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目的:研制一种能够高精度同步采集多路运动心电信号的专用数据采集卡。方法:1)硬件上,以196KC单片机为核心构成数据采集系统,设计可以完成数据采集、基本数据预处理及相关控制的数据采集卡;2)软件上,单片机完成A/D转换、信号的实时预处理以及与主机通信3大任务,主机则接收数据并且实时处理数据。结果:在运动心电图的检测系统中所设计的数据采集卡配合主机CPU实现了双处理器工作,同时为了减轻主机负担,由数据采集卡完成数据预处理功能,合理利用了硬件资源。结论:该数据采集卡能够满足运动心电图临床检测的要求。  相似文献   

目的 讨论通用串行总线的技术特点和在生物医学工程领域中的应用,并且为讨论其开发技术奠定基础。方法 首先对通用串行总线的技术原理和发展现状进行论述,然后结合实例再对其在生物医学工程中的应用进行讨论。结果 通用串行总线技术具有其低成本、高性能、易扩展、多平台等技术优势,其技术特性极其适合各类医学仪器的研发需要。结论 通用串行总线技术凭借其众多技术优势在生物医学工程领域中将得到越来越广泛的应用。  相似文献   

医学影像学信息系统工作站配置方案的探讨   总被引:20,自引:3,他引:17  
目的:探讨适合国情的医学影像学信息系统工作站配置方案及实现方式。方法:工作站逻辑上分别医学影像存储与传输系统(PACS)工作站和放射学信息系统(RIS)工作站。PACS工作站包括CT和MR影像诊断、常规X线影像诊断,以及高分辨灰阶显示等3类工作站组成;RIS工作站则根据其用途分为诊断报告、登录、报告打印与分发、管理等多种功能类别。结果:影像诊断报告工作站采用单机双屏构型,物理地集成PACS和RIS的影像诊断过程的操作。CT、MR等低像素影像诊断过程配置对角线17in(1in=2.54cm)彩色显示顺作为操作界面,常规X线影像诊断操作则采用21i彩色或灰阶肖像式显示器配置,对于未涉及影像操作的工作站类型,如IRS登录、报告分发、管理等,全部采用普通PC机实现。结论:满足医学影像诊断的基本需求并符合节约投资的要求是进行医学影像学信息系统工作站规划所遵循的基本原则,单机双显配置可以成为医学影像学诊断工作站构型设计的首选方案。  相似文献   

计算机X线摄影(Computer radiography简称CR)是使用存储荧光体技术的数字化X线摄影技术。CR技术实现了X线摄影信息数字化,数字图象数据可用计算机处理、显示、传输和存储,优化影像质量,突出感性趣诊断信息,提高X线利用率,为X线摄影信息直接进入PACS系统及远程医学会诊奠定基础,使传统X线摄影步人数字化医学影像学家族。本文将CR胸片与普通胸片的影像质量进行了比较,  相似文献   

随着现代计算机和信息集成技术的飞速发展,医学影像设备的数字化与信息化已成为时代潮流与发展的趋势。X线设备也随之进入了数字成像领域,极大地丰富了形态诊断信息和图像的层次,提高了医学影像形态学的诊断水平,实现了X线影像的网络传输、存储、显示、拷贝、无胶片化等,是X线发现100余年以来为医学临床服务的一场技术革命。  相似文献   

目的研制一个能够实时采集、处理和传输心电、呼吸、体温、血压信号的软件系统,用于对飞船座舱内航天员生理信息的监测.方法在以单片机为核心构成的硬件平台上,由软件完成A/D转换,信号的实时处理、存储和传输.结果实现了对航天员心电、呼吸、体温和血压信号的实时采集;从心电数据中实时提取心率值;实现了生理数据的存储;并将实时存储生理数据和提取出的生理参数传送给飞船系统.结论该软件系统可以满足载人飞行医学监督的要求.  相似文献   

PACS系统前景与展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
数字图像存储与传输(PACS)是建立在医学成像、图像处理、工作站及网络设计、数据库、软件工程和通讯工程基础上的技术含量高、实践性强的高新技术产品,旨在全面解决医学图像的获取、显示、存储、传送和管理的综合系统,PACS这一术语是迈阿密大学医学院的A.J.DuerinCKX于1981年提出的,由于它的代表性和国际通用性,一直沿用至今并越来越被人们所接受。目前,  相似文献   

目的:开发基于医学影像存储与传输系统(PACS)的交付,满足临床医生对影像的需求。本文着重介绍了计算机医学图文诊断系统的研制和临床应用,分析影像数据流程类型过程及实现方式。材料与方法:利用具有较好支持DICOM3.0的Mini-PACS实现放射科数字化影像设备的互联与医院影像工作站联网,并最后与HIS联网。结果:数字影像通过PACS实现放射科医生和临床医生影像资源共享.并实现远程医疗会诊。结论:影像存档与传输系统能提高影像资源信息利用率、工作效率和经济效益。  相似文献   

目的:设计应用于检测CT图像空间分辨力的实用方法及体模。方法:检测体模由两块纯有机玻璃中嵌入约0.1 mm厚的铝箔制成,扫描时使之与扫描面垂直,得到系统的冲击响应,即线扩展函数,经相干平均和傅立叶变换等步骤获得系统的调制传输函数,从而评价设备的空间分辨力。受检设备为单层面和多层面CT扫描仪各一台,设置不同扫描条件,共做4组实验。结果:调制传输函数曲线与所采用的扫描条件一致,截止频率与采用国际通用的CAPHAN 500体模测量的结果相当。结论:与线对法相比,通过测量线扩展函数计算调制传输函数来评价CT图像空间分辨力的方法减少了人工干预,结果准确、可靠。  相似文献   

放射科DICOM标准PACS的设计与实现   总被引:28,自引:1,他引:27  
目的以我院影像存档及传输系统(picturearchivingandcommunicationsystem,PACS)的设计、构建为例,探讨适合中国国情的医学数字影像传输(digitalimagingandcommunicationsinmedicine,DICOM)标准的PACS发展模式。方法按阶段性发展、模块化结构和DICOM标准3个原则设计,并制订出3期发展细节。结果按PACSI期设计、构建PACS模块间的网络连接,实现数字影像的网络传输、及时浏览显示及胶片打印等几个主要功能,并成功地完成了系统在DICOM层次的设置、调试和影像交流。结论根据我院DICOM标准PACS的设计,成功地完成I期系统的构建及运行,初步表明,我院PACS设计是符合中国国情的PACS发展的一个可行方案  相似文献   

Construction of a new Veterans Administration Medical Center provided a unique opportunity to design and implement a state-of-the-art nuclear medicine department in a large teaching and research hospital. The new medical center allowed the acquisition of all new gamma cameras and computer systems without any historical need to patch together a system of old and new equipment. The picture archiving and communication system (PACS) was designed to link five gamma cameras to four image viewing areas, followed by digital archive on an optical disc. The gamma cameras' computers and viewing areas' computers are linked to a central networking computer in a manner that provides nine independent but digitally communicating image computers. Each nuclear medicine computer is capable of acquiring gamma camera data while possibly also performing up to three other simultaneous tasks: analysis of image data, transfer of image data from node to node, and patient database manipulation. The nine image computers each appear to the user as a digital file cabinet, containing various folders, which in turn contain patient studies. To transfer a patient study from one location to another, the user simply queues a transfer request by selecting a file drawer-folder combination for the source and destination locations. It takes only a few seconds to queue a transfer request, and the transfer is complete about a minute later without any further user intervention. A computer genie awakens during the early morning off-hours and performs housekeeping tasks, including movement of patient studies (based on date of acquisition) from active viewing folders to inactive archive folders. All scheduling, workload data, patient image reports, etc, are handled by a patient textual information database system. Patient reports and scheduling information are transmitted to the medical center's central computer where they are made readily available throughout the medical center. The PACS, in clinical use since the spring of 1988, is practical and well-received by technologists, nuclear medicine physicians, and more importantly, our consumer, the referring physicians.  相似文献   

Researchers of the future will depend upon computer technology to address questions that previously could not be answered using traditional methods of data acquisition. Recent advances in computer design and software availability have eliminated many of the limitations previously associated with computer use in the laboratory setting. Although computerisation facilitates the acquisition of laboratory data, identification of errors introduced into the measurement is often more difficult. The laboratory computer is only one component of an automated data acquisition system. A system designed to collect physiological data comprises several primary components, including: (a) sensing element; (b) signal amplification/conditioning circuits; (c) analogue display; (d) computer interface; (e) laboratory computer; and (f) acquisition software. The acquisition and conditioning of analogue signals is accomplished using traditional laboratory procedures familiar to the researcher. Converting this analogue signal into a digital format used by the computer, however, represents new techniques. Fundamentals of computerised data acquisition are discussed. An understanding of how an automated data acquisition system is configured and the techniques used to transform the values will assist the user in identifying sources of error introduced into the measurement. Additionally, familiarization with the methods of computerisation will provide insight into future applications of computer technology in the human performance laboratory.  相似文献   

A simple but versatile data acquisition system for software coincidence experiments is described, in which any time stamping and live time controller are not provided. Signals from β- and γ-channels are fed to separately two fast ADCs (16 bits, 25 MHz clock maximum) via variable delay circuits and pulse-height stretchers, and also to pulse-height discriminators. The discriminating level was set to just above the electronic noise. Two ADCs were controlled with a common clock signal, and triggered simultaneously by the logic OR pulses from both discriminators. Paired digital signals for each sampling were sent to buffer memories connected to main PC with a FIFO (First-In, First-Out) pipe via USB. After data acquisition in list mode, various processing including pulse-height analyses was performed using MS-Excel (version 2007 and later). The usefulness of this system was demonstrated for 4πβ(PS)-4πγ coincidence measurements of (60)Co, (134)Cs and (152)Eu. Possibilities of other extended applications will be touched upon.  相似文献   

In our institute, an MR apparatus, MAGNETOM VISION (Siemens) was replaced by ECHELON Vega (HITACHI). Z-score data acquired by MPRAGE (VISION) was compared with those by radio frequency-spoiled steady-state acquisition with rewinded gradient echo (RSSG) and gradient echo inversion recovery (GEIR) (ECHELON). For this study, ten normal volunteers were recruited and their data ware obtained within two months using both apparatuses. In addition, the difference of the contrasts of the images of these apparatuses was compared. There was a significant difference between Z-scores of MPRAGE and RSSG while there was no difference between MPRAGE and GEIR. As for the contrast, data of MPRAGE were similar to those of GEIR. To compare Z-scores acquired with MAGNTOM VISION (Siemens), it seems appropriate to use GEIR in ECHELON Vega.  相似文献   

A computer based simulation program was developed to assess the usefulness of various attenuation correction algorithms and data acquisition methods in single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) in a unified approach. The program analytically calculated projection ray sums from a mathematical model with various distributions of activities and either uniform or non uniform attenuation coefficients by using the line integrals including the effect of attenuation. Data acquisition starting at arbitrary angles, various acquisition angles, including a 180° scan and a non circular orbit of a gamma camera, including an elliptical orbit can readily be taken into consideration in our simulation program. To simulate non circular orbit data acquisition, the resolution dependence on the object distance from the collimator surface was incorporated into the simulation. This computer based simulation program allows various combinations of attenuation correction algorithms such as hybrid methods, and data acquisition methods can be evaluated under a large number of study conditions. The usefulness of this computer based simulation program is shown with several representative examples.  相似文献   

The selective multiple-quantum coherence transfer method has been applied to image polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) distributions in human breast tissues in vivo for cancer detection, with complete suppression of the unwanted lipid and water signals in a single scan. The Cartesian k-space mapping of PUFA in vivo using the selective multiple-quantum coherence transfer (Sel-MQC) chemical shift imaging (CSI) technique, however, requires excessive MR scan time. In this article, we report a fast Spiral-SelMQC sequence using a rapid spiral k-space sampling scheme. The Spiral-SelMQC images of PUFA distribution in human breast were acquired using two-interleaved spirals on a 3 T GE Signa magnetic resonance imaging scanner. Approximately 160-fold reduction of acquisition time was observed as compared with the corresponding selective multiple-quantum coherence transfer CSI method with an equivalent number of scans, permitting acquisition of high-resolution PUFA images in minutes. The reconstructed Spiral-SelMQC PUFA images of human breast tissues achieved a sub-millimeter resolution of 0.54 × 0.54 or 0.63 × 0.63 mm(2) /pixel for field of view = 14 or 16 cm, respectively. The Spiral-SelMQC parameters for PUFA detection were optimized in 2D selective multiple-quantum coherence transfer experiments to suppress monounsaturated fatty acids and other lipid signals. The fast in vivo Spiral-SelMQC imaging method will be applied to study human breast cancer and other human diseases in extracranial organs.  相似文献   

三层Web结构实现军事医学科学院仪器设备管理系统   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的:基于JSP技术,构建军事医学科学院仪器设备管理系统,以Web方式实现军事医学科学院仪器设备的管理。方法:以JSP技术为基础构建三层Web结构,采用Page—view with bean的JSP体系结构,使用JDBC—0DBC桥接驱动程序连接SQL Server2000数据库,实现仪器设备管理系统。结果与结论:军事医学科学院仪器设备管理系统以Web方式通过网络管理军事医学科学院仪器设备,利于数据共享与交换,具有一定的实用价值。  相似文献   

After satisfactory experimental results with three-dimensional data acquisition and presentation of the kidney in vitro, we wanted to show how our technique could be used for medical application in vivo, such as ultrasonic 3D reconstruction of organs. The sector scans were taken by rotating the scan head 10 degrees in any direction around the length of the axis. The organ was scanned with 18 images and reconstructed. The digital images, using the organ contours, allowed 3D reconstruction of the original organ, relying on the computer memory. The first results in reconstructing uteri show how this scan head can be used in combination with the computer programs for medical application. For the first time, it has become possible to present computer-generated views of an organ cross-section that has been impossible to obtain by means of traditional ultrasound techniques. Recent experiments using this method show new ways of diagnosing tumors.  相似文献   

Purpose: A steady pulsed imaging and labeling (SPIL) scheme is proposed to obtain high‐resolution multislice perfusion images of mice brain using standard preclinical MRI equipment. Theory and Methods: The SPIL scheme repeats a pulsed arterial spin labeling (PASL) module together with a short mixing time to extend the temporal duration of the generated PASL bolus to the total experimental time. Multislice image acquisition takes place during the mixing times. The mixing time is also used for magnetization recovery following image acquisition. The new scheme is able to yield multislice perfusion images rapidly. The perfusion kinetic curve can be measured by a multipulsed imaging and labeling (MPIL) scheme, i.e., acquiring single‐slice ASL signals before reaching steady‐state in the SPIL sequence. Results: When applying the SPIL method to normal mice, and to mice with unilateral ischemia, high‐resolution multislice (five slices) CBF images could be obtained in 8 min. Perfusion data from ischemic mice showed clear CBF reductions in ischemic regions. The SPIL method was also applied to postmortem mice, showing that the method is free from magnetization transfer confounds. Conclusion: The new SPIL scheme provides for robust measurement of CBF with multislice imaging capability in small animals. Magn Reson Med 75:238–248, 2016. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

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