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目的:探讨物理课程在高等医药类专业教育中的作用与地位。方法:对全国部分城市不同类别医院从业医务工作者进行调查,综合国际医学教育标准和我国现实医学教育以及医疗服务行业状况进行分析。结果:探讨了我国高等医药类专业教育中物理课程的设置及目标与定位问题,给出了明确的课程定位与设置标准。结论:现代医学高等教育不应忽视或淡化物理课程在医学人才培养中素质教育和专业水平提高的积极作用与基础地位,在有限的学时空间内合理安排基础性内容和与专业素质培养相关的应用内容。  相似文献   

后疫情时代,线上线下深度融合的混合式教学模式将成为信息化发展的必然趋势。本文以病原学与宿主防御学实验教学为例,提出以“双线混融模式”为基础,探索利用虚拟仿真和互联网平台,结合临床案例与综合性实验,合理融入课程思政元素的新途径,有效发挥整合医学实验课程的作用,加强学生对医学专业知识的掌握,提升整合医学实验教学在数字化进程中的步伐,为整合医学教育同行开辟新思路,对推动高素质的应用型医学人才培养具有积极作用。  相似文献   

目的:从目前医学物理课程教学的现状出发,阐述在医学专业的课程设置和教学中加强医学和理工课程相结合的必要性。分析医学物理学与医学课程之间的关系,结合多年的教学实践探讨医学物理学与医学课程教学相结合的教学思想和方法,以期解决教学中实际问题,提高医学物理教学质量,提高物理学应用能力,培养具有扎实理工基础的创新医学人才。方法:采用理论分析和实践相结合的方法。医学物理学与医学课程教学相结合通过教学内容相融合、专题教学、医学案例讨论、医学拓展练习等形式具体实现。实践中分别对设立的两类班施行传统教学和医学与物理相结合的不同教学方法,然后进行比较。结果:医学物理学与医学课程相结合的教学能够提高学生学习《医学物理学》的积极性和效率,加深对医学课程内容的理解,增强医学应用能力,促进综合能力提升。结论:应当促使教学管理部门、教师、学生充分认识到物理学与医学课程存在紧密关联,意识到物理课程在医学生培养中的重要作用,通过医理结合教学提高课程的教学质量,提高医学生的医理结合能力。  相似文献   

医学物理学教学改革探讨与实践   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
目的:激发医学专业学生学习医学物理学的兴趣以达到好的课堂教学效果。方法:针对医学教育的培养目标和任务,结合医学专业学生的特点,对医学物理学课程的教学从内容的优化、教学方法的多样化、多媒体教学手段的采用及实验方面的改革进行了探讨,并结合实际教学做了一些初步尝试。结果:学生的学习兴趣有很大的提高,教学效果显著。结论:经过对一系列改革措施的探讨和初步的实践表明,医学物理学教学改革势在必行。  相似文献   

医学课程体系改革是医学教育目前面临的最重要课题之一,在医学教育改革与发展中处于非常的重要地位。作为医学教育中的基础医学教育,是为学生后继临床学习打基础的阶段。因而作为地方高等医学院校的基础医学院也面临着一个课题,即如何优化医学基础课程设置和结构,改革教学内容,教学方法,紧密结合地方高等医学院校功能定位设置课程。本文试图在分析地方高等医学院校临床专业医学基础课程存在的主要问题,提出地方医学院校临床专业基础医学课程改革的策略。  相似文献   

《医用化学》教学中渗透医学知识的教学探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
莫志红 《医学信息》2010,23(1):34-36
中专职业医学教育中《医用化学》课程专业针对性较差,《医用化学》应根据不同医学专业的需要,精选《医用化学》在各医学专业中的相关内容,既保证各医学专业的化学基础知识讲授,又突出了医学专业特色的内容,促使职业医学教育培养出具有高素质应用型医学技术人才。  相似文献   

医学免疫学是当今医学领域和生命科学领域中的支柱学科和前沿学科。医学专业的研究生培养,要求学生掌握免疫学基本理论和技术,熟悉和了解免疫学前沿进展和发展趋势,并从事相关的课题研究。郑州大学基础医学院微生物学与免疫学系顺应世界医学教育的改革趋势,在研究生医学免疫学课程中,通过有目的、高质量的文献阅读培养研究生发现问题、提出问题和解决问题的能力。以期为实施临床、科研工作的研究生提供思路。  相似文献   

<正>教师是教学工作的承担者,其综合素质的直接决定了人才培养质量,其中教学能力是教师综合素质中最重要的部分,直接影响教学质量。人体解剖学是医学重要的支柱学科之一,也是其它医学课程奠定基础,也是医学专业课程与基础医学课程之间重要桥梁,人体解剖学教师在医学人才培养中具有重要的作用~([3,4])。青年教师是高等医学院校培养医学人才的重要力量,更是教师梯队中的重要后备力量。目前,  相似文献   

医学物理学是把物理学的原理和方法应用于人类疾病的预防、诊断、治疗和保健的一门交叉学科,在高等医学院校又是一门重要的基础课。医学物理学作为一门完整的课程教学体系,实验教学是其不可分割的重要组成部分。而实验又作为医学物理学习和研究的一种基本方法,对提高教学质量和学生创新能力的培养起着至关重要的作用。它不仅使学习医学物理知识的感性材料能够有效地获得,加深理解医学物理概念和规律形成的过程,学会使用基本仪器并独立进行实验的方法和技能的过程,更是使学生的创新意识、创新思维、创新能力得到培养,也是进一步培养学生的科学研究方法和科学态度的重要手段。换句话说,医学物理实验课程教学不仅关系到本门课程的教学和学习,还关系到相关课程的学习,特别是对学生后续课程的学习及实践能力、创新能力的培养都会产生重要影响。因此,为适应新形势,我校应在开放医学物理实验室、改革实验课程、创新教学手段、加强实验人员培训、网络化管理等方面进行改革,把科学研究全面渗透到本科教学中去,充分发挥实验教学在创新型人才培养中的作用,也为教学方法研究、教师科研及学生科技创新创造良好的环境。  相似文献   

基础医学和临床医学理论和技术的飞速发展极大地促进了现今的医学诊疗技术,这也对医学生的教育提出了更高的挑战。交叉融合和课程整合是医学教育的趋势,国内已有多家医学院校对基础和临床课程进行了整合。本文将以复旦大学基础医学院人体分子与细胞整合课程为例,介绍医学遗传学知识点在课程中的设计和实施。  相似文献   

The “surgeon‐anatomist” was originally a single individual who self‐pursued knowledge and understanding of anatomy as the foundation for successful surgical outcomes. However, recent advances in medical education have ironically led to the separation of anatomy and surgery. This physical and emotional “divorce” of anatomists and surgeons into separate individuals has created several critical educational issues for medical and surgical educators including a general lack of anatomical knowledge in medical students and misalignment of graduate medical education procedural specialty training with the Accreditation Council of Graduate Medical Education Core Competencies and now the Next Accreditation System. There are numerous opportunities for anatomists and surgeons to work together to improve educational instruction of established difficult anatomical regions, procedural training, or even develop new techniques and procedures. Similarly, anatomists with specialized training in medical education would be invaluable partners to ensure that procedural assessments align with instructional technologies for truly longitudinal curricula that starts at the medical student level, but stops at the patient outcomes of attending surgeons. This mutually beneficial relationship would be similar to multidisciplinary care teams and current surgeon and PhD/EdD partnerships. The restoration of the relationship between anatomists and surgeons would be invaluable to surgical education and remains an exciting research opportunity. Clin. Anat. 28:931–934, 2015. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Human anatomy forms the foundation for clinical medicine: thus its place in the medical school curriculum deserves careful attention. In an attempt to provide guidance to decision-makers involved in clinical anatomy curriculum development at the medical school level, the Educational Affairs Committee of the American Association of Clinical Anatomists (AACA) developed this document, which defines the contours of a gross anatomy curriculum leading to the M.D. or D.O. degree. The main body of the document sets forth the anatomical concepts as well as the subject matter a student should master prior to graduation from medical school. The AACA seeks to ensure that all medical students receive thorough training in clinical anatomy and that each student, regardless of the institution attended, will be exposed to a curriculum that will provide a fundamental level of competence required for the practice of medicine. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

目的:医学影像学专业的《医学影像电子学》是从电子电路的分析、设计、仿真与调试出发,面向医学影像设备操作、安装与维修,开发与设计而设置的。文章针对这门课程实践性高的特点,鉴于目前的教学现状,提出了理论教学和实验教学的改革方法。方法:课程设置了理论教学,实验教学,课程设计,电子技术实训四个教学环节。应用计算机多媒体技术、网络技术、计算机辅助教学,自主开发研制了与教材相配套的多媒体教学课件实现《医学影像电子学》理论教学,增加了课程综合设计这一考核方式。将传统的硬件电子学实验与利用计算机软件进行的仿真实验有机地结合起来方法进行《医学影像电子学》实验教学。结果:实验教学采用软件与硬件相结合的的实验方式,精心设计了针对性和实用性较强的10个学习情境,3个综合实训项目,保证了实验教学质量充实了课程教学资源,激发了学生学习兴趣和创造性思维能力,提高了教学质量。结论:实践证明,《医学影像电子学》教学方法的改革得到了学生的认可,减轻了实验课时少、实验室条件紧张等困难,为实验过程延伸到理论课堂和课后创造了有利的条件。这种教学改革值得在其它院校《医学影像电子学》教学中进行推广。  相似文献   

本文通过对我国高等医药院校本科教育中物理课程教学情况的调研,分析了当前医药本科教育物理课教学的基本情况,并针对我国医药本科教育的特点,进一步分析了医药本科教育对物理教学的需求。  相似文献   

There are concerns regarding the anatomy knowledge amongst medical school graduates and foundation doctors. Clinical procedures performed without relevant anatomical knowledge could result in serious harm to patients. The aim of this quantitative study was to assess education provision in the domains of anatomy, radiology and practical procedures for foundation year doctors during their first two years of training (FY1, FY2). A national survey of acute hospital trusts in England was conducted. Each trust completed a proforma relating to education provision for foundation year doctors between 6/8/2014 and 4/8/2015. A total of 95/161 (59%) acute hospital trusts in England responded. The mean number of teaching hours/year was 55.6±19.0 for FY1 and 57.3±30.4 hours/year for FY2. Anatomy education was provided in eight trusts with a mean of 2.3±1.0 hours/year for FY1 and 2.7±2.0 hours/year for FY2. The mean provision of practical procedure education was 2.2±1.3 hours/year for FY1 and 2.7±4.4 hours/year for FY2. The mean provision of radiology education was 10.5±18.7 hours/year for FY1 and 7.8±14.2 hours/year for FY2. Reasons for the lack of teaching included: lack of time, facilities, teaching staff, financial resources and absence of specific educational domains in the foundation curriculum. Medical education provision for foundation doctors is highly variable. There are wide discrepancies in postgraduate anatomy education, procedural skill training and radiology education between hospital trusts. Clin. Anat. 29:982–990, 2016. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

To address concerns about regional physician shortages within British Columbia, the University of British Columbia began distributing its undergraduate medical curriculum across multiple campuses (ie, urban Vancouver, small urban Victoria, and rural Prince George) in 2005. The distribution of the pathology curriculum required meeting 3 specific challenges: (i) implementation of high-quality technologies to facilitate distribution; (ii) recruitment of pathologists to teach; and (iii) creation of an electronic pathology learning center. Technological needs were met by a state-of-the-art audiovisual system allowing simultaneous interactive didactic sessions across all 3 sites, and by the use of a digital "virtual slide" system. Recruitment of pathologist educators proved challenging owing to comparatively limited staffing levels at the rural site. A physical and virtual pathology learning center was developed to assist students in self-directed study. Student performance on pathology examinations has proven to be essentially identical pre- and post-distribution, and is equivalent across all 3 sites. Quantitative and qualitative student survey data show that distributed pathology instruction is overwhelmingly well received by medical students at all sites, that pathologists' expertise is very important to students, and that pathology is one of the most popular components of the distributed curriculum. Pathology education continues to be a vital part of a distributed undergraduate medical program, and student grades and feedback demonstrate the value of the teaching and the technologies we have used. To be implemented successfully, the distribution of pathology education requires considerable financial and infrastructure investment, and ongoing commitment from pathologists and university administrators.  相似文献   

目的:根据医学电子仪器课程自身的特点及最新的技术发展情况,进行课程改革及人才培养模式的研究。方法:首先介绍了我国生物医学工程教育的现状,重点阐述了医学电子仪器课程改革的目标及具体实施,最后对人才培养模式提出一些建议。结果:通过课程改革研究及人才培养模式的探索,取得了一定的经验,但是还必须坚持不懈地将教学改革及创新进行下去,争取早日形成本专业的特色及优势。结论:专业课程改革及创新性人才培养模式的研究。对于推动专业及课程的发展是非常有益的。  相似文献   

A model core curriculum for medical education is proposed to serve as the essential basis of material to be mastered at present and as a reference for curricula to be constructed by individual universities. The author carried out a questionnaire in departments of clinical laboratory medicine in the national universities in order to clarify the actual conditions of countermeasures of this education program for clinical laboratory medicine. As a result, 50% of universities satisfied this program's objectives and the remainder were insufficient. School hours are reduced by half. There were great differences in the methods of clinical laboratory training between universities. In the Toyama Medical and Pharmaceutical University, general clinical laboratory education is administered in the first semester of the 4th year. In clinical training, all the members should study compulsory fundamental laboratory technique in first semester of the 5th year and, in addition, 6th graders in the last 2 months should be able to choose an advanced clinical training course. To this basic curriculum addition of an elective curriculum will be required, providing individual or unique training programs based on student needs and the educational principles of each university.  相似文献   

实施创新教育,是当前高等医学院校教育改革的主旋律。本文通过分析国内各高校实施创新教育的各种措施,并结合自身在高校创新教育体系构建过程中的实践与经验,提出了7项有显著成效的改革措施:建立突出创新的新课程体系、建立个性化的培养模式、建立本科生导师制、开展课外创新活动、实施“创新学分”制度、教师科研成果进入教学一线、建立多元评价机制,为进一步推动高等医学院校的创新教育改革提供参考。  相似文献   

Reform of the undergraduate medical curriculum, including the debate on which of its parts or subjects are superfluous, is a topic of interest in many countries. On being examined at the end of their specialization period, doctors were asked to grade the relevance of all subjects in the undergraduate curriculum for training to become a medical doctor. The subjects that gained the highest grades were internal medicine, gross anatomy, physical examination course, physiology, and pharmacology. The five subjects graded least relevant were biomathematics, terminology, social medicine, medical physics, and medical chemistry. More than 80% of the doctors expressed interest in special lectures and courses, e.g., in topographic anatomy at the beginning of their postgraduate training. Retrospective evaluations at the end of residency time are helpful “evidence” to be considered in reforming the medical curriculum, and in particular in defining “core” and “optional” parts of the curriculum. The data show that anatomy is graded as highly relevant in the undergraduate medical curriculum by doctors at the end of their postgraduate training. Anat Rec. 249:431–434, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

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