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孤独症和正常儿童心理理论能力比较   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:4  
目的考察孤独症儿童心理理论的特点,探讨孤独症心理理论缺失假说。方法18名3-15岁的孤独症儿童为实验组,30名3-16岁的正常儿童为对照组,接受了龚氏非文字智力测验以及“外表-真实任务”、“意外位置任务”和“意外内容任务”三个心理理论测验任务。结果⑴在龚氏非文字智力测验中,孤独症组IQ低于正常组(98.8±25.2/117.2±14.3,t=-2.760,P<0.05)。⑵所有被试在各项心理理论任务上的得分之间均存在显著正相关(r=0.612~1.000,P<0.01)。⑶孤独症组的外表-真实任务(247/927,u=-5.007,P<0.001)、位置错误信念问题(173/862,u=-5.661,P<0.001)、内容自我错误信念问题(178/725,u=-4.277,P<0.001)及内容他人错误信念问题(163.5/739.5,u=-4.639,P<0.001)得分均低于正常组。结论孤独症儿童心理理论发展水平远落后于同龄正常儿童,存在严重的心理理论缺损。  相似文献   

G. Lelord    F. Laffont    P. Jusseaume    J. L. Stephant 《Psychophysiology》1973,10(4):415-425
This study compared the conditioning of averaged evoked potentials in 11 psychotic and 11 normal children (57 experiments). Evoked potentials, like the blocking of alpha rhythm, can be conditioned by coupling a short sound of low intensity with an intense light flash. In normal children, the amplitude of the potential evoked by sound at the occipital region is small and quite variable. Its amplitude increases and its variability diminishes after coupling of sound and light. Also its form may resemble the potential evoked by light, especially in its rhythmic after-effects. In psychotic children auditory evoked responses are variable and small and remain so during the coupling of sound and light. Instead, these patients respond to the sound with a late slow wave, which is strong and generalized. It is particularly prominent during conditioning and resembles the slow waves which follow the visual evoked potentials in these autistic children. This slow wave can be experimentally reproduced in normal Ss by Psilocybine. It also resembles in certain ways the slow waves provoked by movement or its anticipation in normal Ss but it appears here during sensorial conditioning which requires no movement. We suspect that this slow wave may reflect a diffuse motor component in the perceptual and associative processes of these autistic children.  相似文献   

This study tested the hypothesis that language processing by high-functioning, verbal autistic children is less influenced by global semantic context than that of their normal peers. Behavioral measures of reaction time and error rate were employed to evaluate speed and accuracy in classifying auditorally presented words according to a superordinate category label. In addition, an electrophysiologic index of semantic expectancy, the N4 component of auditory event-related potentials, was used to assess the relative levels of activation of in-category versus out-of-category words. Age and nonverbal IQ matched groups of 8 normal and 8 nonretarded autistic children were studied. The age range for the autistic participants was 7 years 4 months to 10 years 8 months (M = 8 years 10 months) and for the normal participants was 7 years 6 months to 10 years 11 months (M = 9 years 1 month). Participants responded with a finger lift to any word belonging to the animal category. The instruction set and stimulus list composition (i.e., 50% animal words and 50% unrelated nonanimal words) set up an expectancy for animal words. The autistic children were slower in classifying targets as animal words and made more errors than the normal children, but the increase in error rate was not statistically significant. As expected, N4 was larger for the nontargets than for the targets in the normal control group. By contrast, the autistic children showed no difference in N4 amplitude for targets versus nontargets, providing support for the hypothesized failure of the categorical context to set up a selective expectancy for the target words. As in prior studies, the P3 component to the target stimuli was significantly reduced in amplitude in the autistic group. An unexpected finding was an increased latency of the N1 and P2 components of the obligatory auditory evoked potential that was most prominent over the left temporal region.  相似文献   

听力障碍儿童与正常儿童篇章阅读理解对比研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的探究听力障碍儿童与正常儿童在篇章阅读理解的差异。方法以3(被试类别)×4(阅读提示策略)混合实验设计比较听力障碍儿童与正常小学4、6年级儿童共36人在4种策略提示阅读下的阅读理解指标。结果阅读成绩上类别主效应显著,P<0.001;阅读提示策略主效应显著,P<0.05;阅读时间、阅读速度上被试类别主效应不显著,阅读提示策略主效应分别为显著、不显著;交互作用均不显著。结论听力障碍儿童和正常儿童阅读在4种阅读提示策略上有相同变化趋势;提纲阅读提示策略有助于听力障碍儿童阅读理解。  相似文献   

目的研究分析孤独症儿童家长在情绪识别上与正常儿童家长的差异性,进一步探讨孤独症儿童父母的情绪面孔识别是否存在遗传的可能性。方法通过电脑呈现六大基本情绪面孔测验和一套神经心理学测验,对32例孤独症儿童家长和32例正常儿童的父母进行心理理论能力的比较。结果孤独症组儿童父母得分与正常儿童家长得分在识别总正确分和"恐"以及"厌"表情得分存在差异(82.69±7.74,96.06±8.50;6.56±3.41,12.50±2.74;11.63±3.17,16.63±1.83;P<0.01),具有显著统计学意义。"悲"表情的得分较之正常儿童家长存在差异(15±4.10,18.25±3.26;P<0.05),有统计学意义。其他情绪识别得分无统计学意义。结论孤独症儿童父母的情绪识别能力较之正常儿童家长有缺陷,为孤独症儿童在情绪识别上的损害可能存在遗传性因素,提供认知行为学方面的证据。  相似文献   

儿童孤独症是一组广泛性发育障碍,症状一般在1或2周岁时显现.其症状主要表现在语言发展障碍、社会交往障碍、认知障碍、感知觉障碍方面[1].虽然孤独症患儿在认知、社会情感和人际交往方面的发展有很大障碍,但他们在某些方一面,如记忆力、运动能力、音乐能力或空间概念上都显示出非凡的能力[2].大量的研究已经表明,孤独症儿童对音乐有不同寻常的兴趣,并显示出不同寻常的感受力和注意力,其中有些甚至是音乐天才,而音乐用于孤独症的治疗已经取得了显著的效果.舍温(Sherwin)在1953年就已经发现了孤独症儿童对音乐有明显的反应.比如在音调的记忆,古典音乐片断的认知,演奏乐器、歌唱、聆听音乐上都显示出强烈的兴趣与能力[3].  相似文献   

孤独症儿童心理理论训练的个案研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:考察孤独症儿童心理理论通过训练提高的可能性.方法:3名孤独症儿童接受了前测(心理理论能力评定:外表-真实任务,意外地点任务,意外内容任务)、训练和后测.结果:2名孤独症儿童的心理理论有提高,另1名没有提高.结论:不同孤独症儿童各自的发展起点不同,训练的效果不一样,对智力没有受损又具有语言能力的孤独症儿童而言.训练的影响更大.  相似文献   

学习障碍儿童与普通儿童时间管理倾向的比较研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的比较学习障碍儿童与普通儿童在时间管理倾向上的差异,为学障儿童的教育提供参考。方法采用黄希庭、张志杰编制的青少年时间管理倾向量表进行问卷调查。结果学障儿童和普通儿童在时间管理倾向量表总分及其子维度上有显著差异。结论学障儿童时间管理能力显著落后于普通儿童,非常需要加强训练和进一步提高。  相似文献   

阅读障碍儿童视觉记忆研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的 :研究阅读障碍儿童视觉短时和工作记忆能力特点。方法 :采用on -line的实验方法 ,比较小学三年级阅读障碍儿童和正常儿童对简单材料和复杂材料的视觉短时和工作记忆能力。结果 :(1 )在视觉短时记忆能力上 ,阅读障碍儿童与正常儿童不存在显著差异 ;(2 )在视觉工作记忆能力上 ,无论是对简单的视觉材料还是复杂的视觉材料 ,阅读障碍儿童都显著落后于正常儿童 ,工作记忆存在一定的落后。结论 :阅读障碍儿童视觉记忆落后主要存在于工作记忆环节  相似文献   

醉酒者脑电和正常脑电非线性特性的比较评估   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了刻画醉酒者脑电和正常人脑电之间的多种非线性特征并区分两者之间的差异。采用基于信息理论的排列熵(PE)、奇异值分解(SVD)熵、近似熵(ApEn)和基于混沌理论的相关维(CD)、最大Lyapunov指数(LLE)、Hurst指数,分别对35个醉酒者和35个正常人的脑电时间序列进行计算分析。同时,对选用的6种非线性特征分析方法在这两组数据的分析结果上,运用方差分析(ANOVA)进行统计学的比较评估分析。结果表明,ApEn、CD和LLE这三种方法能够显著区分这两组数据,但由于算法时间复杂度较高,不宜用于实时分析;而PE和Hurst指数方法相对简单、算法复杂度较低、分析结果有效,可以应用于对正确性和实时性要求均较高的EEG数据分析处理中。  相似文献   

General developmental patterns of mean electroencephalogram (EEG) coherence, computed from 16 scalp locations, were separately determined for 224 girls and 284 boys ranging in age from 2 months to 161/2 years. Principal components analysis of mean coherence developmental trajectories demonstrated gender-specific patterns and timing differences in the onset of synchronized-asynchronized oscillations. No brain region in either sex had a maturational plateau period. Differences in gender-specific rhythms were statistically significant in brain regions paired with frontal and temporal cortices. From birth to age 6 years, girls exhibited synchronized EEG coherence peaks in cortical regions known to be associated primarily with concurrent discrimination, language processing, fine motor skills, and social cognition. During this same early period, boys exhibited synchronized EEG coherence peaks in cortical regions known to be associated primarily with spatial-visual discrimination and executive planning related to gross motor movement, visual targeting, and accessing stored information. After age 6 years, both sexes exhibited large shifts in EEG coherence patterns with female synchronized changes now occurring in occipital and right temporal processing regions and male synchronized changes now occurring in frontal and left temporal processing regions.  相似文献   

自闭症儿童执行功能的研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
目的:考察自闭症儿童执行功能的特点,探讨自闭症执行功能障碍说。方法:19名3-15岁的自闭症儿童接受了视空间工作记忆任务、stmop任务和WSCT三种执行功能任务以及龚氏非文字智力测验。结果:自闭症组在空间后退(P〈0.05)、stroop任务(P〈O.01)和WSCT的完成分类组数(P〈0.05)这3项指标上的得分明显低于正常组,其余各项指标未体现出显著差异。结论:自闭症儿童执行功能发展水平落后于同龄正常儿童.存在执行功能障碍。  相似文献   

The delayed and disordered language of autistic children isdiscussed as it affects the delivery of health care and otherservices in interdisciplinary settings. Current research isreviewed in terms of four major areas of communication-relateddeficits associated with early childhood autism: language delay,need for sameness, and impairments in social and informationprocessing skills. Within this framework, methods for communicatingwith autistic children in health-care settings are presented.  相似文献   

目的采用家庭治疗促进自闭症儿童心理康复。方法遵循随机抽样的原则,在正在接受结构化教育、感觉综合训练、听觉统合训练的自闭症儿童中,随机选择1/2比例(5名)儿童同时进行家庭治疗。结果与对照组相比,实验组的感觉能力(t=3.769,P=0.003)、交往能力(t=2.567,P=0.039)、躯体运动能力(t=2.687,P=0.035)、总分(t=2.719,P=0.033)的得分显著改善,其他项目也存在着下降的趋势。结论家庭治疗可以促进自闭症儿童心理康复,提升患儿的感觉能力、人际交往能力、躯体运动能力。  相似文献   

目的:探讨中美两国儿童自我概念的特点.方法:选用自评的自我概念评定量表对183名中国儿童(男82名,女101名,平均年龄10.82±0.68岁)及160名美国儿童(男72名,女88名,平均年龄11.05±0.74岁)进行了评定.结果:(1)中国儿童在自我概念评定量表各分量表的得分显著高于美国儿童.(2)中国女孩在学习成绩,同伴关系,行为表现,与成人交往,集体概念,外貌,自我控制分量表的得分显著高于中国男孩;美国男孩在行为表现,与成人交往,外貌及自我控制量表的得分显著高于美国女孩.结论:中美儿童自我概念存在显著差异.国家与性别对儿童自我概念存在显著交互作用.  相似文献   

儿童孤独症是一种起病于婴幼儿时期的全面性精神发育障碍,预后较差。目前研究表明,儿童孤独症与遗传等多种生物学因素有关,还有报道部分孤独症患儿存在某种代谢病,包括:苯丙酮尿症、组氨酸血症、甲基丙二酸血症、腺苷酸琥珀酸裂解酶缺乏症、二氢嘧啶脱氰酶缺乏症、5’-核苷酸酶超活性、磷酸核糖焦磷酸合成酶缺乏症等。但是,这些代谢病在孤独症患儿中发生率如何?孤独症患儿是否还存在其他代谢病?代谢病在儿童孤独症的发生中起着何种作用?  相似文献   

聋童与正常儿童智力比较研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
取聋童和正常听力儿童各32人,年龄10~12岁,按年龄、性别、城乡、父母教育程度、职业进行1:1匹配。智力测验采用聋人智力量表(TheIntelligenceScalefortheDeaf,简称ISFD)。结果显示聋童智商为107,低于正常儿童(IQ=115),但差异不显著;在分测验中,聋童的分类、接龙和编码成绩显著低于正常儿童,其它分测验两组无显著差异。结果提示:(1)聋童的非言语智力水平与正常儿童相近;(2)聋童在抽象思维、眼—手协调和运动速度方面不及正常儿童;(3)城乡差别、父母教育程度等对聋童智力的发展有明显的影响。  相似文献   

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