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目的研究7号染色体臂间倒位的遗传机制.方法患儿及父母作染色体检查,并对患儿的家系进行调查.结果患儿的染色体核型为46,XX,inv(7)(p22q11)/45,X,inv(7)(p22q11),其中46,XX,inv(7)(p2q11),85%,45,X,inv(7)(p22q11),15%.父亲的核型为46,XY,inv(7)(p22q11),母亲的染色体正常,患儿的母亲第1胎为3月自然流产,家系中其他成员均无流产史,母系成员中身材均偏矮小.结论染色体臂间倒位能引起流产和畸胎,应作产前诊断.  相似文献   

目的探讨inv(9)(p22q34)孕妇遗传效应及临床表现。方法对羊水细胞和绒毛进行原位培养、染色体制备及核型分析。结果第一次产前诊断羊水细胞染色体核型为46,XX,inv(9)(p22q34),1qh+,22pstk+,因9号染色体臂间倒位类型与母亲相同,夫妇决定终止妊娠;第二次产前诊断绒毛膜细胞染色体核型为46,XX,rec(9)dup(9q)inv(9)(p22q34),胎儿鼻骨异常,夫妇也决定终止妊娠。结论 inv(9)(p22q34)可导致不良孕产史的发生,通过进行产前诊断,发现胎儿染色体核型异常时,应采取相应的措施,防止先天缺陷儿的出生。  相似文献   

例1 女,35岁,由于流产1次后近5年一直未孕就诊.夫妻双方家系无遗传病史,无药物及毒物接触史.经外周血染色体检查,患者核型为46,XX,inv(7)(pter→q22∷q32→q22∷q32→qter),见图1a.丈夫染色体核型正常,患者父亲染色体核型为46,XY,inv(7)(pter→q22∷q32→q22∷q32→qter). 例2 女,37岁,结婚7年,怀孕5次,但均在怀孕50~60天自然流产.夫妇双方体健,孕期无病毒感染及毒物接触史.经外周血染色体检查,患者核型为46,XX,t(5;7)(5pter→5q22∷7q32→7qter;7pter→7q32∷5q22→5qter),见图1b.丈夫染色体核型正常,患者妹妹的染色体核型与患者相同.  相似文献   

例1 女,36岁,表型及智力正常,身体健康.怀孕6次,每次均为孕2个月左右自然流产.细胞遗传学检查:患者染色体核型为46,XX,t(13;18)(13pter→13p10::18q10→18qter;18pter→18p10::13q10→13qter),inv(9)(pter→p12::q13→p12::q13→qter),1a.家系调查:患者外祖母曾多次流产,染色体核型与患者相同.患者母亲也曾多次流产,但未做染色体检查.育有一儿一女(患者),患者哥哥及丈夫染色体核型正常.父亲未做染色体检查.  相似文献   

临床病例 病例1:女,26岁,不全流产查因,核型为46,XX/45,XX,-18,(2/60)/46,XX,d el(18)(pter→p11q11qter)(2/60); 病例2:男,24岁,妻难免流产,核型为46,XY/45,XY,-22,(2/60)/46,XY,-22, mar; 病例3:女,25岁,孕3产0,自然流产1次,死胎2次(均在5-6个月),核型为46,XX,/46,X X,del(2)(pter→p12),(2/60)/45,X(2/60); 病例4:男,27岁,表型正常,妻生育一胎21三体,核型为46,XY/46,XY,b(16)(q22:)( 14/30);妻子核型正常. 病例5:例4之女,核型为46,XX, 21,rob(21;21),b(16)(q22:) mar.  相似文献   

女, 37岁, 已婚, 体健, 无兄弟姐妹, 否认母亲不良孕产史, 于2021年3月18日就诊于吉林大学第一医院。G4P0, 否认孕期有毒有害物质接触史, 4次自然妊娠均于妊娠后40~60 d之间出现胚胎停止发育, 第4次胚胎停育后采用检测发现胚胎为7号三体(图1)。本研究通过了上述医院伦理委员会的审查(2021-411), 患者签署了知情同意书。患者染色体核型为46, XX, t(7;11)(p15;q13), inv(7)(q22q36)(7pter→7p15::11q13→11pter;11qter→11q13::7p15→7q22::7q36→7q22::7qter)(图2), 其丈夫结果未见异常, 父亲已故, 母亲拒绝行染色体核型检测。  相似文献   

目的 对1例面容特殊,头发、眉毛稀疏,鼻梁低平,低位耳,眼距过宽,腭弓高,嘴角下垂,颈短,通贯掌,全身皮肤薄而光滑,先天性心脏病表现的患儿进行细胞遗传学分析,探索临床表型与细胞遗传学因素的相关性。方法 应用G显带染色体核型分析技术对患儿及其父母外周血进行细胞遗传学检测。结果 G显带染色体核型分析显示患儿母亲核型为46,XX,t(11;13)(q23;p12),患儿父亲核型为46,XY,患儿核型为46,XX,der(13)t(11;13)(q23;p12)mat。患儿携带母源性染色体非平衡易位,为11q23→qter片段重复。结论 患儿的临床表型与11号染色体长臂部分片段重复有关,通过染色体家系调查明确了患儿病因,也发现了其母亲既往的复发性流产的根源,对该家庭下一次生育的优生优育指导具有重大的临床意义。  相似文献   

患者 女, 33岁, 结婚3年妊娠2次均自然流产。本次因孕8周自然流产就诊, 夫妻双方表型正常, 否认不良用药或放射线接触史。在征得其知情同意后进行染色体检查, 其丈夫核型未见异常, 患者核型为46, XX, t(2;10)(q31;q11.2), t(7;13)(q32;q12), inv(9)(p12q13), 见图1。流产物高通量测序结果为seq[GRCh37]2p25.3-2q37.3×3, dup(7)(q32.3q36.3), dup(13)(q11q12.11)。  相似文献   

目的对3例世界首报染色体异常核型进行研究探讨.方法采用外周血淋巴细胞72h培养,制备染色体.3例标本用G、C-显带法进行染色体核型分析.结果有两例染色体发生平衡易位.1例Y染色体臂内倒位.发现3种人类染色体异常核型,分别为46,XY,t(1;10)(q25;q24);46,XX,t(1;12)(q42;p13);45,X/46,X,inv(Y)(q11q12).经鉴定确定为世界首报核型.结论染色体异常是导致自然流产及性腺发育不全的重要原因.  相似文献   

三例世界首报异常核型及遗传效应分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本文报道2例自然流产患者异常染色体核型为46,XY,inv(11)(q22q23)和46,XX,t(2;15)(q31;q15);1例无精患者异常核型为46,X,t(y;22)(q1208;P12)。并对其遗传效应加以分析。  相似文献   

An infant with features of trisomy 10p syndrome was found to have an abnormal chromosome 10: 46, XY, rec(10), dup p, inv(10) (p11q26) mat. The infant's mother was heterozygous for a pericentric inversion involving chromosome 10 (46, XX, inv (10) (p11q26). The infant's derivative chromosome was apparently produced by meiotic recombination between the inversion chromosome and its normal homologue.  相似文献   

A paternal pericentric inversion of chromosome 4 was ascertained through karyotype analysis of an abortus specimen proven to be 46,XX,rec(4),dup q, inv (4)(p13q28). The relationship of paternal pericentric inversion to pregnancy loss is discussed, and a recommendation for karyotype analysis of recurrent abortion specimens is made.  相似文献   

A female infant presented at birth with hypotonia, growth retardation, distinctive facies, multiple congenital anomalies, and a high-pitched mewing cry characteristic of cri du chat syndrome. Chromosome studies from both peripheral blood and fibroblasts showed a 46,XX,5p- karyotype. Parental chromosome studies revealed that the mother carried an apparently balanced pericentric inversion of one chromosome no. 5, 46,XX,inv(5)(p14q35). Meiotic crossing-over in the mother within the inverted segment of chromosome 5 gave rise to the unbalanced karyotype, 46,XX,rec(5)dup q, inv(5)(p14q35)mat in the infant. A small terminal segment of the long arm of chromosome 5 (q35-pter) is duplicated with a deletion of the short arm of chromosome 5 (p14-pter), accounting for the features of cri du chat syndrome. Fewer than 1 in 200 of cri du chat syndrome cases are due to recombination aneusomy arising from a parental inversion of chromosome 5. Some of these cases, however, do not have typical cri du chat syndrome, reflecting significant duplication of 5q material. These cases are reviewed with the present case, and recombination behaviour leading to chromosome imbalance is discussed.  相似文献   

Wauters JG, Bossuyt PJ, Roelen L, van Roy B, Dumon J. Application of fluorescence in situ hybridization for early prenatal diagnosis of partial trisomy 6p/monosomy 6q due to a familial pericentric inversion. Clin Genet 1993: 44: 262–269. © Munksgaard, 1993
We report the prenatal diagnosis of a karyotype 46,XY,rec(6)dup p, inv(6) (p23q27) mat detected by fluoroscence in situ hybridization using chromosome 6pter and 6qter specific DNA markers. This partial duplication-deletion (6p12→pter; 6q27→qter) emanated from a balanced pericentric inversion 46,XX inv(6) (p23q27)pat present in the mother. The phenotypes of two relatives with the same unbalanced anomaly are described. This report illustrates the sensitivity and specificity of fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) and its benefit in rapid and unequivocal prenatal diagnosis of subtle chromosomal rearrangements.  相似文献   

A 31-year-old woman of short stature with severe oligomenorrhea was found to carry a duplication-deficiency X chromosome, 46,X,rec(X)dup q,inv(X)(p22q11), inherited from her mother who carried a pericentric inversion X chromosome, 46,X,inv(X)(p22q11). By a combination of autoradiography and BUdR incorporation, the duplication-deficiency X chromosome was always found to be the inactive and late replicating one. In the cultured fibroblasts with the recombinant X chromosome, some of the cells were seen to have bipartite X chromatin bodies. In the mother with inv(X), the normal and the inverted X chromosome were inactivated at random.  相似文献   

A 15-year-old girl had exertion dyspnea, focal nodular hyperplasia of the liver, portal vein hypoplasia, portopulmonary hypertension, mental retardation, and minor facial abnormalities. Cytogenetic analysis demonstrated an abnormal chromosome 8 with 8p22-pter duplication and 8q24.3-qter deletion, with the duplicated 8p segment attached to band 8q24.3. Her mother had a pericentric inversion of chromosome 8, inv(8)(p22q24.3). Therefore, the girl's abnormal chromosome 8 was a recombinant of maternal inversion chromosome: 46,XX,rec(8)dup(8p)inv(8)(p22q24.3)mat. Further characterization of the recombinant chromosome, using array CGH and regional FISH analyses, defined 15 Mb distal 8p duplication and 0.5 Mb 8q deletion. Possible correlation of the recombinant chromosome and hepatic focal nodular hyperplasia in the patient is discussed.  相似文献   

It has been suggested that pericentric inversions of chromosome 2 increase the risk for spontaneous abortion but do not increase the risk for unbalanced recombinant offspring. We report our experience of a familial pericentric inversion of chromosome 2 resulting in two unbalanced recombinant offspring. Both subjects have 46,XX,rec(2),dup q,inv(2)(p25q35).  相似文献   

A family is described in which the mother's four pregnancies resulted in one spontaneous abortion, one healthy boy, and a male and female sib with developmental delay and multiple minor dysmorphic features. Chromosome analysis showed a large pericentric inversion of chromosome 10, involving the region between bands p15.1 and q25.2, in the father and the healthy son: 46,XY,inv(10) (p15.1q25.2), and an unbalanced karyotype in the two affected sibs: rec(10),dup p,inv(10) (p15.1q25.2). The unbalanced chromosome has been produced by meiotic recombination between the inversion chromosome and its normal homologue. The two affected sibs have partial duplication of 10p and partial deficiency of 10q, and share a large number of clinical features, several of which have previously been described in both of these chromosome imbalances. We believe this to be the largest pericentric inversion of chromosome 10 reported to have produced recombinant offspring.  相似文献   

A 13 year old girl was referred with congenital microcephaly, developmental delay, a prominent nose, highly arched palate, and an apparently low set left ear. She was found to have a pericentric inversion of one chromosome 7 and a ring chromosome 8, 46,XX,inv(7) (pter----p22::q11.23----p22::q11.23----qter), r(8) (p23q24.3). The concurrence of these two abnormalities is a rare event and has not been reported previously.  相似文献   

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