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本文在对目前聋儿语言康复现状进行分析的基础上,简要介绍了与聋儿语言康复相关的语言学理论,认为语言学研究成果已为聋儿语言康复奠定了坚实的理论基础和方法论准备,提出要充分认识语言学理论和方法在聋儿语言康复中的重要性并发挥语言学专业人才在聋儿语言康复中的作用,不断提高语训教师的语言学修养。同时,着眼于完善聋儿语言康复专业教师知识结构,初步提出一个聋儿语言康复专业本科和硕士研究生的核心课程设置方案。  相似文献   

培养聋儿的语言交往能力是提高聋儿康复质量的关键步骤,也是聋儿回归主流社会的必经之路。  相似文献   

目的探讨如何利用信息技术提升聋儿的康复教育水平和质量。方法根据聋儿康复教育的实质,在分析聋儿康复教育现状的基础上,探讨利用信息技术改善。提高聋儿的康复教育水平和质量。结果基于信息技术,可从聋儿康复教育机构信息化管理、通过远程教育传授康复知识.大力开发并推广聋儿康复教育设备、指导集体康复和个别化康复方案制订、家庭康复网络指导及远程会诊和远程评课6方面提高聋儿康复教育水平和质量。结论信息技术能改善.提高聋儿的康复教育水平和质量。  相似文献   

本刊讯为贯彻落实《中华人民共和国残疾人保障法》、《中华人民共和国教育法》,加强聋儿康复机构及从业人员规范化建设,提高聋儿康复质量,全国残疾人康复工作办公室聋儿康复协调组在组织中国残疾人康复协会听力语言康复专业委员会有关专家反复论证并广泛征求各级聋儿康复机构管理及从业人员意见的基础上制订了《听力语言康复教师执业资格准入管理办法》(试行)、《基层聋儿康复机构基本设置推荐规范》(试行)、《助听器验配人员执业资格准入管理办法》(试行)、《助听器验配机构基本设置推荐规范》(试行)、《助听器验配工作指南》(试行)等5个行…  相似文献   

浅谈晨间对话在聋儿语言发展中的作用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
口语交流是聋儿康复教学最主要的目的之一,但是其前提条件是培养聋儿的交流意识,而这是聋儿康复的难点。怎样培养聋儿主动对话、自主交流的意识是聋儿康复教师长期思考的问题。晨间对话是聋儿一日语言学习和沟通交流的开始,通过合理设计展间对话课程,能给聋儿刨设优良的语言交流环境。本文从实践经验出发。对晨间对话在聋儿语言交流中的作用进行了详细阐述。  相似文献   

在我国聋儿康复事业发展的进程中,无论是学龄前还是学龄后聋儿,虽然很多经过听力语言康复回归了有声世界,可是在聋儿“康复普及率”和“升学率”提高的同时,回流现象也日益凸显,成为聋儿康复教育的一道难题。本文通过对回流的原因进行分析和探讨,以寻求破解回流问题的对策。  相似文献   

在训聋儿个体直接康复成本调查分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的了解在训聋儿个体直接康复成本,为政府制定社会保障救助体系提供决策依据。方法采用中国聋儿康复研究中心2005年制定的“聋儿康复现状调查问卷”,结合访谈法对安徽省残疾人康复研究中心在训的40名聋儿进行了调查,收回有效问卷31份。调查内容包括聋儿家庭基本经济情况、助听器配戴情况及康复训练·隋况等内容。结果聋儿家庭年经济收入普遍低于全省平均水平;在训聋儿个体直接康复成本偏高;大部分聋儿选配了合适的助听器,语言训练效果显著。讨论政府应保护聋儿家长的康复积极性,建立社会救助体系,降低在训聋儿个体直接康复成本支出,提高康复效率,促进社会和谐发展。  相似文献   

本文根据聋儿语言发展的特点,构建了“立足康复兼顾全面”的花朵式聋儿语言康复教育模式,探讨了聋儿语言康复教育不同阶段的内容、形式及参与人员等多个要素之间的相互关系,以及该模式的实施原则。  相似文献   

本刊讯 为贯彻落实《中华人民共和国残疾人保障法》、《中华人民共和国教育法》,加强聋儿康复机构及从业人员规范化建设,提高聋儿康复质量,全国残疾人康复工作办公室聋儿康复协调组在组织中国残疾人康复协会听力语言康复专业委员会有关专家反复论证并广泛征求各级聋儿康复机构管理及从业人员意见的基础上制订了《听力语言康复教师执业资格准入管理办法》(试行)、《基层聋儿康复机构基本设置推荐规范))(试行)、《助听器验配人员执业资格准入管理办法》(试行)、《助听器验配机构基本设置推荐规范》(试行)、《助听器验配工作指南》(试行)等5个行业管理办法。2005年10月公布并在残联所属机构先予试行,以期在行业发展中起到示范作用,为规范全行业管理奠定基础。  相似文献   

为进一步推广听力语言康复专业知识.规范与提高听力语言康复服务水平,中国聋儿康复研究中心拟于2009年举办听力语言康复系列培训班。  相似文献   

目的 了解我国省级听障儿童康复机构中3岁以下听障儿童的康复状况,探讨未来听障婴幼儿的康复模式.方法 采用问卷调查的方式,对全国省级听障儿童康复机构进行调查,重点调查2009年底前听障婴幼儿开始接受康复的时间和模式.结果 在省级康复机构最早接受康复指导和训练的听障儿童年龄为2个月,多采取由家长定期带小儿到机构接受训练的形式.同时结合定期举办家长培训班及指导家庭康复的方法 ;随着新生儿听力筛查的推广和普及,听障婴幼儿早期康复干预需求呈上升趋势,家长和机构对早期康复较过去更加重视.结论 政府对听障儿童的康复投入不断增加.低龄听障儿童的康复越来越受到重视;未来的康复应把低龄听障儿童作为重点,根据家庭、社会的需求,采取机构、社区、家庭等多种形式的康复教育,加大对家长的培训及社区家庭指导力度.  相似文献   

Universality, early initiation, complexity and continuity - should be the main attributes of rehabilitation in patients after laryngectomy. The authors discuss the problem of universality and accessibility of rehabilitation in Poland. A great role in realization of this attributes played since 20 years the Polish Society of Laryngectomees. Till now the governmental help and the participation of the National Health Fund for the patients after laryngectomy is very limited. The early rehabilitation should be started before the operation and a particular note must be taken to the patient's changed vital situation after the surgical treatment. The complexity of the rehabilitation must cover the whole spectrum of rehabilitation; it means voice and speech therapy, the improvement of respiratory system function, the problems of respiratory air conditioning and the psychological as well as social psychological aspects. The authors describe a model of such a complex rehabilitation that can be provided in health resorts. In the postoperative period the role of the laryngectomee clubs and associations is very important to assure the continuity of rehabilitation.  相似文献   

目的通过个案研究探讨合并孤独症倾向的听障幼儿开机两年半的康复训练进程、效果及康复中的困难和试用办法。方法运用观察法和文本分析法,将个案在各阶段各领域的康复进展及效果进行梳理。结果经过2年半的个别化康复训练,个案的认知和语言理解水平有较大提高,且呈现先慢后快的趋势,但言语水平进步缓慢,听觉习惯依然有待提高,尤其是聆听的专注度和配合度依然不佳。结论对于合并孤独症倾向的听障幼儿,个别化听觉语言康复训练能有效提高幼儿的语言理解和认知能力,但言语清晰度和主观配合度的提高依然需要跨团队合作,可尝试将孤独症儿童康复训练的部分理念和方法运用到听觉言语康复训练中。  相似文献   

目的探讨儿童语言习得理论在人工耳蜗术后康复训练中的应用,以期为人工耳蜗术后康复提供理论基础。方法结合相关理论,阐述儿童语言习得理论在康复实践中的应用。结果儿童语言习得理论在人工耳蜗术后康复中具有广泛的应用基础,并发挥着重要的作用。结论儿童语言习得理论为人工耳蜗术后康复提供理论支持,并为术后康复的有效进行提供了坚实的方法论依据。  相似文献   

本文主要介绍聋儿家庭康复评估系统,包括家庭康复评估的目的、意义、内容和具体方法。其中,重点介绍了家长素质及家庭康复效果的评估内容和方法。  相似文献   

Although the results of surgical rehabilitation by means of voice prostheses are on the average better than rehabilitation via oesophageal speech, the tracheoesophageal puncture (TEP)-technique has so far not been widely used in Germany. The majority of hospitals still prefer the "traditional" method of voice rehabilitation using oesophageal speech. The present prospective study was undertaken to compare the results of postlaryngectomy vocal rehabilitation, if patients were offered the surgical voice rehabilitation via voice prosthesis as an alternative to oesophageal speech. Taking into account all the patients who underwent laryngectomy from 1989 until 1990 in Tübingen, primary surgical voice rehabilitation was performed in 44 out of 54 patients (81.5%). Interestingly enough, 34 patients who underwent laryngectomy were able to perform communication via the telephone on the day of their discharge. Moreover, one-third of the laryngectomised patients showed a significant increase in speech intelligibility within the first six months after laryngectomy. 36 patients with laryngectomy were able to attain proficiency 6 months after surgery. In 12 patients the prosthesis had to be removed, since either phonation was impossible or patients successfully learned and preferred oesophageal speech. In conclusion, independent of the method of voice rehabilitation (prosthesis, electrolarynx, oesophageal speech), our results support the hypothesis that a voice rehabilitation regimen will yield a higher rehabilitation rate of patients if rehabilitation via surgical voice is offered as an alternative to learning the oesophageal voice. Therefore, it seems to be advisable that patients are allowed to have the choice between surgical rehabilitation and oesophageal speech restoration.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

H J Schultz-Coulon 《HNO》1984,32(1):3-12
The rehabilitation of the laryngectomee has not only a functional aspect, i.e. restoration of voice and treatment of physical complaints, but also requires social readjustment and mastering of psychological problems. The most important part of functional rehabilitation is the acquisition of an effective substitute voice. A critical review of the various methods of voice restoration reveals that esophageal speech is still to be preferred, because it is independent of any aids. The Singer-Blom voice prosthesis appears to be superior to the vocal fistula of Staffieri because of its smaller aspiration risk and less complications. Regarding electromechanical speech aids some recent publications by several authors have outlined probable improvements in this field. For the treatment of physical complaints a suction pump, an inhalor and a humidifier are necessary in every case as well as gauze aprons for the protection of the tracheostoma, an ointment for skin care and (for patients wearing a tracheostomy tube) a set-up for cleaning the tube. This indispensable basic equipment may be complemented by a shower shield, a swimming tube, an alarm bell and a respiration tube for emergencies. Efforts at social rehabilitation have two directions: (1) Support of social reintegration by eliminating ignorance, prejudices and anxieties of relatives and friends; (2) preservation of employment or procurement of a new job. The task of psychological rehabilitation is to cope with the abnormal depressive reaction which is to be expected in about half of the patients; psychological rehabilitation begins with intensive counselling before surgery and goes hand in hand with a quick and complete functional and social rehabilitation; its main goal is the restoration of selfconfidence in the patient. These multiple rehabilitation tasks can only be accomplished by close cooperation with the speech therapist, the social services, the employment office and the employer, the insurance companies and possibly with the psychotherapist. The laryngectomee associations and special rehabilitation centers offer valuable help, but the ENT-specialist does have a key position as an advisor and coordinator within the rehabilitation process.  相似文献   

聋儿康复档案是记录聋儿听力语言康复训练的基本资料,它在聋儿康复工作中有着重要的理论和实践意义。本文在阐述康复机构档案利用率低的基础上,提出了开发利用档案的重要意义及途径。  相似文献   

人工耳蜗植入术是治疗重度及极重度感音神经性聋的有效手段,但其术后听觉言语康复效果却存在差异。本文通过分析和总结相关文献,归纳人工耳蜗植入术后听觉言语康复效果的影响因素。植入年龄和术后康复训练被认为是影响听觉言语康复效果的主要因素。随着基因诊断及分子生物学的发展,探索基因突变与人工耳蜗植入术后效果之间的内在联系成为研究热点。通过基因诊断明确患者分子病因,结合分析其他相关影响因素,为临床医师评估人工耳蜗植入术后听觉言语康复效果提供依据。  相似文献   

目的 了解和分析北京市民办听障儿童康复机构的康复对象、师资队伍、人员配备、康复模式等情况.方法 采用问卷和访谈等方法对北京市8家民办听障儿童康复机构进行调查.结果 北京市民办听障儿童康复机构服务对象多为外地户籍儿童,很多机构同时招收非听力障碍儿童;超过1/3的教师为非特教专业、缺乏听力语言康复教学经验、学历较低;民办机构人员配备不符合要求.结论 亟需加强民办机构的管理、提高康复教师素质.  相似文献   

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