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Social capital has been linked to health outcomes, though there are some inconsistencies in the research and the link is dependent on the measures of social capital and health used. In this paper, we argue that social capital is multifaceted and its relationship with health is complex. We explore the relationship between a number of elements of neighbourhood life and neighbourhood-based social capital, and health, using both qualitative and quantitative methods. The paper reports on a study of the Western suburbs of Adelaide and the analysis of 2400 questionnaires and 40 in-depth interviews. A partial least-square path analysis was undertaken with the questionnaire data. It considered the impact of perceptions of the physical environment, neighbourhood connections, neighbourhood trust, reciprocity, perceived safety and local civic action, and a number of demographic variables, on physical and mental health as measured by the SF-12. Of the neighbourhood-related variables, only perceived neighbourhood safety was related to physical health, with neighbourhood safety and neighbourhood connections related to mental health. Of the demographic variables, higher-income level and educational achievement were related to better physical and mental health. In addition, physical health was lower and mental health higher within older age groups. The inter-relationships between the neighbourhood variables and demographic differences in experience of neighbourhood were also examined. The thematic analysis of the interviews linked a number of social aspects of neighbourhood, the physical neighbourhood environment, perceptions of safety, civic activities and availability of local services, to health outcomes. The paper concludes that there is a need for more complex measures of social capital and that socio-economic factors are of relatively greater importance in determining health.  相似文献   

Resource generators measure an individual's access to social resources within their social network. They can facilitate the analysis of how access to these resources may assist recovery from illness. As these instruments are culture and context dependent different versions need to be validated for different populations. Further, they are yet to be subjected to a thorough content validation and their reliability and validity have not been established beyond an examination of their internal scales. This paper reports the validity and reliability of a version suitable for general population use in the UK. Firstly, a qualitative process of item selection and review through focus groups and an expert panel ensured that the resource items were relevant. Also, cognitive interviews identified any significant problems prior to extensive piloting. Then we examined its internal domains using Mokken scaling in a small general population survey (n=295). Its concurrent validity with a similar instrument was tested in a further pilot (n=335) and these findings were supported by a known-group validity study (n=65). Its reliability was established in a test-retest study (n=47) in addition to an examination of the reliability coefficients of the internal scales. We found that the Resource Generator-UK has good psychometric properties, though there is some variation in performance between items and scales. Further, we found an inverse relationship with common mental disorder in the second pilot we undertook.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Social class, as a theoretical framework, represents a complementary approach to social stratification by introducing social relations of ownership and control over productive assets to the analysis of inequalities in economic, political, and cultural resources. In this study we examined whether measures of social class were able to explain and predict self-reported general and mental health over and above measures of social stratification. METHODS: We tested this using the Barcelona Health Interview Survey, a cross-sectional survey of 10 000 residents of the city's non-institutionalized population in 2000. We used Erik Olin Wright's indicators of social class position, based on ownership and control over productive assets. As measures of social stratification we used the Spanish version of the British Registrar General (BRG) classification, and education. Health-related variables included self-perceived health and mental health as measured by Goldberg's questionnaire. RESULTS: Among men, high level managers and supervisors reported better health than all other classes, including small business owners. Low-level supervisors reported worse mental health than high-level managers and non-managerial workers, giving support to Wright's contradictory class location hypothesis with regard to mental health. Social class indicators were less useful correlates of health and mental health among women. CONCLUSIONS: Our findings highlight the potential health consequences of social class positions defined by power relations within the labour process. They also confirm that social class taps into parts of the social variation in health that are not captured by conventional measures of social stratification and education.  相似文献   

A questionnaire asking about satisfaction and problems in the sex lives of respondents and their partners was sent to 4,000 adults registered with general practices in England. A quarter of respondents said that they were dissatisfied with their sex lives, men more so than women, particularly with the frequency of intercourse. Respondents were more likely to be dissatisfied with their sex life if they perceived their partner to have a sexual problem. Respondents who were dissatisfied were more likely to report that their partner was dissatisfied with their sex life. The benefits of treating sexual problems have wide implications for both partners in a relationship.  相似文献   



In previous public health surveys large differences in health have been shown between citizens living in different neighbourhoods in the Örebro municipality, which has about 125000 inhabitants. The aim of this study was to investigate the determinants of health with an emphasis on the importance of neighbourhood characteristics such as the influence of neighbourhood social cohesion and social capital. The point of departure in this study was a conceptual model inspired by the work of Carpiano, where different factors related to the neighbourhood have been used to find associations to individual self-rated health.


We used data from the survey 'Life &; Health 2004' sent to inhabitants aged 18-84 years in Örebro municipality, Sweden. The respondents (n = 2346) answered a postal questionnaire about living conditions, housing conditions, health risk factors and individual health. The outcome variable was self-rated health. In the analysis we applied logistic regression modelling in various model steps following a conceptual model.


The results show that poor self-rated health was associated with social capital, such as lack of personal support and no experience of being made proud even after controlling for strong factors related to health, such as age, disability pension, ethnicity and economic stress. Also the neighbourhood factors, housing area and residential stability were associated with self-rated health. Poor self-rated health was more common among people living in areas with predominately large blocks of flats or areas outside the city centre. Moreover, people who had lived in the same area 1-5 years reported poor health more frequently than those who had lived there longer.


The importance of the neighbourhood and social capital for individual health is confirmed in this study. The neighbourhoods could be emphasized as settings for health promotion. They can be constructed to promote social interaction which in turn supports the development of social networks, social support and social capital - all important determinants of health.

Measurement of mental health in a general population survey   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

Investigation of the health effects of retirement and age at retirement is limited, but the issue is particularly important given the pressure for an increase in the retirement age in Europe. In the Greek segment of the European Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition study, 16,827 men and women enrolled from 1994 to 1999 were either gainfully employed or had retired from such employment at enrollment; had not previously been diagnosed with stroke, cancer, coronary heart disease, or diabetes mellitus; and had complete information on important covariates and documented survival status as of July 2006. All-cause and cause-specific mortality in relation to employment status and age at retirement (among retirees) was analyzed through Cox regression models, controlling for potential confounders. In comparison to subjects still employed, retirees had a 51% increase in all-cause mortality (95% confidence interval: 16, 98). Among retirees, a 5-year increase in age at retirement was associated with a 10% decrease in mortality (95% confidence interval: 4, 15). Findings were more evident for cardiovascular than for cancer mortality, whereas, for injury mortality, there was no evidence of association. Results indicate that early retirement may be a risk factor for all-cause and cardiovascular mortality in apparently healthy persons.  相似文献   

Patient-centred outcomes such as quality of life (QOL) are valued and used extensively in mental healthcare evaluations, but concerns remain about their practical application due to perceived measurement issues, including responsiveness and relationships with objective indicators and depression. Evidence from general population studies challenge some assumptions, suggesting that measurement difficulties might relate to the characteristics of mental health samples, rather than measurement itself. This paper assesses the impact of mental illness on QOL and its measurement, examining whether the life-conditions, opportunities and QOL of different mental health-status groups vary, and if explanatory models of domain-specific and global QOL differ. Objective life-conditions, access to life-opportunities and subjective QOL were assessed over 2 years, using the same methodology in severe mental illness (SMI; n = 149 (baseline)/n = 126 (follow-up)), common mental disorder (CMD; n = 794/354) and no disorder (n = 1119/583) groups. Objective life-conditions were worse in the SMI group than in mentally healthy population and CMD groups, but the opportunities available to the SMI group were no more restricted than the CMD group. Subjective QOL ratings reflected this; SMI group scores were lower than the healthy population and in some life-domains the CMD group. Models of QOL suggested that life-quality was explained differently in the three groups. QOL studies combining mental health samples should control for health-status group, and domain-specific and global indicators of lifestyle and opportunity.  相似文献   

Perceptions of social capital and the built environment and mental health   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
There has been much speculation about a possible association between the social and built environment and health, but the empirical evidence is still elusive. The social and built environments are best seen as contextual concepts but they are usually estimated as an aggregation of individual compositional measures, such as perceptions on trust or the desirability to live in an area. If these aggregated compositional measures were valid measures, one would expect that they would evince correlations at higher levels of data collection (e.g., neighbourhood). The aims of this paper are: (1) to investigate the factor structure of a self-administered questionnaire measuring individual perceptions of trust, social participation, social cohesion, social control, and the built environment; (2) to investigate variation in these factors at higher than the individual level (households and postcodes) in order to assess if these constructs reflect some contextual effect; and (3) to study the association between mental health, as measured by the General Health Questionnaire-12 (GHQ-12), and these derived factors. A cross-sectional household survey was undertaken during May-August 2001 in a district of South Wales with a population of 140,000. We found that factor analysis grouped our questions in factors similar to the theoretical ones we had previously envisaged. We also found that approximately one-third of the variance for neighbourhood quality and 10% for social control was explained at postcode (neighbourhood) level after adjusting for individual variables, thus suggesting that some of our compositional measures capture contextual characteristics of the built and social environment. After adjusting for individual variables, trust and social cohesion, two key social capital components were the only factors to show statistically significant associations with GHQ-12 scores. However, these factors also showed little variation at postcode levels, suggesting a stronger individual determination. We conclude that our results provide some evidence in support of an association between mental health (GHQ-12 scores) and perceptions of social capital, but less support for the contextual nature of social capital.  相似文献   



The aim of this study was to use a multilevel analysis to examine whether cognitive and structural dimensions of regional social capital were associated with individual health outcomes after adjusting for compositional factors.  相似文献   

The authors examined associations between leisure-time and occupational physical activity and common mental disorder (CMD), defined as anxiety and depression, using data from a cohort of middle-aged men in Caerphilly, South Wales, United Kingdom, who were followed for 5 years (1989-1993) and 10 years (1993-1997). CMD was measured using the General Health Questionnaire. Total leisure-time activity and percentage of time spent in heavy-intensity activity were estimated from self-reports (Minnesota Leisure Time Physical Activity Questionnaire). Men were classified into four classes of occupational activity. Among 1,158 men with complete data, those who participated in any heavy-intensity leisure-time activity had reduced odds of CMD 5 years later (below median vs. none: adjusted odds ratio (OR(adj)) = 0.61, 95% confidence interval (CI): 0.40, 0.93); median or above vs. none: OR(adj) = 0.54, 95% CI: 0.35, 0.83). Analyses using multiple imputation to deal with missing data found weaker evidence for an association (OR(adj) = 0.79 (95% CI: 0.54, 1.15) and OR(adj) = 0.73 (95% CI: 0.49, 1.09), respectively). There was little evidence that men in the most physically demanding jobs had reduced odds of CMD after 5 years, and there was no association between physical activity and CMD 10 years later. Among these men, heavy-intensity leisure-time physical activity was associated with a small reduction in CMD over 5 years.  相似文献   

Social capital is an increasingly popular construct in research examining social and behavioral determinants of health and well-being. Yet, comparing the results of social capital research is inhibited by inconsistencies in labeling, different definitions and subsequent disagreement on level of analysis, and limited evaluation of the psychometric properties of measures of social capital. This study examined the psychometric properties of the Social Capital Questionnaire (Journal of Applied Behavioral Science 36(1) (2000) 23). In the current study, the original Australian-based instrument was modified for telephone administration with a US sample. Exploratory factor analysis revealed a similar factor structure to that found during initial survey development. These findings lend support to the notion of social capital as a meaningful construct and suggest the Onyx and Bullen instrument deserves further attention as a practical tool for health researchers and community agencies interested in social capital.  相似文献   

The authors cross-sectionally investigated the extent to which coffee, tea, and alcohol consumption, physical activity, and smoking were associated with nonfasting total plasma homocysteine concentrations in a random sample of 3,025 Dutch adults aged 20--65 years from a population-based cohort examined in 1993--1996 (n = 19,066). The lifestyle factors most strongly associated with plasma total homocysteine level were smoking (positive), alcohol drinking (negative), and coffee consumption (positive). The smoking effect was most prominent in women, and the alcohol effect was most pronounced in men. Data indicated that independently of other lifestyle factors, age, and intake of folate and B vitamin supplements, a change in lifestyle could result in a 0.1- to 1.7-micromol/liter change in plasma total homocysteine level. The authors conclude that lifestyle changes could result in a public-health-relevant change in plasma total homocysteine concentrations.  相似文献   



This paper examines the relationships between indicators of positive and negative dimensions of mental health, social well-being and physical health.  相似文献   

The inverse relationship between social class and rates of mental disorders was first documented in early mental hygiene studies at the beginning of this century and similar findings have been demonstrated in numerous contemporary studies. Interpretations of this persistent relationship include a downward drift explanation that posits that a decline in social status occurs as a result of precipitating mental illness, and a social causation model that emphasizes the importance of psychosocial stressors in the onset of mental disorders. A wealth of evidence supporting the social causation model is reviewed, drawing on mental health epidemiology, women's mental health, unemployment and physical health research. Political and economic origins of the downward drift hypothesis are also discussed.  相似文献   

The prevalence of hypertension in the three first-screened age cohorts of an ongoing multifactor, primary preventive trial, the distributions of unknown and/or untreated hypertensive subjects, and the percentage of hypertensives under treatment are presented and compared to the results in earlier examined population samples in the same town. Using cut-off points SBP ? 175 and DBP ? 115 and patients treated for hypertension included, 11% of both men and women aged 54–55 yr had hypertension. If cutting points SBP ? 165 and DBP ? 95, as recommended by the WHO, had been adopted, 55% would have been considered hypertensive. The mean BP were calculated from the BP recorded at the screening and it was shown that a morning BP taken about 2 wk later was considerably lower. Thus, the “afternoon cut-off points”: 175115 should be compared with “morning cut-off points”: 162101.The diagnostic work-up and future control program including the use of paramedical personnel and special means for the education of patients in a special Hypertension Clinic is described. The cost of the Hypertension Clinic is calculated in working-hours for physicians, nurses and secretarial staff.  相似文献   



To evaluate the reliability and validity of the EQ-5D in a general population sample in urban China.  相似文献   



Normative data for WHOQOL-bref are scarce in the literature and unavailable in Latin American countries. The main objective of this study was to provide normative scores of WHOQOL-bref in a general population sample in Brazil and to describe differences in mean scores according to some socio-demographic characteristics.  相似文献   

The scarcity of empirically supported explanations for the Black/White prevalence difference in depression in the U.S. is a conspicuous gap in the literature. Recent evidence suggests that the paradoxical observation of decreased risk of depression but elevated rates of physical illness among Blacks in the U.S. compared with Whites may be accounted for by the use of coping behaviors (e.g., alcohol and nicotine consumption, overeating) among Blacks exposed to high stress levels. Such coping behaviors may mitigate deleterious effects of stressful exposures on mental health while increasing the risk of physical ailments. The racial patterning in mental and physical health outcomes could therefore be explained by this mechanism if a) these behaviors were more prevalent among Blacks than Whites and/or b) the effect of these behavioral responses to stress was differential by race. The present study challenges this hypothesis using longitudinal, nationally-representative data with comprehensive DSM-IV diagnoses. Data are drawn from 34,653 individuals sampled in Waves 1 (2001-2002) and 2 (2004-2005) as part of the US National Epidemiologic Survey on Alcohol and Related Conditions. Results showed that a) Blacks were less likely to engage in alcohol or nicotine consumption at low, moderate, and high levels of stress compared to Whites, and b) there was a significant three-way interaction between race, stress, and coping behavior for BMI only (F = 2.11, df = 12, p = 0.03), but, contrary to the hypothesis, elevated BMI was protective against depression in Blacks at low, not high, levels of stress. Further, engagement in unhealthy behaviors, especially at pathological levels, did not protect against depression in Blacks or in Whites. In sum, the impact of stress and coping processes on depression does not appear to operate differently in Blacks versus Whites. Further research testing innovative hypotheses that would explain the difference in Black/White depression prevalence is warranted.  相似文献   

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