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??Objective    To explore the application and curative effect of music therapy in relieving children dental fear??CDF??. Methods    A total of 128 first-visit-dental children??aged 4 - 10 years???? who were classified as CDF by children′ s fear survey schedule-dental subscale??CFSS-DS????were included in the study. The children were randomly selected to accept music therapy and behavior management??64 children??experiment group????and behavior management only ??64 children??control group??. Heart rate??blood pressure and oxygen saturation were recorded before??during and after treatment as well as before return visit??and anxiety level was evaluated by Venham anxiety and cooperative behavior scale. Results    Sixty planned treatments were completed satisfactorily in experimental group??but only 56 children completed treatment in control group. In the process of treatment??heart rate variation in experimental group was significantly less than the control group. In the experimental group??the heart rate in operation was not significantly increased??but the postoperative rate was significantly lower than that before treatment??the intraoperative and postoperative heart rate was significantly faster than preoperative rate in the experiment group. Except for children with Venham grade of 4??other children’s heart rate decreased significantly after initial visits and before subsequent visits in experiment group. Systolic pressure also showed similar trends. Conclusion    Music therapy is a safe and acceptable way to relieve children dental fear with higher compliance of children.  相似文献   

目的    探讨心理行为诱导对牙科畏惧症(dental anxiety, DA)患儿的临床疗效。方法    对2009年2月至2010年7月在济南市口腔医院门诊就诊的398例3~12 岁口腔疾患儿童,采用儿童焦虑调查表-牙科分量表(children’s fear survey schedule-dental subscale, CFSS-DS )进行分析比较,并将筛选出的316例DA 患儿随机分为试验组和对照组。试验组在进行常规口腔治疗的同时,采用心理行为诱导;对照组仅进行常规口腔治疗。结果      试验组治疗后,DA 程度明显下降(P<0.01),男孩DA 程度的下降较女孩更显著(P<0.05)。结论    心理行为诱导治疗DA患儿效果明显,有利于提高临床治疗效率与治疗质量。  相似文献   

??Objective??To propose a new panoramic tomographic predictor of maxillary impact canines by the analysis of the sector of crown and root??the inclination of the dental axis and the teeth length of the maxillary impacted canines on panoramic tomographs and by comparing the position of maxillary impact canines with that on cone-beam computed tomographys??CBCT??. Methods??Collect the general datas of 135 patients who had unilateral impacted maxillary canines. A total of 135 maxillary impacted canines were included as the experimental group??the 135 non-impacted canines on the opposite side in the same patients were as the control group. ??1??The NNT Viewer software and Planmeca Dimaxis Pro software were used to measure the cone-beam computed tomographys and panoramic tomographs respectively. The mesial and distal position of the maxillary impacted canine in the panoramic tomographs was divided into 5 sectors???? ~ ?? sector????the position of labiopalatal side was determined by CBCT??and the relationship between them was analyzed. ??2??The difference between the mesial and distal position distribution of crown and root??the inclination of the dental axis and the teeth length of the teeth of the experimental group and the control group was measured and analyzed in the panoramic tomographs. Results????1??The labiopalatal distribution of the maxillary impacted canines was significantly different between sexes??χ2 = 13.542??P = 0.001??. A statistically significant association was observed between the labiopalatal positions in the cone-beam computed tomographys and the root sectors in panoramic tomographs of the impacted canines ??r = 0. 225??P = 0.009????but not the crown sectors??r = 0.001??P = 0.991??.??2??There are differences in the distribution of the mesial and distal positions of the crown and root between the two groups??χ2 = 219.263??68.447??both P < 0.001??. The maxillary impacted canine of the experimental group was shorter than that of the control group??and the dental axis was more inclined??P < 0.05??. Conclusion??The labiopalatal position can be predicted by the location of the mesial and distal position of the maxillary impacted canine root in the panoramic tomographs. The sector of root and the tooth length can be used to predict the probability of maxillary impacted canines.  相似文献   

??Objective    To evaluate working time and postoperative responses to single-visit root canal treatment for mandibular first molar with Reciproc and Mtwo instruments. Methods    Choose 56 patients who received single-visit root canal treatment for mandibular first molar?? and they were randomly divided into group A ??Reciproc group ??28 cases???? and group B ??Mtwo group ??28 cases????. Root canal was prepared with group A and B instrument and root canal was filled in single-visit?? record the total time of operation?? postoperative pain time?? postoperative medication time and postoperative effectiveness after one week. Results     Clinical operation time of group A averaged ??35.43 ± 6.04??minutes and group B averaged ??39.00 ± 3.34??minutes?? the difference being statistically significant ??P < 0.05??. In terms of postoperative pain time and postoperative medication time and efficient cases after one week?? group A was ??1.25 ± 1.82??days????1.73 ± 1.27??days and 26 cases?? group B??0.98 ± 1.55??days,??1.24 ± 1.32??days and 27cases??there being no significant difference ??P > 0.05?? between group A and group B. Conclusion    In single-visit root canal treatment for mandibular first molar??clinical operation time of Reciproc group is slightly shorter than that of Mtwo group?? but both groups can achieve good clinical effect.  相似文献   

目的    探讨急、 慢性牙髓炎和慢性根尖周炎一次法根管治疗术的近期疗效。方法    选择2006年1月至2009年12月在安徽省六安市人民医院口腔科就诊的急、慢性牙髓炎和慢性根尖周炎患者392例(392颗患牙),随机分成2组,试验组208颗采用一次法根管治疗术根管充填,对照组184颗采用常规的多次法根管治疗术,观察2组术后1周疼痛发生情况,术后3、12个月的临床疗效。结果    治疗结束1周内,试验组较对照组疼痛发生率高(22.60% 对 20.65%),但差异无统计学意义。术后3、12个月两组间疗效差异也无统计学意义。结论    急、慢性牙髓炎和慢性根尖周炎一次法根管治疗术近期疗效与常规的多次法根管治疗术无显著性差异。  相似文献   

??Objective    To explore synergistic effect of music therapy and nitrous oxide inhalation sedation for child dental fear??CDF??in children with CFSS-DS grade of 4 or above. Methods    A total of 60 children in need of oral treatment??aged 4-10 years??were included in the study??who were classified as severe CDF by children′s fear survey schedule-dental subscale??CFSS-DS??at Department of Pediatric Stomatology in General Hospital of PLA from December 2015 to December 2016. The children were randomly selected to accept music therapy and nitrous oxide inhalation??the experimental group????or nitrous oxide inhalation only??the control group????30 children in each group. Heart rate??blood pressure and oxygen saturation were recorded before treatment??before using nitrous oxide inhalation and during treatment. Sedation onset time??treatment duration and recovery time were also recorded. Results     In the control group??21 children completed treatment??while 9 children stopped the treatment due to fear. In the experimental group??26 completed the treatment while 4 stopped. The onset time of nitrous oxide and duration of operation in the experimental group were significantly less than the control group. In the course of therapy??children in the experimental group possessed emotional homeostasis and good compliance. Their heart rate and systolic pressure in operation were not significantly increased??and even significantly reduced. The diastolic pressure and oxyhemoglobin saturation had no significant change. Conclusion    Nitrous oxide inhalation and synergistic effect of music therapy has significant effects on children with CFSS-DS grade of 4 or above. It can improve patient compliance and is a safe and acceptable approach for behavior management of children with CDF.  相似文献   

??Objective    To investigate the differences in detection results of periodontal pathogens in saliva and gingival crevicular fluid between patients with chronic periodontitis??CP?? and those complicated with diabetes mellitus??DM??. Methods    Of the patients treated in the First Affiliated Hospital of Henan University between Aug. 2012 and Sep. 2015??40 cases of patients with CP complicated with T2DM were selected as CP+T2DM group??65 cases of patients with simple CP were selected as CP group??and 35 cases of healthy subjects were selected as the control group. The kinds and relative contents of suspected pathogens??such as Porphyromonas gingivalis??Pg????Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans??Aa????Fusobacterium nucleatum??Fn????Tannerella forsythia??Tf????intermediate type Prevotella intermedia??Pi??and Treponema denticola??Td????in saliva and gingival crevicular fluid were detected by polymerase chain reaction??PCR??. Results    The detection rates of Pg??Aa and Tf in the saliva and gingival crevicular fluid showed statistically significant differences among the three groups??P??0.05????but there were no significant differences in the detection rates of Fn??Pi or Td??P??0.05??. The detection rate of Fn in saliva and gingival crevicular fluid of the three groups was the highest??and the detection rates of Pg??Aa and Tf in saliva and gingival crevicular fluid of CP +T2DM group were significantly higher than those in control group and CP group??P??0.05??. The detection rate of Pg in CP group was significantly higher than that in the control group??P??0.05??. The relative contents of Pg??Aa and Tf in the saliva and gingival crevicular fluid of CP+T2DM group and CP group were significantly higher than those in the control group??P??0.05??. The relative contents of Aa and Tf in saliva and gingival crevicular fluid of CP+T2DM group were significantly higher than those in CP group??P??0.05??. Conclusion    There are significant differences in the types and number of suspected pathogens between patients with simple CP and those with CP and DM. Pg??Aa and Tf have more advantages in patients with DM??which may be closely related to DM.  相似文献   

??Child dental fear??CDF??is an anxiety symptom??mainly caused by fear of pain??being unknown??and body hurt??etc. CDF may cause long-term adverse effects on physical and psychological health of children. Therefore??relieving CDF is the necessary way to ensure the effect of oral treatment and promote the healthy growth of children. The dental fear treatment methods were categorized into behavioral interventions??music therapy??bondage??general anesthesia and laughing gas. Dentists have difficulty in carrying on objective appraisal on CDF of disease and selecting individualized treatment. This paper gives a detailed introduction of the cause??evaluation method??classification and treatment methods of CDF??so as to help medical staff of oral health care to clear treatment thoughts in order to provide evidence for correct diagnosis??intervention and treatment of dental fear.  相似文献   

目的    探讨利用三维图像处理软件(Mimics 软件)实现埋伏牙完全可视化的新手段。方法    对2008年3—12月于山东省口腔医院正畸科就诊的埋伏牙患者10例,常规摄取口腔全景片和数字牙片。采用螺旋CT对患者头面部扫描后,放射科医生将CT数据转化成DICOM格式保存。正畸科医生将数据输入到Mimics软件中,在个人计算机上建立数字牙颌模型。结果    10例患者CT数据经Mimics软件处理后,均重建出所需牙颌三维数字图像,显示出埋伏牙的位置、牙体形态、发育情况以及与邻牙、窦腔和颌骨的关系,实现了埋伏牙充分可视化。结论    Mimics软件可将CT信息转化成三维数字模型,是一种快速、简便的实现埋伏牙可视化的手段,可应用于埋伏牙的诊断和指导正畸治疗计划的制订。  相似文献   

??With the development of our country's economy and oral health??the prevalence of dental caries has decreased in children. It is worth noting that the rate of untreated dental caries in children remains at a high level??due to the limitation of psychological and physiological development of children??they are more likely to produce fear and uncooperative behavior??and thus they are unable to complete clinical treatment. The great obstacle in the diagnosis and treatment is the dental fear of children. Therefore??the oral treatment for uncooperative children is the main problem faced by children and their parents. This paper presented a review on the psychological characteristics of children in dental situation??causes of fear??and behavior management methods according to clinical features of children in clinical practice.  相似文献   

目的:观察现实脱敏疗法对儿童牙科畏惧症的临床作用。方法:266例6-12岁需进行牙科治疗且患有严重牙科畏惧症的患儿随机分为实验组和对照组。实验组采用现实脱敏疗法,对照组采用常规临床无痛治疗,进行两组病例疗效对比。结果:临床现实脱敏治疗后经过改良式口腔焦虑测量量表分析,仍存在较严重儿童牙科畏惧症的患儿,实验组为1.51%,对照组为45.86%;3个月后仍存在较严重儿童牙科畏惧症的患儿,实验组为1.51%,对照组为51.88%,经x^2检验有极显著性差异,P〈0.01。结论:现实脱敏疗法对儿童牙科畏惧症有一定的治疗作用,并且远期效果良好。  相似文献   

Abstract Effects of group therapy (GT) on extreme dental anxiety were compared with individual treatment (IT). Results by scales of dental anxiety, beliefs or trust in dentists, and fear of the next dentist after specialist treatment showed reduced dental anxiety and improved dental beliefs compared with a static control group of 45 patients. The 30 GT patients showed no significant difference in dropouts during training compared with the 68 IT patients, but for patients who completed treatment. GT (n=24) had greater dental anxiety reduction than IT subjects (n=60). GT patients required fewer therapist hours therapist hours per patients than did either of the two IT methods, but time saved in GT did not reach significance over clinical rehearsal IT. Results at 1-yr follow-up after specialist treatment indicated that dropouts were significantly greater in group therapy. Rehearsal IT performed best for sustained dental care behavior. Group dynamics are discussed and suggestions made for effective and efficient group therapy as well as decision making about choice of treatment.  相似文献   

Effects of hypnotherapy (HT) and self–hypnosis training on extreme dental anxiety in adults aged 19–65 years were compared with group therapy (GT) and individual desensitization (SD) using scales of dental anxiety, dental beliefs, and fear of a next dentist (after specialist treatment). All experimental groups were demographically comparable and showed reduced anxiety and improved dental beliefs compared with 51 control patients. The 25 HT patients did not differ significantly in numbers of dropouts during training compared with the 30 GT patients or 68 SD patients. For patients completing treatment. HT ( n =22) reduced dental anxiety to the same degree as GT ( n =24) and SD ( n =60). HT and SD patients required more therapist hours per patient than did GT, but total dropouts at 1 yr after specialist treatment were significantly greater in HT (13/25) than for SD rehearsals (5/34) or SD video (8/32). but not GT (15/30). Hypnotizability was found to vary from patient to patient, with a direct relationship to time saved. But hypnotizability had an inverse relationship to STAI general anxiety level for those who went on to dentists after 1 year. Transference effects were noted for most HT dropout patients as an aversive response to continued dental treatment with other dentists than the specialist.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine the levels of dental anxiety, dental caries and gingivitis among 12–15‐year‐old schoolchildren, in Irbid Governorate/northern Jordan, and to evaluate the correlation between these variables. Two schools were selected by a simple random method from each of the five geographic areas in Irbid Governorate. All children (1021), from the 10 selected schools, who participated in this study completed a questionnaire modified from Kleinknecht's Dental Fear Survey (DFS questionnaire). Children underwent oral examination for dental caries and gingival condition, using Decayed, Missing and Filled Teeth (DMFT) Index and Löe and Silness Gingival Index (GI), respectively. Results of this survey showed that the prevalence of low to moderate ‘general dental fear’ among the study population was 43% while that of ‘high dental fear’ was 10%. The self‐reported ‘general fear of dental treatment’ was higher among girls than boys. Fear of specific stimuli (pain) was the most common source of dental fear. The sight and sensation of the anaesthetic needle and the sight, sound and sensation of the drill were rated the most fear‐eliciting stimuli. The mean DMFT (2.89) and GI (1.80) of boys was not significantly different from the DMFT (3.37) and GI (1.53) of girls (P > 0.05). Spearman's correlation test demonstrated no association between ‘general dental fear’ and dental caries (r = 0.06) or gingivitis (r = 0.007).  相似文献   

目的:评价笑气吸入对儿童牙科焦虑症患者治疗中的镇静效果。方法:随机选择3~12岁因对牙科恐惧抗拒治疗的患儿138人,给予全程笑气吸入进行治疗的方式,采用自身对照,记录术前术后的镇静情况。观察患儿对治疗的依从性及对治疗的反应。结果:在138例中107位患儿在笑气镇静下顺利完成治疗,31例失败,患儿在术前后治疗依从性和术后反应方面有显著性差异。结论:笑气镇静可以有效提高患儿对牙科治疗的依从性和舒适度。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: Many people experience discomfort to a greater or lesser degree about the prospect of dental treatment. Dental treatment can be a terrible experience, especially for children with dental anxiety. This study estimated the prevalence of dental anxiety among 5- to 8-year-old children in Kaohsiung City, Taiwan. METHODS: The Children's Fear Survey Schedule-Dental Subscale (CFSS-DS) was translated into Chinese, and a receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve was made based on criteria determined from pretest clinical observations of a sample population to set a cutoff score. Then, the parental CFSS-DS was used as a screening tool to survey the dental anxiety levels of 5- to 8-year-old children at kindergartens and elementary schools in Kaohsiung City, Taiwan. Participants were selected by stratified random sampling. The stratification was done by geographic district, age group, and sex. A total of 3,597 valid questionnaires were collected. RESULTS: The Chinese version of the CFSS-DS had an optimal cutoff score of 38/39 (sensitivity was 0.857, specificity was 0.882) with an area under the ROC curve of 0.912. The estimated prevalence of dental anxiety among 5- to 8-year-old children in Kaohsiung City was 20.6 percent. The dental anxiety score was found to decrease as age increased; primary school boys had significantly lower scores. CONCLUSIONS: The prevalence of dental anxiety was found to be high for 5- to 8-year-old Taiwanese children. The study's findings point to the urgent need for preventive health education and intervention programs in Taiwan to promote children's oral health and reduce dental anxiety.  相似文献   

J Bradt  A Teague 《Oral diseases》2018,24(3):300-306
Anxiety is a significant issue in the dental care of adults and children. Dental anxiety often leads to avoidance of dental care which may result in significant deterioration of oral and dental health. Non‐pharmacological anxiety management interventions such as music listening are increasingly used in dental care. Although efficacy for music's anxiolytic effects has been established for pre‐operative anxiety, findings regarding the use of music listening for dental anxiety are inconclusive, especially for children. The use of music for passive distraction may not be adequate for children and highly anxious adults. Instead, interventions offered by a trained music therapist may be needed to optimize music's anxiolytic impact. Music therapy interventions are individualized to the patient's presenting needs and geared at enhancing patients’ active engagement in the management of their anxiety. Interventions may include (i) active refocusing of attention, (ii) music‐guided deep breathing, (iii) music‐assisted relaxation, and (iv) music‐guided imagery. In addition, music therapists can teach patients music‐based anxiety management skills prior to dental treatments, offer them the opportunity to express emotions related to the upcoming procedure, and help them gain a sense of control and safety. Clinical guidelines for the use of music listening by dental practitioners are offered.  相似文献   

目的观察STA麻醉仪对牙科畏惧症患者的临床治疗作用。方法回顾2011年1—12月中国医科大学口腔医学院综合急诊科门诊收治的牙科畏惧症患者100例,应用STA麻醉仪治疗患者(试验组)44例,手推注射麻醉患者(对照组)56例。记录麻药起效、失效时间,患者自行评估疼痛程度,同时计算麻醉有效率,对两组结果进行数据分析比较。结果试验组的麻药生效及失效时间均小于对照组(P〈0.05);试验组疼痛明显轻于对照组(P〈0.05);试验组的麻醉有效率明显高于对照组(P〈0.05)。结论STA麻醉仪能有效地降低牙科畏惧症患者治疗中的恐惧程度,值得推广使用。  相似文献   

Kritsidima M, Newton T, Asimakopoulou K. The effects of lavender scent on dental patient anxiety levels: a cluster randomized-controlled trial. Community Dent Oral Epidemiol 2010; 38: 83–87. © 2009 John Wiley & Sons A/S   Abstract – 
Objectives:  To review the effect of lavender scent on anticipatory anxiety in dental participants.
Methods:  In a cluster randomized-controlled trial, patients' ( N  = 340) anxiety was assessed while waiting for a scheduled dental appointment, either under the odor of lavender or with no odor. Current anxiety, assessed by the brief State Trait Anxiety Indicator (STAI-6), and generalized dental anxiety, assessed by the Modified Dental Anxiety Scale (MDAS) were examined.
Results:  Analyses of variance ( anova s) showed that although both groups showed similar, moderate levels of generalized dental anxiety (MDAS F (1,338) = 2.17, P  > 0.05) the lavender group reported significantly lower current anxiety (STAI: F (1,338) = 74.69, P  < 0.001) than the control group.
Conclusions:  Although anxiety about future dental visits seems to be unaffected, lavender scent reduces state anxiety in dental patients.  相似文献   

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