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Natural killer T (NKT) cells are known to modulate T cell responses during autoimmunity, tolerance, and antitumor immunity; however, their potential role in regulating the immune response to injury has not been reported. Using a murine model of burn injury, we investigated whether CD1d-restricted NKT cells played a role in the T cell suppression that occurs early after injury. A functional role for CD1d stimulation of NKT cells in the injury-related immune suppression was demonstrated by experiments in which the suppression of antigen (Ag)-specific delayed-type hypersensitivity and in vitro T cell-proliferative responses were prevented if mice were given anti-CD1d monoclonal antibody (mAb) systemically just before injury. The CD1d-NKT cell-dependent suppression of the T cell response after injury occurred in the absence of quantitative changes in NKT cells themselves or CD1d(+) Ag-presenting cells. We observed that elevated production of the immunosuppressive cytokine interleukin (IL)-4 correlated with burn-induced immune dysfunction, and we found that NKT cells but not conventional T cells were the source of IL-4 early after injury. Lastly, we observed that the injury-induced production of NKT cell-derived IL-4 could be blocked by systemic treatment of burn-injured mice with anti-CD1d mAb. Together, our results reveal a novel mechanism involving CD1d stimulation of NKT cells in the onset of T cell suppression that occurs subsequent to injury.  相似文献   

Positive selection is an obligatory step during intrathymic T cell differentiation. It is associated with rescue of short-lived, self major histocompatibility complex (MHC)-restricted thymocytes from programmed cell death, CD4/CD8 T cell lineage commitment, and induction of lineage-specific differentiation programs. T cell receptor (TCR) signaling during positive selection can be closely mimicked by targeting TCR on immature thymocytes to cortical epithelial cells in situ via hybrid antibodies. We show that selection of CD4 T cell lineage cells in mice deficient for MHC class I and MHC class II expression can be reconstituted in vivo by two separable T cell receptor signaling steps, whereas a single TCR signal leads only to induction of short-lived CD4+CD8la intermediates. These intermediates remain susceptible to a second TCR signal for 12-48 h providing an estimate for the duration of positive selection in situ. While both TCR signals induce differentiation steps, only the second one confers long-term survival on immature thymocytes. In further support of the two-step model of positive selection we provide evidence that CD4 T cell lineage cells rescued by a single hybrid antibody pulse in MHC class II-deficient mice are pre-selected by MHC class 1.  相似文献   

CD4+ helper T lymphocytes and CD8+ killer T lymphocytes are both generated in the thymus from common precursor cells expressing CD4 and CD8. The development of immature CD4+ CD8+ thymocytes into mature ‘single-positive’ T cells requires T cell antigen-receptor (TCR)-mediated positive selection signals. Although it is known that the recognition specificity of TCR expressed by CD4+ CD8+ thymocytes determines their fate to become either CD4+ or CD8+ T cells, the molecular signals that direct precursor thymocytes to become CD4+ and CD8+ T cells are unclear. By using ZAP-70? mutant thymus organ cultures in which T cell development is arrested at the CD4+ CD8+ thymocyte stage, the present study shows that distinct biochemical treatments can selectively restore the generation of mature CD4+ and CD8+ T cells, bypassing TCR-induced positive selection signals. The combination of phorbol ester and ionomycin selectively restores the generation of CD4+CD8? TCRhigh cells consistent with previous results. On the other hand, we find that the generation of CD4? CD8+ TCRhigh cells is selectively induced by pertussis toxin. Interestingly, the signals generated by pertussis toxin, which increase Notch expression, can dominate the signals by phorbol ester and ionomycin, steering thymocyte development to CD8 lineage. These results indicate that distinct biochemical signals replace TCR signals that selectively induce positive selection of CD4+ and CD8+ T cells, and that biochemical treatment can manipulate the development and choice of CD4+ and CD8+ T cells.  相似文献   

The role of gamma/delta T cell receptor positive cells in pregnancy.   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
PROBLEM: Due to the lack of classical HLA antigens on the trophoblast, fetal antigens are possibly presented in a non major histocompatibility complex (MHC) restricted way. Decidual gammadelta T cells, which significantly increase in number during pregnancy, might play a role in recognition of fetal antigens and also in determining the quality of the response to these antigens. Our study was aimed at investigating the role of this cell population in progesterone-dependent immunomodulation. METHOD OF STUDY: Peripheral lymphocytes from healthy pregnant women and from habitual aborters were tested by immunocytochemistry for the presence of gamma/delta T cell receptor (TCR) and progesterone receptor. To investigate the effect of treatment with a pan anti gamma/delta antibody, lymphocytes were incubated for 3 hr with the antibody, and then interleukin (IL)-10, IL-12 and progesterone-induced blocking factor (PIBF) expression (by immuno-cytochemistry) as well as natural killer (NK) cell activity were determined. RESULTS: In peripheral blood of healthy pregnant women the percentage of gamma/delta TCR+ cells was significantly higher (P < 0.001) than in that of recurrent aborters or of non-pregnant individuals. Ninety-seven percent of gamma/delta TCR+ pregnancy lymphocytes expressed progesterone receptor. Binding of a specific antibody to the gamma/delta TCR inhibited PIBF- as well as IL-10 production, whereas it increased NK activity and IL-12 expression. CONCLUSIONS: These data suggest the role of gamma/delta TCR-bearing lymphocytes in progesterone-dependent immunomodulation.  相似文献   

The peripheral T cell receptor repertoire is mainly controlled by the processes of positive and negative selection occurring in the thymus. Studies in normal or transgenic mice have provided compelling evidence for both negative and positive selection. Negative selection is characterized by partial or total disappearance from the periphery of T cells expressing certain C beta regions, which are normally present in the thymus. Positive selection is chiefly characterized, in the periphery, by an imbalanced ratio between CD4+ and CD8+ T cells expressing a given V domain. To date little information concerning positive and negative selection has been available in man. We studied the distribution of 4 V beta domains on CD4+ and CD8+ peripheral T cells of 34 healthy individuals with a wide age-range (0-96 years). One of the V beta domain studied, V beta 6.7, is preferentially expressed on CD4+ compared to CD8+ T cells (p greater than 0.001). No significant differences were observed using the other V beta domain-specific monoclonal antibodies (V beta 5.2-5.3, 8 or 12). These results provide evidence that a process of thymic education, similar to that described in murine animal models, may also take place in man.  相似文献   

To generate antigen-specific responses, T cells and antigen presenting cells (APCs) must physically associate with each other and elaborate soluble factors that drive the full differentiation of each cell type. Immediately after T cell activation, CD4 T cells can produce both interferon gamma (IFN-gamma) and interleukin 4 (IL-4) before polarization into distinct T helper subsets. Inhibition of IL-4 during mixed allogeneic lymphocyte culture resulted in a defect in the ability of APCs to generate sufficient costimulatory signals for activation of alloreactive T cells. In vivo, a deficiency in IL-4 production inhibited the activation of alloreactive IL-2-, IL-4- and IFN-gamma-producing CD4 T cells in mice challenged with allogeneic skin grafts, resulting in prolonged skin graft survival. Thus, production of IL-4 by CD4T cells helps activate alloreactive T cells by affecting APC function.  相似文献   

Our aim was to assess the generality of the observation that positive selection of CD4+ T cells is mediated by MHC class II molecules on epithelial cells of the thymic cortex. By appropriate matings of previously established transgenic and mutant mouse lines, we were able to produce animals that lacked MHC class II molecules; individuals expressing only the class II E complex, but in all the usual thymic compartments; animals that had E molecules in the thymic medulla but not in the cortex; and, reciprocally, individuals expressing the E complex in the thymic cortex but essentially not in the medulla. Those mice which displayed class II molecules in the cortex had normal numbers of CD4+CD8- T cells in the thymus and CD4+ T cells in the periphery, while 'bare' cortex mice were almost devoid of mature CD4 single positive cells. This finding serves to generalize observations from previous studies of similar design but limited to assaying positive selection of T cells which expressed a single transgenic E-restricted TCR or a subset of V beta 6+ TCRs.  相似文献   

The sustained entry of Ca(2+) into CD4(+)CD8(+) double-positive thymocytes is required for positive selection. Here we identified a voltage-gated Na(+) channel (VGSC) that was essential for positive selection of CD4(+) T cells. Pharmacological inhibition of VGSC activity inhibited the sustained Ca(2+) influx induced by positively selecting ligands and the in vitro positive selection of CD4(+) but not CD8(+) T cells. In vivo short hairpin RNA (shRNA)-mediated knockdown of the gene encoding a regulatory β-subunit of a VGSC specifically inhibited the positive selection of CD4(+) T cells. Ectopic expression of VGSC in peripheral AND CD4(+) T cells bestowed the ability to respond to a positively selecting ligand, which directly demonstrated that VGSC expression was responsible for the enhanced sensitivity. Thus, active VGSCs in thymocytes provide a mechanism by which a weak positive selection signal can induce the sustained Ca(2+) signals required for CD4(+) T cell development.  相似文献   

The role of B cells in promoting T cell responses is still controversial.In this study, we use JHD mice which have a targeted mutationin the JH gene and are thus rendered deficient in B cells toaddress this issue. We show here that immunization of JHD micewith soluble antigen fails to prime CD4 T cells, for eitherclonal expansion or delivery of immunological help for antibodyresponses. This lack of CD4 T cell priming in JHD mice correspondsto a 3-to 9-fold lower co-stimulatory activity of antigen-presentingcells (APC) from the JHD mice, as measured by anti-CD3-inducedproliferative responses of CD4 T cells. This in turn is dueto a defect of APC from JHD mice in response to T cell-mediatedinduction of co-stimulatory activity. As the development ofmacrophages and dendritic cells is unaffected in the JHD mice,our results demonstrate that B cells play a critical role inCD4 T cell priming, possibly by delivering a critical co-stimulatoryactivity for clonal expansion of CD4 T cells.  相似文献   

In this paper, we report on our year-long experience with the magnetic cell sorter (MACS), and present a critical evaluation of its pitfalls and benefits. Satisfactory separation of lymphocytes into subsets with preservation of function can be achieved, but there are several drawbacks: in comparison with Dynal beads, MACS results in a higher cell loss due to the increased number of separation steps and requires depletion of plastic-adherent cells as these will engulf microbeads and contaminate the enriched fraction, and is more expensive. The advantage of MACS over Dynal beads is that the microbeads are biodegradable and do not interfere with proliferation assays: both the depleted and enriched fractions of cells can therefore be used in culture immediately following separation. We used MACS for the positive and negative selection of CD45RO cells: the enriched fraction was of high purity (greater than 98%), but a depleted fraction of greater than 90% purity could not be obtained even after running the same sample over three separating columns. Dynabeads, on the other hand, achieved 98% pure CD45RO-depleted fractions after three separation runs.  相似文献   

Despite increasing evidence for the role of the chemokine system in leukocyte trafficking, the mechanism underlying the induction of chemokine receptors is poorly understood. Here, we investigated how CCR5, a chemokine receptor implicated in T cell migration to inflammatory sites, is induced in the T cell. CCR5 mRNA was hardly detected in resting T cells and marginally induced following T cell receptor (TCR) stimulation. However, TCR-triggered T cells expressed IL-12 receptor, and stimulation with recombinant IL-12 resulted in high levels of CCR5 expression on both CD4(+) and CD8(+) T cells. In contrast, IL-2 failed to up-regulate CCR5 expression. The effect of IL-12 was selective to CCR5 because IL-12 did not up-regulate CXCR3 expression. Surface expression of CCR5 was shown by staining with anti-CCR5 monoclonal antibody. Stimulation of these CCR5-positive T cells with the relevant chemokine MIP-1 alpha elicited Ca(2+) influx, showing that IL-12-induced CCR5 is functional. These results indicate a critical role for IL-12 in the induction of CCR5 on TCR-triggered T cells.  相似文献   

A molecular basis for NKT cell recognition of CD1d-self-antigen   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The antigen receptor for natural killer T?cells (NKT TCR) binds CD1d-restricted microbial and self-lipid antigens, although the molecular basis of self-CD1d recognition is unclear. Here, we have characterized NKT TCR recognition of CD1d molecules loaded with natural self-antigens (Ags) and report the 2.3???resolution structure of an autoreactive NKT TCR-phosphatidylinositol-CD1d complex. NKT TCR recognition of self- and foreign antigens was underpinned by a similar mode of germline-encoded recognition of CD1d. However, NKT TCR autoreactivity is mediated by unique sequences within the non-germline-encoded CDR3β loop encoding for a hydrophobic motif that promotes self-association with CD1d. Accordingly, NKT cell autoreactivity may arise from the inherent affinity of the interaction between CD1d and the NKT TCR, resulting in the recognition of a broad range of CD1d-restricted self-antigens. This demonstrates that multiple self-antigens can be recognized in a similar manner by autoreactive NKT TCRs.  相似文献   

Choi EY  Jung KC  Park HJ  Chung DH  Song JS  Yang SD  Simpson E  Park SH 《Immunity》2005,23(4):387-396
Despite numerous reports on MHC class II expression by T cells from a wide spectrum of mammalian species including humans, the biological relevance of this phenomenon has never been tested with appropriately designed animal models. To address this issue, we developed mouse models in which immature thymocytes are the only positively selecting antigen-presenting cells in the thymus. In these mice, CD4+ T cells were generated with the appropriate maturation phenotype and showed a diverse repertoire of TCR Vbetas. The CD4+ T cells were functionally competent, mediating effective allogeneic responses that involved polyclonal TCR Vbetas. These results suggest that the thymocyte-thymocyte (T-T) interaction operates as an independent pathway for CD4+ T cell selection in the thymi of species with MHC II-positive thymocytes. This T-T interaction appears to be the basis for the generation of donor MHC-restricted CD4+ T cells in xenogeneic hosts.  相似文献   

Previously, we found that NK1.1(+), TCRalpha beta(+) natural killer T (NKT) cells develop in cytokine-supplemented suspension cultures of fetal liver established from normal, but not from beta2 microglobulin-deficient [beta2m(- / -)] mice, and that recombination-deficient SCID fetal liver can reconstiute NKT cell development in beta2m(- / -) fetal liver cultures. We found here that cells of SCID adult liver, bone marrow, spleen and thymus were able to reconstitute NKT cell development in the former culture system with efficiency comparable to normal thymic cells. The reconstitution of NKT cells was also seen in the bone marrow chimeras that had been administered a combination of beta2m(- / -) and Rag-2(- / -) bone marrow cells. Development of NKT cells was hampered by depletion of CD11c(+) or CD11b(+) cells, but not by removal of B220(+) or Gr-1(+) cells from cultures of normal fetal liver cells. Furthermore CD11c(+), CD11b(+) and / or CD11c(+) CD11b(-) cells (both populations were CD1-dull positive) enriched from Rag-2-deficient fetal livers and pulsed with alpha-galactosylceramide, a possible antigen for NKT cells, were shown to reconstitute the NKT cell development in beta2m(- / -) fetal liver cultures. Collectively, our findings suggest that non-lymphoid cells, presumably CD11c(+), CD11b(+) and / or CD11c(+), CD11b(-) dendritic cells, are involved in the mechanism of positive selection of NKT cells in the thymus and extrathymic organs.  相似文献   

In vivo, T cells expressing low-affinity TCR predominate in primary, but not in secondary responses, a process referred to as T cell affinity maturation. Using CD4 dependence as a measure of the avidity of the interaction between the allospecific TCR and the alloantigen, we show that a similar process occurs in mixed lymphocyte cultures in vitro. Moreover, in coculture experiments high-avidity (CD4-independent) T cell clones inhibited the TCR internalization of low-avidity (CD4-dependent) T cell clones, whereas low-avidity T cell clones had no such effect on high-avidity T cell clones. The extent of inhibition of TCR internalization was dependent on both the avidity of the competing clone and the number of competing cells. Thus, there was a cell dose- and avidity-dependent effect on TCR internalization, an early parameter in T cell activation. These results suggest that low- and high-avidity T cell clones compete for the availability of antigen-presenting cells and that this favors the selective outgrowth of high-avidity T cell clones.  相似文献   

Sosinowski T  Killeen N  Weiss A 《Immunity》2001,15(3):457-466
In this report, we show that the Src-like adaptor protein (SLAP) plays an important role in thymocyte development. SLAP expression is developmentally regulated; it is low in CD4-CD8- thymocytes, it peaks in the CD4+CD8+ subset, and it decreases to low levels in more mature cells. Disruption of the SLAP gene leads to a marked upregulation of TCR and CD5 expression at the CD4+CD8+ stage. The absence of SLAP was also developmentally significant because it enhanced positive selection in mice expressing the DO11.10 transgenic T cell receptor. Moreover, SLAP deletion at least partially rescued the development of ZAP-70-deficient thymocytes. These results demonstrate that SLAP participates in a novel mechanism of TCR downregulation at the CD4+CD8+ stage and regulates positive selection.  相似文献   

CD4+ Th1 cells play a critical role in the induction of cell-mediated immune responses that are important for the eradication of intracellular pathogens. Peptide-25 is the major Th1 epitope for Ag85B of Mycobacterium tuberculosis and is immunogenic in I-Ab mice. To elucidate the role of the TCR and IFN-gamma/IL-12 signals in Th1 induction, we generated TCR transgenic mice (P25 TCR-Tg) expressing TCR alpha- and beta-chains of Peptide-25-reactive cloned T cells and analyzed Th1 development of CD4+ T cells from P25 TCR-Tg. Naive CD4+ T cells from P25 TCR-Tg differentiate into both Th1 and Th2 cells upon stimulation with anti-CD3. Naive CD4+ T cells from P25 TCR-Tg preferentially develop Th1 cells upon Peptide-25 stimulation in the presence of I-Ab splenic antigen-presenting cells under neutral conditions. In contrast, a mutant of Peptide-25 can induce solely Th2 differentiation. Peptide-25-induced Th1 differentiation is observed even in the presence of anti-IFN-gamma and anti-IL-12. Furthermore, naive CD4+ T cells from STAT1 deficient P25 TCR-Tg also differentiate into Th1 cells upon Peptide-25 stimulation. Moreover, Peptide-25-loaded I-Ab-transfected Chinese hamster ovary cells induce Th1 differentiation of naive CD4+ T cells from P25 TCR-Tg in the absence of IFN-gamma or IL-12. These results imply that interaction between Peptide-25/I-Ab and TCR may primarily influence determination of the fate of naive CD4+ T cells in their differentiation towards the Th1 subset.  相似文献   

The role of dendritic cells in T cell selection and survival.   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Dendritic cells (DC) not only play an important role in the induction of immunity, but also have major functions in thymus and periphery in the absence of nominal antigen. In order to study these and other DC-functions in vivo, we expressed MHC class II I-E molecules under the control of the DC-specific CD11c promoter in C57B1/6 mice. With this targeted expression we were able to investigate DC functions in vivo without further manipulation of DC. We describe our findings with respect to the two major thymic events of negative and positive selection and demonstrate that DC are able and sufficient to induce negative selection of autoreactive CD4+ thymocytes by clonal deletion but do not induce positive selection. We further demonstrate in thymus-transplant experiments that DC play a major role in inducing survival of peripheral CD4+ mature T cells. This transgenic model therefore seems to be a valuable tool for the investigation of DC functions in vivo.  相似文献   

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