoms in their diaries was similar for Intraglobin-F and the comparison preparations, 4158 vs 4143. Similarly, there were no differences in the number of physician visits (33 vs 22), days missed from work or school (405 vs 404), days with fever (41 vs 47), or days of prophylactic antibiotics (675 vs 642). There was an increase in the number of days when antibiotics were given therapeutically (578 vs 451); most of the difference was attributable to one patient. There also was a difference in the number of days of hospitalization (21 vs 0), but 19 of the days were accounted for by two patients. When the patients were asked to score their feeling of well-being on a scale of 1 to 5, with 1 being entirely well, the mean score for the patients on Intraglobin-F was 1.86 (range, 1.0 to 3.0), compared to 1.85 (range, 1.0 to 3.2) for patients while on the comparison preparations. Trough IgG levels were slightly lower during the period when patients were treated with Intraglobin-F compared to the other products. There were no abnormalities in blood chemistries or hematologic parameters. Thus, Intraglobin-F is comparable to three of the marketed IVIG preparations in efficacy and safety, as well as patient acceptability, and offers the additional benefit of an extra virucidal step to reduce further the risk of transmitting viral infections.  相似文献   

The rate of hydroxylation of androgens was shown to be significantly reduced by -ray irradiation in doses of over 600 R. The rate of hydroxylation of estrogens showed little change. During irradiation under these conditions the content of cytochrome P-450 in the rat liver microsomes fell. The decrease in the rate of hydroxylation of steroid hormones by rat liver microsomes under the influence of whole-body -ray irradiation evidently depends on quantitative changes in cytochrome P-450.Department of Molecular Pharmacology and Radiobiology, Medico-Biological Faculty, N. I. Pirogov Second Moscow Medical Institute.(Presented by Academician of the Academy of Medical Sciences of the USSR A. A. Pokrovskii.) Translated from Byulleten' Éksperimental'noi Biologii i Meditsiny, Vol. 81, No. 6, pp. 668–670, June, 1976.  相似文献   

Experiments on decerebrate cats revealed an inhibitory effect of -aminobutyric acid (GABA; 100–200 g/kg) and its phenyl derivative, phenyl-GABA (20 mg/kg), on depressor responses of the systemic arterial pressure and on inhibition of spontaneous electrical activity in the renal nerve arising in response to excitation of the carotid sinus mechanoreceptors and afferent fibers on the sinus and depressor nerves carrying impulses from mechanoreceptors. Pressor responses of the systemic arterial pressure and electrical activity evoked in the renal nerve by stimulation of the carotid sinus chemoreceptors were intensified after administration of the same doses of GABA and phenyl-GABA. The results are interpreted from the standpoint of the depriming action of GABA and its phenyl derivative on the paramedian reticular nuclei of the medulla.Paper read at the March, 1974 Meeting of the Volgograd Scientific Society of Pharmacologists.Department of Pharmacology, Volgograd Medical Institute. (Presented by Academician of the Academy of Medical Sciences of the USSR V. V. Zakusov.) Translated from Byulleten' Éksperimental'noi Biologii i Meditsiny, Vol. 79, No. 4, pp. 71–75, April, 1975.  相似文献   

Two 4- and 5-year-old children suffering from refractory atopic dermatitis were treated with recombinant interferon- (rIFN-). rIFN- was injected at 50 g subcutaneously three times a week in the first child for 3 weeks, followed by three times 25 g in week 4. In the other child two treatment courses of 4 weeks were given after a break of 2 weeks. Therapy was well tolerated. In child one reductions in eczematous body surface and severity of lesions were observed, while no beneficial effect was seen in the other. Clinical chemistry data remained unchanged. Immunological studies performed in parallel showed a decrease in total serum IgE of 50% in child 1, a decrease in spontaneous in vitro IgE production, an increase in in vitro production of interleukin-6, and a normalization of previously decreased in vitro lymphocyte responses to several mitogens. While marked immunological changes were noted during IFN- treatment, clinical benefits were not encouraging. Diminished IFN- production has been claimed to be a major pathogenic factor in atopic eczema. Our results indicate that the pathogenesis is more complex. Clinically, we were unable to confirm previous observations in adults. Further studies are needed before IFN- can be recommended for therapy of pediatric atopic eczema.Abbreviations IFN- interferon- - IL interleukin  相似文献   

The expression of the 1 integrins was examined immunohistochemically in synoviocytes from normal synovial membrane and from chronic synovitis of different aetiology and intensity. Normal synoviocytes were 61-positive but lacked 1 through 5. In mild inflammation type A synoviocytes neo-expressed 1, 3, and 5 chains. In severe inflammation both type A and B synoviocytes expressed 3, 4, 5, and 6 chains. The effects of inflammatory cytokines, as single agents or in combination, on the 1 integrin expression in cultured normal synoviocytes was determined by immunocytochemistry and flow cytometry. The 1 chain, while absent in unstimulated synoviocytes, was induced by interleukin-1 (IL-1), tumour necrosis factor- (TNF-), and interferon- (INF-). This effect was enhanced by combining IL-1 and TNF-. Expression of the 3 chain was up-regulated by IL-1 and, more intensely, by IFN-. Transforming growth factor (TGF-) inhibited the up-regulating effect of IL-1 and antagonized the effect of IFN- on 3 chain expression. Expression of the 5 chain was up-regulated significantly by co-stimulation through IL-1 together with TGF- or TNF-. Thus, the 1 integrin profile of cytokine activated synoviocytes in vitro resembled that of synoviocytes in synovitis in situ. These data suggest that IL-1, TNF-, IFN-, and TGF- are likely to be among the effectors regulating 1 integrin expression in synoviocytes in vivo.  相似文献   

Department of Radiation Biochemistry, Research Institute of Medical Radiology, Academy of Medical Sciences of the USSR, Obninsk. Central Research Laboratory, Rostov Medical Institute. (Presented by Academician of the Academy of Medical Sciences of the USSR N. A. Nasonova.) Translated from Byulleten' Éksperimental'noi Biologii i Meditsiny, Vol. 111, No. 5, pp. 538–539, May, 1991.  相似文献   

To determine the relative presence of TCR+ and TCR+ T cells in synovial tissue from patients with various types of inflammatory synovitis and in tissues from patients with a number of chronic T cell-mediated conditions, we stained frozen tissue sections with monoclonal antibodies in indirect immunofluorescence assays. In tissues obtained from patients with chronic T cell-mediated granulomatous conditions (Wegener's granulomatosis, lymphomatoid granulomatosis, granuloma annulare, Langerhan's cells granulomatosis, pigmented villonodular synovitis, Takayasu's arteritis, and talc granulomatosis), the T cells present were predominantly TCR+, without an increased presence of TCR+ cells. In contrast, 6 of 14 (43%) synovia from patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) showed increased TCR+ T cells (3–10 cells/hpf). The RA synovia with increased TCR+ cells present had an increased tissue inflammation score compared to RA synovia with few TCR+ cells [18.6±5.8 versus 11.6±4.2 (mean±SE),P<0.05]. In contrast, synovia from patients with osteoarthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus, and trauma did not show an increased presence of TCR+ T cells. Thus, in cellular inflammatory infiltrates the presence of increased TCR cells is not a component of noninfectious granulomatous inflammation but is found in approximately 40% of RA synovia with high levels of inflammation.  相似文献   

We determined the interferon (IFN) serum levels and in vitro activated IFN production in eight patients with relapsing/remitting multiple sclerosis (MS), using a whole-blood test system and the mitogen concanavalin A and the viral antigen Newcastle disease virus for induction of the IFN production. During the overall study period of 12 months we observed, in relation to clinical disease progression, a biphasic increase in the individual IFN and IFN production. While mitogen-induced IFN synthesis showed a significant augmentation prior to the onset of a new relapse (P < 0.05), virus-induced IFN production showed a temporal delayed increase which was related to clinical remission (P < 0.01). The observed fluctuations in the individual production of both IFN subtypes were not reflected in the sera of the patients. Although the reason for the temporal different imbalance in the production of both IFN subtypes remains unknown, the observed association between increased IFN production and clinical remission emphasizes a possible role for type 1 IFNs in the resolution of the MS relapse.  相似文献   

Expression and transamidation activity of tissue transglutaminase (tTG) may be involved in the morphological modifications leading to the mucosal atrophy observed in coeliac disease (CD). We aimed to investigate the localization of tTG within the duodenal mucosa during the development of villous atrophy. The localization and level of expression of N-(-glutamyl) lysine isopeptides which could reflect the transamidation activity of tTG were also analyzed. tTG and N-(-glutamyl) lysine were localized using an immunohistochemical technique on duodenal biopsies obtained from 75 patients with CD and 51 subjects with normal mucosa (control group). The number of cases displaying tTG-expressing cells in the basement membrane and lamina propria was significantly higher in CD patients than in the control group. Moreover, the intensity of tTG staining in these areas was higher in CD. In contrast, the number of biopsies with tTG-expressing enterocytes was significantly lower in CD than in the control group. There was no difference in N-(-glutamyl) lysine between the two populations. Tissue transglutaminase was differently expressed in the various areas of the mucosa according to the stage of atrophy, whereas the localization and the intensity of the labelling of N-(-glutamyl) lysine isopeptides did not show any modification. The preferential localization in the basement membrane and lamina propria may reflect the involvement of tTG in the development of mucosal atrophy in CD.  相似文献   

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