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The right hemipelvis of 98 patients was examined by angiography to determine the occurrence and location of the corona mortis artery. This arterial anastomosis was found in 28.5% (28 of 98). Its incidence was 30.5% (18 of 59) in men and 25.6% (10 of 39) in women; this difference was not significant ( p>0.05). The distance from the symphysis pubis to the anastomotic artery averaged 33.4 mm (range 21.4-41 mm). It was 31.8 mm (range 21.4-39.3 mm) in men and 36.2 mm (range 25-41 mm) in women; this difference was significant ( p<0.05).  相似文献   

Corona mortis (CMOR) is an anastomotic branch between the external iliac or inferior epigastric vessels and the obturator artery or vein, or any vascular connection between the obturator and the external iliac systems in general with high anatomic variability. The aim of this study was to evaluate the type of anastomosis, if arterial, venous or both and the other subtypes of CMOR. Twenty-five laparoscopic procedures of bilateral pelvic lymphadenectomy for gynecological oncologic procedures (50 half pelvises) were performed. CMOR was located in 15 half pelvises on the right side (60 %), in 7 half pelvises on the left side (28 %), in 3 patients it was evidenced bilaterally. CMOR was dissected in 26/50 (52 %) half pelvises. Venous anastomosis was more frequently (46 %) followed by both venous and arterial vessels; in only 8 % (2/26) an arterial communication was observed. 83 % of venous anastomosis were single communications. One isolated arterial anastomosis was evidenced in two patients. In the cases of both arterial and venous anastomosis, one venous and one arterial vessel in 5/6 (83 %) were detected, and one type of anastomosis with one arterial and two venous vessels. Our data suggest that venous CMOR is usually present in higher frequency than the arterial one, followed by the combined type with arterial and venous connections. The isolated venous anastomosis resulted the frequent subtype.  相似文献   

A 70-year-old woman with osteoporosis fell at home and presented to our emergency department with intense left hip pain. Radiographs revealed a left iliopubic rami fracture and nondisplaced right ischiopubic rami fracture. She was discharged after a 24-hour observation with no clinical changes. Seventy-two hours later, she was readmitted with a painful abdominal mass, progressive oliguria, tachycardia, hypotension, and profuse perspiration with generalized pallor. On physical examination, a painful mass in the hypogastrium and intense inflammation in the thigh and the proximal portion of left knee were found.Emergent multiphase contrast computed tomography revealed a large nonhomogeneous hematoma neighboring the fractured left iliopubic rami, and contrast extravasation indicated arterial bleeding. Selective angiography showed an active hemorrhage from the distal portion of a small branch of the left obturator artery. After embolization of the arterial vessel, the patient was hemodynamically stable. The fracture was rotationally and vertically stable.These fractures are common, especially among the elderly. This type of injury is usually treated conservatively and with active mobilization once the acute pain has subsided. Supraselective embolization after localization of the bleeding vessels by arteriography is recognized as a minimally invasive procedure with excellent outcomes in hemorrhagic complications of pelvic fractures. An apparently benign pubic rami fracture in the setting of hemodynamic instability should raise the suspicion of a corona mortis injury, especially in elderly and anticoagulated patients.  相似文献   



Corona mortis (CMOR) is the arterial and/or venous vascular communication(s) between the obturator and external iliac vessels. Totally extraperitoneal (TEP) inguinal hernioplasty can be associated with vascular complications especially during the fixation of the mesh. Theoretically, CMOR is an important nominee. But, the data in literature are insufficient about CMOR injury. Additionally, most of the studies about CMOR have been usually performed on cadavers. We aimed to reveal the preperitoneal vascular anatomy of inguinal area and provide in vivo knowledge about CMOR. The risk of arterial injury was also evaluated.


The data of preperitoneal vascular anatomy of 321 patients who underwent TEP procedure between January 2005 and July 2014 were retrospectively evaluated.


Mean age was 46 ± 8.9 years, 53 females vs 268 males. 391 hemipelvises were evaluated. Two types of arterial structure were identified; (1) an aberrant obturator artery forming an anastomosis with branches of ordinary obturator artery; (2) a pubic branch of inferior epigastric artery. The incidence of arterial CMOR was 28.4 % and of any arterial structure was 45.0 %. An arterial CMOR was considered as thick (≥2 mm) or thin (<2 mm). Injury of arterial CMOR during tack stapling on Cooper’s ligament was seen in six cases (1.5 %). All of them were thin (<2 mm) in structure. Venous CMOR was visible only under low pressure in work space.


During TEP hernia repair, CMOR and/or pubic branch of inferior epigastric artery can be damaged. To prevent this complication, tacks should be stapled to Cooper’s ligament close to symphysis pubis and dissection should be careful on the posterior surface of superior pubic ramus. Small caliber (<2 mm) arterial CMOR is more prone to be injured during TEP procedure. To explore venous structures properly, pressure in workspace should be kept as low as possible.

An anatomical study of corona mortis and its clinical significance   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Objective: To provide detailed information of corona mortis for ilioinguinal approach as an anterior approach to the acetabulum and pelvis. Methods: The course, branches and distribution of the vascular connection between the obturator system and the external iliac or inferior epigastric systems located over the superior pubic ramus were observed on 50 hemipelvises with intact soft tissues. Results:During the dissections, 72 % of the cadavericsides had at least one communicating vessel between the obturator system and the external lilac or inferior epigastric systems on the superior pubic ramus. The average diameter of the connecting vessel was 2.6 nun (range, 2.0-4.2 mm). It coursed over the superior pubic ramus or iliopubic eminence vertically to enter the obturator foramen and exit the pelvis. The average distance from pubic symphysis to the vascular connections between the obturator and external iliac systems was 52 nun ( range, 38-68 ram). Conclusions: Vascular connections between the obturator system and the external iliac or inferior epigastric systems were found over the superior pubic ramus with a high incidence. They are prone to damage during the ilioinguinal approach as an anterior approach to the acetabulum and pelvis. Thus, corona mortis located over the superior pubic ramus deserves great attention during the ilioinguinal approach.  相似文献   

We dissected 150 fresh cadaver halves by ilioinguinal exposure, and counted all vessels more than 2 mm in diameter, connecting the obturator system to the external iliac system. The distance between the symphysis pubis and the anastomotic vessels was measured. We found vascular anastomoses between the obturator and external iliac systems in 91 of 150 sides (61%), and anastomotic veins in 78 of 150 exposures (52%). Arterial connections were seen in 29 of the exposures (19%). The mean distance between the anastomotic arteries and the symphysis pubis was 64 (45-90) mm, and 56 (37-80) mm for the communicating veins. There seemed to be no significant difference between genders in the incidence of corona mortis and the distance between communicating vessels and the symphysis pubis.  相似文献   

Purpose: The obturator artery and its accessory (aberrant) arising from different origins and crossing the pubic rami are vascular variations. The internal iliac artery usually provides the obturator artery which may communicates with the external iliac artery through either the accessory obturator or inferior epigastric artery. A collateral circulation between the external and internal iliac system is known as corona mortis. The aim of current study is to provide sufficient data of vascular variability crossing the pubic rami for clinical field.Methods: Present study includes 208 hemipelvises dissected in the Institution of Anatomy, MedicalUniversity of Graz. During dissection, the obturator artery and its accessory crossing the superior rami of pubic bone were found to have different origins.Results: The obturator artery arising from the external iliac artery and from the femoral artery accounts for 9.8% and 1.1% respectively. Therefore, it passes over the superior pubic rami in 10.9%. Further, the accessory (aberrant) artery arises only from the femoral artery in 1.1%. In present study, the vascular variation crossing the superior pubic rami with or without collateral circulation between external and internal iliac system referred as corona mortis is addressed. This study includes new classification of obturator and accessory obturator arteries as well as the corona mortis. It includes a comparison of corona mortis incidence in Austria population and other populations. The corona mortis found to be in 12% of Austrian population.Conclusion: A great attention of clinicians, radiologists, surgeons, orthopedic surgeons, obstetricians and gynecologists has to be considered before pubic surgical procedures such as internal fixation of pubic fracture, an inguinal hernia repair. Further, traumatic pubic rami fracture may lead to massive hemorrhage due to laceration of the obturator artery.  相似文献   

We report a serious complication following a TVT-Secur procedure due to injury of the corona mortis requiring a surgical intervention for removal of 1 l of clotted blood from the space of Retzius. The corona mortis is an anomaly of the vessel combining the obturator and epigastric arteries passing over the superior pubic ramus, well known to hernia and orthopedic surgeons but probably less well known to gynecological surgeons.  相似文献   

目的 在CT血管造影(CTA)三维重建图像上观察Corona Mortis动脉的存在率及位置,以期为骨盆、髋臼骨折的手术入路提供解剖学基础.方法 回顾性分析2010年12月至2012年5月期间行腹主动脉CTA检查的80例(160个半骨盆)患者资料,男34例,女46例;年龄19 ~ 84岁,平均47.2岁.利用Mimics 10.01软件对患者骨盆CTA.dicom格式原始数据进行三维重建,在三维图像上观察Corona Mortis动脉,记录该血管的支数及起源,并测量该血管与耻骨联合的距离.比较左右两侧半骨盆、男女性及年龄≤50岁组与年龄> 50岁组之间Corona Mortis动脉存在率的差异. 结果 共发现29条Corona Mortis动脉,存在率为18.1% (29/160).左侧和右侧Corona Mortis动脉存在率分别为17.5% (14/80)、18.8% (15/80);男性与女性Corona Mortis动脉存在率分别为19.1% (13/68)、17.4% (16/92),年龄≤50岁组与年龄>50岁组Corona Mortis动脉存在率分别为14.3% (14/98)、24.2% (15/62),以上组别之间比较差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05).Corona Mortis动脉经过耻骨上支的交点至耻骨联合上边缘的距离平均为(53.70 ±4.00) mm. 结论 CTA三维重建可清晰观察到Corona Mortis动脉.采用髂腹股沟入路和Stoppa入路行骨盆髋臼骨折手术前建议先行腹主动脉CTA检查,以明确是否存在该血管.术中剥离至距离耻骨联合上边缘(53.70±4.00) mm处的耻骨上支表面时,应高度警惕该变异血管的存在.  相似文献   

Corona Mortis血管解剖学研究及其临床意义   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的:探讨闭孔血管和髂外血管在腹股沟区的分支,为减少髂腹股沟入路术中出血提供解剖学基础。方法:对25具新鲜中国成人尸体标本共50侧半骨盆进行解剖学研究,观测闭孔血管和髂外血管在腹股沟区的分支及其吻合支(CoronaMortis血管)的大小、出现率、吻合血管行径和吻合血管至耻骨联合的距离。结果:72%(36侧)耻骨上支表面至少存在1条血管吻合支,其中28%(14侧)存在2条或3条血管吻合支,24%(12侧)同时存在动脉吻合支和静脉吻合支。耻骨上支表面的血管吻合支平均直径2.6mm(2.0~4.2mm)。血管吻合支紧贴耻骨上支或髂耻隆起,几乎垂直地下行于髋臼窝壁或耻骨支后方,经闭膜管出盆腔,血管吻合支与耻骨联合的平均距离52mm(38~68mm)。在此区域手术以及髋臼或骨盆前环骨折极易损伤CoronaMortis血管。结论:闭孔血管和髂外血管的吻合支较粗,出现率高,位于耻骨上支表面。髂腹股沟手术入路应特别注意CoronaMortis血管的存在。  相似文献   

<正>患者,男,88岁,不慎从约1 m高的楼梯上摔下,伤后即感右髋剧烈疼痛,并且出现站立行走困难,遂被送至当地医院就诊。当地医院最初评估血流动力学相对稳定(血压169/88 mm Hg,心率100次/分),右侧耻骨支压痛阳性,术前骨盆正位X线片提示右侧单纯的耻骨上支骨折(图1a)。3 h后因下腹部肿物胀痛、进行性少尿、心动过速(110次/分)、血压进  相似文献   

PurposeCorona mortis is a highly variable vascular connection between the obturator and external iliac or inferior epigastric arteries or veins located behind the superior pubic ramus in the retropubic space (space of Retzius). Due to the significant variation in this collateral circulation, detailed anatomical knowledge of the corona mortis is vital to enhance the prevention of possible iatrogenic errors in hernia repair and other pubic surgical procedures. The aim of our meta-analysis was to provide comprehensive data on the prevalence, anatomical characteristics, and ethnic variations of the corona mortis vessel.MethodsAn extensive search was conducted through the major electronic databases to identify eligible articles. Data extracted included investigative method, prevalence of the corona mortis vessels among hemi-pelvises (overall, arterial only, venous only, and combined), distance from the corona mortis to pubic symphysis, and assessment of gender, side, laterality, and ethnicity subgroups.ResultsA total of 21 studies (n = 2184 hemi-pelvises) were included in the meta-analysis. The overall prevalence of the corona mortis in hemi-pelvises is high (49.3%). A venous corona mortis is more prevalent than an arterial corona mortis (41.7% vs. 17.0%). The corona mortis is more common in Asia (59.3%) than in Europe (42.8%) and North America (44.3%).ConclusionsAs a corona mortis is present in an about half of all hemi-pelvises, it is important to consider the possibilities of its presence when undertaking surgical procedures and plan accordingly to avoid injuries. All surgeons operating in the retropubic region should have a thorough understanding of the anatomical characteristics and surgical implications of a corona mortis.  相似文献   

新型冠状病毒病(COVID-19)的临床症状和体征多样,其中少数患者可能以结膜炎为首发表现在眼科就诊,且已有研究发现不能排除通过眼表途径传播的可能。鉴于此,眼科医师在诊疗工作中的防护措施不可忽视。本文总结了新型冠状病毒与眼科的现有相关发现,并对疫情期间眼科医务人员在临床工作中的诊疗注意事项提出建议,以期对疫情期间的眼科门急诊管理、患者收治、病房管控、手术管理等方面提供借鉴和参考。  相似文献   

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