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Background: The aim of this study was to compare epidural infusion of bupivacaine and fentanyl and intermittent epidural morphine with regard to analgesic effect, and incidence and severity of side effects in children undergoing major abdominal or genito-urological surgery in order to improve the postoperative pain management of children. Methods: A double-blind, block-randomised study design was used. Thirty-one children aged 3 months to 6 years undergoing major abdominal or genito-urological surgery were studied. After induction of anaesthesia a lumbar epidural catheter was placed at L3–4 or L4–5. Postoperatively, the children received either 30 μg/kg of morphine every 8 h or a continuous infusion of fentanyl 2 μg/ml and bupivacaine 1.0 mg/ml at a rate of 0.25 ml.kg-1.h-1. All children additionally received rectal paracetamol in doses of 50–100 mg.kg-1. d-1 on a regular basis, and if necessary supplementary intravenous morphine in doses of 50 μg/kg. Postoperatively, pain, administration of supplemental morphine and side effects were recorded 5 times by one observer during the day of surgery and the first postoperative day. All children had an epidural catheter throughout the study period. Results: Both regimens provided effective analgesia, but significantly better pain relief was obtained in children receiving the fentanyl/bupivacaine regimen. Sedation, pruritus, vomiting, and administration of antiemetics were seen in both treatment groups, and even though both the incidence and severity of side effects tended to be higher in children receiving morphine, no statistically significant difference was found. No episodes of respiratory depression or motor blockade were noticed. Conclusion: Continuous epidural infusion of fentanyl and bupivacaine was found to be superior to intermittent epidural morphine. The initial regimen should be fentanyl 2 μg/ml and bupivacaine 1.0 mg/ml infused at a rate of 0.25 ml. kg-1. h-1.  相似文献   

Fentanyl and morphine were administered epidurally to the patients after upper abdominal surgery for postoperative pain management. One hundred and ninety patients were divided into 3 groups; F group: bolus and continuous administration of fentanyl, M group: bolus and continuous administration of morphine, FM group: bolus of fentanyl and morphine and continuous administration of morphine. Pain scores of 1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 12 hours after administration and of the next morning were examined and side effects were recorded. Pain scores at 1 and 2 hours in F and FM group were significantly lower than those in M group. There were no significant differences in the scores among 3 groups from 3 hours to the next morning. The incidence of itching in F group was significantly less than in other groups. Respiratory depression (less than respiratory rate 8.min-1) occurred in 2 cases in M and FM group, but no case in F group. FM group had no advantage compared with F group. We conclude that continuous epidural infusion of fentanyl is more useful than morphine for postoperative pain management after upper abdominal surgery.  相似文献   

Thirty-four patients undergoing thoracotomy were entered into a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study to compare the effects of patient-controlled, lumbar epidural (PCA-E) fentanyl with patient-controlled intravenous (PCA-i.v.) fentanyl with respect to drug requirements, analgesic efficacy and respiratory function. Prior to chest closure patients received fentanyl 2 micrograms.kg-1 by the epidural or i.v. route. In the recovery room further doses of epidural or i.v. fentanyl, 50 micrograms, were administered by the patients who controlled two PCA pumps. Background fentanyl infusion rates were increased by 10 micrograms.hr-1 each time the patient administered a drug bolus and were decreased by 10 micrograms.hr-1 whenever visual analogue scale (VAS) pain scores were less than 2 on a maximum 10 scale. Twenty-nine patients completed the study. Patients in the PCA-E group (n = 14) required less total fentanyl than those in the PCA-i.v. (n = 15) group (1857 +/- 693 micrograms vs 2573 +/- 890 micrograms respectively, P less than 0.05). Fentanyl infusion rates were lower in the PCA-E group at most measurement times. There were no differences between groups in respiratory rates, PaCO2, VAS pain scores or changes in pulmonary function as measured by FVC and FEV1. It is concluded that satisfactory patient-controlled analgesia can be achieved with both epidural and i.v. fentanyl after thoracotomy but that fentanyl requirements are less when given via the epidural route. This supports a direct spinal cord site of action for lumbar epidural fentanyl.  相似文献   

The efficacy and safety of postoperative analgesia with continuous epidural infusion of either morphine or fentanyl in combination with bupivacaine were evaluated in 85 patients, ASA physical status I or II, undergoing thoracic and/or upper abdominal surgery. Patients were treated with one of the combinations for 48 h after surgery. The morphine/bupivacaine group (MB; n = 45) received morphine at the rate of 0.2 mg h-1, and bupivacaine at the rate of 10 mg h-1 for the first 24 h or 5 mg h-1 for the second 24 h; the fentanyl/bupivacaine group (FB; n = 40) received fentanyl at the rate of 20 μg–h-1, and bupivacaine at the rate of 10 mg h-1 for the first 24 h or 5 mg h-1 for the second 24 h. The degree of pain relief assessed by the visual pain scale and the modified Prince Henry pain scale was satisfactory in most patients in both groups. In group MB 74% and in group FB 76% of patients did not need any supplementary analgesics. No significant differences were observed between the groups in assessment of pain. The incidence of hypotension ( P < 0.05) and pruritus ( P < 0.05) was higher in group MB than in group FB. None of the patients developed respiratory depression in either group.  相似文献   

罗哌卡因复合芬太尼用于产妇自控硬膜外分娩镇痛的可行性   总被引:40,自引:0,他引:40  
目的评价罗哌卡因复合芬太尼用于产妇自控硬膜外镇痛的可行性.方法ASA I~Ⅱ级初产妇足月单胎90例随机分为3组.30例为对照组,60例分为2组镇痛组A组(PCEA-LP)0.2%罗哌卡因复合芬太尼2μg/ml负荷量10ml,当VAS≥20mm时,自控给药4ml/次,锁定时间为15min.B组(PCEA-LCP)相同药物负荷量10ml,半小时后背景量4ml/h,当VAS≥20mm给药4ml/次,锁定时间为15min,直到宫口开全停药.连续监测呼吸循环状况,评估镇痛效应和运动阻滞的程度,观察记录产程进展,采集静脉血测血浆儿茶酚胺浓度,观察不良反应及新生儿情况.结果新生儿评分,脐带静脉血血气分析,活跃期及第Ⅱ产程时间3组无显著差异.A、B两组间VAS疼痛评分,感觉阻滞,运动阻滞程度,NE,E浓度和剖宫产率无差别.对照组剖宫产率显著高于镇痛组(P<0.01),第一产程末NE、E浓度显著高于镇痛组(P<0.01).A组用药量、瘙痒发生率低及胎头吸引率均低于B组(P<0.01).结论0.2%罗哌卡因复合芬太尼2μg/ml硬膜外自控镇痛安全有效,降低了剖宫产率,在相同的分娩镇痛水平PCEA-LP模式比PCEA-LCP模式用药更少,副作用发生率低.  相似文献   

The safety and side-effects profile of epidural administration of a hydrophilic (morphine), highly lipophilic (fentanyl) and a drug with intermediate hydrophilic and lipophilic activity (hydromorphone) were compared in 90 children undergoing orthopaedic procedures. Ninety patients were randomly assigned (30 in each group) to receive epidural morphine, hydromorphone, or fentanyl for postoperative analgesia. Respiratory effects, nausea, somnolence, urinary retention, pruritus and visual pain scales were evaluated and compared during a 30-h period following surgery. In the morphine group, 25% showed respiratory depression with oxygen saturation below 90% but there was no incidence of respiratory depression in the fentanyl or hydromorphone groups. Somnolence was prominent in some of the patients in all the groups, but was more prolonged in the morphine group. Statistically, there was no significant difference in nausea between the groups, but pruritus was more severe and frequent in the morphine group. The incidence of urinary retention in the morphine group was higher compared with the fentanyl and hydromorphone groups. In conclusion, epidural hydromorphone, demonstrating less side-effects, is preferable to morphine and fentanyl for epidural analgesia in children.  相似文献   

Fifteen patients undergoing total hip and total knee replacement were studied prospectively to evaluate postoperative pain relief provided by an epidural infusion of fentanyl citrate, with and without lidocaine hydrochloride, and changes in arterial flow to the lower extremities. The patients were randomly placed in three groups: group 1 received epidural fentanyl, 5 micrograms/mL; group 2 received epidural fentanyl, 5 micrograms/mL with 0.75% solution of lidocaine; and group 3 received epidural fentanyl, 5 micrograms/mL with 1.0% solution of lidocaine. All patients received 1.5% solution of epidural etidocaine hydrochloride with epinephrine 1:200,000 for intraoperative anesthesia. No clinical evidence of deep vein thrombosis, tachyphylactic reaction to lidocaine, orthostatic hypotension, or motor block was demonstrated in any patient. The addition of lidocaine to the epidural fentanyl infusion did not improve pain relief or allow a decrease in the rate of infusion. Patients in all groups had improved arterial flow to the lower extremities 24 hours postoperatively.  相似文献   

The analgesic effects of epidurally administered morphine 5 mg (group M, n = 15), fentanyl 100 micrograms (group F, n = 15), 2% lidocaine 60 mg (group L, n = 15) and normal saline (group S, n = 10) were investigated in 55 patients scheduled for abdominal surgery. Each drug was prepared in 3 ml solution and was injected though an epidural catheter introduced 3 cm cephalad into the epidural space at T10-11. Analgesic effects were assessed by changes in the dull pain sensation induced by electrical stimulation at 3 Hz through a pair of stainless needles which were placed subcutaneously at T7 and T10 dermatomes. In group M, analgesic effects at T10 were demonstrated in 12 of 15 subjects and the onset of analgesia was more rapid at T10 than at T7. The mean onset time of analgesia was 7.8 +/- 3.6 (mean +/- SD) min. There were 5 subjects in group F and 6 in group L who showed more rapid onset of analgesic effects at T10 than at T7, respectively. There were 2 subjects in group F and 5 in group L, with more rapid onset of analgesia at T7 than at T10. There were several subjects in group F and L with simultaneous onset of analgesia at T7 and T10. In group L, the mean distribution of analgesic area, confirmed with pinprick, was 5.2 +/- 1.9 (mean +/- SD) dermatomal segments. Hypercapnea, associated with somnolence, was frequently seen in group F. None of the subjects in group M, L or S showed such incidents. These results suggest that the main site of action of epidural morphine is located in the spinal cord while that of epidural fentanyl in the brain.  相似文献   

Background: The fentanyl iontophoretic transdermal system (fentanyl ITS)enables needle-free, patient-controlled analgesia for postoperativepain management. This study compared the efficacy, safety, andease of care of fentanyl ITS with patient-controlled, i.v. analgesia(PCIA) with morphine for postoperative pain management. Methods: A prospective, randomized, multicentre trial enrolled patientsin Europe after abdominal or orthopaedic surgery. Patients receivedfentanyl ITS (n = 325; 40.0 µg fentanyl over 10 min) ormorphine PCIA [n = 335; bolus doses (standard at each hospital)]for 72 h. Supplemental i.v. morphine was available during thefirst 3 h. The primary efficacy measure was the patient globalassessment (PGA) of the pain control method during the first24 h. Results: PGA ratings of ‘good’ or ‘excellent’were reported by 86.2 and 87.5% of patients using fentanyl ITSor morphine PCIA, respectively (95% CI, –6.5 to 3.9%).Mean (SD) last pain intensity scores (numerical rating scale,0–10) were 1.8 (1.77) and 1.9 (1.86) in the fentanyl ITSand morphine PCIA groups, respectively (95% CI, –0.38to 0.18). More patients reported a system-related problem forfentanyl ITS than morphine PCIA (51.1 vs 17.9%, respectively).However, fewer of these problems interrupted pain control (4.4vs 41.3%, respectively). Patients, nurses, and physiotherapistsreported more favourable overall ease-of-care ratings for fentanylITS than morphine PCIA. Study termination rates and opioid-relatedside-effects were similar between groups. Conclusion: Fentanyl ITS and morphine PCIA were comparably effective andsafe.  相似文献   

不同浓度芬太尼对硬膜外罗哌卡因分娩镇痛效应的影响   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
目的 观察不同浓度芬太尼对硬膜外罗哌卡因分娩镇痛效应的影响。方法 本研究为多中心、随机、双盲对照研究,选择要求分娩镇痛的初产妇128例,ASAⅠ或Ⅱ级,随机分为4组,FD组(n=33):单纯罗哌卡因组;F1组(n=30):罗哌卡因混合1μg/ml芬太尼组;F2组(n=33):罗哌卡因混合2μg/ml芬太尼组;F3组(n=32):罗哌卡因混合3μg/ml芬太尼组。所有产妇于L2.3硬膜外穿刺头向置管,注入15ml药液。各组初始罗哌卡因浓度为0.12%,其后每例产妇所用浓度按双盲、序贯法进行调整。以VAS评价产妇注药30min内镇痛效果,计算硬膜外罗哌卡因分娩镇痛的半数有效浓度(EC50),记录注药后30min产妇收缩压、心率及胎儿心率、运动阻滞程度及不良反应发生情况。结果 共有124例完成试验观察。各组硬膜外罗哌卡因分娩镇痛的EC50及其95%可信区间(95%CI)为:F0组:0.110%及0.1090%-0.1116%;F1组:0.089%及0.0877%-0.0911%;F2组:0.073%及0.0717%~0.0744%;F3组:0.060%及0.0560%~0.0634%,F1、F2、F3组EC50低于F0组(P〈0.01)。硬膜外注药后30min内,产妇心率、血压、胎儿心率均在正常范围,各组运动阻滞程度比较差异无统计学意义(P〉0.05);与F0组比较,乃组皮肤瘙痒发生率升高(P〈0.05)。结论 硬膜外混合低浓度芬太尼(1-3μg/ml)能增强0.12%罗哌卡因分娩镇痛效果,推荐芬太尼的安全浓度范围为1~2μg/ml。  相似文献   

Sixty patients were randomly assigned to two equal groups. Group I received epidural morphine 1 mg after surgery and used a patient-controlled analgesia device programmed to deliver morphine 0. 2 mg h-1, 0.2 mg per bolus. Group II received an epidural loading dose of morphine 1 mg plus ketamine 5 mg and used a patient-controlled analgesia device programmed to deliver morphine 0. 2 mg+ketamine 0.5 mg h-1, morphine 0.2 mg+ketamine 0.5 mg per bolus with a lockout time of 10 min. The mean morphine consumption was 8. 6+/-0.7 mg for group I and 6.2+/-0.2 mg for group II. Although group II utilized significantly less morphine (P < 0.05), pain relief was significantly better in group II than in group I (P < 0.05) in the first 3 h. Vomiting occurred more frequently in group I (26%) than in group II (13%). The frequency and severity of pruritus and level of sedation were similar in the two groups. These findings suggest that patient-controlled epidural analgesia with morphine plus ketamine may provide effective analgesia with a lesser dose of morphine and fewer subsequent side effects, compared with patient-controlled epidural analgesia with morphine alone after lower abdominal surgery.  相似文献   

目的 评估罗哌卡因复合不同浓度芬太尼用于胸科手术后硬膜外镇痛(PCEA)效果及不良反应.方法 选取择期胸科食管及贲门手术男性患昔72例,年龄18~65岁,随机分成三组,每组24例.术前T7~8行硬膜外穿刺留置导管,术后接硬膜外镇痛泵.分别用罗哌卡因复合芬太尼1μg/ml(A组)、2μg/ml(B组)或3μg/ml(C组),观察术后2、4、8、12、24、36、48 h的安静/咳嗽疼痛VAS评分、不良反应和追加使用吗啡剂量和PCEA按压情况.结果 术后2、4、8 h,B、C组安静和咳嗽时VAS评分均明显低于A组(P<0.05);术后16 h,B、C组咳嗽时VAS评分仍低于A组(P<0.05).B、C组PCEA按压次数显著少于A组(P<0.01),追加吗啡量也明显低于A组(P<0.01).结论 0.15%罗哌卡因合用1、2、3μg/ml芬太尼用于PCEA均可获得满意镇痛效果;但推荐以0.15%罗哌卡因合用2μg/ml为首选,镇痛效果好,不良反应低.  相似文献   

Oral controlled release morphine (CRM) was compared in a double-blind study with epidural morphine (EM) for postoperative pain relief in 20 patients undergoing knee arthrotomy under epidural anesthesia. Ten patients received 30 mg CRM orally and saline epidurally (CRM group), and ten patients received placebo tablets orally and 4 mg morphine epidurally (EM group), both at the time of skin incision and then every 8 hr for 48 hr during which patients evaluated pain intensity using a visual analog scale. Nine of the ten patients in the EM group had good relief of pain throughout the study period. Seven of the ten patients in the CRM group needed rescue analgesics within 6 hr of the initiation of the study (P less than 0.01). We conclude that CRM is not suitable for the control of early postoperative pain, whereas epidural morphine is excellent.  相似文献   

In a prospective, randomized, double-blinded study, 23 patients who had undergone Caesarean delivery under epidural anaesthesia were assessed to evaluate the effectiveness of patientcontrolled epidural analgesia (PCEA) with fentanyl compared with a single dose of epidural morphine for postoperative analgesia. Group A (n = 11) received epidural fentanyl 100 μg intraoperatively, then self-administered a maximum of two epidural fentanyl boluses 50 μg (10 μg · ml?1) with a lockout period of five minutes for a maximum of two doses per hour. Group B (n = 11) received a single bolus of epidural morphine 3 mg (0.5 mg · ml?1) intraoperatively and received the same instructions as Group A but had their PCA devices filled with 0.9% NaCl. Patients were assessed up to 24 hr for pain, satisfaction with pain relief, nausea and pruritus using visual analogue scales (VAS). The treatments for inadequate analgesia, nausea and pruritus as well as time to first independent ambulation were recorded. The ventilatory response to carbon dioxide challenge was measured at four and eight hours. Pain relief, satisfaction with pain relief, and the use of supplemental analgesics were similar in both groups. The mean 24 hr dose of epidural fentanyl used by group A patients was 680 μg. Pruritus was less common in Group A patients at the 8 and 24 hr observation periods (P < 0.0125). Both groups experienced the same degree of nausea and clinically unimportant respiratory depression. We conclude that PCEA with fentanyl provides analgesia equal to a single dose of epidural morphine and may be suitable for patients who have experienced considerable pruritus after epidural morphine adminstration.  相似文献   

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