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目的 探讨氨甲环酸(TAX)在体外循环(CPB)中对发绀型先天性心脏病(先心病)患儿的血液保护效果.方法 选择经皮血氧饱和度[Sp(02)]<80%的2~12岁的发绀型先心病患儿60例,随机分为TAX组和对照组,每组30例.TAX组在麻醉诱导后给予TAX 10 mg·kg-1,CPB预充液中加入10 mg·kg-1 TAX,鱼精蛋白中和肝素后再追加10 mg·kg-1TAX.对照组给予等量9 g·L-1盐水.于麻醉诱导前(基础状态,T1)、鱼精蛋白中和肝素后10 min(T2)、术后12 h(T3)、术后24 h(T4)分别测定血浆凝血酶原时间(PT)、活化部分凝血激酶时间(APTT)、纤维蛋白原(FIB)、D-二聚体(D-D)、血小板计数和血小板聚集功能;记录术后12 h、24h每公斤体质量纵隔心包引流量和成分输血量.结果 TAX组各指标在麻醉诱导前与对照组比较无统计学差异(Pa>0.05).在T2、T3时,TAX组与对照组比较PT、APTT无统计学差异(P>0.05),FIB明显升高(P<0.01),D-D明显降低(P<0.01),血小板计数和聚集功能明显升高(P<0.01).在L时TAX组PT、APTT、FIB和D-D与对照组比较均无统计学差异(Pa>0.05),血小板计数和聚集功能均明显升高(Pa <0.01).TAX组T3、T4时累计心包纵隔引流量及术后成分输血量与对照组比较明显下降,差异均有统计学意义(Pa<0.01).结论 TAX对发绀型先心病患儿抗纤溶作用和血小板保护作用明显,并可减少术后失血量与输血量.  相似文献   

先天性心脏病(CHD)是婴幼儿最常见的先天性畸形疾病。随着医疗水平显著提高,CHD患儿出生后的生存率明显提升。然而,CHD术后患儿诸多并发症又是另一种挑战,如心力衰竭、心律失常、肺动脉高压及脑认知功能发育障碍等,其中关于脑认知功能障碍的这一并发症逐渐得到广大学者的认识和重视。目前,已经通过细胞分子学方法、磁共振成像技术、光学成像技术、脑电活动监测技术及神经发育量表等研究方法来探索体外循环对CHD患儿脑认知功能的影响。患儿心脏术后会出现不同程度的脑认知功能障碍,这与体外循环相关的全身炎性反应、脑缺血再灌注损伤、体外循环时间、主动脉阻断时间、深低温停循环时间、温度的动态变化、血液稀释程度及血气管理策略等因素密切相关。现就体外循环对CHD术后患儿脑认知功能的影响进行综述,为临床诊疗提供参考,以改善CHD患儿的预后。  相似文献   

目的探讨体外循环对先天性心脏病患儿免疫功能的影响。方法测定体外循环组与非体外循环组术前、术后d1、d4、d7、d14 IgA、IgM、IgG及NK活性、IL-2变化。结果体外循环术后上述指标降低,降低程度与体外循环时间有关。结论体外循环降低机体免疫力,时间越长,损害越重。  相似文献   

血管内皮生长因子在发绀型先天性心脏病中的变化   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的观察血管内皮生长因子(VEGF)在发绀型先天性心脏病(CCHD)中变化及其与病情严重程度关系。方法采用ELISA方法检测和比较20例CCHD和18例健康儿童的血清VEGF,并探讨CCHD患儿血清VEGF与血红蛋白及动脉血氧饱和度间的关系。结果CCHD患儿组VEGF明显高于正常对照组,差异有显著性[(164.65±55.73)ng/Lvs(25.56±10.67)ng/L,t=10.41 P<0.01];VEGF水平与动脉血氧饱和度呈明显负相关(r=0.602 P<0.01);VEGF水平与血红蛋白浓度呈明显正相关(r=0.795 P<0.01)。结论CCHD患儿血清VEGF浓度升高,并与病情严重程度相关,提示VEGF在CCHD病理生理中可能起重要作用。  相似文献   

目的提高对儿童持续发绀型先天性心脏病肾损害的认识,尽量避免心脏根治手术前后肾损害发生。方法对1例持续发绀型先天性心脏病肾损害患儿的临床、实验室资料及诊疗经过进行分析,并复习相关文献。结果此例发绀型先天性心脏病患儿10年发绀病程后出现肾病综合征、肾功能不全,伴高尿酸血症、继发性红细胞增多症。经适当放宽液体入量限制,降低血液黏滞性治疗尿蛋白减轻后转外院手术治疗。结论儿童持续发绀型先天性心脏病可致肾损害,对其肾损害发生应充分重视,以减少心脏根治术后急性肾衰竭发生。  相似文献   

目的 探讨发绀型先天性心脏病(CHD)患儿血清生长激素释放肽(Ghrelin)及瘦素水平变化的意义.方法 选择2007年6月-2009年12月就诊于中国医科大学附属第一、二院CHD患儿42例.其中发绀型 CHD 患儿(发绀组)17例.男10例,女7例;年龄(37.2±16.5)个月.非发绀型 CHD 患儿(非发绀组)25例.男13例,女12例;年龄(35.6±19.3)个月.健康对照组20例.男12例,女8例;年龄(33.8±17.7)个月.双抗体夹心ELISA法测定其血清 Ghrelin水平,放射免疫法测定其血清瘦素水平.测定各组儿童身高、体质量及体质量指数(BMI).应用 SPSS 13.0软件对数据进行统计学分析.结果 与健康对照组比较,发绀组及非发绀组 Ghrelin 水平增高,其中发绀组升高更明显,差异均有统计学意义(Pa<0.01).发绀组血清瘦素水平低于健康对照组及非发绀组,差异均有统计学意义(Pa<0.01);非发绀组血清瘦素水平与健康对照组比较差异无统计学意义(P>0.05).发绀组及非发绀组 CHD 患儿血清 Ghrelin 水平与BMI均呈负相关(r=-0.66、-0.62,Pa<0.01),血清瘦素水平与BMI均呈正相关(r=0.72、0.75,Pa<0.01).结论 发绀型 CHD患儿血清 Ghrelin水平增高,瘦素水平降低,可能与此类患儿长期慢性缺氧及全身消耗状态有关.  相似文献   

婴幼儿先天性心脏病围术期治疗   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的探讨3岁以下婴幼儿先天性心脏病围术期治疗要点。方法回顾性分析2000年1月~2006年8月3岁以下接受心脏畸形矫治术的109例婴幼儿临床资料。男56例,女53例;年龄31d~3岁,平均13.6个月;体质量2.1~16.0kg,平均8.6kg。93例在全麻低温体外循环下行心脏畸形纠正术;16例采用深低温低流量体外循环。62例术中采用超滤技术。结果术后死亡8例(7.3%),死亡原因为低心排血综合征4例、肺动脉高压危象3例和肺部感染1例。有并发症25例(22.9%)。其中低心排血综合征6例,呼吸系统并发症18例和心包积液1例。结论提高手术和体外循环技巧,提高术后预防和治疗低心排血综合征和呼吸系统并发症是婴幼儿心脏手术成功的关键。  相似文献   

与先天性心脏病相关的NUSS术   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的 探讨同期治疗合并先天性心脏病(先心)的漏斗胸及先心术后漏斗胸应用NUSS术的方法及可行性.方法 统计我院2006年7月至2010年6月与先心相关的漏斗胸15例,A组8例合并先心的漏斗胸患儿在同期行心脏手术和NUSS术,其中男5例,女3例,年龄4岁~13岁4个月(平均6岁1个月).其中4例行室间隔缺损经胸伞封术,2例行房间隔缺损经胸伞封术,1例在体外循环下行室间隔缺损修补术,1例在体外循环下行右室双腔矫治及室间隔缺损修补术.B组7例均为先心术后的漏斗胸行NUSS术,其中男5例,女2例,先心手术年龄6个月~3岁10个月(平均1岁9个月),NUSS术年龄4岁7个月~8岁(平均6岁2个月),6例为体外循环下室间隔缺损修补术后,1例为体外循环下法乐四联症矫治术后.术后常规放置有心包纵隔和/或胸腔引流管.结果 所有患儿手术顺利,A组术后5~14 h拔除气管插管,平均(8.8±2.6)h.B组术后4~8 h拔除气管插管,平均(5.9±1.2)h,48~72 h拔除心包纵隔或胸腔引流管.无手术死亡、大出血及胸腔脏器损伤等并发症.术后检查先心矫治效果良好,肺复张良好.术后两组各出现1例切口延期愈合,经治疗后,均顺利出院.随访6个月~4年效果良好.结论 NUSS术用于治疗先心术后漏斗胸以及同期治疗合并先心的漏斗胸安全可行,可有效降低或避免二次手术的难度及风险.
Objective To investigate the clinical outcomes of combining corrective surgery for congenital heart disease (CHD) and NUSS surgery for pectus excavatum (PE) as one-staged operation. Methods From July 2006 to June 2010, 15 children with CHD associated with PE were recruited in this study, and divided into two groups: group A underwent one-staged and group B with twostaged operation. Group A had 8 patients including 5 males and 3 females, aging from 4 to 13.4 years (mean, 6 years and 1 month). Among the 8 patients, 6 with ventricular septal defect (VSD) and 2with atrial septal defect (ASD) underwent interventional or open repair. After the corrective surgery for their CHD, the 8 patients underwent NUSS procedure for pectus excavatum. The group B had 7patients, including 5 males and 2 females. Among them, 6 had VSD and 1 had tetralogy of fallot (TOF). At the first stage, the patients underwent corrective surgery to repair VSD and TOF under CPB. At the second stage, the patients were performed NUSS surgery to correct PE. Their ages at surgery were 4 years and 7 months to 8 years old (mean, 6 years and 2 months). Results All operations were finished successfully. The endotracheal tube was removed 5 to 14 hours after surgery on Group A patients (mean, 8.75 ± 2.59 h), and 4 to 8 hours on Group B patients (mean, 5.86 ±1. 24 h). The drainage tubes of pericardium, mediastinal or chest were removed 48 to 72 h later after surgery. The patients were followed up for 6 months to 4 years. No surgery-related death, hemorrhage, thoracic organ dysfunction and other severe complications were noted. Delayed wound healing was observed on 1 patient in each group. Others recovered from surgery and were discharged from the hospital. Conclusions It is safe to combine corrective surgery for CHD and NUSS procedure for PE as one stage operation.  相似文献   

随着临床治疗和外科技术的改善,先天性心脏病患儿体外循环术后早期和长期成活率显著增加.因此,已有越来越多的患儿进入学校学习.在过去20年中,对于这些术后存活患儿神经发育的研究结果证实这些患儿的学习和生活质量受到严重影响.神经发育障碍由多种因素引起,可大致分为术前、术中和术后3类,另有基因及社会经济条件等因素.现着重阐述先天性心脏病患儿体外循环后,导致神经发育异常影响因素的最新研究进展.理解这些才能改善现有技术和治疗方法,最终改善患儿生活质量.  相似文献   

目的 回顾总结小于6个月婴幼儿先天性心脏病的外科治疗.方法 2000年1月~2006年12月,手术纠治年龄小于6个月先天性心脏病1831例.包括:室间隔缺损并肺动脉高压453例,完全性大动脉错位214例、法乐四联症119例、完全性肺静脉异位引流106例、右室双出口69例、肺动脉瓣狭窄65例,完全性房室通道55例、动脉导管未闭53例、主动脉缩窄伴室间隔缺损46例、肺动脉闭锁伴室间隔缺损36例、肺动脉闭锁室间隔完整型31例、主动脉弓中断24例、右室双出口伴肺动脉瓣下室间隔缺损22例、其他538例.根据不同病种采取相应的手术方法纠治.结果 手术死亡98例,手术死亡率5.35%.随着手术方法不断改进,手术总死亡率从2000年的8.23%降至2006年的4.91%.随访:完全性大动脉错位术后发生室间隔残余漏1例,肺动脉瓣上狭窄5例,主动脉瓣上狭窄2例,主动脉瓣下狭窄1例,其中再次手术4例,远期死亡1例;完全性肺静脉异位引流心内型4例在术后出现肺静脉回流梗阻,2例死亡,2例再次手术解除梗阻.早期室间隔缺损术后发生残余漏5例,分流量小,不需再次手术;其余病例随访不完整.结论 婴幼儿先天性心脏病的手术处理时间非常重要,危重复杂型先天性心脏病如不早期手术,将失去手术机会,增加术后危险性和死亡率.  相似文献   

目的 评价改良Blalock-Taussig分流术治疗复杂发绀型先天性心脏病的效果.方法 回顾性分析2006年2月-2008年12月35例在上海交通大学医学院新华医院心胸外科行改良Blalock-Taussig分流术的临床病例,术前均诊断为复杂发绀型先天性心脏病,包括肺动脉闭锁并动脉导管未闭、肺动脉闭锁并单心室、肺动脉闭锁并法洛四联症、重度法洛四联症并肺动脉发育不良及单心室并肺动脉狭窄.男19例,女16例;年龄3个月~6岁;体质量5~19 kg.患儿术前均有严重的发绀症状,胸部X线摄片提示肺血流减少,术前动脉血氧饱和度为(58.7±14.1)%.手术采用直径为4~6 mm的膨体聚四氟乙烯人造血管进行锁骨下动脉-肺动脉分流术.结果 35例患儿术后均获长期生存,改良Blalock-Taussig分流术后心脏超声检查提示人造血管均通畅,分流效果满意,患儿动脉血氧饱和度由术前的(58.7±14.1)%上升至(87.5±5.4)%,有显著改善(P<0.01).术后随访6~12个月,患儿发绀症状明显减轻,活动耐量增加,未出现人造血管栓塞及其他严重并发症.结论 改良Blalock-Taussig分流术风险较小,对于暂时不具备根治术条件的复杂发绀型先天性心脏病患儿,可起到挽救生命、改善缺氧、促进肺动脉发育的作用,为二期手术或根治手术创造条件.  相似文献   

Pediatric cardiac surgery with cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) induces a complex inflammatory response that may cause multiorgan dysfunction. The objective of this study was to measure postoperative cytokine production and correlate the magnitude of this response with intraoperative variables and postoperative outcomes. Serum samples from 20 children (median age, 15 months) undergoing cardiac surgery with CPB were obtained preoperatively and on postoperative days (POD) 1–3. Serum levels of interleukin (IL)-6, IL-8, and IL-10 increased significantly on POD 1 (p < 0.01) vs pre-op values to 271 ± 68, 44 ± 9, 7.5 ± 0.8 pg/ml, respectively, whereas serum IL-1β, IL-12, and tumor neurosis factor -α were not significantly changed. The serum IL-6 and IL-8 levels correlated positively (p < 0.01) with the degree of postoperative medical intervention as measured by the Therapeutic Interventional Scoring System and indicated a greater need for inotropic support (p = 0.057). A negative correlation (p < 0.01) between IL-6, IL-8, and mixed venous oxygen saturation suggested compromised cardiopulmonary function. Patients with single ventricle anatomy had the highest levels of IL-6 and IL-8 (629 ± 131 and 70 ± 17 pg/ml, respectively), with a mean CPB time of 106 ± 23 minutes. Thus, the proinflammatory response after surgery with CPB was associated with postoperative morbidity with increased need for medical intervention.  相似文献   

目的 观察紫绀型先天性心脏病患儿心肺转流(CPB) 期间血小板的灭活机制。方法 用流式细胞术测定33 例紫绀型先天性心脏病患儿在CPB下行心内矫正术时的血小板膜受体CD62p和CD63 的变化,同时与35 例非紫绀型先天性心脏病患儿CPB下行心内矫正术时的相同指标进行比较。结果 紫绀组与非紫绀组血小板计数分别由术前的(144 .55 ±39.76) ×106/L、(272 .46 ±59 .96)×106/L降到术后的(132.65 ±89 .25) ×106/L,(180.37 ±44 .93) ×106/L。但紫绀组血小板膜受体CD62p 和CD63 较非紫绀组增加明显,且两组主要指标比较有明显差异(P< 0.05) 。结论 CPB期间紫绀组的血小板膜受体CD62p 和CD63 大量被激活,但因血小板总数下降,出血倾向仍然明显  相似文献   

Objective: Cyanotic congenital heart diseases (CCHDs) are a series of cardiac anomalies that have long been recognized as a potential cause of nephropathy. There have been few reports on renal impairment in patients with CCHD before and after corrective cardiac surgery. The aim of this study was to evaluate the prevalence of renal dysfunction before and after cardiac surgery and the impact of some risk factors on final renal outcome. Methods: Thirty children with CCHD who had done corrective cardiac surgery in the previous 6 months were enrolled in this study. All data prior to surgery were collected from the charts. Post-operation data including blood and spot urine samples were taken simultaneously for CBC, Cr, and uric acid and 24 hour urine was collected for microalbumin and Cr during the follow up visits. Pre- and post-operation parameters were compared to study the impact of cardiac surgery on renal function. Findings : Pre- and post-operative GFRs were not significantly different. Final GFR was significantly and inversely associated with pre- and post-operation age (P=0.008 r=-0.48, P=0.03 r=-0.38). Three (10%) patients had microalbuminuria. The prevalence of microalbuminuria in children older than 10 years was 30%. There was no link between microalbuminuria and age, GFR, and hematocrit (P=0.1, P=0.3, P=0.3, respectively). Patients with preoperation hematocrit >45 had a significantly lower final GFR compared to children with HCT <45 (83.7±6.5 vs 111.10.2, P=0.001). The mean uric acid fraction (FEua) excretion was 8.21±4.75. Pre-operative HCT was inversely associated to FEua (P=0.01, r=-0.44). There was no relationship between FEua and age, serum uric acid, and GFR (P=0.7, P=0.4, P=0.2). Conclusion: Children with CCHD are at increased risk of renal injury which is related more to the duration of cyanosis and higher degree of hematocrit level. To lower the risk, corrective cardiac surgery is recommended to be done as soon as possible to improve renal function and stop more renal impairment.Key Words: Congenital Heart Disease, Nephropathy, Cardiac Surgery, Cyanosis, Microalbuminuria  相似文献   

The purpose of the current study was to assess the psychosocial outcomes of preschool-aged survivors (ages 3–6 years) of hypoplastic left heart syndrome (HLHS; n = 13) and transposition of the great arteries (TGA; n = 13). Parents completed the following measures: Pediatric Quality of Life Inventory, Impact on the Family Scale, Parenting Stress Index, Parent Behavior Checklist, and Child Behavior Checklist. Quality of life scores did not differ from those of healthy controls. Parents of children with HLHS reported more negative impact of the child’s illness on the family and more parenting stress than parents of children with TGA. Parents of both groups of children were more permissive in their parenting style than parents of healthy controls. Children with HLHS had higher rates of attention and externalizing behavior problems than children with TGA. The results highlight the need for practitioners working with these children and families to ask about parental stress, family functioning, and behavioral expectations for the child in the context of routine medical/cardiac follow-up.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to explore the effect of insurance type on mortality for congenital heart surgery. We performed a population-based retrospective cohort study using hospital discharge abstract data from five states in 1992 and 1996. The outcome measure was risk-adjusted in-hospital mortality. Cases of pediatric congenital heart surgery were identified and placed into six risk categories using the Risk Adjustment in Congenital Heart Surgery method. Multivariate analyses were used to determine the effect of insurance type on risk-adjusted mortality; regional effects were explored. Using standardized mortality ratios, institutions were grouped by outcome; within and between group differences were examined. Of 11,636 cases, 9656 (83%) were placed in a risk group for analysis. In 1996, children with Medicaid had a higher risk of death than those with commercial or managed care in both unadjusted ( p = 0.002) and adjusted ( p < 0.001) analyses. Overall mortality rates decreased between 1992 and 1996 ( p = 0.001). However, improvement was not consistent among insurance groups. Differences were present within and between low, average, and high-mortality hospitals, suggesting that the adverse effect of Medicaid may be due to both differential referral and other differences in care among patients treated at similar institutions. Children with Medicaid insurance have a higher risk of dying after congenital heart surgery than those with commercial and some managed care insurance. Barriers to access go beyond differences in referral patterns.  相似文献   

Residual structural pathology after cardiac surgery for congenital heart disease may complicate postoperative recovery. Completion angiograms obtained in the operating room may facilitate early detection and therapy of residual structural abnormalities. Our objective here is to report our institutional experience performing completion angiograms after cardiopulmonary bypass surgery. Between October 2007 and August 2008, 31 patients underwent completion angiograms after 32 cardiac surgical procedures. The median age was 7.5 months (range, 50 days to 31.2 years) and the median weight was 6.5 kg (range, 3.1–153 kg). Type of procedure, angiographic findings, and therapeutic decision were retrospectively reviewed. Procedures (proc) evaluated through completion angiography included comprehensive stage II or Glenn (n = 13), aortic arch reconstruction/conduit (n = 3), repair/palliation of tetralogy of Fallot or pulmonary atresia with ventricular septal defect (n = 4), PVR or conduit replacement (n = 5), and others (n = 7). Unexpected pathology was identified in 18 of 32 (56.3%) proc, which included left pulmonary artery (LPA) stenoses (n = 15), right pulmonary artery (RPA) stenoses (n = 11), and stenosis impairing coronary blood flow (after DKS; n = 1). In 9 of 32 (28.1%) proc, findings may have led to a change in therapeutic management. This included surgical revision (n = 1), ‘Hybrid’ therapy in the same setting (n = 2: LPA stent, 1; RPA balloon, 1), early catheterization within 3 months (n = 4), and change in medical management (n = 2: change in anticoagulation, 1; early CT, 1). Complications related to completion angiography were seen in only a single procedure (LPA staining). In conclusion, completion angiograms using a dedicated Hybrid cardiac operating suite may aid in early diagnosis and therapy of postsurgical abnormalities. They complement other methods of intraoperative imaging and may reduce the potential need for early surgical or transcatheter reintervention.  相似文献   

Late onset of complete heart block is a potentially dangerous complication after open heart surgery for congenital heart disease. The characteristics of patients with late-onset heart block have not been well described. A retrospective review of a pacemaker database was done to identify patients who presented with new onset heart block between 1988 and 2006, after they had been discharged from the hospital after open heart surgery with normal AV conduction. Fifteen patients were identified. The age at the time of the last surgery before the onset of heart block was 2.0 ± 3.2 years (range: 3 days to 10 years). Nine had a ventricular septal defect repair, four had an atrioventricular canal, and two other patients had other types of heart defect. The last EKG available for analysis before the onset of heart block had been obtained 5.1 ± 6.5 years (range: 7 days to 16 years) after surgery. The symptoms at the time of presentation were variable. Four patients presented with fatigue or exercise intolerance, two with syncope, two with congestive heart failure, and one with irritability, and the remaining six patients were diagnosed during routine follow-up. The time between open heart surgery and placement of a permanent pacemaker was 6.8 ± 7.3 years (range: 2 months to 19 years). There were seven patients in whom the onset of heart block was more than 6 years after surgery. Late onset of complete heart block after open heart surgery could be dangerous when presenting without warning. These data would support the notion that patients should be followed for life after repair of congenital heart defects, with special attention to the conduction system, particularly after repair of septal defects.  相似文献   

Many studies of racial and insurance disparities after congenital heart surgery have used limited regional data over short periods. This study examines the association of race and insurance with hospital mortality using a national hospitalization database spanning almost a decade. A retrospective, repeated cross-sectional analysis was performed. All the admissions from the Kids' Inpatient Database from 1997 through 2006 that fit a Risk Adjustment for Congenital Heart Surgery-1 category were examined. Multivariate logistic regression models examining hospital mortality, nonelective admission, and referral to high-mortality hospitals were constructed. Medicaid insurance [odds ratio (OR) 1.26, 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.09-1.46] and nonwhite race (OR 1.36, 95% CI 1.19-1.54) were independent risk factors for mortality. Furthermore, Medicaid insurance (OR 1.23, 95% CI 1.15-1.31) and nonwhite race (OR 1.26, 95% CI 1.19-1.34) were associated with nonelective admission for congenital heart surgery. Finally, children with Medicaid insurance (OR 1.18, 95% CI 1.10-1.27) and black children (OR 1.30, 95% CI 1.17-1.44) had higher odds of referral to high-mortality hospitals. Over the past decade, children undergoing congenital heart surgery continued to experience admission, referral, and survival disparities based on insurance and racial status.  相似文献   

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