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This investigation explored the relationship of socioeconomic status (SES) to physical and mental health in two nationally representative samples of whites and African-Americans. We examined the interrelations among SES variables and assessed their contribution to health for the two racial groups. Throughout, we assessed the contribution of a less traditional indicator of SES-wealth-in the SES-health relationship. As we expected, African-Americans had lower levels of education, household income, and wealth than whites. Unexpectedly, however, the strength of the interrelationships among the three SES indicators did not differ for African-Americans and whites. In addition, we found that SES operated to affect health in a very similar fashion for African-Americans and whites. We found that wealth, in addition to more traditional indicators of SES (education and household income), made a unique and significant contribution to explaining both physical and mental health. Examining relations of different SES indicators to health across groups is critical to eliminating persistent social inequalities in health.  相似文献   

目的:探讨中国夫妻完美主义的特点及其与婚姻满意度的关系。方法:采用双向调试量表和改编后的多维完美主义量表对155对夫妻进行测查。结果:①丈夫的自我取向、社会期许、他人取向、伴侣期许完美主义得分显著高于妻子,伴侣取向完美主义显著低于妻子。②丈夫的他人取向完美主义显著高于伴侣取向,社会期许与伴侣期许差异不显著;而妻子的他人取向完美主义低于伴侣取向,社会期许高于伴侣期许。③夫妻双方自我取向完美主义越高,伴侣期许完美主义越低,丈夫的婚姻满意度越高;夫妻双方伴侣期许、妻子伴侣取向完美主义越低,丈夫自我取向完美主义越高,妻子的满意度越高。结论:一般人际完美主义对婚姻满意度无显著预测作用。  相似文献   

Assessed the history of childhood behavior problems in the biological relatives of 177 outpatient boys aged 7 to 12 years with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) or conduct disorder (CD). The mothers, fathers, and other biological relatives of children with ADHD were significantly more likely to have a history of childhood ADHD but not problems of antisocial behavior or substance use in childhood Attention deficit disorder with or without hyperactivity was similarly associated with a family history of ADHD. In contrast, fathers of children with CD were more likely to have a childhood history of either CD or substance abuse, although these results did not remain significant with the effects of race and socioeconomic status controlled. These results provide further support for the independence of ADHD and CD as clinical syndromes, in spite of their high degree of comorbidity.  相似文献   

Studied patterns of covariation among symptoms of conduct problems in an outpatient clinic sample of 177 boys. These patterns were examined in relation to criteria for oppositional defiant disorder (ODD) and conduct disorder (CD), according to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (3rd ed., rev. [DSMIll-R]; American Psychiatric Association, 1987). Factor analysis of parent and teacher responses to a structured psychiatric interview revealed two dimensions of conduct problems similar to the distinction between ODD and CD. However, some symptoms often associated with CD (bullying and violation of major rules) consistently loaded uniquely on the factor composed of ODD symptoms, and the DSMIII-R symptoms of fighting and lying had approximately equal loadings on both factors. Cluster analysis of scores derived from summing items with unique loadings on the ODD and CD factors yielded three profiles: deviance on only the ODD factor, deviance on both the ODD and CD factors, and deviance on neither factor. A distinct cluster of children with elevations only on the CD factor did not emerge.  相似文献   


The prevalence of Type A behavior in children from lower-class rural and upper-class urban backgrounds was compared using the Hunter-Wolf A-B Self-Rating Scale (H-W A-B). Analyses of variance were performed for two levels of socioeconomic status (SES), two levels of race (black and white), two levels of gender, and two levels of age (9–11 and 13–14). A significant difference for SES was found in the predicted direction with a greater prevalence of Type A being found among upper-urban children (p < .001). There was also a significant effect for race (p < .001). Although there was a significant effect for gender with boys scoring higher (p < .001), there was no difference between boys and girls within either SES group, and both boys and girls in the upper-urban group were more Type A than boys and girls in the lower-rural group (p < .001). The possibility that the lack of sex differences within groups may reflect changing lifestyles for young women is discussed as a topic worthy of further epidemiological investigation.  相似文献   

Numerous studies have found that hyperactive and learning disabled children experience social status difficulties. Yet, because many children legitimately meet the assignment criteria for both groups, questions have remained regarding the differential relationship between these disorders and social status. The purpose of this investigation was to determine if it is learning disabilities or the combination of learning disabilities and hyperactivity that most directly relates to problems in social status. This was accomplished by categorizing third-through sixth-grade boys into learning disabled (LD), hyperactive/learning disabled (H/LD), and comparison groups and collecting peer nominations of social status and social behavior. Results indicated that, even though LD boys were less popular and more rejected than controls, the H/LD group was most symptomatic of social status problems and aversive social behaviors. Implications of these findings are discussed in terms of future research with a heterogeneous learning disabled population.  相似文献   

Objective: To examine direct and mediated effects of maternalIQ, marital status, family income, and quality of the home environmenton the cognitive development of low birthweight infants. Methods: Secondary analyses on a large dataset using hierarchicalregression identified factors correlated with cognitive outcomesin children at 3 years of age who were bom at low birthweight. Results: Maternal IQ was a critical variable, because it washighly correlated with child IQ and because maternal intelligenceinfluenced patterns of relationships among other predictor variablesincluding marital status, income level, and home environmenton child IQ. Analyses revealed that effects of these variableson child IQ interacted with maternal IQ. Conclusions: Early childhood intervention programs should targetthose low birthweight infants most at risk for impaired cognitivedevelopment. Children at greatest risk are those living withunmarried, low IQ mothers.  相似文献   

Thirty semirural first married couples asking specifically for marital counseling from a small community mental health center were administered Cattell's Sixteen Personality Factor Questionnaire (16PF) as part of the intake procedure of the agency. Male and female mean scores for each of the 16 personality factors were derived and compared to the Cattell and Nesselroade (1967) means for unstable married couples. The mean profile for the males was significantly different on 7 of the 16 personality factors. For the female, 9 of the 16 proved significant. Differences were discussed in relation to specific community influences. The necessity of developing local norms when using psychometric instruments in the assessment of marital instability is suggested.  相似文献   

Examined whether marital discord over childrearing contributes to child behavior problems after taking into account general marital adjustment, and if child age moderates associations between child behavior problems and either general marital adjustment or marital discord over childrearing. Participants were 146 two-parent families seeking services for their child's (4 to 9 years of age) conduct problems. Data on marital functioning and child behavior problems were collected from both parents. Mothers' and fathers' reports of marital discord over childrearing related positively to child externalizing problems after accounting for general marital adjustment. Child age moderated associations between fathers' reports of general marital adjustment and both internalizing and externalizing child problems, with associations being stronger in families with younger children. The discussion highlights the role that developmental factors may play in understanding the link between marital and child behavior problems in clinic-referred families.  相似文献   

Based on a family systems/social-ecological perspective, mothersand fathers of 8-and 9-year-old children with spina bifida (n=55;28male, 27 female) were examined in comparison to a matched groupof parents with 8-and 9-year-old able-bodied children (n=55;29 male, 26 female) across several areas of functioning (individual,parental and marital). Findings suggested that mothers and fathersin the spina bifida sample tended to report more psychosocialstress than their counterparts in the able-bodied sample. Specifically,mothers and fathers in the spina bifida group reported lessparental satisfaction than parents in the able-bodied group.Mothers in the spina bifida group reported less perceived parentalcompetence, more social isolation, and less adaptability tochange; fathers in the spina bifida group reported more psychologicalsymptoms. No differences between the spina bifida and able-bodiedgroups were found with respect to marital satisfaction. Copingpredictors of adjustment tended to vary as a function of parentgender rather than group status.  相似文献   

Children’s contact with their mother’s violent partner is a potentially important variable for understanding conduct problems among children exposed to intimate partner violence (IPV). Within the context of a treatment study evaluating a parenting intervention (Project Support) for families exiting a domestic violence shelter, this study tested four hypotheses regarding children’s postshelter contact with their mother’s violent partner: (1) participation in Project Support decreases the frequency of children’s contact with their mother’s violent partner; (2) postshelter contact is positively associated with children’s conduct problems and is associated more strongly for girls than boys; (3) frequency of contact mediates Project Support’s effects on children’s conduct problems; and (4) frequency of contact is positively associated with IPV and partner–child aggression, and these latter associations help explain effects of contact on children’s conduct problems. Participants were 66 women (26 White) with a child (32 girls) between 4 and 9 years. Families were assessed every 4 months for 20 months after departure from a domestic violence shelter. Project Support reduced the extent of partner–child contact. In addition, within-subject changes in contact over time were associated with girls’, but not boys’, conduct problems, and it partially mediated effects of Project Support on girls’ conduct problems. Higher average levels of contact over time were also positively associated with further incidents of IPV and partner–child aggression, and partner–child aggression helped explain effects of contact on children’s conduct problems. Children’s postshelter contact with the mother’s violent partner relates positively to several negative family outcomes.  相似文献   

The primary objective of this study was to examine whether individuals with chronic pain (“participants”) and their spouses agree on perceptions of solicitous, distracting, and punishing spouse responses to pain. The second aim was to examine the role of participant catastrophizing (a negative mental set about pain), participant and spouse marital satisfaction, and participant and spouse depression in participant perceptions of spouse responses, spouse perceptions of their responses, and agreement between participants and spouses. Individuals with chronic musculoskeletal pain and their spouses (N=108 couples) completed questionnaire packets. Examination of overall group averages (participants vs. spouses) indicated little or no differences between participant and spouse ratings. Examination of individual agreement in participant and spouse ratings indicated substantial disagreement. The proposed moderators predicted both participant and spouse perceptions and jointly made minor contributions to dyad agreement. Although neither participant nor spouse perceptions of spouse responses are necessarily a reflection of actual behavior, the lack of agreement in this study suggests it may not be valid to use only patient perceptions in research related to spouse responses.  相似文献   

已婚成人社会支持、应对方式与婚姻满意度的关系   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
目的探讨社会支持、应对方式与已婚成人婚姻满意度的关系。方法抽取天津市241名已婚人士,其中男性118人,女性123人。每位受试者接受婚姻满意度量表、社会支持评定量表、简易应对方式问卷的测查。结果①婚姻满意度与客观支持呈显著正相关,婚姻满意度的社会层面与支持的利用度呈显著正相关;②婚姻满意度与积极应对呈显著的正相关。与消极应对呈显著的负相关;③客观支持、积极应对方式及消极应对方式可以预测婚姻满意度。结论应对方式是影响婚姻满意度的重要因素。  相似文献   

The associations among socioeconomic disadvantage, amygdala volume, and internalizing symptoms in children and adolescents are unclear and understudied in the extant literature. In this study, we examined associations between socioeconomic status (SES) and amygdala volume by age across childhood and adolescence to test whether socioeconomic disadvantage would be associated with larger amygdala volume at younger ages but with smaller amygdala volume at older ages. We then examined whether SES and amygdala volume were associated with children’s levels of anxiety and depression. Participants were 3- to 21-year-olds from the Pediatric Imaging, Neurocognition, and Genetics study (N = 1,196), which included structural magnetic resonance imaging. A subsample (n = 327; 7–21 years of age) completed self-report measures of anxiety and depression. Lower family income and parental education were significantly associated with smaller amygdala volume in adolescence (13–21 years) but not significantly associated with amygdala volume at younger ages (3–12 years). Lower parental education, but not family income, was significantly associated with higher levels of anxiety and depression, even after accounting for family history of anxiety/depression. Smaller amygdala volume was significantly associated with higher levels of depression, even after accounting for parental education and family history of anxiety/depression. These findings suggest that associations between SES and amygdala structure may vary by age. In addition, smaller amygdala volume may be linked with an increased risk for depression in children and adolescents.  相似文献   

Adolescent boys (n = 269) were assessed for levels of several risky behaviors related to the pursuit of muscularity, including substance use (anabolic steroids, prohormones, and ephedrine) dieting to gain weight, and symptoms of muscle dysmorphia (MD). The association between these behaviors and a variety of putative biological, psychological, and social risk factors were also evaluated. Concerning rates for lifetime use of steroids (2.6%), prohormones (4.5%), and ephedrine (6%) were found. Multiple regression analyses indicated that MD and sports participation significantly predicted substance use. Body dissatisfaction and body mass index were significant predictors of dieting to gain weight. Additionally, negative affect, media influence, and sports participation predicted symptoms of MD.  相似文献   


Study Objectives:

To examine whether current and/or history of marital/cohabitation status are associated with sleep, independent of demographic and general health risk factors.


Longitudinal, observational study of women, with sleep measured via multi-night in-home polysomnography and up to 35 nights of actigraphy.


Participants'' homes.


Caucasian (n = 170), African American (n = 138), and Chinese women (n = 59); mean age 51 years.




Sleep quality was assessed via questionnaire. Sleep duration, continuity, and architecture were calculated using in-home polysomnography (PSG). Sleep continuity was also assessed by actigraphy. Categories of marital/cohabiting status or changes in status were inclusive of women who were legally married or living as married as well as transitions into or out of those partnership categories.


Partnered (married or cohabiting) women at the time of the sleep study had better sleep quality and PSG and actigraphy-assessed sleep continuity than unpartnered women; however, with covariate adjustment, most of these associations became non-significant. Analyses of women''s relationship histories over the 6-8 years prior to the sleep study showed advantages in sleep for women who were consistently partnered versus women who were unpartnered throughout this interval, or those who had lost or gained a partner over that time course. These results persisted after adjusting for potential confounders.


The stable presence of a partner is an independent correlate of better sleep quality and continuity in women.


Troxel WM; Buysse DJ; Matthews KA; Kravitz HM; Bromberger JT; Sowers M; Hall MH. Marital/cohabitation status and history in relation to sleep in midlife women. SLEEP 2010;33(7):973-981.  相似文献   

Investigated several possible models to explain the seemingly discrepant relations between self-esteem and conduct problems, as both low self-esteem and exaggerated levels of self-esteem, thought to be captured by narcissism, have been associated with aggressive and antisocial behavior. Our sample consisted of 98 nonreferred children (mean age = 11.9 years; SD = 1.68 years) recruited from public schools to oversample children at risk for severe aggressive and antisocial behavior. Results indicated that certain aspects of narcissism (i.e., those indicating a need to be evaluated well by, and obtain status over, others) were particularly predictive of maladaptive characteristics and outcomes such as low self-esteem, callous-unemotional (CU) traits, and conduct problems. In addition, the relation between narcissism and conduct problems was moderated by self-esteem level, such that children with relatively high levels of narcissism and low self-esteem showed the highest rates of conduct-problem symptoms.  相似文献   

Personality may influence sleep in perinatal women. A follow-up study was conducted among 3,752 pregnant, then postpartum women at Akershus University Hospital, Norway. The Big Five personality dimensions were measured by the Mini-International Personality Item Pool in week 17 of pregnancy. Insomnia was measured by the Bergen Insomnia Scale in pregnancy week 32 and 8 weeks postpartum, along with self-reported sleep times. The Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale measured depression, and the Hopkins Symptom Checklist measured anxiety. Adjusted for current anxiety, depression, and demographic variables, the personality traits Neuroticism and Agreeableness were associated with insomnia in pregnancy. No personality traits were associated with postpartum insomnia. Extraversion was associated with longer postpartum sleep duration and better sleep efficiency, and Agreeableness with shorter sleep duration.  相似文献   

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