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目的 探讨印尼海啸救援中亚齐机场伤病员医学转运模式,为合理利用救援资源提供依据.方法 回顾总结在印尼海啸灾难救援中,中国国际救援队首次与其他国家救援队在灾区亚齐机场联合转运伤病员的过程.结果 在航空医疗救援组织上,由美国国际开发总署、国际移民组织及美国军方共同发起,成立亚齐机场联合医学转运中心.由美国军方、印尼政府、澳大利亚和新加坡空军使用直升机飞赴交通不便的难民营及岛屿,将伤病员转运到亚齐机场,再由中国、美国、澳大利亚等多个国家的医务工作者或志愿者提供急救医疗服务:检伤分类,快速处置并后送分流到市内各级医疗机构.由该中心进行检伤分类、快速处置并转运的急危重伤病员共217名,其中居前3位的伤病分别为外伤(伤口)感染、急性呼吸系统疾病、急性消化系统疾病.结论 联合医学转运中心建立了一种从灾难现场到医院的医疗救援模式:现场→直升机→机场转运中心→后方医院,极大地提高了救援效率.在联合医学转运中心基本框架下,多国救援队、军队及多个国际组织共同参加的伤病员转运工作,最大限度地实现了救灾资源的整合利用.强大的垂直空运能力对于救灾快速反应具有至关重要的作用,有效解决了交通瓶颈问题.  相似文献   

海上单兵生命状态监测系统(NSPSMS)是一种将传感器和信息处理系统、全球定位系统及低功率无线通信技术组合在一起的小型装置,具有装备平台多样化,系统、功能齐全,设备本身轻便,抗电磁辐射干扰,防震动,耐高盐、高湿、高低温,数据信息采集、传输与接收自动化、无线化、智能化、通用性及安全性高等特点。NSPSMS对于战场上及时发现伤病员,进而挽救生命,降低死亡率、伤残率和对于作战指挥员及时了解士兵的生命状况,进而把握部队整体的战斗力,指挥部队作战具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

对严重伤病员高效、及时的转运,是创伤专业化救治的基本要求,也是降低严重创伤死亡率和伤残率的重要措施之一。如何对批量伤员进行及时、高效转运,及早为伤病员提供更专业化的救治,是现代创伤救治及灾难应急救援面临的重大挑战。本文就批量伤员转运前的伤情评估、转运方法等进行探讨,为今后批量伤员转运实施提供科学、规范的依据。  相似文献   

海上救护重症伤病员护理记录是护理工作的重要内容.是反映其伤情变化的客观资料,同时也是重症伤病员后续救治的重要依据.目前,有关海上救护危重伤病员护理记录单的书写与规范,在文献中尚无报道.为适应未来海上救护工作需要,及时、客观、准确地记录重症伤病员的护理过程,使其得到全面救治,减少死亡率和伤残率[1],笔者参考了张恩华等[2]研究报道的未来海战中医院船重伤员72 h直接护理项目,结合海上作战伤病员伤情特点及护理工作实际,设计了海上救护重症伤病员护理记录单,现报告如下.  相似文献   

海上救护重症伤病员护理记录是护理工作的重要内容.是反映其伤情变化的客观资料,同时也是重症伤病员后续救治的重要依据.目前,有关海上救护危重伤病员护理记录单的书写与规范,在文献中尚无报道.为适应未来海上救护工作需要,及时、客观、准确地记录重症伤病员的护理过程,使其得到全面救治,减少死亡率和伤残率[1],笔者参考了张恩华等[2]研究报道的未来海战中医院船重伤员72 h直接护理项目,结合海上作战伤病员伤情特点及护理工作实际,设计了海上救护重症伤病员护理记录单,现报告如下.  相似文献   

海上救护重症伤病员护理记录是护理工作的重要内容.是反映其伤情变化的客观资料,同时也是重症伤病员后续救治的重要依据.目前,有关海上救护危重伤病员护理记录单的书写与规范,在文献中尚无报道.为适应未来海上救护工作需要,及时、客观、准确地记录重症伤病员的护理过程,使其得到全面救治,减少死亡率和伤残率[1],笔者参考了张恩华等[2]研究报道的未来海战中医院船重伤员72 h直接护理项目,结合海上作战伤病员伤情特点及护理工作实际,设计了海上救护重症伤病员护理记录单,现报告如下.  相似文献   

海上救护重症伤病员护理记录是护理工作的重要内容.是反映其伤情变化的客观资料,同时也是重症伤病员后续救治的重要依据.目前,有关海上救护危重伤病员护理记录单的书写与规范,在文献中尚无报道.为适应未来海上救护工作需要,及时、客观、准确地记录重症伤病员的护理过程,使其得到全面救治,减少死亡率和伤残率[1],笔者参考了张恩华等[2]研究报道的未来海战中医院船重伤员72 h直接护理项目,结合海上作战伤病员伤情特点及护理工作实际,设计了海上救护重症伤病员护理记录单,现报告如下.  相似文献   

海上救护重症伤病员护理记录是护理工作的重要内容.是反映其伤情变化的客观资料,同时也是重症伤病员后续救治的重要依据.目前,有关海上救护危重伤病员护理记录单的书写与规范,在文献中尚无报道.为适应未来海上救护工作需要,及时、客观、准确地记录重症伤病员的护理过程,使其得到全面救治,减少死亡率和伤残率[1],笔者参考了张恩华等[2]研究报道的未来海战中医院船重伤员72 h直接护理项目,结合海上作战伤病员伤情特点及护理工作实际,设计了海上救护重症伤病员护理记录单,现报告如下.  相似文献   

海上救护重症伤病员护理记录是护理工作的重要内容.是反映其伤情变化的客观资料,同时也是重症伤病员后续救治的重要依据.目前,有关海上救护危重伤病员护理记录单的书写与规范,在文献中尚无报道.为适应未来海上救护工作需要,及时、客观、准确地记录重症伤病员的护理过程,使其得到全面救治,减少死亡率和伤残率[1],笔者参考了张恩华等[2]研究报道的未来海战中医院船重伤员72 h直接护理项目,结合海上作战伤病员伤情特点及护理工作实际,设计了海上救护重症伤病员护理记录单,现报告如下.  相似文献   

海上救护重症伤病员护理记录是护理工作的重要内容.是反映其伤情变化的客观资料,同时也是重症伤病员后续救治的重要依据.目前,有关海上救护危重伤病员护理记录单的书写与规范,在文献中尚无报道.为适应未来海上救护工作需要,及时、客观、准确地记录重症伤病员的护理过程,使其得到全面救治,减少死亡率和伤残率[1],笔者参考了张恩华等[2]研究报道的未来海战中医院船重伤员72 h直接护理项目,结合海上作战伤病员伤情特点及护理工作实际,设计了海上救护重症伤病员护理记录单,现报告如下.  相似文献   

Compared with non-degradable materials,biodegradable biomaterials play an increasingly important role in the repairing of severe bone defects,and have attracted extensive attention from researchers.In the treatment of bone defects,scaffolds made of biodegradable materials can provide a crawling bridge for new bone tissue in the gap and a platform for cells and growth factors to play a physiological role,which will eventually be degraded and absorbed in the body and be replaced by the new bone tissue.Traditional biodegradable materials include polymers,ceramics and metals,which have been used in bone defect repairing for many years.Although these materials have more or fewer shortcomings,they are still the cornerstone of our development of a new generation of degradable materials.With the rapid development of modern science and technology,in the 21st century,more and more kinds of new biodegradable materials emerge in endlessly,such as new intelligent micro-nano materials and cell-based products.At the same time,there are many new fabrication technologies of improving biodegradable materials,such as modular fabrication,3D and 4D printing,interface reinforcement and nanotechnology.This review will introduce various kinds of biodegradable materials commonly used in bone defect repairing,especially the newly emerging materials and their fabrication technology in recent years,and look forward to the future research direction,hoping to provide researchers in the field with some inspiration and reference.  相似文献   

张音  李长芹  冮毅  田德桥  吴东 《军事医学》2012,36(2):90-92,95
随着全球化进程的推进以及生物技术的迅猛发展,国际生物安全形势更趋复杂严峻,生物恐怖等非传统安全因素的影响也在不断扩大。非政府组织作为参与国际生物军控履约进程的一个组成部分,正发挥着日益重要的作用。本文对国外生物军控履约非政府组织的定义、作用及工作机制进行深入分析,为我国生物军控履约非政府组织的建设和发展提供借鉴参考。  相似文献   

随着全球化进程的推进以及生物技术的迅猛发展,国际生物安全形势更趋复杂严峻,生物恐怖等非传统安全因素的影响也在不断扩大。非政府组织作为参与国际生物军控履约进程的一个组成部分,正发挥着日益重要的作用。本文对国外生物军控履约非政府组织的定义、作用及工作机制进行深入分析,为我国生物军控履约非政府组织的建设和发展提供借鉴参考。  相似文献   

Radiology is confronted now by exciting but challenging times. The excitement derives from dramatic technological advance; the challenge from the economic constraints on health care delivery. The large and growing expense of providing health care is readily apparent and high technology medicine can too easily be blamed for the growth. The pressures for improved service at no extra cost will demand much of the negotiating skills of our specialty and our ability to survive administrative confusion and fragmentation. Equally, manpower planning is a feature of modern medicine. Often this is done from inadequate data and as a specialty we must continue to think constructively about our own future in this context, not least in recognizing the contribution of women to our specialty. Forces also to be recognized are decentralization, electronic information transfer, concerns about radiation exposure and litigation. Not least we need to be better able to define our specialty as its scope is now changing rapidly. For the future I hope that we can be part of the development of the controls which we must inevitably face; we should lead in instituting cost-accounting in our departments; we must be at the leading edge of technological change in both imaging and data transfer, and we must be both more business-like as well as act effectively as the patient's advocate. Radiology has an important and growing responsibility in patient care and most of the technological advances both improve that care and can be justified economically. I am proud to be a radiologist in 1984.  相似文献   

医学图像融合的临床应用与新进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
医学图像融合是医学图像后处理的研究热点,它充分利用多模态图像,获得互补信息,使临床的诊断和治疗更加准确完善。本文综述了近年来医学图像融合研究的临床应用与最新进展,认为多模态医学图像融合是一个发展趋势,在临床疾病的早期诊断、治疗定位中将发挥重要的作用。  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION: Rising life-expectancy in the modern society has resulted in a rapidly growing prevalence of dementia, particularly of Alzheimer's disease (AD). Dementia turns into one of the most common age-related disorders with deleterious consequences for the concerned patients and their relatives, as well as worrying effects on the socio-economic systems. These facts justify strengthened scientific efforts to identify the pathologic origin of dementing disorders, to improve diagnosis, and to interfere therapeutically with the disease progression. BASIC PATHOLOGIES: In the recent years, remarkable progress has been made concerning the identification of molecular mechanisms underlying the pathology of neurodegenerative disorders. Growing evidence indicates that a common basis of many neurodegenerative dementias can be found in increased production, misfolding and pathological aggregation of proteins, such as beta-amyloid, tau protein, a-synuclein, or the recently described ubiquitinated TDP-43. This progressive insight in pathological processes is paralleled by the development of new therapeutic approaches. However, the exact contribution or mechanism of different pathologies with regard to the development of disease is not yet sufficiently clear. Considerable overlap of pathologies has been documented in different types of clinically defined dementias post mortem, and it has been difficult to correlate post mortem histopathology data with disease-expression during life. Molecular imaging procedures may play a valuable role to circumvent this limitation. RELEVANCE FOR IMAGING STUDIES: In general, methods of molecular imaging have recently experienced an impressive advance, with numerous new and improved technologies emerging. These exciting tools may play a key role in the future regarding the evaluation of pathomechanisms, preclinical evaluation of new diagnostic procedures in animal models, selection of patients for clinical trials, and therapy monitoring. In this overview, molecular key pathologies, which are currently regarded to be strongly associated with the development of different dementias, will be shortly summarized; it will also be discussed how state-of-the-art imaging technology can assist to visualize these processes now and in the future.  相似文献   

Molecular imaging: the vision and opportunity for radiology in the future   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Hoffman JM  Gambhir SS 《Radiology》2007,244(1):39-47
Molecular imaging is being hailed as the next great advance for imaging. This introductory article in the molecular imaging series to be published over the next several months in Radiology sets the stage for the subsequent set of articles by providing relevant definitions and background information and traces the evolution of molecular imaging to its current state of research and clinical practice. It discusses in detail the evolution of molecular imaging and the role that the National Cancer Institute and the National Institutes of Health have had in the funding and development of many of the important molecular imaging research programs that are in existence today. The article also provides basic information about the complex biology of the cell and details of the pathogenesis of cancer and how molecular imaging will be critical for earlier detection and management of cancer in the future. The article lays the foundation for the subsequent articles in the series and describes how and why molecular imaging will be critical and integral for clinical care of patients in the future. The introductory article also discusses the relevance of molecular imaging to clinical radiology practice and why it is critical for the practicing radiologist to understand these evolving techniques, as they will be the future of imaging.  相似文献   

转化医学是现代生物医学研究的新理念和科研管理新模式,如何有组织、有计划地推进转化医学发展是医院科研成果转化值得关注的重要课题。作者浅析转化医学概念、内涵以及发展现状,探讨在转化医学模式下的科研管理新思路;并以上海市东方医院为例,阐述近几年医院在探索转化医学背景下科研管理创新模式的实践及成效,展望转化医学的未来发展前景。  相似文献   

Endoscopic ultrasonography is firmly established as an imaging modality that can be used for diagnosing and staging both malignant and nonmalignant disorders of the pancreas, gastrointestinal tract, biliary tree, and mediastinum. In the future, as more physicians are trained and as technologic developments continue to advance, endosonography will likely assume a greater role in therapeutic management.  相似文献   

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