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The authors recently described a group of diabetic patients with severe congestive heart failure, hypertension, and minimal coronary artery disease, who had significant myocardial degeneration apparently secondary to the combined effects of high blood pressure and diabetes on the heart. To evaluate the effects of hypertension and diabetes mellitus more fully, the authors studied four groups of rats with either no disease, streptozotocin-induced diabetes mellitus, renovascular hypertension, or a combination of hypertension and diabetes. They employed semiquantitative light microscopy, which revealed significantly greater replacement fibrosis in the hypertensive-diabetic rats when compared with the other three groups. Interstitial fibrosis was increased in the hypertensive-diabetic animals, though it was just below the 5% level of significance when compared with the hypertensives. Further analysis, however, revealed that those hypertensive-diabetic animals with the greatest relative cardiac hypertrophy, as measured by the heart weight/body weight ratio, had significantly increased interstitial fibrosis. Surprisingly, diabetes mellitus alone produced no morphologic light-microscopic alterations; yet 8 weeks of combined hypertension and diabetes mellitus led to myocardial degeneration similar to the human disease. These changes do not appear to be secondary to abnormalities of intramyocardial muscular vessels. Measurement of 3 parameters of vascular disease revealed that hypertensive animals with less myocardial damage had greater vascular changes than the more severely affected hypertensive-diabetics. This study provides evidence that the combination of diabetes mellitus and hypertension produces significantly greater myocardial lesions than either disease alone. The similarity of the lesions with those observed in human patients suggests that the hypertensive-diabetic rat is a useful model for elucidating the pathogenesis of clinical myocardial disease in patients with hypertension and diabetes mellitus.  相似文献   

Immotile cilia syndrome in pigs. A model for human disease.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
This paper describes the ultrastructural alterations observed in the tracheal epithelium of six sibling swine suffering from porcine immotile cilia syndrome (PICS) compared with those in human immotile cilia syndrome (HICS). As in some human cases, the tracheal epithelium of these pigs was lined by cilia-lacking cells. A variety of dynein defects in other pigs suffering from PICS have been previously observed. The spectrum of defects affords evidence that the PICS is genetically heterogeneous. Available data suggests that there are many similarities between HICS and PICS. Therefore, it is proposed that PICS may prove to be a useful animal model for the human disease.  相似文献   

The hearts from C57BL/KsJ db+/db+ mice and controls were examined by light and electron microscopy at intervals during 5 to 28 weeks of age. C57BL/6J ob/ob mice and their lean littermates served as other controls. The percentage of increase in body and heart weights of the diabetic animals was 150% and 64% greater, respectively, than that of the controls. Over the period of observation there was progressive damage to the ventricular myocytes and intramural small arteries and arterioles of the diabetic animals. Initially, the cardiac muscle cells of both ventricles contained large numbers of lipid droplets. Subsequently, there was shrinkage and increased electron density of mitochondria that were enveloped by single limiting membranes that in turn gave rise to large residual bodies. This was followed by loss of myofilaments and atrophy of myocytes. Similar changes occurred in the smooth muscle cells of intramural arteries and arterioles but not in those of epicardial arteries. Reduplicated layers of basal laminae were seen around interstitial capillaries. Degenerative changes also occurred in perivascular nerve endings. These changes are discussed in relation to the altered metabolism of the diabetic state. It is concluded that the pathologic lesions in the cardiac muscle cells and intramural arterial vessels and capillaries constitute a primary myocardial disease in the genetically diabetic mouse.  相似文献   

Dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM) is a heterogeneous group of myocardial diseases clinically defined by the presence of left ventricular dilatation and contractile dysfunction. Among various causes of DCM, a progression from viral myocarditis to DCM has long been hypothesized. Supporting this possibility, studies by endomyocardial biopsy, the only method to obtain a definite diagnosis of myocarditis at present, have provided evidence of inflammation in the myocardium in DCM patients. A number of experimental studies have elucidated a cell‐mediated autoimmune mechanism triggered by viral infection in the progression of myocarditis to DCM. In addition, the important role of inflammation in the pathogenesis of heart failure has been recognized, and many terms including myocarditis, inflammatory cardiomyopathy, and inflammatory DCM have been used for myocardial diseases associated with inflammation. This review discusses the pathophysiology of inflammation in the myocardium, and refers to diagnosis and treatment based on these concepts.  相似文献   

A homology model for human alpha-l-iduronidase: insights into human disease   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Genotype-phenotype correlations in genetic diseases for which missense mutations lead to disease remain a challenge. This is particularly true for diseases caused by alterations of proteins for which no three-dimensional structure is available. One such disease is Mucopolysaccharidosis type I, a disorder arising from a lack of activity of the lysosomal enzyme alpha-l-iduronidase (IDUA, EC This deficiency compromises the degradation pathway of glycosaminoglycans such as heparan sulfate and dermatan sulfate, leading to substrate accumulation, which ultimately results in a multisystem disorder. Patients with IDUA deficiency have a wide spectrum of disease ranging from an early onset, rapidly progressive form leading to death in the first decade of life, to an attenuated disease which manifests in adolescence and leads to progressive joint and cardiac disease but is associated with a normal life span. Many patients fit into a disease phenotype intermediate to these extremes. While a number of point mutations have been described as leading to varying degrees of disease severity, a structural basis for these genotype-phenotype correlations has not been available owing to the lack of a three-dimensional structure for IDUA. A homology model for the IDUA enzyme was constructed based on the recently solved crystal structure of the beta-xylosidase from Thermoanaerobacterium saccharolyticum (XyTS, EC, both of which belong to the same sequence-related family (CAZY family 39). This model provides insights into why certain point mutations produce severely misfolded proteins and thus lead to severe disease, and why other mutations produce proteins with only minor structural perturbations and therefore the attenuated form of the disease.  相似文献   

A major contribution to the mechanical strength of the heart is provided by a continuous fibrillar collagen network embracing individual myocytes and forming an interstitial and perivascular framework. This study explores the possibility that idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy may involve extensive changes in this collagenous framework. Idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy hearts were obtained at transplant and compared with control hearts from autopsy. Idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy showed a doubling of collagen concentration and a quadrupling of the total collagen per heart, whereas the stable mature cross-link, pyridinoline, diminished from 2.07 mol/mol of collagen to 1.0. Neutrophil-type collagenase activity is elevated approximately 30-fold as is the activity of gelatinase. Tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase activity falls to negligible levels in idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy, whereas alpha 2-macroglobulin is high. It is postulated that collagen critical to mechanical stability of the heart is degraded by metalloproteinase activity and is replaced by fibrous intercellular deposits of poorly cross-linked collagen. These changes contribute to weakening and dilatation of the ventricular wall.  相似文献   

Staged coronary embolization, causing myocardial microinfarctions, has been shown in dogs and sheep to cause chronic ischemic heart failure (HF) that resembles the hemodynamics of the human condition. However, its histopathological basis remains unclear. We examined the hypothesis that the ventricular remodeling seen in such sheep resembles the histopathology of human ischemic cardiomyopathy (ICM). Understanding the pathophysiology of this model will determine its place in the development of treatment strategies for HF. Global left ventricular (LV) damage resulting in HF was induced by staged coronary embolization in 11 sheep. Six others served as controls (normal control, NC). In HF sheep, the heart was harvested 6 months after LV ejection fraction (EF) had stabilized at <35%. Histopathological profiles were compared in biventricular transverse sections at midpapillary level using computed image analysis. LV end-diastolic volume increased in the HF group from 84.9+/-29 to 122.4+/-30.3 ml (n=11, P<.05), but myocytes across the LV wall in noninfarcted zones decreased (435.7+/-38.2 NC; 297.8+/-48.4/unit area HF; n=11, P<.0001) as did myocyte nuclear density (990.5+/-51.5 NC; 677.5+/-121.1/mm(2) HF, n=11, P<.0001). In contrast, LV replacement and interstitial fibrosis increased as did myocyte diameter in noninfarcted zones: 0.1+/-0.1 to 6.2+/-4.5% (P=.0049); 2.0+/-1.0 to 7.6+/-4.9% (P=.0149); and 10.0+/-0.5 to 15.9+/-2.2 microm (P<.0001), respectively. Although LV myocyte nuclear length increased (10.2+/-1.0 NC; 12.2+/-0.9 microm HF, n=11, P=.0006), right ventricular (RV) myocyte nuclear density and length did not alter. In this ovine chronic HF model, LV dilation and interstitial and myocyte remodeling resemble human ICM.  相似文献   

BackgroundSpontaneously occurring small animal models of myocardial disease, closely resembling the human condition, have been reported for hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (in cats) and arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy (in cats and boxer dogs). Nonhypertrophied restrictive cardiomyopathy (RCM) is a well-recognized but relatively uncommon primary heart muscle disease causing substantial morbidity in humans. We describe RCM occurring in felines here as a potential model of human disease.MethodsWe used two-dimensional and Doppler echocardiography to define morphologic and functional features of RCM in 35 domestic cats (25 male; 10±4 years old) presenting to a subspecialty veterinary clinic. Ten underwent complete necropsy examination. Echocardiographic parameters of diastolic filling were compared to those in 41 normal controls.ResultsThe 35 cats presented with congestive heart failure (n=32), lethargy (n=2), or syncope (n=1), associated with thromboembolism in 5 and supraventricular tachyarrhythmias in 8. During an average 4.4-year follow-up period, 18 died or were euthanized due to profound heart failure, and 3 died suddenly; survival from clinical presentation to death was 0.1 to 52 months. Echocardiographic and necropsy examination showed biatrial enlargement, nondilated ventricular chambers, and normal wall thicknesses and atrioventricular valves. Histopathology demonstrated disorganized myocyte architecture and patchy replacement myocardial fibrosis. Pulsed Doppler demonstrated restrictive physiology with increased early (E) mitral filling velocity (1.1±0.3 m/s) and peak E to peak late (A) flow ratios (4.3±1.2), reduced A filling velocity (0.3±0.1 m/s), and shortened mitral deceleration time (40.7±9.3 ms; all P<.001 vs. controls), with preserved left ventricular systolic function.ConclusionsA primary myocardial disease occurring spontaneously in domestic cats is remarkably similar to restrictive nondilated and nonhypertrophied cardiomyopathy in man and represents another potential animal model for human disease.  相似文献   

Fifty cat scratch disease patients were tested for antibodies against candidate etiological agents, with inconclusive results. Future research should emphasize new viral isolation methods to discover the elusive agent.  相似文献   

During the morphogenetic process of myocardial trabeculation, most of the cardiac jelly of the initially smooth-walled heart is replaced by sponge-like muscle. The mechanisms that drive and regulate this important process are poorly understood. Using a theoretical model, we examined the possible role that cytoskeletal contraction plays during the initial stages of trabeculation. The myocardium is modeled as a thin viscoelastic membrane consisting of contractile (stress) fibers embedded in an isotropic incompressible matrix, with the interaction of myocardial cells and cardiac jelly fibers providing long-range mechanical effects. The stress fibers are assumed to behave like smooth muscle and to normally operate on the descending limb of their stress-stretch curve. Mechanical instability due to the effectively negative stiffness then leads to the creation of pattern. As a first approximation, computations were carried out for a flat rectangular membrane with stress fibers aligned along a single direction. The computed deformation patterns depend strongly on the magnitude and anisotropy of the long-range effects. Given plausible assumptions about the mechanical properties of the embryonic heart, the model predicts trabecular patterns similar to those observed in the embryo, including the development of circumferential ridges and relatively thin regions ("holes") in the trabecular sheets.  相似文献   

A guinea pig model for Lyme disease.   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
We report that outbred Hartley guinea pigs are susceptible to Borrelia burgdorferi. We recovered spirochetes from 57 of 60 (95%) guinea pigs inoculated when < or = 3 months of age. In contrast, animals inoculated when > or = 6 months of age were resistant to infection as defined by recovery of organisms at > or = 4 weeks postinoculation. Infection was widely disseminated: B. burgdorferi was recovered from 83% of bladders, 64% of knee joints, 57% of hearts, 48% of spleens, and 38% of spinal cords examined within 4 weeks of inoculation. Histopathologic changes were common in the heart (88%) (preferential involvement of perineural tissues near the annulus fibrosus) and bladder (76%) and were also noted in a minority of spinal cords (13%) and knee joints (9%). Western immunoblots demonstrated an immunoglobulin G response to B. burgdorferi, particularly to the 24-, 31- (OspA), 39-, and 41-kDa (flagellin) antigens. Infection was cleared from most tissues with the passage of time; spirochetes were recovered from 63% of tissues removed from guinea pigs at < or = 4 weeks after inoculation but from only 32% at > or = 8 weeks postinoculation (P < 0.001). An exception was the failure to clear spirochetes from infected knees, 90% of which were culture positive even when evaluated at > or = 8 weeks postinoculation. The guinea pig provides a new model useful for studying host-spirochete interactions in Lyme disease.  相似文献   

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