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Data are reported on the sexual behavior of a random sample of 2171 youth, 16–20 years old, in two locations in the U.K. Lower bound prevalence estimates for a range of specific sex acts are presented with discussion of the likely biases in the data. Given concerns about the spread of HIV through the heterosexual population, emphasis is given to the nontrivial estimates of a number of potential transmission risk behaviors, in particular, heterosexual anal penetration. Data are also presented suggesting that experience with particular sexual acts is associated with maintenance of a desire to do these acts in the future. The implications of these findings for health education policy are discussed.We thank the Economic and Social Research Council of Great Britain for funding this research.  相似文献   

The results of a survey of sexual behavior conducted among 113 female students of Caldas University, Manizales, Colombia, are reported. Among other findings, cumulative incidence of masturbation was 68.1% and that of premarital coitus 33.6%. On the other hand, 56.4% of the nonvirgins professed to have had oralgenital contacts and 28.2% of them said that they had experienced anal coitus. While 96.5% of the students admitted contact with pornographic materials and 40.4% had been sexually aroused by these materials, 18% of those subjects who had been exposed to romantic (nonsexually explicit) materials professed to have been sexually aroused. As to contraceptive practices, many students never used any contraceptive method, and 11.4% of the coitally experienced respondents admitted to having had an induced abortion. This study also shows a negative correlation between religiosity and the subjects' sexual behavior. Highly significant sex differences in sexual behavior among Colombian university students are also revealed when this study's findings are compared with data from male medical students.  相似文献   

The study examined the relation between frequency of penile–vaginal intercourse (FSI; contrasted with other sexual behavior) and alexithymia (difficulty recognizing, identifying, and communicating emotions, reduced fantasy capacity, and an externally oriented cognitive style). To minimize response bias, persons scoring above the 86th percentile on the Eysenck Personality Inventory Lie scale were excluded. Participants (54 female and 39 male healthy young adults) completed the German version of the Toronto Alexithymia Scale (TAS-20), and provided both recall and diary measures of FSI, partner sex without vaginal intercourse, and masturbation. For women, TAS-20 scores were inversely associated with both recall and diary measures of FSI but not other sexual behavior. For men, TAS-20 scores were unrelated to all sexual behavior measures. Thus, for normal women but not men, alexithymia was specifically associated with lower FSI. Results are discussed in terms of the unique nature of penile–vaginal intercourse, emotional integration and sexuality, and both less alexithymia and greater FSI being associated with indices of better physical and psychological health.  相似文献   

Although the idea that sexuality is a lifelong need is gaining greater research support and greater acceptability to the general public, few consider the institutionalized aged as having sexual needs or being able to benefit from sexual intimacy. The research presented here indicates that sexual activity in the institutionalized aged is related to their attitudes and behavior to ward sexuality and to their sexual interest level and prior frequency of sexual activity. Institutionalized aged persons evidence sexual needs and do engage in sexual behavior.The present research was supported by NIMH Grant R01-MH280409-01-02 to the author.  相似文献   

A common gender stereotype is that males are more interested than females in sex for purely physical reasons. Sociobiologists claim that this difference is biologically determined. In contrast, many sociologists and anthropologists claim that the difference is cultural. The debate about nature versus nurture regarding sexual interest has been long-standing without resolution. We propose a biosocial model that integrates data about nature and nurture to show (i) how several biological factors tilt males and females in different directions related to sexual interest, and (ii) how numerous social factors influence the way the biological tilts can be redirected in countless different ways as individuals grow up in subsets of their culture and subculture. This interactionist approach does not down-play the importance of either biological or social factors: It avoids nature–nurture debates that pit nature against nurture by showing how biological and social factors act in concert, combining their influences. The resulting work contributes to both the theoretical and practical literature, not only showing how sexology can deal with issues of nature and nurture but also providing information useful to people who are troubled about common gender differences in sexual interest.  相似文献   

Sexual behavior of castrated sex offenders   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Data are reported on the sexual behavior of 39 released sex offenders who agreed voluntarily to surgical castration while imprisoned in West Germany. Findings indicated that frequency of coitus, masturbation, and sexual thoughts are seen as strongly reduced after castration. Sexual desire and sexual arousability are perceived by the subjects as having been considerably impaired by castration. In comparison with other studies, however, it was shown that male sexual capacity was not extinguished soon after castration. Particularly noteworthy is that 11 of 35 castrates (31%) stated they were still able to engage in sexual intercourse. Rapists proved to be sexually more active after castration than homosexuals or pedophiliacs. There seems to be a strong effect on sexual behavior only if castration is performed on males between the age of 46 and 59 years. In general, the findings do not justify recommending surgical castration as a reliable treatment for incarcerated sex offenders.  相似文献   

In 1966, at the start of the student movement and the sexual liberalization process, we studied the sexual behavior and attitudes of 3,666 male and female students from 12 West German universities by mailed questionnaires. In 1981 we replicated this study with 1,922 students from 13 universities (10 the same as 1966, 3 founded after 1966). In both studies the students were selected at random. Results of these comparative studies are presented with a view to the changes in sex differences. Sex differences in masturbation behavior have considerably decreased since 1966; masturbation is nonetheless still the form of sexual behavior with the most striking differences between the sexes. The sex differences in coital behavior are now reversed, female students being earlier and more active than males. As regards the tendency to change partners or for sexual relations outside a steady relationship, the differences between men and women have disappeared. In their attitudes to sexuality, female students in 1981 are somewhat more liberal than their male counterparts, whereas hardly any difference could be found in 1966. These changes in sex differences are observed in all subsamples, i.e., in young and old, in strictly religious and nonreligious students, and in students from both upper- and lower-class backgrounds (educational level of parents).Revised version of a paper read at the 8th Annual Meeting, International Academy of Sex Research, August 22–26, 1982, in Copenhagen. This investigation was supported by a research grant from the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, Bonn, West Germany. The report was translated by Tom Todd, Hamburg.  相似文献   

The results of a 5-year follow-up survey on the sexual behavior of unmarried Colombian University students are reported. On the whole, these findings corroborate the earlier data. Coital incidences of 93.9% among males and 38.3% among females, as well as the important role prostitution still plays in the sexual lives of males, show that the double standard is much in force. However, there are indicators of its erosion, such as male students' decreasing reliance on prostitutes as sources of sexual outlet and the appreciable incidence of female premarital coitus, which could reach 50% among those students that eventually marry.The male results were presented at the First Colombian Congress of Sexology, Cali, August 1981.  相似文献   

Profile analysis can be used in sex research as a statistical procedure to assess the degree of similarity between various samples on different parameters of sexual behavior. Data are presented to analyze intergenerational changes comparing three independent samples including a time interval of approximately four decades. Profile analysis can differentiate the intergenerational trend. Results show (i) a clear trend of male-female profile-convergence over time; (ii) intergenerational changes in males are few with male sexual behavior seemingly little influenced by social changes; (iii) females show large intergenerational differences. These asymmetric trends demonstrate that the sexual changes within the last four decades are a one-sided process of females liberating from the behavioral double standard.  相似文献   

Despite the high prevalence of sexual desire disorders, little is known about their biological underpinnings in humans. Animal studies suggest that dopamine is involved in appetitive sexual behavior; thus, one aim of this study was to elucidate that relationship in humans. This study used measurement of the acoustic startle response (ASR) and prepulse inhibition of the startle response (PPI) as psychophysiological indicators of changes in motivational states to assess the potential relation between sexual desire and appetitive motivation in humans. Responses to sexually provocative stimuli consisting of single nude men and single nude women in a sample of 153 participants (77 men, 76 women) were assessed. The results indicated that ASR was attenuated after exposure to appetitive stimuli (i.e., sexually provocative pictures of attractive individuals) to a greater extent among participants with higher levels of sexual desire, as measured by the Sexual Desire Inventory-2 (Spector, I. P., Carey, M. P., & Steinberg, L. (1996).Journal of Sex&Marital Therapy,22,175–190). In addition, PPI was inversely associated with subjective ratings across stimuli such that greater subjective levels of desire were correlated with lower levels of PPI. In general, these results suggest that individuals with lower levels of sexual desire may have a diminished physiological response to appetitive sexual stimuli.  相似文献   

Three waves of panel data from a sample of urban U.S. couples in which the wife was under 30 years of age at the first interview show that frequency of intercourse declined about 25% in a 4-year period. Declines were greatest among those with the shortest length of marriage.The data for the analysis were collected under a grant from the Center for Population Research, NICHD, Grant N01-HD-42804.  相似文献   

This paper examined trends in adolescent sexual initiation in sub-Saharan Africa, with emphasis on differentials in social determinants across gender and contexts. Data were drawn from Demographic and Health Surveys in 8 countries that had at least 2 surveys conducted approximately 5 years apart, each with distinct questionnaires for women and men of reproductive age regardless of marital status. The data were useful both for testing of substantive hypotheses about the correlates of adolescent sexual intercourse as well as for elaborating sexual health interventions in contexts of development. The main analytical tool was multivariate logistic models using a generalized estimating equation to consider the probability of a young man or young woman having first intercourse during adolescence. In some countries, observed declines over time in the proportion of adolescents having had sex were not statistically significant after taking into account changes in background characteristics, especially education. Important gender differentials were also found. While secondary schooling was associated with lower probability of early sex among girls in all countries, the relationship was often in the opposite direction among boys. Influences of other sociodemographic and community status variables were generally less important.  相似文献   

Male (30) and female (30) college undergraduate subjects were shown five photographic slides depicting different heterosexual behaviors and one slide depicting solitary masturbation by a person of the same sex as the subject. Subjects rated the extent to which they found each of the slides sexually arousing and pleasant or unpleasant and indicated how many times they had personally engaged in each of the depicted activities. Following exposure to the slides, sexual arousal and emotional reactions were assessed. Contrary to the propositions of Kinsey et al. (1953), female heterosexual experience was equal to or superior to masturbation experience as an indicant of female sexual reactivity to the erotic materials. Among males, masturbation experience was superior to heterosexual experience as an indicant of sexual reactivity. The role of affective reactions to sexual experiences as determinants of sexual responsiveness is discussed.Requests for reprints should be addressed to William Griffitt, Department of Psychology, Kansas State University, Manhattan, Kansas 66502.  相似文献   

Female and male responses on attitudes toward foreplay prior to sexual intercourse, sexual intercourse, and afterplay following sexual intercourse, were compared. Foreplay was defined as the sexual activity that occurs before sexual intercourse, whereas afterplay was defined as the interaction such as hugging, holding, talking, and so forth that occurs after sexual intercourse. The subjects were 39 men and 49 women students enrolled in various courses at the University of Kansas. The mean age of the men was 22.1 years, while the women averaged 21.0 years. A voluntary questionnaire was given to the students, and they were asked to fill it out at home and return it during the next class meeting. The results indicated that there were significant sex differences in sexual needs and desires. When given a choice between foreplay, intercourse, and afterplay, women indicated that foreplay was the most important part of a sexual encounter, while men felt intercourse was the most important aspect. Women also indicated that they wanted to spend more time in foreplay, as well as more time in afterplay, than did men. It is concluded from this study that women are more likely than men to report enjoying both foreplay and afterplay more than intercourse, while men are more likely to report enjoying intercourse.This research was supported by a General Research Fund grant from the University of Kansas.  相似文献   

Sexual behavior was evaluated in 81 men aged 60–71 years (34 men aged 60–65 years and 47 men aged 66–71 years). All subjects were married, physically healthy, and with no psychopathology or marital problems. Sexual function was evaluated by a self-report three-point rating scale. Thirty-six percent of the whole study population reported impotence, with no significant difference between the two age groups. About half of the total population reported regular masturbatory activity. A decline in frequency of sexual intercourse and an increase in frequency of masturbation in subjects aged 66–71 years as compared to subjects aged 60–65 indicates that the interest in sexuality continues in elderly men although the form of sexual expression changes from active sexual intercourse to a self-pleasuring/autoerotic form. Evaluation of sexual activity in advanced age is recommended and appropriate therapy in case of sexual dysfunction should be offered to elderly men.  相似文献   

Seven hundred and two (346 non-Asian, 356 Asian) undergraduate volunteers were assessed in a confidential laboratory setting on levels of interpersonal sexual behavior (e.g., petting, intercourse), intrapersonal sexual behavior (e.g., fantasy, masturbation), and sociosexual restrictiveness (e.g., lifetime number of partners, number of “one-night stands”). The purpose was to examine possible differences in sexual behavior between Asian and non-Asian Canadian university students and to determine the association between North American residency and the sexual behavior of Asians. The role of gender on sexual behavior both across and within ethnic groups was also examined. Statistical analyses revealed that Asian students were significantly more conservative than non-Asian students on all measures of interpersonal sexual behavior and sociosexual restrictiveness. Significant differences were also noted between Asian and non-Asian students on most measures of intrapersonal sexual behavior. With the exception of two fantasy items, length of residency in Canada was unrelated to interpersonal sexual behavior, intrapersonal sexual behavior, or sociosexual restrictiveness among Asians. Although gender differences were substantial for intrapersonal sexual behaviors such as fantasy and masturbation, no significant gender differences were found for measures of interpersonal sexual experience, with the exception of reported number of one-night stands. This research was supported by a Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada Predoctoral Scholarship to Cindy M. Meston, a British Columbia Health Research Foundation Studentship Grant to Cindy M. Meston, a Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada Predoctoral Scholarship to Paul D. Trapnell and a UBC Humanities and Social Sciences Grant to Boris B. Gorzalka.  相似文献   

The flexibility of sexual orientation in men and women was examined by assessing self-reported change over time for three dimensions of sexual orientation (sexual fantasy, romantic attraction, and sexual behavior) across three categorical classifications of current sexual orientation (heterosexual, bisexual, and gay). The primary purpose of the study was to determine if there were sex differences in the flexibility (i.e., change over time) of sexual orientation and how such differences were manifested across different dimensions of orientation over the lifespan. Retrospective, life-long ratings of sexual orientation were made by 762 currently self-identified heterosexual, bisexual, and gay men and women, aged 36 to 60, via a self-report questionnaire. Cumulative change scores were derived for each of the three dimensions (fantasy, romantic attraction, and sexual behavior) of orientation by summing the differences between ratings over consecutive 5-year historical time periods (from age 16 to the present). Sex differences were observed for most, but not all, classification groups. There were significant sex differences in reported change in orientation over time for gays and heterosexuals, with women reporting greater change in orientation over time than did men. Bisexual men and women did not differ with respect to self-reported change in orientation.  相似文献   

Two surveys of a Northern Ireland student sample were conducted in 1987 and 1988. A total of 419 female and 201 male subjects completed self-administered anonymous questionnaires concerning their behavior, knowledge, and attitudes towards sex, AIDS, homosexuality, contraception, and relationships. Results indicated a relatively low level of sexual experience, and for those with experience, relatively few partners. The possible influences of gender and religiosity on sexual behavior and attitudes, in the context of Northern Ireland, are discussed. Subjects reported considerable variation in the amount of sex education, but the majority received little or none. This student sample held relatively conservative attitudes towards love, sex, and marriage and this was particularly true for females and for regular churchgoers. In addition, attitudes towards homosexuality were negative (particularly among regular churchgoers). Attitudes towards contraception were more positive than expected among Catholic subjects, and few indicated that they would refuse to use contraceptives on principle. Responses to items about AIDS were highly uniform, suggesting that much of the information made available to the public has been absorbed. However, the lack of uniformity of response to more general items about sex, relationships, and contraception may indicate that fundamental changes in sexual behavior are unlikely to be brought about by influencing a rather narrowly defined set of attitudes about AIDS.  相似文献   

Performance of homosexual and heterosexual men and women on two motor tasks which reliably demonstrate sex differences in opposite directions was examined. A Throw-to-Target Task and the Purdue Pegboard were administered to undergraduate students matched for age and program of study. A two-way ANOVA (Sex × Sexual Orientation) of the Throw data showed a significant interaction,F(1, 90) = 16.22,p 0.001, and a trend for an effect of sex,F(1, 90) = 3.72,p < 0.06. Heterosexual men outperformed heterosexual women, whereas gay men threw less accurately and lesbians tended to throw more accurately than their heterosexual counterparts. Differences in sports history or hand strength did not account for these effects. Analysis of the Pegboard scores found no interaction or main effect of sexual orientation, but the effect of sex was significant,F(1,63) = 7.01,p 0.02. Regardless of sexual orientation, women outperformed men and this difference remained significant even when a measure of finger size was partialed out. This study provides new evidence suggesting an association between sexual orientation and motor-performance profiles. As with cognitive tasks, the motor-performance profiles of homosexuals are composites of some male-typical and some female-typical abilities. To the extent that sociological factors have been controlled, the study suggests that both sexual orientation and motor/cognitive predispositions may have early biological contributions.This research was supported by a grant from the Medical Research Council, Ottawa, to D. Kimura.  相似文献   

Is there a reliable and valid self-report measure of sexual behavior?   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
A psychometric analysis of the Sexual Experience Scale (SES) from the Derogatis Sexual Functioning Inventory was conducted. This sexual behavior measure was administered on four occasions to a large sample of normal, heterosexual, sexually active women and a comparable sample which underwent gynecologic treatment that resulted in a predictable and clinical level of sexual dysfunction. In terms of reliability, internal consistency estimates for the SES were in the .85 to .90 range, but the stability of the SES was lower and ranged from .55 to .85. An evaluation of the validity revealed both strengths and limitations of the SES. The content analysis reveals that a wider range of sexual behaviors is sampled by the SES than comparable measures. To examine construct validity, a factor analysis provided a five-factor solution which would account for 82% of the variance, but the solution was not stable across groups or time and the factors were not sensitive to detecting important behavior changes. As many other psychological measures, the SES was poor in predicting a criterion (i.e., the occurrence of sexual dysfunction) concurrently or at the time of follow-up. The outcome of this analysis is discussed in the context of selecting reliable and valid self-report measures of sexual behavior.The research was supported by Grant NIRA 1 R23 CA35702-01A1 from the National Cancer Institute.  相似文献   

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