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The effect of various doses of 2-deoxy-D-glucose (2-DG) on food intake in rats fed either a medium fat diet with a moderate carbohydrate content (MF-rats) or a carbohydrate-free high fat diet (HF-rats) was tested. Injections were given intraperitoneally either in the middle of the bright phase or 1 h after onset of the dark phase. During the light phase 2-DG induced a transient hyperphagia in both HF- and MF-rats, but the hyperphagia was somewhat less pronounced in HF-rats. During the dark phase 2-DG produced a hyperphagia in the MF-rats and a long-term hypophagia in the HF-rats. Since 2-DG elicited feeding in HF-rats during the light phase, the feeding response to 2-DG not only reflects hunger for carbohydrate as previously suggested but also seems to produce hunger for energy.  相似文献   

Alterations in the ability to adjust energy intake when optional dietary foods are available may contribute to aging-related changes in body composition. Ingestive behavior, however, has not been extensively studied in aging models. The present research used young, middle-aged and old rats to examine food intake under several different schedules of optional fat availability. All rats were provided with continuous access to a nutritionally complete diet throughout the 6-week study. In addition, different subgroups within each age had access to an optional source of vegetable shortening under schedules in which the frequency of access was manipulated: controls (C)-- no shortening access; MWF--2-h shortening access on Monday, Wednesday and Friday; D2--2-h shortening access every day; D24--24-h shortening access every day. Energy intake was significantly greater in groups with more frequent access to shortening regardless of age. The length of time the rats remained hyperphagic, however, increased with age. Body weight increased significantly in the D24 group in middle-aged and old rats, but not in young rats. Total body fat was also significantly higher in middle-aged and old groups with more frequent access to shortening, but not in young rats. Finally, body ash mass was significantly reduced in old rats on the D24 diet. These results suggest that alterations in responses to an optional source of dietary fat may contribute to aging-associated body fat accretion and body mineral loss.  相似文献   

This experiment examined both the short-term and the long-term effects of ovariectomy on brown adipose tissue growth and function in rats to determine if reduced brown adipose tissue thermogenesis might contribute to the weight gain and adiposity. Brown adipose tissue function was assessed by measuring sympathetic nervous system activity (estimated by the rate of norepinephrine turnover) and mitochondrial proton conductance (estimated by specific GDP binding) in interscapular brown adipose tissue. Rats (n = 12 per group) were killed 0 (sham), 1, 2, 4, and 12 weeks after ovariectomy. During the first five weeks after ovariectomy rats overrate and rapidly gained weight. The weight gain was due to increases in all carcass components. Five weeks after ovariectomy food intake returned to control levels, and body weights stabilized 12-16% above sham-operated control weights for the duration of the experiment. Between week 4 and week 12 after surgery there was a redistribution of carcass composition, with decreases in carcass water and fat-free dry weights offset by a further increase in total carcass lipid. Brown adipose tissue pads were heavier in the 1-, 2-, and 4-week ovariectomy groups, but only in the 4-week group was the increase statistically significant. Brown adipose tissue protein, DNA, and norepinephrine content was unchanged 1-, 2-, 4-, or 12-weeks after ovariectomy. There was no difference in either the rate of norepinephrine turnover or specific mitochondrial GDP binding between sham-operated and 1-, 2-, 4-, or 12-week ovariectomized rats.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Intragastric infusion of hydrochloric acid lowered rats' intragastric pH, but failed to produce any increase or decrease in food intake. Conversely, infusions of base (aluminum and magnesium hydroxide) increased pH without altering food intake.  相似文献   

This paper considers the role of energy density (ED), diet composition and palatability in the control of energy intake (EI) in humans through several related considerations: (i) the relationship between ED and diet composition, (ii) the relationship between ED, diet composition and EI, (iii) the relationship between palatability and EI, (iv) the relationship between ED, palatability and EI, (v) the importance of postingestive factors in influencing palatability in the longer term, (vi) the contribution of sensory and nutritional factors to dietary hyperphagia and (vii) the implications these considerations have for people living their normal lives in their natural environment. The main factors influencing ED are the fat and water content of foods. Energy density does elevate EI, especially in short-term studies where it can account for >40% of the variance in EI. In real life, ED accounts for only approximately 7% of the variance in EI. This is because the determinants of EI are multifactorial and also because the short-term effects of ED on EI do not translate into the longer term. We argue that part of the longer term amelioration of short-term effects of ED on EI is due to learned compensation, based on the postingestive consequences of consuming familiar food that differ in ED. More energy-dense foods tend to be more palatable but we learn to consume them in smaller portion sizes. In the longer term, the perceived palatability of a food is strongly influenced by the postingestive consequences of eating it. This effect can override sensory factors alone. This implies that nutrient mimetics, if used continuously, would not be as efficacious as initially supposed and that their ad hoc use may undermine the stability of learned appetites and satieties for foods with different EDs and contribute to the poor weight control capability exhibited by consumers at large.  相似文献   

High-fat diets typically elicit greater kcal intake and/or weight gain than low-fat diets. Palatability, caloric density, and the unique postingestive effects of fat have each been shown to contribute to high-fat diet hyperphagia. Because long-term intake reflects the sum of many individual eating episodes (meals), it is important to investigate factors that may modulate fat intake at a meal. The present studies used high-fat (hi-fat) and high-carbohydrate (hi-carb) liquid diets (both 2.3 kcal/mL) to assess the effect of hunger level (0 versus 24-h food deprivation) and fat content of the maintenance diet (12 versus 48%) on fat preference (when a choice among foods is offered in a two-bottle test), and acceptance (only one food offered) in male rats. Preference for hi-fat relative to hi-carb (two-bottle test) was enhanced by 24-h food deprivation, and by a high-fat maintenance diet. In contrast, neither deprivation nor maintenance diet composition influenced relative meal size (one-bottle test) of hi-fat and hi-carb: irrespective of test conditions, meal size of hi-fat was bigger than meal size of hi-carb.  相似文献   

Undernutrition limited to the first two weeks (trimesters) of pregnancy in rats produces a delayed-onset enhancement of body weight and food intake in male but not female offspring. Adiposity measures (fat cell size, fat pad weight and carcass lipid content) however, were enhanced only in male offspring of previously deprived mothers maintained on a high-fat diet. Previous work had shown that although these adiposity differences are enhanced by this diet, hyperphagia was eliminated when animals were switched to the high-fat diet as adults. The current study demonstrates that if offspring of deprived animals are exposed to the high-fat diet early in life, hyperphagia ensues. Adipocyte number, and circulating triglyceride levels were unaffected by our nutritional manipulation.  相似文献   

It has been suggested that access to high caloric food attenuates stress response. The present paper investigates whether access to commercial chow enriched with glucose and fat, here referred to as comfort food alters behavioral, metabolic, and hormonal parameters of rats submitted to three daily sessions of foot-shock stress. Food intake, anxiety-like behaviors, and serum levels of insulin, leptin, corticosterone, glucose and triglycerides were determined. The rats submitted to stress decreased the intake of commercial chow, but kept unaltered the intake of comfort food. During the elevated plus maze (EPM) test, stressed rats increased the number of head dipping, entries into the open arms, as well as the time spent there, and decreased the number of stretched-attend posture and risk assessment. These effects of stress were independent of the type of food consumed. Non-stressed rats ingesting comfort food decreased risk assessment as well. Stress and comfort food increased time spent in the center of the open field and delayed the first crossing to a new quadrant. Stress increased the plasma level of glucose and insulin, and reduced triglycerides, although consumption of comfort food increases glucose, triglyceride and leptin levels; no effect on leptin level was associated to stress. The stress induced increase in serum corticosterone was attenuated when rats had access to comfort food. It was concluded that foot-shock stress has an anorexigenic effect that is independent of leptin and prevented upon access to comfort food. Foot-shock stress also has an anxiolytic effect that is potentiated by the ingestion of comfort food and that is evidenced by both EPM and open field tests.  相似文献   

We have been studying the development of hypertension in spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR) fed a low protein diet. The effects of a low protein diet upon food and water intake were examined. Body weight gain, food and water intake were measured in three to twenty-three week-old SHR and Wistar Kyoto rats (WKY) fed diets containing 8%, 15% or 25% casein. Body weights of SHR and WKY fed an 8% casein diet were significantly lower at 23 weeks than rats on the higher protein diets, although both groups on the 8% diet consumed more food and water per g of body weight. In addition, SHR fed an 8% casein diet drank less water per gram of food than WKY or SHR fed 15% and 25% casein diets. These results indicate that changes in food and water intake, as a consequence of low protein diets, should be an additional consideration when examining the effects of dietary protein on the development of hypertension.  相似文献   

Comparisons between early daytime and early nighttime effects of 2-deoxy-D-glucose (2DG) injections on food and water intake and rectal temperature were made. Food intake was significantly enhanced by 2DG injections regardless of the phase of the light cycle. In the daytime, water intake was increased by a lower dose of 2DG (200 mg/kg, IP) but there was no further increase at a higher dose (400 mg/kg). At night, the lower dose of 2DG had no effect on water intake but the higher dose suppressed the water intake normally associated with feeding. Administration of 2DG reduced preprandial rectal temperature in a dose dependent fashion in both phases of the light cycle. However, preprandial rectal temperatures were decreased more at night than during the daytime after injection of the higher dose of 2DG. Therefore, 2DG-induced hypothermia is dependent on both the dose of 2DG injected and the phase of the light cycle in which glucoprivation is produced. Furthermore, below a certain level of body temperature, rats markedly reduced drinking behavior while maintaining but not increasing their feeding response to 2DG-induced glucoprivation. These results suggest that behaviors may be directed toward preservations of body temperature in preference to relief of hunger by eating and of thirst by drinking.  相似文献   

Schedules of insulin treatment which reliably increased eating in fat-fed diabetic rats were studied for their effect on plasma glucose concentrations. An inverse correlation between intake and plasma glucose was observed in fat-fed diabetics given long-term treatment with protamine-zinc insulin (PZI); however changes in glucose did not account for the differential effect of insulin on food intakes in normal controls or normal and diabetic rats fed a low-fat food. A single injection of 1 U PZI which increased eating in fat-fed diabetics but not normal controls 17–23 hr later did not reduce glucose concentrations from hyperglycemic levels in diabetics during the same time period. Injections of regular insulin increased eating in fat-fed diabetic and normal rats in a comparable fashion, but did not reduce plasma glucose in diabetics as low as in normal animals. The results show that the effect of exogenously administered insulin on food intake in fat-fed diabetics is largely unrelated to changes in circulating glucose levels and suggest that metabolic consequences of insulin treatment other than hypoglycemia may underlie the effect of the hormone on feeding in these animals.  相似文献   

Bilateral truncal vagotomy performed in 13 rats reduced weight gain by 26% compared to controls, but also produced gastric distension. Addition of pyloroplasty was found to facilitate gastric drainage in vagotomized rats, and both procedures were then performed in 57 rats of both sexes and varying initial weights. When fed ad libitum, vagotomized animals maintained a weight 14-30% less than controls over periods of 30-300 days. When pair fed, normal rats and rats with vagotomy and pyloroplasty weighed the same. Various partial vagotomies had no effect on weight gain. It was concluded that vagotomy reduces weight gain in rats, that the reduction is the result of decreased food intake, and that the effect of vagotomy is probably not due to gastric distension.  相似文献   

 目的: 探讨肥胖抵抗(OR)大鼠、高脂饮食诱导肥胖(DIO)大鼠及正常SD大鼠的摄食量和自由活动量的差异及食欲肽(orexin-A)在其中的作用。方法: 分别于OR、DIO和SD大鼠下丘脑头端外侧区(rLHa)埋置套管,经套管注射不同剂量(0、31.25、62.5、125和250 pmol)的orexin-A,观察大鼠2 h内摄食量和自由活动情况;采用real-time PCR检测下丘脑和rLHa prepro-orexin、orexin-A受体(OX1R)和 orexin-B受体(OX2R)的 mRNA表达;采用放射免疫分析法检测下丘脑和rLHa OX1R和OX2R的蛋白含量。结果: rLHa微量注射orexin-A可显著增加OR、DIO和SD大鼠的摄食量(P<0.05);rLHa微量注射orexin-A后,OR和SD大鼠的自由活动量比DIO大鼠显著增高(P<0.05)。OR大鼠rLHA OX1R和OX2R的mRNA及蛋白表达均明显高于DIO和SD大鼠(P<0.05)。结论: 下丘脑orexin-A参与肥胖和正常大鼠能量代谢调控,其中对OR大鼠的调控效应最佳。  相似文献   

Ovariectomized (OVX) rats eat more and gain weight more rapidly than sham-operated (SO) rats and estradiol (E(2)) treatment attenuates food intake and body weight gain in OVX rats. Studies were designed to test the hypothesis that the alpha subtype of the estrogen receptor (ERalpha) mediates the attenuating effects of E(2) on food intake and body weight gain while the beta subtype (ERbeta) mediates opposing actions that lead to increased food intake and body weight gain. Female rats were SO or OVX and treated daily with vehicle (dimethylsulfoxide, DMSO) or E(2) (10 microg/day), or the ERalpha-selective agonist, 4,4',4'-(4-propyl-[1H]-pyrazole-1,3,5-triyl)trisphenol (PPT, 0.5 mg/day), or the ERbeta-selective agonist, 2,3-bis(4-hyroxyphenyl)-propionitrile (DPN, 0.5 mg/day) for 14 days. Total food intake was significantly reduced by E(2) and PPT, but not DPN. Total body weight gain was significantly increased in OVX rats compared to SO rats and treatment with E(2) or PPT, but not DPN, significantly decreased total body weight gain to levels that were not significantly different from SO rats. A dose-response study of PPT indicated that at 0.25 mg/day, PPT significantly reduced total 21-day food intake and body weight gain and, at 0.13 and 0.06 mg/day, PPT significantly reduced total body weight gain compared to OVX rats without significantly reducing total food intake. A dose-response study of DPN indicated that none of the three doses of DPN significantly altered total 21-day food intake or total body weight gain. These results suggest ERalpha mediates the attenuating effects of estrogens on food intake and body weight gain while ERbeta has no effect on these variables.  相似文献   

Little is known about the effects of pre- and early postnatal protein malnutrition on energy storage (e.g., carcass lipid) and expenditure (e.g., brown adipose tissue [BAT] thermogenesis) and their reversibility by nutritional rehabilitation. Therefore, the purpose of these experiments was to examine the permanence of prenatal and early postnatal protein malnutrition on energy balance in rats. Five weeks before mating and through gestation adult female rats were fed either a 25 or 8% casein diet (designated 25 or 8). Diet reversals were performed at birth and/or at weaning (designated B or W) and the pups were cross-fostered at birth. Thus, the groups were: 25-25B (controls), 8-25W (gestational and lactational protein malnutrition, 8-25B (gestational protein malnutrition), and 25-8B-25W (lactational protein malnutrition). Animals were weighed and sacrificed 200-250 days postpartum for carcass composition. Retroperitoneal white adipose tissue (RWAT) and interscapular BAT (IBAT) wet weights and lipoprotein lipase (LPL) activity were also measured in the 25-25B and 8-25W groups. Nutritional rehabilitation at birth (8-25B) resulted in normal body weights as adults. Lactational protein malnutrition (25-8B-25W) resulted in intermediate body weights to the controls (25-25W), which had the greatest weights, and the 8-25W group, which had the lowest weights. The 8-25W and 25-8B-25W rats also had significantly decreased carcass wet weight and total body water, fat and fat-free dry mass relative to the 25-25B and 8-25B groups, the latter two of which did not differ in their carcass composition.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

To test whether glycerol utilization might contribute to glycerol-induced hypophagia, cumulative food intake was measured following subcutaneous glycerol injection in rats fed a high carbohydrate (HC), a high fat (HF) or a high protein (HP) diet, because food composition is known to influence the activity of several glycerol metabolizing enzymes. In additional experiments, the effect of glycerol injection on plasma glycerol, blood glucose, and liver glycogen levels was also investigated in HC-, HF-, and HP-rats. Subcutaneous glycerol injection (6.3 mmoles/kg b.w.) significantly reduced food intake in HC- and HF-rats, but failed to decrease feeding in HP-rats. Five hours after glycerol injection, plasma glycerol levels were significantly elevated in HP-rats, but did not differ from the glycerol levels of controls in HC- and HF-rats. Subcutaneous glycerol injection did not affect blood glucose concentration or liver glycogen content 5 hours after injection in any feeding group. The results suggest that oxidation of the injected glycerol might contribute to the glycerol-induced hypophagia in HC- and in HF-rats.  相似文献   

Male weanling Sprague-Dawley rats with dorsomedial hypothalamic lesions (DMNL rats) primarily destroying the dorosomedial hypothalamic nuclei (DMN) showed significant hypophagia on lab chow chunks compared to sham-operated controls. When given a choice between lab chow in the form of chunks or powder, both controls and DMNL rats ate similar amounts of lab chow powder while DMNL rats ate less lab chow chunks. Total caloric consumption was the same as on chunks alone. When returned to lab chow chunks as the only source of calories, the pattern and magnitude of intake was again depressed for the DMNL rats. When offered a choice between Ginger Snaps cookies in chunk form versus powder, DMNL rats remained hypophagic in terms of chunk consumption while the intake from powder was similar in both controls and DMNL rats. When offered a choice between chunks of lab chow and Ginger Snaps, DMNL rats were again hypophagic on lab chow chunks, ate the same as the controls of the cookies, and the total caloric intake was of the same magnitude and pattern as observed in previous tests. The data suggest, but do not conclusively show, that DMNL rats are not hypophagic because they have an aversion to chewing hard food and that, when offered a diet similar in hardness to lab chow chunks i.e., hard cookies, will prefer the less tasty but nutritionally complete lab chow. They are apparently capable of choosing a diet for complete nutrition and, as previously reported, can meter calories competently.  相似文献   

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