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目的:分析观察Trausim种植体修复牙列缺损的短期临床疗效,为其临床应用提供参考依据。方法:选取2016年6月~2017年12月在广州医科大学附属口腔医院种植科因牙列缺损行Trausim种植体修复的患者24例(共46枚种植体),回顾患者相关病例资料,随访观察种植体成功率、种植体存留率、种植体边缘骨吸收及生物机械并发症情况。结果:所有种植体均发生骨结合并完成种植修复,在6~18个月的随访观察中,1枚种植体发生种植体周围炎,随访期内存留率为100%,成功率为97.83%。患者种植术后6~18个月种植体颈部周围近中边缘骨吸收为(0.15±0.43) mm,远中边缘骨吸收为(0.30±0.47) mm,平均骨组织丧失量为(0.23±0.33) mm。结论:在严格控制适应证、合理设计及熟练操作的基础上,Trausim种植体应用于牙列缺损修复成功率高,远期疗效仍有待进一步随访观察。 相似文献
方菊 《中国口腔种植学杂志》2020,(4):187-191
种植体植入扭矩对种植体骨结合效果有一定程度的影响,但种植体植入扭矩的高低除了为达到初期稳定性外,其对骨结合的影响文献并没有进行具体的归纳阐述.本文就植入扭矩与种植体骨结合的关系进行综述. 相似文献
目的:通过建立含牙种植体的无牙下颌骨三维有限元模型,分析不同的骨结合率对种植体骨界面应力分布的影响。为临床设计种植义齿治疗方案提供理论依据。方法:使用螺旋CT扫描、CAD技术、有限元软件等,建立含牙种植体的下颌骨三维有限元模型;分析不同的骨结合率对种植体骨界面应力分布的影响。结果:不同骨结合率都会出现种植体颈部皮质骨的应力集中;当骨结合率大于或等于60%时,颈部皮质骨处应力值明显下降。结论:随着骨结合率的增加,颈部皮质骨的应力值有下降的趋势;提示临床医生在进行种植义齿修复时,需考虑提高种植体骨结合率,避免影响骨结合的不利因素,从而提高种植的成功率。 相似文献
目的 观察外源性神经生长因子(nerve growth factor,NGF)对口腔种植体骨愈合的影响,以期缩短口腔种植体骨愈合时间.方法 在12只新西兰大白兔下颌骨双侧各植入种植体1枚,右侧为实验组:种植体边缘骨膜下注射1.0μgNGF;左侧为对照组:同样部位注射相同剂量的生理盐水.注射1次/d,连续7 d.术后2、4、8周分别处死动物各4只,获取下颌骨,制作种植体骨磨片甲苯胺蓝染色标本,行大体、放射学和组织学观察以及骨计量学分析.结果 术后2、4周各组下颌骨种植体周围新生骨密度低于正常骨组织,种植体骨结合率对照组2周(26.67±3.88)%、4周(52.59±5.07)%;实验组2周(42.24±6.67)%、4周(72.25±6.30)%;术后8周两组骨密度与正常骨组织相近,实验组新生骨小梁出现哈弗系统,种植体骨结合率两组相比,差异无统计学意义.结论 口腔种植术后早期加入外源性NGF能够加速种植体周围骨小梁的形成和成熟,增加骨结合面积,提高种植体骨结合率,缩短口腔种植体骨愈合时间. 相似文献
种植与骨界面的骨结合被认为是骨内种植体成功的标志,而骨界面组织学的研究多为二维图像,计算机三维重建技术可以从立体角度多层次,多方位地进行研究,可以得到直观的种植与体骨界面各部位形态的计算机图像,同时获得种植周转各部位的骨结合楷。 相似文献
目的:本文将通过双荧光标记法在兔股骨髁部植入具有“脑回形”(cortex-like)形貌的微弧氧化二氧化钛(TiO2)膜层的种植体,来评价的骨-种植体结合的能力.方法:实验组MAO(cortex-like)为“脑回形”形貌种植体,对照组SLA为具有同等规格的SLA形貌的种植体,共计36颗,通过扫描电镜(SEM)等对材料表面进行表征,随机植入18只新西兰雄性兔的股骨髁部,分别于4w和8w处死取样,处死前第13、14d颈部皮下注射茜素红,处死前第3、4d颈部皮下注射钙黄绿素,通过茜素红-钙黄绿素双色标记示踪检测其矿化速率MAR(mineralization apposition rate).结果:类“脑回形”形貌氧化层由微米级沟槽和纳米级孔洞组成,属超亲水性种植体.4w时间段,实验组MAO组矿化速率MAR(mineralization apposition rate)高于SLA组,但差异无统计学意义(P>0.05),第8w,MAO与SLA组的MAR值相应的均有所增加,但差异无统计学意义,结论:“脑回形”(cortex-like)形貌的二氧化钛、具有双微层结构膜层,形成与SLA一致的骨结合效果,能早期促进种植体的骨结合,是一种良好的种植体改性方法. 相似文献
目的:探索不同功率He:Ne激光对种植体骨结合面积的影响。方法:选取成年雄性Beagle犬6只,每只犬每侧胫骨植入4枚种植体,种植体随机编入A、B、C、D组,A、B、C组为实验组,D组为对照组,每组12枚,共48枚。实验组术后立即采用不同功率He:Ne激光垂直照射种植体对应体表,A组15.9J/cm2、B组26.5J/cm2、C组37.1J/cm2,20min/次,1次/d,持续2周。术后1、2、3个月分别处死2只犬,取标本制作种植体骨磨片,Goldner’s三色法染色后测量种植体骨接触率,所得数据采用统计学处理。结果:种植体骨接触率:术后1、2个月A、B、C、D组间无显著差异,术后3个月A与B及C与D组间无显著差异,A、B组明显高于C、D组(P<0.05)。结论:术后持续照射低功率He:Ne激光2周,能明显增加种植体骨结合的面积,以15.9J/cm2或26.5J/cm2照射效果最佳。 相似文献
目的:探讨低功率He:Ne激光照射能否增加种植体骨结合率。方法:选取6只Beagle犬,于每只犬每侧胫骨植入3枚种植体,将每只犬的6颗种植体随机编入A、B、C组,A组设为对照组,B、C组术后立即采用低功率He:Ne激光照射,B组持续照射1周,C组持续照射2周。术后4、8、12周每次处死2只动物,取材制作非脱钙骨磨片,进行骨形态计量学分析,比较各组新骨形成状况,计算每颗种植体骨结合率并作统计学处理。结果:每个检测期A、B、C组种植体骨结合率均有显著差异(P〈0.01),均表现为:C组(B组(A组。结论:低功率He:Ne激光照射能显著增加种植体骨结合率,连续照射2周较1周效果好。 相似文献
Purpose The aim of the present study was to analyze bone tissue reactions at implants with and without a microthread configuration. Materials and Methods In six beagle dogs, one test and two control implants were installed in one side of the mandible. While both implant types had a similar dimension and surface roughness, the test implants were designed with a microthread configuration in the marginal portion. Abutment connection was performed after 3 months. Another 3 months later, fixed partial dentures (FPDs) were cemented to the maxillary canine and premolars and FPDs were connected to the implants in the mandible. Ten months later, the animals were sacrificed and biopsies from each implant region were processed for histological analysis. Radiographs were obtained at implant placement after FPD connection and at the termination of the experiment. Results The radiographic examination revealed that the marginal bone level was well preserved at both test and control implants during the entire 16‐month period. The degree of bone‐implant contact within the marginal portion of the implants was significantly higher at the test (microthread) implants (81.8%) than at the control implants (72.8%). Conclusions It was suggested that the microthread configuration offered improved conditions for osseointegration. 相似文献
OBJECTIVE: To study the healing of marginal defects that occurred at implants placed in a healed ridge or in fresh extraction sockets. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Six dogs were used. The right side of the mandible was used in the first part of the study. The first, second premolars and first molars were extracted. After 3 months of healing the bone was prepared for implant installation in these premolar and molar sites. The marginal 5 mm of each recipient site was widened with a conical drill. Following implant installation a gap of varying dimension occurred around the titanium rod (artificial defect (A) sites). At this interval the third and fourth premolars were extracted and implants were installed in the distal socket of the two teeth (natural defect (N) sites). The flaps were sutured to allow non-submerged healing. After 2 months, the procedures were repeated in the left side. Two months later the animals were euthanized, and biopsies were obtained and prepared for histological examination. RESULTS: The length of the zone of de novo'bone-to-implant contact' in the defect region was longer at the A sites than at the N sites both at the 2- and the 4-month interval. Further, while after 4 months of healing the marginal bone crest at the A sites was located close to the abutment/fixture junction, at the N sites a marked reduction of the height of the bone crest was documented. Hence, most A site defects became completely resolved whereas healing of the N site defects was incomplete. CONCLUSION: The process of bone modeling and remodeling at an implant placed in a fresh extraction socket differs from the resolution of marginal defects that may occur following implant installation in a healed ridge. 相似文献
Abrahamsson I Zitzmann NU Berglundh T Linder E Wennerberg A Lindhe J 《Journal of clinical periodontology》2002,29(5):448-455
BACKGROUND: Findings from in vitro studies have indicated that the orientation and proliferation of cells on titanium surfaces may be influenced by the topography of the surface on which they are grown. It may be argued, therefore, that differences may occur in the mucosal attachment to titanium implants with different surface roughness. AIM: The present experiment was performed to study the composition of the soft tissue barrier that formed to implants prepared with well-defined smooth or rough surfaces. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Five beagle dogs were used. Four implants made of c.p. titanium were placed in the right edentulous mandibular premolar region. After 3 months, two different types of abutments were connected: one experimental (OA) with a dual, thermal acid-etched surface ('Osseotite'), and one regular (RA) abutment with a 'turned' surface. At the end of a 6-month period during which proper plaque control had been maintained, biopsies including the implant and the surrounding soft and hard tissues were obtained, decalcified and processed for light and electron microscopy. A confocal He-Ne laser profilometer was used to study the surface topography of the abutments. RESULTS: The attachment between the peri-implant mucosa and titanium abutments with either a turned (RA; 'smooth') or acid-etched (OA; 'rough') surface was similar from both a quantitative and a qualitative aspect. The attachment comprised a barrier epithelium and a zone of connective tissue attachment of similar dimension at RA and OA. It was further observed that the 'inner' zone of the connective tissue attachment at both types of abutment was composed of about 30-33% fibroblasts and 63-66% collagen. CONCLUSION: It was demonstrated that the soft tissue attachment that formed to implants made of c.p. titanium was not influenced by the roughness of the titanium surface. 相似文献