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Since recurrent bilateral breast infection due to nontuberculous mycobacterium (NTM) is rare, its diagnosis is easily overlooked; in addition, complete recovery is often difficult to achieve. We report a case of recurrent bilateral infection in a 35-year-old woman who had completed treatment for NTM. Although various infectious diseases show similar clinical conditions and imaging findings, recurrences should raise suspicion of NTM infection, and this possibility should be considered in differential diagnoses.  相似文献   

The present study included 28 cases of carcinoma of pyriform sinus admitted in ENT ward of SMS Hospital in year 2000. The present work has been undertaken to analyse the prevalence and distribution of cervical lymph node metastases in cases of Pyriform sinus carcinoma, to compare the incidence and distribution of lymph node metastasis in medial vs lateral wall pyriform sinus carcinoma and to review the case of pyriform sinus carcinoma in reference to symptoms, clinical features and histopathological tumor staging. Most of the patients were in 6th decade of life. Sex incidence observed was male 93% and female 7% Histological variety was moderately differentiated squamous cell carcinoma (46.5%) which differs from the previous studies reporting the commonest variety to be poorly differentiated squamous cell carcinoma. It was observed in this series that 60% cases were of malignancy medial wall of pyriform fossa and 40% cases were of both lateral and medial wall. In contrast to previous studies which suggested that chances of contralateral cervical metastases was more with carcinoma involving medial wall of pyriform sinus, we observed equal incidence of contralateral node metastases in both group of pyriform sinus carcinoma case. In the present study 75% cases presented to us with T4 stage. Though there were 4 cases of T1 tumor in present series but none were in TNM stage I or II. This indicates that there is essentially no difference in the risk of lymph node metastases by T-stage.  相似文献   

We report a case of Amyloidosis of larynx in a 60-year-old adult who reported to us with hoarseness of voice of 3 years long duration and no other symptoms. Patient was treated successfully with endoscopic curettage of the mass with no inadvertent ill effects.  相似文献   

梨状窝癌的临床和组织病理学研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的:探讨改善梨状窝癌生存率的途径及保留和(或)重建喉功能的方法。方法:回顾性分析70例梨状窝癌上消化道重建的方法及保留和(或)重建喉功能的情况等临床资料。对43个梨状窝癌手术标本进行连续切片病理检查。结果:全组70例5年生存率为48.6%。69例术后一期恢复吞咽功能,20例保留喉发声功能。43个全器官连续切片结果证明内壁癌和内外壁癌常致半喉固定。结论:梨状窝癌外科治疗原则是在保证肿瘤切除彻底性的前提下尽可能保留和(或)重建喉功能。  相似文献   

目的:探讨梨状窝癌侵犯喉结构的规律,为保留喉功能的梨状窝癌的手术治疗提供病理学依据。方法:应用石蜡包埋大体标本连续切片的方法,对26例梨状窝癌全喉及次全喉切除的标本进行了研究。结果:位于梨状窝内侧壁的肿瘤容易向喉腔扩展,声门旁间隙及甲状软骨是最易受侵犯的喉结构,环状软骨受侵较少;会厌及全厌前间隙的侵犯未见超过中线,声门旁间隙及会厌前间隙的侵犯途径有两个,肿瘤沿杓会厌襞向前及在甲状软骨板内侧直接向前侵犯声门旁间隙;肿瘤沿杓会厌襞向内上方及在甲状软骨板内侧上部侵入会厌前间隙。结论:声门旁间隙及会厌前间隙的受侵并不是喉部分切除的禁忌证,大部分位于状窝外侧壁的肿瘤及部分梨状窝内侧壁的肿瘤保留喉功能是可行的。  相似文献   

A case of a 79-year-old female with rupture of the spleen due to primary angiosarcoma is presented. Symptoms were non-specific. Diagnosis was based on histology postoperatively. Primary angiosarcoma of the spleen is a very rare and aggressive neoplasm with a high metastatic rate and almost uniformly fatal. Due to small number of reported cases, there are no guidelines concerning adjuvant or palliative treatment or any beneficial protocols of chemotherapy or radiotherapy up to date. Splenectomy prior to rupture seems to have a positive impact on long-term survival.  相似文献   

室管膜瘤是儿童第三大原发脑肿瘤,约占儿童中枢神经系统肿瘤的9%。本文报告1例罕见的右顶巨大复发性室管膜瘤。患者男性,10岁,7年前行右顶叶室管膜瘤切除加去骨瓣减压术,并行术后放疗。4年前肿瘤复发,未予治疗。入院体检见患者右顶巨大肿物(周径54cm),头颅CT及MRI显示右顶巨大占位17cm×16cm×17cm(约4624cm3)。手术全切除肿瘤,术后DTI显示白质传导束保存,患者神经功能改善。  相似文献   

Perforations of nasal septum are fairly frequent with an incidence of about 0.9 % and may lead to morbidity than mortality. Common causes are trauma (iatrogenic occasionally nose picking), malignancy, inflammations and infections such as tuberculosis, syphilis, Wegener’s granulomatosis, sarcoidosis and fungal infections. Paranasal fungal sinusitis is frequently encountered in clinical practice in both immunocompromised and immunocompetent individuals. Nasal septal perforations caused by species of Aspergillus and Fusarium have been documented. We report a case of nasal septal perforation in a 35-years-old immunocompetent male patient due to Purpureocillium lilacinum, a soil and environmental fungus and an emerging pathogen, which is known to cause various infections in humans with normal and deficient immune system. Fungal aetiology was diagnosed by histopathology and direct smear examination and confirmed by culture. Patient was treated with voriconozole, following Antifungal susceptibility testing (AFST), to which the patient is responding.  相似文献   

Tumors originating in the parapharyngeal space are rare and are fascinating to the surgeon in view of the anatomical complexity of the area, varied histological type of tumors encountered and the impressive size which some of these tumors attain before becoming clinically evident. We report a rare case of schwannoma arising from the cervical sympathetic chain presenting as a mass in the parapharyngeal space.  相似文献   

A 22 year old woman with Primary Oxalosis was dialysed for four years before renal transplantation. This failed acutely from graft rejection although there was evidence of oxalosis in the graft. Dialysis was continued until the time of death a year later. Over the period of dialysis progressive and extensive osteosclerosis developed. This was confirmed at autopsy to be related to widespread oxalate deposition.  相似文献   

A patient with a seven-year history of recurrent metastatic hemangiopericytoma(HPC) was admitted.During his treatment,he received surgical resection,radiotherapy,radiofrequency hyperthermia and chemotherapy using combined doxorubicin,dacarbazin, vincristine,ginsenoside Rg3,and recombinant human endostatin.This synergistic method provides an encouraging model for treating HPC.  相似文献   


A 54-year old woman, intensively treated for aggressive, relapsed lymphoma had symptoms of severe dyspnea and hoarseness. The diagnosis of endotracheal aspergilloma was made by sputum culture, bronchoscopy and biopsy. The lesions consisted of endotracheal aspergilloma associated with tra-cheal obstruction due to the mass effect. The patient improved dramatically after removal of the mass.  相似文献   

A case of juvenile thyroid carcinoma with metastasis to thebilateral cervical lymph nodes in a 9-year-old male is reported.The clinical picture of juvenile thyroid carcinoma is characterizedby early metastasis to the lungs and cervical lymph nodes. InEurope, there have been many reports of thyroid carcinoma afterradiation. However, our patient had received no radiation. Surgeryconsisted of subtotal thyroidectomy and right modified neckdissection. The tumor was a papillary adenocarcinoma and metastasiswas seen in 24 out of 38 lymph nodes removed. The serum thyroglobulinlevel, determined by radioimmunoassay, was 184 ng/ml preoperatively,but by 8 months postoperatively the level fell to 48 ng/ml.No signs of recurrence have been found to date (30 months afterthe operation).  相似文献   

患者女性 ,76岁。12年前曾因腹壁肿块于外院手术切除 ,1年后于手术疤痕处又发现鸡蛋大小肿块 ,再次予以手术切除 ,两次病理诊断均不详。第2次手术后不久 ,原手术疤痕处又发现肿块 ,生长较缓慢 ,近两年来肿块明显增大 ,且伴痛、痒。外科检查 :腹平 ,上腹壁见手术疤痕 ,其上有一肿块突起 ,约4cm×4cm ,质中 ,周围见多个蚕豆大小肿块突出于皮肤表面 ,质硬 ,基底较宽 ,无压痛。病理检查 :梭形皮肤10.5cm×5cm ,中央见隆起的卵圆形肿块约5cm×3.8cm×3.5cm ,周围见数个小球形或山丘状结节突起 ,直径0.6cm…  相似文献   

戴江峰 《肿瘤学杂志》2013,19(8):664-664
1资料患者,男性,40岁。因"发现右侧颈部肿块10余年"入院。患者于10年前始发现右侧颈部肿块,当时约玻璃弹大小,无吞咽异常,无疼痛不适,无呼吸困难,无声音沙哑,无心悸心慌,无乏力不适,无怕热怕冷,无腹胀腹痛腹泻。当时未重视就诊。十余年来,肿块逐渐增大,目前约鸡蛋大小,未出现其他不适症状,声音无沙哑。为治疗入院。查体发现:双眼不突,  相似文献   

Cervical cancer is the fourth most common cancer in females worldwide. Patients with stage III and IV cervical cancer based on the Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics (FIGO) classification have higher recurrence rates. Because of organs at risk (OAR) protection and the low indication rate of salvage surgery, the choice of treatment is always challenging. Systemic chemotherapy is palliative and can be performed in conjunction with surgery or radiotherapy; however, it has no significant benefit to survival. Brachytherapy and stereotactic body radiotherapy (SBRT) are characterized by extremely high radiation doses applied to tumor cells while sparing the normal tissues. Several studies have investigated the efficacy of these technologies in recurrent cervical cancer and showed promising results. The immune checkpoint inhibitors approach was also investigated and showed promising results too. Herein, we report a case of a patient with cervical cancer that recurred five months after adjuvant chemotherapy and concurrent chemoradiotherapy. The disease prognosis after interstitial implantation brachytherapy (IIB) was determined. Then, the patient underwent radioactive 125I-seed implantation combined with PD-1 inhibitor treatment. The patient exhibited a partial response after seed implantation, and up to now, the duration of this partial response was 24 months.  相似文献   

A 32-year-old man presented to our department with abdominal pain and fever. In an earlier hospitalization he was diagnosed with periappendicular abscess and treated with antibiotics. Due to fever and ‘non-resolution’ of the abscess and due to its deep location in the lower abdomen, which excluded percutaneous drainage, we elected to operate the patient. A large mass in the cecum accompanied with an abscess resulted in a right hemicolectomy. The pathological examination revealed a desmoid tumor of the cecum. The patient''s recovery was uneventful.Key words: Desmoid tumor, Appendix, Periappendicular abscess, Fibromatosis  相似文献   



The common presentations of caecal cancer are anaemia, weight loss and obstructive symptoms. Caecal cancer perforation and abscess formation are rare and mostly intra- or retroperitoneal.

Case report

We present a case of abdominal wall abscess secondary to penetrating caecal cancer, the inability of computed tomography scan in aiding the diagnosis and successful surgical excision.


When caecal cancer presents atypically, the preoperative diagnosis is difficult, but complete excision is possible even with abdominal wall penetration.  相似文献   

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