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We performed a whole genome scan in a family with maternally transmitted paraganglioma (PGL3). The family included five patients with histologically proven paraganglioma and one patient with imaging findings consistent with a paraganglioma. In addition, there were 33 clinically unaffected family members. Of these eight could be examined by magnetic resonance imaging. Our investigations indicate that PGL3 is located in 1q21-q23 for several reasons: 1) two-point linkage analysis yielded the highest LOD score of 2.25 at 1q21-q23 (marker D1S2675); 2) haplotype analysis was most consistent for 1q21-q23 markers; and 3) the locus was excluded from more than 97% of the genome using a total of 381 highly polymorphic markers.  相似文献   

We report on a 2.5-month-old boy with hypertelorism, hypertrichosis, anteverted nostrils, malformed ears, thin lips, downturned corners of the mouth, micrognathia, short neck, cryptorchidism, and bilateral simian creases without limb anomalies. Cytogenetic studies showed a duplication 3q → qter 46,XY,der(6),t(3;6)(q21;p25)pat. The absence of limb anomalies is noteworthy; all 12 previously reported patients with the same duplication had limb anomalies. The uniqueness of this report provokes speculations regarding limb morphogenesis in embryos with chromosome anomalies. The concepts of chronogenetics, heterochrony, and developmental field defects appear relevant to yet another set of patients with chromosome anomalies.  相似文献   

We report on a 6-year-old boy with de novo 46, XY, del(3)(q12q23) and bilateral blepharo-phimosis, ptosis, epicanthus inversus, in addition to multiple other anomalies. Since 4 previously reported cases of interstitial deletion of 3q involving 3q23 band are clinically similar, we propose this blepharophimosis sequence due to 3q23 deletion as a further “contiguous gene syndrome”.  相似文献   

We describe a girl with multiple congenital abnormalities and developmental delay; her karyotype showed an apparently balanced translocation between the short arm of chromosome 1 and the long arm of chromosome 11, and an interstitial deletion of the long arm of chromosome 5 (q15q31). The clinical findings are compared with those described in other cases of 5q deletion, and the origin of the chromosome rearrangements is briefly discussed.  相似文献   

The cells of a deceased patient previously reported to have the C (trigonocephaly) syndrome were reinvestigated because his phenotype resembled that of a patient with a duplication-deficiency of chromosome 3. This diagnosis was confirmed using fibroblasts grown from frozen cells, and his mother was shown to carry an inversion of chromosome 3 in her peripheral blood leukocytes. His findings are compared to those of another patient with the C trigonocephaly syndrome with normal chromosomes and to others from the literature. At least one other patient from the literature has a phenotype compatible with “3q duplication syndrome”.  相似文献   

Genetic analysis of markers from chromosomes 4q21-23 and 17q21 in a family with apparently autosomal dominant Lewy body parkinsonism is presented. This analysis shows that the locus leading to this disease is not allelic with that previously shown to lead to Lewy body parkinsonism on chromosome 4 or to the locus on chromosome 17 leading to frontotemporal dementia with parkinsonism. A brief clinical comparison of this family with families showing linkage to these loci is presented. The data suggest that at least one other major genetic determinant for Lewy body parkinsonism remains to be identified. Am. J. Med. Genet. (Neuropsychiatr. Genet.) 81:166–171, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

We examined familial combined hyperlipidemia (FCHL) families from nonisolated regions in Germany and China to see if we could corroborate support for a chromosome 1q FCHL locus in more general populations. We recruited 24 German families with 137 members, 92 of whom met the criteria of affected in terms of the low density lipoprotein (LDL) and triglyceride levels in excess of the 90th percentile for age and gender. In China, we recruited 12 families with a total of 81 members. All affected persons had total cholesterol concentrations >240 mg/dl and triglyceride concentrations >250 mg/dl. We examined the markers APOA2, D1S1677, D1S104, D1S194, D1S426, and D1S196. Two-point linkage analysis allowing for heterogeneity gave a maximum linkage of disorder score (HLOD) of 2.60 right over D1S194, estimating the proportion of linked families at 36%. This marker is adjacent to D1S104. The evidence for linkage was roughly the same both in the German (HLOD 1.40) and Chinese families (HLOD 1.52). Marker D1S194 is close to the retinoid X receptor (RXR) gene locus, which was found to be linked to triglyceride levels in an earlier twin study from our laboratory. We interpret our observations as encouraging support for the recent findings indicating the presence of a gene for FCHL on chromosome 1q. Furthermore, since DIS194 is adjacent to the gene for the RXR, we suggest that RXR is an attractive candidate for involvement in FCHL.  相似文献   

Maternal uniparental disomy for the complete long arm of chromosome 14 has been reported in 14 patients to date and is associated with a specific pattern of malformation. We report a child with clinical features of this syndrome who exhibits maternal uniparental disomy confined to a specific interstitial segment of chromosome 14.  相似文献   

We describe a kindred in which an ins(10;8)(q21;q212q22) chromosome rearrangement has been segregating for at least four generations. The risk for balanced carriers to have offspring with duplication of 8q212→8q22 is about 0.31. Individuals with unbalanced chromosomes are mildly to moderately mentally retarded and have a similar unusual appearance. Other manifestations include highly arched or cleft palate (8/9), micrognathia (6/9), sloped shoulders (4–6/9), convulsions (4/9), camptodactyly (3/9), pectus excavatum (2/9), elbow contractures (1/9), and postaxial polydactyly (1/9). The appearance and habitus resemble the mosaic trisomy 8 syndrome, although other anomalies of mosaic trisomy 8, such as vertebral, patellar, and renal defects, were not demonstrated.  相似文献   

A Polish family was identified in which multifocal clear cell renal carcinoma segregated with a balanced constitutional chromosome translocation, t(2;3)(q33;q21), similar to the renal cell cancer-associated t(2;3)(q35;q21) reported in a Dutch family. Bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) contigs encompassing the 2q and 3q breakpoints were constructed and BACs crossing the breakpoints were partially sequenced. All known regional markers, genes, and expressed sequence tags (ESTs) were mapped relative to the contigs, as well as to the breakpoint sequences. Two single ESTs mapped within the 2q breakpoint BAC, whereas the repeat-rich 3q breakpoint region was gene poor. Physical mapping suggested that the 3q break was in 3q13, possibly near the border with 3q21. Physical mapping illustrated that the 2q break was closely telomeric to the 2q31 FRA2G site, consistent with the G-band assignment. Characterization of full-length cDNAs for the ESTs near the 2q break will determine if a gene(s) is altered by this familial translocation. Received: June 8, 2001 / Accepted: August 27, 2001  相似文献   

Familial transmission of cytogenetically visible autosome deletions is rare in humans. We describe here a case of mother to son transmission of an interstitial deletion of the distal long arm of chromosome one, breakpoints q42.1q42.3. This is the smallest described deletion of this region to date. © 2001 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

We report on a 17‐month‐old girl with multiple malformations, including lung hypoplasia, multiple ventricular septal defects, craniofacial anomalies, and malrotation of the intestine. Moreover, the patient showed Robin sequence, developmental delay, as well as pre‐ and postnatal growth retardation. Postnatal cytogenetic analysis revealed an interstitial deletion on the long arm of chromosome 2. Microdissection and reverse chromosome painting of the aberrant chromosome 2 as well as FISH with a panel of chromosome 2q band‐specific YACs mapped the deletion to 2q33‐q35. Lung hypoplasia has not been described so far in patients with del(2)(q33‐q35). A review of previously reported patients showed variable phenotypes apparently due to different deleted chromosomal segments. Am. J. Med. Genet. 94:184–188, 2000. © 2000 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

An 8-year-old girl revealed the karyotype 46, XX,del(l)(q21 → q25). Both parents had normal chromosomes. The patient showed the following findings: underweight at birth, severe growth deficiency (at 7 9/12 years, length, weight and head circumference were at the levels of 24, 18 and 6 months, respectively), delayed bone age; bilateral cleft lip and cleft palate; a pattern of facial dysmorphic stigmata including a short, bulbous nose, exotropia, anisocoria, absence of some teeth, poorly modeled auricles; very small hands and feet with short fingers and toes, and broad thumbs and big toes exhibiting dysplastic, hyperconvex nails; in radiographs multiple phalangeal cone-shaped epiphyses, bifid terminal phalanges of the thumbs and half-moon shaped terminal phalanges of the big toes and absence of the 12th ribs. The patient suffered from seizures and from recurrent otitis and pyuria. Motor and mental development were profoundly delayed: at 8 years she was unable to sit up, had no speech and barely responded to her environment. As the proband and her parents were Fya/Fyb, location of the Duffy locus on segment 1q22 → 1q24 can be excluded.  相似文献   

We present two unrelated children with the de novo interstitial deletion of the proximal segment of the long arm of chromosome 1 (1q21–23→1q25). Comparison of the phenotypic characteristics of these two patients with those of two previously described patients with similar deletion confirms the existence of the proximal 1q deletion syndrome. The characteristics of this newly recognized deletion syndrome include pre- and postnatal growth retardation; severe psychomotor retardation; microbrachycephaly; sparse, fine scalp hair and eyebrows; cleft lip and palate; hernias; genitalia defects; small hands and feet; and clinodactyly of the fifth fingers.  相似文献   

We describe the case of a 15‐year‐old girl with multiple congenital anomalies, dysmorphic features, severe kyphoscoliosis, growth and mental retardation, and the absence of speech, in whom 35% of the cells carried a supernumerary ring chromosome 1. Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) analysis using YAC/BAC clones spanning the region from 1p13 to 1q21 made it possible to determine the genomic content and structure of the ring(1), which was found to consist of the cytogenetic bands 1q21–22. A complex structure was delineated in the ring chromosome with a partial inverted duplication delimited by markers WI‐7732 and WI‐607, with WI‐7396 and WI‐8386 being the boundaries of the single copy segment. Comparison of the clinical signs of other patients with mosaic r(1) reported in the literature allowed the identification of a patient sharing a number of clinical signs including cataracts. Given that mutations of the GJA8 gene encoding connexin 50 (Cx50) and mapping to 1q21 have been associated with the presence of cataracts, it is possible that a gain in copy number or a rearrangement of GJA8 may contribute to cataractogenesis.  相似文献   

Tertiary trisomy, or double trisomy, is a rare occurrence. We present two individuals with a previously unreported tertiary trisomy for chromosomes 5p and 21q in an eight‐generation pedigree. Their phenotypes are compared with other partial trisomies of either 5p or 21q from the literature. The propositus was diagnosed with trisomy 21 at 2 years of age after a karyotype study for short stature and developmental delay. His phenotype was described as atypical for Down syndrome. He presented at 9 years of age because of pervasive behavioral problems and obesity. He was brachycephalic with a flattened nasal bridge, but he lacked other characteristics of trisomy 21. Because of lack of phenotypic evidence of Down syndrome, a repeat karyotype was obtained and showed 47,XY,+der(21)t(5;21)(p15.1; q22.1), incorporating partial trisomies of both chromosomes 5 and 21. Mother had a balanced translocation, 46,XX,t(5;21)(p15.1; q22.1); 8 other relatives were examined. The translocation originated from the maternal great‐grandmother, but only the propositus and his mentally retarded aunt had a similar phenotye and the derivative chromosome. Fluorescence in situ hybridization showed absence of band 21q22.2 in the derivative chromosome of the propositus and his aunt, indicating that neither had trisomy for the Down syndrome critical region. These cases represent a unique double partial trisomy of chromosome arms 5p and 21q that occurred because of 3:1 malsegregation of a reciprocal translocation. These cases further demonstrate that phenotypic discordance with cytogenetic results dictate further investigation using advanced cytogenetic hybridization. Am. J. Med. Genet. 92:311–317, 2000. © 2000 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Mapping of an autosomal dominant gene for Dupuytren's contracture to chromosome 16q in a Swedish family.Dupuytren's contracture (DC) (OMIM 126900) is the most common connective tissue disease of mankind and has both heritable and sporadic forms. The inherited form is most frequently observed among the xanthochroi peoples of Northern Europe where its most common manifestations are thickening of the palmar fascia and contracture of the fingers. We ascertained a five-generation Swedish family in which DC is inherited in an autosomal dominant manner with high, but incomplete, penetrance by the end of the fifth decade. Blood was collected from all affected and informative unaffected family members for the performance of a genome-wide scan at a resolution of approximately 8 cM for all autosomes. Linkage was established to a single 6 cM region between markers D16S419 and D16S3032 on chromosome 16. A maximal two-point logarithm of odds (LOD) score of 3.18 was achieved at microsatellite marker D16S415 with four other markers in the region producing LODs of >1.5.  相似文献   

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