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整体护理病房出院病人对护理工作满意度调查及分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我科自 1997年 10月开展整体护理以来 ,由护士长负责组织全科护士参加整体护理学习班学习 ,制定了科室护理理念 ,各级护理人员工作职责 ,各项工作规程及评价标准 ,建立了护理人员梯队结构。将全科护士分为两组进行工作 ,由 2名高年资大专毕业护士为专科护士 ,负责本组护理工作、病历的书写及修改、专科业务的指导、健康教育的宣教工作 ,并设治疗护士一名 ,其余护士为主管护士 ,分床到人具体管理 ,使科室护理工作忙而不乱、井然有序 ,护士能真正投入到护理病人的工作中 ,护患关系明显改善 ,病人对护士工作满意度明显提高 ,病床使用率达到 95 …  相似文献   

护士长是医院护理系统中的基层管理者,起着沟通信息及协调科室内外关系的桥梁作用,并担负着科室以及所需病房管理和专科护理业务技术的直接指导任务。在临床工作中组织并指导以病人为中心的整体护理活动。为病人提供一流的护理服务,为护士创造一个专业化的环境。现在护士长都是从一线的护理队伍中选拔上来的,为避免彼得原理现象的出现,新护士长一定要将从护士到护士长的角色转变好。  相似文献   

目的:探讨包干专科指导对开展优质护理服务的影响。方法:采用问卷调查法,比较实施包干专科指导前后患者对护理工作满意情况、科室护士对护士长管理满意情况。结果:实施包干专科指导后,患者对护理工作满意率明显高于实施前(P<0.01);同期科室护士对护士长管理满意情况明显优于实施前(P<0.05)。结论:在开展优质护理服务示范工程初期,科室护士长转变观念,调整管理策略,督促护士落实专科教育,促使患者尽早恢复;包干专科指导有助于基层优质护理服务示范工程顺利开展。  相似文献   

培训护理骨干的新尝试   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的介绍ICU临床专科护士的培训,探讨ICU专科护士的发展价值。方法在全院范围内自愿报名,由护理部指派到ICU培训3-6个月。结果从ICU培训出来的护士20%竞聘为护士长,45%成为临床科室护理骨干,35%的在ICU成为ICU专科护士骨干。结论培养合格的专科护理骨干具有发展价值。  相似文献   

护士长与护士朝夕相处 ,沟通方法得当可使病室工作氛围融洽 ,环境舒心 ,护士工作积极性高。护士长与护士的沟通 ,护士长本身起着非常关键的作用。护士长应融入到护士群体中 ,不能把自己独立为我是领导者 ,我说了算 ,而是常常想我还能为她们作什么 ,我还有哪些地方做得不够。护士长应给科室护士充分展现自己的机会 ,善于发现每个人的长处 ,并善于运用长处。如对表达能力强 ,业务熟练的护士可安排其组织一次护理业务查房 ,从选题到组织均由其负责 ,或安排该护士科室小讲课 ,科室质量检查 ,护士长督促执行。增强科室团队精神。  护士长应正人…  相似文献   

目的探讨医院感染控制专科护理小组管理模式、工作方法及效果。方法护理部专科护理管理委员会下设感染控制专科护理小组,成员由经验丰富的护理专家、医院感染重点科室护士长、医院感染专职护士及科室联络员组成,形成组长、核心成员、联络员的三级质控督察体系;小组通过建立感染控制/标准防护的各项指引、工作规范和流程,用以指导临床实践及对临床科室进行定期或不定期质量督导、跟踪、评价。结果感染控制专科护理小组成立后,我院2009年7月-2012年7月3个年度消毒隔离质量管理月平均问题数逐年减少,管理质量评分逐年提高(P〈0.05)。结论感染控制专科护理小组的建立与实践,提高了医院消毒隔离质量,且能规范护理人员的行为、改善工作环境,使医疗器械及用品的管理达到制度化、规范化和精细化程度。确保护理质量和患者安全。  相似文献   

护士长工作手册软件的建立,使临床护理工作通过计算机网络管理实现了科室、医院护理管理数据处理自动化,改变了医院护理管理的模式和工作方法,提高了护士长的管理效率和能力,使护士长由单纯的业务事物性管理转化为计划、预测分析的科学管理,加强和促进了医院护理管理科学化、标准化、规范化。  相似文献   

护士长兼任糖尿病专科护士工作的实践与成效   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
余桂芳 《护理学报》2008,15(7):31-33
随着医学的发展,专科护士已成为近年来护理专科迅速发展起来的新角色。某院于2005年起,由内分泌科护士长兼任糖尿病专科护士,其为了兼顾好病房管理和专科护士两方面的工作,通过科学管理好时间,有计划地安排工作;优化护理工作模式,实施“层级全责一体化护理模式”;以成立“糖尿病联络护士工作小组”的形式,培训和指导非内分泌科护士的糖尿病专科知识和技能等。经过两年多的工作实践,在护理管理、专科护理质量、糖尿病患者教育等方面均获得很好成效,科室没有投诉和纠纷,没有发生任何差错事故;提高了患者的糖尿病知识知晓率;患者的综合满意度达到95%以上;并能开展一些糖尿病护理研究。因此,在目前没有条件设立全职糖尿病专科护士岗位的情况下,由护理骨干兼任糖尿病专科护士,履行其职责及发挥其功能,对为患者提供高水平、高质量的临床护理同样起到很好的作用。  相似文献   

医院分级管理,三级甲等医院、三级特等医院要求实行护理部-总护士长-护士长三级护理管理。经过两年的临床实践,我们体会到:总护士长是来自基层的护士长,有丰富的临床经验和专科护理经验,有良好的政治素质、具有副高职的水平;在护理管理中起到了参谋咨询、业务督导、检查和辅助决策的作用,使得护理工作第一线的情况摸得透,护理质量得到了有效的控制和提高。1总护士长的职责①在护理部主任的领导下,负责组织领导分管科室的护理、教学、科研及管理工作。②经常深入科室全面了解与掌握护理人员的服务态度,执行规章制度和护理工作质…  相似文献   

新任护士长角色转变   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
游建平 《护理研究》2003,17(2):114-115
在医院的护理管理工作中 ,护士长是最基层科室护理工作的领导者和管理者 ,在病人及医务人员心目中 ,护士长是护理队伍中优秀人才的代表 ,而一名新任护士长在工作上面临的重要问题却是角色的转变———从一名护理工作执行者转变为护理工作管理者 ,管理过程中又难免会遇到困惑、挫折和压力 ,这就需要具有良好的心理适应能力 ,才能不影响护士长工作的开展 ,现就任护士长后的感想与其他新任护士长交流 ,以求互进共勉。1 影响新护士长角色适应的因素1.1 自身心理压力过大 新到另一科室上任的护士长 ,往往带着复杂的心理 ,一是充满信心和理想 ,…  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To study the reasons for first-line nurse managers to resign, their perceptions of difficult situations, experience of support and satisfaction with work. BACKGROUND: The intentions of first-line nurse managers' to stay at their posts varied between 45% and 75% in different studies. METHODS: Data were collected by questionnaire and letters from 32 first-line nurse managers who had left their posts. Qualitative content analysis was used to analyse the letters. RESULTS: Eleven first-line nurse managers resigned due to reorganization or other changes and 19 due to their own accord. Reasons to leave were personal, organizational, as well as lack of support from and relations to the head of department. Difficult situations were unclear conditions, lack of support from supervisors and, implementation of changes, staff matters and economy. Important support was personal, organizational, practical and to have opportunities for development and education. The perception of work satisfaction was higher after resignation. CONCLUSIONS: The dominant reason to leave was reorganization and other changes. The relation to the head of department influenced the first-line nurse managers' overall work situation.  相似文献   

Many nurse administrators supervise the pastoral care department. The author discusses expectations which pastoral care clergy have of nurse administrators; budget information which pastoral care department heads need in order to manage their departments; relationships between social workers and clergy; and criteria for selecting a pastoral care department head.  相似文献   

护士长工作实绩申报表在护理管理中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 :通过护士长工作实绩申报表的应用 ,实现护士长自身观念的转变、领导艺术的转变和率先垂范的作用。方法 :护理部制定护士长工作实绩申报项目及管理指标、考核细则 ,护士长自评、量化、申报并接受全面考核。结果 :加强了自我审视和评判能力 ,加强了护理部与科室之间的紧密联系 ,充分调动护士的工作热情 ,使护理质量明显提高 ,病人满意率达 99.3 %以上。结论 :使护士长的管理工作责任和目标明确化 ;管理理念人性化 ;质量检查主动化。使护理质量和病人满意度大幅度升高 ,实现了护理管理的目标。  相似文献   

The relationship between head nurses and their staff nurses influences staff turnover rates and job satisfaction. In this article the author describes the measures taken by the management of Greater Southeast Community Hospital in response to an increasing turnover rate among staff RNs. In recognition of the head nurse role vis-d-vis attrition rates and job satisfaction, head nurses were upgraded to department head status and rigorous head nurse performance standards were developed. These standards required clinical expertise, managerial competence, and accountability. It is the author's contention that clinical practice and staff morale are directly related to a clearly defined head nurse role.  相似文献   

To facilitate nurses' job satisfaction and reduce their psychological distress, it is useful for a nursing manager to know whether factors within the workplace provide greater prediction of these affective states than variables outside the domain of work, and whether there are common predictors of satisfaction and distress. The relative importance of occupational and nonoccupational variables in the prediction of job satisfaction and psychological distress was investigated in a survey of hospital nurses (N 5 376). Perceived relations with the head nurse, coworkers, physicians, and other units/departments, along with unit tenure and job/nonjob conflict, were predictors of job satisfaction. Personal disposition (anxiety-trait), social integration, unit tenure, professional experience, position level, and job/nonjob conflict, along with the relations with the head nurse and physicians, were predictors of psychological distress. The relations with the head nurse and physicians, as well as unit tenure and job/nonjob conflict, were predictors of both satisfaction and distress. The prediction by unit tenure is noteworthy. Unit tenure had a negative relationship to satisfaction and a positive one to distress, whereas total experience had a negative relationship to psychological distress and none with job satisfaction. The role of unit tenure in nurses' affective experiences warrants more attention in future research, along with the role of job/nonjob conflict and other variables predictive of nurses' satisfaction and distress. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Res Nurs Health 20: 453–464, 1997  相似文献   

护士长的工作压力与社会支持的相关性研究   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
目的了解护士长的工作压力与社会支持状况及它们之间的相关关系。方法采用护士长工作问卷(工作疲溃感量表MBI)及领悟社会支持量表(PSSS),对146名护士长的工作压力及社会支持状况进行调查,并对二者之间的关系进行了相关分析。结果护士长的“情绪耗竭”(EE)、“去人格化倾向”(DP)、“自我成就感”(PA)的分值均低于Maslach的样本,其差异具有统计学意义;护士长的社会支持总分较高,家庭、朋友及其它支持的均数水平高于可能得分的均数值。结论本次调查的护士长面对职业压力的心理适应状况良好,但自我成就感不足;护士长有较好的和比较稳定的社会支持;护士长工作压力与社会支持具有相关关系。  相似文献   

Title. Turnover intention in new graduate nurses: a multivariate analysis Aim. This paper is a report of a study to determine the relationship of new nurse turnover intent with individual characteristics, work environment variables and organizational factors and to compare new nurse turnover with actual turnover in the 18 months of employment following completion of a residency. Background. Because of their influence on patient safety and health outcomes nurse turnover and turnover intent have received considerable attention worldwide. When nurse staffing is inadequate, especially during nursing shortages, unfavourable clinical outcomes have been documented. Method. Prospective data collection took place from 1999 to 2006 with 889 new paediatric nurses who completed the same residency. Scores on study instruments were related to likelihood of turnover intent using logistic regression analysis models. Relationships between turnover intent and actual turnover were compared using Kaplan–Meier survivorship. Results. The final model demonstrated that older respondents were more likely to have turnover intent if they did not get their ward choice. Also higher scores on work environment and organizational characteristics contributed to likelihood that the new nurse would not be in the turnover intent group. These factors distinguish a new nurse with turnover intent from one without 79% of the time. Increased seeking of social support was related to turnover intent and older new graduates were more likely to be in the turnover intent group if they did not get their ward choice. Conclusion. When new graduate nurses are satisfied with their jobs and pay and feel committed to the organization, the odds against turnover intent decrease.  相似文献   

目的:分析影响护理业务查房对临床护理工作指导作用的因素。方法:护理部通过组织护士长查房竞赛,对全院40位病房护士长进行护理业务查房质控。结果:通过对40位护士长业务查房效果的分析,认为责任护士的病情汇报、护士长查体、护士长对责任护士的评价,护士长的查房指导和讨论问题是影响护理业务查房对临床护理工作指导作用的4个环节。结论:通过对影响护理业务查房的质量控制.可以提高护理业务查房对临床护理工作的指导作用。  相似文献   

目的了解临床护士对护士长角色期望的内容及其主次顺序。方法采用目的性抽样,以半结构式、个体深入式方法对苏州大学附属第一医院的13名临床一线护士进行访谈,运用Colaizzi7步分析法对访谈结果进行整理分析。结果临床护士对护士长的角色期望主要包括3个方面,按照主次顺序依次为管理素质期望、品格素质期望、业务素质期望。结论护士长应充分发挥其管理才能,注重自身品质对护士的带动作用,同时应加强对业务骨干的培养,促进科室业务发展,从而更好地为患者提供专业化的护理服务。  相似文献   

探讨在医院护理层级管理模式下科室护士长角色的转变.在医院推行护理层级管理,新模式下对护士长角色进行重新的定位.护士长传统的角色和工作模式受到冲击,其专业地位面临挑战,管理权限的分流,使专业管理人员与高级专业技术人员之间产生一定的矛盾和对立,护士长新的角色适应存在一定困难.护理层级管理模式的推行要求护士长进行新的角色调整,更新观念是前提,熟悉新的工作内容,思考新的工作方式,医院需要逐步建立完善的护理管理人员的保障机制,同时加强对高级护理人员的素质教育,积极配合护士长角色的转变.  相似文献   

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