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The Emotion Expression Scale for Children (EESC) is a new self-report scale designed to examine 2 aspects of deficient emotion expression: lack of emotion awareness and lack of motivation to express negative emotion. Validity was assessed using self-report measures of emotion regulation and self- and peer-report of internalizing and externalizing symptoms. Using a community sample of 208 fourth- and fifth-grade children, reliability analyses revealed high internal consistency and moderate test-retest reliability of the EESC. The results provide initial support for concurrent validity for the EESC factors evidenced by relations with measures of emotion management. Associations were found between the EESC and measures of internalizing symptoms.  相似文献   

Investigated agreement between mothers, fathers, teachers, and children on equivalent forms of a standardized measure of behavioral and emotional problems. Ninety-eight children, age 13 years, completed the Youth Self-Report (Achenbach, 1991d). Their mothers and fathers completed the Child Behavior Checklist (Achenbach, 1991b), and their teachers completed the Teacher Report Form (Achenbach, 1991c). Children generally reported the most problems and teachers the least. Agreement was highest between mothers and fathers on internalizing and externalizing problems, and lowest for rater pairs involving teachers on internalizing problems. Analyses of a multitrait-multimethod matrix for ratings of internalizing and externalizing problems indicated good convergent validity, large rater effects, and weaker discriminant validity. Conditional probabilities for agreement on deviant and nondeviant scores indicated that ratings by no informant could substitute for those of any other rater. Teacher ratings of externalizing problems were the best predictor of referral for mental health services.  相似文献   

Examined the impact of a range of health related constructsreflecting maternal physical symptomatology, health servicesutilization, subjective health status, depressed mood, medical-psychologicalcomplaints, and marital adjustment on children's internalizingand externalizing behavior problems in a community sample (N= 145). Physical symptomatology predicted a general second-orderlatent factor of children's behavior problems. Depressed moodpredicted a primary latent factor of internalizing child behaviorproblems. Seizure symptoms, and more health problems in thelast 4 years specifically predicted child psychosomatic complaints/anxiety.Thus, general physical symptoms predicted a broad spectrum ofproblem behaviors, whereas specific mental or physical healthproblems predicted similar distinct problem behavior syndromes.Implications of these results for identifying children at riskfor psychopathology, and the relevance of social learning theoryand a broader based family systems approach are discussed.  相似文献   

Examined the relation between children's self-reported anger and sadness regulation and the presence of internalizing and externalizing symptoms. Participants were 121 boys and 106 girls in the fourth and fifth grades who completed the Children's Depression Inventory (CDI), State-Trait Anxiety Inventory for Children (STAIC), Emotion Expression Scale for Children (EESC), and Children's Emotion Management Scales (CSMS, CAMS) and rated each other on aggressive behavior. Results of multiple regression analyses indicated that the inability to identify emotional states, the inhibition of anger, the dysregulation of anger and sadness, and the constructive coping with anger predicted internalizing symptoms. The dysregulated expression of sadness and constructive coping with anger were inversely related to externalizing symptoms.  相似文献   

We investigated the cognitive content of worry in 8- to 13-year-old clinic-referred anxious (n = 38) and nonreferred (n = 51) children. The children were interviewed individually. They thought-listed their latest worry episodes, rated the uncontrollability of the episodes, and reported on the strategies they used to terminate worry. Content analyses showed that children's worry episodes contained predominantly thoughts reflecting negative outcome anticipation, but other types of thought content also were present. These included problem-solving, ruminating, and self-blaming thoughts. Compared to clinic-referred children, nonreferred children reported more problem solving and less ruminating. In the nonreferred group, increasing age was associated with more problem solving and less ruminating. No such age-related associations were found in the clinic-referred group. The 2 groups did not differ in the types of worry-termination strategies they reported, but clinic-referred children were more likely to keep worrying until the perceived threat was removed. The results suggest that the problem-solving function of worry is still emerging during late childhood and that developmental delays in problem solving may be associated with excessive and uncontrollable worrying.  相似文献   

Examined a conceptual model in which dual developmental pathways (behavioral and cognitive) are hypothesized to account for the relation among internalizing behavior problems, intelligence, and later scholastic achievement using a cross-sectional sample of 325 children. Classroom behavior and select aspects of cognitive functioning (vigilance, short-term memory) were hypothesized to mediate the relations among internalizing problems, IQ, and long-term scholastic achievement. Hierarchical tests applied to a nested series of models demonstrated that (a) individual differences in measured intelligence among children are associated with variations in classroom performance and cognitive functioning, (b) classroom performance and cognitive functioning make unique contributions to prediction of later achievement over and above the influence of intelligence, (c) anxious/depressive features are correlated but separable constructs, and (d) anxiety/depression and withdrawal contribute to prediction of classroom performance and cognitive functioning over and above the effects of intelligence. Classroom performance and cognitive functioning thus appear to mediate the effects of internalizing behaviors as well as intelligence. Particular attention to the presence and potential impact of social withdrawal on children's functioning, both alone and concomitant with anxiety/depression, appears warranted during the course of clinical evaluations owing to the strong continuity among these variables.  相似文献   

Previous studies have addressed the degree of correspondence between interparental reports of children's behavior problems, but have not examined the discrepancies in these reports. A meta-analysis containing 60 studies and 126 independent effect sizes was conducted. Results suggest that maternal and paternal ratings exhibit moderate correspondence in ratings of internalizing behavior problems in children and large correspondence in ratings of externalizing and total behavior problems in children. In terms of discrepancy of reports, parents reported similar levels of all types of problems. Age, gender, and socioeconomic status were found to moderate correspondence between mothers' and fathers' ratings but did not moderate discrepancies in mothers' and fathers' ratings.  相似文献   

Internalizing and externalizing behaviors are heritable, and show genetic stability during childhood and adolescence. Less work has explored how genes influence individual differences in developmental trajectories. We estimated ACE biometrical latent growth curve models for the Teacher Report Form (TRF) and parent Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL) internalizing and externalizing scales from ages 7 to 16 years in 408 twin pairs from the Colorado Longitudinal Twin Study. We found that Intercept factors were highly heritable for both internalizing and externalizing behaviors (a2 = .61–.92), with small and nonsignificant environmental influences for teacher-rated data but significant nonshared environmental influences for parent-rated data. There was some evidence of heritability of decline in internalizing behavior (Slopes for teacher and parent ratings), but the Slope genetic variance was almost entirely shared with that for the Intercept when different than zero. These results suggest that genetic effects on these developmental trajectories operate primarily on initial levels and stability, with no significant unique genetic influences for change. Finally, cross-rater analyses of the growth factor scores revealed moderate to large genetic and environmental associations between growth factors derived from parents' and teachers' ratings, particularly the Intercepts.  相似文献   

We investigated bias in self-perceptions of competence (relative to parent ratings) for family, school, and peer domains as predictors of adjustment problems among 139 young adolescents over a 1-year period using a prospective design. Regressions examined measures of bias at Time 1 (T1) as predictors of ratings of internalizing and externalizing problems at Time 2 (T2), controlling for T1 adjustment ratings. For the family domain, curvilinear trends were found. Follow-up analyses revealed that for this domain both negative bias (self-perceptions less favorable than parent ratings) and positive bias (self-perceptions more favorable than parent ratings) predicted greater internalizing and externalizing problems as rated by youth, parents, and teachers. For the peer domain, higher scores on the measure of bias predicted greater internalizing and externalizing problems as rated by teachers. These findings are consistent with the view that accuracy in self-perceptions of competence can have important implications across multiple domains of development.  相似文献   

We examined the criterion validity of parent and self-report versions of the Junior Temperament and Character Inventory (JTCI) in children with high levels of externalizing problems. The sample included 412 children (206 participants and 206 siblings) participating in a family study of attention and aggressive behavior problems. Criterion validity analyses included (a) correlations between temperament scales and emotional and behavioral scales and (b) correlations between temperament and intelligence and achievement scales. Temperament scales displayed strong convergent and discriminant validity. Across informants and samples, JTCI scales assessing novelty seeking and harm avoidance discriminated between internalizing and externalizing problems. Reward dependence, persistence, cooperativeness, and self-directedness displayed similar patterns of negative relations to emotional and behavioral scales and positive relations to intelligence, achievement, and competence.  相似文献   

This study examined trajectories of psychopathology in a sample of low-income urban youth and tested exposure to community violence as a predictor of these trajectories. Self-report and parent-report survey measures of psychological problems and exposure to community violence were collected annually over 3 years from a sample of 364 fifth- to ninth-grade low-income urban youth (64% female; 95% youth of color). Linear growth models showed that youth experienced declines in both internalizing and externalizing symptoms across adolescence. Exposure to community violence was more strongly associated with externalizing symptoms than with internalizing symptoms but predicted declines in both types of symptoms. Results also indicated that youth reported more internalizing and externalizing symptoms than their parents reported for them. Exposure to community violence may explain unique trajectories of mental health problems among low-income urban youth. In addition, youth efforts to adopt a tough façade in the face of community violence could lead to higher rates of externalizing problems relative to internalizing problems, whereas desensitization processes may better explain reductions in both types of symptoms over time. Finally, youth report may be more valid than parent report in the context of urban poverty.  相似文献   

We examined longitudinally collected behavioral reports by teachers on a unique twin sample at the ages of 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12 years. As twin and adoption studies implicate the role of genetic influence on behavioral problems found to be stable in epidemiological samples, the current study employs a developmental behavior genetic model to examine the extent to which genetic and environmental contributions to problem behaviors are stable and/or change during development. In this sample of 410 monozygotic (MZ) and 354 dizygotic (DZ) twins, MZ twins were rated as more similar than DZ twins on average. In general, boys were more frequently rated as displaying externalizing behaviors than were girls across each of the six observations, while girls’ internalizing problems were found not to be significantly different from boys’. For both sexes, stability in externalizing problem behaviors was due to a single common genetic factor whose effects acted pleiotropically at each age in the presence of unique environmental influences that were transmitted from age-to-age. Change was largely due to uncorrelated age-specific non-shared environmental and additive genetic effects. Contributions to stability for internalizing problems were due to age-to-age transmission of earlier expressed genetic effects. Change for girls and boys internalizing problems were largely due to environmental experiences unique to siblings along with uncorrelated age-specific genetic effects. These results further inform the notion that individual environments are important factors in the etiology of problem behaviors, but suggest that heritable contributions to phenotypic stability are largely the same across middle childhood and early adolescence. Clinical implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

The longitudinal links between symptoms of externalizing difficulties—oppositional defiant disorder (ODD) and conduct disorder (CD)—and symptoms of depression are unclear. Therefore, we were interested in examining the temporal relation of symptoms of ODD, CD, and depression across 7 years in a sample of 643 10-year-old children (= 10.91, SD = 0.36) at Time 1 using cross-lagged path analysis. Although symptoms of ODD predicted depressive symptoms across most time points and CD at Time 1 negatively predicted depressive symptoms at Time 3, evidence of the inverse relation was also found for both ODD and CD. Sex differences did not emerge. These findings add to the mixed literature on the directionality of externalizing and internalizing difficulties in children and adolescents by suggesting the presence of a reciprocal relation.  相似文献   

In a sample of 1,940 Dutch 7-year-old twin pairs we studied the etiology of individual differences in Internalizing and Externalizing behavioral problems. For the majority of twins in the sample, both maternal and paternal ratings of behavioral problems were obtained from the Child Behavior Checklist. This made it possible to take into account processes underlying agreement and disagreement between maternal and paternal ratings. For both problem behaviors, a Psychometric model fitted the data better than a Rater Bias model, implying that parents, in addition to the behaviors they similarly observed, also assessed unique aspects of their children's behaviors. Relatively large genetic influences were found for Externalizing problems, explaining over 50% of the variance in both boys and girls. For internalizing problems, the heritability was over 30% in both sexes. Shared environmental factors were nearly as important as genetic influences in explaining the variation in behavioral problems. For both Externalizing and Internalizing problems, around 30% of the variance was accounted for by the shared environmental factors.  相似文献   

Temperamental approach is associated with adolescent internalizing and externalizing symptoms. Negative family affective expression, or problematic communication about emotions, is also associated with youth’s risk for symptoms. However, it is unclear whether negative family affective expression differentially predicts symptoms based on (a) youth’s temperamental approach and (b) informants’ perceptions of negative family affective expression. To address these issues, we explored whether mother-, father-, and youth-reported negative family affective expression moderated the relation between youth temperamental approach and symptoms. Participants were 775 youths (71% male, 76% Caucasian) assessed at ages 10–12 (Time 1) and 12–14 (Time 2). Mothers, fathers, and youths reported on negative family affective expression and youths reported on temperamental approach at Time 1. Teachers reported on youth symptoms at Times 1 and 2. Youth- and father-reported, but not mother-reported, negative family affective expression moderated the relation between youth approach and symptoms. When youths reported higher negative family affective expression, youths lower in approach exhibited higher internalizing symptoms than youths higher in approach. In contrast, when fathers reported lower negative family affective expression, youths lower in approach exhibited higher internalizing and externalizing symptoms than youths higher in approach. Assessments and interventions for youth symptoms should include not only temperamental features, but also multiple informants’ perspectives of family affective expression. Such efforts could promote greater family communication, address problematic family dynamics, and potentially attenuate risk for youth symptoms.  相似文献   

Assessed the effect of co-occurring versus not co-occurring internalizing and externalizing behavior problems on the reasons parents reported for clinical referral of their adolescent child. Reasons for referral were coded for 181 inpatient adolescents, and parent ratings of internalizing and externalizing behavior were obtained for a general population sample of 500 adolescents. Parents concurrently reported internalizing and externalizing behavior as reasons for referral less frequently (p < .0001) than would be expected given the correlation between these two domains in the general population sample. This suggests that the presence of externalizing problems may decrease parents' concern or awareness of internalizing problems, the presence of internalizing problems may decrease parents' concern or awareness of externalizing problems, or both Implications for the clinical referral of adolescents and for informal parental efforts at helping their children with externalizing and internalizing problems are discussed.  相似文献   

This study tested associations in path models among positive and negative parenting and children's rule-breaking behavior, aggressive and oppositional behavior, and attention problems for families with a drug-dependent parent. A structural model tested relations between parenting and children's externalizing problems for 251 families with 399 children between the ages of 6 and 18, controlling for nonindependence of ratings at the family level. The model also tested potential moderators, including child age, gender, and ethnicity (White vs. other), and caregiver gender (families with a female substance-abusing caregiver vs. families with a male substance-abusing caregiver). Results indicated that caregiver ratings of monitoring predicted rule-breaking behavior and use of inconsistent discipline predicted ratings of all 3 externalizing syndromes, after controlling parenting and externalizing problems for the effects of the moderators and after controlling significant relations among types of parenting and types of externalizing problems.  相似文献   

We evaluated the efficacy of a manualized multimodal treatment program for young externalizing children. Families were assigned randomly to an immediate 12-week parent and child treatment condition (n = 24) or to a delayed-treatment condition (n = 23). Parents had high attendance, high satisfaction with treatment, and increased knowledge of behavior management principles. Relative to the waitlist condition, treatment parents reported statistically and clinically significant reductions in child behavior problems, improved parenting practices (i.e., increased consistency, decreased power assertive techniques), an increased sense of efficacy, and reduced parenting stress. There was a trend toward parents improving their attitudes toward their children. In considering the process of change, we found evidence that improved parenting practices mediated reductions in child behavior problems and that child improvements mediated changes in parent attitudes and stress. Five months following treatment, teachers reported significant improvements in child behaviors, whereas parents reported that reductions in child behavior problems and parenting stress were maintained.  相似文献   

This randomized controlled trial examined the longitudinal effects of two school-based indicated depression prevention programs on adolescents’ internalizing and externalizing symptoms, as measured by adolescents, their parents, and their teachers. One hundred eighty-six adolescents participated in this study. The average age was 14.01 (SD = 1.22) years, and the sample was 66.7% female. One third of the sample belonged to a racial minority. Youth received either Interpersonal Psychotherapy–Adolescent Skills Training or group counseling. Symptoms were assessed using adolescent, parent, and teacher reports on the Achenbach System of Empirically Based Assessment at baseline, postintervention, and 6-month follow-up. Adolescents reported the most robust effects in favor of Interpersonal Psychotherapy–Adolescent Skills Training. Adolescents in Interpersonal Psychotherapy–Adolescent Skills Training reported significantly greater reductions in internalizing symptoms through the 6-month follow-up and significantly greater reductions in externalizing symptoms during the intervention as compared to group counseling. Less robust effects were found when examining parent and teacher reports, although there was evidence of significant within-group change in parent- and teacher-reported internalizing symptoms for both interventions and significant between-group differences in teacher-reported externalizing symptoms. This study provides additional evidence supporting the efficacy of Interpersonal Psychotherapy–Adolescent Skills Training as a depression prevention program for adolescents. Interpersonal Psychotherapy–Adolescent Skills Training appears to have fast-acting effects on broadband internalizing and externalizing symptoms as reported by adolescents. This suggests that Interpersonal Psychotherapy–Adolescent Skills Training may serve as a transdiagnostic preventive intervention. Moreover, given the disparate reports of adolescents, parents, and teachers, this study demonstrates the significance of collecting information from multiple sources when possible.  相似文献   

This study examined mother- and teacher-rated internalizing behaviors (i.e., anxiety, depression, and somatization symptoms) among young children using longitudinal data from a community sample of 661 Mexican and Dominican families and tested a conceptual model in which parenting (mother's socialization messages and parenting practices) predicted child internalizing problems 12 months later. Children evidenced elevated levels of mother-rated anxiety at both time points. Findings also supported the validity of the proposed parenting model for both Mexican and Dominican families. Although there were different pathways to child anxiety, depression, and somatization among Mexican and Dominican children, socialization messages and authoritarian parenting were positively associated with internalizing symptoms for both groups.  相似文献   

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