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Primary Sj?gren's syndrome is an autoimmune disease characterized by lymphocytic infiltration of the salivary glands and lacrimal glands. The histological features of chronic inflammation in primary Sj?gren's syndrome may be associated with B cell hyper-reactivity. This syndrome also has various manifestations associated with other exocrine glands and nonglandular tissues. The hematological abnormalities usually seen in Sj?gren's syndrome are lymphopenia, leucopenia, and thrombocytopenia. Although the direct Coomb's test is often positive, the occurrence of autoimmune hemolytic anemia (AIHA) is rare. Here, we report an elderly patient with primary Sj?gren's syndrome who developed AIHA during the clinical course.  相似文献   

Mast cells have been linked to rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and are essential to the pathogenesis of RA-like disease in a mouse model. We describe a 34-year-old woman who developed Sj?gren's syndrome concurrently with telangiectasia macularis eruptiva perstans (TMEP), a rare form of cutaneous mastocytosis. The patient had sicca symptoms with an abnormal minor salivary gland biopsy and decreased salivary flow, peripheral neuropathy, an 80 pound weight loss, and a macular erythematous rash that exhibited superficial perivascular mast cell infiltrates on biopsy of lesional skin. This case further underscores the link between mast cells and the development of autoimmunity.  相似文献   

Received: October 24, 2000 / Accepted: January 26, 2001  相似文献   

Congestive heart failure (CHF) related to Sj?gren's syndrome is extremely rare. This report concerns a patient who presented with CHF and severe thrombocytopenia (5,000/microl). Serum concentrations of K, Mg and digitoxin were 3.2mmol/L, 1.4mg/L and 57.2ng/ml, respectively. Digitoxin intoxication was evident, seemingly evoked by hypokalemia, hypomagnesemia, hepatorenal dysfunction and hypothyroidism. The severe thrombocytopenia was considered to have been caused by this intoxication, as it disappeared soon after the digitoxin was discontinued and potassium was supplemented.  相似文献   

We report the course of a 55-year-old woman, the first patient with primary Sjögren's syndrome and distal renal tubular acidosis but without lymphoma to be treated with B-cell depletion using Rituximab. Rapidly after B-cell depletion, remarkable improvement in xerostomia occurred, while serological findings and tubular acidosis have been unchanged. In labial salivary gland biopsy, lymphocyte infiltration and particularly CD20-positive cells decreased strikingly. Aquaporin 1 (AQP-1) expression in myoepithelial cells was very low before treatment and increased noticeably. Apical AQP-5 in acinus cells likewise increased following Rituximab. In contrast, basolateral NKCC1 was expressed at unchanged intensity before and following Rituximab. The improvement has been sustained and still is most gratifying 10 months after treatment. B-cell depletion may be effective treatment in Sjögren's syndrome. Likewise, it may now be possible to separate the immunologic phenomena in Sjögren's syndrome from the consequences of prolonged hyposalivation when studying the pathophysiology of xerostomia.  相似文献   

The most common renal manifestation of Sj?gren's syndrome is tubulointerstitial nephritis, and glomerular disease is rare (3). A 62-year-old woman with primary Sj?gren's syndrome developed nephrotic syndrome. Kidney biopsy was consistent with membraneous glomerulonephritis. Steroid pulse therapy was not effective. Three months later she was diagnosed with non-Hodgkin's lymphoma of the tongue, and she was given CHOP therapy and radiation. Both the lymphoma and membraneous glomerulonephritis were resolved.  相似文献   

A 55-year old woman with a diagnosis of primary Sj?gren's Syndrome suddenly developed AV-block III. A diagnostic procedure finally revealed sarcoidosis with multiorgan involvement.  相似文献   

In approximately 25% of patients with acute or chronic pancreatitis the cause remains unclear. Despite progress in understanding so-called idiopathic pancreatitis, more diagnostic criteria are needed. We report on a patient who presented with jaundice, but without pain or fever. Under the assumption of pancreatic cancer the patient underwent hemipancreatoduodenectomy. Histological examination showed chronic sclerosing inflammation of the pancreas and bile ducts without any signs of malignancy. Ten weeks later he developed bilateral parotid swelling and recurrent bouts of fever. Again liver enzymes were elevated and unsuccessfully treated with antibiotics for bacterial cholangitis. Further biopsies from submandibular gland, lymph nodes and liver again showed chronic sclerosing inflammation with lymphoplasmacytic infiltration. For sicca symptoms the diagnosis of a primary Sjogren's syndrome was proposed. However, with corticosteroid treatment the patient improved remarkably but after tapering he relapsed. On the basis of established criteria, we diagnosed autoimmune pancreatitis with (1) diffuse swelling of the pancreas, (2) irregularities of the pancreatic duct, (3) lymphoplasmacytic infiltration, (4) response to corticosteroids, (5) hypergammaglobulinaemia, and (6) disproportionately raised IgG4. In addition, the patient fulfilled the criteria for secondary Sjogren's syndrome. Autoimmune pancreatitis may present as an isolated or syndromic disease. It is an autoimmune disorder of unknown cause and should be included in the differential diagnosis of pancreatic disorders.  相似文献   

A 56-year-old Japanese female simultaneously developed thrombocytopenia, sicca symptoms, and an elevation of transaminase. Antiphospholipid antibodies were detected in her serum. The presence of anti-SS-A antibodies in the serum and sialectasis, disclosed by sialography, suggested the presence of primary Sjogren's syndrome (SjS). The laboratory data and the biopsy of the liver showed compatible findings with autoimmune hepatitis (AIH). Thrombocytopenia and liver dysfunction satisfactorily responded to corticosteroid. To our knowledge, this is the first reported case of SjS with AIH and antiphospholipid antibody syndrome (APAS). Analysis of serum cytokine levels showed a predominance of Th0-Th1 response, which is not compatible with AIH, in this complicated autoimmune state.  相似文献   

Methods: A retrospective case note review was carried out on 114 patients in whom a diagnosis of pSS had been made in a department of rheumatology from 1979 onwards. The year of diagnosis of pSS was recorded, plus the diagnosis and year of diagnosis of any other identified autoimmune disease. Results: Of the 114 patients with pSS, seven (6%) were male and 107 (94%) female. Mean age at diagnosis of pSS was 53 years (range 21 to 83). Patients were followed up for an average of 10.5 years (range 0 to 23). Thirty eight patients (33.3%) were diagnosed as having another autoimmune disease, while nine (7.9%) had two or more. Thirteen additional autoimmune diseases were identified. Twenty five diagnoses (51.0%) were made before the diagnosis of pSS, three (6.1%) within the same year, and 21 (42.9%) after the diagnosis. Hypothyroidism was the most common autoimmune disease (n = 16). Conclusions: Although pSS is a relatively benign condition, affected individuals have an increased tendency to develop additional autoimmune diseases. Patients with pSS should be monitored on a regular basis for such diseases.  相似文献   

Sj?gren's syndrome is a systemic autoimmune disease that frequently presents concomitantly with other systemic connective tissue or organ-specific autoimmune diseases. This association is well described for systemic lupus erythematosus and rheumatoid arthritis. The presence of Sj?gren's syndrome influences the expression of the other autoimmune disease to some degree, for instance by increasing fatigue and lymphoma risk. The etiopathogenic mechanism for the simultaneous or sequential development of multiple autoimmune diseases in one individual is not well understood. Common genetic backgrounds and additional immunogenetic, environmental, or hormonal factors may be responsible for the formation of subsets of autoimmune disease clustering. While the most currently accepted classification criteria (American European Consensus Criteria) designate these cases as secondary Sj?grens syndrome, the terms overlapping or associated Sj?gren's syndrome are frequently used in the literature to describe these cases.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To assess the prevalence and clinical and immunological significance of anticentromere antibodies (ACA) in patients with primary Sj?gren's syndrome (pSS). METHODS: We retrospectively investigated the prevalence of ACA in patients with SS. We compared ACA-positive SS patients with ACA-negative pSS patients. RESULTS: The prevalence of ACA among patients with pSS was 4.7% (10/212). Among the patients with SS and an associated autoimmune disease, 10 patients had ACA and limited cutaneous sclerosis (SSc). Clinical and immunological patterns did not differ between the 10 pSS patients with ACA alone and the 10 SS patients with ACA and SSc, except for presence of limited cutaneous SSc (lcSSc). Moreover, all ACA-positive sera recognized centromere protein-B on ELISA, regardless of the presence of SSc. The entire SS-ACA group (n = 20) showed greater frequency of Raynaud's phenomenon, objective xerophthalmia, peripheral neuropathy, and additional autoimmune disorders, especially primary biliary cirrhosis, compared to pSS patients without ACA (p = 0.005, p = 0.04, p = 0.001, p = 0.05, p < 0.0001, respectively). SS patients with ACA less frequently showed anti-SSA or anti-SSB antibodies than those without ACA (p = 0.0002, p = 0.01, respectively) but greater prevalence of autoantibodies other than anti-SSA/SSB or ACA (p = 0.001). CONCLUSION: Clinical and immunological features of SS were largely similar among SS patients with ACA with and without SSc. However, the presence of ACA among patients with SS allows identification of a subset of patients with "SS overlap syndrome," who show a wide diversity of autoimmunity, encompassing but not limited to SSc.  相似文献   

Patients with primary Sj?gren syndrome frequently present hematologic abnormalities, consisting mainly of immune cytopenias. Pure red cell aplasia is a very rare complication of primary Sj?gren syndrome. This is the first report in the literature describing the development of pure red cell aplasia combined with autoimmune hemolytic anemia in a 74-year-old woman with primary Sj?gren syndrome. In our patient, despite administration of diverse therapeutic schemes, such as corticosteroids, immunomodulating agents (intravenous immune globulin), immunosuppressive drugs (cyclophosphamide), and novel treatment options (monoclonal antibody directed against the CD20 antigen), no response was achieved. The present case suggests that the possibility of comorbid connective tissue disease should be a diagnostic consideration in patients with acquired pure red cell aplasia and autoimmune hemolytic anemia. Although most of the hematologic abnormalities that occur in primary Sj?gren syndrome are not clinically significant, serious and difficult-to-treat hematologic complications may also occur.  相似文献   

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